Follow the trail

Macai walks with Aiya across a beach shoreline as they plan the next moves for the 31st regiment. The sky is sapphire blue, the clouds are thin and hollow, and a light breeze flows through the area. It is 17.2 Celsius (63 Degrees) outside. Macai briefly looks into Aiya's hazel eyes and Macai's brown eyes also shine hazel in the sunlight.

Aiya: "It seems you had your hands full last time."

Macai nods, "Those guys are something else. This is the third boss we've faced from their group and there must be several others. I just don't understand how they were undetected for so long."

Aiya bites one of her nails, "That probably means they have members from the Fire Nation administration. Have any of the nations reported on those matters?"

Macai: "Prince, I mean Firelord Zuko informed us that Earth King Kuei was largely oblivious of that as well. I could see them being around behind the scenes, I'm not sure if Long Feng and his corrupt members limited such opposition."

Aiya comments, "They probably did, but it's also possible that the Disciples of Justice knew about them. Perhaps they allowed the corruption so that it would undermine the civilization that they were already rivals with."

Macai nods, "That's a likely scenario, good catch. You are so brilliant Aiya, had it not been for you, the 31st wouldn't be where it is."

Aiya blushes, "Oh stop, I'm just doing my job."

Macai: "No seriously, you run the 31st just as much as I do. I inspire them and lead them in the fight but you make sure we can logistically keep running. Without you, we'd run out of food supplies, run out of fuel, or not have as much useful armor or weapons."

Aiya: "You could do it."

Macai: "Not as well as you, especially not while we were on the run from the Fire Nation. You still kept our team well fed with your brilliance during the times when Palu wasn't giving us supplies and we were sailing out with limited resources."

Aiya: "You could always get another administrative specialist."

Macai holds Aiya's right hand and looks Aiya in her eyes. Macai responds, "No, you are the best assistant I could have ever had."

Aiya looks back at Macai, "I see, thank you, sir." Aiya wiggles her hand free and runs from Macai. Meanwhile, Kanna sits in her room chewing on randonuts. Kanna looks right of her position and notices Skippy escape his cage.

Kanna's eyes widen, "Heeeey, how did you get out?" Skippy jumps on Kanna's bed and wants to play. Kanna: "Awww, not now Skippy I'm reading a military report."

Rosh opens Kanna's door, "Hey Kanna did you read the last military report? I found some crazy news."

Kanna responds, "Not now Rosh, shut my door."

Rosh: "Well you left it open." Skippy runs out of the door. Rosh: "Oh."

Kanna shouts, "After him!" Kanna and Rosh run across the halls of the Prompt Adjudicator. Skippy runs under a marine's legs and Kanna leaps over his head. Kanna lands between two other marines.

Male marine: "Ugh."

Male marine two: "She's showing her skills off." Kanna zooms past one of the marines.

Kanna: "Excuse me."

Marine: "She talked to me."

Marine two: "Yeah, yeah."

Rosh runs headlong into a marine while trying to keep up with Kanna and skippy. The marine hits the deck, "I'm sorry man, I'll ask Macai to give you a raise for that." The marine grumbles as he gets back up and Rosh runs behind Kanna. A marine opens the door to the cafeteria and Skippy runs in the facility.

Kanna: "Skippy no!"

Rosh: "Oh, he's looking for food." The little furry animal runs past dozens of marines without getting crushed. Kanna enters the cafeteria and faints due to fear of her pet getting crushed. A marine catches Kanna and prevents her from falling.

Marine: "It's ok everyone, I checked her pulse and she's alive."

Rosh protests, "Will you let go of her you creep. Where is Skippy? Does anyone see it?"

A female marine interrupts, "Animals are not its. It should be referred to as him or her."

Rosh: "I apologize, does anyone see him?"

Dengo steps forward with a cracker, "I know how to lure him out." Dengo crushes his cracker up and makes a trail. Skippy eats one piece of cracker at a time as he follows Dengo slowly until he is right into the shocktrooper. The young marine pets the animal and picks it up. Dengo smiles, "See, problem solved."

Kanna gets back up, "Oh, Dengo, thanks for getting Skippy."

Dengo hands Kanna Skippy, "Of course, you have a wonderful pet."

Kanna cheeses, "Well, he's something else, I'll tell ya that."

Macai barges in the cafeteria with two guards around him, "Marines, assemble for a meeting in five." Macai exits.

Rosh chuckles, "Man, Macai is a character but what would we do without him." Rosh, Kanna, Dade, Sonna, Jesha, Irina, Hagenko, and several other 31st members meet in the Prompt Adjudicator's armory. Rosh smiles, "What is it this time boss?"

Macai: "Intelligence has given me information regarding the location of an important enemy supply station located in the Darentill region. It is a commercial station that is secretly held up by several DOJ terrorists. We will take the facility and make some arrests. Be prepared to fight if needed. We will have one main attack team that will move in and have a reinforcement team on standby."

Dade: "Sounds like a simple mission, but you never know with these guys."

Macai: "This is why we have to stay sharp."

Rosh: "Why did you rush us for a minor mission like this?"

Macai responds, "We have to shut down as many enemies as possible. Right now the DOJ is getting more and more powerful. Intel believes they are planning something big, but this is a major supplier for our enemies. That's why we need to disable it."

Macai continues, "I want Rosh, Irina, and Arret on my team. Our reserve force will consist of Kanna, Hagenko, and Sonna. Now let's go." The next day, the sky is cerulean blue and the grass is tall and lime green. Macai walks with Rosh beside him and the rest of his marines closely behind him. His squad also includes three swordsmen and a female firebender.

Macai walks toward the front of the facility with his marines around him. Two guards in industrial tan uniforms look at Macai from the distance. Macai waves at the guards and shows his badge, "We have the warrant for a full investigation of your facility. Some of my marines will take a look around the area and see if we see anything suspicious."

Guard: "We'll take you to the head manager." Macai walks with his team and they meet with the manager.

A heavy-set middle agreed man arrives with a full beard, pale skin, large lips, large ears, a long nose, straight hair, and a thick dark brown beard. Macai looks the manager in his eyes, "We have evidence that your facility has been shipping several supplies to unauthorized locations. We want to take a personal look around before we make any arrests."

Head manager: "Well, surely we can discuss this before any rash decisions are made."

Macai: "My men are experts at locating suspicious clues or signs. I have no doubt they'll find something if needed. However, we wouldn't have come if the courts didn't already have more than probable cause. After the investigation is over, I will make sure to inform you about our findings. However, we have the authorization to start by making a few arrests. Starting with you, but there are four other members from your organization that we can immediately detain."

Macai adds, "You have a right to a lawyer and a trial."

The manager takes a step back, "You won't find any evidence of anything. The Intel Department doesn't know what it's talking about, you're making a serious mistake."

Macai: "Time will tell, but that's not what the evidence seems to suggest."

Manager: "Can you at least have your team make a look around? You can wait here with me and keep two guards. Let the others see if they find anything suspicious and I can elaborate on any odd activity."

Macai: "If you're willing to admit you're involved with this, we can take some time off your sentence then create a guilty plea."

The manager shakes his head, "I don't want to plea anything. I didn't say I did anything, I just want to further elaborate on any questions you have. So please wait before your marines detain me. Also, isn't this a job for local security forces? It doesn't seem to be in your jurisdiction Macai, as a marine."

Macai: "Our clearance is from Zuko himself." Macai signals for a swordsman and a firebender to stay with him. Macai: "The rest of you, fan out and search but I recommend you stay together as a team even if it takes a little longer." Rosh, Irina, Arret, and two swordsmen leave the room together as they search the facility.

Macai looks at the manager, "You're only buying yourself time. The Intel Department doesn't just give out warrants for no reason and they know even more about this situation than I do. But I know enough to know you're in bad, shouldn't have gotten involved with terrorists."

The manager responds, "Or maybe that's what I want."

Macai looks at the manager, "What did you just say?"

The manager suddenly acts less timidly and more confidently, "I SAID, maybe that's what I want, to buy myself time." Macai stares the manager down, "And why is that?"

Manager: "Because my lawyer is here." A man with slick black hair, yellow skin, slanted cyan blue eyes, and a medium nose walks behind the manager. The man is wearing a light grey uniform with orange markings.

Macai asks, "Who is this?"

Manager: "My lawyer."

Lawyer: "You will find that my client is completely innocent."

Macai: "You have blue eyes, any chance you're a waterbender?"

Lawyer: "Waterbender? That has nothing to do with my allegiance and DISCRIMINATION is a crime. The Intel Department can't just do whatever it wants without authorization. Zuko made a new human rights law that he doesn't even seem to honor. Wait until the new Global Courts hear about this, it will ruin this nation's reputation. That is unless you all make a settlement with us."

Macai stands up, "Then let's wait and see what my team finds. I'm not worried."

Lawyer: "You should be." Meanwhile, Rosh looks around him his marines search several crates and inspect the area.

Rosh looks at Irina, "Did you find anything strange yet?"

Irina: "We already did, they're shipping a higher volume of weapons than they reported. We can tell by the size of the crates and the size of the facility can hold more weapons than indicated. We know this because of tape measurements that we recently made. We might find even more information once we inspect their business files."

Rosh: "The problem with files is that people can burn them. But if they alter the files in any way, look for abnormalities."

Arret: "This seems too easy."

Rosh: "You're kind of right, but we're dealing with amateurs. It should be easy."

Arret: "Are they amateurs just because they aren't military? This is still a big facility and businesses commit fraud all of the time."

A man arrives with a light grey uniform that has orange stripes, long dark brown hair (that goes down to the bottom of his neck) with a touch of grey in it, a large nose, thin yet long lips, a full beard, light skin, gold eyes, and a muscular yet somewhat heavyset build. Rosh looks at the man, "Who are you?"

Man: "I'm the Industrial Manager."

Rosh: "Well, we don't need any feedback right now, thanks for asking."

Industrial Manager: "I didn't ask you anything."

Rosh: "Why are you wearing DOJ colors? Are you a terrorist?"

Industrial manager: "HOW DARE YOU DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ME!! Just because I am wearing clothes of a certain color doesn't mean I'm a terrorist. This is part of our dress code."

Rosh: "Don't ever yell at a soldier."

Industrial manager: "Are you threatening me, captain?"

Rosh: "I asked you to leave."

Industrial manager: "You don't have the authority to make me."

Irina looks at the manager and thinks, "He looks kind of familiar to me, that face."

Meanwhile, Macai looks at the lawyer, "Interesting choice in clothes."

Lawyer: "This has always been the dress code."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "That's a lie. I read your dress code rule earlier, the classic dress code is tan and maroon."

Lawyer: "Well that's been the rule for recent years."

Macai shakes his head, "I read your manual, it was posted less than a year ago. What game are you trying to play?"

Lawyer: "Oh, you think you're bright."

Macai: "I'm going to request you're personally placed under investigation."

Lawyer: "Oh, good luck with that."

Macai: "My team should almost be finished with their report."

Rosh looks back at Irina, "I think I'm going to talk with Macai really quickly. Keep this guy busy."

The industrial manager looks at Rosh, "Oh no you don't." The manager extends both of his hands and pumps a massive rod of orange fire at the 31st captain. Rosh turns and crosses his arms. The flames explode and knock Rosh three feet back into the concrete. Rosh rubs the back of his head and an aura of fire flows around the industrial manager.

Rosh asks, "Who are you really?"

Industrial manager: "I am Haresh, former Lieutenant Colonel of the Blackdust Legion! Now, prepare for your annihilation!"

Rosh leaps back on his feet, "Nice battle speech."

Haresh smiles, "It'll be the last one you ever hear." Irina, Arret, and the marine swordsmen draw their weapons.

Rosh: "Unfortunately for you, coming against me alone was unwise."

Haresh: "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" A swordsman and spearman emerge on Haresh's left flank. Another swordsman, an axman, and a firebender emerge on his right flank. The Disciples of Justice members are wearing white industrial uniforms rather than battle armor. One of the marines turns around then notices a swordsman, spearman, firebender, and axman behind Rosh's team.

Haresh: "You all fell headlong into our trap."

Rosh: "The thing you don't get is that our team can beat your team any time and any day no matter how many traps you have. So go ahead, scheme on. Scheme into your destruction."

Haresh grins, "I will enjoy killing you. Take them apart!"

Irina nods and slams her spear into the neck of a swordsman across her. Irina pulls her blade back and an axman horizontally swings at her head. Irina slips and rolls behind her opponent; then she springs forward and thrusts her blade in her enemy's back. A firebender sets eyes on Irina and fires a volley of shots at her.

Irina hops on a crate and launches herself off it to avoid being burned. The young marine lands a few feet behind her opponent then she extends her blade and slides it into the man's chest. Arret swiftly pops an arrow into a swordsman across her. A spearman chucks his weapon at her and Arret rolls right then launches an arrow through the man's mouth.

One of the marines turns around and diagonally cuts down an enemy swordsman. A DOJ swordsman pounds his spear into the chest of a marine swordsman and a cultist axman vertically dispatches the other marine swordsman. Marine swordsman: "Awwwaaahaa!!" Arret turns around and Irina hurries to assist her friend.

Haresh quickly pumps two large orange flames at Rosh. Rosh shifts his hands side to side as he blocks the flames. While Haresh's flames are an average color, his flames are also larger than that of most firebenders including Rosh and Macai. The only people with larger flames might be Ozai and Firelord Zuko.

Haresh slams his arms on the ground and a shockwave of fire flows toward the captain, "I'll make you suffer!" Rosh flips right and kicks himself off a wall while he glides toward his opponent. Rosh lowers his hands and pumps two beams of red-orange fire at Haresh. Haresh rolls then gets back on his feet and jumps toward Rosh.

Rosh raises his guard and Haresh pulls his left hand back while engulfing it with orange fire. Haresh swings at Rosh with a left hook. Rosh dips and Haresh pounds Rosh on his left side with a hot straight right hand. Haresh lenghtens his hands and grabs a hold of Rosh's shoulders. Haresh pulls Rosh forward and knees him in his gut.

Rosh feels a crunch in his stomach and Haresh pulls Rosh and tosses him into the wall. Rosh falls, "Bah!"

Haresh stomps the ground and a shockwave of orange flames flows toward the grounded captain, "Pathetic!"

Rosh flips away from the explosion then runs back on his feet, "My turn!" Rosh pumps three red-orange flames at his adversary. The warlord blocks the flames with his arms.

Haresh elongates his arms and fires a nasty beam of orange fire at Rosh, "Show me what you're made of!" Rosh leaps in the air and kicks two flames at Haresh. Haresh shifts his arms side to side and parries the flames while backpedaling. Rosh horizontally kicks at the ground, firing a firewhip in Haresh's direction.

Haresh jumps in the air over the fire and shouts, "Haaaaaahaaaa!!!" Haresh pulls both of his hands up vertically and engulfs them with fire.

Rosh: "Oh, that's not good." Haresh slams the ground and a ten feet wide haze of fire flows toward him. Rosh quickly pulls his hands down and musters red-orange flames around himself. Rosh extends his hands and a storm of red-orange fire collides with Haresh's orange-yellow flames. Rosh: "Yaaaahaaaa!"

Rosh and Haresh both push back at each other. Rosh groans, "Ueeeerrrraaaha, it's gonna take more than that to put me down."

Haresh: "Emmmm, you are NOTHING compared to me." Haresh pushes harder and starts to overpower Rosh. Rosh begins to backpedal as he struggles to hold the flames back.

Rosh: "Uggghgggghaa!"

Haresh steps forward and Rosh's flames collapse, "DIE!!!" Rosh backflips away from the explosion and lands a few feet behind it.

Rosh: "I'm not dead yet."

Haresh raises his fists, and they are suddenly enhanced by fire, "Then let's fix that."


While the fighting goes on outside, Macai hears explosions. Macai stands up and his guards point their weapons at the team. Manager: "Oh no! I'm nearly a businessman." The manager runs.

Macai: "Get back here!" The lawyer extends his right hand and blasts Macai with a beam of water. The commander flies into the wall behind him. The guards charge at the lawyer and he swiftly blasts with a whirlwind of water. Both of the marines land against the wall beside Macai but are knocked out on impact.

Macai stands back up, "So what's your name then?"

The fake lawyer smiles, "Tufen, I am the Master Waterbender for the Disciples of Justice!"

Macai: "Well you'll be a good name for my resume, just like Voren."

Tufen comments, "I heard he kicked your butt."

"Light is Green"- Halo 5: Guardians OST [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Macai replied, "Don't believe everything you hear, that fight wasn't resolved." Tufen thrusts his hands and shoots a stream of boiling water at the commander. Macai leaps right and rapidly pumps two white flames at his enemy. Tufen raises his left hand and an ice wall intercepts the blow. The ice wall immediately turns to water before it evaporates due to the nature of Macai's hot flames.

Macai jabs another two flames at Tufen, but the waterbending master slags Macai's flames with a whip of freezing water. Tufen crouches down and swings a waterwhip at Macai's legs. Macai leaps in the air and kicks a rod of white fire at Tufen. Tufen bobs right then extends his hands, launching a beam of water at the 31st golden boy.

Macai fires his own stream of white flames into Tufen's water stream, "Huuuaaaaaha!" Macai throws a fireball at Tufen's face and Tufen immediately looks down to avoid being blinded. Tufen rolls forward and the fireball explodes on impact. The waterbender pushes his hands and a powerful surge of water flows around him. The water mass knocks Macai against the wall and Tufen raises his hands as he starts to freeze it.

Most firebenders would be bonded by such a measure, but Macai doesn't give up. Macai shouts, "Aahhaaaa!" A strong white gust of fire intercepts the freezing water and Macai launches himself out of the brick of ice before it completely freezes. Macai soars down at his enemy and kicks a rod of white flames at him.

Tufen weaves right and Macai lands a few feet across his foe's position. Tufen shifts his right hand and flings a water tentacle at Macai's face. The commander sways his head left and Tufen fires an ice dagger at Macai's stomach. Macai dives right and is nearly impaled before he hits the ground. The hero scrambles back on his feet and Tufen hurls a water beam into his opponent. Macai flies seven feet into the wall behind him and feels a crack on his back before he goes tumbling down.

Tufen taunts, "Give up already." Tufen swivels his left hand and launches a shockwave of ice at Macai. The firebender briefly looks up and time slows down. Macai remembers sitting in his room with his mother nearby. Macai sees himself again, he is just six. Macai is sitting on his couch, tired after a day of constant work and fights with several of the kids around him. Eyre doesn't seem to care about anything but his family legacy and the boy sees no solution in sight.

Yosari: "Get up, get up my son. In life, you are going to have to fight, if you want to be happy. You are going to have to fight for who you love, what you love, for yourself, and what you believe in. So get up Macai, show them who you are." Within fragments of a second, Macai instinctively flips right and avoids the ice attack. The ice fragments smash against the wall and make a loud sound.

(Music Fades)

Tufen fires a volley of ice projectiles at Macai, traveling at over 70 miles an hour. Macai launches his body left with a gust of white fire. Tufen raises his hands and quickly chucks a five-foot radius ice ball at Macai's head. Macai lunges left and launches himself off the wall. The DOJ leader rapidly fires three ice daggers at Macai while he is midair.

Macai rotates his body while in air, dodging the first ice projectile. Macai creates white fire gauntlets around his wrists and slashes a second incoming projectile. Macai rotates his body a third time while in the air, dodging the third projectile. Macai lands just a few feet away from his opponent then rotates his body and shoots a beam of shining white fire at Tufen.

The water leader slides low and forward while a large explosion flows behind him. Tufen accelerates his slide with ice under his body and creates two ice daggers as he moves toward the 31st leader. Tufen launches himself off the ground and toward Macai with a diagonal spinning strike at a staggering 70 miles an hour. Macai spins right and creates his own two white fire wrist gauntlets.

Tufen diagonally swings left at Macai's neck but the marine rotates his fire gauntlets in that direction, breaking Tufen's ice daggers. Macai latches his right hand across Tufen's neck and grabs onto Tufen's lower right side with his left hand. Macai pulls Tufen and knees him in his stomach. Macai yanks Tufen down and slams his head on the pavement. Tufen shouts, "Oh!"

A lump remains on the right side of Tufen's forehead from the collision. Tufen passes out. As this is happening, Rosh continues his fight with Haresh. Haresh pumps two flames at Rosh and Rosh moves laterally as he dodges them. Rosh pumps his own red-orange flame at Haresh's head. The DOJ warlord tilts his head right as he avoids the first flame then shifts his left hand and blocks the second one.

Haresh seamlessly extends both of his hands and fires a beam of orange flames at Rosh. Haresh does this specific technique so easily and smoothly in a way that is faster than anything he has ever seen (even from Macai). Rosh crosses his hands and is knocked several feet back again. While this is happening, Arret sees a spearman, axman, and firebender charging at her.

Arret bolts an arrow into a spearman's neck. Spearman: "Gulp!" The axman pursues Arret and the firebender looks at Irina who is still about eight feet away from his position. Irina charges at her opponent and the firebender pushes a beam of orange fire at her. Irina slides left then throws her spear at her enemy's neck.

The firebender ducks and slides toward her. The wall let's out an echo as it is pelted by Irina's spear. The firebender pulls his left hand back and creates an orange firedagger. The firebender leaps in the air and horizontally swings at Irina's neck. Irina ducks and thrusts her own dagger into the man's abdomen. Irina: "Next time, don't try to duel a dueling specialist." Irina kicks him down.

The axman points at Arret and she fires an arrow at his open right shoulder. The man rotates his blade and swats the arrow. Arret pumps another arrow into the axman's left shoulder and he collapses. Arret fires another arrow into his left leg to make sure he stays down. Axman: "Aiyeeee!!"

Arret and Irina turn around and notice Haresh who is moving toward a fatigued Rosh. Rosh defiantly shouts, "Come on!" Rosh pumps two red-orange flames at Haresh but he blocks both of them. Haresh rotates his right hand and hooks a flame into the right side of Rosh's stomach. Rosh flies into a crate, "Ha!!"

Arret launches an arrow at the back of Haresh's head. Haresh ducks and turns around. Arret flings another arrow at his right nipple, the man catches the arrow and tosses it aside. Irina picks up her spear. Haresh: "Oh, you came to save your friend, well you're both too late. I will kill you all!"

Macai leaps between Irina and Arret, "Then you'll have to kill me too."

Haresh frowns, "It seems I have taken a bit too long, I was hoping Tufen would have dealt with you."

Macai: "Hope is about all you can manage right now."

Haresh laughs, "With the ground we've gained recently, we'll be able to imminently negotiate his release. From now on, the Disciples of Justice will dictate the terms." Haresh claps his hands and two warriors with shields and spears emerge. Haresh: "It's a good thing I kept a reserve unit."

Macai: "I do the same, but it won't win you this battle."

Haresh: "This battle was just a distraction anyway. Have fun with these Supreme Protectors." Haresh runs and the men with shields and spears charge at Macai. The warriors have dark brown armor with dark red markings and square helmets. Macai fires a beam of white fire into the shield of the warrior on the right but Macai's flames are completely absorbed by the shield.

Supreme protector: "Your flames are useless against these shields. Even charged shots won't penetrate them."

Macai: "Then I have another idea." Macai launches himself in the air and between his opponents with a stream of white fire. Then Macai launches himself in the ground between his opponents and slams it. A tremendous replusion blasts both of the warriors away and knocks them out.

Macai looks the unconscious guardians up and down, "Interesting, that move vaporizes normal people, but their armor did a good job protecting them." Macai continues, "We'll have reinforcements take the shields, I want to examine them, see what they're made of. We'll also take a look at their armor."

Irina: "It's largely charred now Macai, it is no longer fully intact."

Macai: "It's not completely gone, we'll find a use for it." Macai kneels in front of his friend Rosh, "How we doing buddy?"

Rosh sighs, "I'll be alright, might need some time for a patch to heal, but I'll be survive."

Macai smiles, "Good, this place would be a lot more boring without you around."

Arret: "Commander, what do you think he meant when he said they gained a lot of ground."

Macai: "I don't know, but we'll send a message to Zuko and try to find out. They really are doing a good job of testing our mantle. It's too bad the Avatar is away right now but we might have to unite with some old friends and make a few ones along the way if we want to have the best odds of defeating this super conspiracy cult. At least we have Tufen now, I hand, and foot cuffed him after our fight, so maybe we'll have a use for him."