Conditions of Trust

Macai wakes up again and proceeds with his morning routine. He moves swiftly and sharply. The boy combs his hair, brushes his teeth, bathes, puts on his uniform, and rushes downstairs. Eyre sits at the kitchen table, waiting at the exact same spot he always does.

Left of him is the breakfast that his mother cooked, but Macai knows he must listen to his father's daily announcement first. Eyre holds his hands together in a steepled gesture. Macai briefly locks eyes with his father before bowing his head in respect.

Eyre smirks, "Well done, you are getting ready faster now. We will begin with our sunrise training as usual then you will need to go to school. Before you return make sure you buy some soap, we are running low on supplies. Be back before sunset and we will continue training."

Normally, the only thing Macai would have to look forward to is seeing his friend Rosh, but now things are different. Before Macai leaves, he hugs his mother.

Macai steps outside in their vast backyard. The sky is dark blue with only hints of light from a distant sun closing in. There is a slight breeze that flows across the air and blows against Eyre's curly hair. Eyre steps about 10 feet away from his son.

Eyre deeply inhales and astutely remarks, "Macai, in life, things will not always go how you want them to. Challenges are inevitable and pain is a part of it. Some people let their pain cripple and destroy them. But you must let yours empower you."

Eyre paces around, maintaining eye contact with his son. Eyre: "Look deep at your ambitions, at your struggle, and fight with every fiber of your being. Life is a constant fight and if you are persistent and make adjustments then you will prevail."

Macai interjects, "But, my teacher said the strong survive. So doesn't that mean that stronger warriors will also beat weaker warriors despite willpower?"

Eyre clinches his right fist, "The strong, DO survive. But, being strong has several meanings. Some are strong because they are intelligent, patient, and can outwit their opponents. This is an underrated aspect of strength within the Fire Nation. Another part of strength is willing to do what it takes to win, a strong warrior with weak will can be overtaken by a more motivated lesser opponent."

Macai: "And teamwork is a way to beat stronger foes."

Eyre: "Yes, but a great warrior doesn't need to rely on others to be powerful. And teamwork also comes with the danger of betrayal."

Macai: "How can I avoid the danger of betrayal?"

Eyre: "You cannot perfectly prepare for or avoid it. Nor can you perfectly prepare for or avoid anything. But you must do everything in your power to reduce it and be able to respond level-headedly if it does happen. The best way to minimize betrayal is to never fully trust anyone. Not your friends, not your future wife, nor anyone else."

Macai: "What about you and mom?"

Eyre: "You don't have much of a choice now. You would never beat me in any physical or mental contest. But you are my son, I would want you to do well because your success reflects my success as a father. The same with your mother and you are an only child."

Macai: "But how can I lead if no one fully trusts me?"

Eyre: "Though there is no trust, you still should respect and reward your soldiers when they complete their objectives. When someone steps out of line, you must punish them so severely that no one else will want to challenge you. You must have a couple of loyal confidants who are less likely to betray you, I say a couple because one may reveal another's betrayal."

Macai: "So I can have close companions? But that requires trust"

Eyre: "There are levels to trust. People can steadily go from no trust to some trust if they have proven that they have supported you in the past when it was not convenient. However, you must remember that trust only goes so far. When pressed against 'other interests' it will run dry. Always keep track of what your allies are doing in a discreet way."

Macai: "What are these other interests?"

Eyre: "That is enough lecturing for now. Think about all that I have told you. Now we train, let me see your battle stance."

Macai immediately positions himself. Eyre: "Good, now attack me."

Macai does not hesitate, being completely obedient to his father. Macai thrusts his right fist at his father's chest launching an orange flame out of his fist then shifts his body left and fires a second flame from his left fist.

Eyre quickly breaks out of his casual stance and thrusts his arms from side-to-side blocking both attacks then rotates his body and kicks a powerful rod of fire at his son's neck. Macai dives left, narrowly avoiding the attack. The flame hits, the back of Eyre's house, which is fireproof.

A one-meter black stain can be seen on the wall before it slowly fades away. Macai immediately leaps back on his feet as his father pumps his right hand down and throws a whip of fire at his son's right arm. Macai flips left avoiding the attack and rapidly fires a volley of 4 flames at his father's chest and stomach.

Macai moves his fists so fast that white smoke emits from them. Eyre leaps forward and right of the attack before he gracefully lands just three feet away from his son. In an instant, Eyre tilts his arms back and thrusts them forward. Firing a 10-inch-wide block of fire at his son.

The flame is so fast, that Macai doesn't even try to dodge it. He simply switches to his defensive mode and holds his arms up to block the attack. The fire hits his arms, but it is so strong that it explodes on impact. Macai's body is sent tumbling 5 feet backward. His body is covered in mud.

School Day

Macai gets up, dusting himself off and Yosari runs outside. A furious Yosari shouts, "He has class in twenty minutes! Now he needs a bath!"

Eyre crosses his arms, "That is fine, he can bathe and get dressed within 10. He is fast enough to make it there in 10. He has been conditioned well." Eyre shifts his head at Macai and commands, "Well done Macai, you have fought excellently. Get cleaned up, put on another uniform, and head to class."

As Macai sprints back in the house Yosari looks at Eyre in disappointment. Eyre calmly comments, "I am making him into the strong warrior he needs to be."

Yosari: "Don't you think you are moving a bit fast?! He's only six."

Eyre: "MY FATHER, started training me in combat at five!"

Yosari: "You started training Macai at that age as well."

Eyre: "Exactly and this is the first time I sparred him. Look how well he did. He has tremendous potential."

Yosari: "Why do you feel a need to do it now? You know he likes to walk to school with Rosh and talk before class."

Eyre chuckles, "You think I care about such trivial things? Rosh is spoiled. His parents don't push him enough. He will never be a great warrior like Macai."

Yosari: "Why is everything a contest with you? He is a nice and smart boy. An excellent friend."

Eyre changes the subject, "I wasn't planning on sparring him until sunset, but he is learning so fast. I needed to switch it up on him. Sunset training will be more about conditioning. He is going to be a phenomenal warrior, perhaps better than me. I can see him being a great officer as well, but I must not stop the pace now or he will get soft."

Yosari takes a deep breath and hugs her husband. Yosari: "Now I'M the one who has to clean up this mess. At least try to think a little about me, I have enough to do today."

Yosari starts cleaning and Eyre goes back in. The sun begins to rise and the sky turns light blue. It is a busy day with many people walking through the city streets. After Macai is clean and dressed he quickly sprints out of the house with his backpack running past many adults.

Macai notices an old man who is buying some cabbages directly in front of him. Macai jumps over the cabbage man and lands between two teenagers. One male teen has long straight hair and a thin frame. The other has short wavy hair and an average frame. The long-haired teen shouts, "Hey, watch it, kid!"

Macai ignores them and sprints onwards. Macai continues to leap right to left as he runs forward through packs of people. Barely noticing his surroundings and slides past several adults to reach his destination. He knows just how long to run and when to stop because he has walked the route so many times.

Macai passes the nearby park where he met Azula and stops when he is finally in front of the school. Macai estimates that he has about 2 minutes left. Macai charges into the Royal Boy's academy, heads to his locker (quickly taking the books he needs for his first-class), and sprints to Mr. Booman's class.

Macai quickly enters the class. The floor is light grey, the walls are brown, with several paintings across the left and right walls, and the back wall has a portrait of Firelord Azulon.

The teacher has a red, black, and grey fire nation uniform. Like all the other teachers. Booman is in his mid-forties, has light grey hair, a flat nose, light skin, a moderate frame, brown eyes that are far apart, and medium lips. He stands five feet and ten inches tall.

All the boys are getting settled in their seats and Macai sits in his favorite spot beside his best friend Rosh. Rosh has light brown hair, deep brown slanted eyes, light skin, and a small nose. Rosh tilts his head when he notices Macai and grins.

Rosh whispers, "What took you so long? I was waiting to walk here with you."

Macai retorts, "It's a long story. Well, maybe not THAT long of a story, but I'll explain later."

Mr. Booman exclaims, "Alright, settle down students. Today, we will be talking about the History of Admiral Zi's conquest of the East." The class goes on with Macai dominating the student discussion and Rosh making some insightful points. Most students listen in admiration. Booman changes the activity.

Macai's team always comes up with the fastest solution in group projects, however, Rosh is actually the best long-term planner. Having beaten Macai in some strategic scenario classes. But Macai dominates the debates in every class against everyone. Towards the end of this class, Mr. Booman asks everyone a question, "If you are out in the cold and lost at sea with dwindling fuel reserves and all nearby land territories are controlled by enemy positions, what will you do?"

Macai immediately raises his hand and asks, "I will dock my ship to the closest landmass and bombard any local enemy troopers with cannon fire if necessary. My plan would be to find a settlement that has lacking defenses and is less important. Then I will dock in the area and send a distress signal to meet reinforcements."

Another student quickly counters, "That is a foolish scheme Macai. I would have not risked a fight not knowing what I am up against. Instead, I would have retreated further into the sea and taken my chances. Studying how to find where I could discover nearby Fire Nation ships to get reinforcements."

The student is none other than Paz. Macai's bitter rival. Paz has olive eyes, black straight hair, yellow skin, small ears, and is slightly shorter than most of his classmates. Paz looks for every chance he can get to embarrass Macai, embarrassed that he consistently comes up at second place during class debates, science projects, and history discussions. The only area where things are fair is essay contests, where someone different seems to dominate every week.

Macai chuckles, "No Paz, you are running out of FUEL reserves. That means that you would likely be stranded at sea. And since your ship is alone, there is a chance that enemy ships might intercept and attack you. Though the other navies are inferior, it is an unwise position to be in. I also doubt that YOU would be competent enough to find other Fire Nation ships if not for pure luck and would likely starve your men out. Being stranded at sea also increases the odds of mutiny."

Mr. Booman laughs and claps then shouts, "Great point Macai. Ok, students that is it for today. I hear there is a new special soup that they will be making for lunch and apparently, band class has acquired new instruments, so have fun."

While Macai and Rosh exit the class Paz travels with two friends and shoves himself past Macai. Macai shouts: "Hey, you better watch yourself. You and your friends are no match for us."

Paz laughs, "You think you're so smart, being a show-off ALMOST every class. But you know you don't have the intellect to do that in math class. Because you suck at it. That's right, the one class that you are so bad at that you almost failed our last test. I saw that grade."

Macai gets angry, knowing he was raised to be a perfectionist. Macai grunts and his fists tighten. Rosh pats Macai on the back to calm him and Rosh responds, "But he still is better than you at almost EVERY other class. And you are not even the best at math, I am. Everyone knows that, so you will only be second best at everything in your life."

Paz grunts, "Oh yeah, well I can't wait until we have more combat tests. So that I can pound both of your faces in. That is the most important subject anyway." Paz and his friends storm off.

Rosh grins and pats Macai on the back. Rosh: "Sure showed them. I can't wait to try that soup at lunch and find some crazy instrument at band class."

Macai: "I'm cool with the drums and trumpet. I'll never switch."

Rosh: "I don't think anything will ever beat the flute but, I'm willing to try anything. Funny that Paz forgot to mention that you aren't the best at band, but neither is he. You BOTH suck with instruments."

Macai: "Hey, I am getting better with the trumpet."

Rosh: "That you are, but I don't get how you are so offbeat with the drums. Like dude what?"

Macai: "You never even played the drums."

Rosh rolls his eyes, "Yes, I have. Not as a studied instrument, but just for a few minutes. I still had better rhythm than you. The drums are not a very complex instrument."

Macai: "To be fair, the Fire Nation doesn't teach us much about rhythm. They don't even let us dance. I hear people can tear it up in the Earth Kingdom."

Rosh: "It does sound fun, can you imagine Eyre dancing? Hahaha, he would be so terrible at it."

Macai: "I would NEVER be caught dead trying to dance. I will not risk that embarrassment. My father taught me to be strong, but that burden is too great."

The two laugh as they head off to lunch.

The Special Girl

As Rosh and Macai get their orange soup and a plate of bread to go with it, they head to their lunch table with two other friends, Barge and Spengi. Barge is a heavy-set child with curly black hair, a long plump nose, hazel eyes, and tan skin. Spengi has olive skin, light brown hair, light blue eyes, and a small soft nose.

Rosh interrupts his friends, "Macai has some news." Rosh giggles.

Barge: "Well, spit it out."

Rosh: "Macai has a massive crush on Azula. Ozai's daughter."

Barge's eyes widen and Spengi chuckles. Spengi asks, "Does he know her?"

Macai: "Yes, I met her at the park."

Barge takes a deep breath and clinches his hands. Spengi stares at him. Spengi asks, "Why are you acting like that?"

Barge: "Because I heard she is crazy."

Macai protests, "Who told you that?"

Barge: "I have heard from some guys. They said their sisters said that Azula excels in EVERY class she is in."

Macai laughs, "Sounds like me."

Barge: "Noo, I mean EVERY class. Not MOST classes. Do you know how obsessed you have to be in order to be the best at every class? Only thing she sucks at is music, but I can see how a crazy person sucks at that."

Spengi: "Actually she isn't the best at gymnastics, not even the tenth best. Ty Lee runs that. She also isn't a track star like Mai or Sorra." Macai shakes his head and Rosh shrugs his shoulders.

Macai: "So that's it? That's why you think she's nuts?"

Barge: "It's not just that. I heard she has slapped another girl in class and didn't even get suspended because of her dad. I heard she spilled her soup on another girl one day because she said it was gross and she didn't like that girl anyway. I heard she beats up and bullies her older brother Zuko, who is still a year older than us."

Macai: "I'm sure I could take Zuko and I heard that he is a total kiss-up."

Spengi: "Who told you that? I heard Zuko is very honorable and kind."

Macai: "Too kind, he hasn't the temperament of a great fire nation warrior and leader. He is soft mentally. I talked to Azula a couple of times, found her a couple of times." Rosh looks at Macai with his mouth wide open.

Rosh: "You didn't tell me that."

Macai: "I know, I didn't see you this morning and I would always make sure that I saw her when I got out of school but right before sunset. That's why I haven't played with you as much in the last few weeks. I tried to find her several times, at first I didn't. I've been with her about twice and missed her at least four or five times now."

Barge: "For how long?"

Macai: "Around 10 to 15 the first time and about 35 minutes the second time."

Spengi: "What did you guys do?"

Macai: "The first time, we just talked and shared some jokes. The second time we talked a bit and then went on an adventure. She and I stole some apples from the Apple Lady and she never caught us."

Rosh's jaw drops in surprise, "You did what now? Eyre HATEs thieves. He would have blown a fuse if he knew that."

Macai: "I know, she dared me, and I just did it. It was a lot of fun. After that fiasco, I asked her to not steal anymore. So, she agreed, and we did something else instead."

Rosh shakes his head, "I don't think I even want to know."

Macai: "We bothered a Fire Nation guard. She threw a pebble at him and I snuck behind him and touched his suit. We moved so fast that he didn't see us. He broke out in a fit of rage in confusion, then his boss yelled at him."

Rosh: "Now, THAT is stupid. You both could have been scorched or caught. That girl sounds like trouble."

Macai grins, "You know you have a sharp sense of humor and a knack for adventure. She has a knack for adventure but is more daring than you. She has wit but is not as funny as you. I think your personalities will balance out."

Rosh: "I don't, I like responsible fun. And she sounds messy. We should find Zuko, he doesn't have our lunchtime but we see him every now and then when we are heading to class or leaving."

Macai: "No, Zuko is irrelevant. We don't need to see him and we don't need his opinion on anything. He is a momma's boy and he is jealous of her."

Rosh: "You just believe everything she tells you, huh. Have you not thought about testing her claims? Meet him yourself?"

Macai nods his head, "Ok, we can try that after class. But I am going to see her again today or at least I'll try. She is going to be around a couple of friends I think, this time. I think it is that Ty Lee girl that you guys heard about and maybe some other girl that's a bit older."

Barge: "Aww, but I have band practice right after class."

Macai: "No one plays the trombone like you, don't let anything get in the way of those skills. My dad always said a strong man never lets anything stop his growth. Especially when it relates to natural talent."

Rosh: "Your dad is over-the-top Macai, but I agree."

Spengi: "I can come."

Rosh: "Oh, this will be interesting."

The lunch bell rings and students quickly throw away their trash. Trays are stacked in the tray bins. Classes continue and the school bell rings again. Macai, Rosh, and Spengi walk through a crowd of students. The team notices Zuko exit the building and Spengi runs toward him and shouts, "Hey, Zuko!"

Zuko freezes in his tracks then quickly shifts his body, looking at Spengi in surprise. Zuko: "Yeah?"

As Macai looks ahead, he suddenly turns to Rosh: "Zuko hates Azula, he will try to sabotage everything. This was a bad idea."

Rosh: "Relax, it's too late now and he would have caught us anyway. He already saw you with her once, he may not know at the moment that you are still seeing her, but he would have eventually found out."

Spengi: "My friend Macai likes your sister, Azula."

Zuko looks at Macai, "Yeah, I've seen him once before. Good luck." Zuko turns around and starts walking away.

Spengi: "Wait, we heard all kinds of bad things about your sister. Are they true?"

Zuko turns around, "Yes and I bet most of the bad things you heard about her are true if not all of them. But don't worry, I won't stand in his way if he likes her. I have no doubt that he would have heard at least some of the stories by now. Who knows? Maybe she'll grow out of it one day. Not anytime soon."

Macai confronts Zuko, closing the distance. Macai: "Perhaps what you say is true, but she is respectful to me, and many people misunderstand her. She has little patience for weak people."

Zuko: "Weak? My mom taught me that being compassionate is not weak. Some people are weak, but you'll see. You think she likes you so much because you have something to give her that she doesn't have. One day, if she realizes that you are more of a burden than a tool, she will ditch you. As long as she continues to act the way she does."

Zuko points his finger and continues, "But don't think this means I will let you or anyone disrespect my sister. I will always have her back when times get tough even if we don't personally get along. I do it on principle, but I will not lie for her. She will lie to you though, I'm sure you heard about that."

Macai looks at Rosh. Rosh: "No we didn't hear that specific story."

Zuko: "She is a compulsive liar. Gets it from our dad. Don't tell anyone I said this though or we will forever be enemies."

Macai: "You have earned my respect with your honesty. At least to some degree. Thank you." This reminds Macai of his father's lesson to not fully trust anyone. Though he doesn't fully trust Zuko, he knows to not fully trust Azula either.