
Macai, Azula, Kett, Ty Lee, and Kanna walk to the celebration. The sun starts shining, but it is still chilly outside. There are dozens of local nobles outside, but some of them seem to be dressed more modestly. There is a local band that consists of an elderly flute player, a professional trumpet player, a boy drummer, a female harp player, and a woman with a biwa.

There were also tables outside with food and different refreshments. All of this was happening in the backyard of Chiko's home. Azula looks at Macai. "What is this?"

Macai responds, "Chiko's father recently decided to have a celebration. He made it an open celebration and told Chiko he could bring his friends. Chiko's friends invited their families. Which is why you see such a diverse crowd."

Azula: "By friends, I assume you are including friends who aren't nobles."

Macai: "Yes, exactly. Don't worry, we'll talk to him later and you can find out why this is all happening."

Azula: "I think you had something to do with this."

Macai shrugs his shoulders. "This was all them."

A noble looks at Macai and Azula. Noble: "Oh, Princess Azula I take it and Macai. Nice, I'm so glad you both are here."

Azula: "Who are you?"

Noble: "My name is Eun." Eun has dark brown curly hair, yellow skin, slanted brown eyes, a thin frame, wide lips, a ponytail, wide ears, and a long thin nose. Eun: "I am a local noble and I got to meet Macai in the park one day. He is a nice guy and it is an honor to have you both here."

Azula: "How did you know who I am?"

Eun: "Nyarri is a small town, word travels fast here."

Azula: "I don't like the sound of that."

Eun grins. "Well don't worry, we don't travel much outside of Nyarri."

Macai: "Thanks, Eun. Where is Chiko?"

Eun responds, "He is near the back door of his home at the edge of the backyard celebration. I saw him about five minutes ago, so he should still be there. He was talking with his brother Kento."

Macai: "Well then, you'll have to excuse us, Eun. I would like to introduce Azula." Macai turns around and notices Ty Lee, Kett, and Kanna are gone. Macai: "Where is Ty Lee?"

Azula: "They probably ventured off and did their own thing." Azula looks around and notices Ty Lee talking to three different boys. Azula points at her friend. "Oh look, there she is."

Macai: "Well, Rosh would certainly be upset about this. Ty Lee doesn't even have to do anything, they just gravitate towards her."

Azula responds, "Yeah, most guys seem to be afraid of me."

Macai chuckles. "Why wouldn't they be? They know they are not worthy."

Azula rubs Macai's hair and grins. "Of course not. I have all I need right here."

Kento shouts at Macai from the distance, "Macai, I thought you were coming?!"

Macai turns around, "I was on my way. Can't I also talk to my girl?"

Kento: "Of course you can, but I was afraid you two would get locked in your own world and the party would be over by the time you were ready to come."

Macai (to Azula): "This is Kento, Kento this is Azula."

Azula: "Nice to meet you."

Kento: "Nice to meet you." Kento looks in the distance and notices Ty lee. Kento: "Say, who is that?" Kento points at Ty Lee.

Azula rolls her eyes, "That's my friend Ty Lee. You like her?"

Kento: "I think so. I think I'll go over and talk to her. It looks like those three guys are going a terrible job of trying to impress her. Seems like my kind of girl."

Macai: "Shoot your shot."

Kento: "You know I will." Kento salutes Macai and heads for Ty lee.

Azula looks at Macai. "I don't know if I like him."

Macai: "Just give him a chance. He's a very nice and upbeat guy."

Azula: "I get enough of that with Ty Lee. I don't need two people like that around me."

Macai: "It's not like you'll have to see him much, since he lives here."

Azula responds, "But I may still see him every time I come here."

Macai: "You'll just have to make the best of it. If he actually can get it going with Ty Lee you have to bear it more."

Azula replies, "Don't be so sure of that."

Macai: "Oh Zula, you'll never change, will you."

Azula: "Nope."

Macai: "Not even a little."

Azula: "Never."

Macai: "I think you're bluffing."

Azula: "Cai, don't test me."

Macai hugs and tickles Azula. Azula: "Macai, stop." Macai tries it a second time and Azula grabs his arms and clinches him. Azula presses her right hand against his stomach and tickles him back.

Macai: "Ahhh!"

Azula: "Stop it, you are such a baby. Come on Cai, act like a warrior."

Macai blushes and turns his face to hide his reaction. Macai: "Oh, come on we're taking too long."

Azula taunts, "Because you keep goofing off."

Macai grabs Azula by the arm and tries to pull her forward but Azula plants her feet in the ground. Azula: "You know that's not the way to communicate with me. You CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING."

Macai smiles. "I'm sorry, please come Azula."

Azula: "I don't know if I feel like it."

Macai: "Fine, then I'm going and you either come or you don't." Macai walks toward Chiko and Azula follows him. Macai looks at Chiko and Chiko's father is a few feet across him. Chiko's father is a tall man with a fairly heavy build. Chiko's father has light skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, a profound nose, pointy ears, broad shoulders, thin eyebrows, and thin lips. He is wearing a vague outfit with light green stripes.

Chiko: "Macai, Azula it's nice to meet you." Chiko shakes both of their hands. Chiko: "This is my father Seon."

Azula: "You don't have the eyes of a firebender, but your son does. I take it the mother was a bender?"

Seon smiles, "It's nice to meet you both. Yes, his mother was the bender, not me."

Azula: "Where is she?"

Seon: "She is deceased. She died of cancer several years ago."

Azula: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Seon slowly nods his head. "She was a powerful woman but also someone who always had an open mind. That's part of the reason I'm doing this."

Azula asks, "What is the purpose of this celebration?"

Seon: "Well, it all started a few weeks ago. When Chiko first told me about his new peasant friends because of Macai." Seon has a flashback.

Chiko heads home after being battered by his Alev and Kyroe. Chiko returns home with several burses. He opens his door and enters the living room. The floors are caramel brown, the walls are bright yellow, the ceiling is the color of sand, and the decorations vary in color. The home smells like cinnamon because of candles burning throughout it.

The maidservant is a woman named Jia. She has dark brown hair, thin eyebrows, small plump lips, a small nose, medium-length straight hair, and hazel eyes. Her dress is grey with light brown stripes throughout. Jia is in her upper forties.

Jia: "Chiko, what happened?!"

Chiko: "I was attacked by Alev, Kyroe, and Raiden. They all hit me at once and without mercy. Fortunately, some of my friends rescued me or tried to. They fought diligently, but the fight wasn't resolved. It all ended when the police came who were convinced by Macai's mother Yosari to let it go."

Seon hears the conversation and rushes downstairs. Seon: "What, I thought those were your FRIENDS! Why would they attack you?"

Chiko takes a deep breath. "They were upset because I was talking to some peasants."

Seon stares at his son. "I told you to stay away from peasants. I told you they were nothing but trouble. Don't risk ruining our family's name."

Chiko interrupts. "But Father, I am trying to do what is right. What good is living like a slave?! We sit here trapped just like the lower classes that we despise because we are told that we must treat them like they are less than us or are punished for doing otherwise. It's not right Dad, we need to do what's best for our ENTIRE NATION."

Seon slaps Chiko and his right cheek turns red. Seon shouts, "DON'T YOU LECTURE ME! I've constantly made sacrifices in this house. I've constantly worked hard and held my tongue to improve our family name. Yet you sit here and scoff at me. Do not forget that I am your father, my wisdom supercedes yours. You were the obedient son who thought about things more realistically than your brother and now you've betrayed me too."

Chiko puts his head down in shame, then starts crying. Seon: "Don't cry, you brought this on yourself. What did you expect?"

Chiko stands up triumphantly. "No Father, I HAVE FRIENDS who will stand and fight for us. They are good fighters and they have a connection. Macai, someone from the Fire Nation Capital. The son of a General."

Seon laughs, "And what happens when Macai changes his mind? When he leaves or when his allies convince him we are not worth the fight. Then all of this ends and we are left to deal with the mess. Even if you leave, I am left to deal with this mess."

Chiko shakes his head. Seon points at his son, "No! You will stop this madness. You will cut relationships with the peasants and Macai or I will make your life a living hell every time you come home."

Kento rushes in the home. Kento: "Chiko, I heard what happened. Brother, I'm so proud of you, you held your ground and stood up for what's right. You had more courage than even I had. With guys like us, we can really make a difference."

Seon looks at Kento. "Shut up, boy! I knew you'd do this after your brother faltered. You have always been weak. I can't stand for this."

Kento looks Seon in his eyes "Weak, no. Actually, the opposite. I've been strong because I've been willing to stand for what's right. Father, you know Mom often told you when I was right, and you would listen. You know this isn't right."

Seon points at Kento, "DON'T YOU BRING UP Annisa."

Chiko stands up, "Why not, Father? Annisa was everything you should have been. How can you be a judge, promoting justice when you act like this?"

Seon tilts his head down, "If only you knew what justice really means, my son. Justice simply means what the dominant want it to. I do what I have to as a judge to protect the interests of my nation! It is beyond your naive understandings."

Kento: "Then I'm leaving. Rather than put up with your nonsense, I'm going to run away to Macai's house. I'm sure his mother will take me in."

Chiko: "Then count me in too, brother. I won't put up with this either."

Seon: "Yeah right, go then. This trend won't last." Chiko and Kento sprint out of the door. Jia looks sorrowfully at Seon. Seon: "What are you looking at? Do you want to go too?" Jia ignores him and starts cleaning in the kitchen.

Chiko and Kento sprint to Macai's home and bang on the front door. Zyger opens the door. Zyger: "Hello, oh Chiko and Kento how's it going. Macai doesn't have time to play right now. He is busy training."

Chiko: "That is fine. May we talk to Yosari?"

Zyger: "About what?"

Kento: "We are running away from our father. He wants to abuse and mistreat us because of how we have been playing with peasants and common people."

Zyger scratches his head. "I'm not sure if..."

Zyger is suddenly interrupted by Yosari who happened to be walking down the stairs during the commotion. "Don't worry Zyger, they can stay."

Kento and Chiko sprint in the home and hug Yosari. Chiko: "Thank you, Macai has the best mom ever."

Kento: "Why were you so quick to accept us?"

Yosari: "Because I know what it's like to not be appreciated. I know what it's like to grow up in a cruel and toxic home. That's how both of my parents were. They would fight every week and my mother always took it out on me. They demanded nothing but excellence and dominance from my bother. One day he died in the war. After that they were depressed, but they never changed for the better. They just became more bitter."

Kento frowns and Chiko is in shock. Yosari continues, "No one should have to live like that. When I was a young woman, I vowed to be a better mother. I vowed to stand up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves. I know what it's like to be a powerless child in such a situation. Sometimes I still wish that I did more as an adult when I saw wrong things, but I try to do as much as I can with the power that I do have. So yes, you can stay for now."

Chiko: "For now?"

Yosari responds, "I don't know how long this will last. Your father is a judge with local clout. We honestly don't need to have enemies in this town, but I have connections at the Capital and Macai's father is a general. We can fight him if we need to. I heard that he is a persistent man and usually a situation like this only gets worse because of a man's pride. But I will stand by you both."

Later that day, Macai returns from training. Macai: "Kento, Chiko? Why are you guys here?" Kento explains the situation to Macai. Macai sits and looks shocked.

Macai: "Well, you both have been very welcoming to me during my time in Nyarri. You both are more than welcome to my home. Whatever my mother says, I just go with. Not just because she's my mother either, but because she's the best person I know." Yosari hugs her son.

Chiko and Kento hug Yosari and Macai. Zyger: "Well, let me get in there too."

Yosari: "Come on, we'll have a group hug." Everyone smiles and they hug. For the next two weeks, Kento and Chiko stay at Macai's house. They play cards and games together during the weekdays. For a while everyone is happy, then one Saturday Jai knocks on the door.

Zyger opens the door. Jai: "Hello, Zyger. I heard that is your name."

Zyger: "You heard right, what brings you here, Jai?"

Jai: "Seon would like to talk with his boys. Just for thirty minutes."

Zyger: "I will inform them and Yosari. Then we will decide what needs to be done." Zyger tells Yosari about the situation and Yosari asks the boys if they would like to talk with their father.

Chiko: "Honestly, no. He had his chance."

Kento: "Come on Chiko, it is our father. We need to give him a chance."

Chiko looks at Kento. "Why? After all he did to us."

Kento: "How much did he really do to you? Sometimes he scolded us both, but he treated me much worse for my views. But, anyone can change. Maybe he finally feels bad about his actions, maybe he's finally rethinking things."

Chiko: "I doubt it. Honestly brother, our father is one of the most hardheaded people I've ever met. A big judge on the throne telling people what to do and doing whatever his superiors tell him without hesitation."

Kento: "Maybe, but everyone deserves a second chance. In the past, we never really fought him. Sometimes I did, but you never helped me. I could have held a grudge with you, but I never did. Now it's us against him, so let's just see what happens."

Chiko: "Fine." Chiko and Kento meet with their father in the front yard of Macai's home. Zyger watches from a distance.

Seon: "Have you had enough of your little stunt? It's time to come back home."

Chiko: "We'll stay here for the next two years if you don't treat us with the respect we deserve."

Seon: "What kind of household is this? Trying to use Macai's family against me? You know I can fight back. I've withheld my wrath hoping you both would see the folly of your ways."

Kento replies, "There is no folly, Father. We got it right, we're not going to tolerate your nonsense. If your friends are bad, then you can scold us. But not just because of their social status."

Seon: "Where is the respect for your father?"

Chiko: "Where is the respect for your sons?"

Seon shakes his head. Chiko and Kento start walking away. Seon shouts, "Don't do this! You know this won't be the end of it!" Chiko and Kento keep walking and don't look back. Seon: "Hey, wait! Stop it." The boys keep walking and get closer to Zyger.

Seon shouts, "Please!" His voice starts cracking. This is a rare sight.

Chiko turns. "He never says please." Seon falls on his knees.

Seon: "Please! I'm sorry, my sons. Please, I don't want to fight anymore." The sons start to move closer toward him. Seon: "Ever since you both left, I've been hurt. Forced with the pain of being alone. I know the day will come that you both grow up and leave but the guilt was just too much to bear. I thought about your mother and how she would have reacted with you all gone."

Tears start flowing from Seon's eyes, "I started to imagine her in my head. I looked up and I saw her when was in the living room. I was paralyzed with fear and she asked me why I had abandoned my boys. I couldn't muster the courage to give a response and then with the blink of an eye she was gone. I thought about how unhappy I've been for so long and I don't want my pride to destroy me anymore. Please, my sons, please come back."

Seon starts crying. Kento pats his father on the back and Chiko comes closer. Seon: "From now on I will respect you both and hear you both out. Please come back to me, you have nothing to lose. I know you both miss your mother. We've all been through good and bad. If I don't change, then you can always leave again. I'm sure Yosari will let you both back in. Please, you know I wouldn't be embarrassing myself like this if I didn't care."

Kento looks at Chiko. "He's right." Chiko nods his head.

Seon says, "So please come back, on one condition. That you both will respect me as father. If we really disagree on something, don't just run away. But I will not force either of you to believe anything, not anymore. If we disagree, then we disagree. We can get through this together. I was taught that a good father dictates the terms, but that has not worked in my home. Now I am willing to also listen and perhaps I need to rethink my role as a judge. I'm not saying I'm not going to convict people, but I will start to see what rules allow me to be fairer and more open-minded."

The sons hug their father. Seon looks at Kento. "I'm sorry Kento, you are an incredible son. I just never understood you, but I will now try harder to understand. It seems that what makes you different, is not all bad. Please respect my opinion and experiences son. I will try not to bring you down, but we may never completely agree on things."

Kento hugs his father, "That sounds like a plan to me, Dad." The flashback ends.

Seon looks at Macai, "We have been working things out for the last couple of weeks. Now we are closer than ever before. I had this event to celebrate the beauty that exists throughout our city in all classes." 

Emerging Perspectives

Macai smiles and nods his head. After the discussion, Azula and Macai walk together. Macai looks at Azula. "Well Zula, what did you think of that story?"

Azula: "I admire Kento's bravery and Chiko for standing his ground. I think Seon is weak for giving in to his sons. He should have at least fought for them. Now he isn't acting like a real father. He's acting like the child himself."

Macai looks at Azula. Azula: "What? You don't agree?"

Macai: "I don't know. It's an interesting situation. I suppose his resilience was broken down by his wife's death."

Azula responds, "Because he was weak. A strong person doesn't let circumstances change them."

Macai: "My instructor Hazo taught me that bad circumstances will come."

Azula: "Exactly, it's about how you deal with them. Keep your head up and keep fighting triumphantly."

Macai: "My instructor said different emotions are natural and we must learn how to properly express them. We must learn how to rebound from them."

Azula responds, "Certain emotions should be resisted. Even if he has to cry behind closed doors he should never cry in front of others. Not even family, that is so weak."

Macai: "I definitely wouldn't want to go out like that."

Azula: "Exactly, he gave up all his power by doing that. If he was that unstable he shouldn't have met with them at all. He acted out on his emotions instead of with reason and logic. I know your father wouldn't have been that foolish."

Macai responds, "No he would not. Can you imagine your father doing that?"

Azula bursts out laughing. Azula: "Absolutely not."

While this is happening, Kanna and Kett are walking together during the party. They notice several street performers enter the celebration and people performing card tricks. Kett: "How do you like the celebration?"

Kanna: "It's amazing, I've never seen anything quite like it."

Kett: "Me neither. I hope we do this every year, make it an annual thing."

Kanna: "Well, there is the City Fair."

Kett: "Yes, but the City fair is segregated. The normal people don't party in the same spaces where the nobles party. The nobles are completely blocked off by Fire Nation soldiers and not ordinary soldiers either. But by the elite Nyarri Guard who only protect nobles. It's ridiculous."

Kanna: "Indeed, it is. Hopefully, that will change one day. Nyarri is a small town. Maybe three thousand in the city and two thousand on the outskirts of town. Few from the outskirts come to the celebration, but it's difficult to get everyone united and together."

Kett: "Don't forget that the elite nobles only make up five percent of the population and the minor nobles make up another five percent. Most of us sit here while they dictate all of the terms. But you know, from this celebration I can see that a lot of them are nice people. Good people, I can't be upset."

Kanna: "What do you think of Azula?"

Kett: "Hmm."

Kanna: "What?"

Kett: "I don't like her. She is funny, don't get me wrong. She also has good chemistry with Macai, but something about her just throws me off. Something just seems wrong. She gives me bad vibes you know. Unlike her friend Ty Lee."

Kanna: "She attracts cool people like Macai and Ty Lee."

Kett: "She also repels people like Rosh and apparently has a bad relationship with her own brother Zuko, who I hear is a really nice guy, despite the controversy. You know nobles are hard to please, they often care about all of the wrong stuff."

Kanna: "I know. Let's just enjoy this moment, Kett. It's a beautiful day, kind of cold but hey. Everyone is having fun and we might as well make the best of it."

Kett: "Where is Dade?"

Kanna: "Looks, like he's not too far from Macai and Azula."

In the distance, Macai and Azula are talking while Dade sneaks up behind his old friend. Dade: "Boo!" Azula reacts and leaps in front of Macai. Dade then looks concerned and Azula punches him in the throat. Dade makes a loud sound and falls limp.

Macai: "Azula, relax! He was just messing with me. You know I can defend myself." Dade starts coughing and Macai slowly helps him up.

Dade coughs, "Not to worry. I just wanted to meet your girlfriend."

Macai: "Here she is."

Dade: "I see she has a nice right hand."

Azula: "Very funny."

Dade: "But you two look cute together. Very good."

Azula thinks, "Normally I would have noticed him sooner but my guard is down when I'm with Macai. I need to watch that." Azula starts looking around more and makes more of an effort to be observant.

Macai looks back at his girlfriend. "What are you doing, Zula?"

Azula: "Oh, nothing."

Macai: "Just looking around, Azula there is nothing to worry about out here."

Azula scolds, "You should always be on your guard, Macai. Only a fool leaves himself open."

Dade responds, "Hey Princess, I bet you can't beat me in this sack throwing contest. You have to throw a sack into a hole. If you miss, you don't get a point. Each person gets ten sacks."

Azula: "Not only can I beat you, but I will beat you."

Dade gets in front of one pile of stacks on the right and Azula stands near another pile on the left. Macai stands a few feet behind her. The holes are about ten feet ahead. Dade tosses the first sack directly into the hole. Several people watch the game from the distance and start clapping. Dade: "While you guys were talking, I was playing this game and getting very good at it. You should have seen all the attention I got, Macai."

Azula taunts, "I'm going to get twice as much attention after I demolish you."

Dade: "Then do it." Azula throws the first a few inches left of the target. Dade: "Not bad." Azula frowns.

Dade tosses the next one in. Azula tries again and tosses the sack a little too far. Dade tosses the third sack that almost lands in the hole but dangles on the edge of it. Azula throws the third sack which lands inside the hole and cheers. Dade tosses a fourth sack that hits the handling sack and causes them both to land in the hole.

Azula: "Wait, does that count?"

Macai: "Yep, he gets both points."

Azula kicks the ground. Dade starts laughing. "Looks like the Princess doesn't gracefully take losses." Azula walks away.

Dade: "Where are you going? We aren't finished."

Macai looks at Dade. "You know she's lost at this point."

Dade: "It's about bonding and having fun. Not just winning or losing."

Macai responds, "Azula is very competitive. It's difficult for her to just bond during a contest."

Macai follows Azula and Dade shakes his head then joins Kett and Kanna. Kanna: "Hey there."

Dade: "Hey, I just made Azula rage quit."

Kett: "Nice."

Kanna: "We mentioned her earlier, Kett doesn't like her."

Dade: "What do you think about her, Kanna?"

Kanna: "She's alright. She is funny. Everyone has their pros and cons."

Kett: "You know Kanna doesn't like to diss anyone."

Dade: "Indeed."

Kett: "What do you think of her, Dade?"

Dade: "She's alright."

Kett: "Really? We saw her punch you in the neck."

Dade: "I surprised her. I think she's a little rough around the edges but has a good heart. After all, she must have some good qualities for Macai to adore her as much as he does."

Kett nonchalantly says, "I guess."

Kanna: "Do you think you can take Azula, Kett?"

Kett: "I don't know. Not something I'd like to find out honestly. Macai is the kind of guy you know might beat you, even if you're really good but you know he fights with a certain level of respect. Azula is the kind of person where you really don't want to lose to her, but there is a decent chance that you will."

Dade: "More than a decent chance for most people. Even most of the best."

Kett: "That may be, but everyone has weaknesses. No one here is unbeatable."

Kanna laughs. "Kett, you were always wise beyond your years."

Kett: "Says the girl who skipped a grade."

Kanna: "Stop, classes is one thing but wisdom means so much more than that."

Kett: "You would know."

Dade: "Look, it's the troublemakers."

Alev, Kankeo, and Raiden stand across from them. Alev: "What is this joke of an event?! Uniting the classes, the Chiko family has gotten soft. None of you deserve to be here."

Kett: "Everything has gone smoothly here, Alev, please don't disrupt the peace."

Alev: "What do I owe you fools? Absolutely nothing!"

Kanna steps up. Alev: "Oh, you want another beatdown, goofy girl."

Kanna: "The Fire Nation Princess is here. If you had any sense, you would leave or you'll have the entire royal family and the Fire Lord after you."

Kankeo and Raiden both dart their eyes at Alev. Alev's face goes blank. Alev: "Another time." They leave.

Kett, Kanna, and Dade laugh. Dade: "Did you see that? They quickly got the heck out of here."

Kanna: "They were spooked."

Kett: "Serves them right. I've never seen Alev's face look like that."

Meanwhile, Kento attempts standing on his hands to impress Ty Lee then he falls over. Ty Lee starts laughing. Kento interrupts. "This is quite an audition."

One of the boys noble boys says, "Yeah? Let's see what you've got."

Kento says, "I don't audition. I just came to talk. Sorry, you have to pay me to perform."

Ty Lee looks back at Kento. "Will you do a trick if I do something?"

Kento: "That sounds fair."

One of the peasant boys complains, "You didn't do anything for us, Ty Lee!"

Ty Lee responds, "You didn't ask."

Ty Lee does a spinning front flip and gracefully lands. Kento: "That's impressive. I'm not much of one for tricks. But... Kento pulls out a silver coin, I can do something with this."

The noble boy interrupts, "Let's see it."

Kento giggles, "Ok, here goes." Kento flips the coin in the air then catches it.

Kento: "Now find it." Kento swiftly puts his hands behind his back and slowly drops the coin behind his leg then steps a foot backward and steps on the coin then slyly digs it into the dirt. Kento: "Where is it?"

Ty Lee: "It's in your pocket."

Kento: "Nope."

The noble boy interrupts, "Let's check."

Kento: "It's not in my pocket." The boy puts his hands in Kento's pockets. Kento becomes more aware of the boy's features. He has yellow eyes, dark brown hair, a moderately muscular frame, is slightly above average height, has medium ears, medium lips, tan skin, and a pointy nose. Kento notices the boy is a firebender. "You are a bold one."

Noble boy: "Not in your pockets, but I think I know where it might be." The boy pushes Kento and digs his hands in the ground. Then he picks up the coin.

Kento: "Well done, not a bad trick though."

Peasant boy: "I'm not impressed."

Ty Lee interrupts. "I liked it."

Noble boy: "I'm not impressed either."

Kento tries to walk toward Ty Lee and the noble boy blocks him. Noble boy: "Show us another trick."

Ty Lee: "Stop. He doesn't have to.."

Kento pushes him. Kento: "Who do you think you are? You think you can bully me because you are a bender, a noble, or both?" The noble boy throws his hands up. "I love nonbenders, this is a great celebration. I just know you are a phony, you don't have any tricks."

Kento: "Go find something better to do."

Ty Lee gets closer to the boys. Ty Lee: "Stop, or get out of here." The noble boy ignores Ty Lee, he is clearly jealous that Kento was able to get her to do something.

Noble boy: "I know you, Kento. Remember it's me, Taren."

Kento: "Get lost, Taren." Taren launches his right fist into Kento's right eye. Kento's eye turns pink and Kento tackles Taren. Kento pounds Taren in his face, first with his a right hook, then a left. Taren gets up and yanks Kento by the waist. Taren rises and picks up Kento then tosses him two feet back. Kento rolls in the dirt.

People become silent as the fight breaks out. Kento: "You ruined my outfit! You're going to pay."

Kento sprints toward Taren and yanks his right fist horizontally. Taren swings his left hand, launching a fire whip at Kento. The whip burns Kento's right knee and Kento falls into the dirt. Kento springs up a second time and dives toward Taren but, Taren fires an orange flame into his stomach. Kento pivots backward.

Kento sighs. "My brother is gonna kick your butt for this one."

Taren: "We'll see." Ty Lee taps Taren on his left shoulder and Taren turns around but is immediately disoriented from the tap. His muscles feel heavy and his body feels weak. Then Ty Lee kicks Taren in his groin. A loud crunch is heard and Taren bends forward. Ty Lee flips behind Taren then performs a leg sweep with her right leg, knocking the boy into the dirt. Ty Lee then pounds Taren in the face with a right jab.

Ty Lee stands up and walks toward Kento. Kento: "Wow, you demolished him."

Ty Lee: "Never underestimate anyone. You did well yourself."

Kento: "Yeah. I didn't do much, but not bad for a nonbender."

Ty Lee smiles. "Hey, I'm a nonbender too. It's all about technique and timing."

Kento starts talking to Ty Lee. Macai looks in the distance then Azula rests her head on his shoulder. Azula: "Well, that was entertaining."

Macai: "It was, I wondered if I was going to have to step in."

Azula: "No, his brother could have done it if Ty Lee didn't."

Macai: "I wonder if Kento has a chance."

Azula: "Seems like it but, who knows? Ty Lee likes to flatter people."

Ty Lee and Kento talk for several minutes and eventually, the sun begins to set. Ty Lee: "Looks like the party is almost over. I hear people are ending it by sun fall, since it gets cold out here."

Kento: "Yes, I think it briefly got warmer but that won't last when it's dark."

Ty Lee: "Well, I'm going to go back to the Fire Nation Capital."

Kento: "What are the odds that you'll be able to come back and visit?"

Ty Lee: "Maybe every now and then. Probably not a lot and Azula wouldn't like me going all the way out here without her around. It already takes a lot of planning to try to come when she does. She'll also have Macai visit her a few times. It can be hard to find time to travel this far. I can't promise you anything."

Kento nods his head. "That's ok. I wish more girls around here acted like you."

Ty Lee: "You never know, maybe there is a girl like that out here and you just haven't met her yet."

Kento: "It's not a big town. Nothing like Fire Nation Capital."

Ty Lee responds, "Maybe you already met her, and you just don't know."

Kento responds, "Maybe, or maybe I met her, and she lives in the Capital."

Ty Lee shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe, but you'll eventually find out. I can write my address and you can send me letters. I'm always open to having new friends. I'd love to know what you're doing after graduation and see if our paths align."

Kento laughs and says, "That's fine. I'd love to be your friend. Tell me about this Rosh guy."

Ty Lee says, "He's not relevant. Don't worry about him."

Kento: "I know, but he's Macai's best friend. I heard they are really close. I also heard you two were close. Do you think you guys will at least be friends in the future?"

Ty Lee: "If you want to know about Rosh, ask Macai. I don't have anything to say about him."

Kento: "Sorry."

Ty Lee grins. "It's fine, you did nothing wrong."

Azula looks at Macai. "Is it possible that Ty Lee and I can stay at your house?"

Macai responds, "We have a large house. Not like the Fire Nation Palace, but a similar size to my old home. There are a few guest rooms and you can choose. I believe three for women and three for men. You look and see which one you two prefer. I know your preference will come first."

Azula: "Thanks. I guess there is a hotel on this side of town and in the lower city as well."

Macai: "There is, but it's always best to initially leave at daytime. It will still take a while to get to the capital, but you know that."

Azula: "Yep." Azula wraps her arms around Macai and Macai locks eyes with her. Azula: "Your eyes are getting darker, Macai, the sun must be setting."

Macai: "Yes, kind of sucks not having bright eyes all of the time."

Azula: "I like it, it's special."

Macai: "Oh really? I heard your brother was almost thrown out because he didn't have a spark. Is that true?"

Azula gets tense. "You just had to ruin the moment. That may be true, but you're different, Macai. Your eyes always have a spark even when they're dark." Macai smiles and locks lips with Azula.

Eventually everyone disperses from the party and Azula picks her guest room. Ty Lee picks another room. Afterward, Macai notices his mother in the living room. Macai: "How'd you like the event?"

Yosari: "It was wonderful. You were right and I'm glad I came. That's the most fun I have had in a long time. Thanks, Son." Yosari hugs Macai.