Siege of Herrona

The 31st company's reputation has spread, and Macai's has become an esteemed Fire Nation figure. However, Macai is starting to miss his family and wants to visit his mother before the year is over. Macai is sitting in his office and shuffling through papers. While this is happening, Kett sneaks into the room and looks at Macai.

Macai takes a breath and looks over at his friend. Macai blushes, "Kett, what are you doing here? Do you have news for me?"

Kett: "Nope, I just wanted to say hi."

Macai smiles, "Well, that's good. I could use a break from all this work, I'm on overdrive."

Kett: "Take a break."

Macai gathers his papers, "Maybe I will."

Kett: "I hear we should be going home soon."

Macai: "Hopefully, I could use a brief break. I haven't seen my mother in a while. I know she's worried about me."

Kett chuckles, "Well, at least you have people to worry about you. My parents couldn't care less. But she's doing what mothers are supposed to do or so I hear anyway."

Macai: "Yes, we should be sent back soon. We might get another mission, then we'd have to wait until the mission is complete."

Kett responds, "Well, it would be nice to see my grandparents at Nyarri. It would also be nice to take a break from all of this fighting. I like fighting, but everything gets old after a while."

Macai: "Exactly..."

Kett puts his hand on Macai's desk, "What does Azula think about your missions? Does she write you letters?"

Macai: "I used to be the only one who wrote her, but now she writes me back. That means she does care and isn't used to me being gone for so long."

Kett: "She must be very proud."

Macai: "I believe so, but it seems like her responses to my successes are milder than mine would have been, had the situation been reversed. I'm starting to think she's jealous."

Kett: "And it's still another year before she can prove herself since she hasn't graduated just yet."

Macai: "Exactly, so maybe she'll try to out-do me."

Kett smirks, "Well, at least it's interesting then. Gotta stay on your game, so you can remain the one with the best accomplishments."

Macai sighs, "I know that she is going to be deadly when she gets deployed. Whatever her role will be."

Kett: "I bet your father is proud."

Macai nods, "He actually wrote me a positive letter."

Kett: "What did he write?"

Macai responds, "Oh you know, the same old boring superficial stuff. But I'm glad he took the time to do it."

Kett: "Fair enough. Want to get a game of pool in?"

Macai: "Sure, I've been practicing."

Kett: "You're probably still terrible at it."

Macai: "Probably, pool isn't my thing."

The next day, Senior Captain Hazo enters Macai's office. Macai: "Yes sir?"

Hazo: "Our marine unit has been requested for another mission however, the ship and naval forces can stay in this port."

Macai asks, "What type of mission?"

Hazo responds, "One of grand importance. A special opportunity. After months of battle, our forces have recently broken through enemies lines. They are now less than five miles from Herrona city. However, friendly army forces are exhausted. They have suffered heavy casualties and their vehicles have been worn down from enemy artillery shells. The good news is the biggest enemy artillery guns have been taken out, but many tanks have also been lost."

Hazo continues, "Our allies will need to result in a more infantry-based approach to break the enemies down. They are looking for a new fresh army that specializes in conducting quick assaults. Macai, your marines and company will lead the attack. At some point, Kenshin's forces may join the attack."

Macai takes a deep breath, "Which officer is leading this attack? I know Kenshin just finished his recent campaign."

Hazo responds, "General Jolhe is in command of this attack. We will also be going up against the renowned Earth Kingdom General Gambo's forces."

Macai: "I see we are up to the challenge, a challenge that we will not fall short of."

Macai meets with his marines in the conference room. Macai has Samira and Basin around him this time as bodyguards. Macai: "My fellow troopers, today I ask you all to stand by me as we accept a new great challenge. We are going to be going to battle against the legendary Earth Kingdom General Gambo (several marines start muttering in fear). This is not our first challenge, every mission we went on was something new and difficult. The odds have always been stacked against us. Yet every time, we rose to the occasion."

Macai steps forward across the stage, "We will be tested. Some of you may die. But with blood, sweat, and tears we will emerge. As one unified body. What determines our fate our destiny is all of our actions. No one member is greater than the others. Though our gifts and talents may be different, we have something our enemies don't. We have our code. It binds us and is further strengthened by our brother and sisterhood. Together (Macai presses his hands together), we will show our enemies the full might of the 31st."

Macai continues, "Because ultimately, all we can give them is our best. But every single time, our best has been enough. Giving our best means giving all that we have. Our training, our knowledge, our experiences, our talents, our passion, and anything else we can muster. So I ask for all of you to fight with every fiber in your being and every move you can manage. Let it be remembered that at this battle we fought diligently and with no fear." The marines cheer.

The Dunes of Destruction

Macai and his marines dock from the nearby port which is still several miles from Herrona. They are transported to a local train system. The marines ride as far as the train can take them before it reaches the edge of the train route. The ride lasts for about three hours before Macai and his forces disembark.

This land is different than the other locations that Macai's forces have served at. This environment is a desert. The sun is blazing, and it is about 40 Celsius (105 Degrees) outside. The soldiers' bodies are dripping with sweat as they march across the dunes toward Herrona city. Macai: "We will rest at the nearest camp."

Kanna: "You know what, I don't like deserts either."

Dade wipes sweat off his face, "Me neither."

Basin: "This is what glory is all about. The rough environments make for a great story to tell our children. So stop complaining." Kanna rolls her eyes.

The unit eventually makes it to a Fire Nation army camp. They notice several tents and guards scattered throughout the Camp. Army Lieutenant Gufo is waiting for them. Gufo has curly dark brown hair, tan skin, round hazel eyes, and small yet round ears. Gufo: "Hello there. You must be Macai."

Macai: "Indeed I am."

Gufo: "Right, well we've been waiting for you guys. We are getting ready for the big attack. Tomorrow Captain Zergo will meet with you to brief our attack."

Macai: "Where is the General?"

Gufo: "He's a few miles from here. He didn't want to risk himself in direct combat. Don't worry, we are briefed on everything."

Macai: "Oh, I forgot not all the Generals fight in battle."

Gufo: "Well, it is an unnecessary risk. I mean, if you were a General would you? I'd save myself the trouble." Macai ignores the comment and signals for his marines to follow him to their tents.

The next morning, the marines wake up and a pale blue sky hovers over them. Macai enters the officer briefing room where he notices several Fire Nation army officers. Kett sits a few inches right of Macai and Kanna sits a few inches left of his position. Asad is a few inches left of Kanna. Macai notices Captain Zergo. The man is about five feet and nine inches tall. He has light-yellow skin, black wavy hair, brown eyes, pointy and thin ears, and narrow shoulders.

Captain Zergo: "Our forces will bombard the enemy from the distance with the few remaining artillery shells that we have left, but they won't do that much damage. Meanwhile, we will send Macai's company right down the center of the enemy position. Our forces will split up and bombard their left and right flanks until they collapse."

Macai interjects, "Sir, if I might interrupt, our unit will be more effective if we attack a specific flank of the enemy. Whenever a unit rushes down the main position of enemies, skills seem to matter less. The victor comes down more to tactics and casualties tend to mount up. Our skills in rush tactics would be most effective if we can focus on one specific position."

Captain Zergo: "Well, I did notice that the enemies' right position seems to be a bit stronger than their left. Would your unit be willing to hit the right? Once that's been done, I can have the rest of our forces hit the main and left flanks."

Macai: "Very well, we could be of great use there. We could also run through the left flank since it is weaker and put a big hole in enemy defenses."

Captain Zergo responds, "No, my forces will stick with the left flank. That will be our glory and we will have the glory of hitting the main attack position since your unit didn't want that privilege."

Macai: "It is an honor to serve in this battle at any capacity. But our unit is just a company. Not some massive regiment. Don't you already have several companies here?" Captain Zergo doesn't respond. Macai: "We will hit the right flank no problem, but be cautious. If the left flank is less guarded, then the enemies might be setting a trap."

Captain Zergo: "What makes you believe that?"

Macai: "Well, General Gambo is a legendary Earth Kingdom General who has won many battles against the Fire Nation in the last three years. He has slowed the progress of some of our Nation's vital campaigns and I'm guessing that he sets traps. The purpose of the weak left flank might be to lure troopers in, but if you unit moves in cautiously then you can reduce the damage of a such a trap. While my unit breaks their stronger defenses on the right."

Captain Zergo: "Very well, I will inform my forces to move cautiously and focus on keeping them busy."

Macai: "Exactly, they may actually be counting on my unit to smash through the left for a trap or for you to overcommit and send many units to engage on the left."

Captain Zergo: "You are assuming Gambo knows of your unit's arrival."

Macai: "I don't, but the left trap could still be used if he thinks you would commit your greatest forces to that flank. And if you use your forces equally, then it still gives the right flank a tactical advantage for having stronger defenses. But I don't think he would take that risk without having some insurance."

Captain Zergo: "Sounds like a plan to me."

A Fire Nation lieutenant interrupts, "How do you know if these children are ready for this? They never handled battles like this?"

Kett interrupts, "We have fought in dangerous battles against guerrilla experts, monsters, combustion benders, and many other crazy threats."

Fire Nation Lieutenant: "YOU fought against poorly trained rag-tag militia forces. Those monsters were mindless beasts."

Kett: "We fought at night time and conducted a stealth mission at our weakest capacity. We fought while outnumbered against Earth Kingdom forces. Guerrilla warfare also makes up for many other tactical advantages. Those monsters were stronger and faster than normal people."

Macai raises his right hand, "Kett, enough. We will show our doubters what we are capable of, on the battlefield." Macai stands up and his fellow 31st officers follow suit. They depart in unison.

Lieutenant Gufo: "Man, they are cool." The other Fire Nation Lieutenant glares at him.

Macai puts his helmet on and advances with dozens of Fire Nation troopers across the desert as they move toward the city. About thirty meters out, they can see the sand colored buildings on the outskirts of Herrona. Several Earth Kingdom Troopers are scattered around it with swords, spears, and heavy vanguards are armed with axes. There are also five Earth Kingdom archers located on rooftops.

Macai advances and crouches with several of his warriors and firebenders. Macai holds his fist in the air and pulls it down. Sonna, Arret, Kedo, and two archers move on the left and right flanks behind the squad and fire a volley of arrows at the distant Earth Kingdom troopers. Sonna launches an arrow into the chest of an Earth Kingdom archer, and he falls off a rooftop.

Arret shoots an arrow in the neck of an Earth Kingdom archer and Kedo launches a firey arrow into the stomach of one of the archers. Another Earth Kingdom archer has an arrow launched through his nose by one of the marine archers. The last Earth Kingdom archer takes cover as the Earth Kingdom troopers ahead draw their weapons and charge.

The archer pops his head back up and shoots an arrow into the neck of one of the Fire Nation archers. Kett looks up in his direction and presses both of his hands forward, launching a stream of bright orange fire into the building. Massive chunks of the building fall from the explosion as the archer is fried.

Macai charges forward with Basin on his right and Kanna on his left. Three Earth Kingdom troopers charge toward Macai. The one in the center is an earthbender corporal with copper brown skin. The one on his right is a swordsman and the one on his left is a spearman. Macai presses both of his hands together and fires a missile of white fire at the corporal.

The corporal spreads his arms out and lifts them, then a tower of sand blocks the attack. The sand wall is broken in half by Macai's attack and all of the earthbenders are blinded by the white smoke emitted from the attack. A storm of white torpedoes dispatch the Earth Kingdom Troopers and Macai advances further into enemy lines.

Basin notices two enemies charge toward him. One on his right has a sword and one on his left has a spear. Earth Kingdom swordman (with long black hair): "End of the line Fire Nation scum!" The swordsman swings horizontally at Basin's nose. Basin vertically lifts his blade and blocks the strike. The spearman closes the distance and moves on Basin's right flank.

Basin shifts his blade forward, causing his enemy to stumble two feet back then Basin shifts his blade to the right and knocks his enemy's spear in the right direction. The swordsman moves at Basin again and swings at Basin vertically. Basin shifts his blade to the left and butts his enemy's blade back. While Basin's right side is exposed, the spearman thrusts his spear into Basin's right side.

Basin: "Ahh!" Dade looks across at Basin and sprints in his direction. As Dade is sprinting toward Basin an enemy with a sword moves on Dade's right flank. The swordman swings at Dade's neck. Dade ducks and thrusts his sword into the man's stomach. Dade swings his blade horizontally as he withdraws it from his opponent's belly.

Dade notices an enemy approaching with a long ax on his right. The axman swings vertically at Dade. Dade leaps left and charges toward the axman. The axman has a muscular body and shifts his ax up. Dade extends his sword horizontally to block the strike and is knocked down by the force of the strike.

Meanwhile, the spearman pushes his spear deeper into Basin's side. Basin moans in pain as the swordman draws his blade and moves up on the marine's other flank. Basin uses all his strength to spin backward, pulling his body free of the spear. Blood flows from Basin's right side as he does this.

Basin gets dizzy as the swordsman right of him leaps forward with a vertical attack. The young man shifts his body and horizontally blocks the strike. However, Basin falls and looses his balance. The swordsman stands over Basin as he prepares to end his misery.

Dade quickly grabs his sword and leaps toward the axman ahead of him. The axman raises his blade, but Dade immediately slashes the large man in his right knee cap. The man falls and Dade thrusts his sword through the brute's neck. Dade leaps and throws his blade into the stomach of the swordsman standing over Basin.

Basin takes a breath, and the spearman chucks his spear at Dade. Dade dives forward, narrowly avoiding the attack. Dade gets back on his feet and the spearman draws a dagger. The dagger-wielding Earth Kingdom trooper rushes ahead with a lunge at Dade's right nipple. Dade pivots right and wraps his right arm around his opponent's.

The trooper knees Dade in the stomach, but Dade does not loosen his grip. Dade leaps backward while keeping ahold of his enemy's right arm. This causes Dade and the trooper to both fall. The Trooper wraps his left arm around Dade and tries to suffocate Dade with it. Dade yanks the dagger from his enemy's right hand and sinks it into the man's stomach.

Dade emerges and runs toward Basin, "Are you ok?"

Basin: "I don't know. I'm pretty banged up."

Dade shouts, "Medic! Get this man some medical attention!" A Fire Nation woman with medium-length light brown hair, hazel eyes, yellow skin, extended ears, and a long nose rushes toward Basin.

Marine Medic: "I'll take care of him."

Dade: "Good." Dade looks ahead to see Macai's progress." Macai rushes forward as five Earth Kingdom troopers move to engage him. Two are armed with swords, the one in the center has a spear, and two of them are earthbenders. Macai pumps his hands forward and zaps two white flames into a swordman and earthbender.

Macai shifts his body right and kicks a stream of white fire at another earthbender. The earthbender is sent flying by the powerful white surge of fire. In an instant, Macai rotates his body and fires three fire bullets into one of his opponents. The last trooper near him draws his sword and attempts to ambush Macai from behind. Macai rotates his body and throws a ball of fire into the man's face.

Kanna rushes forward on the left flank. She notices two Earth Kingdom Troopers moving her way. One on the left with a sword and an earthbender on the right. Kanna presses her hands together and knocks the swordsman aside with a beam of fire. The earthbender presses his hands down and spontaneously launches a small hill of earth at her. Kanna leaps behind the earthbender and kicks a dark orange flame at him.

The earthbender turns around and raises his arms to defend himself, but he is ultimately too slow. The fire hits the bender's abdomen and the man falls slowly. Macai looks across at Kanna, "Clear those rooftops Kanna, hostile archers will use them against us. Kett and Samira push through the city streets with me."

Macai's marines push through the city streets. Firing flames through several approaching Earth Kingdom troopers. Meanwhile, Kanna leaps from the ground below onto one of the two-story buildings. Several marine archers move behind other buildings and throw hooks across the buildings. The marines scale up the walls to engage hostiles.

Kanna looks ahead and notices two enemy archers on the other side of the building she is on. Both are about eight feet away from her. Kanna sprints toward them and the archers immediately open fire. Kanna slides low and presses both of her hands forward, firing two dark orange flames into the archers.

Kanna gets back on her feet and looks left of her direction. Kanna notices Arret firing an arrow into the neck of an enemy archer. Kanna looks on her right and notices a hostile archer aiming at her. Kanna immediately ducks her head and notices an arrow fly over it. Kanna stands up and sprints to the right edge of the building.

The archer takes aim at Kanna again and Kanna leaps off of the building the moment the archer opens fire. Kanna extends her right arm and pops a flame into the archer as she is soaring toward another building. Kanna notices her body descending as she narrowly approaches the edge of the building. Kanna extends her arms and barely grabs a hold of its edge.

The young woman rolls on top of the structure and hears enemies scaling the walls as she lays on the rooftop. Kanna slowly rises to her feet as she hears the footsteps of an archer on her left. Kanna slowly steps forward two feet, and the archer bolts an arrow at Kanna's left ear. Kanna pivots her body right and catches the arrow with her right arm.

Kanna rotates her body and throws the arrow into the chest of the archer. The archer falls to her knees as she reacts to the vicious blow then collapses. Kanna frowns at the gruesome sight. A swordsman emerges on Kanna's right from a thrown hook. Kanna looks on her right and notices another Earth Kingdom trooper move behind her with a spear.

Kanna looks to her left and right and notices another two Earth Kingdom Troopers emerge. The one's on her right and left are earthbenders. Earth swordsman: "Surrender, Kanna."

Kanna comments, "You know who I am? I'm flattered (while putting her hands on her chest)."

Earth Bender (Left of Kanna): "We heard the stories. You're surrounded, you can't beat us here."

Kanna: "Debatable." Kanna immediately leaps in the air and both of the earthbenders fire walls of earth in her direction. However, both of the walls are too short to reach Kanna and hit each other instead. Kanna gracefully lands on the walls and kicks a dark orange flame into the Earthbender on the left flank, knocking him off the building.

Earthbender: "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhha." The earthbender right of Kanna shifts the walls forward, but Kanna leaps off them. Kanna shifts her hands forward and punches a missile of dark orange fire at the man. The earthbender looks forward and is launched ten feet away through the window of a distant building. The two nonbenders drop their weapons and put their hands up.

Kanna kicks a rod of fire into the swordsman ahead of her turns and kicks a dark orange flame into the spearman behind her. She simply does it as a safety precaution, but her flames merely knock these men out rather than killing them. While this is happening, Macai's forces break through the enemy lines below.

Macai presses forward, but Kett is the real ranged firebending expert. Kett presses both of his hands forward and pounds a beam of bright orange fire into three distant Earth Kingdom troopers. Kett unleashes the most dangerous and the second-most-accurate ranged flames that Macai has ever seen (second only to Azula's in terms of ranged accuracy).

Macai smiles then Samira shouts, "What's that on the horizon?!" Macai looks about thirty meters ahead and sees seven earthbenders pressing forward. They are all riding balls of earth and traveling about sixty miles an hour forward. Macai squints his eyes and notices that these are not ordinary earthbenders. Each one of them has yellow-green armor with bronze markings throughout. These earthbenders also have masks over their faces in addition to their helmets on top of their heads.

Kett: "What kind of troopers are they?"

Macai: "Those are Earth Kingdom commandos. I've heard of them in a briefing room, they are rare and among the best special forces in the Earth Kingdom has to offer. Archers, open fire!" Several archers on the rooftops fire at the commandos. The Earth Kingdom commandos press their hands forward and fire logs of stone at the buildings. The logs fly through several buildings and dispatch multiple archers.

Macai: "Benders, charge! Let's take the fight to them. Spear warriors, wait behind us and throw your spears when the enemy is open. Sword marines, wait for the spear warriors to throw their spears, then move in and attack. Code Burgundy." This code means for benders to cautiously advance.

Macai, Kett, Ronin, and Rosier steadily advance with several other firebenders. Macai moves a bit ahead of the rest of the team, while Kett stays a bit further behind them. One of the commandos sees Macai running toward him as he accelerates forward on his rolling ball. The commando extends his arms and sends dozens of debris flying at Macai.

Macai raises his hands and creates a large spinning ball of white fire. Macai's fire ball absorbs the projectiles then Macai shifts his hands forward and launches the spinning ball of death at the commando. The commando leaps right off his ball into the sand below. The commando's earth ball is blown to pieces and blinding smoke flows from the explosion.

The other commando right of his position moves too quickly on his ball to change course. The commando is promptly run over by his comrade. Kett looks at the commando who just ran over his ally. Kett pats his hands together and sprays a beam of bright orange fire at the commando. The commando leaps over the blast and off his ball.

While the commando is mid-air, he pulls both of his hands down then moves them forward. The ball of earth is rapidly launched at Kett. Kett presses both of his hands down and launches himself ten feet in the air over the projectile. Rosier notices the ball spinning toward several marines and pulls both of his hands back generating an explosive ball of orange fire. Rosier launches his ball into the earth ball, blasting it into several fragments.

Kett looks at the descending Earth Kingdom Commando and rapidly shifts his hands from right to left. Kett punches three flames into the body of the commando and sends him spiraling down. One of the commandos changes his focus at Kett and prepares to aim at him. However, Ronin fires a flame at the commando.

The commando readjusts his focus when he notices the attack. The commando leaps backward and off his ball. The commando notices the flame loop over his head and extends his arm. The commando sends a ball flying at Ronin at 90 miles an hour. Ronin turns right and dives past the attack. The ball crushes three marines behind him and crashes into a building.

The commando raises several projectiles and prepares to fire them at Ronin. However, Sonna takes aim at the commando from a distant rooftop and bolts an arrow into the commando's chest. The commando falls and drops his blades.

One Marine firebender charges at an approaching commando. The commando pulls his hands together and causes two stone bars to emerge around the firebender. The commando claps his hands, and the bars move toward the marine. The marine leaps forward and falls. The commando presses both of his hands backward and accelerates his ball to 90 miles an hour. The commando runs over the marine and loud snaps can be heard as the man's bones are crushed.

A spearman chucks his spear into the commando's chest. The commando collapses and falls off his ball. However, the commando's ball still moves toward the marines. Several marines sprint out of the way as the ball hits a distant building. Another commando soars toward a firebender marine.

The commando presses his hands and launches a rectangular stone at the firebender. The firebender shoots a flame into the stone object. The firebender pulls his hands low and shoots an explosive fireball into the earthball the commando is riding. The commando leaps off his ball and lands a few feet away from the firebender.

The commando and firebender glance at each other. The commando swings his arms from left to right as he throws several objects at the firebender. The firebender pulls his right fist back and enhances it with orange fire. The firebender slams the ground and sends a wave of fire flowing toward the commando. The orange flames absorb the objects and move toward the commando.

The commando kicks the ground and creates a wall of stone that absorbs the blow. The commando kicks his right leg and darts the stone wall into the firebender. The wall knocks the firebender out and sends him tumbling seven feet back. Two other marines charge at the commando. The one on the right has a spear and the one on the left has a sword.

The commando charges at them as well. The spearman chucks his weapon at the commando's neck. The commando ducks then turns right and blasts a stream of sand at the swordsman on his right. The swordman is engulfed by a wave of sand and is swept aside. The spearman draws his dagger but, the commando turns his body and turns his left hand forward. A brick flies into the marine's face, putting him out of commission.

The commando looks up and notices a massive rod of dark orange fire moving in his direction. The commando leaps backward and pulls his arms outward. A wave of sand hits the stream of dark orange fire and creates a massive explosion. As the smoke clears and sand particles fall, the commando gets in his battle stance.

The commando notices Kanna standing about five feet from him. Kanna: "Hi." The commando ignores her and kicks his right leg in Kanna's direction. The motion sends a brick flying toward Kanna's stomach. Kanna leaps over the brick and extends her right leg, firing a dark orange flame at the commando's face.

The commando rolls and Kanna lands about a foot in front of him. The commando looks up and Kanna immediately leaps straight with an upper-right kick. The commando leaps left. The commando leaps and swings at Kanna's face with a right jab. Kanna leaps backward then springs at her opponent with an enflamed right kick.

Kanna hits the commando on his stomach and the blow sends him flying three feet back into the ground. The commando feels his muscles pop as he hits the ground. The commando leaps back on his feet and Kanna shifts her hands laterally. A rectangle of explosive orange flames hits the commando and sends him flying five feet back.

The final commando soars toward a marine firebender. The firebender fires two rapid flames at the commando's ball. The commando swerves his ball to the left then leaps off his ball and diagonally launches it at the bender at 75 miles an hour. The ball crushes the firebender and two marines across his position.

A spearman charges at the commando and the commando extends his left hand. A brick flies into the face of the spearman. Another two marines charge at the commando. Both of them have swords. The commando pulls his arms in the air and a volley of rocks smack them down. The commando looks further and sees Dade with his sword drawn.

The commando smirks and extends his right arm, firing a sharp spear of stone at the swordsman. Dade sprints ahead and smacks the projectile aside with a calculated left swing. The commando lifts a wall in front of Dade and Dade runs into it. Dade falls backward and the commando laughs. Samira sprints across Dade's right flank toward the commando.

The commando lifts his right arm and rips out a piece of the ceiling from a nearby building. The commando extends his arm and fires the object at Samira. Samira slides forward as the object narrowly misses her, Samira leaps back on her feet and sprints at full force. The commando shifts his arms and propels a massive stream of sand at the marine.

Samira leaps over the stream of sand toward the commando. The commando looks up and raises his left arm. A sharp stone blade rises beside him. As Samira descends in the air toward her opponent, she throws her spear through the commando's chest. The commando collapses from the brutal hit.

As Samira rips her spear out of the commando's corpse, she looks ahead and notices the Earth Kingdom troopers are retreating. Samira, Kedo, Sonna, and the remaining archers continue to bombard the retreating troopers with their arrows from rooftops. Kett responds, "So much for the legendary General's army. Gambo didn't even turn up to fight."

Macai (to Kett): "They retreated a bit earlier because they knew they were outmatched and didn't want to suffer unnecessary losses. However, they have still kept about 40% of their forces. Meaning that they will still have the means to fight us another day. In the meantime, let us count our victories." Macai gathers his forces for an announcement.

Macai: "Push forward and secure the city. Do not sprint too much and archers continue to bombard them as they flee."

Asad: "Should we pursue them after they flee so that we may finally crush them?"

Macai retorts, "No, they may lure us into a trap. We don't know those dunes like they do. Save it for another battle, the enemy likes this city. It is a vital asset to them and we can plan more for them if we want to attack again. We have already won a vital position for our cause."

Asad: "Macai you are a great leader, but you limit yourself too much. If Azula can make her decisions with a less cautious approach and pull it off, then she will likely surpass you in military feats."

Macai responds, "You may think that, but patience is vital. Taking such a risk and failing, means that you blow your resources and prestige in one swift motion. It's much better to wait and think things through. The risks far exceed the reward in this case."

Macai's forces do as they are instructed. They steadily push Earth Kingdom forces back and out of the city within the next eleven minutes. Archers bombard people who flee into the open Dunes and Earth Kingdom losses are considerable. However, several of them still escape, and over a third of their forces manage to escape.