A Kingdom Compromised Part 1

After Zerrel's recent defeat, he waits in a large and dark chamber sitting on a steel chair beside a long steel desk with yellow markings. Two guards with menacing armor stand beside the DOJ figurehead. Zerrel's grey hair shines as he looks up and the dark grey door across him opens.

Haresh arrives with two warriors beside him. One is a brute wielding a battle ax and another is a spearman who has yellow markings painted on his face. Haresh has a dark grey cast over his right knee. Zerrel stands, "Old friend, our moment of salvation is still near."

Haresh gasps, "But Kett has destroyed the Weather Thermometer."

Zerrel looks intensely at his comrade, "You know what we've been through. No one would have thought we would have made it out alive when we turned our backs on the Fire Nation."

Haresh's eyes lighten up, "I know brother, we've been through so much together. I'm not doubting our ability to win this war, I KNOW we will. I just believe this will be a much longer fight."

Zerrel exhales, "You still have much to learn my friend. I have more in store for our enemies and means to bring this to a swift end. Even if it doesn't you must remember the shockwaves felt through each of our actions will have lasting impacts on our enemies. The sacking of the Fire Nation capital is still beyond historic and has driven many new young and eager fighters to our cause."

Haresh nods. Zerrel continues, "Even now, my men are preparing for a major attack at the Earth Kingdom and I want you to lead it. A few of my agents are already keeping our enemies busy."

Haresh replies, "I'd be honored. Such an attack will devastate our opponents morale and bring more to our side."

Zerrel: "Indeed and while you do that, I'll be preparing for my own daring attack. It will still take some weeks but our military innovative specialist Demarius has created something spectacular that can change the course of this war."

Haresh shows his teeth, "Lovely..."

Zerrel: "Our allies have everything needed to prepare for an invasion and the Earth Kingdom is clueless as always. This was even easier to orchestrate than our plan with the Fire Nation, especially after the instability that Azula's coup caused. I have sent Karanga on a brief mission, but it shouldn't take her too long to finish and regroup with you at the Earth Kingdom." Zerrel hands Haresh a map and description of where he will be staying in Ba Sing Se before the attack.

Haresh smiles, "Ba Sing Se again, this will completely erode public faith in their establishment."

Zerrel smiles, "I'm counting on it."

The Depths Of Enigma

Two Fire Nation army archers wait on the rooftop of a large dark grey building in the city Ronderby. The sky is a deep blue color with a few thin clouds peppered throughout the sky. Three guards wait about fifteen feet away from the front entrance of the facility. The troopers consist of one swordsman, a firebender, and a spearman with a long black goatee. A carriage rides toward the facility, but this is no ordinary carriage.

The vehicle has modified wheels that cause it to travel faster than most and it has automatic metal wheels similar to that of a Fire Nation tank. Though the vehicle is shaped like a carriage, it has a more durable steel design. The firebender guard looks ahead, "What on earth is that?"

A hatch opens from the top of the carriage and a DOJ archer emerges. The army spearman shouts, "It's a DOJ archer! Get your heads down!!" The archer launches an incendiary arrow into the firebender and the man is blown to pieces. The explosion knocks the spearman down and kills the swordsman beside him. A fire nation archer blasts his weapon into the terrorist sharpshooter's neck.

The archer falls down inside of the carriage. The vehicle suddenly stops as it emerges in front of the charred army guards. Another hatch opens and the front part of the carriage opens. Karanga charges forward with two DOJ messengers beside her. The messengers have their classic light grey armor and white masks with yellow stripes. One messenger has a dual knives and the other has a chainblade.

Karanga raises her arms and bolts two wrist blades into the archers. Both of the archers fall off the roof in front of the main entrance. The hatch of the steel carriage closes and Karanga steps to the left with the chainblade messenger. The other messenger steps on the right and the carriage accelerates. The vehicle rams itself into the front door entrance, bulldozing it.

The carriage drives backward to leave an opening for Karanga's attack team. Karanga jumps closer toward the entrance and notices several Fire Nation army troopers running her way. Two firebenders and a swordsman (on the right) charge at her. The elite assassin darts a barrage of wrist blades into the troopers, and they fall like acorns.

A firebender and another swordsman rush to reinforce their fallen comrades. Karanga rolls forward and shoots several wrist blades into the men. The swordsman tries to block the blades with his weapon, but they are too fast. A metal object swiftly flies into his left abdomen and another penetrates his heart.

Two Fire Nation troopers emerge from behind the doors to ambush the assassin. A swordsman rushes her right flank and a firebender moves on her left. The firebender pumps a rod of orange fire at the fierce woman. Karanga pounces at the swordsman. The swordsman swings at Karanga, but she leaps backward then a messenger swings his chainblade through the man's chest.

Fire Nation swordsman: "Ack!" The messenger yanks his body backwards outside of the building while the other messenger tosses a knife through a firebender's mouth. The firebender rolls forward as he gags with blood flowing from his muzzle.

Meanwhile Tufen waits in chains in his cell. He looks up as two Fire Nation trooper and shot down by wrist blades. Tufen laughs, "So the calvary has arrived! I'm elated." Karanga emerges with two messengers beside her.

Karanga: "Tufen, it's been too long. Zerrel has a new mission for you."

Tufen smiles, "Good, I've been waiting to get revenge for far too long. These soldiers were halfwits for not killing me when they had the chance."

Shaky Relationships

Rosh knocks on Macai's door. Macai answers, "Who is it?"

Rosh: "Tufen has escaped, Karanga rescued him!"

Macai slams his desk, "Dang it, we're just going to have to deal with him too. I beat him before and I will do it again if need be."

Rosh: "Any ideas what their next move might be?"

Macai: "I've got an idea. Toph sent me a letter apparently, the Earth Kingdom is doing some investigation on the DOJ. They've caused them a bit of problems as well and she had to handle some of them herself. She says she's getting close to finding leaders tied to the DOJ in the Earth Kingdom's current administration as well as nobility."

Rosh: "I can't believe so many people would pledge allegiance to a madman."

Macai: "Some of them do it willingly, while others don't know and are just corrupt. They have been serving people who report to or assist Zerrel. A lot of times, they may realize they are working for Zerrel when they already are in deep, and risk being killed or exposed by other leaders. Either way, they all have to pay."

Rosh raises his eyebrows, "That's why crime doesn't pay. It starts off as one simple sin then becomes an insane evil lifestyle."

Macai looks down then looks back up at Rosh, "Let's get out there. I'm going to split our men up into three teams and I want you to lead one of them. I'll go out first and give you and Kanna other teams. Kett will probably be interested in this adventure too, I'll see if he and his United Way friends can join us."

Macai and Rosh meet with Kett outside in a small Earth Kingdom town. Two marines stand with the duo (one firebender and one swordsman). Kett arrives in light grey robes with light blue markings, "Well I see you two brought backup."

Macai: "We always need to be safe. These are pressing times."

Kett's gold eyes glow in the sunlight, "The people here are with me. I see no need to walk in fear and they appreciate what you have done Macai. You made a real difference recently and are changing your legacy."

Rosh: "What about me?"

Kett smirks, "You have also done well Rosh."

Macai: "So Toph has exposed some new enemies and is getting ready to make an arrest. Why does she need our help for that?"

Kett looks puzzled, "I think she still has one missing piece of the puzzle. She might want to ask you some questions to complete her investigation."

Macai: "Good, I'd be happy to assist her." Macai remembers his old fight with Toph and is amazed by her sheer determination. Toph is one of the most redoubtable people Macai has ever met on the inside and outside.

Kett: "I should be able to help you out with your speech. We can meet with Toph first then split up for the investigation. I think she wants some different information from us."

Macai smiles, "Sounds like a plan to me."

The next day the sun is shining bright and a cool breeze flows through the air. It is less hot than usual at Ba Sing Se and feels mildly comfortable outside. Macai, Rosh, Kett, Kanna, several 31st marines, and some United Way soldiers move together as one joint force. They arrive outside of Ba Sing Se and are greeted by a man in long light green robes. The guide has tan skin, black curly hair, thin eyebrows, a long nose, and mild brown eyes.

Guide: "Hello my friends, let me show you where you will be staying. Kuei has personally requested I give you all stay at the Platinum Suite. It is one of the best places to stay in the city."

Rosh raises an eyebrow and looks at Macai, "I thought we came for military business not a vacation?"

The guide smiles, "Of course, but Kuei is currently unavailable. Right now, he has requested that he work with Toph in this investigation after a recent attempt on his life."

Rosh comments, "Wow, the Disciples of Justice are moving faster than I would have imagined."

Guide: "Great, let me show you the facility in the meantime and be sure to tell other guests about it after you enjoy your stay here." The hotel is seven stories tall and is made of beige stone with green markings throughout. Letters saying 'The Platinum Suite' are labeled in the upper center of the building. The guide walks with the troopers into the hotel.

The hotel has light grey stone floors with black dots scattered throughout, light green walls, a beige ceiling, light brown drawers, and light brown desks. The hotel has a luxury cafe, an indoor spa, a game room (for card games and gambling), a foosball table, a pool room, a wine room, a public lounge, and a pet room.

The guide looks back at Macai, "I trust you find our facility impressive."

Macai: "It's nice." The Platinum Suite is nice, but is nothing special compared to what he has seen as a Fire Nation noble. The troopers take their packages and get settled in the hotel. Macai briefly meets with Kett, Kanna, Rosh, and the other troops in the hotel lounge.

Kett pulls out a paper guide, "So we'll be going to the West Military Center tomorrow to discuss our next steps. Toph should meet with us there then, if she can't then one of her instructors will."

Rosh: "I hope she'll be there, I'm getting tired of all this red tape."

Kett: "It's only been one day Rosh. The Hundred Year War is over, you'll have to get more used to the formalities. We can't just run around killing people like we used to or at least not all the time."

Kanna grins, "Look at you Kett, you've become so professional now."

Kett turns, "Well, we've all grown a lot since we were kids in Nyarri."

Macai: "I still feel like a kid. The world tells us we're adults but I'm the same guy I was back at tournament. The only difference now is that I'm more experienced but I often still feel confused and have to figure out things as I go along."

Rosh: "That means a lot coming from you, everyone thinks you're the man with all the answers. But we're all imperfect humans who are just willing to do the best we can to make a difference. Sometimes we all wonder if that's enough, but it has to be."

Macai: "I wake up telling myself every day that it has to be enough."

Kanna becomes antsy, "Enough of this sad show guys, I need positivity."

Macai: "If anything happens here, we should meet in this lounge."

Kanna: "I don't think anything will happen Macai."

Kett: "That's what people thought before Azula took over."

Macai adds, "That's what we thought before Zerrel did a number on the capital."

Kanna: "Maybe you will speak this occurrence into existence."

Macai: "I have more spiritual knowledge than I once did, but that is just nonsense Kanna. We have to be prepared."

The sky begins to fall and day turns to night. Macai and Rosh stay in the same room if Rosh having one bed and Macai having the other.

The troopers remove their uniforms and switch to white robes. The hotel room has a window on the other side of it and the duo are waiting on the third floor of the hotel. Many of the troopers near them are around the same level. Macai: "We should have been staying at the first level, the third level isn't as safe if we need to quickly respond to an incident."

Rosh comments, "But look at the view outside, it's beautiful." Rosh pushes the curtains aside that cover the balcony and looks down across the city. Several lanterns light the view and a few people can still be seen strolling through the streets. The room they are in has beige walls, sand colored bed mattresses, a bathroom on the right side of the room, and a new experimental ceiling fan.

Rosh pulls a lever and the fan rotates, "These things are so cool."

Macai: "Yeah, I heard they don't change the room temperature but still make it feel colder."

Rosh taunts, "Nerd."

Macai: "Our teams are too split up right now. In case anything happens, I have a set up for our forces to work together and make it back to the port. I have also given the Prompt Adjudicator a drill for sending some reinforcements to aid us, I went over it with Aiya."

Rosh: "Man, I would have never thought of that. Do you think that's necessary?"

Macai: "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't but it's always smart to prepare for a rainy day." Rosh nods off in his bed and Macai blows out the lantern beside him. As the commander's eyes begin to close, he suddenly hears a hollow sound. Macai reopens his eyes then the building shakes.

Rosh gets up, "What was that?"

Macai runs across the room and moves the curtains to look outside. The commander sees fire burning from one of the building and two orange fiery catapults are launched into nearby buildings. Fragments of the buildings collapse and hit the ground below. Rosh: "The city is under attack!!"

Macai adds, "It has to be the Disciples of Justice. Code base two!!" Rosh quickly runs into the bathroom and switches from his robes to his battle armor. Macai switches his outfit while Rosh is in the restroom.

Rosh looks at his commander, "Now what?"

Macai: "The rest of the team should be doing the same, we went over this drill a dozen times. We'll meet in the hallway like we rehearsed." Macai and Rosh sprint downstairs toward the hallway. The rest of the 31st marines meet in the lounge. Kanna looks at Rosh and Macai.

Macai asks her, "Where is Kett's team?"

Kanna shrugs, "I don't know." Kett emerges with his United Way members.

Macai: "There you are, we will split up into several teams. Do all the non-benders have their weapons?" The non-benders nod.

Kett: "Let's get to it."

Macai: "We have no idea where to go."

Kett: "Let's not over-complicate things Macai. We don't have a rundown of the battle. The best thing we can do is help, there are people dying out there and they need powerful troops like us fighting at their side. I know where Kuei is, I'll go and try to assist him. He should be located on the East side of the city right now."

Macai asks, "Where should my teams go? I plan on meeting a nearby spot with some reinforcements before we engage the enemies. Hopefully the whole city isn't being hit."

Kett: "From what I saw, the missiles came from the North and East directions of the city so the enemies are mainly hitting us from there."

Macai: "My reinforcements should be toward the South side. I'm sure the DOJ will send distraction forces from the other sides as well, but most of their forces might be concentrated from those areas. Right now is just the start of the attack so a lot of the city seems undamaged at the moment. This attack doesn't seem to be as grand or planned out as the one at the Capital."

Rosh: "Maybe that's why they struck at night." The building shakes a second time and Kett nears sand fly in the air.

Kett: "We have to go! They need our help." Macai notices several people running and screams in the hotel.

Macai stands up, "Everyone remain calm. Take cover behind the couches and desks." Earth Kingdom citizens obey the commander's orders. A young boy hides behind cover with his parents.

The boy gives Macai and Kett a thumbs up, "Kick their butts for me." The troopers smile.

Kett salutes the boy, "You've got it." Macai notices two earth kingdom troopers emerge.

Earth Kingdom trooper: "Do you need any help sir?"

Macai: "Negative, stay with these citizens and protect the hotel. Tell the rest of security to sweep the area and be ready for an evacuation. We will go out and deal with our enemies."

Kanna looks at Macai, "Wait, so what are we doing?"

Macai: "Let's meet with reinforcements first then we'll decide that."

Kett salutes his friends, "Godspeed marines." Kett leaves with his team. Macai, Rosh, Kanna, and other marines exit the building and run toward their rendezvous point. It is pitch black outside and only fiery catapults light the sky as they level parts of the city. The team meets with their reinforcements as planned in an open space between two wide buildings.

Macai looks at a map guide, "Alright, my team will hit the North side of the city. Rosh's team will move up the Northern center of the city which is likely going to get hit by enemy forces at some point if they keep pushing forward. Kanna, I want you to stay here on the West side of the city. Support local forces and wait on standby in case anything crazy happens."

Macai asks, "Got it?" Rosh and Kanna nod. Macai: "Alright, huddle up team." The shock troopers gather and hold each other. Macai: "We're going to get out there and defend these citizens. No one deserves to go through this, these DOJ people think they're gods or something and want to decide our destiny. I say we kick them right in their shins and show them our discontent!"

Rosh: "Hurrah."

Macai asks, "What?"

Rosh: "I hear it's a thing sailors say."

Kanna: "Maybe we should try it."

Macai: "Alright, marines let's end it with a hurrah."

The team shouts in unison, "Hurrah!!!" Macai leaves with his team, each one has five marines. Macai's team includes a firebender, a swordsman, a swordswoman, and a spearman. Rosh's team consists of himself, Irina, a swordsman, a spearman, and a firebender. Kanna's team includes herself, Arret, Dade, a firebender, and a spearman.

Night Skirmish

Toph runs with emperor Kuei and four Dai Li agents in an underground tunnel within the capital. The tunnel leads to a location outside of the city. The hallway has light grey walls, a light grey floor, and a light grey ceiling with several lanterns guiding the way. Kuei: "I can't believe the city is getting attacked again!"

Toph responds, "Well believe it your highness because it's happening."

Kuei: "Where is your team of instructors? We could use their assistance."

Toph: "Don't worry Kuei, I've got you. My metalbending team is helping forces on the frontlines. The people of Ba Sing Se need as much protection as you do from these maniacs. They made a mistake hitting Ba Sing Se, our people are tougher than steel. We'll give them a good bashing tonight."

Call of Duty The Finest Hour Soundtrack: Garrison Charge and Bunker Assault (The Flag Must Fall) [Youtube] {Music Starts}

A firebender emerges about ten feet across their position. The man is wearing dark grey DOJ robes with orange markings. The man has orange eyes, a strong nose, black wavy hair, yellow skin, thin eyes, and large ears. The firebender smiles as pursing Dai Li agents swiftly extend their arms, launching stone fists at the man. The stone fists are designed so they quickly latch around someone's arms or legs to detain them upon contact.

The firebender rapidly moves his hands and blasts the fists with a barrage of accurate orange fireballs. The man pulls his hands down and the lanterns go out. The agents look around in confusion because they can't see. Kuei bends down in desperation, "Oh no, what are we going to do?!"

The firebender launches two flames at the agents. The Dai Li agents raise their arms and block the shots with earth walls. The walls are split in half by the flames then the agents launch the other half of their walls into the terrorist. Tufen claps as he walks behind Toph's team, "Not bad, but I brought some friends with me."

Toph comments, "Good, the more the merrier." A DOJ messenger with a sword and another with dual knives emerge beside the waterbending master. Another messenger with a chainblade and one with a spear move in front of Toph's team.

Toph smiles, "It's going to take much more than that to stop the GREATEST EARTHBENDER IN THE WORLD and a team of Dai Li agents."

Tufen screams, "You underestimate the Disciples of Justice!!" Tufen extends his arms and fires two water beams at Dai Li agents. The men raise walls of earth and block the shots. Tufen adds, "Oh their fast." Tufen stomps the ground, "But speed alone is not enough!" Part of the ground turns to ice and glides near Kuei's feet. Toph tackles Kuei and Tufen extends his arms.

The ice on the ground that glides between the two guarded Dai Li agents suddenly shatters and fragments of ice which hit the men. The agents stumble from the blows then Tufen points his arms at the right wall and shoots a beam of water against it. Tufen uses his waterbending abilities to enhance the speed of the water and it travels across the wall at 70 miles an hour.

The water glides into the right Dai Li agent, blasting him aside. The man flies backward and collides with the agent on the upper left flank. Both men fly into a wall unconscious. Tufen comments, "That's two down!" The agent left of him knocks a shockwave of earth at the waterbender. Tufen flips left then a messenger throws a knife into the agent's neck.

Tufen laughs, "Oh how the mighty fall." The other agent notices a spearman charge at him but swiftly hurls a rock into the man's face, laying him out. Another messenger swings a chainblade at the agent's stomach. The man rolls right then rotates his left hand, launching a stream of mud into his enemy. Two knives fly into the man's back and he falls.

Toph gets up and notices Tufen and two messengers moving toward her. Tufen: "Give up, you cannot protect him alone."

Toph comments, "Of course I can." The girl nonchalantly extends her left hand and launches a ball of earth around Kuei. Toph launches Kuei through the left wall dozens of meters away from their position. Toph smiles mocking her opponent.

Tufen: "It makes no difference, you cannot beat us."

Toph: "I guess you want to learn the hard way. That's great, I prefer it that way." A messenger rapidly tosses two knives at her. Toph pulls up a wall of earth in front of her then splits the wall in two. One half of the wall flies into the knife thrower and another half hits the swordsman. Tufen extends his arms and sprays a beam of water at her.

(Music Fades)

Toph hears the water and rolls left as she barely dodges it. Toph pulls up her right hand and a chunk of dirt emerges before rapidly turning into a hard ball. The ball flies toward Tufen but the waterbender launches himself to the left with a stream of water. Tufen glides toward Toph and points his arms. Tufen launches an eight feet wide beam of ice at Toph.

Toph's eyes widen then she pulls her hands down and sinks herself into the ground as she narrowly avoids the shot. When Tufen finishes his attack he only notices a beam of ice standing infront of him. Tufen looks closely to see if Toph is in the ice beam and quickly notices that she is not. Tufen feels the ground shake under him and swiftly leaps backward.

Toph emerges through the ground and chunks of dity fly everywhere. Tufen shoots a surge of hot water at Toph, but the girl easily raises her right hand and blocks the shot with a wall of stone. Toph launches the wall at Tufen and he rolls right. The Toph's earth wall slams against the left wall and Tufen unleashes a barrage of ice knives at her.

Toph raises her arms and a casade of earth emerges; abording the shots and covering half of the hallway. Toph sprays the soil into Tufen, blasting him several meters away from her visible view. Toph shakes her head then pulls her left hand back. Kuei is still in his ball of earth, but he suddenly slides a few inches from Toph's position.

Toph extends her hands and Kuei's earth cocoon splits in half. Kuei falls and starts coughing, "You could have warned me."

Toph: "Oh hush and come on." Toph pulls Kuei up and runs with him.

Hot Engagement

Kett, the Earth Kingdom spearman Konbo, the earthbender Tyson, a watertribe swordsman, and a Earth Kingdom warrior with a long ax advance across the Western streets on Ba Sing Se. Several citizens run past them as Kett notices two Earth Kingdom troopers ahead of them. One swordsman and earthbender are moving to engage DOJ forces.

A DOJ archer pops an explosive arrow that incinerates both men. Another earthbender is blasted aside by a rod of orange fire from a DOJ firebender. Kett looks up and notices a DOJ firebender (on the left), a DOJ swordsman (in the center), and a terrorist archer on the right. The DOJ Swordsman points at Kett, "The revolution is manifesting!!"

Kett lifts his right hand, "Shut up!" Kett shoves a rod of light orange fire from his right hand into the swordsman. The archer launches an explosive arrow directly at the Vindicated Avenger. Kett slides right and the arrow buzzes past him. The arrow flies toward Konbo and Tyson who are behind Kett. Konbo and Tyson dive out of the way as the arrow detonates.

Kett raises his hands while he is still down and punches a brick of light orange fire into the archer's chest. The archer flies backward through a window. The firebender extends his arms and haymakers a massive orange fireball at Kett while he's in a vulnerable position.

Tyson kicks his right leg, and a ball of earth emerges from the ground before intercepting the fireshot. The earthball breaks into several dirt pieces as it gets hit. Tyson spins forward and pumps a brick from his right hand into the bender's left leg. The man's leg pops, and his body accelerates down into the dirt.

Kett comments, "That will teach them a lesson."

A Water Tribe swordsman points, "Look up there!" A woman dangles from her rooftop before she falls.

The woman screams, "Awwwwwaaahaaaaa!!" Kett leaps in the air and launches himself with a gust of light orange flames. Kett catches the woman and latches onto her while firing light orange fire from his feet to slow his landing.

The Woman's eyes sparkle, "Thank you, you saved my life."

Kett crosses his arms, "You're welcome."

Rosh, Irina, a swordsman, a spearman, and a firebender move through the city streets. They notice a DOJ earthbender, waterbender, swordsman, archer, and spearman advance toward their position. Rosh shouts, "Charge!" Rosh extends his arms and launches a red-orange rod of fire from his hands at the waterbender. The waterbender raises his hands and parries the shot with a wall of ice.

The waterbender pulls up his left hand and sweeps a water tentacle on the captain's right leg. The waterbender yanks him backward toward him and generates a ice sword from his left hand. Rosh heats his leg up while he's sliding and melts the water tentacle off his body. Rosh launches himself off the ground and pounds a tirade of red-orange flames into his opponent.

A swordsman charges at Irina but she swiftly leaps a little in the right direction while swinging her spear a bit left into the man's stomach. The cultist earthbender notices and hurls a barrage of rocks at her. Irina dives right into the dirt while a marine firebender leaps over her and kicks a flame into the earthbender's face. Earthbender: "Ooof!"

The marine swordsman charges at the DOJ spearman. The spearman swipes at the man's stomach and the swordsman swings right; knocking the blade away from him. The marine glides forward and thrusts his blade into the man's upper chest before kicking him down. The archer takes aim at the spearman and bolts an explosive arrow into the man.

The marine yells before he is blown into oblivion. Rosh shouts, "Man down!" The firebender extends his left leg and kicks an orange flame into the archer's stomach. Rosh: "Good work marines, I think we're clear."

Batman vs Bane Theme (Extended) [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Haresh emerges with an earthbender, water bender, swordsman, spearman, mace-wielding warrior, and heavy trooper with a battle hammer around him. Haresh: "Ahh Rosh, we meet again. But this time, will be our final battle. The city will remember this moment, when Haresh slays Macai's right-hand man."

Rosh stares Haresh in his eyes, "We'll see about that. I've been waiting for this moment and I'm ready for this. May the strongest warrior win." Haresh leaps forward and slams his hands together. The wind howls as a ray of orange and yellow flames buzzes toward Rosh. The young captain stomps his right leg, and a gust of red-orange flames emerges from the ground. Rosh's initial flames briefly hold back Haresh's then Rosh pulls both of his hands back and sways them left to right.

A surge of red-orange fire flows around Rosh then he extends his hands and shoots another massive ray of fire into Haresh's flames. Haresh struggles to hold Rosh's fire back and is slowly losing his grip. Rosh smiles, "Not so tough now, are you Haresh?"

Haresh screams, "Ahhhhhh, I will not be beaten by a teenager!!" Haresh slams his hands down and shoves another eruption of orange-yellow flames into Rosh's storm of fire. Rosh's flames are suddenly pushed back and the noble marine leaps right to avoid being pulverized. The captain doesn't lose his touch, he spins forward and pumps three red-orange flames at his rival.

Haresh scowls at Rosh then blocks the first two flames with his arms. Haresh pulls up his right knee as he blocks the third flame. Rosh kicks a fire brick from his right leg at his foe's face. Haresh lowers his knee and crosses his arms; parrying the scorching brick. Haresh spins forward while generating a swarm of orange and yellow fire around himself.

Haresh stretches his arms and shouts, "Huuuuuuhhhhaa!" A surge of orange-yellow fire flows toward the 31st captain. Rosh briefly turns and dives right to avoid being blown to pieces. Haresh's flames fly into several nearby objects and burn them to crisps.

(Pause Music)

Irina braces herself with a swordsman and firebender beside her. The team notices several enemies charging their way. Irina: "United marines always!" The firebender leaps left and launches a beam of orange flames at the DOJ earthbender. The cultist lifts a mound of earth to block the incoming shot while a waterbender swats two water bullets at Irina.

The female marine twirls her spear around, blocking both shots then weaves right, slamming her weapon into a DOJ maceman's gut. A swordsman charges at Irina and swings horizontally at her head. Irina ducks and kicks the man in his stomach. The swordsman rolls over in the dirt and Irina spins backward.

The large hammer brute charges at Irina and she braces herself. The man runs at her with incredible speed then vertically dives toward her. Irina rolls right then lunges her spear into the man's neck. The waterbender pushes a stream of water at Irina but the firebender pumps his hands forward; launching his own brick of orange fire into the water stream.

The cultist earthbender notices the heroic attempt then bolts two bricks into the man, knocking him down. Irina charges at the earthbender and the man pulls his hands down. An earthquake occurs in her direction but Irina leaps in the air and glides her spear into the man's neck. Irina falls over as she collides with her fallen opponent.

The marine swordsman notices a DOJ swordsman charge at his left flank and a spearman move up on his right. The terrorist duelist strikes at the left side of the marine's face. The marine pivots his blade and blocks the strike. The spearman lashes at the man's right side. The marine rotates his blade and swats the spear in the right direction.

The other swordsman charges at the marine and swings diagonally at his left should. The marine shifts his blade and butts the sword away from him. The spearman lunges at the marine again but the 31st shock trooper bobs backward and the spear glides into his ally's stomach. The cultist looks in surprise, his eyes wide before his mate pulls his weapon back and swings at the marine's neck.

The marine swings right and bats the spear away from him. The marine presses forward then rotates his sword right as he cuts down his opponent. The waterbender rolls left of his position and presses his hands forward. A volatile waterball flies into the man and knocks him back into a wall. Irina gets up and shoves her spear through the waterbender's back.

(Music Continues)

Meanwhile, Rosh continues his battle with Haresh. Haresh exhales and steam flows out of his mouth, "Show me your heart marine!" Haresh pounds two orange-yellow flames at the young man. Rosh pumps his own two red-orange flames into Haresh's.

Rosh kicks a flame at Haresh's stomach, "Huh!" Haresh bends down and crosses his arms as he blocks the shot. Rosh shifts his arms and tosses a red-orange storm of fire at Haresh's face. Haresh drops to his knees as he avoids the flame then springs back up on his feet.

Haresh howls, "Awwwwaahhaahahhaha!!!" The DOJ warlord rushes forward and extends his right hand; slamming a cascade of orange-yellow fire at Rosh. Rosh stomps the ground and a shockwave of red-orange fire hits Haresh's. Haresh extends his right hand, pumping a flame at the captain's face. Rosh ducks then raises his head and hooks a red-orange flame from his left hand at Haresh's right side.

Haresh rotates his arm and blocks the flame. Rosh swiftly overhands another flame from his right hand into Haresh's left leg. Haresh groans and falls forward on the ground. Rosh: "It's over Haresh, give up!"

Haresh shouts, "NEVER!!!!" The warrior musters all of his strength to get up and ignore his burning pain. Haresh elongates his arms and forces a beam of orange and yellow flames at Rosh's stomach. Rosh jumps over Haresh and lands behind him.

Rosh extends his hands and generates two red-orange fire daggers, "Don't make me do this!"

Haresh turns and looks at Rosh with a crazed death stare, "Oh! But I live to fight!!! I will not stop, until the prophecy is complete!!" Haresh pulls his hands forward and shoots a beam of orange-yellow flames at Rosh again. Rosh slides left then leaps back on his feet while swinging horizontally at Haresh's eyes. Haresh kneels under the blast but doesn't backstep.

(First Song Stops, New Song begins)

Escharum [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Instead, Haresh amps his arms with orange-yellow flames then swats Rosh's left dagger out of his hand. The dagger hits the ground and explodes. Haresh slams his right hand into Rosh's left rib and the noble backpedals. Haresh: "Come to me boy!!" The enforcer swings at Rosh with a fiery left hook.

Rosh dips then pounds Haresh's stomach with his left knee. The captain ignites his right hand and superman punches Haresh in the face. Haresh turns left and spits a tooth out. Rosh swings at Haresh's chest with his remaining dagger but the warlord latches onto his left wrist with his right arm. Rosh struggles to pull his arm forward as Haresh easily holds it back.

Haresh tightens his grip and Rosh hears a pop. Rosh drops his other dagger, and it breaks as it hits the ground. Rosh backsteps again as Haresh closes in on him with a fearsome gaze. Rosh stares back at Haresh and yells, "Come on!"

Haresh comments, "That's it!!" Haresh ignites his right hand and pops Rosh with a hook. Rosh groans then Haresh slams his left fist into Rosh's right nipple. The viscount backpedals again then lunges forward and pounds Haresh in his midsection with a combination four fire hooks. Haresh smiles and Rosh smacks his rival with a right hook.

Spit flies out of Haresh's mouth, "Ooof!" Rosh pulls Haresh and knees him in his belly. Haresh grabs Rosh and knees the captain in his gut. Rosh's legs buckle as he latches onto his opponent. Haresh picks up Rosh and slams him into the ground. Haresh slams his right leg into Rosh's belly and the noble coughs up some blood. Haresh ignites his right foot and starts burning the captain.

Rosh: "Awwwwaahaaaa!!"

Haresh generates a orange-yellow dagger and looks down at Rosh, "Now you die!!"

Rosh musters all of his strength and howls, "AWWWAAAAAHAAAHAAHAAA!!!!" Rosh latches his hands on Haresh's leg and Haresh's leg starts to burn.

Haresh backsteps and grunts, "Awwwwaaahaaa!!" Rosh jumps from the ground onto Haresh, causing the juggernaut to drop his fire dagger. The dagger erupts as it lands behind him. Rosh rapidly knees Haresh three times in his groin. Haresh moans from each hit, "Emmm, ugh, oh!!" Then Haresh tightens his grip on Rosh and still holds himself up.

Haresh attempts to pull Rosh up and slam him, but the marine wiggles himself free and moves left. Haresh turns his body and swings at Rosh with two blazing hooks. Rosh backpedals and sways his body side to side as he avoids each blow. Rosh hits Haresh with a swift right hook then kicks Haresh in his back with a incinerary roundhouse strike. Haresh stumbles forward as a small blast pops his back but still stands.

Rosh moves at his enemy again, but Haresh generates a massive swirl of orange-yellow flames around his right hand with the fuel of his hate. Haresh spins backward and rotates his body. Haresh swings at Rosh's face but the noble slides left, narrowly avoiding the hit. Rosh leaps forward and generates a fire dagger from his right hand.

As Rosh springs forward, Haresh pulls his hands down to intercept the attack, but he is too late. Rosh's dagger burns through Haresh's belly button. Haresh moans, "Ahhhha." Rosh pulls his dagger back and evaporates it. Haresh falls on his back as steam flows from the hole in his stomach. Haresh coughs violently, "Ohhh... the bitter taste of the battlefield has overcome me."

(Music Stops)

Haresh continues, "I should have known one day the new young warriors would surpass me. But I would not go without a fight. My legacy will be remembered!"

Rosh: "You left a legacy of pain and agony. No one's going to remember you."

Haresh chuckles and his voice becomes more powerful, "You are wrong. I have already inspired so many. And as I die, many will see me as a martyr."

Rosh asks, "What's the point of all this fighting? Do you really think you can win?"

Haresh: "We can lose a thousand battles and it will still do more harm to your states than us. You cannot kill the Disciples of Justice because we are an idea. No matter how many of us fall, more will rise to take our place in the future. Whether they have our name or another, but the idea is the same. But your states, your governments can only last so long. They can only take so much damage and erosion of trust before they fall for good."

Rosh: "But if you don't stop us from reaching a monopoly of force then you'll be too late. I read about Zerrel's goals. He fears states will become too powerful if they are not stopped soon. That is why he is attacking."

Haresh: "You won't survive the coming storm. Disciples of Justice forever!!" Haresh dies.

Rosh shakes his head, "Yeah right. This man managed to be a pain up until his passing, but he only reminds me why we must fight so hard."

Irina sees Rosh, "Looks like you took some heat, are you ok?"

Rosh replies, "I'm fine. We still have a battle to finish."