Sunset Tensions

Hidden Frustrations

Four years have passed since Yosari met Ursa. Macai is now ten and continues to excel in his classes, except in Math. However, Macai has managed to consistently do average in math and still worked ahead on his other subjects. This has still allowed Macai to be elite and skip a couple of grades though with an advanced academic average. 

Macai scores in the 98th percentile of his school. This is contrary to his girlfriend Azula who maintains an honorary academic average and is ahead on every subject compared to her peers but still lags behind Macai in the liberal arts and social courses. Azula is listed as the active valedictorian placing her at the very top of her institution. 

Macai is imbalanced in his skills, though his gifts are so great that it still allows him to be ahead. Eyre also noticed that Macai often starts off worse than peers when trying new challenges, then quickly adapts and gets better than everyone around him. Even the best. Macai's combat skills consistently improve and he has gotten attention throughout the Fire Nation. Although he initially started off slower than Azula (yet still faster than Zuko and Rosh).

Rosh has grown closer to Ty Lee, though they have had some recent disagreements about how to deal with problems. Despite recent predictions, Azula and Zuko have grown more distant in recent years. Constantly competing with each other as their father presented more tests and challenges for them to overcome. Zuko has consistently turned up on the losing side during his contests with Azula.

His father (Ozai) has had several outbursts, belittling his son and praising his daughter as his obvious favorite. Ursa has also grown further apart from her daughter. In the midst of these family issues, Ursa reaches out to Yosari for advice. Yosari is waiting in a private chat room within a lounging facility. Lounging facilities are known for having several social, consultation, religious, meditation, beauty, and massage services.

Lounging facilities also come with saunas. These facilities are mainly used by women, but some men will occasionally be seen in them as well. Ursa is waiting in a private room with bague walls and white trimming; it also has a window that shows the people in the nearby hallway. Ursa takes a deep breath and slyly pulls a comb out of her purse. Ursa starts straightening her hair, then stops as she notices Yosari knock on the door.

Ursa opens the door and Yosari promptly hugs her. Ursa gleefully says, "I missed you Yosari, I have not written a letter to you in a while."

Yosari comforts her friend, "That's ok, I know we all are very busy most of these days. I love these private rooms, they are a great place for us to sit and chat without intrusion."

Ursa nods her head, "Especially for these sort of family matters. But I'm not sure if I would want to talk about everything here either."

Yosari: "Well, let's get to it. Are Zuko and Azula still fighting?"

Ursa: "Yes and I don't know how to stop it. They have gotten out of control and their father only feeds to the fire. The last time I told Azula to leave Zuko alone, Ozai told them I am being overly protective. Zuko told me that Ozai said he is just being fair and I am being biased. That Zuko is only getting treated worse because he is acting weak and that I am an enabler."

Yosari: "That is bad. I know we do not rule our homes, but a wife deserves a level of respect. Did you challenge him or say something?"

Ursa: "We got in a couple of arguments, but he agreed to keep me out of things as long as I did the same for him. Even so, Zuko has told me bad stories about things his father said when I was not around. Sometimes, he can't seem to control himself. I am also worried about the impact it has on Azula. Every time I punish her, she runs and tells her father. Once I said she could not see her friends, then she left home anyway and her father said it was ok."

Yosari: "How do you think this behavior will affect Macai? I oddly have not noticed a major change in his behavior. Perhaps he is getting good at concealing things."

Ursa rubs her head, "I'm honestly not sure. Perhaps he has gotten good at turning a blind eye to others' problems. Maybe that is where you can come in. Could you please try to influence Macai to get Azula to be more kind to her brother?"

Yosari: "I will try, but if he doesn't PRESS her hard, I am sure she will just dismiss the advice. I don't even think he would want to risk pressing her for Zuko."

Ursa: "One thing that I have noticed, is that Azula does seem to care about Macai. That is a rare occurrence. She values his opinion, whether he is aware of it or not. But her relationship with Zuko is strange and she links her animosity towards him with animosity towards me. I cannot explain it."

Yosari: "I will ask Macai to ask Azula to be kind to her brother, but it won't work if you do not at least reach out to your daughter. Perhaps have a one on one and discuss how you can improve the situation. She may lash out against you, but I believe she will eventually open up if you stick with her."

Ursa: "You are absolutely right my friend. Now that we have a bit of time left, would you like to go to a sauna?"

Yosari: "Oh... Why not? At least it will be a change in my daily routine."

Later that day, Macai arrives home from school. He is taller, his hair has grown from short to medium length, and his muscles are starting to come out from constant training. Macai notices his mother as he enters the living room, "Hi mom. How was your day?"

Yosari: "Oh it was great. I got to do the usual chores and meet with the medicine man. He is such a nice person."

Macai: "Yeah he really is. Tomorrow I was planning on seeing Rosh, then meeting with Azula after. Since it's Friday."

Yosari: "That is fine, but just be back before sunset. You know your father will be waiting."

Macai: "Absolutely, I have made attendance every day for the last two years."

Yosari: "That you have. I also wanted to talk about Azula. She recently has been having some issues with her brother. I talked to Ursa about it and could you please ask Azula to be cordial to her brother?"

Macai gets uneasy, "I know what you mean. I've noticed it too. I wanted to say things, but I see it differently than both you and her."

Yosari: "What do you mean?"

Macai: "I see moments where she is too harsh and I see moments where Zuko is weak. I've seen Zuko refuse to kill a squirrel when he was ordered to as a training drill. My father taught me to NEVER hesitate when given a clear direct order. It was obviously a loyalty test and he couldn't do it. I killed a squirrel when I was asked to. Azula did as well."

Macai continues, "Azula wants what is best for her brother. She pushes him because she cares. She has told me this. People looking on the outside just don't understand. Sometimes it may be a bit too harsh, but who am I to judge. Let his family sort it out, it's not my place."

Yosari shakes her head, "Where did all of this come from? Didn't I teach you to be loving and considerate?"

Macai: "You did and I am mother, with proper context. But there are a lot of things that I have not told you about. Like the squirrel training. Not because I don't care, but because I am a warrior and a warrior's role is different."

Yosari: "Did your father tell you this? Is that where you're getting this from?"

Macai: "That is a question you should ask him. I need to do some homework, may I leave now?"

Yosari sighs and extends her hand, "Not yet. Wait."

Yosari: "Not everyone learns from being pushed so hard Macai. Everyone is different. Being different does not always equate to being weak. Remember when I told you the story about Zester. The warrior who learned everything slowly and was at the bottom of his class. He got encouragement and became the best in his field. He also became the most loyal soldier in the Fire Nation because his loyal Sergeant Jion never gave up on him."

Macai: "I understand mom, but even if Azula is nicer her father will continue on his standards."

Yosari: "It will still help if he has one more person encouraging him and helping him."

Macai: "That is true, but Azula is trying to meet him halfway. Zuko goes off the deep end. When she tells him he can be a great warrior and defeat his foes he just gives up and does badly in training. Then she will berate him again, for his embarrassing actions."

Yosari: "I thought you said you had respect for him."

Macai: "I did and I still do in certain areas. In other areas, I am losing respect for him daily. If Zuko is such a man, why doesn't he fight it out with his sister?"

Yosari: "Maybe you are not ready to intervene in this situation, but think about what I said."

Macai: "Will do, mom."

Yosari (holding her son's hand): "Also, don't tell anyone I told you to say this. Leave it between us. Not because it's bad, but rather because people don't always have the best intentions. I don't need the extra headache son."

Macai notices the distress in his mother's eyes, a woman who fights for what she believes is right even when it is not convenient. Macai does not fully agree with her, but he respects her for this. Macai hugs his mother and goes to his room to focus on homework. Macai is conflicted because of the contrary teachings that lie between his mother and father. Though both have taught him some certain truths, but have also taught him things that are not so certain.

Macai will have to live and discover who is right; more importantly, he will have to discover who HE wants to be.

The next day after school, Macai leaves school with Rosh. Rosh: "You are the best team captain ever. I swear we win any game of anything. We have been wrecking the other guys and I can't remember the last time we lost anything. Perhaps a couple of years back."

Macai: "Man, remember when we had that game last week with Spengi and Barge vs the Azula's team last time?"

Rosh: "Ahh, what a day." Rosh and Macai both have a flashback of when the children played Pittball. They were in a Pittball field. The sky shining light blue over their heads and the sum beaming bright. There was a nice breeze in the air and Azula gave a speech to her team. Consisting of Mai, Ty Lee, and one other girl who agreed to join in from the local park. Her name was Lara. She had medium-length black straight hair, yellow skin, and gold eyes.

The goal of the game was to run with a ball and get it across the Pitt field. There were two end zones that were painted yellow. You could pass the ball to others across the field. The field spanned across 50 yards and the game started at the 25-yard line. Defensive players can tackle enemies and offensive players can stiff-arm enemies. During the briefing, Barge ran up to Macai "Azula, is very tough and fast."

Macai: "Yes."

Barge: "Mai and Ty Lee are two of the fastest people I've ever seen. Faster than anyone I know and I'm the slowest guy here."

Macai: "I made good use of you before, didn't I?"

Barge: "How are we going to deal with their offense? They will be too much for us."

Macai: "No they won't. I have a plan."

Spengi: "What's the plan this time?"

Macai: "Barge will wait and take them head-on after the toss-off. Rosh, you take point at the toss-off. Challenge Ty Lee. She is fast and I think Azyla will allow it. You are a well-rounded athlete and should be able to slow her down. Lara is new to this and might not listen to everything Azula says, we can use that to our advantage. Mai is faster than all of us, but we deal with her by having a steady defense. Remember to quickly defend and stick together whatever happens."

Macai: "We are not as quick or athletic overall so we have to rely on defense. Spread out but, keep enough space that we can always help each other. We will always have the edge in a close brawl because we are the stronger team. Lara seems to be the weak link, focus on the others but don't underestimate her. No one jumps and dives like Ty Lee so try to predict where she is going and intercept her rather than trying to outrun her."

While this is happening Azula briefs her team. Azula: "Ladies, you remember the last team of boys we demolished? When I pushed past several boys, they couldn't touch Ty Lee, and Mai left them in the dust. Well, we are going to have a tougher game than that, but we will still are the superior team. Ty Lee will take the lead, being the most evasive team member. I will keep the pressure on them and neutralize any strategic threats. Mai, be ready to intercept and stay on the right."

Lara raises her hand, "What about me?"

Azula: "Stay on the left flank. Alright, make me proud!"

Zuko acts as the referee and instructs, "We need the two starters to face off."

Rosh points his hand at Ty Lee, "You and me Lee. Let's go!"

Ty Lee: "Ok, please no hard feelings after I own you."

Rosh: "We will see."

Zuko picks up a white ball with orange stripes waits for Rosh and Ty Lee to both stand three feet apart facing each other. Zuko tosses it twelve feet in the air. Ty Lee immediately dives seven feet in the air at a height greater than Rosh can jump and catches the ball. She gracefully lands eight feet into enemy territory and sprints forward. As she does this, Barge charges and heads straight for Azula.

Azula bobs to the right and rolls past Barge then continues her run. Barge charges toward Lara, who stumbles in hesitation and falls in the mud. Azula looks back and shouts, "You are pathetic girl! Get up!" Azula advances behind Ty Lee and Mai runs on the right but does not go full speed. Lara immediately scrambles to her feet and Barge ignores her as he moves in behind the other girls.

Spinge lunges at Ty Lee and Ty Lee pivots her body in a full circle. Narrowly dodging the tackle and Spinge falls in the dirt. Ty Lee is intercepted by Macai who pushes her down and catches her ball. Macai moves forward, knowing Azula will look to cover him. He is a bit slower than Azula but, he knew that Lara messing up would distract her and throw her off.

Azula hops in front of Macai and shouts, "Not so fast! You know you can't outrun me."

Macai: "But I can outsmart you. Rosh!"

Rosh attempts to flank Azula as he runs to her right side. In a flash, Mai dives behind Rosh and pushes him over. Azula smirks at her boyfriend. Macai kicks dirt in Mai's face, disorienting her. Then he charges toward Azula. Azula charges at him and attempts a sweeping kick to drop Macai. Macai jumps 5 feet in the air and spins right of Azula's direction and advances. Lara charges at Macai and Macai pivots right evading her grip.

Macai keeps running, nearing the end zone. Lara runs a bit slower and starts trailing behind. Mai and Ty Lee quickly advance to close the distance with Rosh and Spengi not far behind them. Azula is running in the center of the field and shouts, "Do something, Lara! Come on! You better not lose us this game."

Lara dives forward and hit's the back of Macai's left heel. Macai falls over and the ball rolls out of his hands. Azula's yelling slowed her down a bit, allowing Barge to charge behind her. Barge shoves Azula to the left and she rolls 3 feet in the dirt. Azula tilts her head up and spits dirt out of her mouth. Ty Lee jumps and catches the free-rolling ball.

Rosh moves in front of her with his hands extended wide. Rosh: "How about a rematch?"

Ty Lee: "I rather not." Ty Lee tosses her ball to Mai, who dashes with great speed.

Spengi would normally move to intercept her, but he remembers Macai advising him to not try that with Mai. So instead, he takes a ball of dirt and tosses it at her head. Mai easily ducks as it flies over her head. Spengi immediately closes the distance and pushes Mai down. Spengi takes the ball and runs forward. Azula charges in front of Spengi then dives forward and kicks him in the stomach. The boy flies two feet back and hits the ground hard.

Rosh: "Umm, there's no kicking in this game!"

Barge moves in behind Azula and attempts to knock her over. Azula leaps right, narrowly avoiding the tackle. Azula: "Not this time, fat boy." Azula sprints. Even with all of Macai's plans, Azula seems to be giving him a tough time and she still has a good strategy. He has been able to use her emotions against her but, it might not be enough. His line is breaking, he put everything into that last push.

Macai looks at his feet and has a different idea. He has never done a move like this before but, he's been thinking about it and discussed it with Rosh. Macai concentrates as he presses his feet on the ground while holding his arms in. At first nothing, then he tries again launching fire from his legs into the ground.

Like a rocket, Macai blasts himself off the ground, leaving a black hole in it. Macai flies 30 yards ahead of his former position and lands in front of Azula. Azula briefly stops in surprise and Macai wastes no time talking. He immediately pounces and pushes Azula down then takes the ball from her. Ty lee runs at his right flank and dives at him.

Then Macai thrusts his right hand sideways and uses fire to launch himself away from Ty Lee. Macai sprints forward and Mai gallops like lightning to stop him. Macai uses a light push of fire to amp his jump and gallops 20 feet ahead of Mai. Mai looks up and remarks, "Ok, now he's just showing off." Lara moves to stop Macai and Rosh tackles her.

As Macai nears the goal Azula looks down at her feet and tries the same thing. Azula may have been able to perform the move, but her emotions make her unstable. She blasts herself off 10 feet in the air then losses control. Falling and hitting her head. Azula rubs her head in pain and Macai scores. The boys yell in triumph, they have won the game.

Azula gets teary-eyed as she realizes her failure, but conceals it. Zuko looks in surprise, never seeing his sister fail at a bending attempt like that. Ty Lee pats Azula on the back, "We'll get them next--". Before she can finish, Azula shoves her hand aside and walks away.

Azula barely manages a few weak claps, "Macai cheated. If I knew he was going to use bending to enhance his skills, I never would have played very differently."

Ty Lee: "But you never played like that."

Azula points her finger at Ty Lee, "Shut it."

Mai walks up to Lara, "You did a good job. When you tackled Macai, you almost won us the game."

Lara: "My grandmother always said, in life, we make the best of the gifts we have. You guys might be faster, able to bend or jump higher but I will give 100% of what I have."

Mai: "Oh, now you sound like Macai. He's always going on and on about what his dad taught him."

Zuko interrupts them, "My uncle has taught me many great things as well. Don't mind Mai, I'm surprised you even got her attention. You must be legit then."

Mai: "About as legit as seeing Azula lose. A rare sight, but something she needs every now and then."

Zuko: "The funny thing is Azula usually beats Macai at one on one contests but, I guess Macai is a better team player."

Mai: "Macai mainly won this because he went on a bending spree. Come on ref."

Zuko: "That make be true, but his team would have lost long ago had it not been for cooperation. Your team was faster and more agile overall which is still the greatest asset in this game. Strength is cool, but it doesn't mean anything when it's all about how you push people down."

Barge suddenly enters the conversation, "Hey, I played well for a guy my size against a team like this. The field is so open. If there were more players, I'd move through people. But when I knock people down, they stay down a bit longer."

Zuko: "Yep, there are a lot of ways to play this game. With 4 people is the classic way. With 8 players completely changes it and makes it more strategic. Without bending, Macai would have dominated a game like that. No one strategizes like him, not even Azula. But with a game of 4, Azula's team should be better."

Rosh joins the conversation, "Good game girls (to Ty Lee, Lara and Mai). Say, where are Macai and Azula?"

Zuko points 10 feet across from them, "There they are." Macai and Azula are talking, but others can't hear them.

Macai: "Come on Azula, it was a good game. I'm sorry I used my bending skills at the last minute, you still looked good out there."

Azula: "You should have told me you were going to bend. You know that's not fair. I'm disappointed in you."

Macai apologizes, "Ok... What can I do to make it up to you?"

Azula: "Nothing, just move past it."


Macai's flashback ends and he starts to rub his forehead as he remembers his last dispute with Azula. Rosh pats his shoulder as they are within the visual range of his home. It is a large tan house with white trimming. Rosh opens the door and notices Hun, his home servant. Hun is 5 feet and 10 inches tall, has brown curly hair, brown eyes, a long nose, long thin eyes, thin eyebrows, and small lips.

Hun is polite, patient, and awkward. He is 38 years old and he likes to read about current events. Often informing people about what he reads in the newspapers. Hun: "Ahh, Rosh and Macai, two of my favorite young men. Did you two have a good day at school?"

Rosh: "Yep, we came to take a look at Ryler." Hun nods his head and escorts the boys through the living room and to the barn in his backyard. There are several hens, sheep, and pigs. Hun eventually opens a cage and a large light brown Ox-like creature exists the cage. He is about 1.2 meters tall and 6 feet long. He is a Gorro, a faster and lighter cousin of the Ox that can breathe fire.

Rosh: "Don't worry, he won't breathe fire without being given the order. Hun, let's take it to the target room." Hun takes the gorro to a barn room where there is a massive bullseye target in the center of the room. Rosh explains, "Ryler doesn't have much of a sense of aim. He just fires at whatever is in front of him however, his flames are of a great radius."

Rosh continues, "Hun, please order Ryler to fire."

Hun: "Rlyer, Galeek Houy!" The animal growls then emits a massive steam of orange fire from its mouth into the target. The flames are 20 inches wide and have a range of 30 feet. The heat from the flames raises the temperature of the barn room by 15 degrees. After five seconds, Ryler stops with steam emitting from his mouth.

Macai's eyes widen, "WOW".

Rosh: "That's not all. I can get it to fire a second way as well. I memorized it, but for now, my dad doesn't want me to give it the orders. He says not until I'm 15." Macai shakes his head. Rosh: "Hun, please give the order for the wide attack."

Hun: "Rlyer, Tett Tett." Rlyer opens his mouth and emits fire from it again, but this time he sways from left to right. The width of his flames increases to 30 inches wide, but the range decreases to 10 feet. After eight seconds, Rlyer stops.

Rosh looks at Macai, "He can also be taught to charge or to stop, but he does not like to retreat."

Macai: "Ok, we need to head back upstairs, I have a date with Azula in a bit. But we should have time to at least walk back a bit before we see her. Maybe hit the park for a little before I see her."

Rosh: "Ok, because I DON'T want to see her any more than she doesn't want to see me."

Macai, Rosh, and Hun head back to Rosh's living room. Suddenly, they notice Palu, Rosh's father. Beside him is Yui, Rosh's mother. Palu is a heavyset man with short wavy black hair, light brown eyes, a medium-sized nose, fair skin, thick eyebrows, and medium lips. Palu is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. Yui is moderately tall for a woman and is 5 feet and 7 inches tall.

Yui has long straight black hair, hazel eyes, thin eyebrows, small lips, pale skin, and a bell-curved nose. Yui is a soft-spoken and polite woman while Palu is a positive and supportive father. Palu greets the boys, "Son, how are you? Have you been having a great day?"

Rosh: "You know it, dad. I had Yun show him Ryler."

Palu laughs, "Ryler is awesome, isn't he? I got a deal on him. I plan on getting a couple of other magnificent breeds such as his. I might let Rosh use him if such a pressing occasion occurs, but we will have to see. No time soon anyway. People pay me just to see him."

Macai: "He is the coolest thing I've seen all year. Well him and that crazy circus show."

Palu: "The circus shows can be hard to top, but I'm glad you had fun seeing him on display. How is your father?"

Macai: "Same as always. Busy, focused, and accomplishing his goals."

Palu: "Sounds good to me. Just as I expected, but if he ever feels stressed he is always welcome to have a drink at my place."

Yui: "And warm cookies. Seeing Yosari is always a joy."

Macai: "I will relay the message to him. Rosh and I are going to the park. We plan on playing around a bit then he should be heading back."

Rosh: "Well not exactly, I plan on seeing Ty Lee for a bit before I head back. It will all be before sunset."

Palu shrugs his shoulders, "That sounds good to me. Can't wait to see you when you get back. I want to show you something VERY cool."

Rosh: "That sounds wonderful, I am going with Macai now. We have no time to waste."

As Rosh and Macai exit the house and head towards the park, they suddenly notice Azula ten feet ahead of them. Rosh: "Wait, what? Where did she come from?"

Macai: "Azula? How did you already find me?"

Azula: "Oh, I didn't know Rosh was with you. I did some snooping around, asked people some questions, and wanted to surprise you by catching you early. Since I was told you had extra free time today and I said I wasn't going to be busy until 4. Turns out I finished my chore early."

Rosh: "I think you would do everyone a favor if you just avoided surprises altogether."

Azula: "Oh come on Rosh, give me a chance. What have I done to you recently? You are the one who starts with me half of the time."

Rosh: "Sorry, I just can't stand around and listen to nonsense. But I'll give you a chance this time."

Macai: "Ok, well we were heading to the park. We really were just going to talk and look at nature."

Azula: "Maybe we can mess with people. Touch them and hide before they catch us."

Rosh: "Oh great."

Azula: "Give it a try Rosh. We won't hurt anyone."

Rosh sighs, "I guess today, I am in a really good mood. So I will try to play your game for now."

Once Azula, Rosh, and Macai enter the park the games begin. A couple is sitting on a bench. The woman has a large pink hat and dress and her boyfriend has a dark yellow and white suit. They are talking and giggling then the man is hit with a pebble on the back of the head. Man: "What was that?"

Woman: "What?"

Man: "Something hit or bit me. I'm not quite sure." The man looks and sees nothing.

Woman: "That's nothing. So what did you think about the new sale?" Another pebble flies into the man's neck.

Man: "Ahhh! I've had it with these stupid insects or is it some troublesome children?!" The man stands up and tightens his fist. A third pebble hits the man in the back of neck. Man: "That's it!! Come out and face me!!" The man looks around and notices that other people are watching him in the park from the distance. One group is an older couple and another is a parent and two young children.

Woman: "You're embarrassing me. Take me home." The man sighs and they depart.

Rosh, Azula, and Macai watch the scene from a bush. Rosh: "Ahh, I hope we didn't hurt his relationship."

Azula: "Who cares?"

Rosh: "YOU SAID, we WEREN'T going to hurt anyone. Well, we may have."

Azula: "I meant physically."

Macai: "Looks like they are gone, we can stand up now."

The group exits the bush. Macai decides to bring up Zuko, remembering what his mother asked him. Macai: "So Azula, what do you think about your bother?"

Azula: "Oh my goodness, you HAD to mention him. That's the kind of thing I wanted to forget about."

Rosh smiles, "Welp, sounds like we are dropping that subject."

Azula: "Nope. Now that Macai, mentioned it I will talk about it."

Rosh: "Here we go."

Azula: "But don't repeat this to anyone else."

Rosh: "You think I owe you a promise? I'm not your boyfriend. You both can discuss it 10 feet away from me."

Azula points at Rosh, "You really are asking for it."

Macai asks, "Azula, what did he do?"

Azula: "He is 14 combat forms behind me. I knew it was embarrassing but, my father recently brought it up. I remember when he said I was born lucky and he was lucky to be born."

Rosh: "Wow that's toxic."

Azula clinches her teeth, "Don't you talk about MY family. The Fire Nation does not teach us to be WEAK. I don't know how your father raised you, but you need to check those thoughts. They will get you hurt badly."

Rosh smiles and sarcastically says, "Oh dear, PLEASE don't hurt me BADLY. Hahaha."

Azula is fuming, "YOU are probably worse than Zuko! Macai told me how many forms you mastered and it's only four more than him. Zuko might get better if he gets his mind right and he is still clearly better at two of the forms that you both mastered. Maybe three."

Rosh replies, "Well, that's all speculation."

Azula: "I know TEN more forms than you and still six more than Macai."

Macai: "That may be true, but I'm really good at the forms that I know. I think I've already made a couple of my own forms."

Azula smiles and pats Macai on his right cheek, "Don't worry hun, your argument has some validity. I respect your skills, but I'm STILL the best. But Rosh here is in no comparison to me. You Rosh, will never be anything more than slightly above average. You don't even have the name that Zuko does, though you aren't a peasant. But if you're lucky you'll become famous as Macai's sidekick."

Most of what Azula said did not hurt him, but the sidekick statement set him off. Rosh conceals his anger and slowly walks toward Azula. Azula is laughing proudly and Macai tilts his head down in sorrow. Rosh swiftly leaps in front of Azula and extends his right first forward toward Azula's nose. Azula's eyes suddenly widen as she notices the attack, she immediately tilts her head right to evade the punch.

Rosh then shifts his body right, converting his straight punch to a right hook. Rosh's right fist glides into Azula's nose and a loud pop can be heard as he connects. Azula's legs buckle and she falls backward. Azula hits her head and rolls over on her knees. Rosh boldly retorts, "Sidekick you say, how about an overhand right?!"

Agni Kai - Avatar The Last Airbender | EPIC VERSION - YouTube (Music Starts)

Azula grinds her teeth in rage and locks eyes with Rosh. Rosh: "I've been wanting to do that since the moment I've meet you. It's about time someone gave you a taste of your own medicine."

Like a bat, Azula launches herself from the ground and towards Rosh. Azula swings her left hand forward with a sharp wide hook. Rosh ducks and feels the wind swoop past his face. Azula throws a straight right hand at Rosh's face. Rosh shifts his body left and the shot is transferred to his right shoulder. Rosh can still feel a crack as the punch is landed. Azula then turns her body right and swings a straight left hand at him.

Rosh scurries right avoiding the punch then Azula smoothly extends her right leg and kicks Rosh on the right side of his abdomen. Rosh falls backward and Azula smirks. Rosh leaps back on his feet and shifts his arms forward. Firing a 12-inch red-orange power blast at his foe. Azula glides left avoiding the attack with ease.

Rosh's flames are slightly less hot than most orange flames, but his flames typically have a greater radius than that of most benders (including Macai and Azula). Azula shifts her right hand up and tosses an orange fireball at Rosh's chest. Rosh rolls forward and jumps back on his feet. Azula jumps in front of Rosh and lights her fist up with orange flames. Azula pounds Rosh in the stomach with a violent left uppercut.

Azula then thrusts her right hand upwards as she tries to land another but, Rosh extends his left arm and blocks the attack. Rosh raises his right hand and ignites it with red-orange fire. Landing it on Azula's right abdomen, Azula's knees briefly buckle as she feels the sting of the blow. Azula then latches onto Rosh's right arm and jumps forward as she knees Rosh in the center of his stomach.

Rosh slides a foot backward and grunts as he feels the blow. Rosh gets a hold of Azula and shoves her three feet backward. Azula does not waste time, she immediately kicks her left foot out towards Rosh and an orange flame flows from it. Rosh twirls right as he dodges the attack then Azula shifts two of her fingers and zaps an orange fireball at him.

Rosh tilts his right arm as he blocks the attack, but Azula was simply trying to keep him busy to land another attack. Azula leaps and Rosh rotates his right hand horizontally as he launches a rod of fire in her direction. Azula flips 5 feet in the air and kicks an orange flame into Rosh's right shoulder. The shot sends Rosh tumbling 3 feet back with smoke flowing from his clothes.

(Music Stops)

Azula raises her hand as she prepares to land another blow. Macai puts his right hand on Azula's shoulder and says, "No, you've won."

Azula: "Fine. Rosh, let this be a lesson."

Macai helps his wounded friend up. Macai: "Well, there won't be much of a way of hiding this. You'll have to tell your dad you got beat up. And Azula won't mind telling her dad she won a fight, but he will also have to tell him that this one was closer than usual."

Azula: "Not close enough. Macai, let's get some ice cream to celebrate my victory."

Macai: "Azula, I'm all for your victories but right now I'm going to help my best friend recover before my sunset training. Which isn't long."

Azula: "What? I respect your sunset training but, you can get ice cream with me first instead. He started the fight. You heard him, he's been wanting to pick a fight with me since he met me. Talk about biased. Imagine if one of my friends treated you that way."

Macai walks away with Rosh and Azula huffs in frustration. Then she looks for Ty Lee and knows just where to find her. Azula: "Waiting for your date? Don't bother, he's not coming. Not after what happened."

Ty Lee: "What happened? How was your date with Macai? I've been waiting for Rosh for over an hour!"

Azula: "Oh well, he said he was not going to show up. Spent some time with another girl."

Ty Lee: "Azula, are you joking?"

Azula: "Of course not. Have I told any stories like this before, about Rosh? Why would I wait until now?"

Ty Lee starts sobbing. Azula: "Oh my dear Lee. Please don't cry, you don't need a loser like him. You've got me. Maybe one day you'll find a decent man, but for now, I will do."

Ty Lee: "I thought he was special. He told me I was special."

Azula: "That's what boys do when they want to take advantage of girls. It's all part of the game."

Ty Lee: "What about Macai?"

Azula: "Well, of course, Macai and I are different. He isn't fake like Rosh. But he does have his flaws and he needs to figure out where his loyalties lie. He will learn that the best person to side with, is always me. Now let's go, I want some ice cream."

Rosh and Macai enter the room. Palu notices Rosh's injuries, "What happened?"

Rosh: "I took on Azula and lost."

Palu: "Darn it Macai, you and your girl got my son hurt. But I don't hate you for it. You're a good kid. I thought Rosh agreed to stay away from her."

Rosh: "I did, she came to surprise Macai."

Palu: "Oh well, its life. You'll get her next time son. Still, next time you see her just leave. She didn't just attack you right away, did she?"

Rosh: "No, I gave her a chance. Thinking if my awesome best friend loves her, she must have some good qualities. Thinking she could redeem herself. Then reality kicked in again."

Palu: "All it takes is one more time, for things to explode. Unfortunately for you, you never know when that next time will be until after it happens. I'm sure you wanted a crack at her yourself. Ok, Macai I'm sorry for insulting your girlfriend. Hun, patch Rosh up."

While Rosh returns home and is getting fixed up by Hun, Rosh suddenly remembers his date. Rosh: "Oh my, Ty Lee is waiting for me. I must tell her what happened. Why I missed it."

Hun responds, "Life happens. If she's got any sense, she'll understand."

Palu: "You seem to be recovering. The injuries are just minor, go find her if you wish before time runs out. Macai, you have sunset training. Do not keep your father waiting."

Macai looks at Palu, "Sir, I am so sorry."

Palu: "I am not mad at you Macai. I know the tolls of life can be messy. You're still figuring it out and I hope lessons were learned today. Tomorrow is a new day, and we can start off fresh."

Macai hugs Palu and Rosh leaves. Rosh heads to the location of his date as sunset nears and notices Ty Lee is gone. He lowers his head and starts his walk back home. As Macai returns his father Eyre stands in front of the door and smiles. Eyre: "Ahh Macai, you have already grown so much stronger. I can feel it, you have so much potential."

Eyre: "Never let anyone stand in the way of your growth. Let us train." Macai undergoes another strenuous training session and does well. Sweat emits across his golden-brown skin and his father smiles again as he locks eyes with his son. Eyre: "Remember that you can overcome any challenge with confidence, preparation, and dedication."

Macai: "Father, my girlfriend got in a fight with my best friend."

Eyre: "Interesting, who won?"

Macai: "Azula."

Eyre: "I would expect that. But Rosh probably put up a fight."

Macai: "He did it was good. I did not interfere until the victor was clear."

Eyre: "Good, it is not of our custom to immediately break up a fight. That makes people weak. It's always good to let people fight things out. That likely will break some tension."

Macai: "I believe there will still be resentment between them."

Eyre: "Nothing can be done about that, but they both will slow down from this moment on. Most likely. Was it an official Agni Kai?"

Macai: "No, Rosh used the element of surprise to get the first hit in."

Eyre: "Ha, well they may have an Agni Kai in the future. Perhaps a few years from now. If anger resurges. Rosh may be a better warrior because of it and sharpen his skills more just to beat her. These sorts of things make warriors better."

Macai: "I guess I'll just have to keep spending a little time with both of them."

Eyre: "Exactly, don't worry about fixing the problem. It's their problem, not yours. Especially since they are both so different. You would be wasting your own energy and simply pushing yourself away from both of them. Instead, it's better to get what you can out of them and stay out of trouble."

Macai: "Yes, father. I have also gotten ahead on my homework again and I did slightly better on the last math test."

Eyre: "Good son. I can honestly say that I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your victory and work to sustain it. You are dismissed."

Macai goes to bed early this time and briefly says hello to his mother. Yosari notices that something is off and plans to ask him what happened the next day.