The Ember Mounds

The war continues. As Zuko's team continues their hunt for the Avatar; other Fire Nation forces search for Jarue, Serraj, and Kaft. Macai meditates in his chamber and Captain Hazo enters.

Macai hears Hazo's footsteps and opens his eyes, "Ahh, Hazo. It's always a pleasure."

Hazo: "The pleasure is mine."

Macai: "I hear we are getting closer to the Siege of the North. Our forces will be ready within weeks."

Hazo nods, "Indeed. Apparently, the Avatar was briefly captured but he escaped again."

Macai shakes his head, "My goodness. They should just kill him."

Hazo: "This time Roku's spirit rescued him and the Sages betrayed our nation."

Macai slams his desk, "How disgraceful! You would think they would have more conviction."

Hazo: "Apparently not. In these last days before our triumph, some will become faint-hearted."

Macai: "They just weren't worthy of the glory then and I'm glad we won't have to share it with them."

Hazo: "Our next mission will be attacking the Ember Mounds. It's a hilly region in the Eastern Water Tribe."

Macai: "Excellent."

Hazo: "The enemies have new water tanks at their disposal."

Macai: "Interesting. That's certainly not something the Southern or Western tribes would be capable of producing. Perhaps the Northern Tribe though. Do you have details of how they work?"

Hazo: "No."

Macai: "So we're going in blind?"

Hazo confirms, "Yes."

Macai sighs, "That figures but it's nothing we can't handle."

Hazo adds, "Commander Zhao wants us to clear this area because we could use it to ship fundamental supplies to support his forces when they attack the Northern Water Tribe Capital. This has been planned out for a while now. Our forces may be able to attack it in less than a month. It would also prevent Eastern Water Tribe forces from flanking or reinforcing our enemies during the attack."

Macai nods, "Good, it is important that we keep our enemies divided. We can knock them down like dominoes. One row at a time." The Prompt Adjudicator docks at a small island beside Commander Zhao's command ship. Several ships from Zhao's fleet and light cruisers from Macai's fleet lay beside them.

Macai waits on the shore with Hazo. Zhao's ship extends its latch then Zhao walks down with two bodyguards. Commander Zhao: "Well, well, well."

Macai: "Commander Zhao, it is an honor."

Zhao scowls, "The fact that they gave a child the same rank as me is disgraceful. You better not blow this mission boy."

Macai frowns, "Give me time and I'll prove myself. I have done it time and time again. Have you looked at my stats? I defeated General Gambo."

Zhao replies, "General Gambo was overrated."

Macai asks, "Have you fought him before?"

Zhao: "No, but he couldn't have been that good if he lost to a teenager."

Macai: "You'd be surprised, some teens are dangerous. Haven't you been struggling to catch a pre-teen?"

Zhao barks, "I've already done a much better job than Zuko. I'm the one who is getting things done! Ozai sees that and that's why he's handling responsibilities to me."

Hazo: "Gentlemen, can we please focus on the objective?"

Zhao: "Thank you Hazo. Macai, if you perform well, you will have my respect. Think of me as a Senior Commander. Like how Hazo is a Senior Captain. Perhaps I will respect you as a solid Junior Commander."

Macai rolls his eyes. Zhao: "Ember Mounds have many rich materials and resources. They are located in the center of the shoreline east of their position and several Water Tribe trade routes West of their position. Our forces can't effectively use the nearby shoreline because they get attacked by Water Tribe forces from the Mound who retreat and flee to the Mounds where our allies can't beat them."

Macai: "My forces are up for it."

Zhao: "Good. Our forces guess that they have anywhere from eight to twelve tanks. How many tanks do you have?"

Macai: "We have five tanks but one is malfunctioning."

Zhao: "So four tanks then."

Macai: "Yes."

Zhao: "Then it would be best for your infantry to hit them first and only use your tanks at last resort. You may take heavy losses."

Macai: "I don't think so. My team rarely takes heavy losses. Look at our stats. We will deal with the tanks and call in our tanks after we have softened them up."

Zhao: "Have you seen the stats for those unknown tanks? They are effective. That's why the troops don't even get to report about how good they are. They are wiping our friendly teams in rapid succession."

Macai: "Doesn't matter. We have been through tougher missions than this."

Zhao: "You also allowed your enemies to get away with several valuable crystals during the Battle of Eddam. Did you forget that?"

Macai: "No and our team has had a 100% success rate for our next three missions. We dominated."

Zhao: "Those were easy missions. Against poorly armed Southern Water Tribe rebels and Western Water Tribe forces that were depleted and starving."

Macai comments, "Sometimes desperate enemies are the most dangerous."

Zhao replies, "I'm not impressed."

Macai: "The feeling is mutual."

Zhao: "I'll be honest, you have some remarkable feats. However, young prodigies often choke under pressure. You started robustly then you started slipping up recently. Let's see if you can maintain your tempo during another big mission."

Macai: "I can't wait to prove you wrong." Macai and Hazo depart.

Zhao grimaces, then looks at his guards, "Let's get out of here. I have an old friend to visit."

The Heart of a Lion

The PA docks about thirty miles from the Ember Mounds. Macai enters the armory and briefs his team. Macai: "Marines, when we first dock, we likely won't run into much trouble. We have some allies on this beachhead. We will push deeper into enemy territory until we reach the hilly mound region. Once that happens, expect moderate resistance."

Macai continues, "At some point, enemy tanks will bombard us. On my signal, one of our tanks will reinforce our east, west, north, and south positions. However, they will not assist until after our infantry hits our enemies and punches a hole in their defenses. Their tanks will face off against us. We don't know what they're capable of, but I doubt they're very durable."

Kett: "Our best chance to destroy them will likely be our firebenders."

Macai agrees, "Exactly. So, protect the firebenders, our power shots will be the key to taking down several of their tanks before the tanks join the fight. Because of this, I'm going to have four firebenders. As well as five spear warriors, five sword marines, and three archers."

Macai continues, "Kanna and Basin, you both will sit this one out. Stay at the Prompt Adjudicator. Hazo will teach you how to run the ship Kanna."

Kanna smiles, "Sounds fun and relaxing."

Macai: "I will hit the enemies' left flank. Rosh will hit the center and Kett will hit the right." Macai explains how each squad will be organized. Macai's team includes Samira and Kedo (with Ronin as second in command). Rosh's unit has Cosal, Ronin, and Sonna (with Cosal as second in command). Kett's garrison has Dade, Arret, and Asad (with Asad as second in command). Each unit has eighteen shock troopers in total (including the leader).

Macai adds, "Another Firebender will be joining my team. I've heard good things about him. His name is Desan. He performed well during his city tournament but more importantly, he is thrilled about being a member of the 31st. Desan wrote our department several letters and would not give up until recruiters put his application in for us."

Desan has dark brown hair, caramel eyes, light-yellow skin, and sideburns. Desan is relatively short compared to the others, he is five feet and eight inches tall. Even so, he has the heart of a lion. Desan: "It has been an honor to become a part of this unit. I have been impressed by everything. Your unity, your courage, your respect, and how you all stick to your word. I will do everything I can to honor our company and nation even that means giving my life."

The marines clap and welcome the new member. Desan is sixteen years old. Making him one of the youngest members in the team, like Macai and Kanna.

The teams exit the Prompt Adjudicator and march on the sandy surface below. The sky is a pale blue color and it is about 5.55 Celsius (forty-two degrees) outside. As the marines walk further into the battlefield, they step over light green grass and leaves. There is a bright yellow beam in the sky that flows from the sun.

On the left side of the battlefield, Macai takes the lead with Samira following closely behind. A marine swordsman is just a few feet left of Macai's position and Kedo is a few feet right of it. Desan peers and notices a hill ahead of them. Desan: "Looks like we're getting there."

Macai warns his men, "Stay sharp." Macai continues along the path and his marines march on. Macai looks ahead and notices two Eastern Water Tribe archers in the distance. Macai: "Looks like they have archers, they want to thin us out."

Desan: "Any ideas?"

Macai: "I'm the fastest one here, but I want you to move up the right side of that hill. I'll move up on the left and keep them busy."

Kedo frowns, "Why me?"

Macai: "Because you are the best archer in this team. You have the best chance of shaking up our enemies while limiting losses." An arrow flies toward Macai's neck. Macai ducks. Macai: "Ok, let's move into position. Macai crouches and kneels at the edge of the hill, using it as cover. Desan does the same on the right flank.

A third arrow from an unexpected position flies into a marine spearman's head. Marine: "Emmh!"

Macai shouts, "Man down! There is another archer further on the left flank."

Desan: "Why can't our archers just hit them?"

Macai: "We only have three of them, we don't want to risk all of their lives right away. Besides, the enemies would have the edge over them due to their positions."

A young marine swordsman crouches on the left flank. He is thin and has olive skin, black straight hair, a thin mustache, and a goatee. Despite his facial hair, he is just eighteen years old. Samira and the other marines crouch down for cover. Except for the swordsmen who stand to swat away arrows for themselves and nearby allies. Macai: "What are you doing marine?"

Marine: "I will move on the left flank and keep that other archer busy."

Macai: "You think you can handle that kind of pressure?"

Marine: "I'm one of the best swordsmen here. I was recently transferred in but, I was taught how to duel by my father."

Macai: "If you really believe in yourself, then I'll trust you. What's your name by the way?"

Marine: "Telvin."

Macai: "I'm at the most open position. If I charge up this hill, I would be lit up. Desan, go first. I will sprint across next. Then Telvin will move on the left flank. He might not be as fast as us, but he may be able to block several arrows and keep them busy."

Telvin: "I'm pretty fast too, for a non-bender."

Macai: "Sounds good to me. Sorry, I haven't seen much of you, but I trust you. We are putting ourselves at risk for your sake Telvin. So don't hold back, it's your time to shine. Now, go." Desan runs up the right flank and the archers change their focus as they see him. The archer on the right flank darts an arrow directly at his mouth.

Desan slips forward and Macai moves up the mid flank as his archer is distracted. The archer in the mid flank readjusts his focus and propels his arrow at Macai. Macai slides left and the archer on the left flank aims at Macai. Telvin moves up the left flank and the archer notices Telvin.

The archer ignores Telvin and decides to just shoot Macai anyway. The archer pops at the left side of Macai's head but the hesitation gives Macai time to tumble forward. The archer across Macai fires again at Macai's head. Macai kneels under the shot.

Desan runs further up the right flank and the archer across him pops an arrow at his chest. Desan trips and falls face-first on the ground. While all of this is happening, Telvin sprints across the left flank near the top of the hill. The archer of the left flank readjusts his focus and notices that Telvin closed a lot of distance in a short time.

The archer gasps and aims at Telvin. Telvin continues to sprint ahead and the archer shoots at his face. Telvin raises his sword vertically and knocks the arrow away. Telvin leaps over the hill and gallops at the archer. The archer fires again at the marine's neck. Telvin swings right horizontally and swats the arrow into the neck of the archer in the center.

Archer: "Gaaah!" Telvin rushes the archer across him and pumps his sword through the man's heart.

Archer: "Oua!" Telvin pushes the man down and the archer on the right flank fires at his head. Telvin rolls left and the archer aims at him while the marine is exposed. Macai launches himself in the air to get a clear view of the archer.

The archer briefly looks up and breaks his focus. Macai extends both of his arms and fires a powerful blaze of white flames at the archer. The archer normally would try to dodge the attack, but he is immediately blinded by the white light. The white fire pounds him in the chest and engulfs his body. The man is burned into a black skeleton.

Macai lands on top of the hill and looks ahead to see if there are any more enemies. Macai turns and gives a hand signal to notify his other marines to meet with him. Desan looks at Telvin, "You did great!"

Telvin: "Thanks." Macai looks ahead and notices three water benders leap across from another hill. The one on the left is sliding on a bed of ice, the one in the center propels himself ten feet in the air with water, and the one on the right is running towards Desan.

Macai warns, "Look alive!"

Messy Maneuvers

Rosh advances with Cosal behind him on his right and a spearman on his left. Rosh is ahead of his team, and they are marching up a hill. Rosh looks at Cosal, "Well, I wonder what our enemies are up to."

Cosal: "It won't take long to find out. Let's stay sharp until then."

Rosh: "I don't know how you do a job like this for so long."

Cosal responds, "The same way someone does anything for so long. You learn how to deal with it and little shortcuts to make things easier."

Rosh: "Shortcuts?"

Cosal explains, "Like how to finish paperwork faster and how to get the young guns to do the chores I don't want to at the ship while I do the ones they aren't into. Learning not to rush headlong into battle and get myself killed. Unless I'm ordered to. Even then, learning how to make things easier on myself, it comes with experience."

Rosh hears sudden yelling and shouting ahead of their position. Ronin looks at Cosal, "It must be an intentional distraction."

Cosal agrees, "Probably."

A Water Tribe captain with a sword charges across the hill ahead of them with several spear warriors and swordsmen beside him. Captain: "Press forward, tear them apart!"

Rosh: "Target practice! Battle positions team, code Green Monkey." Rosh presses his hands behind himself and launches himself on the hill surface with a dash of fire. A firebender charges on Rosh's right flank to cover him. The Water Tribe warriors run to their enemies.

[ Audiomachine Danuvius (music starts) ]

Rosh extends his hands and punches two flames into an incoming swordsman. Rosh turns and fires a beam of red-orange fire into a spearman on his left flank. A spearman chucks his weapon at the firebender right of Rosh. The firebender rolls forward then a swordsman rushes the firebender and slams his blade into the bender's gut.

Firebender: "Ahh!"

Rosh shouts, "I sure could use some cover about now!" Rosh extends his left fist and zaps three warriors away with a fire beam. Two marine swordsmen charge up the left flank and engage enemy forces. A marine spearman and a swordswoman charge up the left flank and fight other water benders.

Rosh smiles, "Now it's on." The Water Tribe captain points his weapon at Rosh.

Water Tribe captain: "We will tear you apart."

Rosh: "Is that the best you could come up with?" The captain glares at Rosh. Rosh: "You look like you're trying to take a dump." The captain skips four feet in the air towards Rosh. Rosh raises his hands and blasts the captain away. Rosh: "Well, I'm sure having a blast." Rosh elongates his hands and obliterates another three Watertribe warriors with a volley of red-orange shots.

(music stops)

Rosh looks up and notices two light blue tanks about two hills away. They both shoot two 5-feet-long and 3-feet-wide ice balls at Rosh's team. The marine captain looks right of his position and sees an ice ball land between the spearman and swordswoman across him. The ball shatters and the ice fragments slice up the shock troopers.

Rosh notices another ball fall a few feet behind his position. Cosal is below Rosh and notices the ball fall headlong into a marine swordsman a few feet left of his position. The marine and ice fragments knock down another two marines below his position.

The ball glides with red markings from the blood of fallen soldiers. Cosal: "Spread out!"

Rosh mutters, "Now what do I do?! Think Rosh think." Rosh notices another spearman charge at him. Rosh extends his left leg and kicks a flame in the man's stomach. Rosh rotates his right hand and creates a fire whip, backing up two distant water tribe warriors. The tank on the right flank fires another ice ball directly at Rosh's position.

Rosh sprints and dives right. The ice ball lands and breaks into fragments. Several fragments fly right behind Rosh's body. Rosh leaps off the hill, evaporates his whip, and tumbles down. Rosh coughs and his armor is covered in dirt.

Fire Mounds

Kett leads his team across the right flank. Dade moves on his left flank and Asad moves on his right. Another marine firebender is left of Dade's position and a swordsman is right of Asad's position. Kett's team has moved up two hills and still not seen any resistance. Kett: "Looks like we are almost there."

Dade: "I'm sure we will soon enough."

Asad nods, "Without a doubt my friend."

Kett looks right and notices an enemy archer aim at Asad's head. Kett presses his hands together and blasts a stream of light orange fire into the archer, blasting him several feet away. Kett: "Enemy archer, let me check to see if there are any more. Offensive maneuvers, code 12." Kett lowers his hands and launches himself in the air.

Dade sprints across the left flank with a firebender on his left and a swordsman on his right. Asad sprints across the right with a spearman on his right and a swordsman on his left. Kett notices another archer. The archer aims and fires at Kett's left side.

Kett douses his flame and falls below the arrow. Kett reignites his flames to keep himself airborne. The archer fires again at Kett's neck. Kett extinguishes his flame again and falls further but reactivates it seconds later. Kett tilts his hands right and blasts himself ten feet higher in the right direction. The archer moves to aim at Kett, but Arret fires an arrow in his chest as she steadily marches up the hill.

Dade and his bodyguards see a female waterbender approaching. The waterbender slides down on a bed of ice. Dade nods and the firebender fires a beam of orange fire at the woman. The woman fires a beam of water into the firebender's beam of fire. Dade nods and the swordsman sprints across the waterbender's left flank.

The waterbender attempts to hold the firebender's attack back with one hand, then extends her right hand, firing a water blast into the swordman's face. The firebender presses forward with his flames while she is distracted and overpowers her. The waterbender is knocked away by the beam of fire.

Dade smiles, "I'm such a great tactician." As Asad moves on the right flank, he notices a waterbender and two spearmen advance at his position. Asad casually extends his right hand and fires a fire blast at the spearman on the right. The waterbender extends his right hand and intercepts Asad's blast.

Asad slaps his hands together and shoots a beam of orange fire at the waterbender. The waterbender lowers his hands and elevates himself with a stream of water. The waterbender briefly stops holding himself up and fires a beam of water at Asad. Asad is knocked aside by the beam of water and tumbles down the hill.

The marine swordsman left of Asad's guards briefly clash with the spearmen. Then the waterbender extends his hands and fires a stream of ice sickles into the marines. Marine swordsman: "Ack."

Kett emerges, "My turn." The waterbender smiles and presses his hands forward, firing a stream of water at the firebender. Kett casually lifts his left hand and a wall of bright orange fire blocks the shot. Kett pumps his arms from right to left, firing a flurry of light orange flames at the waterbender.

The waterbender leaps over the flames and Kett presses his hands forward; launching a stream of light orange fire into his opponent's stomach. The bender flies twenty feet away into a distant hill. The spearmen charge at Kett and Kett easily extends his arms then fires two steams of light orange fire into his enemies.

Kett looks back at his allies, "Keep pressing forward!" Kett leaps ahead on the hilltop across him. He notices several swordsmen and spear warriors waiting. Kett extends both of his hands and creates two fire whips. Kett crosses his hands and eliminates five of the warriors with one swing. Kett then presses his hands together and fires a torpedo of light orange fire into three warriors across him.

The explosion disorients the surviving water tribe warriors and knocks several of them down. Seconds later, additional marines advance across the hill and attack the disoriented warriors. A firebender blasts a rod of orange fire into a dizzy waterbender and a spearman tosses his blade into the neck of a water tribe swordsman across him.

Kett notices three enemy tanks just a hill away from him. The tanks load up to fire. The tank in the center fires directly at Kett. Kett extends his hands and fires a beam of light orange fire into the ball, blasting it into evaporated water. Kett presses his hands back and launches himself fifteen feet in the air and eight feet forward towards his enemies.

The shock troopers look in amazement. Kett flies directly over the tank in the center, then blasts a beam of fire into the tank to keep himself in the air. The tank is blown in two and smoke flows from the explosion. Kett extends both of his hands and fires two beams of light orange fire into the remaining tanks. The tanks are blown to scraps.

An Unlikely Rescue

Rosh gets up and dusts himself off. He notices a tank aiming at him while he's down. The tank blasts another ice ball at his position. The ball flies with tremendous speed and an awkward angle. Rosh sprints right and dives away from the ball. Fragments of the ball crack and fly toward Rosh. Rosh shields himself with a wall of fire.

Rosh extinguishes the ball and notices the other tank fire another ball into two of his marines. The attack is just a few feet away from Cosal's position. The obstruction knocks Cosal down. Cosal looks up and notices an incoming water tribe spearman. The spearman swings at the center of Cosal's back. The seasoned marine rolls right then gets back on his feet.

Ronin fires an explosive brick of fire into the watertribe warrior. Ronin looks at Cosal, "I'm going to hit that tank on the left?"

Cosal: "Are you sure you can pull that off?"

Ronin: "I'll have to try."

Cosal salutes Ronin. Ronin nods and sprints toward the tank on the right flank. Three Water Tribe warriors stand in front of Ronin. One has a spear, another has a long sword, and the other has two short swords. Water Tribe long swordsman: "Don't let him attack the tank!"

[Audiomachine Sands of Time (music starts) ]

Ronin presses his hands together and bursts a beam of orange fire into the swordsman. The spearman chucks his weapon at Ronin and the firebender slides forward then hops to his knees. The swordsman charges at Ronin and aims for his neck. Sonna fires an arrow into the swordsman's neck.

Ronin rises back on his feet and the tank propels an ice ball directly at his position. Ronin rolls forward and the ball cracks a few feet behind him. Ronin charges up the hill. A spearman moves across the top of the hill and waits for Ronin. Ronin fears he will be exposed if he makes it to the top and he remembers the practice he had with Kett for jet propulsion.

Though Ronin partially failed the first time he tried it in battle at Rongor, he now has more confidence in his abilities. The only catch is that doing it on a hill will be even more difficult, but pressing times call for pressing measures. Ronin presses his hands low and shoots himself ten feet in the air. Ronin struggles to control his body as he haphazardly files over the hilltop and toward the tank.

Ronin looks down and notices the tank aim its nozzle at him. Gravity starts to pull Ronin down as he directly faces the anti-infantry vehicle. The tank unloads a ball of ice and Ronin fires an explosive beam of flames through the ball into the nozzle of the tank. The fire travels through the nozzle and explodes the head of the tank.

Ronin reignites his flames to keep himself in the air. The other tank turns its nozzle as it attempts to aim at Ronin, but a beam of light orange fire hits it from behind. The tank erupts and Kett's team closes in. A spearman points his weapon at Ronin as he is descending, but Rosh fires an explosive ball of red-orange fire in his face. The boom kills the spearman and another two Water Tribe warriors beside him (including one waterbender).

The last survivors surrender on the hill. Ronin looks at Kett, "Thanks for the rescue."

Kett: "You have gotten good at jet propulsion."

Ronin: "Not as good as you."

Kett nods, "Not yet, but you are already proficient at it. Well done."

Wrapping Things Up

The waterbender riding on an ice slide fires a stream of ice sickles at Telvin. Telvin rapidly rotates his blade from right to left as he blocks several deadly projectiles. The waterbender extends his right hand and throws a ball of freezing water at the young marine. Telvin rolls forward as the water bender turns and slides behind the marine's position.

The waterbender prepares to blast Telvin aside with a stream of water, but he forgets that several marines are behind Telvin's position. Samira chucks her spear through the waterbender's head then switches to her dagger in case she'll have to fight before retrieving it.

Desan notices a waterbender sprinting toward him. Desan presses his hands forward and pumps two orange flames at his opponent. The waterbender flips over the flames and lands just a foot away from Desan's position. Desan: "You wanna brawl? Bad idea!" The waterbender turns his left hand and creates a water whip; then swings it left.

A water whip glides toward Desan's position. Desan jumps right and launches a brick of orange fire at his opponent. The waterbender gallops over the attack and lands behind Desan. Desan turns then blasts a ray of fire from his left hand at the bender's face. The waterbender ducks then pounces at Desan.

The waterbender clinches Desan, wrapping his arms across Desan's. The waterbender wiggles his right hand free and generates an ice knife. The bender swings at Desan's stomach, Desan pivots backward and the blade barely misses him. Desan pushes his foe back.

Desan pulls his right hand forward and extends it diagonally, knocking the man aside with an extended flame whip. As this occurs, a waterbender flies toward Macai with a stream of water holding him up in the air. The waterbender slaps his hands together and shoots a stream of water at the young commander. Macai springs left and fires a blistering stream of white fire into the water stream.

The white fire is so hot that it starts to evaporate the water stream. The waterbender slaps his hands together and pours a cascade of water at Macai. Macai rolls left, sensing the attack as he gets more familiar with waterbenders. The waterbender re-propels himself with another stream of water then blasts two ice bricks at Macai.

Macai slams his feet together and launches himself fifteen feet in the air, to get level with his enemy. Macai's white flames burn right through the ice bricks. Macai pulls out his hands and shoots a line of white fire directly at his enemy. The waterbender pulls his hands together and extinguishes half of his water stream, lowering his position.

The steam of fire buzzes over his head then the waterbender shoots a stream of ice sickles at Macai. The master firebender pulls his hands back and rapidly launches himself forward and over his opponent. The white fire incinerates the ice sickles and fries the waterbender below him. Macai lowers his position. Desan: "That's impressive."

Telvin looks at Desan, "I know right."

Macai: "I'm loving the new recruits already. I think the enemies sent their best to deal with us. They don't have much left; I can feel it." Macai's team advances across two hills. Macai raises a hand for his advancing troops to halt.

Macai sees the nozzle of a tank in the distance. Macai: "Enemy tanks ahead, I don't know how many?'

Desan: "Your plan?"

Macai: "I told our friendly tanks to move on standby after a certain time. But one tank won't be enough, and it won't even be able to hit them properly at this range. They have the advantage because of these hills."

Desan: "Then what do we do?"

Macai: "I'll take the lead and keep them busy. Then, hopefully, Kett or Rosh's team will reinforce us. You all can spread out and try to push the tanks. I get the feeling they really want me dead, use that to your advantage." Macai launches himself twenty feet in the air and slightly strains himself. Macai grunts then looks back down.

Macai notices three enemy tanks ahead. The tank in the center aims directly at Macai and shoots a clunky sphere of ice at him. Macai extends his hands left and blasts himself ten feet away from his former position. Another tank on the left flank shoots directly at the commander. Macai douses his flames and falls below the projectile.

Macai reignites his fire, keeping himself in the air. The third tank aims at the young warrior and fires. Macai pulls his hands back and launches himself ten feet forward and directly across the tank on the left. The tank aims again and fires. Macai douses his flame and falls closer to the vehicle. Macai reactivates his flames then shoots a stream of fire into the nose of the tank, causing its head to explode.

Macai launches himself from his former position and lands directly on top of the center tank. The tank on the left fires directly at him. Macai leaps off the tank and lands a few feet between both of the war machines. A blast of ice hits the tank in the center but does not damage it and instead breaks on impact. Macai presses his hands together and pushes a beam of white fire into the tank on the right.

The remaining tank readjusts its aim at Macai. The 31st leader backflips behind the tank then fires a beam of white fire through the vehicle's head. Macai's marines cheer and the commander smiles. The battle has been won and Macai's forces are victorious again.

(music stops)

Macai and his team celebrate in the Prompt Adjudicator. Macai sits at a table for a feast with Rosh on his right, Hazo on his left, Kett directly across from him, Kanna right of Kett's position, Dade left of Kett's position, and several other key members at the table. Macai: "Very well-done team, we sure showed Zhao what we are capable of."

Kett: "I kind of want Zuko to catch the Avatar instead of Zhao. Imagine that man gets all the credit."

Hazo: "We just got information that Zhao captured the Avatar again. It seems this time for good."

Kett: "Ahh, well... At least we've got him. Victory is ours."

Macai smiles, "Long live the Fire Nation."

Rosh sighs, "It's a good thing we're on the winning side."

Macai: "If the Avatar is dealt with, then we just have to take down the Northern Tribe. After that, we'll knock down the walls of Ba Sing Se like bowling pins and the war is ours. The entire world will kneel before the might of OUR NATION. Our hour is at hand, my brothers and sisters."