Changing Tides

The legendary story continues, and Macai's life takes a fundamental twist that will change the course of his destiny.

A Foggy Dawn

Several people in the Fire Nation Capital wait as Ozai prepares a hearing for his son. Iroh stands at the left side of the throne room and Azula on the right along with a few other guests as they watch the incident. An injured Zuko returns from his throne room with his burned eye covered by white padding wrapped around his left eye. Ozai stands at his throne with two Fire Nation soldiers standing beside him. Zuko kneels a few feet across his father, his head trembling in shame.

Ozai: "Zuko, for your heinous failure, you will be stripped of your birthright. Azula will now be the next in line for the throne." Azula smiles.

Zuko struggles to hold his tears back. "Father, please. Let me make it up to you."

Ozai: "Silence! You have no honor and no right to speak to me. You will be exiled from the Fire Nation and can only return if you bring me the Avatar!"

Zuko looks up in surprise. Ozai: "Yes, we believe he still lives, lurking somewhere in the shadows. Though what you did was shameful, moments like this sometimes bring out the best in us. Perhaps, you are of some use afterall. We'll see. I'm going to send you a small ship and a crew that can help you complete your expedition." We

Iroh: "But what about the schooling he didn't finish?"

Ozai: "He knows most of the essentials. He's not Azula, but he can have a tutor sent with him the first year or two to catch up on some things during his search."

Iroh: "I will go with him. To guide him and help him grow as an effective leader." Ozai glares at Iroh in disgust.

Ozai: "Very well. If that's what you want."

Iroh grins. "Of course, it'll be like an extended vacation."

Ozai looks at Zuko. "You have until sunrise tomorrow to get out of my kingdom. I have already made the arrangements while you were recovering from your injury. I will have Captain Endo escort you to your ship and introduce you to your crew. It will be a small ship with little firepower however it will be faster than most Fire Nation cruisers, which is ideal for your mission."

Zuko and Iroh depart. Ozai looks at Azula. "Soon you will have your chance to prove yourself and the throne will be yours."

Azula: "Father, do you think there is any chance that Zuko will pull off his mission? Especially with Iroh's help?"

Ozai sighs. "I doubt it, but he will get further with Iroh. Iroh won't do the mission for him, it will still ultimately be up to him to complete his task. But we will see. In due time. Now then, please get back to your daily duties." Azula nods her head and leaves.

 Zuko and his uncle.

Iroh looks at Zuko as they exit. Iroh pats Zuko on the back. "I know this is all very confusing and hard for you to accept. However, I would like you to know that I have personally selected the crew members who will travel with us. While you were injured, this was brought up to me with Ozai. I told him that I knew some crew members that would be willing to travel with you."

Zuko: "Can I meet them before we go?"

Iroh: "I was on top of that as well. I set a time for you to meet with them."

Zuko: "Do they know you're coming too?"

Iroh: "Yes, they know. I didn't tell Ozai immediately because I was still thinking things through at the time. This all happened so fast." Zuko hugs Iroh.

Zuko: "Thank you, Uncle."

Iroh: "Of course, Zuko. I'll always be there for you and do what I can."

Zuko: "Do they know I was shamed?"

Iroh: "Well, not really. I was told that what specifically happened to you is to be kept confidential among Fire Nation leaders and families who learned about it."

Zuko: "What happens if they tell?"

Iroh: "Well, there is no clear punishment but it would be very unwise for someone to run and divulge that information."

A few hours later, Zuko and Iroh enter a room with sand-colored walls, a light brown floor, and a red ceiling. Zuko looks ahead and notices a soldier with grey hair, pale skin, a flat nose, who appears to be in his early fifties, and has a long face. The man stretches out his hand to Zuko. "Hello, Zuko. I am Lieutenant Jee. I will be the commanding officer of the ship and will report directly to you and Iroh."

Zuko shakes Jee's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jee."

Jee: "The pleasure is all mine. I've served with your uncle in the past, he was an excellent General. I hope you follow his advice."

Zuko: "Of course, my uncle is a great man." Zuko looks ahead at the rest of the crew. Zuko: "Men, we have all been sent on a special task. To hunt down the Avatar. He is hiding and lurking somewhere in the shadows. We will find him and when we do, we will become the most respected crew in all the Fire Nation. I look forward to working with you all and achieving greatness." Zuko pumps his fist.

The crew cheers. Iroh looks at the cook. "That's fine, but can I get my favorite dumplings? You know they are an excellent side with my tea."

The cook points at Iroh. "Of course, just the way you like them, boss." Iroh laughs.

Later the next morning, Zuko walks across the Fire Nation Capitol port with his small crew of fifteen soldiers (including five benders), the tutor, the cook, two engine room crew members, and Iroh. Zuko's ship is a small light grey steel vessel that was used during the early days of the Fire Nation Hundred Year War. When Zuko notices his ship he shakes his head.

Iroh: "Zuko, this ship will be great for pursuing the Avatar."

Zuko: "But did Father have to give me an OLD ship?"

Iroh: "Well, you have to learn how to make the best with what you have." Zuko groans.

Lieutenant Jee: "Zuko, relax. At least you are a flagship officer at what, thirteen."

Zuko: "I'm almost fourteen."

Lieutenant Jee: "Oh, in that case, we need to plan ahead for a celebration." Zuko ignores Jee and docks the ship. Jee asks, "What'd I do?"

Iroh: "Don't worry, Jee, he's just anxious with his new responsibility." Jee scratches his head.

Uncertain Times

A few weeks later, Macai turns thirteen. Macai laughs with Zyger, Rosh, Spinge, and Barge while a silent Azula sits beside him. Macai looks at Azula. "Come on, lighten up."

Azula motions for Macai to step outside with her. Zyger: "Oh come on, you two, we all want to be a part of the celebration."

Azula: "I would just like to chat with Macai for two minutes."

Zyger: "Fine but I'll be counting."

Azula steps outside with Macai. Macai: "Come on, Azula. Lighten up. It's not a good look around my family and friends."

Azula: "You know I don't like Rosh."

Macai: "He will be civil."

Azula: "NO, he doesn't know how to be civil."

Macai: "He will today because he knows it's my birthday and he respects family."

Azula: "Fine, I'll open up a bit but if he crosses the line, then I'm going after him."

Macai: "Ok, Azula, but you've not seen him much in almost a year. It would be nice to see Ty Lee."

Azula: "Why? You saw her a month ago. I can't let Ty Lee be around him."

Macai: "Why not? They may have fallen out, but..."

Azula: "No, you know that can turn sour very quickly."

Macai: "What happened between them again?"

Azula: "It doesn't matter. That will only make me angrier at him. Now is not the time to talk about this."

Macai shakes his head, "Ok, ok." Zyger opens the door.

Zyger: "The two minutes are up. Ready to come back?"

Azula and Macai return to the room to continue celebrating. Everyone plays a card game called Tywoo. Zyger is the dealer and passes eight cards to each player. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards first. During an intense game, Zyger has gotten himself down to his last two cards. He lays down one of his cards and Azula immediately counters.

This attack forces Zyger to draw two cards. An instant later, Rosh pulls a silver card. Which allows to lay down his last two cards. Azula gets up. Macai: "Azula, wait? We can still keep playing to see who gets 2nd and 3rd place."

Azula: "What good is that, to compete for anything other than first? I quit, I'll just eat instead." Azula scurries into the kitchen. Rosh starts chuckling. Macai signals for Rosh to stop and his friend obeys.

Everyone else continues to play. Zyger quickly lays down his card and gets second place. Macai strives for third place but, Spinge beats him there. Meanwhile, Azula starts eating sweets at the table. The maid Umma sits beside her. Umma: "Hey, how are you?"

Azula: "I'm ok. Just waiting for the boys to finish that stupid game."

Umma: "Well, I've not seen you in a while. I remember when you were half your size."

Azula stuffs her mouth with another sweet. Umma: "How is your father doing?"

Azula: "Great, he just planned another invasion. I heard it went very well." Umma scratches her head.

Macai enters the room. "Azula, the game's over."

Azula: "How'd you do?"

Macai: "Poorly."

Azula: "See, told you it was a waste of time."

Macai: "It was still fun." While the celebration occurs, Eyre quickly moves to exit his room. Yosari stands in front of the door.

Yosari: "Aren't you going to at least say something to your son? Spend a few minutes with him."

Eyre: "Why aren't you down there with him?!"

Yosari: "Because I was trying to find out why you weren't."

Eyre: "Because Ozai requested my presence."

Yosari: "Now? Why not wait until tomorrow?"

Eyre: "I don't know."

Yosari: "Tell him you're sick."

Eyre points his finger at Yosari, "No, even if I was sick, I'd be hesitant to do that. That is an easy way to get Ozai to think that I'm disloyal to him."

Yosari: "What about being disloyal to your son?"

Eyre: "Yosari, you know I love my son dearly, but I will not compromise all of our well being for a birthday party. That is absurd."

Eyre shoves past Yosari and sprints down the steps. Eyre briefly stops as he sees Macai celebrating with his friends. Eyre moves in behind Macai and picks him up. Everyone laughs and Eyre puts Macai down. Yosari moves down the stairs and watches from the distance. Eyre looks at Macai. "Son, I know that you don't hear this from me a lot. I know that you don't hear this enough."

Eyre continues, "But I'm proud of you, Son. You have been an excellent student and I know you will be an outstanding officer and soldier." Eyre pulls a platinum military pen out of his pocket. Eyre: "This pen is only given to high ranking officers who earn it through valor and dedication on the battlefield. I want you to have it. I had to work for a long time to earn it, but you have been a valiant son. Keep up the fight, it will prepare you for the greater ones during your military days."

Macai embraces his father and a tear rolls down his right eye, feeling the happiest he has been in years. Eyre: "Now Son, I must go. I have been called on an important role. Classified information, but I will return as quickly as I can." Eyre quickly departs and Azula looks at Macai.

Azula teases him, "Oh, look at you. I wish my dad gave me something like that, but I bet I'll have more medals in the end."

Macai: "We'll see."

Eyre rushes out of his house. The sky is pink, as the Nightfall waits on the horizon. The general sprints to his bronze fur horse and rapidly leaps on it. He quickly jerks his hooks, causing it to sprint. Eyre rushes through the fading streets. He eventually makes it outside of the Fire Nation palace and sprints to the gates of the palace, meeting the two guards.

Eyre salutes the guards and they salute him back. Eyre reveals his authorization pass and the troopers step aside. Eyre quickly moves toward Ozai's office. Eyre knocks on his door. Ozai swiftly opens it. Ozai: "Eyre, good. I've been waiting to talk to you and I'm surprised that you're not as early as usual."

Eyre: "Sorry sir, but I am here."

Ozai: "That you are. Would you like to guess why I called you here?"

Eyre: "Is it about Zuko?"

Ozai: "No, this is about your son, Macai. Don't you remember when I talked to you all those years ago? We had a few meetings about it every year after our initial discussion."

Eyre: "Yes, I remember."

Ozai: "Macai is thirteen. We have reason to believe that he can graduate at fourteen. That means he is only steps away from my plan for him."

Eyre: "Please remind me, Ozai, what your plan is with my son?"

Ozai: "Don't worry, you will like it." Ozai giggles.

Eyre: "What is funny?"

Ozai: "Your reaction. You are so uptight, Eyre. Please relax. I have a great plan for him, one that you will like."

Eyre: "Go on."

Ozai: "Macai seems to be a prime candidate for Azula and as a future Fire Nation leader. He could be very useful, but he must be tested. I have been planning a new program that is meant to test leaders through turmoil because I believe a leader needs to be able to adapt to a healthy amount of change and turmoil to bring out the best in them. Why wait until he has a high leadership position and might fail which could greatly damage and embarrass our nation?"

Eyre: "What do you have in mind?"

Ozai: "I propose, well actually it's an order. But anyway, Macai is going to be sent to the Nyarri valley outside of the Nyarri Mountains. As you know, these mountains have one of the harshest training facilities in the Fire Nation. Many say it's the harshest. The city Nyarri gets less sunlight than nearly all other Fire Nation cities and has longer and colder winters than most Fire Nation worlds."

Eyre: "Interesting."

Ozai: "The training facilities are not as good as the ones offered here. The class of the people are below him. He will stand out in the crowd. But think of it like this: Macai has already benefited greatly from the Royal Fire Nation academy. He has worked with the best and learned excellent techniques. We have seen that he thrives in that environment, let's see if he can thrive in a different environment."

Eyre: "What about me? I mainly work here."

Ozai: "That will not change, Eyre. I need you here. Macai can have his mother watch after him."

Eyre: "She cannot train him to be a warrior. He'll go soft."

Ozai: "Then send a trusted military officer to train him. Someone who will ensure that he stays on the right track."

Eyre: "That's a massive change right before his graduation year. What if he cracks? He might not be able to graduate on time."

Ozai: "Then he isn't ready for the future responsibilities that challenge him. It is a test to measure his strength. He has passed the earlier and more basic tests, proving himself special. He did better than my pitiful son, but let's see how he handles a new challenge. There is another thing, you are not to tell Macai that I was behind this."

Eyre: "Then who is?"

Ozai: "Don't worry. I will have the Education and Military Boards write up a letter and ship it to the house. You will present it to them like it's something new and let them know that both boards have demanded Macai be selected for the program. I will see to it that both boards back this information."

Eyre: "I'll need to make sure Macai has a good tutor that keeps him on track as well. Just in case he gets mentally distracted. I can have them keep an eye on him, he just needs to graduate."

Ozai: "That's your business, Eyre. I've done my part. I hope Macai succeeds and becomes an excellent Fire Nation officer. If he does, then he'll earn my respect and admiration. The forces at the palace will certainly miss him. Nyarri citizens are known for having annual combat tournaments. They are less into formalities, so I'm not sure how well your wife will get along with the women there. Please keep me filled in."

Eyre nods his head. Ozai: "Good, you are dismissed. Get some rest or attend Macai's birthday party, if it isn't over yet. It's getting dark, I'll need Azula to return home soon if she hasn't. I'm sure the palace staff will be on it or else they'll suffer my wrath."

A Confusing Time

Eyre presents letters from the Education and Military Boards transferring Macai to the public academy at Nyarri. Macai: "Dad, remember when you threatened to send me to the Nyarri Mountains, is that what this is?"

Eyre: "I wasn't behind this. I mean it."

Yosari: "This is ridiculous and the whole idea of this program is absurd. They should want the best of their thriving students. This risks putting Macai completely off track."

Eyre: "I have been advised by the boards to seek a tutor and military mentor to watch after Macai. I will make sure he is in good hands."

Yosari: "Why are you accepting this?"

Eyre: "Because I don't have the authority to override it. I can fight it slowly and behind the scenes but I can't stop this from happening altogether."

Yosari: "Then tell Ozai to stop it from happening. Why would they test this on a general's son?"

Eyre shakes his head. "Ozai has too much respect for the chain of command. He will not break it. The other generals in the military board agreed--well, actually Iroh was the only one who didn't vote because he's out with Zuko."

Yosari: "Why do I get the feeling we've been unofficially exiled?"

Eyre: "We haven't. This is a high honor. Oh, well there is more."

Yosari: "What else?"

Eyre: "I've been instructed by the Military Board to stay here. They need me and are not willing to give me up. I know too much and they need me to assist at the Capitol."

Yosari: "Are you serious, Eyre?"

Eyre: "Yes."

Yosari: "Will you be there during his graduation?"

Eyre replies, "I don't see why I wouldn't be."

Yosari: "Promise me that you will."

Eyre: "I promise."

Macai starts shaking. Yosari comforts her son. "It's okay Macai, we'll figure this out. One step at a time. Yosari glares at her husband with a resentful face and Eyre exits.

Macai: "I'm so confused."

Yosari: "I am too, Son. I'll get to the bottom of this. Just give me time."

Macai: "I'm not going to see Rosh, Azula, Spinge, or Barge."

Yosari: "You will. They can visit. At least a couple of times a year. Besides, it's one year. Graduate and you'll be able to see them."

Macai: "Are the graduation days the same? I want to attend the royal academy graduation."

Yosari: "I will make sure that Eyre contacts the school and makes them on different days if they are not. That way, you can still see your friends."

Macai: "In that case, they'll need to be on a different week. Because the travel time between Nyarri and Fire Nation Capitol is long. So I hear."

Yosari: "When did you get so smart? Don't worry, Son, I'll take care of it. Just trust me."

Macai: "I trust you, Mom." Yosari hugs her son.

The Departure

Rosh walks with Macai, two days before he is scheduled to move. Rosh: "Well, is Zyger going with you?"

Macai: "Yes, Mom got Dad to agree that Zyger goes with me while Umma stays as his maid. When this is over, they all can move back to Fire Nation Capitol. Eyre was given a massive stipend to have a small mansion built on Nyarri, not far from the Governor's home. Apparently, there are a few nobles in the town who all live in one central area."

Rosh: "How big is the town?"

Macai: "Pretty small, but I hear a few thousand people live in or around it. It's also in a fairly isolated location, with not many cities or towns nearby."

Rosh: "Sounds like a long trip. Better read some books on the way there."

Macai: "That's all I can do. Well, that and play cards with Zyger."

Rosh: "Sounds like some Zyger bonding time, that doesn't sound so bad."

Macai hugs his friend. Rosh: "Man, a year without you is gonna be rough."

Macai: "It'll go fast. Hopefully."

Rosh: "Well, I'll probably still be in school for one more year after. Spinge is looking to graduate super early too. Barge is looking to graduate normal time, so he'll be around a year later than me. I don't think you're missing that much except bonding time. Now that I think about it, I'm going to have two years away from you."

Macai: "We've all got to grow up sometime."

Macai nods his head in agreement. Rosh: "Yeah, it just sucks when everything happens so unexpectedly. I guess that's life. Maybe that's what growing up is all about." Rosh briefly pauses as a new thought emerges.

Rosh: "What did Azula think about this?"

Macai: "I'm not sure. She's been sent on several recent tests."

Rosh: "I guess Ozai did that to silence her. I normally wouldn't care about her opinion, but I just had to ask in this case."

Macai: "Well, at some point, we will find out. I'm going to write her some letters and I look forward to seeing what her response is."

Road Trip

Macai goes for a long ride in his carriage with Yosari and Zyger. Zyger is the driver. The trip is long, as expected, lasting for several days. Eventually, they reach their destination. Zyger: "We are outside of Nyarri."

Macai peeks out of his carriage. He notices several one-story buildings. They have light grey paint and red trimming. There are a few Fire Nation soldiers who patrol the streets. The people wear dull shirts that are red, light brown, beige, or black. Their pants are dark brown, grey, black, or dark blue. The sky is a blue-grey color.

Macai takes a deep breath as he analyzes his surroundings. They stroll through the main city as they move closer to the outskirts, facing the noble circle. The nearby nobles at the adjacent mansions wear light grey, white, light blue, light orange, or light green clothes. Zyger stops the carriage as the group makes it to their new home. There is a cool breeze outside (6.11 celsius, 43 degrees).

Macai looks at Zyger. "Wait, I'm supposed to attend the public school right? Instead of the small private school for elites."

Zyger: "Right, the board said they want you to be challenged and the local private school isn't intense enough. It seems to be the opposite at Fire Nation capital where the royals get the best training. It will be interesting and you will definitely stand out. This is a time that your father's arduous training might be useful."

Macai, Zyger, and Yosari enter their new home. It has already been furnished and movers bring in furniture. Macai walks upstairs and visits his new room. Macai murmurs to himself, "It just doesn't feel the same." Macai looks out of his window and across the vast pale green grass outside of his home.

Yosari moves behind Macai and holds him. Yosari reassures her son, "It's going to be alright, Macai." Macai smiles and nods his head.

The next day, Macai is sitting on the light brown couch in the living room. The surrounding furniture is also light brown, the walls are light grey, and the ceiling is white. The room is illuminated with yellow chandeliers. Zyger is standing a few feet away with him, facing the front door. Zyger peers out of the front door peephole.

Zyger: "Looks like your new mentor is here."

Macai: "Do you know anything about this guy?"

Zyger: "Eyre admires him. He has a reputation for being a great captain serving in the 23rd division, which serves under your father. I've heard he even had a couple disagreements with him regarding the well-being of the troopers in that unit. Even so, Eyre still respects him. A rare occurrence."

Zyger opens the front door and the captain enters. He has dark brown hair, thin eyebrows, yellow skin, a plump nose, a clean-cut beard, and a moderate build. He is five feet and nine inches tall. He has a bold face. The captain looks down at Macai and extends his right hand, "Hello Macai, your father sent me to be your mentor. My name is Captain Hazo."

Zyger: "I've heard some great things about you, Captain."

Hazo: "Wonderful."

Macai: "So you're my mentor? What does that entail?"

Hazo: "That means that I will guide you during your time at the Nyarri Public Academy. It is a brutal school with intense training. People won't take a liking to you because you are different. You are a royal and you are from the Fire Nation capital. Many will envy you and I want to make sure that you remain focused. I will offer you extra training just as your father would."

Macai: "Does he give you instructions on how to train me?"

Hazo: "Yes, there will still be sunset and sunrise training. He seems to put more of an emphasis on sunset training, but I'm going to focus more on sunrise training."

Macai: "Why?"

Hazo: "Well, I think it's important to start off strong with motivation. I also want you to remember that no matter when the sun falls, it will rise again. Sometimes you must keep fighting, knowing that the light at the end of the tunnel is out there and will come. I will push you to endure."

Macai: "That works for me."

Hazo: "I know that Eyre can be very strict. I also will be, but I will do things somewhat differently. For instance, if you get ahead on your first homework assignment and do well in sunset training, then I will award you."

Macai jumps up. "How?"

Hazo: "That's the surprise. But not every one will be grand. We will start off small and slowly build up over time in rewards. Assuming you accomplish your goals."

Macai: "Well, I wasn't a top student for nothing."

Hazo: "Perhaps, but that was at Fire Nation Capitol. This is a different season and a different time."

Macai: "I will, I'll prove it to you."

Hazo: "Good, but don't do it for me. Do it for yourself. You need to be able to perform no matter what happens and no matter where you are. No matter what setbacks hit you in life, you must endure."

Macai: "When do we train?"

Hazo: "Tomorrow, Sunday. Since you're still getting settled in. I want to make sure you are a sight to see when you go to school tomorrow. I want to make sure that you keep excelling."

Zyger interrupts, "But the more he stands out, the more hostility he will receive."

Hazo: "Good. If people aren't giving you negative feedback, then you're not doing anything of note. You should not fear pushback, you should be willing to fight through it."

Zyger: "What about good constructive criticism?"

Hazo: "There is good constructive criticism and there is envy. In time, Macai will have to learn the difference between the two. The main difference between the two is that envy comes from a heart of hate and constructive criticism comes from a heart of love. You will learn to read you heart by someone's actions or words."

Hazo continues, "Are they demeaning you? Have they betrayed you before? Is everything negative? Once you learn how your enemies are and who your true supporters are, you will know who to dismiss. This will allow you to use your time more effectively. As you fight and don't wavier you will earn the respect of some, while others will cower and plot against you in the shadows."

Macai: "How can I defend myself against my secret foes?"

Hazo: "Be as sharp as possible and treat your men well. Many will come to love you for your sincerity. In time, those who plot against you will reveal themselves or be revealed to you by those who trust you. Then, you must destroy them and show them no mercy to show your strength."

Hazo: "Good but, get some rest. We will meet at 5 am. Expect the sun to rise around 8 am."

Macai: "Yessir." While such an early meeting time would disturb many young recruits, Macai was an exception to this because he was used to his father training him at various times and ordering him to wake up early.

Hazo smiles, "I look forward to our training." Macai and Hazo bow to each other. Hazo departs.

Zyger looks back at Macai. Zyger: "Well, he seems interesting. Want to play a game of Hearts?"

Macai: "Yes, let's do it."

Sunrise Training

It is 5 am. Macai wears his Fire Nation uniform and meets with Hazo in his officer garments. It is 2.22 Celsius (36 degrees). Hazo: "Alright Macai, give me fifty pushups."

Macai rapidly drops and does the pushups then launches himself back up from the ground. Hazo: "Let's test your nonbending skills, come at me with punches first." Macai leaps forward and swings at Hazo with a rapid barrage of straight punches. Hazo rotates his hands side to side as he blocks them.

Hazo: "Break my guard." Macai swings low with a right stomach shot. Hazo shifts his hand down and blocks the attack. Hazo: "Good attempt." Hazo latches onto Macai's arms and shoves him backward. Macai slides three feet back but keeps himself from falling. Hazo: "Not bad, come at me again but keep your defense up."

The thirteen-year-old rushes the captain again, throwing several rapid punches. Macai's fists move like a blur as they glide toward Hazo. Hazo blocks the attacks, making note of Macai's rapid speed and how well he follows orders. Hazo shifts his body and swings a roundhouse right kick at Macai's head. Macai ducks and rolls left of Hazo.

Hazo: "Excellent." Macai lunges at Hazo, attempting to tackle him. Hazo flips behind Macai and Macai quickly rebounds, landing on his knees. Macai springs back on his feet and stares at Hazo. Hazo: "My goodness, you are very adaptive for a young teen."

Macai responds, "My father trained me well."

Hazo: "Indeed, let's test your bending. This is not combat training anymore. First I want to see some demonstrations, so aim at the air. Show me how you do your basic strikes." Macai enters his battle stance and stomps his right foot forward while pumping his right fist, which releases a long orange flame. Macai shifts his body, stomping his left foot forward and thrusting his left fist forward, releasing another powerful flame.

Hazo: "Wow, perfect form. Your father has taught you well. Let's see your combos. I want to see you perform a right lunge attack, then a left." Macai surges in the air and kicks his left foot forward, releasing a long orange flame before gracefully landing on his feet. Hazo's eyes widen and they continue their training. Macai does everything well and makes little to no mistakes. He is in incredible condition.

His speed, reflexes, stamina, determination, and endurance are all remarkable. Hazo thinks, "Wow, in all my years of service, never have a trained someone like this." After Hazo has completely run out of daily lessons, he looks at Macai again. Hazo: "Well, it's almost sunrise. However, we still have some extra time left."

Macai: "Are you letting me go early? My dad never did that."

Hazo: "No, I want the best out of you so we will keep training. But this time, take me on. We will take it slow to make sure no one gets hurt and no shots at the head, ok." Macai nods his head and is completely unfazed by the idea.

Hazo takes a breath, "Ok, try to attack me." Macai does not hesitate and fires five rapid flames at Hazo. Hazo is taken off guard by Macai's quick reaction and struggles to block the attacks. He stumbles backward as he does. Macai sprints forward and Hazo ponders, "Come on Hazo, what are you doing?"

Hazo sharply thrusts his left hand forward, firing a long rod of orange fire at Macai. Macai flips to the left. Hazo thrusts his right hand forward, firing another rod of fire at the young prospect. Macai rolls right and thrusts both of his hands forward, firing an orange block of fire at Hazo. Hazo dives forward over the attack and punches the ground.

A 3-meter wide flame races toward Macai, who doesn't budge. Macai extends his arms and stops the flame. Macai pulls his left hand back and launches it forward, reversing the attack. Hazo is taken aback and quickly thrusts his arms forward to block the blow. Hazo slides several inches back as he holds the flame off, then Hazo shouts in rage as he doses the flame.

Macai leaps a few feet right of Hazo's direction and stomps the ground with his right foot. A long stream of orange fire flows his from his foot. Hazo is caught off guard by the attack and extends his arms to block it at the last second. The flames hit Hazo's arms and send him rolling three feet backward.

Hazo leaps back on his feet as Macai moves forward and shouts, "Stop!" Hazo continues, "You have done good for now. That last attack surprised me, you fight like an earth bender. The way you stomped, but released fire from your foot while you did. It was a very grounded attack."

Macai: "My father noticed that. I always liked to fight in grounded ways, but it's different than how he trained me. Every here and there I fight like that when I am not doing drills. I'm sorry."

Hazo responds, "That is nothing to be sorry about. That brings something new to the table and could be a big issue for your enemies. I like it. We will keep training and under different conditions. I will also set up obstacle courses for you to train in, when I think you are ready. There will be dangerous traps in your way, I hear they have these at the Nyarri Academy anyway."

Macai exclaims, "I can't wait."

Hazo: "Neither can I. We will train again at sunset, but it will be lighter. Enjoy your last day before school."

Macai: "I will. I think I'm going to look around and get to know the area."


Macai probes his neighborhood, walking through the streets of his noble district. While he is walking, he notices a boy who seems to be about twelve years old. The boy has thick dark brown hair, pale skin, slanted gold eyes, pointy ears, is thin, has a long nose, and is fairly tall for his age. Macai: "Hey, what's your name? I'm Macai."

The boy looks at Macai. "I'm Chiko."

Macai: "Nice to meet you, Chiko. So, what's it like being a noble out here?"

Chiko: "It's interesting. We're a tight-knit community. We stay around each other and rarely go downtown unless we travel together."

Macai: "Why?"

Chiko: "We just aren't that close to the lower classes. You're one of the people who just moved here right?"

Macai: "Yeah, how'd you know that?"

Chiko: "It's a small town, we notice every major change. We saw someone build a mansion from scratch. We're pretty rich, but NOT THAT wealthy. You must come from one of those big towns or at least somewhere with a bit more value than Nyarri."

Macai: "I'm from Fire Nation Capital. My dad's a general."

Chiko: "A what? Wow, a real big shot. The highest ranking military guy I know is Tiree's dad and he is a colonel. My dad is a well-known doctor, but that's nothing on a general. But don't run around saying that, you will get hate."

Macai: "I was taught to not fear hate."

Chiko: "Well, I don't know about all that. This is a small town and you stand out. People will team up on you and look to run you out if you stand out too much. I would lay low if I were you. It's good we ran into each other because I'm nicer and more open-minded than most. Perhaps we could hang out some time."

Macai gleefully replies, "I'd like that. It is lonely being in a new place."

Chiko: "I bet. This town has some fun things to do like skiing, slaying, snow ball fights, and stuff like that in the winter. Most places in the Fire Nation don't get a real winter, it's a different feeling. There are also some great tea shops and local restaurants."

Macai: "When does the winter hit?"

Chiko: "I'd give it about a month and a half or two. It doesn't take long here."

Macai: "What are the people like?"

Chiko: "They're okay, but they keep to themselves. People don't fully trust outsiders, it's just a small-town mentality. But you'll be alright. My parents are pretty nice. My brother can be a handful, but he's also nice."

Macai: "Interesting."

Chiko: "Nice, I take it you've got another three years before graduation?"

Macai: "Nope. this will be my last year. I skipped a couple of grades."

Chiko: "Wow, that really puts you ahead then. It's rare people do that here."

Macai: "I hear it's rare anywhere outside of the capital, where some of the best students do."

Chiko: "Yeah, we have a few who skip one grade but, not two. You get to take classes with fifteen-year-olds. That could make you a target."

Macai: "Oh well."

Chiko: "Will I be seeing you at Private School?"

Macai: "No, I'm going to public."

Chiko: "Public?! The nobles don't get along with the regular people around here. We stay away from each other. If you go to school with them, then you will be a TARGET. They will single you out. Especially a noble from the Fire Nation Capital. If you tell them that, then you're in real trouble."

Macai: "It's hard for me to lie."

Chiko: "Why? Sometimes you need to tell a little white lie."

Macai: "My dad doesn't lie."

Chiko: "He's a general around a bunch of rich generals and leaders like him. You can't do what he does. Not here. Why are you going there?"

Macai: "The Education Board selected me for a special program, where I can be tested by difficult circumstances. They want to see if I still thrive. It was involuntary."

Chiko: "What? Someone must hate your dad. They must be setting you up for failure."

Macai: "I'm been trained to endure hardships."

Chiko: "What are you talking about? Cut that preachy talk out. Is this how nobles talk in the Capital?" Macai shrugs his shoulders.

Chiko: "And you think you're just going to tell them everything?!"

Macai takes a deep breath. "My girlfriend would lie a lot and she definitely still does. It's not the way to be. The more you lie, the more you have to keep lying. I would end up getting stuck in a web of lies. I'm not good at that game. I'd rather just tell the truth and face what comes to me."

Chiko: "No one can take everything, that's why we lie. Lie to keep us out of trouble or to avoid unnecessary conflicts."

Macai: "My dad told me conflict in life is unavoidable. He said we should minimize it but not compromise our values because that is the sign of a weak man."

Chiko: "Yeah whatever. What's your girlfriend's name, by the way?"

Macai: "Azula."

Chiko takes a step back. "As in Fire Nation Princess Azula?"

Macai: "Yep."

Chiko: "What? You've got a girlfriend like THAT and you're HERE?! Is she going to come visit you?"

Macai: "Probably at some point, but not right away. I need to hear back from her first."

Chiko: "Ohhhh, did she bail out on you, after she heard you came here?"

Macai: "What? No."

Chiko: "Dude, be honest. It's okay or did you two fall out before this?"

Macai: "No, her dad sent her on a bunch of tests before this happened. I couldn't contact her and they made me leave so fast."

Chiko: "Did she tell you that? It's okay man, YOU don't need her. She may be a big shot and a princess. But you're still a big shot from the Fire Nation Captial. You'll still be going places, but try to not underachieve out here and make it through this year."

Macai chuckles. "Whatever, Chiko. What is somewhere you recommend I visit?"

Chiko: "Fen's Cafe. It's amazing. Got to go there some time. They have a nice bookstore called Wei's Reads. Check that place out too and there is a bowling alley but it's closer to downtown so make sure you go with a group."

Suddenly, a boy that seems to be about eleven runs behind Chiko and bearhugs him. Chiko: "Get off, Kento!" The boy has brown hair, pale skin, long ears, gold eyes, thin wide lips, and is a little shorter than Chiko. Kento lets go of Chiko.

Chiko: "Macai, this is my brother Kento."

Macai waves. "Hi, my name is Macai."

Kento deeply smiles. "Hi, Macai, nice to meet you."

Macai: "I know a girl that you would probably get along well with."

Chiko: "Ohh, this is one of those super rich Fire Nation city girls. But she's probably a prune."

Macai: "Nope, not at all. Most are, but this girl is very nice and upbeat. Full of energy."

Kento: "Sounds like my kind of girl, you should ask her to visit some time."

Macai: "Well, the issue is that my best friend Rosh likes her. They fell out, but I think he'd still be mad at me if I did that."

Kento lowers his head. "Ow, ok."

Chiko laughs. "Kento, you don't even know the girl. There is no reason to get that bummed out about it. There are plenty of others out there. But I've got to admit they aren't in high supply out here. Most are cold and detached from everything."

Macai smirks again. "Sounds like another girl I know of."

Kento: "You just know all the girls, don't you, Macai?"

Macai: "Something like that."

Another School Day

Macai wakes up and gets ready just as his father trained him. This time there is no one waiting for him in the living room, but he knows he has sunrise training with Hazo. Macai's mother looks at him with the same positive and cheerful face she always has. Yosari: "Macai, I know this is a big change, but I hope you have a great day. Remember life is what you make of it, I have your breakfast ready."

Macai enjoys his breakfast and hugs his mother before leaving. Before he leaves, his mother warns him. "Make sure you put on a jacket. It's chilly out there." Macai puts on a black Fire Nation jacket with a red logo and continues his walk.

Macai is walking to school. He leaves an hour early to make sure he has plenty of time to get situated. The school is about a twenty-five minute walk away from his home, but there are many public streets and it is a safe walk. After fifteen minutes of walking through noble land, Macai passes through downtown in his Fire Nation uniform. The downtown is busier than where he lives, but it's nothing compared to the traffic at the Fire Nation Capital.

As he is within twenty meters of the school, he notices hundreds of students entering. Unlike the Royal Academies, the genders both attend the same institution. Macai is relieved by the thought that he can blend in a bit better by being in such a large institution. Macai notices three students looking at him as he looks for somewhere to sit. They get up out of their seats and surround Macai.

In the center, is a student with short light brown hair, gold eyes, light skin, small ears, and he is tall with a moderately muscular build. On his left, is a moderately muscular and tall student with tan skin, brown eyes, medium length hair, long ears, and a large forehead (Kaneko). On his right, is a student with a jacked build, pale skin, curly hair, and gold eyes (Takagi).

The student in the middle locks eyes with Macai. "Hey there. What's your name?"

Macai: "Macai."

Student: "Hi, I'm Uriah." Uriah extends his hand to shake with Macai. Macai shakes it.

Uriah: "We saw you walking down here. Your eyes were light when you were outside, now they're dark in here. As if you're a non-bender."

Macai: "They are weather sensitive. They lighten when there is sunlight."

Takagi chuckles. "I'm sure the girls must love that. That's pretty cool twinkle eyes." Macai takes a deep breath.

Kaneko closes in on Macai and moves on his left side. Kaneko: "Ohh, tough guy. What you gonna do, twinkle-eyes?"

Macai steps a foot back and extends his arms. "I don't want any trouble."

Uriah: "Where you from?"

Macai: "Fire Nation Capital." The boys burst out laughing. The other students at lunch zoom in on the situation.

Takagi: "You're a liar! You would never go here if you were from there. We suspected you were from out of town, but you should tell better stories than that. What kind of fools do you think we are?"

Macai plainly says, "I'm not lying. I don't lie, it's not in my character."

Uriah: "You know, I've had about enough of this clown." The three students move in toward Macai, but the bell rings and a teacher enters the class to make sure everyone heads to class.

Uriah: "We'll meet again, you little joker." Macai considers the advice he was given and is silent in his classes. He simply focuses on his schoolwork and immediately starts doing an excellent job. By the time Macai attends the second class of the day a student pokes him. Macai looks back and notices a short and thin student.

The boy has black hair, gold eyes, a pointy nose, pale skin, round ears, and thin eyebrows. Boy: "Hey, name's Ryu. I heard that you have been getting some hate recently from three of the toughest guys in school. Uriah says he's going to get you after school."

Macai: "Thanks, Ryu, I'll keep that in mind."

Ryu: "Those are three of the best benders in the school. Them, Kaori, and Kett. You're going to have a big problem on your hands."

Macai nods his head. Ryu: "If you give me two silver coins, then I'll be your lookout. Whenever they come searching for you, I'll notify you. Then you can sprint away and try to escape."

Macai shakes his head. "No, my father taught me to not run from my problems. He said that a real man should stand and fight, especially if it's a problem that is going to come back and haunt you. If I run from them now, they'll eventually catch me."

Ryu: "Whatever dude, I'm just trying to reduce the amount of beatings you take."

Macai: "No, you're just trying to make a profit. The answer is no."

Ryu: "You'll change your mind before the end of the week."

The teacher starts talking and Macai shifts his focus to the class. Later that day, it is time for a lunch break. Macai gets in line for lunch and happens to be behind a large student. Someone pushes Macai into the student and Macai spills his lunch tray. The large student (Daisuke) turns around and shouts, "What do you think you're doing?"

Macai: "Sorry, someone pushed me."

Daisuke: "Yeah you are sorry." The people behind Macai start laughing.

Macai shouts, "Look, you don't have to be so rude."

The large student stares at Macai, then a cafeteria worker steps between the students. Worker: "Look, you kids need to stop causing trouble."

Daisuke points at Macai. "It was him."

Macai protests, "No, someone pushed me."

Worker: "Enough! Just pick up your trays and get two new ones. But don't let me see this happen again."

Macai gets his lunch late and sits at a random table with five students. One boy shouts, "Get lost, you're not welcome here." Macai gets up and looks around for another table. Macai notices a table with three students who seem to be down to earth. One boy with dark brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, a muscular build, and a thin nose. One girl with two ponytails, light brown hair, gold eyes, light yellow skin, and thin lips (Kanna).

There is also a boy with brown skin, black straight hair, brown slanted eyes, a round nose, small ears, and long arms (Dade). Macai looks at the muscular boy and asks, "Can I sit here?"

The boy replies, "Sure. It's a judge-free zone over here. Just don't act weird or we'll kick you out."

Macai: "What qualifies as weird?"

Dade: "Talking about rats and eggshells. Once there was a girl that sat here and she was completely nuts. Kanna here is a little crazy, but not too crazy. Not THAT crazy anyway."

Kanna: "Nice to meet you, what's your name?"

Macai: "Macai."

Kanna: "I like it. Reminds me of a beach."

Macai: "How?"

Kanna: "I don't know, it just does. My name's Kanna by the way."

Boy: "Like he said, she's a bit strange but that's why we love her. She is sincere and she is smarter than you may think."

Dade: "I think she acts weird because she skipped a grade. She's only fourteen."

Boy: "Macai looks a little young himself. Did you skip a grade too?"

Macai: "You could say that."

Kanna: "Good, that kind of work ethic isn't really appreciated here. Not that I worked hard, everything came naturally to me. I halfway try."

Dade: "Try too hard and you will get hate."

Macai: "I know how it is in the Fire Nation. Everyone acts like they have a chip on their shoulder."

Kanna: "Well, not everyone. The disrespectful ones are just louder and easier to notice. The sane ones stay out of the scene."

Boy: "I noticed you got some negative attention earlier. If you need some help with those guys, let me know."

Macai: "Oh, no thanks. I'm not paying you to be a lookout."

The boy laughs. "What?"

Macai: "Oh, nevermind. Someone said that to me."

The boy: "Ryu? He's made decent money doing that. But he will turn around and talk about someone behind their back in a minute. Don't trust that guy."

Macai: "I don't."

Dade: "You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. This guy is no sucker, but he's not a jerk either. I can tell, he is honorable."

Kanna: "Dade likes to analyze people."

Macai: "I have a friend, Rosh. He also likes to do that, but he doesn't tell them that right away anyway."

Boy: "Fire Nation people are bold, but people are even bolder in Nyarri."

Macai looks at the boys at the table, "Wait, I know Kanna, what are your names?"

Dade: "Dade."

Boy: "Kett."

Macai: "Kett, I hear you're one of the best."

Kett: "I am."

Macai: "Nice, I love to meet exceptional people."

Kett throws up his hands. "I'm just a person like everyone else."

Macai: "No I get it, but I'm a good student myself. Believe me, I can fend for myself."

Kett: "I understand, but there is no point in taking an unnecessary risk."

Macai: "That is something my dad would say, but I'm here to receive challenges."

Kett: "What?"

Macai: "I'll explain later, eventually." The lunch bell rings.

Kanna gets up. "Well, talk to you later, Macai, it's nice meeting you."

Kett: "We have the same second class Macai, I noticed you earlier. Feel free to sit beside me. Dade and I have a Chemistry class next."

Macai: "I have history next."

Kanna smiles. "Me too, we might have class together."

Macai: "Alright, are we going to meet up as we walk back home?"

Dade: "We can and we usually have time before we head right back home. We hang out."

Macai: "Ok, but I have a busy schedule, so I'll need to piece things together."

Kett: "What about the weekends?"

Macai: "Depends, I spend a lot of that time training, but I have a bit more free time on Saturdays." The students head to their classes. Later that day, the final bell rings and several students push past each other to exit. There are so many people that Macai can't tell where his new friends are. He decides to go outside the main exit where several students are meeting with each other before they leave.

As Macai looks around, he suddenly hears someone call him. Kaneko: "Hey Twinkle Eyes! Get over here!" Macai looks behind him and notices Kaneko walk toward him. He tilts his eyes left and notices Takagi moving in. Macai glances right and sees Uriah approaching.

Macai looks back at Kaneko and Kaneko tries to get his attention. Kaneko: "Hey, are you listening? We're looking for someone to play tag Dirtball with." Macai knows this is a trap and the game will be rigged against him.

Macai: "Actually, I'm looking for some friends."

Uriah: "Oh, you think you're too good for us?!"

Macai: "I'm tired of playing games. Leave me alone and don't shout my name in public."

Kaneko moves closer to Macai. "Who do you think you are?! We are the coolest and toughest guys in the school. You better get your head straight."

Macai: "What do you all want from ME? There are so many people outside, but you keep messing with me?"

Takagi: "Messing with you? What are you talking about? We just want to get to know you since you're all by yourself."

Macai: "I've met some people recently."

Uriah: "Where are they?!"

Macai looks around. "I don't know, there are a lot of.."

Uriah: "Look, we're trying to be nice to you but you're getting beside yourself. So come play ball with us."

Macai: "No."

Takagi: "Don't be like that."

Macai: "I said no!"

Kaneko gets in Macai's face, "I TOLD you to watch your mouth."

Soundtrack - Infinity War - Captain America Arrives - YouTube (Music Starts)

Macai: "You don't tell me anything." Kaneko grabs Macai by his shoulders and Macai knees Kaneko in his groin. A loud crunch is heard as Kanenko bends and Macai thrusts his right fist into Kaneko's chin. Kaneko collapses in the dirt and the ground shakes as the large student falls.

Uriah: "That little guy can crack. Get him, Takagi!" Takagi sprints at Macai and Macai spins right, moving away from the taller student. Takagi swings at Macai with two sweeping jabs. Macai ducks.

Takagi: "You can't run forever." Takagi launches his right leg at Macai's left shoulder, but Macai leaps right and Takagi charges at Macai again. Macai flips behind Takagi and Takagi turns around.

Uriah shouts, "Enough!" Uriah snaps his right hand forward and throws a disk of fire at Macai's back. Macai flips past the disk of fire which flies into Takagi's chest and knocks him down. Macai lands a few feet in front of Uriah.

Takagi: "Ugh!" Macai smiles at Uriah. Uriah feels a chill down his spine and suddenly launches two rapid flames at Macai.

Macai slides left. "Too slow." Uriah shouts in frustration and thrusts both of his arms forward as he shoots a heavy flame at Macai. Macai slides low on the ground past the flame and toward Uriah. Macai swiftly sprints back on his feet and sprints forward. As he closes in, Macai lifts his right hand up and fires a flame into Uriah's stomach.

Uriah: "Guh!" Uriah flips backward into the ground. Macai turns around and notices Kaneko scramble back to his feet.

Macai gives him a beckoning call, "You still want some, come on!" Kaneko shifts his arms forward and launches a massive orange rectangle of fire at Macai. Macai flips past the attack and lands a few feet right of Kaneko's position. Macai thrusts his right hand into Kaneko's left cheek and Kaneko stumbles two feet backward.

Kaneko readjusts and prepares for another attack. Macai leaps forward and raises his right foot with a diagonal kick. Macai lands flush as he thrusts his right foot into Kankeo's jaw. Kaneko falls forward, unconscious. Macai looks back at an injured Uriah and a wounded Takagi, "Don't cross me again!"

(Music Stops)

Kett runs up to Macai with Dade and Kanna a few feet behind. Kett: "I'm sorry we didn't plan where we were going to meet earlier. We were looking for you. By the time I arrived, I saw Takagi and Kaneko on the ground and you were playing with Uriah. You looked really good, I was in awe."

Macai: "That's ok. Can Dade and Kanna bend?"

Kanna: "I can, I'm decent."

Dade: "Nope."

Kett: "For that excellent performance, we've got to celebrate. Even if just for a bit. Let's go to Zaber's Cafe. It has good hot sweetened milk."

Macai: "Zaber's cafe you say. Well, that's something new."

Kanna: "You've got to go. The people are really nice there and you'll have a great time."

Macai: "Ok, but I can only stay for an hour and a half. Then I have to head back."