The Planti Forest

About a month has passed since the Assault on Fikku. Macai and the 31st company have been given a new assignment. Water Tribe forces in the Western Planti Fields have fought off several Fire Nation forces. It is an open coniferous forest with a moderately cold winter for the Water Tribe territories. Though its winter is deemed moderate for a Water Tribe, it is much worse than most Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation locations.

For now, the weather is still relatively mild since the winter has not yet arrived. The leaves and grass are dark green in this region. Snow flows from the sky above and roughly two inches cover the ground. A steady cold breeze flows across the landscape and the sky is a blue-grey color. It is -2.77 Celsius (27 Degrees) outside.

Kanna walks forward and takes crouches as she picks up a blue headband. Kanna: "One of them was here."

Macai steps a few feet behind the scout, "Good, then they are near." Three firebenders move behind them. Their unit also consists of five swordsmen (including Dade), five spear warriors (including Samira), and two archers in the back (including Sonna). Making up seventeen shock troopers in total.

As Kanna patrols ahead of the group, Macai follows a few feet behind her. Kanna strolls past several trees and is careful where she lands her boots to avoid a hard fall. Kanna looks twenty feet past her direction and notices two men with ponytails. They both have royal blue headbands, royal blue facepaint (around their eyes), and royal blue uniforms.

Kanna shouts, "Archers!" An arrow is fired at Kanna's face. Kanna swiftly takes cover behind a nearby tree. Macai lowers his hands and launches himself twenty feet in the air. The marksmen look up in confusion as Macai grabs the branch of a tree five feet north of his former position. The sharpshooters notice Macai's location.

The archer on the left fires an arrow directly at Macai's chest. Macai springs forward and lands on a lower branch of the tree in front of him. The archer on the right shoots another arrow at Macai. The firebender hacks again and latches onto a tree branch directly across him. Macai swings his body back then launches himself forward onto another tree.

The archers look up again to aim at Macai, but an arrow lands in the neck of the archer on the left. The other archer looks ahead and Kanna kicks a dark orange rod of fire into his chest; the shot sends his body cascading seven feet back. Kanna looks up at Macai, "Ok, you can come down now."

Macai dives from his position and lands a few feet behind Kanna, "I could have dealt with both of them you know."

Kanna: "Yeah we know, but it would have been a waste of time."

Macai: "Remember what we are trying to do. We want to lure their forces for a confrontation. Because these Western guys like to play guerrilla warfare."

Kanna smiles, "Nothing we can't handle."

Macai and his team cautiously advance further into the forest. They move slowly to watch out for traps. Dade: "I'll tell ya what, these water guys sure don't set as many traps as the Purple Guerrillas. That entire island was rigged. I swear there was a trap every five meters. From what I heard, anyway."

Macai: "Don't be sad that you missed it. That battle was nothing fun. I saw a fifteen-year-old recruit lose his life that day."

Samira responds, "Well, I think Rosh's team will get their attention. Since they are the larger force. I hear the Western force goes after numbers. Which normally makes sense, but maybe they'll reform their tactics for us."

Macai: "The plan is for Rosh's team to be a distraction and hold back several enemies. However, we have a backup plan in case things go sour. If Rosh's team is attacked by an overwhelming force, one of the troopers will fire a flare in the sky to warn us. They have been given to two of his swordsmen and one archer."

While they talk Rosh's team moves across an open pathway. The pathway is roughly twelve feet wide and there are several trees across the left end of the path. The right end of the path leads to a cliff. Rosh: "Keep moving and we'll eventually make it to that old national relic that these people revere. They likely won't want us to enter their historical site but nothing will stop us. Just a few more minutes before we get away from this cliff."

Lieutenant Asad walks right of Rosh's position, facing the cliff. Three firebenders walk behind them. Eight sword marines (including Basin), eight spear marines, and three archers (including Kedo) follow behind the unit. The archers stand between the swordsmen (behind the benders) and the spearmen in the back to avoid being easy targets in an ambush.

As they advance, a team of thirteen Western Water Tribe warriors advances behind the trees. Each of them has a royal blue headband and royal blue uniform. Roughly a third of them are armed with short swords, another third are armed with spears, and the last third are waterbenders. Rosh's troops keep advancing when Rosh suddenly raises his right hand for his team to stop.

Rosh notices about twenty Western Water Tribe warriors marching north of their position. The team consists of men with spears, long swords, and long yet sleek axes. Three teens in the back of the unit are beating loud drums to get Rosh's attention. Rosh smirks, "Oh look, they brought drummer boys. Archers try not to kill them and load up for a shot against a waterbender! Battle positions everyone."

Just as the shock troopers enter their battle stances, a spear flies through the head of a fire nation swordsman. Swordsman: "Awwwhhha!" Rosh's men panic.

Asad commands the troops, "Stay calm!"

A Water Tribe warrior on the left flank shouts, "Attack!" Another two spears are thrown at the marines on the left flank. One spear flies through the neck of a marine spearman. Another spear flies directly at Basin, Basin spins left.

The spear throwers switch to short swords and charge from their positions. The rest of the warriors from that flank do the same. Water tribe flankers: "Raaaaaahhh!" As the warriors on the left flank clash with marines, the troops in front of Rosh's position sprint in their direction.

[ Star Wars The Clone Wars Soundtrack- Battle Of Christophsis (Music Starts) ]

Rosh peers at Asad, "Our marines can handle the flankers. Asad, we'll deal with these guys. Tell the archers to fire some shots at the enemies in front of us. That can soften them up." Kedo charges an explosive arrow and fires it into a swordman's chest. The man's upper body is disintegrated from the blast. Kedo propels a second arrow into a waterbender's forehead.

Another two Water Tribe warriors are shot down by incoming arrows from the other marine archers. Rosh signals for one of the firebenders to move beside him. Rosh: "On my signal, we attack the incoming hostiles."

The sixteen remaining enemies gallop forward, still screaming. Another volley of three arrows is launched, but only one lands in the chest of an incoming swordsman. Even Kedo's fiery arrow is batted away by a Water Tribe swordsman.

Rosh: "Come on archers, do better." The fifteen attackers move closer. The firebender left of Rosh gets restless. Rosh cautions, "Wait not yet." The attackers get closer, and their screams get louder. Rosh: "Steady." Asad sweats a little.

Rosh: "Now!" Asad and the firebenders extend their arms and blast potent orange bricks of fire at their enemies. Rosh pivots forward and unloads a massive barrage of red-orange flames from his fists. Rosh shoots down two water warriors. Asad pops a Water Tribe swordsman and the other firebender blasts an enemy ax warrior.

Rosh extends his hands and pours a steam of red-orange fire at an incoming waterbender. The waterbender lifts his hands and a steam of water rises and intercepts the attack. Rosh kicks a flame forward and overpowers the bender. Asad hops forward and hurls two fireballs. One hits a waterbender in his left ear and the other pelts a duelist in his right shoulder.

Rosh notices another two armed opponents hurry in his direction. Rosh lengthens his arms and pumps flames into them. A spearman charges from his right flank. Rosh turns and punches a steam of red-orange fire into his opponent. A waterbender leaps on Rosh's right flank and Asad blasts her away with a ray of orange flames. Rosh nods at Asad for the save.

(Music stops)

While Rosh, Asad, and the firebender fight the other marines clash with the flankers. Basin scans the area and notices an enemy swordsman charge in his direction. The swordsman swings vertically at Basin's left shoulder. Basin rotates his sword and intercepts the blow.

Basin pivots and horizontally swipes at his enemy's stomach. The swordsman hops backward. The swordsman bobs and vertically lashes at Basin's forehead. Basin turns his sword horizontally, to keep his head from being bashed in. Basin breaks the lock and horizontally lunges at his foe's stomach a second time.

His enemy takes a backstep then Basin lunges and thrusts his sword into the swordman's abdomen. The man holds his body in agony, "Ahhha". Basin pulls his blade back and kicks his opponent aside. Another swordsman charges at a marine duelist. The marine sweeps his blade up vertically and cuts his eager foe down.

The Mandalorian Blockade- The Music of STAR WARS: The Old Republic (Music starts at 0:50)

A Fire Nation spearman notices a Water Tribe spearwoman stroll across his position. Marine spearman, "Let's see how good your backwater training really is."

Water spearwoman: "It's better than your inflated ego would allow you to believe." The water spearwoman lunges in the air at her opponent, swooping down as if she is as light as a feather. The marine spins right as he barely avoids the blow. The marine briefly gasps as the woman presses her attack.

The water spearwoman smites at his throat. The marine pulls his sword right and swats the blade back. The woman smites again, this time at his stomach. The marine flutters his blade diagonally as he intercepts another strike. The Water Tribe warrior pulls her spear back as the marine presses forward and pushes his blade low at her stomach.

The woman leaps over and kicks the man in his face. The marine falls backward unconscious. Another marine swordsman charges at the spearwoman. The lady rapidly leaps back on her feet and extends her blade. The spear glides through the marine's body, then she rapidly pulls it back to release his fading remains. The marine slides back as he helplessly falls. Blood flows from his gut and it violently growls and churns before the man's body falls still, and a cold sensation overwhelms him.

The woman looks again at Basin. A Water Tribe swordsman rushes Basin and horizontally lashes at his neck. Basin ducks and pops his sword into the warrior's stomach. A loud crunch sound is heard as the man gasps in pain. Basin pushes his enemy down and turns to notice his adversary. As Basin gets a good glance, he notices her features. The woman has long black wavy hair, dark blue eyes, medium-pale skin, and a thin yet fit frame. She stands at about five feet and eight inches tall.

Water Tribe spearwoman: "You are bold. What's your name?"

Basin: "Basin, you?"

Water Tribe spearwoman: "Badeera."

Basin: "Well, it was nice knowing you."

Badeera nods, "Indeed. It will be a pleasure adding you to my kill list."

Basin: "Don't be so sure." Badeera sprints at Basin and lunges at his stomach. Basin pivots backward and immediately realizes that she is quicker than him. In a fight like this, timing is everything. Badeera presses Basin and Basin sweeps at her stomach.

Badeera easily hops backward then presses him again. Basin returns to his battle stance and hurls his blade at Badeera's neck. Badeera ducks then pivots left. Basin lunges at the woman's chest. Badeera strikes her blade left and knocks Basin's sword in the left direction. Badeera swivels forward and aims at Basin's chest.

Basin sways his body left and ducks as the spear slides a mere inch over his right shoulder. The marine lunges low and thrusts his spear into Badeera's belly. Badeera howls, "Aaaah!"

Basin looks Badeera in her eyes and but the despair in her face hurts him. Basin gets teary-eyed then pulls his spear back. Badeera falls and Basin frowns. Marine: "Basin!"

Basin looks at the marine. Marine: "Most of the enemies have been dealt with. Let's help Rosh's team push back those that remain." Basin nods and follows his ally.

Meanwhile, Rosh looks left of his position and notices a spear fly through the chest of the firebender left of him. Firebender: "Nooo!" The firebender slides backward and Rosh pumps his arms. Two red-orange flames nail incoming Water Tribe warriors. Asad rotates his left hand and knocks two enemies down with a stream of orange fire.

Smoke flows from his victims. Kedo and the other archers mow down several fleeing enemies. The marines cheer and hold their weapons high to celebrate their victory.

(music stops)

Rosh looks at Asad as the few stragglers are retreating, "Well, we got em."

Asad: "Yes we did. You've proven yourself Rosh, well done."

Rosh: "You're not so bad yourself, Asad."

Asad grins, "Thanks."

Rosh: "Too bad we lost a few friends along the way."

Asad responds, "That is a part of the battle, unfortunately. I don't enjoy it, but our casualty rate was not high. Though it also wasn't as low as usual."

Rosh: "I remember the Battle of Fikku. That was brutal. A costly mission for me to start off with."

Asad nods, "It was a dark day. The toughest battle in my opinion. But we had others before you came. Eggar's Island was a mess. The Siege of Herrona wasn't as hard on the 31st as some of the other units we worked with that mission. That was more of a massive and glorious quest. Though still not one without it's tragedy."

Rosh: "When Macai defeated the legendary General Gambo. Man, that was crazy."

Asad: "Indeed, but you have to respect these Water Tribe forces. They have put up a good and consistent fight. Especially with the resources that they have. Their heart is something that even most of the Earth Kingdom forces don't have."

While this is happening, Macai's team advances toward the left outskirts of the historical site. The corpses of several Water Tribe warriors lay around them after a recent fight, along with the corpses of two of their own marines. Macai: "Well, it looks like we are closer to Temple of Eddam."

Kanna looks at Macai, "Remind me about the history of this temple."

Macai: "From what I remember one of the past Avatars who was born hundreds of years ago. He apparently helped this region and during a war against some Earth Kingdom forces."

Kanna: "Ahh, wasn't the Earth Kingdom divided during that time?"

Macai: "Something like that. Let's go."

Dade: "I guess Rosh's team did their job just fine."

Macai smiles, "I guess so. I'm proud of them." As Macai, Kanna, Dade, Samira, Sonna, and the rest of the team move within visual range of the temple. It is about thirty meters wide, fifteen meters tall, and is made of light grey stone.

Samira: "Well, that's not the average Water Tribe structure."

Macai: "I care little for their history. We have a job to do."

Kanna: "But Macai, didn't you father write a book where he said we should understand the enemy's culture to defeat them."

Macai nods, "He did and he's right. But right now we need to focus on beating them. We need to pave the way for Zuko's forces."

Samira: "Well, his team keeps screwing up with the Avatar. They should have caught him by now."

Macai points at Samira, "That is not your place."

Samira apologizes, "I-I'm sorry."

Macai responds, "It's ok. We just have to do our part Samira. The coming Siege of the North has been planned for months, it is going to be very important. Rather the Avatar is captured sooner or later, our actions here can impact how soon that attack can occur."

Temple Of Eddam

Macai raises his right hand, "Most of you wait outside. Kanna, Samira, and I will enter the base. Dade and Sonna stay with the others and guard the perimeter." Macai, Kanna, and Samira enter the temple. The floor is made of marble-like stone, the side walls are light brown, the back wall is light blue, and the ceiling is mustard yellow.

Macai notices several light brown seats in the temple. Kanna comments, "This looks like a church."

Macai nods, "There is something strange about this place." Macai notices a stage at the back of the facility and the stage has a mustard yellow podium on it's rear.

An older man with a powerful voice emerges from behind the podium. The man has a long white beard, a bald head, a large forehead, a small nose, medium lips, brown eyes, and pointy ears. Old man: "Define strange."

Macai looks ahead and Kanna enters her battle stance. Macai raise his hand to signal for Kanna to take it easy. Macai: "I don't think he is a threat."

Older man: "I didn't come to fight, but I have no fear of you either."

Macai: "Tell us where the Scroll of Avatar Yan is."

Older man: "Ahh, you mean Avatar Rong Yan."

Kanna: "Why did he write the scroll?"

Older man: "The scroll was written as a letter to the Western Water Tribe. During the time, it was meant to inform the people about the unique spirituality of the area and their inherent gifts. There is something different and spiritual about this land. The information can be used to help this land prosper spiritually and to repel any invaders as long as the people in the land are morally correct."

Kanna: "That explains why we don't want you to have it."

Macai: "Kanna, it isn't our mission to ask why. We are assigned to get this information for the interest of our nation."

Kanna responds, "I was just curious."

Samira: "Curiosity killed the lemur."

Macai looked at the man, "It is in this podium, isn't it? That is your tradition."

Older man: "Perhaps or perhaps I have hidden it."

Macai: "Get away from it now or I'll batter you." The elderly man steps away from the podium. Macai looks at his friends, "Keep an eye on him."

Kanna: "Got it." Samira points her spear at the man's neck.

Older man: "Well, that is no way to treat your elders, young lady."

Macai looks under the podium and doesn't notice anything. Macai stands and looks behind his position and walks toward the wall. Older man: "What are you doing?"

Macai: "I know it's here somewhere. Intelligence said you keep the scroll here because of tradition. Your forces shouldn't have expected our arrival."

Older man: "You underestimate us."

Macai grabs the man by his neck, "My patience is wearing thin!"

Older man: "You can kill me, but your threats will not work. I do not fear death." Macai lets go of the man's neck and looks around the stage. Macai analyzes the area like a puzzle and searches everything behind the podium. Macai eventually finds a hidden lever and pulls it. A back door opens, revealing a tunnel.

Older man: "How did you unlock that? For decades, no outsider has discovered that route."

Macai replies and smirks, "You underestimate my ability." Macai raises his hand and tightens it. Samira pushes the older man forwardwhile Kanna moves behind her. Macai walks through the tunnel. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the tunnel are silver. Macai turns right into a hidden room where he notices a room with a scroll on a panel.

Macai walks toward the panel. The elder warns, "Don't, if you take that scroll you will unleash a great spiritual storm on your nation. The storm hits whatever nation wrongly attempts such a maneuver to oppress this village."

Macai laughs, "Your superstition means nothing to me." Macai snatches the scroll and reads it. Macai looks at Kanna, "They have a waterfall nearby and this scroll even has a map on the back. Behind the waterfall is a small cave with Yuvi crystals. These crystals have some spiritual effect that obstructs the vision of any invading faction, and they apparently bless the town."

Samira: "What a bunch of nonsense. They thought this mission was important? Fighting these religious maniacs."

Macai: "Well, it still has some dangerous guerrillas in it that have been obstructing our movement. The important thing about this mission is that it will be a psychological defeat for the Western Water forces who are very religious. They revere this kind of stuff."

The elder interrupts, "Taking or destroying those crystals will disrupt the balance. If you destroy them, then your nation will suffer great agony. Plagues and great natural disasters will hit your nation. But if you take them, then the consequences will still be great. Less great, but great enough to shake your nation."

Macai: "I've heard enough of your nonsense you old fool. Shut him up, Samira." Samira butts the back of her spear against the man's head, knocking him out. Macai smiles and takes the scroll.

Macai: "This will be useful for the Fire Nation to keep. We can go to the cave next and claim those crystals. Maybe the Fire Nation Sages will have a use for them and if they decide to destroy them at least they'll have that choice."

Kanna smiles, "I can't wait to see what they look like. Maybe I could keep some for jewelry."

Macai points at Kanna, "No, this is strictly Fire Nation property. It will be given to command and shipped to the Capital. Ozai will decide."

Kanna pouts, "Ok."

Macai: "I'll have one of our marines fetch a bag for those crystals. In fact, I told two of them outside to strap bags on their belts just in case we found something interesting. So we'll be good to go. I've also called two squads of marines to reinforce our position, in case we run into more resistance."

Destiny Tested

While Macai is busy in the temple tunnel, three gifted Western Water Tribe members advance toward the temple. One of them has medium-length wavy dark brown hair, teal eyes, golden yellow skin, and is a waterbender. His uniform is dark blue with sand stripes. Right of his position is a Western Water Tribe swordsman with a dark brown ponytail, hazel eyes (which is rare for a waterbender), a medium nose, long yet thin eyebrows, yellow skin, and a sword.

Left of his position is a Northern Water Tribe Archer with a lightblue uniform and white markings. She has short black straight hair, a small nose, small eyebrows, small lips, and round light blue eyes. Her name is Serraj.

Serraj comments, "We have to hurry if we're going to stop them. How much longer Jarue?"

Jarue: "Don't worry Serraj, we're almost there. We have to stop them now before they reach the temple." Jarue, Serraj, and Kaft take cover behind several trees as they look at the temple.

Kaft: "Looks like we're already too late. I see several Fire Nation troopers outside of the temple."

Jarue growls, "Dang it!"

Serraj: "Should we hit them now? Or wait until they go for the caves because that's next."

Jarue: "We have to go for the caves, we can't afford to attack them right at this moment if someone uses another route to find the crystals."

Kaft: "I have a better idea. Let me go, I'll alert the reserved village warriors since it seems most of our allies have fallen in battle. They can fortify the cave and you two can hit them now. To prevent their success."

Jarue: "That sounds like the best of both worlds. What do you think Serraj?"

Serraj nods, "I like that option."

Jarue takes a breath, "As long as we earnestly try our best, our destinies will be fulfilled. Let's do it."

Kaft: "Bring it in everyone." Kaft, Jarue, and Serraj fist bump. Kaft: "Ok, let's finish this." Kaft quickly departs.

Serraj looks at Jarue, "Do you think he'll make it in time?"

Jarue: "Yes Serraj, he's a fast runner. I'm glad your people wanted you to visit us during these pressing tumultuous times. The Fire Nation forces have been up to something recently. I can tell, they are planning something big."

Serraj: "I can feel it too. These Fire Nation forces are so spiritually deaf, and blind compared to us, most of them anyway."

Jarue nods, "Let's use that to our advantage. Their science has blinded them. They forgot about the others things that matter. In fact, they forgot about what matters most. To their detriment. Get ready and on my signal." Jarue runs off.

Serraj throws her hands up, "Wait, what's your signal?"

Jarue runs across the right flank of his enemies. Sonna has a sharp eye and stands beside Dade while the rest of the marines keep watch but don't notice Jarue. Dade: "Yeah, that was a fun game."

Sonna: "It was, you actually beat me that time."

Dade: "I'm a different man now. I'm going to win most of our games from now on."

Sonna laughs, "Don't get overconfident Dade. You just got lucky."

Dade: "Lucky?! I've been planning for that strategy for days. That skill isn't going away."

Sonna retorts, "You needed to practice? In that case, I'm going to demolish you as soon as I take this seriously."

Dade laughs, "We'll see. I'm on another level now and more in touch with the board than before. Back then I was just the learner, now I'm the master."

Sonna: "Master of losing, gotcha."

Dade: "But who lost last time?"

Sonna glimpses past Dade's position and notices Jarue. Dade: "Yeah, I gotcha that time. No clever response, I'm disappointed." Sonna aims her bow and Dade steps aside. Serraj is impressed by Sonna's remarkable senses and immediately aims her arrow at Sonna's head.

[ Audiomachine- Wars of Faith (Music Starts) ]

Dade looks in the other direction and notices Serraj aiming at Sonna. Dade: "Sonna, look out!" Sonna turns and notices Serraj. Serraj fires an arrow at her face. Sonna dips and the marines get in their battle positions. Jarue emerges and stealthily walks behind the marines while they are distracted.

Three marines turn around and notice Jarue. The waterbender smiles and lengthens his arms, "Gentlemen, I have an offer." The marines ready their weapons. Jarue shifts his right arm and slaps them aside with a water whip. The other marines turn.

Jarue notices two swordsmen and a spearman across his position. Jarue rapidly pops two water torpedoes into the swordsmen across him. The spearman chucks his weapon at Jarue. Jarue slides on ice then the young man extends his right hand and knocks the marine away with a water tentacle. Marine: "Ooof!"

Three marines (two swordsmen and one spearwoman) charge at Jarue. Jarue expands his hands then pulls them forward, a stream of water flows across the marines and they are frozen in a massive block of ice. Jarue leaps over the block of ice and soars over a Fire Nation spearmen and swordsman.

Jarue pulls his hand back and submerges it with water. When Jarue lands, he presses his palm on the ground and a whirlwind of water expands around him. The water swirl sends the shock troopers flying. The warrior peeks and notices Dade and two Firebenders.

Dade: "Bring it on." While this is happening, Serraj launches a second arrow at Sonna. Sonna dives right and pops an arrow from the ground at Serraj. The North Water Tribe warrior leaps behind a tree for cover.

Sonna looks at a female firebender near her, "Get that archer!" The firebender nods and charges at Serraj's position. Serraj hears the firebender moving toward her. Serraj backpedals and moves out of cover. Serraj takes aim at the firebender but the woman raises her hands and kicks a brick of orange fire at the archer. Serraj dives on the ground and the tree behind her is hit.

The tree catches fire and the firebender extends her hands then directs flames around Serraj. The flames close in around the young woman. Serraj sprints at her opponent to avoid being incinerated. The firebender extends her hands and pours a beam of fire at the young lady. Serraj quickly slides and launches her arrow right between the woman's breasts.

The firebender falls backward, "Oh!" Serraj leaps back on her feet and Sonna shoots an arrow into the right side of her stomach. Serraj collapses and moans as blood leaks from her side. Sonna aims again at Serraj's head.

While this is happening, Jarue extends both of his hands and swishes two water tentacles at the firebenders around him. His attack is faster than the firebender's can anticipate. They are both knocked out. Jarue looks at Dade and the marine frowns.

Jarue: "You're outmatched."

Dade charges, "We'll see about that!" Jarue stretches his hands and launches a stream of water into Dade's chest. Dade flies eight feet back and through the front doors of the temple. Jarue turns his head and notices Sonna aiming at Serraj's head. Jarue sways his right hand and shoots Sonna down with a surge of cold water.

Sonna slides across the grass, "Ugh!"

(music stops)

Jarue runs toward Serraj.

Serraj, "It's ok Jarue, I'll live. Jarue removes the arrow, I'll get back to the village for medical treatment. Fire Nation forces will likely subjugate the town. But I'll make sure I'm out before then. I think we took too long, get to the cave! Don't risk all this alone without backup." Jarue presses some water against Sada's wound to reduce her injury.

Jarue nods and Serraj flees. Macai, Kanna, and Samira head toward the front door of the church to leave when they notice an injured Dade. Macai looks at his friend, "What happened?"

Dade: "Ugh, some really good waterbender attacked. This guy was tricky. One of their best warriors for sure and he was fast. Kick his butt, Macai."

Macai: "We will, stay here."

Dade grunts and rubs his forehead, "No problem." Macai, Kanna, and Samira sprint out of the door and notice that their entire team is knocked out, injured, or frozen.

Macai: "Well, this is not usually how things go."

Kanna nods, "Nope."

Samira: "Let's make them pay." Macai reveals the map and his allies sprint toward the woods.

Macai looks down and notices a trail of blood, "Look, he must have been injured and was trying to escape."

Kanna: "Or one of his allies."

Macai: "Indeed, it may have not been a solo stunt. But the map shows that person isn't heading for the cave, but the village instead. Probably to get to safety. No matter, we will focus on the cave behind the waterfall. Which means we go right, it has a fast route but I'm sure he knows the same one. Oh, let's strap on one of those bags before we go."

Jarue makes it to the cave. He notices two Water Tribe guards on the outside of the cave. One has a spear, and the other is an archer. Spearman: "Come in, hurry."

Jarue enters the cave, which has a dark grey atmosphere. Several teal crystals brighten the area and he notices another eight Western Watertribe warriors. Three have spears, two have swords, and three are water benders. Jarue: "I thought Kaft asked for the entire unit."

Waterbender: "He did, we weren't going to do that."

Jarue: "We can't afford to play around. They might send a big team or their best forces. The team we saw was only the scouts. They had another bigger unit."

Waterbender: "We will deal with them next and send a massive team to stop them. The chieftain would never allow us to take everyone out of the village, you should know that Jarue. The safety of the people is first and foremost. Let's deal with the coming team. Then we can move these crystals out of here away from the enemies."

Jarue: "Why don't we just take the crystals now?"

The waterbender looks at his allies and they nod, "That's a good idea. We can take them now and bring them to the village."

Jarue responds, "Exactly. Did anyone bring bags to take them?"

A swordsman retrieves a large bag, and a spearman does the same. Waterbender: "We did just in case we decided to have a change in plans, but we wanted to access the situation first. We need to move fast and get these crystals before any enemies arrive."

Macai, Kanna, and Samira sprint across the pathway to the waterfall. Macai presses his right hand forward, "Code double green." Kanna accelerates at tremendous speed and notices the guards in front of the cave entrance. Kanna extends her right leg and kicks a powerful rod of dark orange flames into the spearman's back across her.

The spearman screams, "Zaaah!" The man flies into his friend, knocking both of them out. The Water Tribe warriors inside the cave hear the commotion and look at the entrance. Kanna flips behind cover and Macai jumps in front of the entrance.

The three waterbenders (other than Jarue) pile up and shoot rays of water from the entrance. Macai leaps left, away from the entrance. Kanna and Samira look at the entrance as a stream of water flows from it several feet away. Their eyes widen and Macai smiles.

Macai: "Watch this." Macai lowers his right hand and haymakers a white wave of fire into the floor of the cave. The cave floor does not catch fire however, its material interacts with the fire causing blinding sparks to fly. This is made worse by Macai's white flames. The bright light blinds the waterbenders and they cover their eyes.

Jarue: "Get away from there!" Macai leaps in front of the entrance and fires a missile of white fire into the pack of waterbenders. The explosion vaporizes the waterbenders and emits smoke around the room. Jarue ducks behind cover and hears a volley of several white flames flying through the room. Several bodies drop.

As the smoke slowly clears, Macai can be seen marching into the cave. Macai extends his left hand and punches a white flame into a spearman across him. Macai looks right and notices two Water Tribe warriors across him. One is a swordsman, and another is a spearman. Macai extends his right hand and pounds a white flame into the spearman across him.

Macai sweeps his hand and smacks the other warrior aside with a white fire whip. Water Swordsman: "Oh!" Macai looks left of his position and doesn't notice anyone else. Macai walks past several corpses and notices multiple crystals.

Macai comments, "Oh, would you look at that? They started collecting the crystals for us. Come in girls." Kanna and Samira enter.

Kanna: "Oh come on Macai, you could have let us join in on the fun."

Macai responds, "I was in my zone and didn't want to take you guys out by accident. Start collecting the crystals."

Kanna: "Ahh, so this is what we get to do." Kanna starts collecting crystals on the right side of the room and Samira straps her spear on her back. Samira collects crystals on the left side of the room. Jarue leaps between Kanna and Samira. Jarue extends his hands and freezes both of them.

[ Audiomachine- Land of Ice and Fire (music starts) ]

Macai elongates his hands and fires a white beam of flames at Jarue. Jarue leaps over the fire. The Eastern Water Tribe fighter extends his legs and blasts a strong stream of water at the commander. The gush of water is so brisk that it hits Macai in his chest, and he slides two feet backward.

Jarue sends a volley of ice flying at Macai while he is down. Macai rolls right and jumps back on his feet. The ground around Macai turns to ice and he starts sliding forward. Macai stumbles and heats his feet with white fire to avoid falling. Jarue fires another two bricks of ice at Macai while he is struggling. Macai raises a wall of white flames that blocks the barrages of ice pellets.

Macai extends his right arm and launches the wall of fire at Jarue. Jarue scoots right and the wall of fire hits the back wall of the cave. Shaking the entire cave. Jarue and Macai both stumble from the commotion. The water hero steps forward and blasts a ray of hot water at Macai's face. Macai crouches then pumps his right fist and shoots a white flame at Jarue's stomach.

Jarue leaps over the flame and points his right hand at Macai. Jarue shoots a payload of ice at his opponent. Macai rolls forward. Jarue lands a few feet behind Macai's position. Jarue and Macai turn to face each other. Macai points his knuckles at his opponent as he blasts a cascade of white fire at Jarue. Jarue raises his right leg and a block of ice intercepts the shot.

The ice block shatters into several fragments. Macai doesn't want to accidentally kill one of his allies while trying to blast Jarue so Macai decides to try a different approach. Macai slaps his hands together and creates a white flare to blind his enemy. Jarue looks down to avoid being blinded. Macai kicks a white tirade of fire from his right leg at his opponent.

Jarue raises his hands while keeping his eyes closed. A wave of water blocks the shot. Jarue sweeps forward with an aura of water and a flood of water flows behind him. Jarue extends his hands a second time and a stream of water blasts Macai out of the cave. Jarue slowly stands up and smiles, "You're good, but not invincible." Jarue quickly collects the crystals and flees out a back way.

(music stops)

Macai eventually reenters the cave then raises the temperature of the room to free his friends. Samira falls and passes out but Kanna is still conscious though tired. Kanna touches Samira to warm up her body and keep her friend from dying. Kanna looks at Macai, "Did you get him?"

Macai: "No, this failure won't look good on my record."

Kanna: "Well, you have the scroll. So it's at least a partial victory."

Macai: "It might not be over yet. I'm going to have Kett's team apprehend the village. We'll hit them fast and unexpectedly." Macai, Kanna, and Samira march to the Prompt Adjudicator which is docked at a nearby shore.

Macai meets with Kett, "Kett, take two squads of troops. We'll hit the village. Rosh might have decided to hit the village, but I expect his team would find resistance first. So let's try to shut them down quickly."

Kett: "They likely already evacuated, but it's worth a try." Macai. Kett, Kanna, Samira, and several marines march into the village. When they reach the outskirts they notice several marines in the village.

Macai looks at a marine, "Are you part of Rosh's unit?"

Marine: "Yessir, after we dealt with our enemies Rosh suggested that we loop around and find the enemy village. We didn't know how to and got ambushed several times. Took a few casualties but handled ourselves well. Then we eventually punched into the village. They only had a few depleted guards, so we rushed through. We came sooner than they expected and ran right through them."

Macai moves toward the center of the village and notices Rosh with Asad beside him. Macai: "Well Rosh, you exceeded expectations."

Rosh: "Yeah, things went well I assume."

Macai: "For the most part, until the end of the mission. We got attacked by a very capable enemy. He managed to injure a lot of our initial team. We had to get reinforcements to search for you, we were thinking about taking the village, but your team beat us to it."

Rosh: "Had it not been for that unexpected guest, your team may have shut down the village before us."

Kett: "I bet, how good was that guy?"

Macai: "Good enough to outsmart us briefly."

Kett looks surprised. Macai: "Not because he's smarter than me. But I was distracted by the assignment and the task at hand. He caught us off guard."

Kett: "I see, but the fact that he gave you and Kanna an issue, is something else."

Samira: "And me."

Kett: "Yes and Samira, she's a fierce fighter."

Samira: "Darn right."

Kett grins, "I guess I should have been here."

An embarrassed Macai exhales, "Rosh, did you find the crystals?"

Rosh: "Crystals? There were none when we arrived. I'll order a search."

Marine: "Sir, we couldn't find any crystals."

Macai: "Then double your search!"

Marine: "Yes sir."

A New Direction

A few minutes earlier... An injured Serraj limps into her grandmother's room. Serraj looks up and notices an elderly woman with medium-length white straight hair, faded blue eyes, a bright smile, a fairly wide frame, and few wrinkles for her age. Serraj: "Hey grandma, can you patch me up, quickly."

Serraj's grandmother: "Ohh Serra, you are such a brave girl. If your parents at the Northern Water Tribe knew how daring you were, they would scold me for allowing you to do it."

Serraj: "Dena, you know there is no way to stop me. I'm going to do what I do with or without approval."

Dena: "I know Serraj, I know. I don't blame you either. But it's a good thing you're with me (Dena winks). You are such a brave sixteen-year-old girl and I know your town is counting on you."

Serraj smiles, "Yes and I'll be seventeen in a couple of months. I'm doing what I can because they need a skilled archer like me."

Dena tends to Serraj's wound and patches her, "Don't let the training of these Fire Nation tyrants intimidate you. They don't have the heart, soul, and spiritual favor that we do. That's why nothing they attempt will prosper. Just have faith, my dear."

Serraj tries to get up, "No sprinting or heavy running. You must heal."

Serra: "Grandmother, I can't be long. They are coming. I can't stay here, they will search for me. I just know it." Kaft enters the room and Jarue moves behind him with a bag of crystals.

Dena: "Kraft and Jarue, what are you two doing here?"

Kaft: "We must be quick Miss Dena. We are going to flee from the city and make it to the Northern Water Tribe territories. They have a lot of security there. We believe that is the best way to secure the crystals. There is a route we will need to follow along the way and several Fire Nation forces may pursue us. But we have to try."

Dena: "Then go, quickly. Serraj, I love you." Serraj passionately hugs her grandmother and Dena kisses her on the forehead. Dena: "Ever since your grandfather passed, you were one of the last people I've looked out for. Stay safe beloved." Serraj nods and enters a carriage with her friends.

The carriage has a terramule on it. Terramules are five feet tall with light grey. They are incredible strong and have decent speed. The carriage is not as luxurious as a Fire Nation carriage. Infact, it is old and dusty. It is barely in good enough condition to make long trips but it will do. It is one of the only three available carriages the village had.

One of them wasn't in condition for long-term travel. But Chieftian Vodeshi commissioned the departure for the goodwill of the region. As Kaft, Serraj, and Jarue prepare to depart Vodeshi and two swordsmen meet with the young adventurers.

Vodeshi has bronze skin, curly black hair, a long nose, almond shaped light blue eyes, small eyebrows, a muscular frame, and small ears. Vodeshi is also six feet and three inches tall. Vodeshi: "Hello, young heroes. You are our last hope, please do everything you can to protect the crystals."

Serraj: "We will not fail Vodeshi." Vodeshi hugs the teens. They quickly board into the the carriage and depart. Serraj looks at Jarue as they depart. Serraj: "Did you face Macai?"

Jarue: "I did, and I beat him."

Kaft laughs, "No way, you must have outsmarted him or something."

Jarue comments, "That's exactly what happened but he's supposed to be smart."

Kaft: "I hear he is young. How old did you figure? Maybe around eighteen."

Jarue: "I don't know. I'm sixteen and he looked near my age."

Kaft: "Maybe he's fifteen like me."

Jarue: "He could be, he wasn't that old man. Which is admirable for his reputation. Even with all his combat skills, his strategic and leadership feats are insane."

Serraj concludes, "That just shows that the Fire Nation CAN be beaten!! They are NOT invincible. And more disappointments are coming for them in the near future."

Jarue teases, "When did you get the gift of prophecy?"

Serraj blushes, "Well, I just really feel like we can stop them. They are planning something big in our territories, intelligence has been saying it over and over again. It's time we ruin their day. If only I could see the look on the Firelord's face when we win."

Kaft gaps, "In the meantime, let's worry about surviving the next day." As the carriage departs from the city, Rosh, Asad, Basin, Kedo, and several marines converge on the settlement. Several Western Water Tribe warriors meet on the outskirts of the village.

[Audiomachine- Ten Thousand Slain (music starts) ]

Water Tribe sergeant: "Warriors, defend the village at all costs!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Rosh barks, "Take them down!" Rosh's archers open fire, and two Water Tribe warriors are shot down by arrows. Rosh presses his hands together and pounds a large stream of red-orange fire at the sergeant. The sergeant raises his hands and pulls a large orb of water in front of himself. The orb blocks the shot.

Rosh's fires a second more forceful shot that fries the orb and overpowers the sergeant, breaking his water wall. The man is launched through a building behind him. One of the Water Tribe warriors looks back in horror as he notices what happened to his commanding officer. An arrow penetrates the neck of the warrior while his back is turned. A firebender charges forward and fires two orange flames into two Water Tribe warriors in front of him.

Asad extends his right hand and fires an orange flame into a waterbender's neck. The battle goes south quickly for the defenders. Citizens watch from their homes as they see their courageous protectors get slaughtered outside. Chieftain Vodeshi and his troopers get ready to join their forces to press against the enemy. An inflamed arrow hits the guard left of Vodeshi's position.

(music stops)

Vodeshi looks forward and notices Rosh with Kedo a few feet behind him and Asad on his left flank. Asad extends his hands and fires a beam of orange fire into Vodeshi's other guard. Rosh: "Sorry your highness, but this game is over. This city is ours, surrender now and command might let you live."

Vodeshi: "I'll never be your slave or experiment. Forget about it." Vodeshi opens his mouth and spits an enormous stream of water at Rosh. Rosh slides left. Vodeshi turns his stream of water into ice and turns his face in Asad's direction to freeze himself. Asad lowers his hands and blasts himself in the air over the attack.

Rosh pumps his right handand fires a red-orange rocket of fire into Vodeshi's chest. Vodeshi's body violently crashes on the ground below. The chieftain gaps and coughs from the blow. Rosh: "One last chance to surrender." Vodeshi rises back on his feet, though his body is weary.

Vodeshi defiantly shouts, "Never!" Vodeshi extends his left hand and generates an ice sword. Vodeshi sprints and horizontally swipes at Rosh. Rosh leaps behind Vodeshi, the noble cheiftain turns, and Rosh fires three fire bullets into Vodeshi's chest. The chieftain covers his chest and falls face-down.

Vodeshi desperately coughs but tries to get back up. Rosh: "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me with no choice. So, die already." Rosh extends his right hand and creates a red-orange fire sword. Rosh slams his sword through Vodeshi's back. Vodeshi gets a terrible case of heartburn and a black hole seeps through his chest.

Vodoeshi crumbles. Several marines move behind Rosh. Rosh looks at the marines, "Search the city and kill any stragglers." As Jarue and his friends rode from the village, Kaft looked out of a window and noticed smoke flowing from it.

Kaft: "Look, they are destroying Eddam!"

Jarue: "No."

Tying It Altogether

While Macai and his forces wait at the subjugated city, Fire Nation General Alaki arrives. Alaki has black wavy hair, pale skin, a thin nose, thin yet long mocha brown eyes, and a thin frame. Alaki: "Macai, right?

Macai: "Yes, that's right."

Alaki: "I heard your forces took the temple and dealt with the enemies."

Macai: "That is correct."

Alaki: "Do you have the scroll?"

Macai: "I do, I actually gave it to my archer Sonna before we looked for something else."

Alaki: "Excellent, have her bring it to me."

Sonna brings the scroll to Alaki, "Good, this will be useful and break some of their spirit. What about the crystals, did you get them?"

Macai: "No sir, we tried but they outmaneuvered us."

Alaki: "What? I thought you were one of the best."

Macai shrugs. Alaki: "Well that's going to negatively affect your record. So far you had all strong victories, but we'll count this one as a partial victory since you did everything else well. But if this happens again, the punishment will be harsher. The first screw-up is treated more leniently as long as it's not a massive blow."

Macai: "I won't fail again, by any measure."

Alaki responds, "For your sake, I hope not. Ozai will be most displeased, but you still have time to make things better. Because of this failure, the current defeat at the battlefield and even the chieftain's brutal death will not be enough to break their spirit. At this point, all it will do is make them more game."

Macai asks, "What must we do?"

Alaki smiles, "I want you and several of your troops to round up the village citizens. We need to put fear in them and have a public execution to break their spirits. Once that is done, burn the village down."

Macai's eyes widen, "The entire village?"

Alaki: "Yes, the entire village. We must make an example. The ashes of Eddam will serve as an example to all who oppose our nation. The cost of rebellion. Besides, the city is contaminated. It's a land of highly defective and rebellious people. This is the only way to cure the land."

Macai: "I'm not a very spiritual man, but if any of this stuff is real, the spiritual implications of such an action will be substantial."

Alaki: "It will be so great because many will fear us, and we will become more powerful. Being a great leader is making tough and strong decisions. Those that the weak cannot make. Don't make the same mistake that Zuko did."

Macai nods, "Of course sir." Macai meets with Rosh and the nearby troops. Macai has Kett, Rosh, and his forces rally several citizens. Basin sits on the sidelines with Dade as they wait to receive orders.

Dade looks at Basin, "I get a feeling there is a good reason Kanna got sent back to the PA for this one."

Basin: "Yeah, we had a brief marine shift for some weird reason. And Cosal and Ronin sat everything out. They're still waiting in the PA and have been for this entire battle."

Dade: "Well, I guess we all have slightly different stories to tell."

Basin: "But yeah, I also have a bad feeling about this. My stomach is turning, and I don't know why." Macai signals for Kett, Rosh, and three other firebenders to step forward. Four archers move around them on each side as the citizens stand in position. The swordsmen wait on the left and right to prevent the rounded citizens from running away.

Alaki looks at Macai. Macai looks at his firebenders and archers, "On my order, we will execute the citizens."

Kett looks back at Macai, "What?"

Macai looks back at Kett, "You heard me."

Kett shouts, "Are you insane?! Rosh back me up, this is crazy."

Rosh looks at Macai, "He's right, this is nuts bro."

Macai: "We have our orders. Do it or we'll be deemed traitors to our nation." Rosh gulps.

Kett crosses his hands, "Well, even the bold noble isn't willing to go against the grain. I'm not doing it; I will NEVER do this. It is wrong."

Macai: "Kett calm down."

Kett: "HOW can I be calm about killing innocent civilians?!"

Macai: "Shut up, you are undermining our objective!"

Kett: "Screw the objective Macai. Don't you have a heart?!"

Macai gets in Kett's face, "Don't undermine my authority."

Alaki looks back in disgust, "What is taking so long?! Do it!!"

Macai shouts, "Fire!" Rosh and the firebenders press their hands and launch powerful flames into the civilians. The archers turn and shoot as well. Kett turns his head and does not fire. Kett hopes the marines missed on purpose and fired in the opposite direction. Loud screams are heard, but they come to an abrupt end. Perhaps his faith in humanity has been restored.

Kett slowly turns his head and notices several charred bodies. He looks left and right of his position and notices people dispatched by arrows. Kett's chest feels heavy and tears flow from his eyes. Kett looks at Macai and his allies, "How could you!?"

Macai: "Get a grip! We had a mission, and our loyalty is ultimately to the Fire Nation. Where is your loyalty?!" Rosh feels a bad ache in his stomach and wants to throw up looking at the corpses.

Rosh deeply regrets his action and mutters to himself, "Never again."

Kett: "There were innocent men, women, children, and elders in that crowd. There were parents and you killed them! How could you be so vile?!!"

Alaki: "That's right and that's exactly how it should be done. We are an EMPIRE! How do you think empires are maintained you shrimp? That's it, I'm writing you up. You will be court marshaled and discharged for sedition!"

Macai looks at General Alaki, "No, he won't!"

General Alaki: "Are you threatening me, commander?!"

Macai: "No sir, but we did the mission. It was hard but we had what it took, we did it. Work with us and let this one slide."

The general sighs, "Alright I'll let this one slide, but keep your subordinates under control. Your team will get an average rating for this mission. You did enough to pass but, didn't do stellar this time. Don't let it happen again. And if I notice any other traitorous actions from this group, I'll order you to kill the suspects yourself. Even if they're your marines."

Macai attempts to hide his fury but is not successful. General Alaki: "Yeah that's right. And if you ever betray us, I'll see to it that we have your head, and your name will be tarnished." Alaki looks at Kett, "Stupid peasant." Kett clinches his teeth.

General Alaki: "Now burn the town down, the mission isn't over."

Macai nods his head, then Macai pats Kett on the back, "The people are already dead. Scorching the city won't make a difference."

Kett: "I thought the crystals protected the city?"

Macai: "They protect the region actually. This city is just the most important part of it, so the spiritual consequences will be severe. That is if you believe any of this crap. Now burn it down, we can't risk any sedition or heresy calls." Kett, Rosh, and the firebenders burn the buildings down.

General Alaki smiles, "That's right. Oh, it's beautiful."