An Old Friend

One year after Hazo's death, a seventeen-year-old Macai continues service under Firelord Zuko. The 31st has remained a highly-effective unit. Irina has emerged from a 31st recruit to a 1st class private, Hakato has been promoted to a 1st class private, Hagenko has become a skilled 2nd lieutenant, Sonna has become a 2nd class lieutenant, Dade leads as a 1st class lieutenant, and Kanna remains a 1st class lieutenant.

The 31st regiment meets with the Vindicated Avenger and the United Way in the small Earth Kingdom city Banzebo as several 31st marines deliver supplies that allow both groups to donate important food rations, clothes, and school supplies to youth in the city. Banzebo is known for having massive inequality where the poorer students struggle to get the supplies to complete their school work.

The schools also don't have the supplies for the students and they automatically start with a disadvantage by not having the materials to complete their schoolwork with. Several of the poor children's parents' funds are stretched on food and clothing expenses which can make their lives more difficult. It is for this reason that the 31st raised several funds from the Fire Nation territories to help with the event and the United Way did the same.

Kett stands beside Macai as Sada talks to several parents during the event. The United Way earthbender Moriana helps direct line traffic alongside her friend Tyson. Kanna helps Hakato and Hagenko ship several boxes while Dade gives two children advice. It is a sunny day with a deep blue sky, a ground that consists of dark yellow dirt, and an environment with several small trees sprouting around the buildings. Macai looks at Kett, "I know it took a while, but we were finally able to set up this event."

Kett: "I'm glad it took a year. We had our responsibilities, but now we're really making a difference for these children and that's what it's really about. We could have rushed just to say we did it and done a worse job. You did more than I could have asked for Commander."

Macai: "Well, it's about time I used some of my privileges for the greater good. I also appreciate the leaders from other nations who still allow our voices to be at the table to make these events possible."

Kett: "Well-". General Mak rushes behind Macai with two Fire Nation army soldiers beside him.

Macai turns around and backhands the General. Mak trips and yells, "Ahhh!"

Macai's eyes widen, "General Mak, I'm sorry." Macai helps the General up. Macai: "I don't usually take orders from you, what brings you here."

Mak wipes blood off his nose, "No worries, but be more cautious Commander. I bring a message on behalf of the Firelord. Azula has escaped from her Asylum and she's causing a lot of trouble throughout our nation. She recently kidnapped several children but the Avatar has assisted Zuko with rescuing them."

Macai: "Did they engage Azula?"

Mak explains, "Zuko did briefly, but she escaped. Now they can't find her, but Zuko believes you have the best chance of pulling it off. You know her better than most of us and maybe you have a different way of influencing her."

Macai asks, "He still trusts me, after what happened earlier?"

Mak: "That was a year ago Commander. Your unit has proven itself time and time again since then. We'd be honored to have your assistance."

Macai: "What about Team Avatar? What are they doing now? It's been over two months since I last saw them. I remember when I met Katara, she was cool. And Sokka, he was, interesting."

Mak agrees, "Sokka is a special person. From what I know, they all have different responsibilities. But all of the team except Toph are going on an adventure with Aang as he embarks on a great spiritual quest. He hasn't been seen in over a month by anyone in our government, including Zuko."

Macai comments, "That's a shame."

Mak: "He said a spiritual storm was coming and he is setting out to conquer it. Dark spiritual forces are looking to disrupt the balance and Aang is fighting a new kind of war. He is protecting us from the unseen realm."

Macai: "Then maybe that'll help me on my journey. Just give me information on where she was last sighted and I'll make it count."

Mak asks, "Macai, do you still have feelings for her?"

Macai answers, "I've still thought about her on and off ever since I last saw her before my trial. But I know what I need to do and I won't let anything get in the way of my mission. I'll have a talk with her and see if I can sway her in the right direction."

Mak: "Capture her if you can but don't kill her."

Macai daps up General Mak, "See you, Mak."

Mak nods, "Godspeed Commander." Macai walks through a town with Rosh beside him. Several citizens move past the pair with outfits that sport various colors. The 31st officers are investigating the whereabouts of Azula's cult group in a Fire Nation Desert city located several days away from the Earth Kingdom border. This region is known for sporting several orange clouds and the winds are heavy in this desert region which reduce the sting of the sun.

Rosh is reading a paper while standing, "It looks like several of her followers are located in this part of Ravendulum.

Macai: "We will be looking for Azula's new cult. They operate in the shadows and she has several members involved. They are called the "Shadow Guardians". These warriors have disguised themselves as Kemurikage warriors in the past, but now they hold another identity. They protect and enforce the will of the Fire Nation ancestors who stand against the new administration which they deem as some sort of abomination."

Rosh: "Well, that's nuts. Imagine a group of people crazy enough to dedicate themselves to Azula's instruction."

Macai: "We've fought a lot of cults Rosh."

Rosh: "I know, but kicking these fools is going to feel so good knowing that I'm ruining Azula's plans."

Macai responds, "It's still a small group for now. I have no doubt Azula would be a harsh and brutal trainer. I've heard Azula's dabbled in dark magics now. It's a real shame because she's only heading further down this path, but I know it doesn't fulfill her. I knew the time would come that I'd have to confront her again but I'm ready now."

Rosh: "I hope you are. But whatever happens, I've got your back brother."

Macai sighs, "They will be well trained and sadistic. I didn't want to risk many marines because I knew we'd need to be swift to find her. Azula also will more likely engage us if she knows we're going exposed."

Rosh: "Man, part of me really doesn't want to see Azula again. But the other part of me wants a rematch."

Macai laughs, "All those years and you still want a rematch."

Rosh: "She's gotten no more likable. She kidnapped children!! She also is bringing back old wounds and has put the Firelord in danger several times. As long as she lives, she compromises Zuko's reign."

Macai: "Zuko told me Azula had a chance to kill him, but she let him go. Her intentions are different. She wants to make him the true and brutal leader he needs to be. Similarly to what Hazo wanted only she will go even further to accomplish her goals. Luckily for us, she won't know dark magic to that level. I hear she barely knows any and mainly uses it to get direction on what moves to make and where to attack. She's already brilliant but now she's becoming too swift and unpredictable for Zuko's men."

Macai continues, "Azula has become like a ghost. Her forces are incredibly efficient and deadly. Without the Avatar active, we have the best shot at stopping them!" After Macai and Rosh's discussion two Fire Nation army troopers in the distance snatch an elderly man into a maple brown building. The building has light brown walls, a dark grey floor, and a white ceiling. The man is thrown on the floor and the other trooper puts handcuffs over his wrists. The elderly man has pale skin, white curly hair, a heavyset build, gold eyes, and a small beard.

Army Firebender (who stands in front of Hano-Gu): "Hano-Gu, did you really think you'd get away with this? Supplying and arming terrorists?!"

Hano-Gu: "Terrorists? I don't know what you're talking about."

Army Swordsman (who stands behind Hano-Gu): "Cut it out, we already know your store has harbored several meetings for local members of the Shadow Guardians. You're trying to start up a branch in this city!"

Hano-Gu pleas, "Please, they forced me to do this. I made a few bad business deals and I didn't have a choice. They threatened to expose me, but if you get me somewhere safe I'll tell you more if you agree to clear my record."

Army Firebender: "You tell us then we'll clear your record, you have my word on that."

Hano-Gu: "Ok, but I'm too exposed right here. Get me somewhere safer!" An arrow flies through the left window and glides through the older man's neck. Hano-Gu gulps, "Gack!"

Army Firebender: "Get down!" A female archer on a distant rooftop left of their position runs away from the crime scene then climbs down a latter to level ground. The woman has medium-length dark brown hair, light-yellow skin, medium ears, thin lips, and brown eyes. The woman is just seventeen. The archer hears a squad of Fire Nation troopers searching the town.

Fire Nation Trooper: "She went down the rooftop!" The archer runs left through an alley and the trooper voices suddenly fade. The young woman gasps in relief and exits the alley. She looks behind her to make sure she's not being followed then swiftly turns around and bumps into someone. The archer falls in the dirt and looks up to see Rosh.

Rosh smiles, "Not so fast, didn't think the see a 31st marine did you?"

The girl shouts, "Get away from me!"

Macai steps behind her and grabs the girl by her hair, "That won't be happening, where is Azula?"

The girl yells, "Help, help!!" Macai pulls the woman up. The archer pulls a knife from her left pocket, "Unhand me!" Macai grabs the girl's wrist and tightens his grip. The archer drops her weapon. The teen knees the girl in her stomach. The archer coughs and Macai carries her on his back.

The girl starts hitting Macai on his shoulders but eventually runs out of breath. Archer: "Let me go! You'll pay dearly for this." Macai and Rosh deliver the girl to an undisclosed location at an abandoned building and toss her on a chair. The building has light grey walls, a black floor, and a light brown ceiling.

Macai: "Just tell us what we need to go and we'll let you go. Your record will be completely wiped."

The girl laughs, "You think I'll tell you anything? If I tell, the Shadow Guardians will find me and they'll gut me like a pig. There is nothing you can do for me. I'm not afraid of your prisons and I'm not afraid of your interrogation tactics either. It is nothing compared to what they'll do to me."

Rosh interrupts and pulls out a needle, "We had a feeling, so we brought a gift from Nyarri. Something Kanna told us about. It's a special plant called Zenda. Another city is also named after it, but Nyarri is known for having a lot of mysterious plants due to its geography. One injection from Zenda extract and your muscles will tense up. Then your brain will be manipulated for thirty minutes, forcing you to tell the truth."

Macai nods, "Isn't that fascinating. For thirty minutes, your brain will completely forget how to lie."

The archer groans, "You're bluffing." Rosh injects the girl through her neck. The woman groans and pulls her head back. Then she looks forward and her vision briefly becomes muddy. Archer: "Ahhh! You call this justice?!"

Macai: "Yes, sometimes justice requires unorthodox tactics."

Archer: "You only care about your results and not about morality. Quit pretending Macai. I hear about how you mercilessly slaughtered people when ordered when you served Ozai's administration. Stop pretending to be a good person."

Macai shakes his head, "The past is the past. Now is a future and a chance for a new legacy. Regardless, we've had enough of your stalling."

Rosh gets in the woman's face, "Where is Azula?"

Archer: "Ahh, I don't know for certain. Azula was last sighted outside of the town Nyrocknin."

Macai: "Where is she going next?"

Archer: "Ugh, she said she will be there in Nyrocknin for a few weeks to plan her next move."

Macai: "Why? She usually goes somewhere different every three days."

Archer: "Sometimes she stays a week. Azula studied the formations and tactics of Fire Nation units. She taught us how to confuse them and escape capture. And without your drugs, she knows we won't tell. However, she's faced more resistance in the capital recently. The Kyoshi Warriors have also given some of our forces trouble. Especially those girls Suki and Ty Lee, they've been an issue. Mai has even worked with them recently, so Azula's forces need some time to talk things over with Azula to develop a counter for them. Azula said she should have killed them herself last time, but she will set a trap for them in the near future."

Rosh looks at Macai, "Then we need to get there quickly and stop Azula before she springs the trap. The Kyoshi warriors are in grave danger."

Macai looks at the Archer, "Job well done, we'll tell the Army Troopers to give you extra protection in the near future. Don't worry too much, I've got a surprise for Azula and she'll have her hands full in the meantime. You'll be the last thing on her mind." Two Fire Nation Army Troopers open the door and take the young woman away.

Macai and Rosh step outside. Rosh: "We're off to a good start."

Macai looks up in the air, "Azula, I'm coming."

Showing Up With a Bang

In Nyrocknin, is a dark night but the medium-size city is illuminated by several torches. A few people still wander as they enjoy the town's nightlife. Two teenage boys and one girl laugh as they tell jokes outside. A patrol of Fire Nation troopers marches as they move toward a public event. In the center of a large gathering, a man stands upon a stage.

The speaker has a deep blue uniform, curly black hair, royal blue eyes, a medium-length yet thin nose, and yellow skin. The speaker's name is Hadayco Ramin. Hadayco: "The Fire Nation caused my village so much pain. We lost thousands of people when they laid siege to our Eastern Water Tribe city and I barely escaped one of their raids with my life. I didn't want to get in the political battle and I wanted to ignore the war. But from that day on, I told myself I wasn't going to ignore the tragedies of what happened."

Hadayco continues, "Then I met my good friend Meshack met me, he was from the Fire Nation and had the option to capture me. But he let me go, knowing I was just an innocent civilian. That day, thousands of innocents were slaughtered by the Fire Nation assault team for sport. Our city fell and was oppressed for a good while before they fought the defense garrison off. After they left, I told myself I would travel to the Fire Nation and preach the truth because I knew that deep down many of you have hearts. Many of you knew the atrocities committed by your nation were wrong, just as many of you know these modern Pro-Imperialist groups are wrong."

Hadayco sighs, "So many lives were, lost. Let it not be in vain. Let us remember the sacrifices that were made to make a better world. I lost my brother to this brutal war. Let us make a new world of opportunities for all where every voice is heard. Where we listen to things that make us uncomfortable and find the best solution." While Hadayco is talking a male archer puts on a black, white, and grey mask.

The archer has black robes with purple markings. His bow is made of metal light grey material and the tip of his bows are light yellow. The man pulls his bow back as he aims at the man's chest. Rosh leaps a few feet right of the archer's position. Rosh: "Not so fast!" The archer shifts his body and launches his arrow at the captain's neck.

Rosh crouches then rises and pumps a red-orange flame in the man's stomach. The archer flips over against the rooftop. Rosh looks at the other side of the facility and sees another archer taking aim at the speaker from behind. Macai leaps behind the archer and kicks him down. Macai slams the man's head against the rooftop to neutralize his enemy.

Rosh locks eyes with Macai and gives him a thumbs up. Rosh gets behind cover and Macai leaps down from the building. Azula emerges in the distance with four firebenders beside her. They are all wearing black robes with purple markings. Azula looks at one of the followers, "The speaker should have been neutralized by now! I don't like this, I wanted to instill fear before I showed up."

Female shadow guardian: "Let's get out of here Azula, I don't like this."

Male shadow guardian: "The most important thing is that you remain uncaught. I think our enemies are catching onto us."

Azula replies, "Then they'll follow us either way. Canokco and Edenai, search the rooftops." The shadow guardians nod and leaps on two rooftops as they search for hostiles. Azula walks with the other two members as they crash the event. Citizens turn around start screaming as they see the shadow guardians. Hadayco panics and stumbles as he notices the shadow guardians emerge.

The two firebenders beside Hadayco enter their battle stances but don't fight. They simply watch and wait out of fear. Hadayco looks at the guards, "Get me out of here!" Two shadow guardians leap behind the stage. Three Fire Nation troopers prepare to engage them. The captain in the middle enters his battle stance while the swordsman right of him draws his blade and the firebender left of him prepares for battle.

The shadow guardian on the right extends her right hand and creates an orange fire whip. Then the guardian rotates her body left and smacks them both aside. The guardian on the left extends his left hand and blasts the other guard again the stage. The right guardian leaps on the stage and blows away the trooper on the right while the guardian from the left leaps on the platform shoots down the other guard.

Azula takes off her mask, "It is I, Azula. The feared warrior and conqueror that this nation once took pride in. I know many of you still do. This sense of false peace and weakness will never last in this nation. Never forget who you are and never apologize for our legacy." The guardian on the right creates an orange firesword as he prepares to execute Hadayco.

Hadayco shouts, "And never stop fighting, for true justice! Which is freedom for all!" Hadayco rotates his body right and blasts away the right guardian with a stream of water. The left guardian dives toward him but the waterbender rotates his body and shoots the assassin away with two water torpedoes.

Hadayco looks back defiantly at the rogue princess. Azula glares at the man with vicious intent. Azula pulls her hands up and launches herself toward the speaker with a gust of blue fire. The other two guardians jump beside her. Hadayco raises a wall of water and Azula extends both of her hands; firing a surge of blue flames into the water stream.

The water is vaporized by Azula's scorching fire and Azula rapidly extends her right hand. A blue fireball flies into the man's stomach, knocking him toward the edge of the stage. Azula laughs, "You fool, did you really think you could defeat us. All resistance to the Fire Nation's destiny ends in death." Azula leaps on the stage and her guardians leap beside her. Hadayco rolls off the stage and falls in the dirt as he tries to avoid her.

Azula taunts "Coward!! This is your hero?!" Azula looks down at the man as she prepares to finish him. Hadayco's wife watches in the distance and her six-year-old daughter starts crying.

Hadayco's wife (Luminaya) rushes toward the stage shouting, "Stop, stop, stop!! That's my husband, please!" One of the female guardians pumps an orange fire flare in her face. The woman collapses in the dirt in fear and mud slashes all over her outfit.

Female Guardian: "Hahahahhahaha." Azula is briefly distracted and starts sweating. Then she aims at Hadayco again.

Azula: "This is the price of resistance."

Star Wars: Anakin Sykwalker vs Asajj Ventress Theme | EPIC VERSION (The Clone Wars 2003) [Music Starts]

Macai shouts, "Noooooo!!!" Macai launches himself from a rooftop and uses jet propulsion to soar down with a stream of white fire. Macai descends a few feet behind Hadayco and Azula looks up with wide eyes as Macai soars before her. The tan teen extends both of his hands and fires a massive beam of blinding white fire at the princess. Azula knows better than to look up and dives right as the beam explodes in the middle of the stage.

The explosion knocks the male guardian out and the female guardian also leaps right to avoid being obliterated. Macai leaps across the stage and locks eyes with Azula. Azula gives him a death stare then rolls forward and hurls a gust of blue flames at the Commander. Macai crosses his hands horizontally and knocks his own gust of white fire into Azula's blue flames. An eruption of bright light briefly blinds and deafens several crowd members.

Azula looks back at Macai with malicious motivations and pops a blue flame at him. Macai rolls left and fires a beam of white fire at the young woman. Azula leaps backward off the stage and the female guardian extends her right hand; swinging a fire whip at the commander. Macai dives on the floor then does a leg sweep; blasting the woman off the stage with a cascade of white flames. The guardian flies into two audience members, knocking all of them out.

While this is happening, Rosh notices a shadow guardian launch himself with a sparkle of orange fire a few feet ahead of the Captian's position. Rosh: "You wanna fight do ya, well come on then!" Rosh hears a second guardian leap behind his position.

Female guardian: "Take this buffoon out." Rosh extends his hands and launches an explosive fireball at the male guardian in front of him. The male guardian leaps left and the female behind him sends a surge of orange fire sprawling in his direction. Rosh turns and extends his arms; splitting the flame in half and dispersing it. Rosh pumps a red-orange flame from his right fist at the woman's stomach and she flips right.

Rosh kicks a red-orange rod of fire from his left leg into the female guardian's left shoulder. Guardian: "Aaaahhha!" The male guardian leaps behind Rosh and fires a surge of orange flames at Rosh's back. Rosh hears the movement right before the shot takes place and rolls left as the flames are fired. Some orange flashes hit Rosh's right shoulder and the teen feels his flesh burn as he rolls away from incoming fire. Rosh leaps back on his feet while raising a storm of his own red-orange flames around his body and blasts the man away with a gush of fire.

Macai flips off the stage in front of Azula and the remaining crowd members flee from the scene now that the surrounding guardians have been dispatched. Azula paces around in her battle stance and Macai does the same. Azula: "Macai, I should have known one day you would return to your demise. Killing you will be an important move up in my destiny. I'm been waiting to burry the baggage between us."

Macai: "Azula, all I ever wanted was the best for you. But I see now that might be putting you down. I've had enough of your lies and manipulation. It's time you faced judgment."

Azula laughs, "You are no match for my power, especially not now. I have become stronger than ever before."

Macai asserts, "As have I." Azula pulls her left hand back then switches to her right hand and fires a blue flame at his face. Macai is nearly thrown off by the feint but quickly raises his right arm as he notices the change in her stance and blocks the shot. Macai pumps a flame from his left hand at Azula's stomach. Azula slides her left arm and blocks the flame.

Azula extends her arms and fires a power shot at Macai. Macai leaps over the flame and kicks a stream of fire from his legs at Azula. Azula twirls left as the white fire swoops past her. Azula raises her left leg and kicks a blue flame at Macai's face. Macai blocks the shot with his left arm then charges toward his ex. Macai fires two rapid white fireballs at the princess.

Azula rolls right and fires two swift blue flames at Macai. One flies at Macai's lower right abdomen and the other flies at Macai's left eye. Macai bends down and blocks the lower flame. As Macai bends the higher flame moves over his head. Macai raises his right leg and kicks a white flame at Azula's chest. The shadow leader crosses her arms, blocking the attack.

(first song stops)

Star Wars: Duel of The Fates | AHSOKA vs VADER Version (Music starts)

Steam flows from Azula's arms as she pulls her left hand back and generates a surge of electricity around her arms. Macai backpedals to brace himself for the attack. Azula's gold eyes shine in the moonlight as she launches a rod of lightning at the 31st Commander. Macai slides left and the rod burns through a building. Azula sparks another surge of lightning and fires a rod at Macai's chest.

Macai rolls right. His body feels warm as the heat from the lightning surges while he barely moves away from it. Macai gets back on his feet as Azula charges up for a third shot and aims directly at him. Macai could immediately jump but he briefly waits as he attempts to out time his old lover. Azula extends her arms and fires a beam of lighting directly at Macai. Macai pulls his arms down right before Azula opens fire and launches himself off the ground with a spark of white fire.

Macai is careful not to use too much force to ensure he lands two feet behind Azula. Azula turns and ignites her hands with blue fire as she reacts to Macai's gesture. Azula extends her hands and fires a beam of blue fire at the other prodigy. Macai stretches out his hands and shoots his own stream of white fire into Azula's. Both of the flames explode on impact and create another flash of bright light that nearly blinds them.

Macai and Azula both look down to avoid losing their vision. Macai sprints forward and fires a barrage of four white fireballs at Azula. Azula slides forward but her momentum suddenly stops since she doesn't specialize in agility as much as some fighters like Ty Lee and Kanna (but she makes up for that with her technical skills). Azula raises her right hand and fires a blue flame at Macai's upper abdomen from an awkward angle.

Macai spins right, barely avoiding the shot. Azula flips off the ground and lands on her feet. Azula pulls her arms right and swirls them horizontally to the left. Azula spins at Macai with a whirlwind of blue fire. Macai notices and rotates in the opposite direction with his own swirl of white flames. The duo lock flames and briefly stalemate each other. Macai looks at Azula with a serious face and Azula looks annoyed.

Both of them break their lock and Azula shouts, "Ughghghghaaaaa!!" Azula engulfs her left leg in blue fire and diagonally swings it at Macai's face. Macai ducks and rotates his head. The young man amps his right hand with white fire and throws it at Azula's neck. Azula bobs her head right and extends her enhanced left hand into Macai's stomach. Azula's blue flames make her punches hurt a bit more than that of most benders, but Macai's excellent conditioning help him handle moderate punishment.

Macai lurches forward but maintains composure and counters with a swift right-hand uppercut. Azula is caught off guard by the blow but she swiftly hops back as she notices the attack (all of this happens in less than a second). Azula avoids most of the punch but a tip of Macai's fist grazes Azula's chin. Macai still has more physical strength than Azula and the hot white flames still briefly stun her. Azula's eyes briefly close and the indirect shot hurts a bit more because she didn't expect it.

Macai leaps at Azula while she is briefly dazed. Azula quickly regains her focus and reignites her hands. The princess swings an inflamed right hand at Macai's face. Macai ducks and Azula swings at Macai with a follow-up right hook. Macai evades the punch and pulls back. The commander rotates his left hand with a diagonal left overhand punch. Azula shifts her head right as she evades being nailed in the face, but Macai's firey white fist still lands in her left shoulder.

Azula feels a pop as her shoulder is pelted, "Ah!" Macai smirks from the shot but stays focused, knowing a lapse in concentration for any moment could lose him the fight. Azula becomes frustrated and leaps forward on Macai. Azual ignites both of her hands again and Macai briefly loses his hold of her. The shadow leader pounds Macai twice in his chest. Macai feels the sparks fly and surge of pain throughout his body.

Blue fire is known for swiftly traveling across the body faster than all other forms of it. Despite the pain, Macai stays on his feet and still maintains his focus. Azula swiftly pulls back her right hand and thrusts it into Macai's stomach. Macai leans forward as he is shaken by the thunderous power punch. Azula briefly pulls her left hand back then leaps forward and swings at Macai's left ear with an ignited left hook.

(second song stops)

Macai raises his right arm and blocks the shot. Then the commander slides forward and slams an amplified right fist into Azula's stomach. Azula mutters, "Ugh." Macai swiftly raises his right fist and smacks Azula with a right hook. Azula's body sways left as she reacts to the shot. Never before has Azula faced a striker that was so great at breaking enemies down in direct engagements, she realizes her best chance is to keep her distance and use her better movement against Macai.

Azula rotates her body and fires two powerful flames at Macai. Macai slides left. Azula realizes she already let Macai get too close and that it will be difficult to keep him off her now. Azula generates two blue fire daggers to even the odds. Macai creates two white fire wrist shields and says, "Oh, bring it on."

Azula lunges at Macai with a diagonal spinning strike. Macai raises his left wrist and blocks the left knife. Azula swings her left hand at Macai's neck and the young man ducks then bobs toward Azula's exposed right flank. Azula rotates her body and swings at Macai with a horizontal right swing.

Macai ducks again and Azula swings at Macai with a diagonal left strike. Macai blocks the strike and flips Azula's left fire knife out of her hand. The blue knife explodes as it hits the ground. Azula swings at Macai diagonally with her other fire dagger but Macai raises his left fire wrist shield and flings the other dagger out of her hand. The second dagger explodes on the ground.

Azula looks back at her ex-boyfriend in rage, "Uggggggghh!" Azula extends her right leg and slams it into Macai's left shoulder. Sparks fly and Macai backpedals as he hears the crunch. Azula ignites her left leg and leaps at Macai with an expeditious horizontal head kick. Macai ducks and leaps forward. Macai swiftly pounds Azula with two uppercuts in her stomach. Azula backpedals and briefly looks at the ground before she recovers.

Azula extends her hands and shoots a beam of blue flames at Macai. The tan teen slides right of Azula's position and emerges back on his feet. Azula pulls her left hand back and swings at Macai with a deadly fire punch. Macai sways his head right and latches onto Azula's right side with his left hand. Macai pulls Azula forward and pounds his left knee into the princess's gut.

Azula feels the crunch, "Aaaauhh!" Macai wraps his hands around Azula and pulls her up in the air. Azula's eyes widen as she devises a way to save herself. Blue flames flow from Azula's legs as she attempts to blast herself but Macai raises himself with his own white flames to keep a hold of Azula while still tightening his grip. The pair are eight feet in the air; Azula starts to get tired and her blue flames diffuse. Macai intentionally doses his own flames and directs their falls so he hands headfirst on top of Azula.

Azula lands directly on her nose and the duo falls faster with Macai over top of her. When Azula hits the deck, her nose gashes with blood, and Macai falls off Azula. Azula moans on the floor and Macai gets back on his feet. Azula gets back on her feet defiantly, but she can barely stand. Macai looks back at her, "Stand down! It's over Azula."

Azula: "It's over when I'm dead!!" Azula pulls her right hand back and flings a blue flame at Macai's nose. Macai ducks and Azula fires a hot surge of blue fire at the older teen. Macai leaps right and Azula fires two rapid flames at Macai. Macai slides right and rushes at Azula again. Azula panics and pops a blue flame at Macai's face as he rushes in.

Macai crouches down, almost being blasted again. Macai leaps forward toward the fatigued Azula and surges both of his fists with white fire. Macai ferociously pounds Azula in the stomach with four hooks. Macai moves faster than normal, his hands become difficult to keep track of and his rage takes hold. Azula's body shudders from the blows.

Macai pounds Azula with a full uppercut in her jaw. Azula cries, "Ugh!" Azula falls hard on the cold ground and Macai leaps on top of her. Azula spits in Macai's face, "I thought you were the one man I could love in this world but you're just another disappointment. Like everything in my life." Macai pounds Azula in her face with a right hand.

Macai hits Azula with two more hooks and Azula's face is bruised on both sides. Macai drops Azula. Azula taunts, "Kill me! Finish it you weak fool! You've gone this far." Macai's chest starts hurting, he regrets the fight has even gone this far. All of his pain, rage, and frustration were suddenly unleashed on Azula in the fight. Macai lets Azula go and wipes the spit off his face.

Macai stands up, "Azula, I'm sorry it had to come to this."

Azula cries, "No you aren't. You hate me, just like everyone else. Finish it!"

Tears flow from Macai's eyes, "Azula stop. I-I'm sorry it had to come to this. Dade told me that a man told him that the Hundred Year War made monsters of us all and that's so true. I'm a soldier, I saw so many men and women die on that battlefront. I may never be the same, I still relieve the nightmares every other week. In some of my dreams, I still hear the voices of the people I killed."

Macai adds, "I never wanted to spill your blood, Zula. How could I?"

Azula shouts, "Don't call me that anymore."

Macai: "Azula, don't push away the people who fight for you and care about you. Your brother loves you Azula, you mean more than the world to him. He'd die for you even after everything you both went through. No one is blaming you for the mistakes you made, we've all made bad decisions. But it's not too late to make the right one."

Azula: "I've chosen my path. I'd rather die right here than waver. I don't have nightmares anymore because I embrace them. The darkness and hate are all I've ever known. Love is fading it never lasts."

Macai counters, "No that's not true. True love never dies. True love is not limited because true love is a sacrifice at its core. It is a commitment that withstands good and bad times. True love is supporting someone even when they aren't what you want them to be. And true love is being honest with someone even when it isn't easy."

Azula: "I don't need love."

Macai: "Of course you do, look at where you are right now."

Azula: "I told you Macai, I've accepted my fate. If I die bury me with my ancestors who died fighting and if I live, it'll be because of my will to do whatever it takes to get things done. The things you are saying are just smoke and mirrors. They are just the ways that the weak compensate with reality, but it will blow up in their faces in the end."

Macai looks deeply at Azula, "Azula, I love you."

Azula nearly chokes on her own spit, "What?"

Macai: "That's right. All you've done in your life is live in hate. I know you aren't winning and you know this too deep down. You keep on fighting for a title whether it is one someone else gives to you or one you give yourself. Maybe you like being the bane of the world but in the end, you know it's all hollow. You want others to suffer because you've suffered so long yourself. No matter how hard you try, things don't end up the way you want."

Macai continues, "But you should put all of that behind and just try love. You keep talking about legacy and wanting to be remembered. Do you really want to be remembered like this? Causing nothing but misery and violence up to your grave. No one wins all the time, if you stay on this path your destruction is forthcoming. No matter how big and bad someone is they will die by the sword if they live by it. Everything within this world fades in time except truth and love."

Macai smiles, "In the past, I liked you but I didn't love you. I thought you were pretty and we had some fun together but I wasn't willing to put up with the pain. But even though I love you, I might have to love you from a distance in the meantime until you finish battling some of your inner demons. If you get right, you're ALWAYS welcome to my palace. I will tell my guards to keep watch for you and to be ready for your return. When you come, we will have a great feast and celebration, I promise."

Azula asks, "How could you love a monster like me?"

Macai smiles, "Because you're more than worth loving."

Azula springs up and knees Macai in his groin. Macai falls over and rolls in agony. Azula ignites her hands with blue fire, "No, Macai, now you will die you weak fool! You should have killed me when you had the cha--". Rosh pounds Azula in the back of her head and knocks her out from behind. Azula falls like a sack of cabbages.

Rosh looks at Macai, "Captain Rosh at your service." Macai gets back on his feet and shakes Rosh's hand.

Macai: "I can always count on you when things get messy."

Rosh: "I'm glad you gave Azula a bit of a bashing and got your head straight in the end. I don't know about all that love nonsense, but I'm glad you didn't let your anger get the best of you. It also gave me the perfect opportunity for me to get a second crack at her. Ready to turn her in?"

Macai shakes his head, "No, I have another idea."

Rosh: "What?"

Macai: "You heard me, I'll deal with the consequences." Macai picks up Azula. Macai: "Follow me." Macai and Rosh take Azula to Macai's estate. Rosh knocks on Macai's door and Zyger opens it. Zyger's eyes widen when he sees an unconscious and battered Azula.

Zyger: "What is she doing here?"

Macai: "Don't worry about it, you to it she gets medical treatment and has a room to rest in."

Zyger: "Then what after she wakes up?"

Macai: "You know Nyarri has several useful plants. Rosh and I found a couple of extracts for this mission. Rosh currently has the Bengorrani plant extract. A shot from this plant keeps someone asleep for up to a day without killing them."

Zyger: "It will take a while for her injuries to fully heal but I can give her ointments to keep her from getting infected. I also can add some things that will allow her body to heal naturally, even without immediate rest. What should we do right before she wakes up?"

Macai: "Just take care of her for the night and treat her wounds. Then I'll take her after that. Rosh and I will stay here for the night in case anything goes wrong." Rosh injects a shot in Azula's right arm, this shot will keep her asleep for the next twenty-four hours. Zyger tends for Azula and wraps her wounds. Zyger gets help from housemaid Umma who puts ointments on Azula's body for her to heal.

After the work is done, they let her body rest overnight. Macai waits until two hours before the Princess's expected awakening. The Commander picks her body up and Rosh follows him. Macai exits his home and travels to an abandoned building. Macai lays Azula's body down on the second floor of the building.

Rosh: "Do you think she'll be safe?"

Macai: "I hope so, I know she'll think more deeply about things after this. Hopefully, it will slow down her actions. Maybe someone will lock her back up after this, but it can't be me. I love her too much and I can't stand fighting her anymore. We tried fighting her the traditional way for so long, but Zuko wants her alive. So let's try it a different way this time, let's try love."

Rosh: "Uh, I'm gonna puke." Macai lays a letter down beside Azula. Rosh asks, "How can you still love her, after everything she did to you?"

Macai replies, "Because everyone deserves love. No matter how flawed, I know she's got a lot of great gifts and I know she can use them for good if she wants to. It's not too late, so she deserves a choice. Rather than punishing her over and over again let's try giving her a second chance. Even if she doesn't return to me maybe she'll make the more important decision and leave her current life behind knowing that she is worthy of love. People don't have to be perfect to be loved, because every being deserves it."

Macai: "Let's go." Macai and Rosh exit. Azula slowly wakes up and immediately notices the change in scenery. The Princess enters her battle stance when a flash of sunlight shines through the nearest window into her room. Azula's gold eyes shine as she looks down at Macai's letter. Azula turns her back as she considers leaving it or perhaps burning it. The princess walks toward the room exit then clinches her right fist and her teeth.

Azula turns around and picks the letter up. The letter says, 'Azula, my love, I'm sorry it had to end like this. Still, it isn't over yet. You still have a choice. I'll give you however much time you need to make your decision but I hope one day you return to me. Even if you don't I'd love to hear about you changing your life, your brother will forgive you at any time. You could return to him first and make up with your old friends. Whatever you do, I wish the best for you as always. Stay strong, beautiful.' Tears flow down Azula's eyes.

Macai and Rosh return to meet with Firelord Zuko. Zuko waits in his chambers with his back facing the window, "Have you successfully captured my sister?"

Macai: "No, she got away." Zuko sighs. Macai: "But I had a few words with her and we successfully prevented an assassination attempt."

Zuko responds, "The assassination prevention is good, BUT THAT WASN'T YOUR MISSION. I ordered you to bring in my sister!!"

Macai calmly replies, "I'm aware of that Zuko, but you trusted me to help with this situation. You could have picked anyone else for the job, but you had faith in my methods. Perhaps you took a risk, not knowing how I would handle it or if I would betray you. Rest assured, I have not betrayed you. Maybe I didn't handle things in the way you wanted but give it time. I know you weren't going to kill her and that would have been the biggest loss for you."

Macai continues, "More than anything, you just want your sister back. And you want her back for good and on the right side for once. So please Zuko, let's wait and see what she does. If that fails, then the day may come that you capture her again. But for now, have faith in something new, you had her before and it didn't work."

Tears flow from Zuko's eyes, "I love her, but she haunts me. She haunts my rule, my confidence, and my sleep. But I will have faith in the journey, Macai."

Rosh comments, "You have been an excellent Firelord Zuko, better than we could have possibly imagined. Be confident in the journey. As long as you keep doing right and making the hard decisions; you will always be remembered. All you can do is your best. If that isn't enough for Azula, then that's simply destiny. Whatever happens, hold your head high knowing that you are doing what must be done. If things ever become too heavy one day, know what we'll be here to help you through every step of your life journey if able; if not in person, then in spirit."

Zuko turns and hugs his friends. Zuko starts crying and Macai pats him on his back, "It will be alright Zuko."