Meeting Azula

Macai, Spengi, and Rosh walk towards the Fire Nation Palace. It is a crowded evening, with several people traveling through the streets. As they get closer to the palace, Macai says, "Follow me, we are going to take a brief detour across the left entrance." As the boys get closer to the left gate, they notice a young girl in a pink fire nation uniform with a brown ponytail, brown eyes, a small nose, small lips, fair skin, and a vibrant smile.

She looks at the young men, "Hey boys, which one of you is Macai?"

Macai steps forward and puts his hand on the center of his chest and proclaims, "I am."

The girl smiles, "And who are your friends?"

Rosh steps forward and smiles, "I'm Rosh."

Spengi steps beside Rosh and announces, "And I'm Spengi."Rosh and Spengi both smile at her and she giggles.

Macai smirks, "What's your name?"

The girl answers, "Ty Lee. I'm Azula's best friend. I will lead you guys to her."

Ty Lee uses a beckoning call to summon the boys. Macai follows behind her but Rosh briefly hesitates and locks eyes with Spengi. Rosh: "What do you think of her?"

Spengi: "I like her. I guess Azula can't be so bad after all."

Rosh: "Or maybe she's too good for Azula. Either way, stay out of the way. She's mine." Rosh pokes Spengi in the chest while saying this.

Spengi chuckles and whispers, "No Rosh. I don't see a ring on her finger and as far as I know, she is single. So she is not yours. We'll see who she likes more."

Rosh laughs, "Oh, challenge accepted."

The two are suddenly interrupted by Macai who asks: "Rosh, Spengi, will you guys come on? What are you two doing? Please stop playing around, I don't have all day." Spengi and Rosh rush behind him and they follow Ty Lee into the palace. The palace is full of many rich black, gold, and red decorations.

Ty Lee gives them a tour around the palace and explains several of the paintings within the palace halls. Ty Lee shows them the palace sauna, kitchen, and sparring quarters. Macai finally asks: "Where is Azula?"

Ty Lee responds, "I knew you were going to ask that, don't worry we will get to her next. But it is a surprise."

Spengi exclaims, "I love surprises!"

Ty Lee cheerfully replies, "Me too." Rosh glances at Spengi with resentment. Ty Lee finally takes them to the garden. The garden is filled with beautiful light green grass, plush bushes, and small trees. They notice Azula and another girl chatting in a garden. The other girl seems a bit older than Azula, has pale skin, dark hair, has a very thin frame, dark brown eyes, and is a bit taller than Azula and Ty Lee.

Ty Lee exclaims, "I brought the boys! Macai and his friends."

Azula smiles, "Hi Macai, it's good to see you. Who are your friends?"

Ty Lee points, "This is Spengi and Rosh."

Rosh lightly grunts and thinks, Oh gosh, she said Spengi's name first. I hope he is not making a better impression than me. If so, then he is going to rub this in my face for a while.

Azula barks, "Ty Lee, I didn't ask YOU to tell me who they are. They could have done it themselves."

Ty Lee puts her head down and murmurs, "Sorry."

Rosh interrupts, "Don't be, you did nothing wrong."

Ty Lee's eyes widen in surprise and Azula glares at Rosh with disdain. Rosh smiles when he notices Azula's reaction. Azula responds, "Rosh, is it? You are a bold one. You might want to check that habit when you are around me."

Rosh responds, "I'm not Zuko, you CAN'T order me around."

Azula raises her eyebrows then looks at Macai. Azula: "Macai, please check your friend. He is being unruly."

Macai says, "Come on Rosh, cut it out." Rosh shrugs his shoulders.

Ty Lee interrupts, "I made some cookies. Coconut oatmeal flavor."

Azula retorts, "I hate them."

Rosh responds, "I'll try one." Rosh takes a bite of one of the cookies and asks, "I like it, what's the secret ingredient?"

Ty Lee: "Happiness."

Rosh: "Why did you tell me? How is it supposed to be a secret if you tell me so easily?"

Ty Lee giggles, "Well, that's not the real secret."

Azula yawns, "Isn't this just a hoot."

An uncomfortable Spengi looks at Macai with his eyebrows raised. Macai looks at Mai, "You haven't said much."

Mai: "Yeah, I don't have anything to say. Just watching the fireworks."

Azula looks at Macai, "Macai, come with me. I want to talk and I have a game for us to play."

Rosh follows behind Macai and Azula, "No, I just want to play with Macai. We will rejoin you guys later." Rosh sighs. Macai and Azula exit the garden.

Ty Lee: "Don't worry, you guys can still talk to us. Maybe we'll make our own fun game."

Rosh smiles, locks eyes with her, and responds, "That is fine with me. We'll make a BETTER game than whatever they're doing."

Ty Lee chuckles, "Yeah."

The three converse for about ten minutes. Ty Lee: "I'll be right back, I have an idea for the game."

Rosh asks, "Can I come with you?"

Ty Lee smiles, "Sure?"

Spengi: "Can I come too?"

Ty Lee: "You should stay with Mai, keep her company."

Spengi scratches his head and replies, "Ok."

Ty Lee and Rosh depart. Spengi looks at Mai, "Well, it's just us. Any ideas?"

Mai: "Not really."

Spengi: "Are you looking forward to anything?"

Mai: "Nope, you?"

Spengi: "There is a city parade coming up next weekend, I'm looking forward to that."

Mai: "I hate parades."

Spengi: "Why?"

Mai: "Well, all you do is walk around and look at a bunch of men in costumes. But at least there are some decent snacks."

Spengi: "What about the music?"

Mai: "It's not great. Just boring parade music?"

Spengi: "What about the people?"

Mai: "Meh."

Spengi wonders, Wow, this girl is a real downer. I don't know what to say. Spengi stands awkwardly for a few seconds then asks, "So you mean to tell me there is nothing you are looking forward to?"

Mai: "Honestly, I have already seen it all before. There is nothing to really offer that I haven't seen before."

Spengi: "I have already played with my chess set, but it's always fun to do it again. When I get the chance."

Mai: "Different strokes for different folks. But honestly, I wish Zuko were here."

Spengi: "Why isn't he?"

Mai: "Beats me, I'm not his mom. He said he had something else to do."

Spengi ponders, Wow, these Royal girls are a REAL drag. Accept Ty Lee, but looks like Rosh has her for now. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of others at the parade.


Rosh follows Ty Lee and asks, "What are we looking for?"

Ty Lee: "It's a surprise. You said you like those. So, at least you have something to look forward to."

Rosh chuckles, "Yeah, good point."

Ty Lee enters the kitchen and grabs a sack of apples. Rosh: "You're hungry?"

Ty Lee: "You'll see, it's a surprise remember?"

Rosh: "Oh yeah, I love surprises."

Ty Lee: "You surprised me with the way you challenged Azula. You are brave. You stood up for me, thanks." Ty Lee hugs him.

Rosh blushes, "Of course, no worries. That's who I am."

Ty Lee: "Be careful. She can be feisty."

Rosh: "I'm not worried about her."

Ty Lee: "Ok."

Rosh chuckles, but Ty Lee does not find the moment amusing. Rosh contemplates, 'Wow Azula really has a lot of people under some sort of spell. She's just a girl, how tough can she be?' Ty Lee and Rosh re-enter the garden.

Rosh: "Macai and Azula are still gone?"

Mai: "What do you think, genius?"

Rosh: "Ouch."

Mai yawns. "Sorry I hurt your feelings."

Ty Lee: "Don't mind Mai, she is just like that."

Rosh sighs and murmurs, "I hate that excuse."

Spengi: "What's in the bag?"

Ty Lee: "Apples."

Spengi: "Apples?"

Rosh grins, "It's a surprise, buddy."

Ty Lee smiles, "That's right, we are going to play a game."

Mai sarcastically says, "Oh great."

Spengi: "What are the rules?"

Ty Lee improvises, making up the rules as she goes along. Ty Lee: "Ok, so before we play the game, first we will have a juggling contest. Let's see how many apples each person can juggle."

Spengi: "Um"

Ty Lee: "Think fast!" Ty Lee swiftly tosses an apple to Mai. Mai catches it and tosses the apple into a tree trunk. It breaks into several pieces.

Mai: "I don't juggle. But I'll watch and throw them if you want."

Ty Lee: "Rosh!" She tosses an apple to Rosh, who barely catches it and starts to flip it around. Ty Lee: "Spengi!" She passes another apple to Spengi who starts juggling it. She tosses another at Rosh, who suddenly drops one of his apples and stumbles into the dirt. Ty Lee tosses a second apple to Spengi who catches it and continues to juggle.

Spengi laughs, "Ha ha ha, I am kinda good at this." Ty Lee chuckles and tosses a third apple at Spengi. The third apple hits him in the face and he falls over.

Mai laughs heavily, "You know what? I like this game."

Ty Lee: "My turn!" Ty Lee takes five apples and juggles them all at once with ease. Suddenly Azula and Macai return. y Lee shouts: "Macai!" She suddenly tosses an apple at him (while still juggling four apples) and Macai ducks and it flies over his head. Ty Lee: "You're out."

Azula: "What?"

Ty Lee: "Azula! Your turn." Ty Lee tosses an apple to Azula (while still juggling three) and Azula immediately extends her right hand and fires a precise orange burst of fire through two of her fingers, frying the apple. Black fragments of it fall into the grass. Rosh and Spengi look in shock with their eyes wide.

Azula: "That's some game, Ty Lee."

Ty Lee: "Yeah, I won. What did you guys do?"

Azula: "We played a game."

Ty Lee: "What game?"

Azula: "It doesn't matter."

Macai suddenly asks, "Do you think your mom will be upset if she sees us here? I remember what she said about boys and girls at our age playing together. Especially if it is people she is not very familiar with."

Azula: "Don't sweat it. She won't do anything."

Spengi looks at Macai, "The real question is what will Eyre think? He wants to know about all the things you are doing. I am not sure what he would think about this."

Azula: "Macai is his own, man. He is strong, he doesn't need his father's approval to see me."

Rosh chuckles, "Well, ok. Funny how you never met the man, but you know EXACTLY what Macai should do. I can't wait to see how this plays out."

Azula points at Rosh, "I did not ask for your comment."

Rosh: "Look your highness, I am not a peasant that you can boss around."

Azula: "You really are running on thin ice that I am going to melt."

Rosh smiles, "You really practiced that one didn't you. Do I look worried?"

Azula: "A fool doesn't know when he should be worried. That's your problem, not mine."

Ty Lee attempts to break the tension, "Oh Azula, PLEASE tell us what you and Macai were doing. We are all DYING to know."

Azula: "Well, since you desperately ask... We went to the weapons room."

Spengi: "You have access to that room?"

Mai: "No, it's off limits. As if that EVER stops Azula."

Azula: "She is right. One thing you will learn about me, is that I have no limits."

Rosh: "Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Everyone has limits."

Azula gets red with frustration and clinches both of her fists. Azula: "Ok, that's it. Lets go!"

Macai pats Azula on her back, "Azula please, not now. I have sunset training soon. We should be heading back soon."

Azula responds, "Ok, Macai. Allow us one more moment alone. Just for a few minutes."

Mai: "Oh, here we go again." Spengi laughs.

Rosh looks at Ty Lee, "Well, maybe that isn't so bad."

Macai and Azula step aside in a nearby hallway. Macai looks at Azula, "I had a good time, you are so full of surprises."

Azula: "Thanks, Macai. You are too. I love how daring you are. Never backing down from an adventure. Unlike your friend..."

Macai: "Oh Rosh, he's a good guy. He just needs to warm up to you."

Azula: "I think he's jealous. He fears I am taking his place." Macai does not know what to say. Azula puts her right hand on Macai's left shoulder. Azula: "But, I had a great time. We need to do it again next week."

Macai smiles, "Well, you know I'm down. I would do it every day if I could. You are the smartest and most charismatic girl I've ever seen. Heck, the smartest kid I've ever seen, other than me of course."

Azula: "You were right up to the part that you said 'other than me'". Azula leans in as she says this.

Macai: "That's debatable." Macai looks Azula in her eyes.

Azula: "No, it's not." Azula and Macai briefly kiss then Azula backs off and looks behind Macai with a bit of fear. Macai immediately wonders, Is her mom here? Macai turns around and notices a man with long black hair, golden eyes, a long nose, a goatee, and a sharp face.

Macai feels a heavy chill on his back as he locks eyes with the man. However, the man does not frown or yell instead, he smiles. The man has a powerful voice, "Well, what do we have here? A couple of children up to something they have no business doing."

Macai steps one foot backward but tries his best to conceal any fear within him. The man says, "Don't worry, I don't bite. But I do burn." Azula's father chuckles.

Azula: "Dad, I didn't know you were going to be here this early."

Ozai answers, "You never know when I'll be around." Ozai locks eyes with Macai, "Boy, come to me." Macai slowly walks towards Ozai. Ozai: "Do you know who I am?"

Macai: "Yes, you are Ozai. The second heir to the throne, after Iroh."

Ozai: "I am MUCH MORE than that. But I like you, many boys would have run in my presence. You have some fight in you I can tell. I hope you had a good time at the palace. I was once young and rebellious myself. How can I despise your behavior? I would just consider what your father may think about such a situation. That is, if he catches you."

Macai: "Perhaps, you could tell him it's ok."

Ozai: "Oh no, I don't do that. I don't interfere with family rules. Whatever a father says is bond. But you would face his wrath, not mine, that is assuming he has an issue with this. But you are a good boy Macai, from what I've heard."

Macai: "You know-"

Ozai: "Who you are, of course I do. I know more than you could possibly imagine. Now run along. It sounded like you have sunset training." Ozai smiles. Ozai: "You can say your final goodbye for the day Azula. Macai, you are welcome to return or not. I don't care either way. I also won't tell your father, it's not my job. My wife, on the other hand, might respond differently. I look forward to seeing how it plays out."

Macai and Azula quickly head back to the garden. Macai looks at Azula and Azula says, "My dad is such a character isn't he."

Macai: "I'll say."

Azula: "Well, this was fun. We should do it again sometime. You must hurry back, sunset is near. It seems you have been rushing a lot recently."

Macai: "Totally worth it."

Azula: "Isn't it? Nothing beats that rush."

Azula and Macai notice Mai and Spinge but not Ty Lee and Rosh. Azula: "Where are the other two?"

Mai: "Beats me. They snuck off while we were talking."

Azula: "Well, Macai has sunset training, so we will not wait for them." Macai has never left Rosh before, but she does have a point.

Macai responds, "Let's go Spinge, your father won't want you out too late. Neither will Rosh's but his parents are a bit more lenient than ours."

While this is happening Rosh is talking to Ty Lee on a nearby balcony. Rosh: "Wow, it must be crazy having a bunch of sisters that look like you. But, I doubt they can match your awesome personality."

Ty Lee blushes, "Gee, thanks Rosh."

Rosh: "No problem."

Ty Lee: "Being around a boy like Macai, do you feel like you are ever under his shadow? Like you'll never be as great as he is."

Rosh: "No, why?"

Ty Lee puts her head down and answers, "Sometimes I feel like that when being around Azula. It is cool to say I'm friends with someone like her. But she is so good at well, just about everything. She gets so much praise."

Rosh: "You don't have anything to worry about. You are a great person and I personally think you have much more to offer than her in terms of personality. Which seems to be very undervalued these days. Regardless of what you think, you are unique and bring a special warmth that cannot be duplicated."

Ty Lee kisses Rosh on his right cheek. He blushes and Ty Lee says, "Thanks, Rosh. You are so kind, but Azula is not THAT bad. She just is misunderstood, like your friend Macai would say. She has compassion deep down, she has shown me."

Rosh suddenly responds, "We have to get back to the garden. Macai has sunset training."

Ty Lee: "I know this place inside out. I can quickly get you there." Rosh follows Ty Lee to the garden, but no one is there.

Rosh: "They left? Macai NEVER leaves without me."

Ty Lee: "He's probably just in a hurry."

Rosh: "You don't get it. He's starting to act more like Azula."

Ty Lee: "People change over time, hopefully for the better. They may phase out of it, for a bit."

Rosh: "I hope so, I don't like this new phase."

Ty Lee: "I can quickly take you to the close exit that they are probably using. With any luck, we will still catch them. I am a fast runner, so hopefully, you can keep up. If we need to chase them."

Rosh: "Is that a challenge?" Ty Lee looks at Rosh brazenly. Rosh smiles, "Alright, you're on." Azula, Macai, Spengi, and Mai walk to a certain point.

Mai says, "Ok, this is where I split. I have to walk back home now, it was actually kind of fun. It takes a lot for me to say that. Don't expect to hear it often."

Azula: "I will head back as well. Bye, Macai, and nice meeting you Spinge."

Suddenly they can hear Ty Lee and Rosh running. Ty Lee beats Rosh to the group. Rosh is out of breath from trying to keep up with Ty lee and Rosh comments, "I don't believe it, you are faster than I expected."

Ty lee replies, "Told you" with another warm smile.

Azula: "Finally, you two love birds show up."

Rosh smugly responds, "You and Macai did the exact same-".

Ty Lee covers his mouth, "Bye Rosh, it was fun."

Rosh smiles, "Let's go guys."

As the boys walk off, Azula looks at Ty Lee. Azula: "Well, this was eventful. I enjoyed myself. It seems like you did as well. You seem to enjoy Rosh's company."

Ty Lee cautiously asks, "Do you have a problem with that?"

Azula: "Oh no, not at all. Just make sure you let me know what he is doing and saying. If I find out that he is scheming against me and you don't tell me. I will be VERY hurt and we will have a BIG problem on our hands."

Ty Lee blushes and fearfully says, "Oh no Azula, I would NEVER. I've got your back girl. You know we are best friends."

Azula: "Alright, let's go. Tomorrow I want us to spend some time together. We will have a ball. But none of that girly stuff that you keep requesting."

Ty Lee: "Azula, I love the adventurous stuff we do. But, I think we should do something a little different for a change."

Azula: "What are you talking about? We do something different every day."

Ty Lee: "But sometimes I want to get dolled up or..."

Azula: "No, maybe one day. Maybe not. But for now, you can do that by yourself or with Mai."

Ty Lee laughs, "You know, she won't do it either."

Azula: "What a pity."

Long Walk Back

As the three boys walk back home Rosh locks eyes with Macai. Rosh: "You took off just a tad early Macai, I thought you would give me the benefit of the doubt. Did you at least wait for me?"

Though Macai has picked up on some of Azula's qualities, he was raised to be an honest man. It is very difficult for him to lie. Macai: "No, I knew I took too long being with Azula."

Rosh: "You are fast Macai, you could have given me a couple minutes."

Macai: "Why? I can't afford to be late much with my father. I don't even know what he'll do. I have never been very late and I don't want to know what happens if I am. If it does happen, you'd better believe I want to minimize it as much as possible."

Rosh: "Fair enough, I suppose I can't blame Azula much for that then."

Spengi: "Look's like you and Ty Lee had a good time. I've got to admit you beat me on this one. But I couldn't believe you took Azula on. That seems to be what won her over, but I don't think it's worth it."

Rosh: "You are scared because you HEARD something about a girl. I don't care if it was a boy or even an adult. She is just a person, why would I fear her? She is not even the Firelord. She is a student like us."

Spengi: "Some things aren't worth finding out Rosh."

Rosh looks at Macai, "Did anything about Azula make you think she was very tough?"

Macai: "She knows a lot about the different combat forms. We talked about it and she rivals me in my knowledge. The difference is I learned a lot of it because my dad forced me to. She learned a lot because she WANTED to. I would still have wanted to learn it on my own, but not at the pace I did. Her drive is unreal and that makes her dangerous. I would NOT want to fight someone like that."

Rosh: "That all sounds nice, but when she faces someone who isn't scared of her, her fragile ego will collapse."

Macai: "Let's not find out. I don't need my friend and girl fighting each other."

Spengi: "Your girl, so it's official now?"

Macai shrugs and grins, "I guess so."

Rosh: "Well, at least I get to be around Ty Lee more. That's the only good thing that comes out of this."

Spengi: "Ok, later guys." Spengi breaks off.

Macai: "Rosh, I'm sorry if I haven't been present enough as a friend. But I know we'll figure this out."

Rosh: "Ok, well I'm with you until the end of the road. As long as you are with me."

Macai fist bumps Rosh, "Always."

Rosh and Macai split as Macai nears his home. Macai quickly rushes to his front yard and looks up in the sky. He has a sigh of relief when he notices that sunset is just starting to form, he is not late.

Eyre steps outside of the front door and locks eyes with Macai. Training goes on as usual, but something seems different. They train for over an hour with no break and it is nightfall again. They continue to train and two hours have passed. Eyre keeps going on, but any training past two hours is very unusual.

Macai starts slowing down as his body gets tired. Eyre: "Stay the pace, you are not done yet. Let's practice your defensive maneuvers. Prepare to dodge my attacks." Macai looks in surprise as this is a rare thing to do towards the end of training while he is tired.

Eyre gets in his battle stance and Macai knows that he has no choice but to adapt. Eyre thrusts his body forward and swats a 12-inch wide blast of fire out of his hands. Macai leaps right, but it takes extra energy out of him in his fatigued state. The flame blasts a massive crater beside him, sending chunks of dirt flying.

The boy scrambles to his feet and Eyre pumps a swift 5-inch wide flame out of his right fist. Macai blocks the attack and a second flame is shot from Eyre's left fist. Macai turns and blocks that attack. Eyre picks up his pace and punches two rapid volleys of fire at his son. Macai rolls left and thrusts both of his hands forward, firing his own 12-inch wide power blast at Eyre.

This is the first time Macai has ever fired a power blast and it is a rare feat at such a young age. Eyre smirks then flips right in an instant. Moving so fast, that his body is a blur. Eyre raises his right arm before he slams it down, launching an 8-inch wide wave of fire at his son. Macai looks in terror, but powerfully extends both of his hands extinguishing the attack.

Eyre claps, "Well done, you have learned new powerful moves. I am very impressed." Macai smiles and kneels before his father. Eyre comments, "I wasn't intending on doing these last maneuvers and increasing your training length until I found out what you did. But this stellar performance has given you some redemption."

Macai: "What did I do?"

Eyre points at Macai and shouts, "You know EXACTLY what you did! You thought you could hide your whereabouts from me, I TOLD you to tell me everything!"

Macai: "Father... "

Eyre: "SILENCE! You saw that girl without my permission. You thought you could sneak around and embarrass me?"

Macai: "Dad."

Eyre's veins pop out of his neck, "NO! I did not give you permission to speak. You thought you could hide from me. But now you have learned one vital lesson, that you cannot escape my reach. I told you that you can't outsmart me nor can you outmatch me. Even now, I hold back my power. If I were to unleash just a third of it upon you, you would be dust."

Eyre takes a deep breath, "But that is not my way. I simply say these things to ensure that you are one with reality. We will discuss this later tonight, but first, you have extra training. As punishment for your disobedience."

Eyre forces Macai to run back and forth across the yard at night for about twenty laps. Eyre forces Macai to do several push-ups. Macai collapses after doing his forty-third push up. Eyre shouts, "Unacceptable, get back up and finish." Macai barely makes it to fifty push-ups then collapses a second time.

Eyre: "Up, up! It's time for jumping jacks!" Eyre forces Macai to do one hundred jumping jacks. Eyre makes Macai do eighty sit-ups and thirty up-downs. Then Eyre makes his son perform mountain climbers. Macai is ordered to do them for five minutes. However, Macai feels his legs get heavy after he is about two and a half minutes in.

The boy suddenly passes out on the grass about two minutes and forty seconds into the exercise. Eyre has a strange and twisted smile during the occurrence thinking, " Well THAT will show him not to test my patience again." Eyre touches Macai's pulse to make sure he is still alive and he is. Eyre promptly orders Zyger to come outside and Zyger notices Macai is unconscious.

Zyger winces in fear. Eyre: "Don't worry, he'll be fine. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. With the right mindset anyway."

Zyger holds back his frustration and asks, "What do you want me to do with him?"

Eyre: "Take him to my back room. His mother is asleep, she has been very busy today. I don't want her to find out what happened. If she does, it will end very badly for you. So don't be a hero, remember that I will have Macai no matter what. Not that you would, I don't think we will have this incident again."

A few minutes later Macai wakes up and notices Eyre sitting in a chair across from him. Eyre smiles, "Well, it's great to you back up and running. I am not going to punish you anymore for seeing her. You can date the girl."

Macai: "You just were upset that I did not tell you. I understand, it will not happen again. Do you want to meet her and see if you like her?"

Eyre: "Eventually, but from what I've heard I think she has a good fighting spirit. On the other hand, she seems to be a bit too bold. So, I will tell you this bluntly, I don't think the relationship will last. I will let you find out for yourself, as experience is valuable."

Macai: "Is that the only reason you approve?"

Eyre: "No, not actually. Remember to keep this between us or your punishment will be ten times worse. I think she is a wild card, but dating her and maintaining that rapport could be valuable for us. She has an even higher title than we do, but you are of good enough standing to get with her. She seems like she will be an exceptional officer."

Macai: "I agree."

Eyre: "It is rare that a legendary man can find a woman just as legendary or nearly as legendary to match him. This would take our family history to new heights. So I want you to try to make it work, but if it fails, I will not penalize you. The only thing I require of you is to act like a MAN. Do not allow her to dominate you or boss you around. If I notice she is running the relationship, then you are shaming our family worse than if you dated a peasant."

Eyre continues, "But I will not immediately punish you. First I will warn you, then if you do not listen. Well then, you don't want to know what I will do. But you are a bold and brave boy. In time, I don't think that will be an issue. You are not weak like her brother Zuko, I think you'll be fine but remember to flee if she gets too unruly."

Macai: "Why?"

Eyre: "Normally I would not care what you do with a woman, but she is Ozai's daughter. The risk could be great. Honestly, dating her doesn't even seem to be worth the reward. However, you already got her attention. If you bail now, lasting repercussions may take hold. So I'd rather you just go for it and see where it takes you."

Macai: "What if I fail, what if she is enough to destroy our family reputation?"

Eyre: "I would negotiate with Ozai and ensure that she will not act rashly. Say in the event that you both got in a fight or something. I have influence with the Fire Nation royals as a general."

Macai: "Ozai would pick you over his daughter?"

Eyre: "I am actually fairly confident that he would pick the Fire Nation over his daughter. Not me in particular, but he believes in the system. As do I, Azulon, and most of our distinguished leaders. Without it, we are no better than the savage Water tribes."

Macai: "What about after that? When she and I are both established leaders?"

Eyre: "At that point, it won't be in my hands anymore. I did my job as a father and it will be up to the both of you to build your own legacies. For the most part, you can get away with shaming yourself. But if you act so dishonorably that you disgrace our heritage line, I will hunt you down and express my discontent."

Macai can't help but think about the legend Kamacus. A man who killed his sons after they defected from the Fire Nation and became pacifist monks. He even killed their wives and children. Macai starts to sweat at the thought of it.

Eyre: "Well, Macai time for bed. Tomorrow afternoon, no playing with your friends. You can see them Wednesday as usual. But I want you to complete ten extra homework assignments as punishment. I want seven to be math assignments."

Macai knows that Math is his weakest subject and it will take him a long time to complete. Macai: "Will you help me complete them since I will be working on new material?"

Eyre: "No, why would I help you when this is your punishment? You should have thought about that when you kept a secret from me. Now if you excuse me, I have some war planning that I need to finish before my night is over."

Macai heads upstairs for bed. Just as Macai is about to sleep, his mother Yosari sits next to him. Yosari leans in closely and rubs Macai on the back. Yosari: "Macai, you're tense. I didn't hear everything that was said, but I heard you have extra homework. That you are in trouble, what did you do?"

Macai does not want to worry about his mother and remembers that his father told him not to mention him passing out. Macai: "I was punished for seeing a girl without telling him. He made me exercise a lot and now I have extra homework."

Yosari shakes her head, "I don't think liking a girl warrants that kind of punishment, but you should have told him the truth. You could have even told me first. What is her name?"

Macai: "Azula."

Yosari has heard the name before and she heard a few negative things. Yosari: "Oh, well I hear she is smart. But I have heard that she is a bit wild. Perhaps we can find a nicer girl for you."

Macai: "No she isn't that bad. She is just different and misunderstood. She is nice to me."

Yosari: "That is what a lot of people think until things go sour son."

Macai: "Dad wants me to date her."

Yosari: "What?"

Macai: "He is just upset that I kept a secret from him."

Yosari: "Oh, now I get it. Well, I am sure he thinks she has a good name and a bright future. But remember there is more to life than superficial things like power and status. I try not to argue much but, there are some nice royal girls. You don't have to date someone like that. I will let you find out on your own because trying to control people never works in the long run."

Macai: "Then you and dad agree. He said it probably won't work out but, he wants me to try."

Yosari: "We don't entirely agree, but just remember to not compromise what you know is right and who you are for someone else."

Macai: "Yes, mom."

Yosari hugs her son and grins. Yosari warmly requests, "Please, no secrets son." Macai nods his head. Yosari: "And I heard you have math work. Eyre might not be willing to help you, but I know he'll be gone in the afternoon. So, I will help you instead. Then it won't take as long, and I will take more time to help you in math, so you perform better."

Macai blushes in relief after hearing this revelation. Yosari leaves and Macai falls asleep.