Water Showdown Part 1

Firelord Zuko, General Mak, Ty Lee, and Suki have been rescued from the clutches of Zerrel's vicious collective. Elsewhere, DOJ leaders Haresh and Solven plot for a way to spread discord within the Water Tribes. The duo waits in a light grey room. Several dark grey stone chairs are in the room and there is a long dark grey table beside them. Their hideout is located in a space between the northern and central water tribe territories.

Solven is on the right side of the room while Haresh leans back in his seat. Two guards with dark grey masks wait outside of the door with steel spears. Haresh comments, "It is going to take a bit of time to break down the work Katara and Sokka did in the past. The discord between the Northern and Southern tribes was there, then they united them."

Solven: "Their increased unity is an abomination. Even the Earth Kingdom forces have assisted the Southern Tribe in its economic development."

Haresh replies, "Still it is all-new, meaning it's not very stable. We still have time to weaken their ranks. I've already sent a team of two of my finest agents to rip that unity apart. In addition to that, I've brought a friend to help even the playing field." A Northern Water Tribe duke steps forward.

The man has dark brown straight hair, tan skin, arctic blue eyes, narrow shoulders, large calves, small ears, and a long nose. The man is in his early fourties. Haresh: "This is Yujeku, a water tribe noble who has influence over one of the largest growing corporations in the Northern Water Tribe."

Solven: "How does he intend to aid us?"

Haresh smiles, "You'll see."

A Closer Look

One sunny morning, the Northern Water Tribe officials have a meeting outside. The tribe consists of several tall light blue ice buildings and snow covers the landscape. An audience of civilians watches in the distance. Northern Water Tribe chieftain emerges. Two Water Tribe Guardians walk beside him with their battle armor, advanced shields, and long spears.

The Water Tribe chieftain's name is Arnook. He has medium-length black hair, tan skin, blue eyes, a small beard, medium attached ears, and a thin frame. The chieftain wears blue robes with white markings.

Chieftain Arnook: "It has been a privilege serving the public. Let us all rejoice as we enter a new era of peace."

The crowd cheers but a man in the audience yells, "PEACE!! What peace? The Fire Nation Capital was just sacked and Zuko was taken prisoner!"

Arnook attempts to calm the man, "Zuko has been rescued."

Another man yells, "What if they attack them again?! What if they attack us next?!!" The crowd begins to argue.

Arnook shouts and waves his hands, "ENOUGH!! The only solution to a century of violence is the pursuit of peace. It might not be an easy route and we will experience bumps in the road but it will work in the long run."

Yujeku steps forward with two men beside him. Yujeku's guards have dark purple capes. Yujeku: "No Chieftain!! We can't bank on peace when our enemies are bent on violence and constantly attack us. If we are to survive this cruel world, we need to stay on top of our enemy's the way the Fire Nation was. As we plan for peace, the Southern Water Tribe plans for revenge. We should conquer them now while we have the time."

The crowd argues. Chieftain Arnook groans, "Have you lost your mind?! We can't just attack people without probable cause. That would violate international law and the Avatar would search for us."

Yujeku interrupts, "No one has seen the Avatar in the last four months. Now is the time, we will be ready when he comes back!"

Arnook: "You will also make us a target to the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation."

Yujeku: "They are weary of war, they won't fight us. They will shake their heads in disapproval but we will ultimately get what we want."

Arnook: "I won't stand against the spiritual righteous forces. You saw what happened to the Fire Nation when they did this."

Yujeku: "Don't try to be innocent now Arnook, you consented on sending covert agents to the Southern Water Tribe to colonize it from within. And you have sent agents to do the same in the West. Don't try to be a hero now." The crowd is outraged.

A man shouts, "Well that's what they deserve! They are backward!"

A woman interrupts, "The Fire Nation thought the same of us, how can you say that?"

Two Northern Water Tribe troopers run toward Arnook. The troopers have blue armor with white markings and blue helmets to match. Arnook looks at them, "What's going on?"

A trooper shouts, "An industrial team in the Western Water Tribe town Hurrendoslam was destroyed!" The crowd panics.

Arnook looks at the trooper, "That's not protocol, you can't scream at the crowd! You should have whispered it to me."

The trooper apologizes, "I'm sorry sir."

Arnook: "I'm sorry, I'll have to cut this meeting short. We will speak at another time." Arnook walks away with his guardians beside him. Arnook enters the water tribe palace. The palace has light blue walls, a light blue floor, several ice decorations hung throughout the facility, wooden chairs, and several blankets made of wool throughout the facility. There are even some torches that don't melt the ice in the palace because of the remarkably low temperature of the ice.

The Chieftain's team walks up the icy stairs onto the third floor of the palace. Arnook sits on a leather light grey couch within his observation room. Major Paladon steps in the room. Paladon is a heavyset man with light skin, light blue eyes, a large flat nose, and thin lips.

Paladon: "Chieftain, that trooper's report was accurate. One of our team was attacked by a group of Western Tribe rebels. It seems some of them brought hostility out of nowhere. The town seemingly supported our notion of economic development and mutual cooperation but some group of people started buzzing negative information in their ears. Someone riled them up."

Chieftain Arnook: "I'll have a second statement, I'm going to tell my people that the Northern Water Tribe is going to route out these deceivers."

Paladon interrupts, "I don't think that's a good idea, sir. After the controversy of your last public speech, you just need to lay low. I'll send military agents to warn the people."

Arnook shouts, "Absolutely not!! The people might fear there has been some coup if that happens. I must speak to them to let them know what is happening and that I will snuff these traitors out!! Whoever is starting this trouble doesn't care about the good of our people. None of this even makes any sense, something isn't right, I can feel it."

Paladon pleas, "Then don't go out, I beg you."

Arnook: "I AM THE CHIEFTAIN, I must not let them intimidate me. Don't you understand?"

Paladon: "We can wait and do an investigation first. Let's make sure we understand what our enemies are up to. Your pride won't help. And I suggest we wait on taking military action, we don't want to cause undo trouble."

Arnook interjects, "Then we're going to look EVEN WEAKER. I have to say something."

Paladon: "Arnook, please. I have a bad feeling about this."

Arnook responds, "I have a worse feeling about your cowardice. I will compromise with you by holding back on military action until the investigation is complete. But I will make a public statement and I will also mention that during my speech. That way the public knows we aren't intimidated by these tactics."

Paladon: "Very well, should I let Firelord Zuko know what's happening?"

Arnook asks, "Why him? He can't even protect himself, how will he protect me?"

Paladon: "Zuko knows the Disciple of Justice's tactics, perhaps they are behind this. Even if they aren't, I'm sure they're more advanced than any local group here that wants to cause discord. But if you think about it, the situation was very similar before Zuko's nation got attacked. From what I remember, they were worried about their own internal issues before they were attacked from within."

Arnook puts his right hand on his chin, "Possibly, but if I bring more outsiders then more problems will come and if I wait indecisively, more issues will also arise. For now, we will investigate this matter ourselves and I will speak tomorrow. I doubt the enemies have the ability to move that fast, they had months to plan with Zuko."

Paladon: "How do you know they haven't plotted against us for months?"

Arnook responds, "Maybe they have, but Zuko had several controversial meetings before he was attacked. This was the only bad one I had recently."

Paladon: "We'll also need to talk to Yujeku, he's been acting particularly aggressive recently."

Arnook: "I will speak with him one on one after this."

Paladon: "Maybe we should ask him to not attend the meeting. I'll write a letter discouraging it."

Arnook: "No don't do that."

Paladon: "Do you think he'll disobey?"

Arnook answers, "Of course not, he has always followed his code in the past. There is no reason he would do that, it would be political suicide to challenge such a direct order."

Paladon: "He hasn't exactly been acting rationally recently."

Arnook: "Fine, don't ban him. Let everyone come and hear my message."

Paladon: "Are you sure?"

Arnook: "On second thought, place him on house arrest."

Paladon: "The political outbreak will be big if we do that."

Arnook sighs, "I know, I'm not even talking like myself. I'm so stressed out. That last meeting was tense, like nothing I'm used to. After hearing what happened to Zuko, I am worried. But I can't let the public know that. We must go through.with the meeting."

Paladon takes a deep breath, "Very well your highness." Paladon walks out of the room and looks a water tribe captain.

Water Tribe captain: "Sir?"

Paladon whispers, "I have a private mission for you. If you are caught, I will fully take the blame that is my word. I have never broken it before. Dispatch a letter to Zuko's office immediately. I want him to send assistance, I think the DOJ could be behind the recent turmoil and our people must be prepared. We cannot do it alone and I don't care about the local issues it will cause. If we discover it is an outsider, it will be worth it."

The Water Tribe captain whispers back, "And what if it isn't?"

Paladon repeats, "In that case, I will fully take the fall and the controversy will not be on the chieftain."

Water Tribe captain: "I could report you right now and do nothing."

Paladon: "That is the risk I'm willing to take."

The water tribe captain nods, "Alright, I'll do it. I admire the risk you are taking, our nation might need it. You are braver than I."

A Flash of Terror

Chieftain Arnook arrives on his stage with two guardians beside him. A massive crowd waits in front of him. Arnook briefly looks down then looks back up boldly at the crowd. Arnook: "My family, I welcome you all. Today our tribe has been tested to its very core. A group of dissidents have planted distrust amongst our tribes and we fear it may be a greater conspiracy. We must do something to fix it."

Yujeku emerges with his two guards, "You have failed us yet again! Several members of our community have been killed, yet you won't fight to avenge them. That is disgraceful. Our ancestors must be rolling in their graves. Such cowardice!!"

Arnook replies, "Yujeku, I'm so sorry about the wedge that has been drawn between us recently. I'd love to discuss this one on one at another time. We may never fully agree but I am the chieftain and my word must be final. I hope you can respect that."

Yujeku stretches out his arms, "Why can't we settle this publicly?! You are an embarrassment to his tribe!! It is time for a change of leadership."

Arnook: "I'm sorry but I won't tolerate this disrespect anymore. Stand down!"

Yujeku: "Negative!! I challenge you to a duel, by the way of our ancestors. If you win, then I will revoke my title of duke. And if I win, the crown is MINE!!" The crowd gasps.

Arnook looks down, "So be it. We will fight at noon."

Yujeku walks away with his guards, "Good."

Later that day, the crowd waits outside as Arnook arrives in his battle robes. Arnook waits on the other side of a circular arena with his battle spear ready. Arnook spins his weapon around as Yujeku draws his own spear. Yujeku is a waterbender, but bending is not allowed during the dueling tournaments against nonbenders. Arnook has an average build and Yujeku has a muscular frame despite his relative age.

Arnook comments, "I hoped it would have never come to this."

Yujeku talks with visible heat flowing from his breath, "I've been waiting a long time for this." Paladon gulps as he watches in the background. A man blows a horn for the battle to begin. Yujeku sprints toward the Chieftain with his swords drawn. Yujeku lunges at the Chieftain's face with a leaping strike.

Arnook spins left and lunges at Yujeku's head. The duke ducks then rotates his blade left and knocks Arnook's weapon in the left direction. Yujeku charges and lunges his spear at Arnook's chest. The chieftain rotates his body left and butts the center of his spear against Yujeku's nose. Blood flows from Yujek's nose and he stumbles in the snow.

Arnook says, "Relent warrior, it doesn't have to end like this."

Yujeku groans, "No!!" Yujeku leaps back on his feet and vertically swings at Arnook's face. Arnook horizontally blocks the strike then rotates his spear left, also moving the Duke's weapon in that direction. Arnook butts the non-lethal back of his spear into Yujeku's neck and the noble turns right as he moans in pain.

Yujeku musters his strength and lunges at Arnook's neck. Arnook hops left and Yujeku diagonally swings at the Chieftain's right side. Arnook rotates his spear left, blocking the attack then thrusts his spear into Yujeku's left leg. Arnook pulls his blade back and Yujeku collapses in the snow. Yujeku screams, "Ugggghhhahh!"

Arnook looks down at his old friend, "I don't know what happened to you. One day, you just lost hope and you've never been the same since then. But I'm willing to give you help."

Yujeku murmurs, "I may have lost, but someone else will come to stand for this tribe."

Arnook: "No one else would do such a thing."

Another man emerges, "I will stand against you." Two men stand beside him.

Arnook looks at the man closely, "I've never seen you before. You dress like a water tribe member, but I wonder if you are really from the Northern Water Tribe. This is not our custom and I will only fight one time a day."

The man shouts, "Is that so?! Well maybe it's time for a new tradition."

Arnook snarls, "What? Guards, come quickly!!" The man extends his arms and fires a large block of ice at the Chieftain. Arnook dives left and falls in the snow.

The man smiles and generates a ball of ice, "This is too easy." A water tribe guardian throws his spear into the man's chest.

One of the men beside the fallen rebel shouts, "You spilled his blood! Now a hundred more men will rise in his place."

Arnook stands back up, "No, many of the people here are loyal to me. They won't stand for this."

The man shouts, "Let's fight and find out." The guardian switches to a short sword and another guardian moves beside the chieftain.

Guardian: "Sir, get out of here! Paladon will escort you to safety."

Arnook nods, "Good idea." Arnook runs with Paladon and the duo flees with four standard troopers around them. The guardian on the left rushes and vertically cuts a swordsman down while the other guardian runs toward a waterbender. The bender extends his arms and fires a beam of water at him. The guardian blocks the water with his shield and charges at the man. The guardian closes the distance and slams his shield against the bender's head; the waterbender tumbles in the snow.

Later that day Haresh and Solven discuss the recent turn of events. Solven: "It is unfortunate Yujeku was unable to defeat the Chieftain. Now he isn't a usable ally."

Haresh: "We still may find some use of him, our work is not done. We must simply start over, with a new candidate to challenge the Chieftain."

Solven: "It will be more difficult to get a shot at him, now that he is bunkered up in his palace."

Haresh: "All we need is to spring unrest. I have another candidate of less noble origins who might want a crack at him. He's a man from the Western Water Tribe that I have under my influence. He can come to the Northern Tribe and start new problems."

Solven: "But would such an appearance make sense?"

Haresh: "It will make enough sense. I will tell him that now is the time for a spiritual attack against his enemies."

Solven responds, "Interesting, will he be meeting with us here?"

Haresh laughs, "Unlike Yujeku, this man has never met me. At first, they sent some of my agents to motivate him to fight against the Northern Tribe when they learned about some power-hungry schemes that were being carried out by Northern businessmen who traveled there. But now I have another idea, I will have a spiritual session tonight and influence him to attack the North."

Solven scratches his helmet, "That's right, you, Zerrel, and Karanga do that stuff." Elsewhere a team of Western Water Tribe warriors called the Heightened Servants to wait outside in a camp. That camp consists of several beige tents. The sky is admiral blue and a heavy wave of snow and wind buzzes through the area. The Heightened Servants have dark blue armor with plum-colored markings.

The leader waits in his chambers. He has dark brown straight hair, thin eyebrows, a narrow nose, medium lips, blue-purple eyes, and yellow skin. The man's name is Iakob Deraysheo. Iakob's second-in-command, Captain Petamin arrives. Petamin has chocolate brown skin, thick black eyebrows, pearly white teeth, long black wavy hair, light blue eyes, long arms, and a relatively tall frame.

Petamin also has a long dark blue cape. Petamin: "Iakob, are you sure our men are ready to attack the North? Are you sure this is in the best interest of our people?"

Iakob: "Yes, I've never been more sure."

Petamin: "Very well sir, I've fought alongside you time and time again in the past. You know I will follow you anywhere. Our men are ready for battle."

Iakob nods his head. Petamin asks, "What was your dream like?" Iakob sees himself in his room again and remembers himself from three days ago. He wakes up and sees Rag-Shul. Rag-Shul is Egis's Great Grandfather who fought proudly against Fire Nation invaders and defeated several companies that attack his homeland.

Rag-Shul has curly light brown hair with patches of grey in it, light skin, light grey eyes, vague robbes with royal blue markings, a thin mustache, and long ears. Iakob widens his eyes, knowing the man died several decades ago. Iakob exclaims, "Rag-Shul, sir, for what reason do I owe the honor?!"

Rag-Shul smiles, "You have made me very proud, my great grandson. I have watched in the spirit world as you fought proudly against the Fire Nation oppressors time and time again and then against the Northern oppressors. It is time that you take the fight to the North."

Iakob gasps, "A battle with the North, I only planned to fend off the Northerns in my territory."

Rag-Shul shakes his head, "You that won't be enough. It will be a temporary victory at best, then they will come back for more. You must kill their Chieftain and completely shatter the Northern Water Tribe's confidence in its leadership."

Iakob: "That will only inspire them to destroy us."

Rag-Shul: "But it will also inspire your own people to fight them diligently and will keep them from being complacent."

Iakob: "That will hurt both of our tribes."

Rag-Shul: "Before or after you kill him, tell the Northern Tribe that all of that could have been avoided if they simply stayed out of the Western Water Tribe. That will make the future leaders more cautious and less willing to enter your territory in the future. They will know that they won't get there without expecting a long term fight and that your people won't give up."

Iakob: "That makes sense. My people have always been fighting diligently throughout history, there is no way they can break us. You are right wise one, now is the chance for us to let everyone know why our people must be left alone." The men cheer as they prepare for battle.

The next day, a 31st docks in the Northern Water Tribe's harbor. A Water Tribe captain asks, "Who gave them authorization? Are we blind?"

Major Paladon arrives, "I did, let them come."

The captain looks at the major, "Have you lost your mind? You need the Chieftain's authorization to carry out such an action. How do you think the public will react if they see them?" Paladon doesn't comment. A latch extends from the ship. Macai, Rosh, and Kanna exit the ship.

Major Paladon smiles, "So you are the team Zuko's sent. Wonderful, I know you have fought against Zerrel's forces before. I could use your help in this investigation. I fear there are some crooked people within our own government."

Macai replies, "We do not have the authority to take action against your officials, unless the Chieftain wills it."

Paladon: "I don't want you to fight anyone, I just want you to let me know if you notice anything suspicious. I will handle it myself with my own agents, hopefully." Chieftain Arnook arrives with two water tribe guardians beside him.

Rosh comments, "I've seen some guardians in action before, they are tough guys."

Chieftain Arnook: "What is the meaning of this? Why did you bring Fire Nation marines here without my approval?"

Paladon: "Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission when dealing with other people."

Arnook: "You speak like a reckless teenager, I'm so disappointed."

Macai looks at both of them, "It's best we discuss this inside. You're vulnerable out here Cheiftain and the people might not like seeing us. Is there somewhere we can privately dock our ship so my crew won't be noticed?"

Arnook nods, "Yes, of course. Then we will discuss whether or not I will allow you to stay."

Water Tribe captain: "What? Just kick them out now."

Arnook: "Now that they are here, the damage may have already been done."

Water Tribe Captain: "Then just place the blame on Paladon. If you kick them out right now, the people will understand."

Arnook sighs, "Just give me a minute to think about it. Come inside everyone."

Back For More

The Dark Knight Rises Storming Blackgate [Youtube] (Music Starts)

The Western Water Tribe Heightened Servants walk toward the Northern Water Tribe border. A squad of warriors and Captain Petamin take the lead. Petamin: "Let us in, our leader would like to speak with the chieftain."

Northern Water Tribe sergeant: "We can't let you in without authorization and you are taking an awful risk coming here. Your army is smaller than ours, you cannot withstand the full might of our military. You might as well surrender now."

Petamin comments, "We are just coming to talk."

The sergeant answers, "Fine, bring your leader. Your men can come if you disarm yourselves."

Petamin: "My leader will go and a team of his warriors will accompany him so he is not alone. The rest of us will wait outside if you don't mind, that way he won't be threatened."

Sergeant: "You will wait here at the border, I won't allow you to enter the city. I'm sorry, but it's too great a risk." Iakob and six of his warriors (two waterbenders) travel with him. Meanwhile, about twenty other warriors wait at the border with Captain Petamin. Iakob's team is taken outside of the palace. A northern water tribe lieutenant notices the Western Water Tribe members emerging.

Northern Water Tribe lieutenant: "Handcuff them? Why do you have those prisoners moving freely? Who authorized this?"

Northern sergeant: "We did what we had to. The leader of the recent attacks has turned himself in for peace negotiations."

Northern lieutenant: "Then cuff them."

Iakob comments, "That wasn't part of our agreement."

The lieutenant shouts, "I don't care! I said handcuff them."

Iakob shouts, "NO!" Iakob turns and blasts a northern water tribe swordsman seven feet back with a ray of cold water. Two Northern Water Tribe troopers charge at him but Iakob rotates his body and fires a wave of snow into them. One of the large enlightened servants uppercuts a northern waterbender. Another rebel tackles a northern swordsman and pounds him in his face several times.

One of Iakob's waterbenders turns around and shoots ice projectiles into a northern swordsman and spearman. A northern waterbender blasts away a Western Water Tribe warrior with a beam of water is subsequently tackled by an enlightened servant. The servant elbows the man twice in his face. Iakob and his men charge toward the palace.

Two Northern Water Tribe warriors move to engage them. One has a sword and the other is a waterbender. Iakob extends his left hand and launches the swordsman into a wall. The waterbender fires a stream of water at the Heightened Servant leader. Iakob rolls right and shoots his own ray of boiling water into the other bender. The man hits his head on the wall and passes out.

(Pause Music)

As this is happening Arnook argues with Paladon. Arnook: "No, I can't do this. Macai, it has been a pleasure meeting you but you must leave. My people are too unsure of themselves right now. I can't risk any more turmoil."

Paladon: "Think about what you're doing."

Arnook: "I've thought about it and there is no easy way out of this situation. We are going to ride this one out and figure it out slowly. It will take time Major." A water tribe trooper barges into the room. Arnook: "Not now. We are having an important discussion."

Water Tribe Trooper: "The palace has been breached."

Arnook and Paladon simultaneously shout, "What?!"

Rosh smirks, "Well I guess you made the right decision after all."

Kanna comments, "No kidding."

Paladon: "I'm willing to bet this has something to do with the Disciples of Justice, it can't be two coincidences."

Arnook replies, "We don't know anything yet."

Macai: "Let us help you."

Arnook: "My forces are more than capable of beating them ourselves."

Kanna: "They're going to notice us anyway."

Rosh: "Tell them Kanna."

Arnook: "Kanna, you have the same name as..." The palace shakes and Macai hears an explosion from the other side of the building. Arnook shouts, "What was that?!"

Another northern water tribe trooper enters from the other side of the room, "Sir, a unit from the Disciples of Justice has attacked the other side of the city. It's chaos!"

Macai: "Looks like you need my help after all."

Rosh: "The ship got moved some distance away from the ship, so the rest of our team won't be able to quickly get back to us."

Macai: "Good point Rosh. I will go with the Chieftain and move on the right to deal with the Heightened Servants. Rosh and Kanna, go on the left flank to take care of the DOJ threat. The local Northern Water Tribe forces will be our allies. They might not be members of our team, but they will still keep our enemies busy." Kanna nods and Rosh salutes him.

(Music Resumes)

Paladon, Arnook, a swordsman, and a spearman charge into the next hallway. Macai peeps his head out of the door and sees a northern waterbender blasted aside by a beam of hot water. Waterbender: "Awwww!" Macai jumps into the room and notices Iakob's team on the other side. The hallway has light blue walls, a light blue floor, a few windows, and a light blue ceiling with several paintings scattered throughout it.

Iakob has two waterbenders, a spearman, and two swordsmen with him. The warriors must have taken the weapons from Northern Water Tribe troopers they defeated during their surprise attack. Arnook points at Iakob, "How low of you, to work with the Disciples of Justice!"

Iakob responds, "I don't know anything about them, I'm fighting for my ancestors!! But if we both were destined to destroy your forces, then I'll take the help. Perhaps it's spiritual destiny."

Arnook shakes his head and draws his sword, "It'll make no difference. You will all be dealt with." Paladon extends his arms and fires a beam of water into one of the Western waterbenders. The waterbender raises his arms and a block of ice absorbs the shot. The man extends his arms and launches the ice block at the major.

Paladon dives left on the hard icy floor. Macai swiftly kicks a white flame into a spearman's stomach and pumps another in a swordsman. A western water tribe swordsman swings vertically at a northern swordsman. The northern swordsman horizontally blocks the strike then knees his enemy in his stomach. The northern swordsman counters and diagonally slashes his opponent.

A western waterbender hurls an ice brick into the swordsman's face. A spearman throws his blade at the waterbender, then the man raises a mound of ice. The spear flies into the ice mound and the waterbender launches the mound into the northern trooper. Macai fires a beam of white flames into the other waterbender, splitting the man in two.

The other waterbender shoots two water torpedoes at Arnook's head. Arnook ducks and Paladon blasts the waterbender with a ray of cold water. Iakob swivels his right hand and fires a ice dagger into Paladon's left side. Paladon groans and falls. Arnook shouts, "Paladon!!"

Macai leaps forward and fires a surge of white flames at Iakob. The western water tribe leader raises a large mound of snow that intercepts the shot. Macai stretches out his right hand and generates a white fire whip then horizontally swings it at Iakob's stomach. Iakob jumps in the air and fires a beam of hot water at Macai.

Macai rolls right then Iakob lands a few feet in front of the commander. Macai generates two fire daggers and Iakob slides toward Macai on a mound of snow. Macai rolls forward and pumps two white flames at the Heightened Servant leader's chest. Iakob flips in the air and kicks a block of ice at Macai's chest. Macai crosses his arms and the ice block slams against them.

Macai stumbles three feet back and his arms before sore. Iakob points his right arm at the ground and projects a beam of ice into the ground. The ground becomes slippery but Macai jumps and kicks a white flame at Iakob's lower abdomen. Iakob crosses his arms and a buffer of water blocks the shot. When Macai lands he ignites his feet and the white fire melts the ice below.

Macai still briefly slips from the contact. Iakob extends his hand and smacks Macai back with a water tentacle. The western leader looks at Arnook, "It is over, you can't hide." Arnook attempts to run but Iakob stretches out his right hand and latches onto Arnook's right leg with a water tentacle. Iakob pulls his hand back and drags Arnook backward.

(Music Fades)

Arnook hits his head on the floor and passes out. Iakob generates an ice dagger, "I will end this right here." Macai flicks a white flame into Iakob's dagger, melting it.

Macai: "Not yet."

Iakob smiles, "No one else is in my way, you shouldn't have come here. Now your legacy will end."

Macai: "Prove it." Iakob extends his arms and fires a beam of ice a the 31st Commander. The beam is seven feet wide and five feet tall. Macai pulls his hands back and fires his own beam of white fire into Iakob's ice stream. The ice is vaporized on impact and the white fire soars towards Iakob. The water tribe leader is taken aback by how hot Macai's fire is and is suddenly blinded by the light. The white beams fly into Iakob and knock him several feet back.

Steam flows from his body and he leans sideways. Macai: "You are no match for me." Macai extends his right hand and pumps an additional flame at Iakob's right shoulder. Iakob touches his stomach and starts to heal himself. The Heightened Servant regains some lost strength then rolls right. Macai comments, "Impressive."

Iakob extends his arms and fires a beam of ice projectiles at Macai. The 31st Commander swirls his arms and blocks the sickles with his swirl of white fire. Macai is using a technique that Kett taught him. The prodigy pumps two white fireballs at Iakob. Iakob slides left, using ice to enhance his movement. Macai fires another beam of white fire into Iakob's chest.

Iakob moans, "Awwwaahaaaa!!" The man slides several feet back and his chest has some substantial burns. Iakob is still alive but he starts coughing and can barely move.

Macai looks down at Iakob, "It's over." Macai kicks Iakob in his face, knocking him out. Macai reflects, I'll try to get him some medical attention after I sort everything else out. Macai checks Arnook's pulse and realizes he's alive. Arnook shakes his head and gets up.

The Water Tribe chieftain runs toward his friend Paladon, "Paladon, are you alright?"

Paladon moans, "You know healing isn't my art."

Arnook comments, "I'm not a waterbender, so it isn't mine either."

Paladon nods, "You know I know that." Paladon pulls the ice dagger out of his flesh. Paladon tears part of his shirt and wraps it around his wound, "Don't worry I'll live."

More Madness

Sergeant Petamin notices smoke from the city battle. Petamin asks the Northern Water Tribe Corporal, "What is going on?"

The northern corporal shrugs, "I don't know but you still don't have permission to enter the city. Nothing has changed between us." Petamin pounds the corporal in his face with a water tentacle. The corporal's body flips over from the hit.

Petamin: "No corporal, we're coming by force." The corporal's team enters their battle stances. Petamin extends his arms and launches chunks of ice into two northern tribe warriors (one swordsman and one waterbender). A western warrior with dual axes swings horizontally as he cuts down two enemy swordsmen.

A Western waterbender blasts away a northern spearman. Another western warrior runs after a spearman with a morning star. The spearman lunges at the warrior's abdomen. The warrior rotates his morning star (a club with a steel spike ball) left, knocking the spear away from him. The warrior swings again and pounds his weapon into the spearman's chest. The northern waterbender fires a water torpedo into a western waterbender's stomach then turns and fires an ice dagger into the dual axman's stomach.

Petamin raises his arms and surrounds the waterbender with a mound of snow. The Heightened Servant craps the man around in the snow then freezes it into an ice block. Petamin's team looks to advance, but one of his swordsmen is shot in his forehead by an arrow. Petamin raises a wall of ice in front of his team, "Archers!"

Petamin looks at one of his troopers, "Look up and tell me which direction the archers are firing from." The trooper nods then looks up. An archer from the left side of the city fires an arrow at the man. The trooper ducks and tells Petamin where it came from. Petamin launches a chunk of the ice wall in the direction of the archer.

The archer runs left to avoid getting crushed, but Petamin causes the ice chunk to shatter into several ice knives as it hits the wall. The ice knives fly into the archer and dispatch him. Petamin shouts, "Keep pushing!" Petamin repeats the process as he dispatches a second northern archer, and his team closes in on the city.