Assault on Fikku

It is a foggy day, and the sky is grey. The Battle of Rongor has been won, at least by the 31st. Now thousands of Fire Nation troops have been deployed and sent to attack the industrial city. While they clash, Macai's forces wait on the shore. Macai is still reeling from the loss of a good friend, though casualties in war are expected.

The thought haunts Macai of losing another person he loves. Macai thinks again of his mother's passing and how much it hurts him. He wonders if he can bear another loss, then a thought comes. Macai second-guesses himself, "What are you afraid of you weak fool?! Remember your training. Death is a natural part of life, a good soldier keeps going."

Captain Hazo enters the room. Macai slowly raises his head. Captain Hazo: "Are you alright Macai?"

Macai nods his head and attempts to maintain his composure, "Yessir. I am great."

Captain Hazo: "You never were a good liar."

Macai sighs, "I never liked lying anyway. No, I feel terrible."

Hazo: "Why?"

Macai: "I'm trying to deal with these losses."

Hazo responds, "It's never easy Macai. We all would like to keep moving but, sometimes the thoughts return."

Macai asks, "How do I deal with them?"

Hazo: "Don't ignore them, embrace them. Know and understand that you are hurt. And remind yourself what happened. So that you can fight harder every time. But also remind yourself that death is natural. That doesn't make it ok, but if anyone is going to die, it better be for a reason. Especially if it's a good person."

Macai nods his head, "And if that reason isn't so apparent then I will do what I can to honor their death."

Hazo nods, "Exactly."

Macai inquires, "Why did you come? I get the feeling your visit is not merely social. I can tell from your body language."

Hazo smiles, "You read me well. No one has ever told me that before."

Macai comments, "There is a first time for everything, I suppose."

Hazo: "I've come to inform you that the Avatar has been discovered."

Macai suddenly gazes at Hazo. Hazo: "Yes, Zuko has found him."

Macai: "Where?"

Hazo: "In the Southern Water Tribe territories."

Macai gasps, "Well, that's fascinating."

Hazo: "He is the last major obstacle that stands in the way of our victory. Well, that and our great siege of the Northern Tribe and Ba Sing Se. Both battles must happen to finish off our enemies."

Macai responds, "It may not end just then. I get the feeling stragglers will last and need to be picked off to ensure victory. But those will be glorious days."

Hazo: "They will be inevitable, so long as this Avatar is caught and dealt with."

Macai: "But this is not our responsibility, it is Prince Zuko's."

Hazo: "Indeed, when we were fighting on Rongor Zuko had already captured the boy. Imagine that. Then the boy escaped from his custody. Now the hunt begins."

Macai: "Looks like he's off to a rough start, but with Iroh by his side I think they will beat him." Macai pauses and scratches his head, "Wait you said the boy. How old is he?"

Hazo: "I suppose he is well over a hundred. However, he was frozen during his escape. Physically and mentally he is only twelve."

Macai laughs, "And I thought I was young. That will make it easier."

Hazo: "Do not underestimate him. The Avatar is naturally a gifted fighter and one of the best combatants of all time. He will undoubtedly be guided by the spirits of the past Avatars before him. In a way, they are one with him."

Macai replies, "You make it seem like this is my mission."

Hazo: "Everyone in the Fire Nation should be wary of his abilities and know what he looks like. He is a little bald boy who wears the classic airbender robes."

Macai: "That's nuts. An airbender. To think, all these years I thought they were extinct. My father hasn't even trained me to fight an airbender. None of my training in the Royal Academy, with you, or Nyarri prepared me for such a foe."

Hazo: "Indeed, that will give him an advantage against his enemies. It probably aided him against Zuko's unit."

Macai places his right index finger on his chin, "I remember reading the historical reports of airbenders. They fight very defensively and they are agile. Since I have time, I will at least teach my unit minor drills of how to counter one. Because you never know, one day we may cross paths with him."

Hazo: "With the role of our unit, it is certainly a possibility. There is another thing." Macai tilts his head. Hazo: "We have been reassigned to deal with the Eastern Water Tribe region. Ozai says that you have proved yourself against the Earth Kingdom forces. He wants you to take on a new challenge and battle waterbenders."

Macai's eyes widen, "Waterbenders? That's right. I hear the Southern Water Tribe has nearly lost all of its Waterbenders."

Hazo: "Exactly. The Southern and Northern tribes are the biggest. They both have had a natural rivalry for some time. The Northern tribe is more prominent and advanced. However, the Eastern tribe is a different story altogether. Its tribes are more advanced than the Southern and Western Water Tribes. Though they still have less resources than the Northern Tribe. It has a few Water Benders, more than the Southern but less than the Western and Northern."

Macai: "Wait, there is a Western tribe too? I only knew about the North and South."

Hazo nods, "Yes, the other two tribes are smaller than the better-known ones and the Water Tribes don't get as much media attention as the Earth Kingdom anyway. The North and South were the original ones, hence why they get mentioned a lot more. The people of the East are descendants of the North, and the people of the West are descendants of the South. They get next to no publicity, some people from the Northern and Southern tribes hardly know about them."

Macai asks, "Doesn't the Northern Water Tribe have the most Waterbenders?"

Hazo responds, "The answer is unclear. The Western Water Tribe has more estimated Waterbenders than the Eastern. They might actually have the most Waterbenders. But they are less organized and are scattered like the Southern Tribe. They are less advanced and are guerilla experts. I personally think the Western Tribe might be the most dangerous of them."

Macai: "They all are different. I hear the Southern tribes have many hardened fighters, though they are nonbenders."

Hazo: "I would definitely say the Eastern and Western tribes bring a bigger challenge. The Western particularly is a wild land with a lot of unknowns. The Eastern is more like a civilization. And of course, you know the Northern is more industrialized. It is more like the water Ba Sing Se."

Macai: "Thought the Water Tribes are ultimately less advanced than the Earth Kingdom. With a lower population and more scattered people."

Hazo: "This is mainly true, but the land brings different challenges. Ba Sing Se is located in a desert where our forces are strongest. The hot temperature and the blazing sun aides our forces. Whereas the Water Tribe territory gets less sunlight, hits night sooner where the Waterbenders are strongest, and has the coldest weather where our forces are weakest. The cold climate also benefits the water benders."

Macai: "So we will be coming with more natural disadvantages and our enemies will have power amps. On the other hand, they have less advanced tech and fewer troops."

Hazo nods, "Exactly. It will simply be a different challenge, not easier or more difficult. If we fight well, we may make the passage easier for Zuko's forces as he attempts to pursue the Avatar. I'm sure Ozai knows this and has a hand in it. We may very well pave the way for others in our Nation during our moment of triumph."

Macai is immediately mesmerized by the thought of Hazo's statements. Macai smiles, "Do we have a mission?" Hazo nods...

A Glorious Purpose

Macai meets with his crew in the conference room. Macai: "Marines and naval servicemen. It is an honor to work with you all. The Avatar has recently been discovered." The crowd gasps. Macai: "Prince Zuko and his team are on their tail." The crowd cheers.

Macai continues, "But our mission may be pivotal to adding them behind the scenes. We will be tasked with engaging the Eastern Water Tribe forces. Several of their operations have disrupted the movements of our forces within the Southern Water Tribe and cut off some of our allies. Their scouts have messed with some of our friendly supply runs. Shutting them down will make it easier for our forces to maneuver throughout Water Tribe territories. This will be essential to limiting how many places this Avatar can run to and it will be important for paving the way to making an easy massive attack on the Northern Water Tribe."

Macai explains, "Our first mission will be at the town Fikku. It will pave the way for our forces to catch this Avatar so stay focused, these battles can shape the trajectory of this war."

Kett glances at Kanna, "This is going to be interesting."

Rosh: "I don't like to get wet unless I'm swimming. So it looks like I'm going to have a bone to pick with some of these Waterguys."

Kett responds, "Then don't let them hit you."

Rosh: "Yeah, that's the idea."

Dade: "Well, at least it's not a creepy mission. I've had enough of those."

Sonna pats Dade, "The creepy missions will come, just you wait."

Dade: "Noo, don't jinx it."

Kett: "Dade there is no such thing as jinxing, you'll be fine."

Dade: "Ok, now I know it's going to happen. Thanks a lot, Kett."

Samira: "I've fought a few Watertribe members in my past. Though the Earth Kingdom forces are our main rivals, the Water Tribe warriors always put up a good fight. They are very disciplined and have a lot of heart. While it more so depends with the Earth Kingdom unit you are fighting."

Dade: "Oh, I don't really like a brawl. I'd rather go against more pushovers."

Rosh replies, "You'll be fine because I'll be there with you."

Kett scoffs, "Oh yeah, he forgot that the New Capital Noble is here to save us. All will be fine now."

Rosh glances at Kett, "Well, my Capital training is worth something. We do win a lot of tournaments."

Kett counters, "You should have seen Nyarri the year before you Graduated."

Rosh replies, "You guys were good my year as well. I'm just saying."

Macai meets with his friends, "We are all on the same team. It's not a competition Kett."

Rosh: "Exactly my thoughts."

Kett: "Oh, I'm with Rosh. I just want to remind him to take his noble superiority complex somewhere else."

Rosh responds, "It sounds more like you have an inferiority complex to me. Do I make you uncomfortable Kett?"

Kett looks at Rosh, "Come a little closer and find out."

Macai: "Hey, knock it off. I won't warn you again, Kett."

Kett shrugs his shoulders, "Ok fine."

Kanna: "I hear they make good slushies out there. I'd like to try one."

Dade: "I hear they make good smoothies too."

Kanna smiles, "Yum."

Cosal: "Oh you kids crack me up."

Kett: "Hey, I'll have you know we're legal adults."

Cosal nods, "Sure you are. That edgy attitude has insecure kid written all over it."

Kett takes a deep breath. Macai: "Team, in the armory, now. It's time to load up." Macai meets with several of his shock troopers as they prepare for battle. Macai: "This time I will remain with my ship. We will attack with two major teams that will look to punch a hole through enemy defenses. The defense on the Fikku shoreline will be much lighter than that of most Earth Kingdom beachheads. Expect the enemies to be scattered, don't expect to see much resistance in terms of artillery from the enemies. If we notice anything, we'll take them out."

Rosh: "How are you going to split us up this time?"

Macai: "The main team will be led by Kett. With Kanna as his second in command. It will take on the bulk of enemy forces. This is a smaller beachhead, so there isn't as much of a reason to have three or more teams for our initial assault. Kett's team will include Ronin and two other firebenders. It will also consist of ten sword marines, ten spear marines, and five archers. Basin, Cosal, Sonna, and Kedo you will all be with Kett."

Rosh: "What about me?"

Macai: "You will lead the second team, which will be smaller. Look to move up the enemy's right flank which seems to be less guarded. You will have Asad with you as a second command and guide. Along with another firebender. Five swordsmen, five spear marines, and three archers will be a part of your team. Arret will be one of your archers, don't worry, she is excellent."

Rosh: "So you gave me the easier mission, huh?"

Macai: "The size of your unit or amount of attention your forces will face does not denote difficulty."

Rosh: "I love you man, but you really talk like a robot sometimes."

Macai: "Your team will push up the beachhead and looks to break the enemy lines. Then attempt to hit the enemies from behind as you break their flank." The Prompt Adjudicator descends upon Fikku. The water is a blue-greyish color. The waves are heavy and it is about 0 Celsius (32 Degrees) outside. A cool breeze flows through the air and light raindrops fall.

The ship fires a volley of artillery strikes across the beachhead before it docks. Kett's forces rapidly charge from the belly of the ship onto the shoreline. Kett signals for a firebender and two swordsmen to move up ahead. One archer moves to cover them then the rest of the garrison follows behind.

Kett's unit advances for about twenty meters without any resistance. Kett: "Wow, I don't see anyone yet."

Kanna responds, "They probably are trying to stay out of range from our ship's guns."

Kett nods, "That makes sense. Looks like they want to make this an old-fashioned infantry fight. Come on, let's keep about ten feet behind our scouts so we can assist them if they run into a trap."

Kanna: "Sure, but I doubt they use guerrilla warfare to the same level as the Purple Burrays did."

Kett: "I agree, but I think they are up to something." While this is happening, Rosh's team advances on the right flank for about fifteen meters before meeting resistance.

Rosh looks at Asad, "Looks like they haven't meet any resistance yet and they have gotten further than us."

Asad responds, "Just because one flank hasn't met resistance yet doesn't mean we won't encounter some sooner." Rosh looks ahead and signals for two swordsmen to scout ahead. The team slowly follows behind them.

Dade: "I'm glad I rarely get sent on scout duty, it's honestly suicide."

A marine looks at Dade, "Honestly, I agree."

Dade looks at the Marine, "What's your name brother."

Marine: "Chaun." The marine has dark brown wavy hair, thin slanted eyes, a sharp nose, yellow skin, and brown eyes. Chaun is twenty-two years old.

Dade: "Nice to meet you Chaun. I wonder what we're up against this time."

Chaun tilts his head right, "Your guess is as good as mine." Two Water Tribe warriors peer at the team from the distance. They have khaki armor with aqua blue markings. The warriors also have round aqua blue helmets. Both are armed with spears and they are standing behind a hill. One of them slowly crouches then pops his head out of cover.

The scout on the left doesn't notice the head but, the scout on the right freezes as he sees movement. The scout on the left stops as he notices his friend react, but he is too slow. The Water Tribe trooper on the left tosses a spear through the marine's neck. The marine's body is launched backward from the hit.

Rosh reacts, "Woh!"

Asad: "We're under attack! Troopers, on the offensive now!" The warrior on the left draws a short sword after throwing his spear.

The water tribe soldier shouts, "Our lives for Fikku!" The trooper sprints toward Rosh's forces while his fellow spearman advances alongside him. Rosh looks right and notices another three Water Tribe warriors emerge. One has dual short axes, another has a long sword, and the other is unarmed (meaning he must be a waterbender).

Rosh looks on the left and notices another four water tribe troopers emerge. Two have spears, another has a sword, and another seems to be a female waterbender. Rosh comments, "These water guys seem to love spears." Rosh commands, "Code Blue Turkey."

Dade, Chaun, a firebender, and a spearman move on the left flank. Rosh, a spear warrior, and two swordsmen move on the right flank. Meanwhile, Asad leaps directly left of the remaining scout's position. Asad notices a swordsman sprint toward him, the firebender shifts his hands right and blows a beam of orange fire at the soldier.

The warrior dives left and collapses. The trooper notices his error then scrambles to his feet. Asad redirects his hands and jabs two flames into the man. The spear warrior charges at the scout swordsman. The spearman strikes at his foe's neck. The sword user rotates his blade left and swats the tip of the spear out of his direction.

The swordsman moves upon his enemy and holds his blade up for a counter. The marine swings his blade down to impale his enemy, but the water warrior rotates his spear horizontally and blocks the strike. The spearman rotates his weapon horizontally and plunges his spear into the marine's stomach. Marine: "Gah!"

The spearman pulls his blade back and the marine collapses. Asad turns and looks at his opponent. He notices that the man has long black hair, tan skin, light brown eyes, a small nose, and small extended ears. Asad: "Ahh, you look to be a skilled warrior."

Spearman: "I have gotten better over the years. I've gutted your comrades since I was fourteen."

Asad: "It's a shame that your people turned you into such a monster. How old are you now?"

The spearman pivots backward and aims his blade at Asad's neck, "Twenty-four."

Asad: "Well, you made it ten years on the battlefield. Only because our nation didn't care enough to hit these desolate lands with its full might. No matter, your nuisance is at an end now."

Spearman: "We'll see about that. I, Ronu will bring honor to Fikku!" Asad shifts his right hand horizontally and fires an orange flame at his opponent's right shoulder. Ronu twirls his spear diagonally and blocks the flame. Asad pumps both of his hands forward and fires four flames at Ronu.

Ronu shifts his spear side to side as he blocks each flame. Ronu rotates his spear upside down, "I will not be defeated so easily." Ronu sprints forward and slashes his blade against the sand. A stream of sand flies into Asad's face.

Asad grunts, "Huh!" Ronu charges toward Asad with his spear aimed at his opponent's stomach. Asad trusts his instincts then rapidly pivots forward and fires a flame at Ronu's stomach. Ronu shifts his spear and blocks the shot. Asad spins backward and extends both of his hands.

Two orange fire whips flow from Asad's hands. Asad pulls his arms inward and swings his arms at Ronu. Ronu leaps five feet in the air over the attack. Asad pulls his arms forward and fires a beam of orange fire at his opponent. Ronu pulls his spear forward to block the strike, but is blown eight feet back by the shot.

Ronu drops his spear from the force of the blow and is knocked out. Asad wipes his face and his vision returns. Meanwhile, Rosh and his allies on the right flank engage enemy troops. Rosh notices a waterbender with dual short axes charge in his direction. Water berserker: "Ahhh!!"

Rosh mocks his opponent and also charges, "Ahhh!" The water berserker leaps forward with a spinning horizontal attack. The man is so fast that the wind swirls around him. Rosh's eyes widen as he notices how fast his enemy is. Rosh leaps backward and the berserker charges him in pursuit.

Water berserker: "Arrrraaagggaaaha!" Rosh pumps his hands forward and fires two red-orange torpedoes at the warrior. The berserker rapidly spins his axes and blocks the flames. Rosh spins forward and extends his hands, releasing a massive red-orange stream of fire. The berserker rolls right then charges at Rosh again.

Rosh extends his right leg and kicks a flame into the berserker's left leg. The man falls on his back. Rosh: "Slow down bucko." Rosh extends his right hand and shoots a beam of fire into his opponent.

Two more enemies join the fight, but they aren't dressed like the other Eastern Water Tribe members. They have dark blue armor with white markings and their faces are painted white with dark blue markings. Rosh turns around as he hears a sword soldier charging behind him. Rosh fires a flame from his right hand into the man's stomach.

Rosh looks down and notices that it is a Southern Water Tribe trooper. Rosh: "Asad, it looks like our enemies are collaborating. They got reinforcements from the Southern Tribe."

Asad meets with Rosh, "Indeed, but it will make no difference." Asad notices an advancing Southern Water Tribe warrior with a spear in his right hand and a long rectangular shield gauntlet in his left. Asad nonchalantly fires an orange flame at him. The trooper tilts his shield right and blocks the flame.

Rosh: "Oh, I've heard of those guys. That's a Southern Water Tribe Guardian. They have advanced shields and are used for heavy-duty fights."

Asad swings a low orange fire whip at the guardian's legs. The guardian slams his shield on the ground and blocks the strike. The guardian promptly raises his shield and charges at Asad. Rosh notices another Eastern Water Tribe swordsman charge at him. Rosh fires two flames into the attacker's chest.

The guardian closes in and lunges his spear at Asad. Asad leaps right and the spearman lunges at him a second time. Asad backpedals to avoid being cut down. Asad pumps both of his hands forward and fires a stream of orange fire at the guardian. The guardian plants his shield on the ground and blocks the shot.

The stream of fire causes him to slide back a couple of inches then Asad gets tired and stops firing. Asad gasps, "I can't get a hit on his guy." Asad fires a flame at the guardian's head but the guardian swiftly raises his shield and blocks the shot. Asad fires another four shots at the guardian and the guardian holds his gauntlet forward as he absorbs the blows.

Rosh looks at Asad, "Just keep him busy, I'll flank him." Rosh leaps behind the guardian. Rosh notices two swordsmen charging at him. One is a Southern Water Tribe swordsman and the other is an Eastern Tribe swordsman. Rosh leaps backward and the swordsmen run into each other, knocking each other out.

Rosh chuckles. An Eastern tribe spearman chucks his weapon at Rosh from behind. Rosh dives left and the spear penetrates the guardian's back. Asad sighs in relief. Rosh leaps back on his feet and looks at the warrior who tried to kill him. Rosh extends his arms, "Well what do ya know? The best way to kill the guardian is to get his own men to do it."

The warrior draws a sword. Rosh extends his right hand and pounds a flame into the man's chest. Rosh: "Too easy." A Fire Nation shock trooper with a spear looks at an Eastern Water Tribe warrior with a long sword across him. They both stare at each other.

The Water Tribe swordsman advances toward the marine spearman. The spearman lunges his blade at the sword trooper and the Water Tribe warrior backpedals. The spearman lunges again at his adversary's neck. The sword fighter swats the blade left then dives at his enemy with a lunge attack, aiming for the marine's neck.

The marine ducks and shifts his spear toward his enemy's stomach. However, the marine has less leverage over his spear because of the awkward position he is in. The water swordsman swats the spear out of his hand. The sword warrior lunges at his opponent's stomach. The marine quickly evades the strike and jumps behind his enemy.

The marine wraps his right arm around the swordman's neck. The sword trooper gasps as he tries to break free. The marine pulls his arm back and a snap is heard. The marine drops his fallen foe then retrieves his spear. Two marine swordsmen on the left flank charge at an enemy water bender. The man extends his right hand and knocks a swordsman ahead of him down with a water tentacle.

The waterbender shifts his hand left and knocks the other marine aside with his tentacle. Marine: "Ow!"

Rosh looks at the Fire Nation spearman, "I've got this one." The waterbender extends both of his hands and directs a beam of cold water at Rosh. Rosh dives right of the bender's position. The waterbender quickly pulls his hands back and generates a thin block of ice. The waterbender rotates in Rosh's direction and tosses the ice block at Rosh's neck.

Rosh rolls left. The waterbender pulls his arms up and generates a massive ball of water. Rosh leaps back on his feet then notices the big water ball. The waterbender freezes the ball into a massive ball of ice then chucks it at Rosh. Rosh rolls left and hears the ball of ice crumble into several pieces. The waterbender rapidly extends his right hand and swings a sharp ice tentacle at Rosh's right shoulder.

Rosh pivots left as he narrowly evades the attack. The waterbender shifts his left hand forward and launches another sharp ice tentacle at Rosh's neck. Rosh pivots right and hears the tentacle swoop past him. Rosh replies, "My turn!" Rosh extends his right hand and launches a fire tentacle into the waterbender's stomach. The waterbender flies three feet backward.

Cold Day

While this is happening, Kett's scouts suddenly stop. One of the swordsmen reports to Kett, "We've noticed footsteps in this direction. I think they were covering their tracks before, but there must have been recent movement in this direction."

Kanna replies, "Maybe they wanted us to notice these footsteps. It could be a trap."

Kett: "In that case, look alive everyone."

Kanna looks, "We are on the downside of a hill."

Kett: "Remind me why that's bad?"

Kanna: "It leaves us open to archers or spear warriors."

Kett looks up and notices a spear fly directly toward the neck of a scout. The marine ducks. Marine: "Whew, I'm alive." Another spear flies at the marine right of his direction and nails the marine in the chest.

The marine shouts, "Oh!" Another spear flies into the chest of a marine right of Kanna's position.

Marine: "Ouuuu!"

Kanna looks at Kett, "Told you."

Kett: "Charge! Charge up that hill, I will halt their attack."

Kanna questions, "How?" Kett salutes Kanna then he presses his hands on the ground and launches himself twelve feet in the air. Kanna comments, "Show off. I wish I knew how to do that." Kett looks down and notices about thirty Eastern Water Tribe warriors waiting on the other side of the hill.

Water Tribe sergeant: "Oh look, it is a firebender in the air. How do we counter him?!"

Water Tribe captain: "Forget about him. Focus on inflicting as much damage as possible on the others. Do not waste your spears on him. Attack, then charge!"

Several spearmen prepare to chuck their spears at the marines across them. Kett immediately fires a volley of fire torpedoes at the troopers and shoots down four of the spearmen. One spearman panics and throws his spear at Kett. To avoid being impaled, Kett doses his flame and falls.

A second spear combatant throws a spear at Kett as gravity is pulling him down. Kett presses his hands right and launches himself away from the second spear. But Kett does this at the last minute and hurls himself into the sand. He lands hard and knocks the wind out of himself. Kanna notices Kett's fall and shakes her head.

Kanna: "Well, I guess I'm not that impressed. Charge! So we don't get nailed!" Kanna notices a spear fly directly at her. Kanna rolls right. Kanna leaps forward, in front of two spearmen. Kanna extends her hands and fires two dark orange flames into them. Kanna notices a third spearman move in her direction.

The girl extends her right leg and kicks a flame into the man's chest. The spearman flips backward from the blow into the sand. Kanna looks right or her direction and notices an explosive ball of fire land between two Water Tribe warriors. The ball explodes on impact and blows both of them away. Ronin emerges from across them.

Ronin (to Kanna): "Let's show these chumps how it's done." Another firebender advances on Kanna's left flank and fires two orange torpedoes of fire into two Water Tribe warriors across him. A third spear soldier throws a spear into the firebender's chest. The firebender's eyes widen as he is impaled, "Ahh!"

A swordsman charges from his position but is also dispatched by a spear. Another firebender emerges from that spot and fires an explosive torpedo of fire into a spearman across him. Firebender: "Come on, charge!" Several marine swordsmen move in behind him and clash with the enemies.

Basin emerges and a spearman throws a spear at him. Basin shifts his sword right and swats the spear aside. Cosal moves beside Basin as they close the distance on their enemies.

Water Tribe sergeant: "Now, send in the benders!"

Kanna's eyes widen as she notices three waterbenders charge forward. One of them across her position knocks the firebender aside that is across from her with a stream of water. Another right of Ronin's position shoots down two marine swordsmen with a volley of ice knives. Ronin: "They planned this out well."

Kanna nods, "I know. This is tougher than expected." Kanna notices two waterbenders aim at her and fire beams of water at her. Kanna swiftly leaps in the air over the shots and lands between the waterbenders. Both of the waterbenders are astonished by Kanna's speed and agility. Kanna shifts her hands right and fires an explosive dark orange beam of fire into the waterbender across her. Launching the man toward Ronin and Ronin ducks to avoid getting knocked down.

Ronin: "Gueez, Kanna watch it."

Kanna looks back in Ronin's direction, "Sorry." The other water bender zaps a beam of water at her. Kanna leaps in the air over the attack and kicks a flame into the bender's chest. Kanna lands gracefully then notices three Water Tribe swordsmen charging behind her. One of them has two swords. Kanna smacks them aside with a dark orange fire whip."

More marines close in behind Kanna as she pushes the enemies back. Ronin nods in respect then presses the attack. Kett shakes his head and gets up. Hears yelling and shouting then looks as he witnesses several of his allies gallantly pushing Water Tribe warriors back. Kett thinks, They are doing well. I know Kanna had something to do with that. This is actually a great time for me to bombard them from above again.

Kett launches himself in the air a second time. Kett pours a beam of fire directly into a group of Water Tribe warriors. Blasting them to bits. Kett advances and knocks several rapid torpedoes of bright orange fire into his opponents. Water Tribe sergeant: "Fall back, fall baa!!" The sergeant is shot down by one of Kett's flames, steam flows from his uniform.

As the team gets more momentum, Sonna, Kedo, and the other archers move up the hill so they can get a clear shot at their enemies. Sonna fires an arrow directly through the neck of a Water Tribe soldier. Kedo flicks two blazing arrows into enemy warriors. The tide of the battle has turned.

Ronin presses forward and flings two orange flames into Water Tribe warriors across him. A waterbender dives a few feet across him. The waterbender gives Ronin a beckoning call. Ronin nods then advances toward his enemy. Ronin bops four torpedoes of orange fire at his opponent. The water bender rotates his arms generates a swirl of water that blocks the shots.

The waterbender presses his left hand forward and pushes a stream of water at Ronin. Ronin rolls right then rotates his body and fires an explosive beam of fire into the water shield. The shield evaporates and the waterbender extends his left hand, firing a torpedo of water at Ronin's face. Ronin slides forward then hops back on his feet then the waterbender launches a tentacle of water into Ronin's gut.

Ronin is knocked three feet backward and flies into a marine spearman, knocking the spearman out. A sore Ronin moans. The waterbender looks up and notices Kett. The waterbender fires a stream of ice knives at Kett. Kett notices the shots then redirects his focus and fires a beam of bright orange flames at the waterbender.

The beam of fire burns straight through the ice projectiles and rapidly descends toward the waterbender. The waterbender is taken by surprise by Kett's powerful response. The waterbender attempts to run out of the way but, the resulting explosion indirectly knocks the waterbender out. Several Southern Water Tribe guardians emerge with dark blue armor, white stripes, shield gauntlets, and combat spears.

Kanna leaps in front of three of them. Kanna presses her hands forward and propels an explosive dark orange rectangle of fire into a guardian's shield. Most firebender flames would not be powerful enough to knock a guardian back. However, Kanna's flames are more explosive than that of most firebenders despite being slightly less hot.

The explosion knocks the guardian three feet back as he slides in the dirt. The Southern Water Tribe guardian right of Kanna's position charges at her. Kanna rapidly fires two dark orange torpedoes at the guardian, but he raises his shield and blocks the shots. The explosive shots cause the bender to backpedal but he charges forward again a second later.

Kanna effortlessly leaps behind the man. The guardian turns around but is too slow for Kanna. She kicks a dark orange flame into his stomach as he turns around. Kanna extends her left hand and fires a flame at the guardian across her. The guardian turns and blocks the shot. Sonna flings an arrow into the right side of his head while he is distracted.

Kett generates a five-foot-wide and three-foot-long explosive light orange ball of fire. Kett tosses the ball into a group of Eastern Water Tribe troopers. The ball explodes and engulfs several Water Tribe warriors in fire. They scream and run as they are burned to a crisp.

Breaking Their Lines

Another clash takes place on Rosh's left flank. Dade and Chaun draw their swords as two water spearmen rush them. A spearman lunges his blade at Dade's chest. Dade shifts his sword left and knocks the spear in the left direction. Dade rushes his opponent and horizontally slashes the man across his neck.

The other spearman lunges at Chaun's stomach. Chaun shifts his blade right and knocks the spear away from his direction. Chaun closes the distance and thrusts his sword into the man's stomach. Water spearman: "Ahh!" Chaun and Dade look ahead then notice a Southern Water Tribe Guardian with a Spear and Shield Gauntlet.

Dade nods at Chaun. Chaun charges at the Guardian's right flank. The guardian pokes his spear at Chaun's abdomen. Chaun leaps backward. Dade charges on the Guardian's left flank. The guardian swiftly rotates his body and lunges at Dade's stomach. Dade backpedals, "Man, this guy is fast."

Chaun: "Haah!" Chaun charges at his opponent. The guardian turns and lunges his spear at Chaun's stomach. Chaun shifts his blade left and knocks the spear away from him. Chaun swings high and right at the guardian's neck. The guardian raises his shield and blocks the strike. The guardian charges and smacks Chaun aside with his shield gauntlet.

Dade: "Hey stupid!" The guardian looks right and Dade charges at him. The guardian shifts his spear and lunges at Dade's stomach. Dade leaps left and past the attack. The guardian rotates his spear horizontally at Dade's neck. Dade turns and blocks the strike with his sword. The guardian pulls his spear back then advances toward Dade.

The guardian lunges at Dade's chest. Dade tilts his blade left and blocks the strike. Dade's confidence suddenly emerges and he decides to give the fight his all. Dade charges and the guardian raises his shield as he anticipates an attack. Dade kicks the shield and the guardian backpedals. Dade advances again and knocks his enemy's spear in the left direction.

Dade swings right horizontally with all his might and knocks his enemy's shield in the right direction. The guardian panics as he prepares to rotate his spear right. Dade dives on top of the guardian and thrusts his spear into the man's chest. Guardian: "Aaaaahhha!" Dade emerges victorious.

Chaun gets up and pats Dade in the back. Chaun: "Well done, Dade."

Dade: "Thanks." Dade and Chaun look across their position and notice a male 31st marine facing off against a female waterbender. They both square up and enter their battle stances.

Marine: "Let's see what you've got."

Female waterbender: "More than you can handle." The woman rapidly extends both of her hands and fires two water torpedoes at the firebender. The marine ignites his fists and swings right to left blocking the shots. The marine steps forward and fires a stream of orange fire at her stomach.

The female waterbender dives backward in the air. Then she pulls her right hand back and enhances it with water. The woman shoots a beam of scorching water at the marine. Steam flows from the water and the marine raises a wall of fire that absorbs the shot. Marine: "That all ya got?!"

The marine extends his arms and fires the wall of fire at the woman after she lands. The woman steps forward and pounds a beam of cold water into the wall of fire, dosing it. Marine: "Not bad." The marine pounces forward then punches two torpedoes of orange fire at the woman. The woman counters and blasts her own two torpedoes of water into the marine's shots.

The woman extends her hands again, but this time she doesn't aim high. Instead, she aims low. A stream of water flows from the ground below toward the marine's legs. The marine looks down but he is too slow. The woman raises her hands and the marine is submerged with water. The waterbender freezes the marine.

While this is happening, a Fire Nation spearman thrusts his blade into the stomach of a watertribe swordsman. The spearman turns and notices the water bender. The woman heedlessly extends her left hand and launches a brick of ice into his face. The ice shatters on impact and knocks the marine out.

Dade and Chaun look at each other. Rosh pats them both of the back. Rosh: "Don't worry, I've got her."

Waterbender: "You'll need help."

Rosh laughs, "You must be talking to yourself out loud."

The woman smiles then extends both of her hands and fires a beam of water at Rosh. Rosh raises his right knee then a stream of fire rises from the ground and intercepts the water beam. Rosh lifts his right hand in the air then swirls both of his hands around, creating a beam of fire. Rosh lowers his hands and shoots the beam at the waterbender.

The woman pulls both of her hands down and rotates them left. A stream of water intercepts Rosh's beam of fire. They both turn to smoke. The waterbender extends her right hand and fires a rod of fire at Rosh. Rosh slides left then presses both of his hands together and fires a wall of red-orange fire at the woman.

The waterbender leaps over the flame then pulls both of her hands back, amplifying them with water. The woman powerfully extends her hands and fires an eight-foot-wide stream of water at Rosh. Rosh pulls both of his hands up and creates a ten-foot-wide steam of red-orange fire. Rosh extends his hands and launches his stream of fire into her stream of water. They both hold their position and shoot at each other for about five seconds.

The woman looks left and notices that her forces are retreating. They both briefly stop firing at each other. Rosh clinches his right fist, "You've lost. Surrender!"

The woman rapidly pelts two long rods of water at Rosh. Rosh turns left and dodges the first one. Rosh ducks and barely avoids the second one. Rosh presses his hands forward and fires a beam of red-orange fire at the waterbender. The woman presses both of her hands right and launches herself away with a stream of water.

Dade darts his eyes at Rosh, "I guess she learned water propulsion."

Rosh: "I wonder who she was. She seemed really good, for a waterbender."

Chaun: "Yeah, but we'll get her. Eventually, just like the rest."

Macai meets with his team after their victory. Macai: "I'm glad you all had a great transition against your new enemies."

Kett: "Yeah, maybe you can help next time. What's a matter Macai, scared to fight a waterbender?"

Macai laughs, "Why would I be afraid of them? I've trained my whole life to fight."

Kett comments, "But you've never fought a waterbender before. It could be different."

Macai: "Yeah that's true. But, I did beat you. And you kind of fight like one. I think."

Kett: "Aww whatever. I've been getting better since that tournament. It was over a year ago you know."

Macai: "I've been getting better too."

Kett responds, "Yeah but, it's still different."

Macai smiles, "I know Kett. That's why I look forward to facing them. And you can sit that one out then and stay with the ship. Rosh and I will handle that mission."

Kett smiles, "Ok."

Macai: "I heard you took a beating for a second."

Kett: "Who took a beating? Not me."

Macai: "That's not what I heard. But it happens to the best of us."

Kett grumbles, "No you'll take a beating."

Macai puts his hand on his ear, "What was that Kett? I didn't hear what you said."

Kett smirks, "Nothing Macai."

Macai smirks back then looks at Rosh. Macai: "You did well my friend."

Rosh: "Thanks. It was a wild mission."

Macai: "That's what I'm telling you. They always give us crazy missions. Never underestimate any opponent."

Rosh: "You can say that again. Out of all the guys we fought, I don't even know who's the worst."

Macai: "Me neither and I was fighting a year before now."

Rosh comments, "You've got to admit, I've transitioned well. People have been fighting longer than me and I'm already one of the best fighters in this unit."

Macai nods, "Capital training is something else. Especially royal capital training."

Rosh: "And I'm good."

Macai smiles, "That is also true."

Rosh: "Well at least I do get some credit around here."

Macai: "I did say good job didn't I?"

Rosh: "Yeah, sure you did."

Dade asks, "What about me?! I took down a guardian!"

Macai smiles, "Yeah you did well Dade. I heard you were really proving yourself."

Dade: "My friend Chaun also was."

Chaun grins, "That I was."

Macai: "Oh, it's nice to meet you. I don't always have time to get to know all of my marines well, but maybe that will soon change."

Chaun: "I hope it does you always put me in awe with your white fire."

Macai smiles, "Thanks, it took a long time to get to that point."

Chaun: "I bet, I can't even bend. So to see a prodigy bender like you is, something I can't describe with words."

Macai: "If you have half the heart your friend Dade does, you'll do just fine. It's the people like Dade who impress me the most. Achieving extraordinary results with ordinary abilities."

Dade shouts, "Hey!"

Macai: "I think you are a great duelist. I simply meant with no powers."

Dade: "Well, that is true. I outwork people to win against even some good benders."

Macai: "That you do."

Chaun: "So do you think we'll get a crack at the Avatar?"

Macai: "I don't know, maybe one day. If not, then I'll still be happy to help line it up for our allies to take him down. Then we can still say we were a part of history."

Rosh: "By the way, I fought a girl that seemed to be an exceptional waterbender. She managed to escape. Do you know who she was?"

Macai: "I can look at the files, what did she look like?"

Rosh: "She had light skin, medium-length dark brown hair, small almond-shaped eyes, a small nose, small ears, she was a little short for a female... Perhaps 5'3. She also had light blue eyes."

Macai: "I think you went up against Sada Noway. Sada is one of the best waterbenders in the Eastern Water Tribe. Apparently a prodigy."

Rosh laughs, "I've had enough of these prodigies."

Macai responds, "Well a watertribe prodigy still doesn't have the training that a Fire Nation prodigy does. So she's a tier below me. That should give you confidence."

Rosh: "Well, she was good."

Macai: "I'm sure you'll have a chance to have another crack at her within the month. We are going to be very busy locking this region down."

Rosh: "Can't wait, in the meantime do you want to do something fun?"

Macai: "Um, sure. What do you have in mind?"

Rosh: "Let's play tag inside of the ship. That might be fun."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "What are you five? No way, that's against regulations."

Rosh: "Ok fine... Mr. Uptight. Then let's, huuuh! We already played pool a thousand times. We played foosball. We played ping pong, but I'm really good at that. So want to start with ping pong?"

Macai: "Sure, but then after that let's play hearts."

Rosh: "No, we already played hearts a thousand times."

Macai shrugs, "What do you want from me? This is a warship, not a cruiseship."

Rosh: "Ok, I've got another idea. Let's draw afterward. I know there is a bunch of paper sitting around your office. For letters and stuff."

Macai: "Draw?"

Rosh: "Yes draw. It's something different at least."

Macai: "Ok, we can draw. Any other requests?"

Dade: "I've got a better one. We can still draw but, let's get the chef to make a special recipe."

Macai: "What KIND of recipe?"

Dade: "You'll find out. It'll be a surprise."

Rosh: "I like surprises."

Macai: "I thought Spengi liked surprises?"

Rosh: "What?"

Macai: "I don't know."

Chaun: "Where is that Kett guy?"

Rosh: "Probably talking to Kanna. He obviously likes her."

Macai: "Umm."

Rosh: "Well, I mean it's obvious."

Dade: "We don't talk about such things around here."

Rosh: "How can you of all people be in such denial?"

Dade: "Oh, I'm in denial because it's awkward to think about with friends."

Rosh: "And people tell me to grow up. You're going to have to accept it at some point. Kett likes Kanna and I'm pretty sure Kanna likes him too. Even a blind person could see that. Only a matter of time before."

Dade: "Before what?"

Rosh: "I don't know." Macai laughs.

Chaun: "In the meantime, come on guys. Let's go draw!"

Macai nods his head, "Good idea."

Rosh: "Yeah." The friends go and draw. While the rest of the 31st finds other ways to entertain themselves.