A Difficult Season

One evening after Rosh's fight with Azula, Rosh comes to visit Ty Lee at her home. The sky is deep blue, and Rosh desperately knocks on her door. Ty Lee's father, Ky Lo answers the door. He has light brown hair, a tall thin body, brown eyes, and fair skin. He stands at six feet and two inches tall. He is a Fire Nation Nobleman with a bold voice. Ky Lo: "Rosh, why are you out this late?"

Rosh: "I am looking for Ty Lee. I need to apologize to her."

Ky Lo: "It's late, come back another day."

Ty Lee's mother Yi-Chun interrupts, "Let him go and talk to her."

Ky Lo scratches his head, "Fine, go ahead but you only have ten minutes. I'm sure your father doesn't want you out this late."

Rosh: "Thank you." Rosh bows for respect then scurries off further into the house. The walls are yellow, the floor is white, and the ceiling is white. Rosh jogs upstairs to find Ty Lee and notices two of Ty Lee's identical sisters. While Rosh heads toward Ty Lee's door, her sister Ty Lin stands in front of it.

Ty Lin holds her hand out in front of Rosh and smiles. Ty Lin: "Hey Rosh, I have been waiting for you." She speaks with a different accent as she attempts to sound like her sister.

Rosh: "Get out of my way Ty Lin, I know the difference between you all."

Ty Lin: "I heard you disrespected our sister." Ty Lao moves in behind Rosh and pushes him forward. Rosh turns around and quickly notices Ty Liu and Ty Lum move in behind Ty Lao while Ty Lat and Ty Woo move in behind Ty Lin.

Rosh sighs, "I did not mean to miss our date. I swear, I just got caught up--"

Ty Lao interrupts him, "With another girl."

Rosh: "No!"

Ty Lee's father hears the exchange from downstairs. Ky Lo shouts, "Hey, keep it down!"

Rosh murmurs, "No... I haven't been with anyone else."

Ty Lin leaps forward and swings at Rosh's face with a left hook. Rosh ducks then leaps backward and Ty Lao pushes Rosh towards Ty Lin. Lin uppercuts Rosh and he stumbles. Ky Lo interrupts, "Hey what was that?! If I hear one more outburst, I'm coming up there!"

Rosh shakes his head and Ty Lin pounces over him. Ty Lin: "How you like that?"

Ty Lee suddenly opens her door and shouts, "Stop it! Leave him alone."

Ty Lin gets up, "What? We were just trying to protect you."

Ty Lee: "I will handle this. Rosh, come in my room."

Ty Lin: "Fine, let's go girls." Ty Lee's sisters depart. Rosh dusts himself off. Rosh looks across to see a warm smile on Ty Lee's face, but does not find one. Instead, he sees a serious and stern Ty Lee that he has never witnessed before. She locks eyes with him.

Ty Lee puts her hands on her hips, "Come in. We need to talk." Rosh follows Ty Lee in her room. It is a room with pink walls and has several positive posters on her walls with uplifting expressions. Ty Lee: "So you ditched me to be out with another girl."

Rosh: "No, Ty Lee, I didn't. You've got to believe me."

Ty Lee shouts, "Liar!"

Rosh gasps, "I'm telling you. I went out with Macai for a bit. Ran into Azula by accident when she came to visit him. She got us to harass some people in the park."

Ty Lee: "That doesn't sound like you, you never do what Azula wants."

Rosh: "I tried it that time, to my detriment. I eventually complained when we may have ruined a man's relationship. It caused Azula to insult me and we had a war of words. Until she went too far and I snapped."

Ty Lee asks, "What did you do?"

Rosh explains, "I just snapped and punched her in the face. It felt soooo good, Lee. Seeing her squirm on the floor, till she got up. Then we fought and it was close. But she got the best of me." Rosh sighs.

Ty Lee: "No, no. Azula didn't tell me that."

Rosh: "Azula is a liar."

Ty Lee gets defensive, "No, she is different with me. She loves me, like a sister."

Rosh: "No, she is using you. She will spit you out when she has no further use of you. She is not capable of love and Macai will find out soon."

Ty Lee: "You don't know what you're talking about. She has already shown me she values my opinion more than others. You should listen to your friend, there is a reason he trusts her."

Rosh: "Because he is biased, just like you are. You don't want to see the truth."

Ty Lee: "Shut up and get out."

Rosh: "What? Let me explain."

Ty Lee: "I had enough of your nonsense. Get out."

Rosh: "Ty Lee please." Rosh looks at Ty Lee painfully. Rosh pleas, "Please, you're the nicest person I know. Please trust me. You don't need her, you have me." Ty Lee shakes her head at the thought of losing a childhood friend. She values Rosh deeply, but she cannot give up Azula.

Ty Lee: "I said go!" Rosh turns and walks away with his head low. Ty Lee turns her head as a tear rolls down her right eye. Rosh returns home sad and hurt. As he heads for his room, his mother meets him at the steps. Rosh's mother Yui greets him.

Yui: "Hi son, you look upset. I take it Ty Lee doesn't believe you."

Rosh: "No she doesn't. She was so special. I give up on love."

Yui smiles and hugs her son. Yui: "Listen son, she is just one girl out of many. You are so young, there are many new girls you will meet. Not all of them are nice, but there are good nice women out there you must be patient to see their true colors. It may not be over for her, she just isn't ready to make the right decision. Right now, she is blinded by her emotions. One day that might change."

Rosh: "How long will that take?"

Yui responds, "Who knows? It may take years or days. Do not focus on her. Life changes and has many seasons. You must be strong, wise, and keep living no matter what the season is. Keep your head up and keep being you. Keep being the positive, loving, and talented son I know. No matter what."

Rosh smiles and hugs his mother. Rosh: "Thanks, mom."

Yui chuckles, "Of course son, it's my job. I'll always be there for you son. I know you're a very good boy with a bright destiny. One day, you'll find a woman who is willing to fight for you and loves you for who you are. When you find her, don't let her go."


Several months have passed since the last event. Zuko and Azula continue to battle each other for their father's love. It is a battle that Zuko continually loses as he struggles to find the motivation to be his best self. Constantly failing new challenges and becoming a laughing stock of the town. Rosh starts to perform better in training while Macai continues to perform well.

Macai keeps being the middle man between Rosh and Azula. This strains his relationship with Rosh. Ty Lee grows closer to Azula as she attempts to fill the void that Rosh has left. Eyre has gained more respect for his son as he continually completes his assignments and gets better at what he does.

Publicity spread as General Iroh, Ozai's older brother and the first heir to the throne continued his conquest of the Earth Kingdom. His son, Lu Ten, assisted him in battle as he consistently gained more ground in battle. Eyre is invited to a meeting discussing his latest campaign, the Siege of Ba Sing Se.

It has been going on for the last 600 days where Iroh has mainly fought on the outskirts of the city. Most skirmishes would only be for a few meters of land, but the closer Iroh got to the city the closer his forces were to the wall surrounding it. The wall had several massive artillery guns and other defenses that made each pressing attack more difficult.

General Eyre sits at a table in the Fire Nation war room with several other generals including Ozai. It is a room with red-brown walls and a long table with a massive military map. All the generals wait for the Fire Lord's arrival.

Eyre sits quietly while he listens to the other general talk. General Bon Ti is the most boisterous man in the room. Bon Ti: "I heard Azulon is hyped about this mission. He is very excited to see how Iroh's mission will play out." General Bon Ti has brown hair, a brown beard, pale skin, almond-shaped brown eyes, and is a heavyset man.

Ozai coldly says, "I bet he is."

Bon Ti: "Do you think Iroh will finally conquer the Earth Kingdom?"

Ozai: "Hopefully, he is a great warrior and tactician. He should prevail, but we will just have to see."

Azulon enters. The generals bow their heads in respect. Azulon has pale skin, long white hair, a long white beard, a long face, a long nose, and thin hazel eyes. He is ninety-five but is still terrifying. Though he is nowhere near as strong as he once was, the mere utterance of his name casts fear in many of his enemies and allies alike.

Azulon: "It is good to see you all. Our moment of triumph is at hand. My son Iroh will soon destroy the Earth Kingdom once and for all. His forces have recently broken the enemy lines and are planning a direct assault on the Ba Sing Se wall. Tell me the details."

General Mundi: "His forces are massively outnumbered. The enemies line up on a massive wall with several archers, swordsmen, troopers with spears, javelin turrets, catapults, and they can expect to face many Earth Kingdom tanks on the ground."

General Eyre: "We believe Iroh has a comparable amount of Fire Nation tanks on the ground. He has multiple benders, mobile archers, ground transports, and warriors by his side. I have requested for a few of our new air force units to aid him on the mission. They are a prototype, so I am not sure how effective they will be. They have only had limited tests."

General Ozai: "In a battle like this, we need to take risks and try new things. Iroh will need the assistance."

Azulon interrupts, "Iroh WILL succeed with or without the air units. However, this is an excellent test of their effectiveness. Wonderful suggestion Eyre." Ozai clinches his teeth, despising the blind favoritism his father shows toward Iroh. The meeting continues for several minutes before Azulon dismisses everyone. Afterward, Azulon calls Eyre aside.

Eyre kneels before the Fire Lord, "Yes sir?"

Azulon: "Eyre, you are an excellent General. You have served your family well and mine as well. Your loyalty has never been a question. I have no doubt that your son will also do so. Has he had a chance to meet Lu Ten yet?"

Eyre: "No sir."

Azulon: "He should, that will be a great opportunity for his growth. To learn from an ambitious and talented warrior like him. He reminds me a bit of Macai in some ways, from the one time I did see him. He is a kind young man, but also brave and courageous. I like that."

Eyre: "Thank you, sir."

Azulon: "Keep an eye on my son, Ozai."

Eyre: "Sir?"

Azulon: "I am not asking you to do anything unreasonable or risky. Just tell me if you notice him do anything suspicious."

Eyre: "Regarding?"

Azulon: "I can tell he is jealous of his older brother Iroh. I want to make sure he does not attempt to halt his progress."

Eyre: "Permission to speak, sir?"

Azulon: "Yes, Eyre."

Eyre: "He wanted the prototype to be used to assist Iroh."

Azulon: "Come on Eyre, that was a formality. Just make sure he is not plotting against him behind the scenes. Again, I'm not asking you to go out of your way to follow him. All I'm saying is that when he is around you, listen carefully to what he says. If anything sounds odd, report it to me. This is an order, not an option."

Eyre: "Yes sir."

Azulon smiles. "Good. I look forward to seeing you during our next meeting."

Eyre: "Of course sir."Eyre is dismissed and returns home.


Months pass as war stories travel about the intense battles that occurred and Iroh's steady yet slow victories. Casualties mounted on both sides, but the losses were much greater for the Earth Kingdom. Thousands of bodies littered the battlefield, but Iroh fights his enemies with some respect. Giving them time to bury their dead, a tactic Ozai criticized.

However, one day everything changes. Eyre is called to another meeting at the war room with the other generals and Ozai. Azulon arrives with a melancholy face, "Gentlemen, I have some unfortunate news." A brief silence echoes the room. Azulon rustles, "Iroh's son, Lu Ten recently was killed in battle."

Eyre's eyes widen as he discovers the revelation. Bon Ti: "Now what will we do?"

Azulon: "Iroh's forces have been set back and recently retreated."

Ozai: "What, why?! They still could have finished the battle."

Azulon points at Ozai, "No! Iroh was not in his right mindset to complete his assault."

Ozai: "Because he was weak! Remember what you taught us. He should have fought with more tenacity knowing his son was killed, thus making him stronger. That was the sacrifice we needed to triumph, but he didn't capitalize on it."

Azulon: "Silence! We will discuss this matter in more detail at a later date. I just wanted to make sure everyone understood this. We will need to recuperate our forces and plan our future campaigns." Ozai shakes his head and storms out of the war room before everyone is officially dismissed. Azulon: "You know what, just get out, all of you. Now is not a good time." The generals promptly exit.

Eyre returns to his home, Yosari looks to greet him. She extends her arms and says, "Eyre, how was your day?"

Eyre: "Strange. Iroh has failed us." Eyre walks past Yosari into his office and closes the door behind him.

A few days, later Macai visits Azula on another date. He waits in the city outside of the Silver Goose, a popular restaurant. Macai sits at a table and Azula leaps behind him. Macai: "Look who it is. How have things been recently?"

Azula: "Wonderful as always. I embarrassed that girl Ling Su. She tried to challenge me in language class, that didn't end well for her. I'm also getting better at combat, as always. My father wants me and Zuko to attend the next war room meeting. Your dad will get to see us."

Macai: "I'm not sure about that. I heard my dad has some kind of meeting regarding some of his men who are on some sort of mission, so he might miss that one."

Azula: "You've got to be kidding, he's really going to miss out. I'm a sight to see. What did he think about me?"

Macai: "My dad is straightforward, doesn't say much but he tells people how it is."

Azula: "All he did was nod his head when I talked to him and say the same mild responses. Yes, of course, indeed." Azula mocks Eyre's cold, professional, and monotone accent.

Macai: "Except that one time he corrected you, when your military history fact was wrong."

Azula: "That wasn't my fault, I said what the official military encyclopedia stated. It's not my fault that the source didn't mention all of the relevant information."

Macai: "But that's awesome that you get to go to War Room, do you think Zuko is ready?"

Azula: "No, but maybe he'll prove me wrong. He's been a hot mess lately."

Macai: "Well, you know Rosh has been getting better recently." Azula coldly stares at Macai. Macai: "Oh, sorry I forgot."

Azula: "Since you brought his name up, how has he been?"

Macai: "He's been doing well."

Azula: "Well, it's not like it takes much to impress him. Since he lives a life of mediocrity."

Macai: "Azula, we agreed. Don't talk about him."

Azula: "Alright, but you messed up first. Besides, my brother is below mediocre at this point."

Macai: "Sometimes he does well when pressure isn't on him."

Azula: "And WHAT good is that?! We are supposed to perform our best when pressure is on us. That's what counts. That is what is measured. Doing decently when no one's around isn't sufficient. Honestly, even when he does better it's still not good enough for MY family."

Macai: "Maybe he'll get there one day. He has to do decently first, then he'll get better from there."

Azula: "Your blind optimism is concerning Macai. Your father is a realist. That's how you've got to be. Could use a bit more personality though."

Macai: "Sometimes I think your dad has a bit too much personality. I hear it annoys Azulon, at times."

Azula: "It'll pay off one day Macai, you'll see."

Macai: "How do you feel about your cousin's passing?"

Azula: "He was a decent person. It is unfortunate, I don't know enough of the details behind his death. It seems it was quick, so he didn't suffer. But it was meant to happen. He wasn't strong enough to survive, that doesn't mean his death was meaningless."

Macai: "What do you think its purpose was?"

Azula: "That is beyond what they tell me."

Macai: "Azula, I know you. You always find the answers even when others refuse to tell you."

Azula smirks, "You're right, but I'm honestly not sure. He died and his father failed to avenge him. But something deep down tells me that the reason for his death has yet to be revealed."

Macai: "I heard Iroh has become weaker because of it."

Azula: "Even that may serve a purpose. I think he is too weak to rule."

Macai: "Then who will, your dad?"

Azula: "Hopefully."

Azula and Zuko eventually attend the next War Room meeting. Ozai brings an audience to the meeting to increase publicity. Azula says a historical fact that she is asked and performs a combat demonstration. Zuko attempts to do the same but miserably fails, enraging Ozai. An unimpressed Azulon shakes his head, "Prince Ozai, why are you wasting my time with this pomp? Just tell me what you want, everyone else go."

Azulon speaks with Ozai privately while a hidden Azula eavesdrops on the conversation. Azulon: "Ozai, what is the purpose of this?!"

Ozai elaborates, "Father, you must have realized as I have that with Lu-Ten gone Iroh's bloodline has ended. After his son's death, my brother abandoned the Siege at Ba Sing Se and who knows when he will return home but I am here father and my children are alive."

Azulon commands, "Say what it is you want."

Ozai: "Father, revoke Iroh's birthright... I am your humble servant here to serve you and our nation... use me."

Azulon sharply points at his younger son, "You dare suggest I betray Iroh?! My firstborn... Directly after the demise of his only beloved son. I think Iroh has suffered enough, but you... your punishment has scarcely begun!" Fumes of light orange fire blaze around Azulon.

Azulon points his finger at Ozai, "You will learn respect. Iroh has suffered enough with the death of his son, but your suffering has just started. Because Iroh lost his firstborn, you must also lose your firstborn. Zuko must be sacrificed." Ozai's eyes widen and he nods his head.

Ozai: "Very well, father."

Ursa later hears the news and refuses to accept it. She is deeply hurt by the proposal. She recently has had a conflict with Ozai for trying to contact a man she truly loved. Ozai recently hired an assassin to kill the man. Ursa offered to make a colorless, odorless, and untraceable position to kill Azulon so that the throne may be maintained. She agreed to share it to save Zuko's life and Ozai agreed as long as Ursa agreed to depart from the family.

The next day, Ursa left the house and never returned. Zuko was hurt and asked his father what happened to his mother. Ozai refused to answer his question. News spreads that Fire Lord Azulon has recently become ill and has passed away in his sleep. Now, Azula's father Ozai has been selected as the new Fire Lord. Azula has become the official princess of the Fire Nation, and Zuko the prince.

For a week, Macai lost contact with Azula. His father was constantly busy and out of reach. Macai sat in his living room on the couch, trying to complete homework. Macai could not focus and tossed his book aside. Zyger closed in, noticing Macai's inner turmoil.

Zyger: "What is wrong, Macai?"

Macai: "I don't know what to do or what to think. I'm worried about Azula. With her grandfather dead and her cousin, it must be a lot to take in."

Zyger: "It definitely is."

Macai: "Everyone at school is talking about it."

Zyger asks, "What are they saying?"

Macai: "They are just gossiping. Some say they heard theories that Ozai killed Azulon."

Zyger exclaims, "What?!"

Macai: "Yes."

Zyger: "That is a risky theory to go around telling."

Macai: "Yes, a few children just whisper it to each other. I recently heard students will be punished severely for spreading false rumors about the situation, so now students are too scared to talk about it. We had Fire Nation soldiers visit our school. It was frightening."

Zyger gasps, "In that case, the situation is worse than I thought."

Macai: "Mom is worried for her friend Ursa. She said she suddenly lost contact with her. I know this has all been hard on Zuko. Losing his cousin and his mother's disappearance has been devastating for him. Azula taunts Iroh as weak and I kind of agree, but I can see why Zuko suffers."

Zyger does not want to say too much and get himself in trouble. Especially since he knows Eyre does not approve of Iroh's recent actions. Zyger: "It is a difficult situation to analyze, but remember it's easy to make assumptions about a situation. It may be a completely different story for the people who are actually there on the scene."

Macai nods his head. Zyger: "Look on the bright side, look how blessed we are to NOT be in that situation. This is a time it pays off to not be in the royal family. You hit the sweet spot, just wealthy enough to not get hit with the issues of the insanely wealthy while still living a comfortable life."

Macai: "We say this life is comfortable, but maybe I'm weak. Because I feel stressed all the time with my many responsibilities. I know it could be a lot worse, but it isn't easy."

Zyger: "That is understandable, NO ONE has it easy. We all just have different challenges, but some certainly have it harder than others. Be grateful for what you have and don't have to face. Zuko and Azula face similar issues but in addition to their extra recent issues. One day, your day of suffering may come and you must endure."

Macai: "How?"

Zyger: "Just don't give up. Giving up is killing yourself, not trying anymore and accepting mediocrity, and losing your joy for life. Always find something to look forward to. Always be positive."

Macai hugs Zyger, "Thanks Zyger." Later that day, Eyre calls Macai to his room. Macai kneels before his father, "Yes, father."

Eyre: "Have you heard? Your girl is now the princess."

Macai: "I have, isn't it just wonderful?"

Eyre: "Do not let this go to your head. She must still prove herself. Anyone can fall and become a failure. Look at Iroh. She must prove herself a worthy partner for you, just as you must for her. You must test her as she tests you."

Macai: "How do I do that?"

Eyre: "For now, keep being excellent. The more you excel in combat and in all that you do, the more she will know that she must prove herself to you. Also, do not give her too much validation. Sometimes you must stand your ground and disagree with her. Only then will she respect you as a man and ruler."

The Skirmish of Endurance

Two years, after the Fire Lord Ozai gaining his new title, Macai has become a respected prodigy much like Azula. While Azula still gets the most praise, part of this is due to her being the Firelord's daughter. Zuko continues to get better at combat and his tests, though he is still well behind his sister.

A twelve-year-old Macai goes on a walk with Rosh on a sunny and bright day. Macai: "I can't believe they let Zuko go to War Room meetings and not me. I'm so much better than he is."

Rosh: "You listen to Azula too much. Zuko is the prince, what did you expect?"

Macai: "Whatever, it is a great opportunity though. I hope he makes good use of it."

Rosh: "That's the spirit Macai, be positive. Zuko is a nice guy and I think he's finally starting to come along. Soon, he will be a great officer. Just wait and we will too when our opportunity comes."

Macai: "I'm ahead, you know what that means. I'll probably graduate high school at fourteen."

Rosh: "That's great, I think I won't get there until fifteen."

Macai: "You are smart enough to finish earlier."

Rosh: "But I want to have some fun and time to relax you know."

Macai: "Fun, isn't this fun? Don't we have enough fun? I don't have that choice and who needs a bunch of time to relax. My dad always tells me a lazy man is a poor man or a man with a poor future."

Rosh: "How many times do I have to tell you Macai, your dad is extreme. I'm sorry you don't have a choice, but I do."

Macai: "Remind me, people become legal adults at six-teen in the Fire Nation, which is the standard graduation year, so if I finish early at fourteen that is when I become a legal adult?"

Rosh: "I guess that works but, only for royalty or near royalty level. So, that works for us."

Macai: "Ha ha ha, yeah. Early adult life. I bet they would let me buy a house by then."

Rosh: "Probably but, I heard the marriage age is restricted to sixteen and it's not negotiable. So you have to push back the time to marry Azula, which is for your own good. Maybe you'll come to your senses before then."

Macai chuckles, "Hey, I didn't say I was getting married anytime soon."

Rosh: "Wait, why do you want to buy a house? We need to focus on being great warriors first. No one gets a house until they are around twenty-ish or maybe in their thirties. It's a lot of upkeep and you have to save to get there. I know your dad isn't the type to pay for everything for you."

Macai: "That's true. We just started working on investment and finance classes. It's interesting. Even though I hate math in general."

Rosh: "Come on, at least it's not those abstract equations you hate."

Macai: "Well, they kind of force those in every math class at some point. But overall, I agree."

Rosh: "Anyway, are you looking forward to riding the testhan tomorrow?"

Macai: "I'm super hyped."

Rosh: "Well, see you later. I'm going to get working on my next Chemistry assignment."

Macai: "That's way too much of a math-based class for my liking. My dad, says I can take another class instead of Chemistry, a law class."

Rosh: "Of course, a concession for the General's son."

Macai: "It's not like I'm going to use that stupid class anyway and I can just get something else to do. Better to focus on my strengths, I'm also opting for an extra Leadership and Administration course since that will be easy for me. However, I have to take the Military Operations course, which still has tough math in it."

Rosh: "Well, I think you'll be a bit better at that than Chemistry. You think very analytically."

Macai: "I just struggle to put it down into equations, especially when it's something abstract or that I can't quantify."

Rosh: "Enough talking about school. Did you see the last pro dirtball quarterfinal game?"

Macai: "Yes, your Dodgers won. I was so upset with the Basemen, they really underperformed."

Rosh: "Hey, it happens. You win and lose some. Now, where are my three gold shekels?" Macai hands Rosh his currency. Rosh: "Thanks."

The next day, Rosh and Macai are escorted by Palu as they travel on the mountains of Kelee. The sky is blue-grey and the light grey mountains have green vines and moss growing on the rocky formations. It is chilly outside with a cool breeze and a steady fog in the air. It is daybreak.

Macai and Rosh follow Palu across a trail on one of the mountains. All of them are wearing backpacks that come with straps. Palu: "We are almost there." Palu notices five nine feet tall creatures with light blue, green, or grey fur. They have extended wings, long yellow beaks, sharp claws, and are incredibly strong. Palu: "Do you boys think you are ready for this?"

Rosh: "You know I'm ready."

Macai: "I'm ready."

Palu: "Ok, just like we practiced. I'll go first." They are holding special straps in their left hands, straps that will lock on a creature's back but can be easily removed with the proper technique. Palu pulls out a gold horn and blows it. This sound attracts the creates and a loud shake causes the mountain to vibrate. A blue creature rises and the testhan hovers over them. The animal makes a loud shrieking sound.

Rosh takes a step back and Macai's eyes widen in excitement. Palu signals his hand for Rosh and Macai to give him some space. The bird-like creature lands a few feet away from him. It slowly examines Palu and Palu says, "Remember stay calm, don't overreact." Palu slowly closes in and pets the creature. Palu lightly places his strap on its back and hops on the animal.

Palu: "Now, you Rosh. But do not stand close to the edge of the mountain." Rosh takes his horn and blows it. A green creature lands beside him. It chirps and hops closer towards Rosh.

Palu: "Looks like you attracted an energetic one like you."

Rosh attempts to leap on the animal but, it bucks him off. Rosh rolls two feet back and falls hard on the rocky surface of the mountain. Palu: "You're moving too fast Rosh. Take your time." Rosh leaps back on his feet and slowly extends his hands. He closes in on the animal and cautiously pets it. The testhan warmly purrs and Rosh prepares to climb on it.

Palu warms, "Be patient. Especially with this one." The creature automatically lowers its back and Rosh mounts it. Palu: "Your turn Macai."

Macai exhales, then blows his horn. He barely blows and creatures an unpleasant sound. Palu: "Come on, like you mean it. That was terrible." Macai blows his horn a second time with more force and a light grey testhan lands beside him. The creature slowly turns and meets Macai face to face. Macai pats the creature and slowly mounts him.

Palu: "Great, now we ride. Do not let go of your straps." Palu pulls his straps forward and the testhan charges forward and dives off the ledge. Rosh and Macai do the same and their testhan also leap off the mountain.

Palu, Macai, and Rosh free fall for thirty seconds with wind buzzing against their faces. Macai yells, "How do we control these things?!"

Palu responds, "Pull their straps up slowly." Everyone slowly raises their straps and the creatures start flying straightly at ninety miles an hour. Palu: "Now, the creatures will move whichever way you steer them. Let's make a few turns." Palu, Rosh, and Macai steer their Teshten's side to side and glide around the mountains for thirty minutes.

Palu: "Great, now let's ride these things back to my house. We've just caught some new pets for me. I have cages that will hold them up."

Macai: "Why can't I keep mine?"

Palu: "I'll save it for you when you're older, same with Rosh. For now, I'll keep them because your dad doesn't like pets."

Macai, Palu, and Rosh fly back towards Palu's town in the creatures. Macai: "How do we land these things?!"

Palu: "First, you need to make them slow down. Ease up on them, loosen the grip on the straps and they will automatically slow down and descend." Macai and Rosh follow their instructions and the creatures start to descend. Rosh's creature starts to descend but, is going down too quickly.

Palu: "Rosh, loosen your grip gradually, but suddenly. Loosen up." Rosh follows his father's instructions and the creature starts to slow down. Palu lands gracefully in his backyard while Macai lands with a slight struggle. Rosh lands but his creature slide across the yard tracking mud in its feet. Palu cautions his son, "You started tightening your grip again at the last minute, don't do that."

Rosh suddenly unbuckles his shackles. Palu: "Wait, you're going too fast." Rosh's testhan chucks him off onto the ground. Rosh moans as he slowly gets up.

Rosh groans, "My back."

Pelu: "You'll be alright. You need to just slow down."

Rosh: "I'm sorry, it's just a bad habit."

Macai slowly gets off his creature, "I can't believe it. Rosh is usually calmer than me, I would expect this to go a lot better for him."

Rosh: "Something about large animals, makes me a little anxious."

Macai looks at Palu, "You're the only guy I know that has this many exotic pets."

Palu: "Hey, I like what I like. Pretty cool isn't it?"

Macai: "Absolutely." Macai returns home and tells his father the story.

Eyre: "That sounds fun."

Macai: "You really should try it."

Eyre: "No thank you, it's a waste of money."

Macai: "But"

Eyre: "But nothing. I would rather focus on what is practical for me. We have war machines that are much more useful than those animals."

Macai: "But, machines aren't as fun."

Eyre: "It's not about fun, it's about what is practical. You've been having too much fun, sounds like you need some chores. Go clean the shed outside, when you're done with that work ahead on your homework again. I will check both this evening, it better be done before sunset."

Macai: "Yes dad."

One week later, Zuko attends another war room meeting. Iroh is at this meeting. He has long grey hair, a long beard, is a heavyset man, light brown eyes, and light skin. The generals are discussing a military plan to battle the Earth Kingdom forces. General Bisthu says his plan and uses a stick to demonstrate.

He has pale skin, grey hair, thin brown eyes, a few wrinkles, and is in his early fifties. General Bishtu: "The Earth Kingdom's defenses are concentrated here. A dangerous battalion of their strongest benders and fiercest warriors. So, I am recommending the forty-first."

General Beskron interrupts, "But the 41st is entirely new recruits, how do you expect them to defeat the powerful Earth Kingdom battalion?"Beskron has long white hair, a beard, pale skin, and dark eyes.

Bisthu: "I don't. They'll be used as a distraction while we attack them from the rear. What better distraction to use than fresh meat?"

Zuko interrupts the general, "You can't just sacrifice an entire division like that. Those soldiers love to defend our nation, how can you betray them?" Everyone stands in surprise hearing the statement.

Firelord Ozai: "Zuko! It is not your place to challenge a seasoned general, this is an act of complete disrespect. If you want to challenge one of MY generals, you must fight in an Agni Kai! I will make it a major public spectacle and distinguished leaders will attend throughout the Fire Nation."

Zuko confidently says, "Fine." Iroh puts his head down.

Ozai: "Prepare him for combat. We will make haste to set up this duel."

The next day, Eyre asks his wife and son to meet him in the living room. Eyre: "I asked you both here because we have to attend an important event."

Yosari: "Zuko's Agni Kai?"

Eyre: "Yes."

Macai: "Will Rosh also be there?"

Eyre: "I don't think so, but he and his father might. I know all top generals, commanders, admirals, captains, and their families have been asked to attend. I believe the case is the same for the top Political Leaders. Rosh's dad is one of the most influential merchants in the nation, so maybe. If you really want him to attend--"

Macai: "No, that's ok. I'm not sure he would like to see it."

Eyre: "Hate or love it this is history. This is something I would want to see. It will be an important moment of the prince's destiny."

Macai comments, "If Zuko beats up the general, he's going to look awesome."

Eyre does not reply. Eyre: "I want you to come Macai, but you must be quiet. Do not embarrass me."

Yorsari: "Eyre, Macai has not failed you in years."

Eyre: "I still have to stay it."

Macai: "Can Zyger come?"

Eyre: "Why not? I'll make room for Zyger."

Later that day, Macai and Yosari enter a carriage with Eyre. The carriage transports them to the Fire Nation Agni Kai chamber. There is a massive crowd of military leaders. The chamber is shaped like a square and Eyre's family has a reserved space around the upper west part of the facility. Zyger taps Macai on his right shoulder. "Do you want a snack? Some dumplings?"

Macai: "No thanks Zyger. I am not in the mood to eat. After the fight, I will."

Zyger: "Alright, well I'll head over after the fight. They have a concession stand nearby."

People begin to cheer as Zuko exists his chamber room and enters the left side of the lower chamber. Macai looks down at Zuko then looks up and into the crowd to see where his friends are. He looks for Azula.

After constantly looking, he eventually sees Azula and Iroh. Macai waves at Azula, but she doesn't notice him. She will not even look up, she is too focused looking down at Zuko. Macai thinks, Wow she really is excited about seeing her brother fight. I don't think she's even rooting for him this time.

On the right side, Zuko's opponent arrives. It turns out to be his own father, Ozai rather than the general. The crowd becomes silent. Macai gasps in surprise. Zyger murmurs, "Oh no." Yosari gets up.

Eyre commands Yosari, "Sit back down. You are embarrassing me."

Yosari looks back at him, "No, I have to use the restroom." Yosari leaves without giving Eyre a chance to respond.

Zyger asks, "Macai, do you need to use the restroom?"

Eyre retorts, "Hush Zyger, Macai you are staying in that seat. Even if you have to use it, you better learn to hold it."

Zyger: "Why should he watch this?"

Eyre: "Don't question me. He is the son of a general and will have a high position one day. He must learn to stomach these things."

Zyger takes a deep breath. Zuko's eyes widen, and he breaks his battle stance. The Fire Nation prince pleads, "Please father, I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!"

Ozai steps forward, "You will FIGHT for your honor."

Zuko kneels, "No disrespect, I'm your loyal son."

Ozai: "Come and FIGHT Prince Zuko."

Zuko responds, "I will not fight you father."

Ozai: "You will learn respect for your failure." Ozai burns Zuko on the left side of his face, leaving a massive scar. Zuko screams.

Macai returns home and looks at his father. Eyre: "What? Do you want something else to do?"

Macai: "No, I just wanted to ask you something."

Eyre: "What is it?"

Macai: "Do you think Zuko was right?"

Eyre: "It's a done deal. It wasn't his place to talk and he spoke out of turn. It's as simple as that Macai."

Macai: "But did you agree with the other general?"

Eyre: "Not relevant."

Macai: "But dad."

Eyre explains, "Sometimes leaders will make decisions that go beyond our understanding or simply make imperfect decisions because they are imperfect beings but, you need to have faith in the Fire Nation. Look at all the blessings it has brought you, you will not get anything out of challenging it. All you can hope to do is to steadily reform it over time if you see something you don't like, but there is a time and a place for one's actions. You must respect the chain of command and be patient; Zuko failed to do this."

Eyre: "Remember what I told you. Now go find something productive to do before I find something for you to do." Macai leaves. Eyre requests Zyger meet with him. Eyre: "Macai has started questioning me again."

Zyger: "It's a difficult situation and there is a lot to take in. A good acquaintance of his was publically abused by his father."

Eyre gets up out of his desk, "Do you think this is a joke?"

Zyger: "No, not at all. I am just saying what he saw. It will be difficult for a young man to cope with that."

Eyre: "Indeed."

Zyger: "I'm also not sure how his girlfriend will respond, but that could have a big impact on him. I think you should--"

Eyre thrusts his right fist into Zyger's nose. Zyger hears a crack and stumbles. Eyre: "The next beating will be much worse if you ever undermine my authority again. Do not tell him what has happened or you can forget about your career."

Zyger gets up and wipes his blood running out of his red nose. Eyre: "You are dismissed."

By the end of the evening, Yosari enters Macai's room. Macai: "Yes, mom."

Yosari: "I am sorry you had to see that."

Macai: "It's unfortunate that Zuko was too cowardly to fight his father when ordered. I saw the weak traits within him before."

Yosari snaps, "Ozai was wrong, to harm his son. Even if his son was disrespectful, that was wrong. Do you know what order he challenged from the general?" Macai shakes his head. Yosari: "Neither do I and that's a problem. Why weren't we told the details of his disobedience, so people can judge if the punishment is just?"

Macai: "Because of national security reasons. It's classified information."

Yosari shakes her head, "Of course it is. Whatever you do, don't be like Ozai and don't be like Eyre sitting back and justifying that sort of insanity." Yosari exists the room.

A week later, Macai discusses the event with Rosh while sitting on a pubic bench. Macai: "Look, my mom is biased because Ursa loved Zuko the most. She was close to Ursa."

Rosh: "But Zuko loves his father, anyone can see that. The only reason he would challenge the generals is if soldiers' lives were at stake or citizens since he has a bit of a moral code."

Macai: "There is no way our generals would risk the lives of soldiers without there being a greater reward for our nation as a whole. It's not just about the soldiers or even citizens. They are simply a part of our nation and all must do their duty to enhance it. If they must die then so be it, same goes for us."

Rosh: "All I'm saying is, he probably had good intentions."

Macai: "Or maybe he was arguing in favor of protecting citizens of a foreign nation or making some sort of deal to minimize casualties."

Rosh: "I get why you don't like the deal. We're the mighty Fire Nation and we don't compromise with anyone. Because we are superior, that's what they teach us in class, but you know ten times out of ten that will just piss our enemies off and create new ones."

Macai: "Well good, no point in wasting time with pathetic people anyway. Might as well get right down to business. If they are foolish enough to fight us they deserve to crumble under our might."

Rosh: "I suppose it all ends in bloodshed anyway unless they outright give up and just take the crappy deal we offer."

Macai: "It's not crappy. We offer deals that serve our best interest because that's what any civilization must do if it wants to thrive and stay on top. We're still doing them a favor by letting them live and not punishing them for fighting against us."

Rosh: "And the lives of their citizens don't matter because?"

Macai: "They are collateral damage. All the price of conquest."

Rosh: "Now you really sound like Azula, do you actually believe that?"

Macai: "Well, to be honest, I don't fully agree with that part. We should minimize civilian casualties of any sort, nothing good comes from mindless bloodshed. It must be strategic bloodshed, but we must not be afraid to kill anyone who raises arms against us."

Rosh: "If they attack us, they are no longer civilians, in my point of view."

Macai: "Yes, but what if they are harboring enemies?"

Rosh: "They are part of the issue but, killing them won't solve it."

Macai: "We can't let them support terrorists unpunished."

Rosh: "No, but there are alternative punishments. We don't have to kill people, we can just tax them or take resources from them or arrest those who harbor enemies. Arresting people is a powerful weapon, killing civilians is dangerous politically. But we can't even arrest everyone or their resentment will grow."

Macai: "It's not always that simple, what if they are in a city we must siege and we can either use artillery to breach the enemy defenses but it will also kill civilians or use an infantry approach and get more casualties?"

Rosh: "Then do whatever leads to the least long term problems. Killing a bunch of civilians to save more of our soldiers has bad repercussions. It sounds good in the short run, but it will be awful in the long run."

Macai: "And you said we can't arrest everyone, then what will we do? If you don't take action you risk being criticized and attacked by other Fire Nation leaders."

Rosh: "I know we might have to make some compromises at the lower level, but once we become top leaders in the Fire Nation, we can reform the system. People lead differently, you know that from history class. Some are more brutal and others are more political. We could attack the enemy by killing and arresting several of their leaders and violent members. Ignore the standard civilians who support them and deal with them by swaying them against their local military or rebellion."

Macai: "And how do you do that?"

Rosh: "Discredit them and destroy their image. Play them against each other by showing evidence and writing true articles about them mistreating members of their militaries, engaging in corruption, and not looking into the best interest of the locals. We can do that by investigating them and publicizing any dirt we have on them. Giving their members offers to join us and betray their allies then showing it in the media."

Macai: "Sounds like a lot of work."

Rosh: "It's not that bad. Every large faction has members who do shady things. Paying for spies and buying out members of their organization is much cheaper than financing new military campaigns. We just need their population to understand that they are worse than or are no better than us. We can also finance their local rivals or strategically support their enemies during our attacks without directly showing our support for them."

Macai: "What if we get caught?"

Rosh: "There is more to gain with buying them out than to lose failing to buy them out. Our enemies already hate us, so we will just deny the claim. They will believe it, but it's more important that we damage the reputation of who they trust. We must break their spirit if we want to truly stop them."

Macai: "In that case, we can also support the locals by attacking unpopular and corrupt military regimes then overthrowing their leaders and liberating them. After that, we can offer them more opportunities than their old nation had but still save the greatest privileges for people from the native Fire Nation land. It will be a win-win situation."

Rosh: "In the short run, in the long run, those mistreated will demand their rights."

Macai: "You make some good points, where do you get all this stuff from? I've never heard these kind of arguments in the classroom and I know you think outside of the box but it seems like you got some help thinking about this."

Rosh: "My dad always had different ways of looking at things and he is an associate of Iroh's. He came to visit a couple of times and he is a very wise man. You should meet him sometime, it's wild that you haven't yet. Iroh is great at looking at the long-term consequences of his actions which is why he was a more successful strategist than Ozai throughout his career. But I actually got the discredit them part from your dad, I remember he wrote a book about that."

Macai: "With all that wisdom, it's a shame that he failed at Ba Sing Se."

Rosh: "Anyone can fail Macai and he only stopped because his son died."

Macai: "That's even worse. He quit."

Rosh changes the subject, "Anyway, we are getting off track. We never got to my second question. Which was, do you think Ozai attacking Zuko was extreme?"

Macai: "Yes, it was. My dad has never tried to hurt me like that. But I'm sure he did that because Zuko refused to fight which was embarrassing."

Rosh: "Perhaps, but if the reason he spoke out was legit that gives him even less of a reason. Regardless, my father taught me that no parent should harm their child badly under any circumstances."

Macai: "My mother would agree. My father probably would say there a few circumstances where he disagrees. My father isn't as bad as Ozai though."

Rosh: "Alright Macai, I'm burnt out on talking about this. It's a draining subject. Let's get back to playing football tomorrow. Spinge and Barge will be there."

Macai: "Barge is too slow on his feet, but could be a decent goalie. He dives well."

Rosh: "There you go. See you tomorrow." Rosh and Macai dap each other up before they head back home.