Tournament Part 2

Macai, Kanna, Kett, and Dade have all won the initial rounds of the Nyarri tournament. This has created a strong buzz in the city. Macai, Kanna, Kett, Chiko, and Kento discuss the matter at a Nyarri park near Macai's home. The grass is light green, there are several blue flowers scattered throughout the park, and the sun is beaming. It is about 22.77 Celsius (seventy-three degrees) outside.

Kento and Kanna are sitting while Macai and Kett are standing in the park. Chiko is laying on the ground during the discussion. Chiko: "Wow, I can't imagine what it's like fighting at the tournament. That must be amazing. I still have a year before I get my shot."

Kento responds, "You still get it sooner than me."

Macai: "It's exciting. The moment you finally get to see everything you've trained for start coming to fruition."

Kett replies, "It's cool, but it's still not the real battlefield. For me, nothing will be like this. This is still a game, but it's our last chance to get ready for the real war."

Dade: "That's true, but most people don't get sent on hardcore battles right away. It usually takes a bit of time."

Macai responds, "Sometimes that's true, but it completely depends. It seems like more and more recruits have been sent to major battles recently."

Kanna: "Well if anyone can handle it, it's the Nyarri recruits."

Kett: "Maybe, but training and the battlefield are two different things."

Dade: "My father fought on the battlefield for several years. But all his past missions were nothing like when he was sent to take down the Wall of Ba Sing Se. He lost his life during that battle." Dade shakes his head and goes silent.

Macai: "I'm sorry Dade, we'll make those Earth Kingdom scum pay. I promise."

Dade comments, "I don't hate them. They were just soldiers doing their duty just as we are soldiers doing ours. It's all part of the war."

Macai clenches his fist. "How can you say that?! He killed your father, you should avenge him!"

Dade: "That's not how I was raised. My father was an honorable yet loving man. He always told me that the other side was just doing their duty just like us. He said it was nothing personal. My father told me that he was only upset if factions committed certain heinous war crimes, but he even criticized Fire Nation leaders in our home when they did such things." Macai fell silent, not knowing how to respond.

Kento: "Macai, you amazed everyone with your new gold fire."

Macai: "Myself included."

Kett pats Macai on the back. "Looks like he's taking even more after his girlfriend with the unique fire."

Macai responds, "She will be impressed, then remind me that her fire is hotter."

Kanna: "We can't all be nearly perfect."

Macai: "No, we cannot."

Kett: "She's impressive but not without her flaws."

Macai: "Rosh thought the same."

Kett: "Didn't Rosh give her a close fight? Not saying she isn't top-notch, but don't fall for the aura of invincibility. Anyone can be beaten with the right strategy and game plan."

Macai: "You are so knowledgeable without half the strategic training of Capital Nobles. You never cease to impress me."

Kett: "Everyone's path is different, but thanks."

Kanna: "How is Rosh, by the way?"

Macai: "He's fine. He wrote me a letter recently. Steadily improving his combat feats and working his way up. He's also gotten better with his officer strategy. He misses me and all the distinct points I made in class."

Chiko: "He was a cool guy. There is something special about you Capital people. You're either really cool or very unlikable from what I've heard."

Macai: "I could agree with that. There really is no in-between with us. Though I spent more time growing up in the Capital, Nyarri is as much as my home as the Capital is."

Later that day, Macai meets with his instructor Hazo. Captain Hazo smiles and they both bow in front of each other. Hazo: "Looking good, Macai. looking very good. You seemed very focused during your last fight, but I want to make sure your movements are fluid. Demonstrate your new skills for me, I'd like to see your new fire up close."

Macai nods. "Of course, master."

Hazo: "Battle stance!" Macai shifts in his battle stance.

Hazo: "Let's start with your defense. On your guard." Hazo rapidly fires two orange flames at his student. Macai shifts his arms left to right, dousing the flames. Hazo extends both of his hands and zaps a beam of fire at Macai. Macai leaps right.

Hazo kicks two flames at Macai's biceps. Macai blocks both attacks with his knees. Hazo shifts his right arm horizontally and swings a right whip of fire at Macai's neck. Macai ducks and returns to his classic battle stance. Hazo swings his left arm diagonally at Macai's neck. Macai shifts his body and tilts his right arm, blocking the attack.

Hazo: "Now, Macai, use your offense." In an instant, Macai shifts his right arm and horizontally swings a whip of gold fire at Hazo's legs. Hazo jumps over the whip and kicks a large orange flame at Macai's chest. Macai pounces right and kicks a yellow flame at Hazo's stomach. Hazo dives over the flame and points both of his hands at Macai, firing an orange beam of fire at his chest.

Macai slides left, then hops back on his feet. Hazo punches another four torpedoes of fire at Macai. Macai sprints swinging his arms from right to left as he blocks each shot. Macai presses his palms together as he fires a power shot the center of Hazo's body. Hazo jumps over the flames and swoops down toward Macai.

Hazo swings his left leg at the right side of Macai's leg and Hazo's leg turns orange as he enhances his kick with his flames. Macai rolls right and Hazo slams his leg into the ground. Macai rushes Hazo and rapidly fires two gold flames at his instructor. Hazo blocks the first flame on his right and dodges the second flame on his left.

Macai springs in front of Hazo and swings an overhand left punch at Hazo's face. Hazo tilts his head left and latches onto Macai's left hand with his right hand. Hazo swings an enhanced right hook at Macai's stomach. Macai breaks Hazo's hold of him and flips behind Hazo, evading the punch in fractions of a second. Hazo turns around and Macai shifts both of his hands forward, firing a blast of gold fire into his trainer's chest.

Hazo slides two feet backward. Macai's eyes widen. Macai: "Are you ok, Hazo?"

Hazo rubs his head and coughs. "Yes, of course. Well done." Hazo stands up, wiping the dust off his armor. Hazo: "I think you are ready. Just make sure you keep a clear mind." Macai nods his head in agreement.

The Tournament Continues

Macai, Kanna, Dade, and Kett are in the stands during the tournament. Dade: "Man, I never get enough of this." Dade takes a bite of a green apple. The tournament is now on its third round. All fighters at this point, who are still in have won two fights. Most contestants have already lost.

Kanna: "I wonder who's up next."

The announcer returns to his booth. Announcer: "Citizens of Nyarri and visitors, today I give you a special treat. The first challenger that will be revealed is a young dangerous man. A scorcher of from the Eastern Valley. A man whose rage keeps the predators in check. He is the Exterminator!"

Uriah enters the arena in orange armor with light brown stripes. Uriah flexes his muscles before the crowd. Kanna laughs. Macai: "Well, let's see how he does."

Announcer: "On the other side, we have a gifted woman who created an aura of fear throughout this city. A woman who is respected by instructors throughout this Nation. A woman, who I believe will be remembered long after this tournament. Introducing, the Queen of Vengeance!" Alev enters the arena in a dark yellow outfit with pale red stripes.

Alev kicks a flame of fire in the left direction then bows for the crowd. Kett: "This should be interesting."

Macai: "From what I've heard, Uriah doesn't stand much of a chance."

Dade: "Maybe he's improved. Let's wait and see."

Alev looks across at Uriah and smirks. Uriah: "Hey beautiful, want to get some tea after this?"

Alev replies, "Sorry, I don't go on pity dates."

The announcer continues. "Who will prevail? Let's find out. Fight!"

Alev enters her battle stance and slowly stalks Uriah. "Finally, I'm so tired of listening to that announcer." They both are about twenty feet away from each other.

Uriah cautions, "Be careful what you wish for." Uriah shifts his arms and pounds two orange flames at Alev. Alev leaps over the flames and lands about ten feet away from Uriah. Alev kicks her right foot at Uriah's chest, releasing a bright orange discharge of fire. Uriah hops left, landing about five feet away from Alev. A blaring crack erupts as the explosion shakes the wall behind him.

Alev extends her right arm, firing a ball of fire at her opponent. Uriah ducks and Alev hooks a second flame with her left arm. Uriah raises his right arm and blocks the shot. Then Uriah pounces just inches in front of her. Alev swings her left leg at Uriah's nose and Uriah shifts his head left of the attack. In an instant, Alev pulls her leg back and returns to her battle stance.

Alev swings a roundhouse kick from her right leg toward Uriah's head. Uriah ducks again. While this is happening, Dade comments from the stands. Dade: "Wow, she kicks a lot."

Alev snaps her hands back and fires a condense rectangle of fire into Uriah's chest. Uriah flies ten feet back into the sand. The crowd cheers. Announcer: "Wow, she's so fast. Uriah barely had any time to react. Are you not entertained?! It's only going to get better."

Macai: "Well, I didn't expect it to end like that. She fights very quickly and accurately. It's like she attacks her opponents to open them up, then takes them out."

Kanna: "Doesn't Zuko attack a lot too?"

Macai: "Well, I've not seen him in a while. But from a couple of years back, yes, he did. He was very skilled as well and constantly attacked his enemies, looking to overwhelm them. But Alev is more dangerous or at least more dangerous than the Zuko I knew. She attacks a lot, but from more angles than Zuko. She also doesn't leave herself as exposed as Zuko but still manages to pull it off."

Kanna: "Do you think I can beat him?'

Macai: "Again, that was two years ago. But knowing Zuko, not much has changed in his fighting style. Anyway, I'm not sure but I think Zuko still demolishes most people in Nyarri. He is very fast and aggressive. But he fights differently than Alev, and styles make fights. He uses his hands more than she does and uses more power attacks."

Kett: "Zuko is no joke. Just because Azula is regarded as better doesn't mean he's not a top thirty level bender. He may be better than that, but we'll need to see what he can actually do in the war."

Macai: "And styles make fights. For me, I think Alev's style would be more frustrating than Zuko's. But truth be told, Zuko's style might be difficult for Alev to counter. I've seen Alev demolish straight-forward fighters and people who are aggressive like Zuko but still less skilled than him. So I have no idea how Alev would fare against him. Kanna, with your style, Zuko would probably be difficult to engage but for different reasons than Azula."

Kanna: "Hmm, well that's fine. I know I can't beat everyone."

Macai: "You never know though. There are a lot of factors that play into fights."

Kett: "What about me? How do you think I stack up against him?"

Macai: "You are very skilled, Kett, but nothing is clear until we all get more combat experience. I've seen your skills against lower-level opposition. If you can translate it to Zuko's level, then you can demolish him. However, if you can't, you'll get demolished."

Dade: "That's not much of an answer Macai."

Macai: "Sorry, that's all I've got. If you want me to be honest."

Kett: "I appreciate it, Macai. It just reminds me how we need to study the flaws of our opponents and be aware of our own flaws when we fight."

Dade: "I have another fight today."

Kanna: "Well, you know we're all going to watch."

Dade: "Oh, I know."

Later that day, Dade is in his training room with Oktai. Dade: "What did you think about that last fight?"

Oktai: "We need to work on your defense a bit. Not dodging, but blocking and not being disarmed by stronger enemies. Besides that, I think you look excellent. Always adaptive and resourceful."

Dade and Oktai train for about thirty minutes before it is time for him to re-enter the arena in his armor. Announcer: "Once again, we have one of your favorites, Devious Dade! But can he compete with the Arbiter of Destruction?!" On the other side is a recruit with purple armor and white stripes. The student has pale skin, medium-length black wavy hair, long ears, medium cheek bones, a moderate build, and thin wide lips. This student actually failed his first year during the Winter trials and has had an incredible comeback story during the Nyarri Tournament.

His real name is Nekhii and his father is an Artisan. Nekhii sees this as an excellent chance to improve his family name. Arbiter of Destruction: "I hope you're ready."

Dade confidently says, "I am, more than ready."

Arbiter of Destruction: "Good, because you one of the few obstacles that stands between me and redemption. I will not lose."

Dade: "We'll see about that, buddy."

The announcer slams his desk. "Fight!"

The Arbiter of Destruction (AOD) pulls out dual short swords. Dade draws his medium sword. Nekhii sprints toward Dade with puzzling dexterity. Dade is initially startled then remembers what Oktai told him, "Do not be distracted by circumstance. Always have a clear mind and feel the flow of the fight. Feel your opponent's movements."

Dade stands still in his battle stance as the Arbiter closes in. Nekhii leaps in the air toward Dade and Dade springs right. Nekhii lands just inches from Dade and chases him with astounding speed. AOD swings at Dade with an uppercut left attack. Dade rotates his sword left and blocks it. Nekhii swings right at Dade's neck. Dade pivots backward.

Nekhii charges again and swings four rapid strikes at Dade. Dade twirls his sword side to side, blocking the attacks as he backpedals. Nekhii charges again and swings an upper right horizontal strike at Dade's left shoulder. Dade turns his blade and parries the hit and Nekhii rapidly darts his right blade into Dade's left side.

Dade shakes as he is smacked by the blade. Announcer: "Ouch! Remember that glancing blows are not instant wins." Dade rages and puts all of his power into his grip, then flings Nehkii's left blade out of his hand. Dade gallops and horizontally swings his weapon at Nekhii's neck. The Arbiter ducks and springs backward and readjusts his battle stance.

Dade advances and swings thrice horizontally at Nekhii's arms, from right to left. Nehkii tilts his weapon side to side, blocking each attack but not without being pushed back by Dade's heavier blade. Dade swings lower and launches his blade at Nekhii's stomach. Nekhii weaves right and butts the blade away from him. Nekhi then charges toward Dade again and Dade rotates his sword and smacks the blade out of his opponent's hand.

Dade aims his blade at Nekhii's neck. Dade: "It's over. Nice try, better luck next year. Oh wait, it's too late. But maybe you can make up for it in your career." The crowd cheers.

Nekhi shouts, "No!!! I will never give up." Nekhi sprints past Dade's blade, catching him off guard and clinches Dade, grabbing a hold of Dade's sword with his left hand and yanking onto Dade's left arm with his right hand.

Dade: "You've lost, what are you doing?" Nekhii knees Dade in his stomach, causing Dade to nearly drop his sword but he still holds on. Dade leans forward to keep a hold of Nekhii. Nekhii latches on Dade's blade to get a better grip, then thrusts his right leg into Dade and kicks Dade three feet back. Now, Nekhii has Dade's weapon.

Nekhii: "Do you see now? I told you the victory was mine."

Dade balls up sand in his hand and throws it at Nekhii's eyes. Nekhii covers his eyes then Dade rushes Nekhii. Dade latches onto the weapon's hilt and backhands Nekhii in the face with his left hand. This causes Nekhii to stumble to his knees and lose a grip of the blade. Dade smacks Nekhii in the back with his wooden sword to keep him down.

The crowd erupts and the announcer shouts, "Now that, is what you came for! You asked for a battle, and you got it. Devious Dade has done it again!" Nekhii stands up in despair with his head down.

Dade pats Nekhii on the back and says, "You fought well and your family should be proud of you. I know you worked hard for this, but it's not over. There will always be another chance to prove yourself. At least you've graduated this time and passed your tests." Nekhii nods his head and hugs Dade.

Dade grabs Nekhii's right hand and lifts it up as a notion of victory. The crowd cheers at the sight of it. Nekhii: "You're right; today we are both winners."

Sweat and Tears

After the third rounds of the tournament, Macai and his friends push on until they have reached the quarterfinals of the competition. Names are listed for who students will fight on every list. Kett is set to fight Alev, Kanna is set to fight a student named Hakon, Macai is scheduled to fight a man named Eden, and Dade is set to fight a man named Batuhan.

It is a foggy morning. Macai, Kett, Kanna, and Dade are talking in the school cafeteria. Macai looks at Kett. "Looks like you'll finally get your shot at Alev. To settle that match from before."

Kett: "Apparently."

Dade: "Are you excited or scared?"

Kett: "I'm thrilled. Come on Dade, you know I'm not scared."

Dade: "She was looking pretty lethal in her last match."

Kett: "Against Uriah, who is solid but is no match for me."

Kanna: "Please kick her butt for me."

Kett: "I will, but then I may have to fight you next."

Kanna: "I hope not."

Macai: "Let me just say that it's amazing that we all have gone this far."

Kett: "It's as if we have linked destinies."

Macai: "How did that girl Zuri do by the way?"

Dade: "She is also in the quarterfinals. But she's not my next opponent so we will see how it goes for her."

Kett reacts, "What a year."

Dade: "I heard Judo did decently but got taken out in round 2."

Macai: "He is still a lot better than before. I see him getting a decent placement."

Later that day, Kett is training in his private chamber with his assigned trainer, a man named Zen Hou. Zen Hou has long grey hair, tan skin, copper eyes, long thin eyebrows, medium ears, and small lips. Zen Hou is wearing light brown robes.

Zen Hou holds pads that Kett punches and kicks several times. Zen Hou: "Nice, stay sharp." Kett is then instructed to attack several targets. Kett rapidly pumps his arms as he fires several light orange shoots of fire into the targets, hitting them on the bullseye every time. Kett looks at Zen Hou face to face.

Zen Hou: "You have done well, Kett. Are you ready to face off with Alev?"

Kett: "I was born ready."

Zen Hou: "Good, just remember, Kett that your fighting style is not like most firebenders'. Unlike most of them, you do not rely on your rage. You fight with a calm mind."

Kett: "Like my friend Macai."

Zen Hou: "Yes, he is calmer than most, but he fights with a balanced style. Though he still fights differently. He can fight with rage or calm. But you fight like water. I've never seen anything like it before. You fight so smoothly and naturally. You let your flames flow and I do not think you would fight as effectively in a blind rage. So, remember to keep your calm."

Kett takes a deep breath, "That will be hard. Alev is such a troublemaker. I just want to knock that smirk off her face."

Zen Hou nods, "That may be so, but you must control yourself. On the battlefield, you will meet many enemies who frustrate you. You must remember that people are going to do what they do, that is beyond your control. You will do yourself, your nation, and your allies the most good by fighting with a clear mind. This is even true as a leader."

Kett: "Thank you, Zen Hou. I will push myself to fight with a clear mind."

A Fire Nation Guard enters the room. Guard: "Kett, they are ready." Zen Hou nods his head at Kett. Kett follows the guard and they walk through a narrow hallway that leads into a massive ballroom. The floors are caramel brown, the walls are bright red, the ceiling is gold, the chairs are cocoa brown, and the tables are also cocoa brown. There are dozens of people watching from the distance in the crowd. Kett notices two fighters exit the stage and people clap as they anticipate the quarter-final fight.

Kett is escorted up his stage and Alev walks up the other side. Her light brown wavy hair flowers around her. Her gold eyes are beaming and her tan skin shines in the light. Kett moves across her and the two lock eyes. Alev: "I've been waiting for this, Kett. Finally, we can finish this fight." Kett shakes his head in agreement.

Alev: "I can't wait to break you in front of thousands of people. All of Nyarri will remember the day Alev broke Kett. And after I beat you, I will handle your friend Macai. Perhaps I will demolish Kanna again if she wins her next fight." Alev smiles. A frustrated Kett tightens his fists.

Kett thinks, Oh no, calm down, Kett. Just like Zen said, don't let this girl get into my head. These are just her mental tactics.

Announcer: "Would you look at them? I think we have ourselves a battle! You won't want to miss it during Midday tomorrow." Alev looks Kett up and down. Kett looks at her, unfazed. Two Fire Nation guards break them up and escort them off the stage.

One Day Later...

Thousands of people are at the Nyarri Battle Arena. Kanna, Macai, and Dade sit as they patiently keep an eye out for their friend. Announcer: "Gentlemen and ladies, I had to change it up this time. Anyway, two of your favorite fighters are going to clash and the fight won't stop until only one is left standing. So without further ado, I present the Messenger."

Kett enters the arena. People cheer and Kett waves at the crowd. Announcer: "And now, I present the Queeeen of Vengeance!" Alev charges into the arena. She even has four fire staff yielders enter the stadium and perform a dance. Six drummers also enter the arena along with four trumpet players."

Macai: "What? She can do that?"

Dade: "Yeah, she's rich."

Macai: "I guess I could too."

Kanna: "You should."

Macai: "No, that's over-the-top. Part of who I am is a Nyarri commoner."

Dade: "Macai, have you lost your mind?"

Macai: "I'm serious, staying with you guys and bonding has had a lasting impact on me." The audience cheers.

Announcer: "My goodness, that girl knows how to put a show on. Let's hope she fights even better."

Alev gives Kett a cold stare from twenty feet away. Kett looks back at her.

Dade: "Oh this is good."

Macai: "They haven't even fought yet."

Dade: "I know but, the build-up is everything."

Announcer: "Fight!"

Alev: "I'm going to demolish you!"

Kett: "Then do it. I'm sick of talking to you."

[Audiomachine Army of Kings (music starts)]

Alev groans, then launches herself at Kett like a leopard on the prowl. She moves so fast that she appears as a blur. Kett imminently shifts his arms forward and fires six flames at Alev, firing them in less than three seconds. Alev flips over the flames and Kett raises his arms and thrusts another four flames at her while she's in the air.

Alev rotates her body and spins to avoid the incoming flames. Alev smoothly lands a few feet left of Kett. Kett shifts his body and thrusts his right hand, firing an explosive orange ball of fire at her. Alev leaps right with a cartwheel and the flames explode a few feet away from her. Several fragments of sand and dust scatter in the distance.

Alev leaps forward and pops two rods of fire at Kett in less than a second, the first at his stomach and the second at his face. Kett dives right and lands on his knees, narrowly avoiding the fire. Alev swiftly raises her leg in the air then pulls it down, surging another ray of fire at Kett's head while he is down. Kett backflips and lands on his feet, then gets in a defensive position as another flame flies into his fists.

Kett is sent flying three feet backward and tumbles in the sand. Kett starts coughing and spits sand out of his mouth. His body is sore and smoke flows from his uniform. The crowd cheers and Kanna mutters, "Come on, Kett."

Alev clinches her right fist. "Get up! Get up, Kett!! I will let nothing stand in the way of my glory."

(music stops)

[Transformers the Game Soundtrack The Mighty Will Fall (music starts)]

Kett dives back on his feet and fiercely returns to his battle stance. Kett thrusts both of his hands forward and launches a massive sixteen-inch beam of bright orange fire at Alev. Alev bobs backward, then thrusts both of her hands forward and fires her own explosive ball of fire at Kett's beam. Alev's ball of fire is twelve feet wide it travels at an incredible speed and hits the center of Kett's flames.

A massive boom ensues and a potent burst of air knocks both Kett and Alev several feet backward into the dirt. The crowd looks in shock at the sight of it. Announcer: "Oh, my goodness! In all my years of announcing, I've never seen anything like this!" Alev and Kett both stand back on their feet.

Kett taunts, "What's the matter, princess? Not used to getting dirty?"

Alev: "Arrrahaha!" Alev flips ten feet forward, thrusts her hands forward, and blazes a beam of fire at Kett's chest. Burned sand turns to glass from her wild onslaught. Kett extends his hands and rapidly swirls them around. Alev's beam hits Kett's swirl of fire but does not penetrate it. Instead, the flames are absorbed and Kett's swirl of fire gets bigger. Kett continues to rotate his hands, then pushes his right hand forward.

Announcer: "I've never seen anything like this in my life, I have no idea what Kett just did."

Alev looks back in astonishment. As Kett pushes his right hand, a massive twenty-meter-wide beam of orange fire flows back at Alev. Alev fires her hands into the ground and launches herself twelve feet in the air over the flame. The noble buzzes at 50 miles an hour. Kett's massive flame hits the wall and creates a humongous eruption that shakes the stadium.

The explosion causes Alev to lose control and start falling, but she fires her flames a second time in the ground below her and launches herself further in the air. Alev rotates and pivots her body at Kett. Alev extends her legs behind her and launches herself toward Kett like a comet. Dade's mouth is wide open while Macai and Kanna are in shock.

While Kett notices Alev coming at his in a ball of swirling fire, Kett yanks both of his hands down and instantly directs a shockwave of fire at her. Alev swiftly changes her momentum and leaps backward as she gets closer to Kett, but still launches the hurling fire down at Kett like a rocket. Kett's flames clash with Alev's but the explosion interferes with Alev's landing. Alev falls on her back.

Kett slowly moves in toward Alev and says, "Oh how the tide is turning."

Alev is exhausted but musters all of her strength and kicks a swirl of fire at Kett's feet. Kett jumps over the flame and Alev jumps back on her feet. Alev hops and swings her right fist. A light orange fireball flies toward Kett's right shoulder. Kett crouches, then stands back on his feet. Alev shifts her left hand forward and throws a second fireball at his chest.

Kett rotates his right arm and blocks the flame. Kett kicks his right leg, launching a ball of fire. A fatigued Alev is caught off guard by the attack and is shot in her stomach. She falls backward. Alev: "Ah!" Steam flows from her and she is too worn to get up.

(music stops)

Kett's arms are shaking from the fight. The entire crowd is silent. Announcer: "Oh... Oh my goodness. In all my years of announcing I have NEVER seen a fight like this." The crowd cheers, everyone stands up, and people toss roses from the stages. The entire arena floor is pelted with red roses and Kett looks around himself in awe. He wonders if he's dreaming.

Announcer: "The Messenger sent quite the message. I believe this is one will NEVER be forgotten."

A sad and defeated Alev slowly rises from the ground. She has never lost an Agni Kai before. Kett looks across at her, "Alev, you did well." Alev looks back at Kett, shakes her head and departs.

Several interviewers from the Fire Nation Capital rush Kett to congratulate him on his victory. Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Messenger is going to the Semi-Finals!" Dade still stares in shock. Macai takes a deep breath.

Kanna: "Wow, I can't believe it. I've never seen anything like that."

Dade: "I don't think anyone has, even Azula would be impressed."

Macai thinks, Wow, I don't even know how good I am anymore. I've had all that training from my father, a top general, and Kett has done things I can't even do. I was told that the best at the Capital are always the best, but it seems that was a lie. So much talent, I wonder how good I really am.

Kanna: "Come on guys. We've got to celebrate with Kett."

Dade: "But not too much or we won't be able to do well during our next fights."