A Test of Unity

After the celebration at Chiko's home, Azula and Ty Lee returned to the Fire Nation. Several months passed as the seasons shifted from fall to winter. Macai has passed his classes with flying colors and is finally starting to feel like he belongs. Macai meets in the cafeteria with his friends Kett, Kanna, and Dade for lunch.

Macai is sitting right of Kanna. Kett is sitting across from him and Dade is across from Kanna. Macai: "So I heard the Winter training is coming. Could you guys explain what that entails?"

Kett: "Well, we don't know 100% because we haven't gone through it yet. There is different training every year, including during the wintertime. But none of it will be like this year, since this is our last year before graduation. The Winter training this time of year takes place in the nearby mountains."

Macai: "Does anyone live out there?"

Dade: "Apparently some crazy nomads do. They are really spiritual and tell a lot of crazy stories."

Macai: "Fire Nation nomads?"

Kett: "No, they are actually former Water Tribe nomads, before we took the land. They aren't benders though."

Dade: "Apparently, all the waterbenders in the mountains were killed."

Macai: "Interesting."

Dade: "Definitely, but now there are also new Fire Nation sages who moved to the mountains. The locals were forced to work with them and help them survive and understand the area. Now recruits are taken to the area as their last stage of training before they become soldiers."

Macai: "Wait, how long has this been happening?"

Kett: "For quite a while, Nyarri has been around for about six decades."

Macai comments, "I would have thought that the water sages would have gotten fed up with the Fire Nation. I can't believe we trusted them this long."

Kanna responds, "Well, it's not like they had much of a choice. They would be killed in a heartbeat if they challenged the might of our nation. They were forced to compromise and they have gotten used to it for years."

Macai nods his head. Kett: "It will be a fun adventure, I'm sure of that."

Macai: "Do you know anything else about it?"

Kett: "Not really, we just train by fighting in the most difficult element."

Two weeks later, Macai is called into a general assembly meeting at his school. Dozens of students from all classes in his grade are present during the assembly. The students are escorted to several dark grey leather seats. They stand in a vast auditorium with light grey walls, caramel brown floors, and a sand-colored ceiling.

The stage is coyote brown and the principal is wearing a dark red uniform with light red stripes. His name is Barye. He has short light brown hair, brown eyes, a bell-curved nose, yellow skin, and is a man of moderate height. His frame is also moderate. He is in his late forties.

Principal Barye: "Students, most of you have been in Nyarri since elementary school. Most of you have heard the stories about the Nyarri Mountains. Legends concern this area since long before the Fire Nation arrived. I want to say that is my honor to represent you all and I have no doubt that your class will bring about an outstanding wave of elite professionals who will remind the entire world why Nyarri is a village of excellence."

The principal continues, "Our military trainees will all be sent in training in the mountains, where each of you will be tasked with surviving in a harsh climate and training in that environment. This will be a good chance for you each and every one of you to prove your valor. As firebenders, the winter is naturally your weakest state. The best warriors learn to adapt with their disadvantages."

Dade whispers, "Yeah, no kidding. I hate the cold."

Macai: "I thought you'd be used to it."

Dade responds, "Nope, I'll never get used to it. Soon as I graduate, I'm out of here."

Kanna replies, "Doesn't seem you have much a choice since you're in the military program."

Dade: "Real funny, Kanna, but we still get to choose a residence for when we return from deployment and mine won't be Nyarri."

Kett: "Will you both be quiet? I want to know what he's trying to say."

The principal smiles. "Now I will turn it over to General Yore." The General has long dark brown hair, thin eyebrows, small eyes, light skin, and a thin mustache. Yore thunderously steps to the stage and breathes heavily over the microphone.

General Yore: "As the Fire Nation wages war and expands throughout this year, the final stages of the war arise. You all will play a pivotal role in battles that will change the course of history. Nearly a hundred years have passed and our prophecies predict that fierce enemies will rise at this time. Soon your chance will come to prove you are worthy as you fight in the last battles that this war will ever see. When it is all over, what will you tell your children?"

The general continues, "Will you tell them that you failed your trials in Nyarri? Will you tell them that you barely passed and got a low assignment, which caused you to miss out on key opportunities? To miss out on the glory when we broke down the Walls of Ba Sing Se and conquered the Temple of the North. Your decisions determine the destiny of this town, your families, and our nation!"

General Yore: "When you are alone in the cold... When your body is sore, your eyes heavy, and legs weak... I want you to STAND AND FIGHT! When others fail you, STAND AND FIGHT! When you have to get up off the ground, STAND AND FIGHT! When ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE, STAND AND FIGHT! NOW GET OUT THERE, CHILDREN OF NYARRI. Walk with power and pride!" The students erupt with thunderous applause.

Later that day, the children are riding in carriages as they ride up the valley toward the mountains. While they are riding, Macai sits beside Dade in the dark vehicle. Kanna and Kett are across them. Dade starts shaking.

Macai looks at Dade. "Got cold feet?"

Kanna: "Yes, he's scared."

Dade retorts, "I'm not scared."

Kanna: "Yes you are."

Macai says, "Don't worry, I know you have what it takes."

Kett: "It's not even that, he's afraid of heights."

Dade: "I'm not afraid, I just don't like them."

Kett: "Yeah, whatever."

The carriages suddenly stop. A Fire Nation soldier shouts, "Everyone out!" The students pile out of the vehicles and they immediately can feel chilling winds run down their spines. The sky is a blue-greyish color.

Fire Nation Sergeant: "Attention!" The students rapidly move in formation. Sergeant: "Excellent, you all will be escorted to your cabins. Each of you will be staying in these cabins for the next week, so get used to it. You can't go with your buddies either, each group will be automatically assigned. Each of you will be handed a card and the color of the card will decide which team you are on. Your names will be called by Private Rohay and you all better respond because he will only call it twice."

Macai gets assigned to the same group as Dade however, Kanna and Kett are both sent to different teams. Macai and Dade walk to their cabin. The cabins are dark brown and made of wood. As they are walking, the rain starts to come down heavily and the environment is pelted with it.

Macai: "This sucks."

Dade: "At least you can warm yourself up."

Macai nods his head, "That's true." Macai uses a firebending technique to make his body warmer. Macai responds, "When I have to do other things, I'll get distracted and will be a little colder."

Dade: "Big deal, I don't get to do it at all." Dade and Macai walk in the cabin and notice another boy. The boy has dark brown curly hair, a wide nose, is fairly short, wide ears, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and thin lips. Dade: "Hey what's your name, man?"

The boy turns around and says, "Burak!"

Macai nods his head. "Nice to meet you, Burak. I think our team has one other person." A fourth boy enters the room.

Boy: "Looks like you said that just in time." The boy has straight black hair, is fairly heavyset, has moderate height, maple brown hair, gold eyes, and thin slanted brown eyes. Macai looks at the boy.

Macai: "Hey, I'm Macai."

Dade: "And I'm Dade."

Macai: "Looks, like you and I are the only two benders here."

Boy: "Yep, name's Judo."

Dade shakes his head. "Judo, I like that."

Judo: "Well, it's not like it was up to me."

Macai: "I think we're going to be a great team."

Judo: "Well, at this point we'll have to make the best of it. Regardless of whether we are good or if we suck."

Macai: "Well, I'll tell you one thing. I don't suck."

Judo: "Well, see."

Dade laughs. Judo looks across at Burak. "Do you have something to say?"

Burak: "Nope, I'm just watching the fireworks."

Suddenly a Fire Nation soldier enters the room. Soldier: "Alright boys, you all have fifteen minutes to get your clothes in order and set everything up. If you fail to do this, the entire team will be punished." The soldier leaves.

Judo: "Wow, these guys sure are harsh."

Macai: "Nothing I'm not used to."

Judo: "Of course not."

Macai: "Hey, you don't know me and apparently we've never had class together but that attitude doesn't work with me."

Judo: "I've heard about you. So you punched a couple of guys in the jaw, I don't care. You can punch me too, but that won't change the way I see things. You want me to respect you, you have to earn it and that takes time."

Macai looks at Dade in confusion. Dade: "I wasn't close to Judo, but I've seen him around a few times. Enough to know that he's an interesting person. That's all I can really say."

Later that day, the team meets up outside for a drill. The students are forced to sprint, do push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, dynamic strengths, firebend, and jog. With every drill, Macai does things with ease, while other students struggle to complete the drills.

In Macai's team, Judo particularly struggles while he jogs. Macai sprints and keeps pace over his squadmates. One of the Corporals points at Macai. "Hey, over here recruit."

Macai: "Sir?"

Corporal: "This is a team training camp. You need to stop outrunning your teammates and leaving them behind. Do you understand?"

Macai: "But sir, being faster could allow me to scout out positions. It is always great to utilize our strengths and weaknesses."

Corporal: "Are you getting smart with me, recruit? Perhaps it is, but that's NOT the exercise. I don't know what they do wherever you come from, but I GAVE you an order."

Macai nods his head. Corporal: "Good." Judo looks at Macai.

Judo: "What are you doing, talking back like that? You're going to get us all punished." Macai ignores Judo and continues on with his tasks. During the exercises, Macai doesn't get tired while his peers are breathing hard.

The lieutenant notices that it takes more to tire out Macai, so he amps up the drills, making them longer and more intense. Other students get very tired and struggle to complete their tasks. The captain confronts the lieutenant. Captain Bol: "Lieutenant Lang, what are you doing? The drills are too much, you are taking them beyond what is reasonable. Our drills are already among the most intense in the Nation."

Lieutenant Lang: "Sir, the student Macai is not getting shaken at all. I think we need to do something to make sure he is truly being tested."

Captain Bol: "He is looking good, but remember that a team must complete the final test together. The time will come and he's going to have to learn to be a better team player. He may know the war strategies but, it means nothing if he can't make a connection with his servicemen."

During one of the drills, Judo is struggling to complete his exercise and he bends down in pain and starts coughing. Sergeant: "What are you doing, recruit the drill isn't over."

Judo gasps, "Permission to rest sir, I'm not used to this."

Sergeant: "No, GET UP!" Judo tries to gather himself before getting up. Sergeant: "I told you to get UP!" The sergeant backhands Judo and Judo collapses.

Macai glares at the sergeant. Sergeant: "Do you want some too? Oh, rebellion. I see, all of you are going to go for an intensive run through route three!"

Macai retorts, "Send me. Why punish them for my actions?"

Sergeant: "Because this is a group camp. Everything you do affects your unit. Effects your men. Just for that, now I have another assignment after that. Now go!" Macai follows his orders. After the drill, some students start throwing up from the drill. Even Macai is a bit winded.

Burak looks at Macai after the drill, "What is WRONG with you?"

Macai: "I have to admit, I'm usually the obedient type. But I'm not used to this group assignment. I've never done anything like it. Where I'm from, we are held accountable for our own actions in training."

Burak shouts, "Well, THIS IS NYARRI! You have to do what works here. We don't care what works in your hometown. Put your pride aside so we can get the job done."

Macai looks at Burak. "How can they tell us to be loyal then sit aside while they abuse their own recruits?"

Burak: "I don't like it either, but didn't they teach you to follow orders where you're from?"

Macai: "Yes, but I guess I was usually one of the people who wouldn't have had to see how those orders played out. Sometimes they made us do some things, but I think they treated us with a bit more respect. Out of fear of what our parents would do."

Judo interrupts, "Do not defend me. I can take care of myself."

Macai responds, "It sure didn't look like it out there."

Judo: "We all fall down sometimes, but it's about how you get back up. Just you wait, I'm going to rock the drills really soon. I know it!"

Dade intervenes, "Macai isn't disputing that. He means well, he just is adjusting to this situation."

Judo: "Then he better adjust fast. Look, all we need is for you to work with us, but don't cross the leaders."

Macai responds, "Alright, but this is a group thing. So I'm going to work with you and practice some of these drills. We have a bit of free time, so I need to make sure that you're ready so you can move fast enough for us to complete our group test. I hear there is an obstacle course coming up soon and if you keep the pace you've had our team will lose."

Judo looks at Macai. "I don't need your help."

Macai responds, "Yes you do."

Judo snaps, "Back off!"

Macai squares up. "Nope, if you want to fight it out we can. But I'm not going anywhere."

Judo gets in his battle stance, "You are ridiculous."

Dade jumps in between them, "Enough! We all will take part in training Judo and getting him ready for the drills. As a team. We all also are going to give Macai advice about how to work with soldiers from the lower classes. We will also work with Burak on how to make a proper tent. We need to get that survival drill down right so we can beat the time limit."

Burak: "And what about you, Dade? What will we train you in? Oh, I know, how to properly make your bed. You take way too long and how to properly put your uniform on in a timely manner. The collar is always off."

Dade: "That's fine. We all will help each other and sharpen each other. So when it's time for the next drill, we'll rock the house."

Burak shows Dade how to properly put on his uniform. This leads to their team getting higher rankings in the uniform contests. Macai teaches Judo several breathing exercises that helped him and he makes Judo do several intense exercises repeatedly.

Judo runs across the field and starts breathing heavily. Macai: "Keep up the pace. Stay on it, Judo!" Judo keeps running. Judo falls.

Macai: "Up, come on Judo. We're counting on you!" Burak helps Judo help.

Burak: "Let's do it together." Macai nods his head. Burak and Judo run together during the next lap.

Macai: "Good stay on it. Remember, control your breathing." Dade joins the drill. After training for several more minutes Macai joins the drill and runs with them. After the drill is completed the team has enhanced adrenaline.

Judo: "I've got more energy now."

Macai: "We already completed the drill, Judo."

Judo: "Thanks, Macai. You've earned my respect, but I seriously want to do more."

Macai: "Oh yeah, let's run a little further then." The team runs together past the camp and deep into the mountain. They eventually turn back and run to their cabin as the sun falls.

Dade: "They're not ready for us."

Macai responds, "We still have more work to do tomorrow, after the official drills."

Heart of a Champion

After training, Dade, Macai, Judo, and Burak meet again. Macai stands beside Burak as he demonstrates combat drills. Macai: "Breathe in deeply and remember that your bending is an extension of who you are."

Judo responds, "What if I don't like who I am?"

Dade: "What do you mean, you're still finding out who you are? You're too young to not like yourself."

Judo: "What if I failed so many times, that I just think I'm not good enough. Only reason I got this far was because I was barely scraping along."

Macai: "Look, I don't know about your past. I don't know what people told you. I frankly don't care. You must decide what your destiny will be with the gifts that you have! Who are other humans to tell you that you're not adequate?! None of us are perfect, but that imperfection builds a unique strength. That pain, our struggle, it brings a unique perspective."

Judo shakes his head. Macai: "My mother and my mentor Captain Hazo taught me that everyone has something to give. Everyone has a reason, to live. A reason that we are here. Life is what we make it. It may not be perfect, but it can only get better or worse. So please don't waste it. No matter what you start with, you can pass up most people if you outwork them!"

Dade: "Who told you that?"

Macai: "My father."

Judo: "Macai, I'm ready. Tell me what to do."

Macai: "Get in your battle stance. Now let me see your basic attacks. Remember, keep that right arm straight and move in one smooth motion. Don't be rigid."

Judo moves left to right as he shoots orange fire out of his hands. Macai: "Now, let's kick it up a notch. Defensive maneuvers!" In an instant, Macai springs into action and launches his two balls of light orange fire at Judo. Judo sways his arms side to side and blocks the attacks. Macai lifts both of his hands in the air and generates a massive ball of fire then chucks it at Judo.

Judo rolls right as the ball swoops past him and explodes in a burst of flames. Macai: "Now, mix it up!" Macai fires two rapid flames at Judo and Judo blocks the flames. Judo thrusts both of his arms forward and launches a rectangle of fire at Macai. Macai flips behind Judo and aims his right hand at Judo's neck.

Judo throws his hands up as a sign of surrender. Macai: "Not bad at all. Most people would have been laid out by that wall of fire you threw at me."

Judo: "Sorry, I got excited."

Macai: "Don't be, believe me, that's how I got so good. My father put me in some intense drills."

Dade: "They are not going to know what to do when they see us in full force."

Burak: "Yep, now all I need is for Dade to show me how to tidy my room up."

Dade: "No problem."

Dade does as he promised and soon Burak's bed is in prime condition. A soldier walks in for an inspection and is impressed. During exercise drills, the captain notices that Judo is doing his drills well. He also notices that Macai is more of a team player and is keeping pace with his squadmates. During one drill Dade says a word of encouragement to a member in another team who is struggling.

Dade: "It's ok, you've got it." That encouragement gives the member the motivation to complete her drill. After training is over, Macai looks at Dade.

Macai: "I've never seen anything like what you did."

Dade: "The encouragement?"

Macai: "In Capitol training, you would have been scolded for that. We were taught to not aid our competition."

Dade: "Well, this isn't Fire Nation Capitol. We're not a bunch of greedy Nobles training to be greedy high-ranking officers. We're learning how to make an impact with those around us."

Macai affirms, "Absolutely. I think we need more of that. We need more people like you, influencing people like me. Thank you for showing me a different way to think." Macai remembers the lessons Hazo taught him, about learning from his servicemen and not assuming that only he is the teacher.

Dade looks at Macai. "No, thank you, for teaching me that not all Nobles are bad and what a true leader looks like."

Macai: "Leaders can lead from a lot of directions. I led from the front, while you lead right there with others. Some people lead from behind too. Hazo told me that some of his soldiers gave him advice and told him things that helped him better lead them. You also led me."

Dade: "Hearing that from a Noble like you, who is also humble. It just, hits different you know."

Macai: "Want to hug it out?" Macai and Dade hug each other.

Burak enters the room with Judo. Judo: "Whooo, what's going on around here?"

Macai: "We're just appreciating life."

Burak: "Are you guys ready for the final Winter drill? That race across the mountain?"

Dade: "Absolutely."

Judo: "This is our chance to show everyone what we can do. But I hope every team does well. I don't even care about winning anymore, as long as we do good."

Macai responds, "Well there are some teams with people like Alev that I don't care much for."

Judo: "But Alev's team doesn't consist of her and her usual friends. Every team got split up and so each team is different."

Macai: "Good point."

Dade: "And maybe one day she'll get her head straight, you never know."

Macai: "Maybe."

Another Side of Things

Little did Macai know that Kanna was actually on Alev's team. Macai didn't see all of the teams because drill schedules were different. Later that day, Kanna returns to her quarters with an associate named Kanos.

Kanos has brown wavy hair, copper eyes, a long nose, thin eyebrows, yellow skin, and a moderately thin frame. Across from them there is a female named Zuri. Zuri had a dark brown ponytail, round dark brown eyes, medium lips, small eyebrows, light brown skin, and a crooked smiled.

Kanna looks at Kanos. "Nice job on that last drill."

Kanos: "Thanks, we do a good job at getting things done but we aren't unified enough as a team. We pass all the tests except unity and you know why. We always do our drills separately from Alev and Zuri."

Zuri interrupts. "I'm right here you know."

Kanna: "We know. Look, we need to work together. I know that we are not the closest but we seriously need to put it aside. Just forget about it until this is over, then we can compete later."

Zuri responds, "It's so annoying that they expect us to complete the task together. As long as we finish, that's all that should matter."

Kanna: "It's not a popularity contest. Come on Zuri, let's just do this together."

Zuri: "Why don't we wait until Alev gets here?"

Kanos: "While she is using the restroom, we figured we could connect with you first. Then convince Alev to go along with it as a group."

Zuri: "A poor decision, I'm just going to wait until she gets here."

Kanna: "You are being so difficult."

Alev enters. Zuri: "They have conspired against you Alev, they tried to get me to team up with them."

Alev: "Oh really. I thought you would have learned your lesson, Kanna. I guess I'll need to remind you."

Kanna: "Relax, Alev. Zuri is being difficult."

Alev: "Because we chose to do things our own way? Who made you and Kanos the leaders?"

Kanna gets red. "We aren't trying to be the leaders, we just want to find a solution to the issue."

Alev: "What issue? We are passing the tests."

Kanos: "We are behind on the teamwork measures."

Alev: "That's because you and Kanna are a little behind. That's not our problem."

Kanos takes a deep breath. "No, it's because we are doing things differently and not as a unit. Can we please just do this final test together well? I'd hate to have to start the whole year over because of pettiness. Let's just stay together and not separate. Take our time on this race."

Alev shrugs her shoulders. "Fine."

Kanna: "Let's go over the drill again, so we know what to do."

Alev: "It starts off with everyone running and moving as quickly as possible through an obstacle course. Zuri and I will move on the right, while you and Kanos can move through the left. Once we get past that, we are supposed to fire at some targets, enter the Cave of Deceptions, retrieve some fake dragon eggs, and slide down a massive mound. There are enough dragon eggs for every member to get one, but at least one must remain intact and the entire team must make it back before the time limit is up to pass."

Kanna: "Exactly, so let's practice some drills to make sure we are ready."

Alev: "Give me five minutes first."

Kanna: "Fine."

Beyond The Mountain's Peak

The teams meet up as they prepare for the final test. The area is covered with snow and the sky is white. There is a massive obstacle course ahead of the students which is full of several walls, high bars, weavers, tunnels, and trenches. They are all dark red to resemble Fire Nation colors.

Macai, Dade, Judo, and Burak gather as they prepare for their test. Macai looks across and notices Kett in a different team. Macai looks at Dade, "Hey it's Kett." Dade and Macai wave but Kett doesn't notice them.

Judo pokes Macai, "There's Alev." Macai looks at Alev's team.

Dade: "Aww dragon spit, Kanna's on that team too."

Macai: "That's nuts. Unlucky girl. I wonder which team Kaneko and those other jerks are on." While they are talking Uriah walks behind Macai. Macai turns around.

Macai: "You, Uriah."

Uriah: "That's right, I tried to say hello to you a few other times at lunch and you just ignore me."

Macai: "Can you blame me? You tried to force me to play your silly games."

Uriah: "How many times do I have to say it, I apologize. Seriously, I'm sorry. We all feel bad about it now."

Macai: "You're just saying that because of the stories you heard."

Uriah: "No, I'm saying it because I'm serious. But that's alright, I know you'll come around someday. Until then, I wish your team well for the competition." Uriah returns to his team.

Dade looks at Macai, "I don't trust him one bit. He was a rascal since we were younger."

Macai: "That makes two of us, but he hasn't done as many antics recently."

Dade: "That's true, but he must be scheming for something."

The captain suddenly makes an announcement, "Recruits, the time you have been waiting for has finally arrived! You all have thirty minutes to complete this test, the first team to complete it will receive a gold medal. Second place will receive a silver medal. Third place will receive a bronze medal. If a team beats the record of eleven minutes, then that team will get a platinum medal. Now get out there!"

The students charge as they climb over walls, crawl under tunnels, and lift themselves over bars. At one point Kanna dangles on a wall and Zuri looks back and notices her. Zuri helps Kanna up and they continue the drill. Meanwhile, Macai's team moves at a great pace until Judo notices a tunnel.

Judo: "I don't know how I'm going to get through this thing."

Macai: "Use your fire bending to burn some of the extra fat that you have, then wiggle through. If you can't do it alone I'll help you."

Judo attempts to squeeze through. Judo backs up, "it's a bit too tight."

Burak: "Come on guys, people are starting to pass us up." Macai puts his hand on Judo's stomach and presses eat against it to cause some of Judo's stomach to deflate.

Macai gets winded from the ordeal. Macai: "I hope that's enough."

Burak: "They should have made these tests more inclusive."

Judo presses his body through the tunnel, slowly but surely. Macai: "Awww, yeah. Let's go!" The team pushes through the drills and rapidly picks up their pace. They start moving past teams that were ahead of them.

Even so, Alev's team is in the lead and Kett's team is just a bit behind them. Kett manages his teammates. Encouraging them and working with them. Kett says to a female member in his team, "Come on Jari, just like we practiced." Jari promptly completes her objective.

Alev's team moves past the obstacle course and sprints to the next objective. All the girls in her team are fast while Kanos has a moderate speed. The team sprints toward a massive cave. Within, all they can see is blackness and smoke emits from the opening. Kanna: "I wonder what's in there."

Alev: "Nothing too bad, otherwise no one would pass this test."

Kanos: "Point taken." Alev kicks a rod of bright orange fire into the cave to illuminate the opening. From what she can tell, it is empty. Alev rushes into the cave and holds a light orange flame over her right hand to guide herself.

Alev: "Zuri, get behind me since you can't bend." Zuri follows Alev. Kanna and Kanos move a few feet behind her. Kanna uses her own dark orange flame with her left hand to guide herself while Kanos uses an orange flame with his right hand to guide himself.

As they stroll through the cave, they can hear several faint voices. Zuri: "What is that?"

Alev: "Sounds, like spirits. Oh well, just keep walking and looking for the eggs." Alev stops in her tracks when she notices several potential pathways.

Kanna: "I think we should stay together."

Alev: "No way, don't be a coward Kanna. Zuri stays with me because she can't bend. Kanna and Kanos you guys split up and we can get out of here."

Kanos: "This isn't just about saving time; we won't pass the test if we don't all get back in time. So, we might as well return together. The captain said there are enough eggs for all contestants, so theoretically everyone could pass. That means, wherever we go, there should be eggs."

Alev responds, "That's if the captain was honest. He may have been lying and will reward the teams that are the most tenacious and practical. In real life, resources are scarce. Solutions are imperfect and you have to get what you can."

Kanna: "Let's compromise. I'll go with Kanos, so we are at least in two teams of two. Rather than splitting into three groups."

Alev: "Fair enough." Alev and Zuri split and Kanna and Kanos take another path. Just as this happens, Macai and his team enter the cave.

Macai: "Dade, stay with me. I'll light a fire to guide us. I heard some people ahead of us."

Judo responds, "Yes and Burak, stay with me. I'll light the way for you, my friend."

Macai: "I think we got a bit ahead of Uriah's team but, they'll just be a bit behind us. I think at least seven minutes have passed, hopefully, this won't take too long."

Alev and Zuri get closer to one of the dragon eggs, but Zuri hears a voice get closer. It's the faint voice of a elderly woman, "Zuri, why did you abandon me, during my last hours?"

Zuri turns around and notices what seems to be her grandmother. Zuri: "Grandmother? How did you get here?"

Alev: "It's just an illusion, ignore it."

Zuri's grandmother moves in closer, "Zuri, you knew in your heart that you should have visited me. But you were selfish hanging out with friends instead, you knew my health was poor. You missed my final moments." A tear flows from Zuri's right eye.

Alev: "Zuri, it's just an illusion. Come on."

Zuri looks back at the illusion. Zuri: "I'm sorry, grandmother. I was wrong and I won't make that mistake again if a similar situation arises. But now, I have my own life to live, and I won't let the past hold me back." Zuri turns and walks with her friend Alev.

Alev notices another illusion leap in front of her. It is a tall man with wavy medium-length light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a body of lean muscle. Alev: "Father?"

Alev's father: "That's right Alev. I'm ready to come back in your life."

Alev: "Get out of my way, you're not real."

Alev's father: "Alev, you can't just run away from me like that."

Alev: "You ran away from me a long time ago."

Alev's father: "I didn't have a choice."

Alev: "There is always a choice. Now go!"

Alev's father: "I would have made it right, if I just had more time. Your mother didn't want to work with me. She chased me away. I couldn't come back because she turned her family against me."

Alev declares, "You could have still come back. People may be upset, but strong people fight dad. You never had it in you, that's why you'll always be weak. In your weakness, I found strength. Rest assured, I Alev will be known throughout the Fire Nation as a fierce warrior. I won't let anyone or anything hold me back from my destiny. I'll admit it, I missed you but now I don't need you." Alev turns around and fires a ball of fire at the illusion and it vanishes.

Zuri: "I think at least nine minutes have passed and counting."

Alev: "Oh well, we may still win or at least get the silver medal." Alev notices several eggs ahead of her. They come in various colors. Alev also notices openings at the edge of the cave, that light shines through. Alev doses her fire, "I don't need to light the way anymore. Zuri, take an egg and let's go. Hopefully, the other two aren't taking too long."

Alev and Zuri sprint across the cave and run through the exit. They look across the pathway ahead and notice Kett and his team sprinting ahead. Alev: "Quickly, let's beat them to the finish line!" Alev and Zuri sprint forward.

Zuri: "I wonder if Kanna and Kanos are almost here."

Meanwhile, Macai and his team all travel down the pathway. Macai notices Eyre in front of him. Eyre: "Son."

Macai: "Father, how did you get here?"

Eyre: "I came because I was told that you cannot handle it here on Nyarri. It is too much for you. It seems you aren't as sharp as I thought you'd be. I'm afraid you're not going to live up to expectations."

Macai: "What? Dad no. I'll do it, I'll show you. I'm not done, I'm doing it step by step."

Judo pats Macai on the shoulder, "I don't think it's your father. How could he be here now?"

Macai nods his head, "My father is a busy general."

Eyre: "Well, maybe I finally started caring enough to come visit."

Macai: "Ok, well now I know you're not my father. Not that he doesn't care, but he would never insult himself like that. Perhaps he doesn't care enough, but I know he cares at least somewhat and I know about his pride."

Dade: "Oh yeah, well if you don't care Macai doesn't need you because he has us and a lot of people who do appreciate him!" The vision vanishes.

Burak: "Do you really think he doesn't care?"

Macai: "I know he cares, but I think he cares more about the Fire Nation, his career, and our family name than he does about me as an individual."

Dade: "At least it's not like Ozai and Zuko. Right?"

Macai: "That doesn't make me feel any better."

Judo: "Another time guys, look there are the eggs."

Macai: "Alright, probably over ten minutes passed. We won't get platinum but, we might reach third place or something like that."

Burak: "Maybe better if we hurry." Macai's team rushes ahead and gets their eggs.

While this is happening, Kett's team gallops toward a massive mound then slides down the incline of snow. As they slide, Alev and Zuri sprint behind them. Alev looks left of her direction and notices Kanna and Kanos dive from an exit that is another ten feet above them. Kanna lands gracefully and Kanos falls hard in the snow dropping his fake egg and cracking it.

Alev: "Not bad Kanna. Kanos you disappoint me. Good thing we only need one to win. Now come on! Hurry behind Kett's team!" Alev, Kanna, Zuri, and Kanos sprint about twenty feet behind Kett's team and leap on the incline. Meanwhile, Macai's team charges about ten feet behind them and leaps on the incline.

{Halo 2 Anniversary OST- Moon Over Mombasa, Pt. 2 (Extended)- Youtube [Music Begins]}

Judo nearly bumps into Macai as they slide downward. Macai: "Hey, watch it big guy."

Judo: "Sorry." Judo starts to slide down more rapidly than the rest due to his weight. Judo: "I'll try to pass up Alev's team."

Dade (to Macai) shouts, "He knows it's a team sport right?" Macai shrugs his shoulders.

They all slide downwards, yet Alev's team travels the fastest. Kett's team still benefits from their head start. They quickly descend to the bottom of the hill and sprint forward with the finish line in sight and several Fire Nation soldiers waiting with the medals. Alev's team nears the bottom of the incline when Judo rapidly slides behind them.

Zuri: "Do you hear that?"

Kanna looks back and notices Judo coming. Kanna: "Umm, Judo is buzzing right behind us."

Zuri: "Who is Judo?"

Kanna: "A big guy."

Kanos: "Uh oh."

Judo leaps from his incline past Kanna and Kanos towards Zuri. Zuri rotates left to avoid a collision. Judo shouts, "Thanks, I was hoping you would do that so we both wouldn't get seriously hurt."

Alev looks across at him, "What do you think you're doing, you idiot?"

Judo: "What does it look like? Trying to win this race."

Kanos: "I kinda like this guy. Wait, I think I have seen you before."

Judo: "Glad to know I have fans."

Alev's team and Judo reach the end of the incline and sprint forward. Alev and Zuri zoom past Judo first. Kanna and Kanos pass him up however, Judo is not slow for a teen his size. Macai and the rest of his team reach the end of the incline next and quickly catch up with Judo.

While this is happening, Kett and his team are less than twenty feet away from the incline while Alev's team starts to close the gap. Kett uses his bending to launch himself ten feet ahead and lands seven feet away from the goal. Kett would have fired himself directly to the finish line if he could have maintained control of his egg while doing it.

Alev quickly sprints forward using all of her might and does a spinning flip in the air. She lands ahead of the rest of Kett's team and sprints toward the finish line. Kett jumps back on his feet and sprints ahead with Alev just a couple of feet behind him. Every second Alev gets closer, but Kett leaps forward and rips the tape.

The Fire Nation soldiers clap but the captain says, "You guys got an egg. Well done, but whichever team makes it over first is what matters now." Several of Kett's members make it toward the finish line but, Alev's team is right behind them. Zuri leaps past Kett's team and crosses the finish line. After she does this Kanna attempts to leap past the finish line but, one of the members of Kett's team picks up his speed.

This causes Kanna to fall into the recruit and they both collapse. Another member of Kett's team pulls him up and Kanna scrambles to her feet. Kanos leaps past them and crosses the finish line. Macai's team gets right behind them. Kanna runs side by side with members of Kett's team. Two other members of Kett's team beat Kanna to the goal but, Kanna narrowly beats the last one past the line.

[Music Stops]

Seconds later Macai's team passes the finish line. The captain applauds, "That was the best game I ever remember us having. Well done. First place is Red Team (Alev, Kanos, Kanna, and Zuri). Second place is Orange Team (Kett's team). Third place is White Team (Macai, Judo, Dade, and Burak). It has been a pleasure and it looks like two other teams are coming up now. One of the field, another on the incline."

Macai asks the captain, "Did anyone beat the time?"

Captain: "No almost. Alev's team made it in a bit over twelve and a half minutes. But the competition and teamwork I saw among all teams are the best I think it's ever been. It's not always about the superficial glory, sometimes it's about things that may be a little more difficult to measure. The biggest thing is if you get the job done and if your team is happy. Some teams can excel at everything, but they don't know how to truly last. So, make sure that unity that I saw stays intact."

Macai looks at Judo, "At least we got a medal. Third place isn't bad."

Judo: "Are you kidding?! I've never gotten a medal before in my life! Of course, I'm happy."

Later that day, after the teams return home Macai looks at Dade. Macai: "Enjoying the new bronze medal?"

Dade: "Absolutely."

Macai: "I know I should be grateful, but my father demands nothing but excellence. I can't help but, wonder if he will be pleased with third place."

Dade: "It's a respectable achievement, that's why you got a medal. Most people don't get any medals."

Macai: "But I'm supposed to be special."

Dade: "Be grateful for what you have. Besides, maybe Kanna needs the gold medal more or Kanos. Kanna's family is going to be very happy. She never did anything like that before. Her entire family is going to be happy and I have no doubt they'll have a grand celebration. Her mother and father are both very nice. You should meet them, hopefully during the next celebration."

Macai nods his head. Dade: "And Kett could use an award. He got silver place which is really cool. To be honest, I doubt his parents will care. They are jerks. The dad always works and the mom is always leaving the house. But hey, at least he has it for himself."

Macai: "Ouch, well at least I know my mother will be very happy regardless of anything. I know we're going to celebrate."

Dade: "Oh that's nice."

Macai: "Definitely, I might let her keep it. The medal means something to me, but it'll mean more to her."

Dade: "She'll probably make you keep it."

Macai: "Probably."

Later that day there is a massive celebration in the ballroom of the Camp. The ballroom has a light brown floor, bright red walls, a gold ceiling, and black stripes throughout the structure. There are a couple hundred students celebrating. During this celebration, Macai and Dade make their way through the crowd to find their friend Kett drinking punch and talking to people in his team.

Macai: "Well done, Kett. How does it feel to have a nice silver medal?"

Kett: "It feels good, but gold would have felt a bit better."

Macai: "I feel the same man."

Dade: "Just be grateful guys."

Kett: "I know, but we were ahead. I normally wouldn't care but, I cross that line first. I was all for the team sport, but it just felt like that game was ours."

Dade: "Rules are rules. Our team had to take our time to make sure everyone got there, but we got there third place. So, I can't complain."

Macai: "He's right."

Kett: "Of course, he is. Dade talks too much sense for the rest of us. I can't wait till we get back to the Valley to celebrate. It's a little too elevated up here for my taste. Don't get me wrong, it's nice but I'm homesick."

Dade: "Well, I'm sure Macai's always homesick."

Macai responds, "Not really, I have two homes. Fire Nation Capital is like the home away from home. But I feel just as at home in the Nyarri village."

Kett: "Do you really mean it?"

Macai: "Of course."

Dade: "Well I'll admit, I hate the cold but I also love this place and the people here. Even with all its problems, it just keeps getting better and better. I guess we have YOU to thank for that Macai."

Macai blushes, "Oh no, don't do me like that."

Dade: "Why not? It's definitely true. You helped transform this wonderful town and made it even better."

Macai smiles, "Thanks. There is something special about training in the Nyarri Mountains. Now I see why people have so much pride here. I have the privilege to brag about being from both the Capitol and Nyarri."

Kett: "Dang it, I'm definitely jealous. But at least I can tell people I was the one who got you acquainted with Nyarri."

Dade: "Hey me too."

Kett: "Yeah I know, Dade."

Uriah arrives again. Macai: "What is it now?"

Uriah smiles, "Congratulations. On the bronze medal and nice job Kett with the silver. You both did really well and have my respect."

Kett: "Yeah? Cool story bro."

Uriah: "Just saying well done. What can I say, you've got my admiration. My team got fifth place, but if Takagi and Kaneko were with me then we would have at least gotten fourth. Maybe even first. We are quite the team you know. A pretty crafty bunch."

Kett: "A bold claim, too bad you'll never be able to test it."

Uriah: "It is interesting how the biggest test for Nyarri students in combat happens in the Winter and not the Spring before the year is over?"

Kett: "We're different, that's what makes us special. Besides, the Winter is when the weather is toughest on us and it forces us to adjust. Plus it puts us ahead of everyone else and allows recruiters to come here first. Well other than somewhere like the Capitol where they come first regardless because of their clout."

Uriah: "Well, with good old Macai here, people may come sooner or more may come." Macai looks at Uriah. Uriah: "It's a compliment. Anyway enjoy boys, I've got some other matters to attend to. It was fun though." Uriah leaves.

Kett: "Hmm, I still don't trust him. But it's always nice to get some credit."

Macai: "Yep."

Dade: "Let's find Kanna."

Meanwhile, Kanna is talking to Kanos. Kanna: "Ok, well I think I'm going to look for my friends after I saw my goodbyes with our temporary team. Stay safe Kanos and I'll see you around."

Kanos: "Definitely."

Alev and Ziru arrive. Alev: "Well done, we couldn't have done it without you two. For this, you both have earned my respect. We still may walk slightly different paths and see things differently. This doesn't make us best friends Kanna, but I won't forget this either."

Kanna: "Thanks Alev. You did a great job and I have also gained some respect for you in a different way than before. Same to you Ziru."

Kanos: "Don't forget about me ladies."

Alev: "I mentioned you when I said you two. But yes, you were decent as well Kanos. I wish you both the best as long as you don't cross me."

Zuri: "It's been, fun guys." Zuri (to Alev): "I'll see you around." Zuri and Alev leave and meet with their other friends.

Kanna notices Kett, Dade, and Macai move in behind her. Kanna: "Hey guys."

Dade: "How's that gold medal feel around your neck?"

Kanna: "It feels fantastic. I feel like a super girl or something."

Macai: "A super girl?"

Kanna: "Yeah why not?"

Kett: "Alrighty, let's say we go out and have a snowball fight before it's time to go."

Dade: "I'll watch on the sidelines, so my hands don't get frostbite."

Macai: "Oh don't be lame Dade."

Kanna: "Honestly, we might accidentally melt the snow when we throw it Macai."

Kett: "I won't, I'm more disciplined than that."

Kett, Kanna, Macai, and Dade continue on their adventures until it is time for bed. By the next morning, they are driven back to the Nyarri village. Now that Winter training is over, the last major test (that's not academic) that remains is a test where success is not required for graduation. However, it is a test of pride and honor.