Tournament Part 1

Several weeks have passed and it is finally time for the Nyarri Tournament, the most valued event in the city. It is a sunny day with a bright sky and a warm climate. It is 28.33 Celsius (83 degrees) and there is a cool breeze outside. The Nyarri arena consists of an oval-shaped vague structure that can hold up to five thousand attendees. It also has an announcer with a microphone located in the upper center of the structure.

The ground of the arena is full of sand, to avoid students from being seriously injured when they fall. It is a special type of sand that does not scratch or burn people when they fall. It is often called yora sand, which means "frictionless sand". The sand is not without friction, but it has far less friction than most sand. The sand has a dark yellow color, and it doesn't absorb the sun's heat.

It stays moderately warm regardless of how hot or cold it gets outside. There are several concession stands with snacks for guests and there are also some guests who come from other cities to watch the Nyarri fights. Locals can watch fights for discounted prices and this is a major source of revenue for the town.

The structure has a roof that only covers the audience, but does not cover the center of the arena where the performers fight. The arena has a thirty-foot radius. In Nyarri, combatants are allowed to wear different uniforms before they fight to make them stand out. The students are called to report to the arena during the break of dawn but officially starts midday.

Students are ordered to prepare in their waiting rooms and they are allowed to bring a couple of visitors before their fights. The interior of the facility has light grey walls and a light brown floor. The ceiling of the structure is a light yellow color.

Kanna waits in her room with her parents standing behind her. Kanna has a yellow shirt with black stripes and black pants with yellow stripes. Abel puts his right hand on his daughter's shoulder. "You are going to make us proud, I know it."

Kanna shakes. "I'm so nervous."

Zefara smiles and hugs her daughter from behind. Zefara: "It's going to be okay, Kanna. We are with you no matter how you do. Win, lose, or draw. But a win would be nice."

Abel responds, "You proved that you are an exceptional student in the Winter Competition. Show them your worth, Kanna. Make us and your family proud."

Zefara: "I know your ancestors would be proud and I know that you're going to continue to honor them."

Kanna smiles and nods. "Absolutely."

Abel: "So go on Kanna, do your thing! You are special and were made with a purpose. You are here for a purpose so remember that you belong here. We all have different paths and routes but you are here to tell your story and fight your fight. So go on Kanna, show them your worth."

Kanna turns around and hugs both of her parents. Kanna grins. "I'm grateful for having such a wonderful family. Ok, here goes."

Kanna steps forward and exits her chamber. Her parents move in the opposite direction and walk upstairs to watch their daughter's performance. The announcer is a short man with a powerful voice, light skin, a bald head, a goatee (with dark brown hair), and brown eyes. Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, once again it is that time of year that you all have been waiting for. A time of strength, valor, and commitment! A time of determination and endurance."

The announcer continues. "Introducing our first challenger, a man of great might and foresight. I present to you, Khin the Destroyer!" Khin has black straight hair, copper brown skin, hazel eyes, a moderately strong frame, and is of average height. Khin has a light grey shirt and dark brown pants. Khin immediately starts punching the air then flexes his muscles.

The crowd cheers as they watch the commotion. Kett, Macai, and Dade watch from the distance. Dade stands up and starts clapping. "Let's go, Kanna!" Kett nods his head.

Macai smiles. "This is going to be good. I can't wait to see Kanna in action."

Kett: "She's been looking good in sparring, but Khin has a decent training score. I hear he's demolished some guys in training."

Macai: "Kanna can take him."

The announcer continues. "On the left, we have a deadly rising star. The Princess who doesn't need a royal title. A woman of style and grace, witness the greatness of Killer Kanna!"

The crowd shouts again. Kanna enters and smiles. Kanna waves at the crowd. Kett: "She does look like a warrior, but she's full of surprises."

Announcer: "Now, let the fight begin!"

Khin smiles and looks at Kanna. "You're my opponent? Ha ha ha, you don't look like you're meant for the battlefield. Maybe you should have considered gardening instead."

Kanna responds, "Maybe you should stick to fighting, because trash-talking obviously isn't your thing."

Khin groans, "Be careful what you wish for."

Kanna leaps and kicks a rod of dark orange fire at Khin. It extends a whopping twelve feet out toward her opponent's face. Khin's eyes widen, and he rolls right. The flame hits the back of the stage. Khin gallops closer to his opponent and fires a swift volley of four orange flames at Kanna. Kanna flips eight feet in the air and powerfully pulls her left fist up. Kanna slams her left fist down toward Khin's chest.

A wide beam of flames extends toward her enemy's chest. Khin shifts his arms in a cross to block the flame, but the shot is intense and knocks him several feet backward. Khin flies with great velocity and his body accelerates into the rear edge of the stadium. The arena shakes as Khin's back and the back of his head bump against the surface of the structure. Kanna elegantly lands.

The audience falls in utter silence at the sight of the brutal attack. Khin slowly pulls his head up and rises from the collision. There is a weak crack in the structure behind him and his back feels like it is on fire. Khin musters all of his strength and launches himself off the ground. The male competitor charges with newfound strength, speed, and rage.

Khin roars as he moves toward Kanna, and his left fist is engulfed in an orange flame of fury. Khin thrusts his left hand forward and shoots a round firebomb at Kanna. Kanna slides forward. The bomb zooms past her and smacks the structure behind, causing a small distant explosion. Dade remarks, "Good thing this facility is fireproof."

Kett slowly nods his head.

Kanna springs back on her feet and springs toward her opponent and Khin does the same. Khin pounces and pumps his right fist forward. Khin fires a line of orange and yellow fire at Kanna. Kanna blocks the flame with her left elbow, then shifts her right hand forward, launching a flame into Khin's neck. Khin flips backward into the dirt and lands on his chest.

Announcer: "Khin is down! Kanna has done it!" The crowd erupts in thunderous applause. Kanna looks around her and is overwhelmed by the positive feedback. Later that day, Kanna meets with her friends in a hallway within the arena.

Dade: "You looked sensational! You are so full of surprises, Kanna."

Kanna nods. "Thanks. I just did my thing."

Kett: "Your parents were so happy. Man, I wish I knew what that felt like."

Kanna: "Thanks."

Macai: "You never cease to amaze me, Kanna. I know students with ten times the training and resources that you have and they aren't half as talented as you. Khin is no joke, but you made him look like one."

Kanna: "I just do my best. Like my parents taught me."

Dade: "Who's up next?"

Macai: "Well, Kett and I have fights pretty soon today. But there are a lot of other people who fight in the meantime. Do you guys want to watch some other students fight or do something else?"

Dade: "Let's do something else. Go outside and get some fresh air. Come back when it's time to test. Well, after my fight of course, which is coming up."

Macai: "I bet Azula would watch all the fights just to get ahead and analyze her opponent's movements."

Kett: "None of us are Azula. We have a life beyond proving a point, unless you want to do that by yourself."

Macai replies, "Maybe I should."

Kanna responds, "We all have different roles, but what is meant to be will be."

Macai: "Success requires hard work."

Kanna smiles and says, "Yes, but there is a balance. Hard work should be balanced with leisure or you'll be stressed and won't perform at your best."

Dade tests Macai. "Listen to the victory girl."

Macai responds, "Ok, I will, but I'm taking a risk here." The gang departs.

The Butt Of The Blade

Later during that day, the team waits as Dade prepares for his non-bending fight. Dade waits in his training room with his uncle and mother. Dade's uncle's name is Reid and his mother's name is Krista. Reid has dark brown curly hair, brown skin, a slanted nose, light brown eyes, a slightly heavy build, is moderately short, and he has small ears. Krista has medium-length black straight hair, thin eyebrows, a small nose, brown eyes, a small forehead, thin lips, and dark brown skin tone.

Dade has dark grey armor with light green stripes. Reid: "You've got this, kid. I know you do." Dade nods.

Krista smiles, "You been looking good recently. I have faith that you will do very well."

Dade: "Thanks Mom, and Unc. With both of you rooting for me, I'll give it all I've got."

Reid: "That's all we can ask for."

Crazy Oktai enters the room, "And you've got one more person rooting for you."

Dade turns his head, "Oktai?"

Oktai: "That's right, kid."

Dade: "I thought you weren't going to return to this place."

Oktai: "There are some occasions worth making compromises."

Dade: "Well, I appreciate it. I should also be thanking you for this."

Oktai: "Not yet, you haven't won yet."

Dade: "Do you have any advice?"

Oktai: "You already know what to do. Be calm and study your opponent's movements. Analyze his or her patterns. Attack when he is open and be ready to defend at all moments. Do not hesitate too much and stick to your usual flow. Ignore the crowd. Do not rely on them to inspire nor allow them to demoralize you. Instead, always remember the flow of the fight."

Dade nods his head and smiles at his instructor. Oktai smiles back. Dade: "I am ready." Dade gives his mother and uncle one last hug. He and Oktai bow in front of each other. Dade walks toward the combat zone and his guests walk upstairs toward the seats.

Announcer: "On the left, we have a student who fights with scary precision and adaptability. He is Devious Dade!" Dade calmly enters the arena and the crowd cheers. The announcer continues his narration, "On the right, we have a student who is a well-rounded maverick with an unpredictable fighting style. He calls himself, 'the Mystic Man'!"

Because this is still a test, the students are using their wood weapons, rather than the real metal weapons that they would use during combat. One clean hit is enough to win, but glancing blows do not count for instant wins.

A student enters with dark blue armor with bright red stripes. The student also wears a dark mask that has a horizontal bright red line running through it. The Mystic Man pulls out a steel dark grey combat spear which has a wood blade at the end of it. The Mystic Man stylishly twirls his weapon around and performs a diagonal flip for the crowd. He is gifted with several cheers.

The Mystic Man glares at Dade and readies points his spear at Dade's legs. Dade pulls out his sword from his back strap and points it at the Mystic Man's chest. Kett, Kanna, and Macai watch the fight from the distance. Macai sits on the right, Kanna in the center, and Kett on the left. Macai looks at his friends. "Looks like Dade is going to have his hands full."

Kett: "Oh please, he's just going up against a chump in a mask. He looks the part, but let's see if he can fight the part."

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, the fight you have all been waiting for. Warriors (to the students), fight!" For these fights, students are cautioned to stop their blades when they have their enemies cornered or down.

Dade cautiously advances toward his enemy while the Mystic Man sprints forward. The crowd immediately cheers. The Mystic Man is mainly holding his spear with his right hand but keeps his weapon steady with his left. The Mystic Man lunges forward like a lightning bolt and thrusts his right hand forward, directing his blade towards Dade's chest.

Dade shifts diagonally left, knocking the spear downwards. Dade runs forward and horizontally swings at his opponent's neck. The Mystic Man ducks and rolls right. The Mystic Man hops forward and swiftly swings his spear at Dade's stomach. Dade spins backward and returns to his battle stance.

The Mystic Man charges again and diagonally swings his spear at Dade's neck. Dade shifts his sword left to block the attack. Unfortunately, the spear has more sheer force than the sword. The Mystic Man knocks Dade's sword out of his hand, and it flies three feet to the left. The crowd cheers.

Macai: "Oh no!"

Kett: "Come on, Dade."

The Mystic Man lunges, aiming his spear at Dade's stomach. Dade sprints and dashes right. Dade swiftly grabs his foe's blade and thrusts the back of it into the Mystic Man's stomach. The Mystic Man grunts then uses his brute strength to yank it out of Dade's hands. The Mystic Man spins forward with a spinning left horizontal attack.

Dade can hear the wind swirl as his opponent moves in and Dade swiftly slips the hit and rolls toward his sword. Dade is still a few feet short of his weapon and the Mystic Man readjusts himself. Dade leaps and regains a hold of his weapon. The crowd shouts. Announcer: "Well, would you look at that. A persistent one, isn't he."

The Mystic Man fiercely charges forward and screams his battle cry. The Mystic Man darts himself at Dade with a sweeping lunge. Dade gathers himself and dives right, narrowly evading the attack. Dade twirls his blade and gives the Mystic Man a beckoning call. The Mystic Man runs at his challenger and Dade charges to the right flank of his opponent. MM diagonally shifts his blade to the right and Dade strongly swings his sword down to the left.

Their blades smack and the Mystic Man's spear tilts in the left direction. Dade swiftly sprints past the range of the Mystic Man's spear and leaps directly behind his back. Dade slams his wooden sword into the back of his enemy's right shoulder. The crowd screams in joy as the Mystic Man falls in the sand.

Dade triumphantly screams and thrusts his sword in the air. Dade, Kanna, and Macai stand up out of their seats and scream with him. Announcer: "Oh my goodness, I don't believe it! Devious Dade has done it!"

Dade meets with his mother and uncle after the fight. Reid: "You looked incredible out there! I've rarely seen even Nyarri duelists fight like that."

Dade: "I learned from the best."

Oktai entered the room. "Why, thank you."

Dade: "No problem."

Krista: "I can't wait to see your next fight."

Dade: "Me neither, I'm as pumped as ever."

Men of Valor

Kett waits in his chamber alone ,with no guests or visitors from his family. Kett talks to himself, "I've got this. Don't need an entourage."

Macai enters the room, "But you've got me."

Kett responds, "Macai, you know that students aren't supposed to enter the chambers of other students. If you get caught you could be..."

Macai answers, "Disqualified, I know. But I couldn't leave a friend hanging."

An elder woman shouts, "You don't have to."

Macai turns his head and notices Kett's grandmother. She has a frail body, tan skin, gold eyes, white hair, a warm smile, and is of average height. She is also using crutches to help walk. Kett smiles, "Grandmother, why did you come here? I know it is so far away and the steps here are difficult for you to manage."

Kett's Grandmother smiles and says, "Don't worry, I didn't come alone. Your cousin Peto made sure that I can come. The steps are still hard on me, but with his help, I can manage. I just had to come." Peto moves in behind her. Peto has tan skin, brown curly hair, slanted hazel eyes, a long nose, and detached ears.

Kett: "So glad to see you both."

Peto: "Yep, we'll always be with you, brother."

Kett: "And Macai, it means a lot to me that you came here. But please rejoin the stage. Do the others know you did this?"

Macai: "No, otherwise they would be right here with me. I didn't want to risk them getting in trouble too."

Kett: "Rejoin them. I didn't know I'd be alone but, I'm not. So, you don't have to risk it anymore for me."

Macai: "Ok, but you were always worth it Kett. Remember that."

Kett beams, "Thanks, man. But don't worry, these two will give me all the encouragement I could ask for. But honestly, I'm surprised. I know this tournament means a lot to you and is a chance to impress your father."

Macai: "It is, but if he can't love me when I'm down and up, then maybe it's not worth it. I know you, Kanna, and Dade are some of the best friends I have. If Rosh could be here, he would, maybe he will at some point. But good friends are too good to take for granted."

Kett: "Yes, indeed." Macai departs and links up with Kanna and Dade.

Kanna: "Where the heck were you?"

Macai: "I just ran into Kett's grandmother and cousin. They were off to visit him."

Dade: "Oh wow, I'm glad he has visitors. Kanna and I were just starting to think about that and feel bad. We were wondering if we needed to do something risky, but I'm glad that we don't."

Kanna: "But we also needed to wait for you since you said you would wait for us here. So, we wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page."

Macai: "Well, no need to worry now."

The announcer starts to speak. Announcer: "This time we are looking at a brave warrior, a daring and gifted student called the Messenger." Kett enters the stage and several people cheer. Kett looks right to left and notices confetti flying from above. Kett is wearing a white uniform with light orange stripes.

Announcer: "The other contender is a student who goes by the title of the Battle Jackal. He is sneaky, he is quick, and he shows no mercy in this arena!" A student with a green uniform and dark yellow stripes enters. He has tan skin, brown wavy hair, amber eyes, and a fairly thin build. The Battle Jackal marches forward while his fans clap in an organized manner.

Macai: "Well, it seems people planned this out."

Kanna: "Kett's going to crush him."

Dade: "I hope so."

Announcer: "Alright, fight!" The Battle Jackal sprints forward. Kett shifts his hands right to left, rapidly firing four flames at his opponent. The BJ shifts his hands side to side as he struggles to block the rapid blows and a fifth flame flies into his left eye. The student falls unconscious with a pink eye. Announcer: "What? It's already over. Who can stop the onslaught of the Messenger!" The crowd cheers mildly.

Kanna looks at Dade. "Told you." Macai goes on to demolish his first opponent as well. Later that day, Macai returns to his room.

Macai waits in his room, preparing to fight. Zyger and Yosari stand in his corner as he buttons his dark red shirt and tightens his black shorts.

Yosari: "Son, I am so proud of you. I know you will do great."

Macai: "I know, but Mom, I'm starting to feel really sore. My arms are heavy, and my legs are weak. I don't know what it is."

Zyger: "Unfortunately, there is no way to cancel without forfeiting."

Macai stands up, determined to prove himself. Macai: "No! I will not go out like that. I will fight! I've come too far to turn back now. There will be no forfeiting and I feel sorry for whoever my opponent is because I'm going to push myself twice as hard now."

Yosari: "Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt."

Zyger cautions Yosari, "Let him do this. This is part of his manhood and becoming a great warrior."

Macai: "Thanks, Zyger."

Zyger: "Go get 'em, tiger."

Macai smiles and nods his head. Macai walks toward the arena. Announcer: "I present to you two warriors who are going to fight it out. The first one is a legend in the making. A student who came here from the Fire Nation Capitol and looks to inspire us all with his grand journey. I present to you, the Battle Master!"

Macai enters the arena with a black battle helmet covering his face. The helmet has red stripes on it. The crowd cheers. Announcer: "On the other side, I present to you a special young local prodigy. A student who is known for his grittiness as well as his skill. He is the Unhinged Tsunami." It is none other than Kaneko, with a dark down uniform and helmet with light blue stripes.

Dade laughs. "Prodigy, give me a break. Macai dates Azula! He's also more of one himself than that joker will ever be."

Kett laughs, "Dating someone doesn't make you a prodigy."

Dade: "Yeah, yeah."

Kaneko points at Macai. "Nothing personal, but you're going down!"

Macai chuckles, "We'll see about that, buddy." Macai steps forward but can feel an ache in his stomach. Macai ignores it and remembers something Hazo said to him.

Hazo: "Macai, remember that a good warrior has power over his emotions and power of his feelings. Remember to have a calm and sound mind in the midst of mayhem." Macai takes a deep breath and stands incredibly still.

Kaneko pumps his fists and pumps orange flames in the air to please the crowd.

Announcer: "Enough of the formalities, fight!"

Kankeo notices how Macai is hesitant and thinks, He must be sick. It's taken effect. The glory will be mine! Kaneko sprints forward and launches his right hand forward, pounding a flame at the left side of Macai's belly. Macai shifts his body right, narrowly evading the shot. Kaneko kicks his right leg forward and shoots a second flame at the center of Macai's gut.

Macai shifts his body and raises his right leg, blocking the flame. Macai lowers his leg and takes a breath. Announcer: "Looks, like Macai is trying a different strategy than his last fight. He's moving a bit slower." Kaneko shifts both of his hands forward and tosses a large ball of fire at Macai's chest. Macai thrusts his arms down and launches himself in the air over the shot. Macai uses his focus and concentration to create unusual golden flames while he does this.

The crowd gasps in surprise. The flames were created by the extra patience and consideration that Macai took into his fighting. Macai's sickness actually allowed him to become a sharper bender, through sheer will and concentration. Macai flies ten feet in the air before gravity pulls him down.

Macai spins downward and generates flames from his lower legs, then kicks them at Kankeo's chest as the sparkle of sunlight shines on him. Kaneko gasps in surprise and is knocked back by the golden flames. Their bright color is correlated with a hot temperature that exceeds that of the standard orange flames and even his former bright orange fire. Kankeo is immediately knocked out by the flames and sent sliding backward.

Announcer: "This tournament is full of surprises. Dark yellow flames, I only see something like that once every few years. But Macai seems to have used them right here for the first time in this tournament. That is assuming this wasn't some secret weapon. I am beyond amazed."

Macai offers a bow of respect for the crowd which roars in applause. Kanna, Kett, and Dade open their mouths wide. Macai uses the heat from the hotter flames to fight off his sickness. It turns out a bender with hot enough flames can naturally burn off the effects of the plant. Macai suddenly feels his muscles loosen and body feel more normal.

A Realm of Disappointment

Uriah meets with Takagi and Kankeo. Uriah shouts, "What happened, Kaneko?! How did you mess that up?!"

Kaneko retorts, "You're blaming me?! You gave him the poison and it did nothing. In fact, it helped him! Are you secretly a double agent or something?"

Uriah: "Don't be ridiculous, I proposed this whole scheme. Maybe he had another trick to help him that we don't know. Some spiritual trick to give him an edge or maybe he cheated, and we just don't know."

Takagi: "Well if he cheated, then it doesn't matter if we don't have proof."

Uriah: "Oh shut it, you barely won your second round nonbender fight."

Takagi: "I won, didn't I? Unlike Kaneko."

Kaneko points at Takagi. "Watch it. That doesn't mean I won't melt you."

Uriah: "Both of you need to shut it. We'll just have to make do with what we have. I'm still a great bender and I'm going to see what I can do to rock this tournament. Takagi, try to outlast Dade. Kaneko, you didn't do that bad. You can still get a decent recruiter from landing in round 2, especially if Macai makes it further."

Kaneko: "Then I should want Macai to make it further."

Uriah: "No, I didn't say all of that. But anyway, we're not out of this yet. I'll still be happy as long as Macai loses at some point."