Water Showdown Part 2

As Captain Petamin's forces break into the city, Rosh and Kanna move to search it. Rosh and Kanna run down the stairs and quickly move outside. When they do, they notice a massive team of Northern Water Tribe and Disciples of Justice forces battling each other. An explosive arrow is fired between two northern water tribe troops and blows them to bits. Kanna and Rosh notice two archers on rooftops behind the northern water tribe unit.

Two waterbenders, two swordsmen, and one archer battle on the ground. A long axman, three spearmen, two swordsmen, a firebender, a warrior with a mace, an earthbender, a trooper with a morning star, another earthbender, and two archers with explosive arrows engage the enemy team. A swordsman and spearman from the palace step behind the duo.

Northern swordsman: "We sure could use your help."

Rosh: "I know right, their team is about to get smashed."

Northern spearman: "Then what are you waiting for? Get out there!"

Kanna: "Remember when you said you didn't need our help?"

Northern swordsman: "I never said that, did you (looking at the spearman)?"

Northern spearman: "I definitely didn't say that either. That was our leaders but I'm sure everyone agrees that we need all the help we can get right now."

Rosh smiles, "Good, let's go."

Kanna asks, "Wait what are your names?" The swordsman has black curly hair, pale skin, light brown eyes, and a small nose.

Swordsman: "Kunero."

Spearman: "Farweedo."

Rosh nods, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Now let's kick some butt."

The DOJ warrior with a morning star charges at a water tribe swordsman. The swordsman swings horizontally to the left. The DOJ trooper with the morning star swings left and butts the blade away from him and follows up by smacking his opponent across his face. Farweedo slams his spear in the warrior's back. Kunero cuts down a swordsman with an upward strike.

A DOJ firebender pumps an orange rod of fire into a waterbender. An archer pumps an explosive arrow into a Northern spearman, blowing him into oblivion. Rosh looks at Kanna, "We need to top those archers!"

Kanna nods, "Don't worry, I'm on it. Just cover me!" Kanna leaps forward and kicks an explosive dark orange flame into a spearman. The man flies backward and a swordsman horizontally lunges at the 31st lieutenant. Kanna flips over the man and Rosh pumps a red-orange flame into the terrorist. Kanna gracefully lands between a spearman and a warrior with a mace.

The men turns to butcher her but Kanna swiftly spins around and blasts the men aside with a whirlwind of dark orange flames. An archer fires an explosive arrow at her but Kanna opens her mouth and a rod of orange flames flows into the projectile. The arrow explodes on impact and smoke flows behind enemy lines.

The archer's immediate line of vision is obstructed. The man runs right to get a better view. As the smoke clears, he sees Kanna sprinting in his direction. The archer fires an arrow directly at her and Kanna dives right into more smoke. The loose arrow smacks the ground and cracks with a thunderous explosion.

Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into the archer's right ear. A northern water tribe archer fires from a roof and nails a DOJ spearman in his face. The remaining DOJ archer looks up and fires an explosive arrow into the northern water tribe archer. A massive eruption of fire occurs as the chucks of the building fall.

The DOJ earthbender notices Rosh and pulls his arms down on the soil below the snow. Though the snowy climate is known for being a weak point for firebenders, it also limits the strength of earthbenders due to a lack of vegetation. The man hurls large chunks of dirt at Rosh. Rosh pumps two red-orange flames into the dirt balls.

Rosh replies, "Come on chump, is this really your best?" The earthbender slams the ground and an earthquake erupts toward Rosh. Rosh rolls right and pumps two red-orange flames at the man. The earthbender blocks the shots with his arms then sinks his body in the ground. Rosh shouts, "Hey!"

The earthbender emerges beside a waterbender and knocks him aside as he returns to the surface. Rosh turns and kicks a red-orange flame into the man's chest. A spearman throws his weapon at the 31st Captain while his back is turned. Rosh rotates his body and catches the spear then turns and throws it in the other archer's neck. Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into a swordsman and the remaining spearman is nailed by the northern tribe archer.

Kanna claps and cheeses, "We got 'em."

Rosh comments, "Talk about a beatdown."

A man powerful barks, "Want a rematch?" Haresh emerges with Solven at his side.

Rosh groans, "Yes, I've been dreaming of one."

Haresh laughs, "Good, I've been dreaming of giving you another beat down. Only this time I'm going to kill you."

Kanna counters, "We'll see about that."

Solven look at Kanna, "Aww Kanna, I've always wanted to burn a hole through that pretty face of yours. Now I'll finally have my chance. It's too bad I wasn't the one who got to Ty Lee and Suki first or I would have fried them as well. But I'll get my chance soon enough and when we find Macai, I'll torcher him slowly and painfully. We've already broken the Fire Nation's spirit, I wonder how much more it will be broken when they see their golden boy in pieces."

Rosh: "That's big talk for a loser."

Kanna: "You will never break us, that's why we fight. That's why we'll always fight."

Haresh: "Enough of this talk, let us fight." Solven raises his left hand and fires a beam of acid at the watertribe archer. The archer springs right to dodge the attack, but the acid burns through the balcony. The man falls backward as gravity pulls him and rolls through the acid below him before he hits the surface.

Kanna shouts, "You monster!! How could you kill people like that?!"

Solven comments, "I have my purpose and I will kill YOU LIKE THAT." Solven fires two hot beams of light green acid at Kanna. Kanna dashes left and looks back as she sees the acid burn into the soil. Smoke and stream flows from the hot liquid. Solven laughs, "Run little girl, while you still can." Solven fires two acid torpedoes at Kanna.

Kanna flips left twice as she evades the shots. Rosh pumps two red-orange flames at Haresh. The DOJ Major blocks the flames then extends his arms and launches a surge of fire at the 31st Captain. Rosh slides left as he barely avoids the attack. Rosh's body gets warm as he feels the heat near him. Rosh rises back to his feet and pumps two more flames at the old warlord.

Haresh blocks the flames while walking forward then pumps an orange flame at Rosh's stomach. Rosh rolls left and pumps a red-orange flame at Haresh's neck. Haresh ducks and kicks a ray of fire at Rosh's lower chest. Rosh spins right and fires a beam of red-orange fire at Haresh. The old warrior raises his arms and a mound of orange fire blocks the shot.

Haresh raises the mound of fire and hurls it down at Rosh. Rosh pulls his arms back and brings surges of red-orange fire around himself. Rosh points his arms and launches a seven twelve-feet-wide and six-feet-tall blaze of red-orange fire at Haresh. Haresh pulls his arms down faster as his own eight feet wide and nine feet tall eruption of orange and yellow fire collides with Rosh's.

Rosh's fire explodes on impact and also causes Haresh's flames to erupt. Dark grey smoke swiftly surrounds both of them. Haresh extends his elbow to keep himself from being blinded. Rosh does the same. Meanwhile, Solven fires two acid bullets directly at Kanna. Kanna slides forward and kicks a dark orange flame at Solven's chest.

Solven pulls his elbows forward, which block the flame. However, Kanna's flames are highly explosive and cause Solven to stumble two feet backward. Solven grunts, "You stupid girl!" Solven swivels his right arm and fires a beam of acid at Kanna's face. Kanna sways her body left as if she is lunging and pumps an acid ball from his left arm at Kanna's stomach.

Kanna rolls right as she barely avoids the attack but immediately lands gracefully on her feet. Kanna uses her flexibility and agility to kick a dark orange flame at Solven's head. The DOJ officer crosses his arms and blocks it. The flame explodes on impact causing Solven to step a foot back. Kanna glides her left leg and pumps a dark orange beam of fire into Solven's upper abdomen.

The fire explodes on impact and lifts Solven off his feet. Solven flies five feet backward but only soars two feet in the air. Solven's body rotates and he lands on his back where his acid pack is located. The acid pack interacts with the remaining sparkles from Kanna's fire and Solven's entire body explodes. Green, dark orange, and golden yellow fire flow over an eight-foot radius as Solven meets his demise.

Haresh pumps two orange-yellow flames at Rosh. Rosh lowers his left elbow and blocks the first one. Rosh ducks his head as he dodges the second flame. Rosh raises his right arm and pumps an upper right red-orange flame into the left side of Haresh's gut. Haresh backpedals and moans as stream flows from the burn on his armor.

Haresh raises his arms and generates a wide wall of orange-yellow fire then chucks it at Rosh. Rosh dives right and the ball explodes on impact. Rosh tumbles in the dirt before he gets back on his feet. Haresh pumps two more flames at Rosh. Rosh raises his arms and blocks the flames. Haresh kicks an additional flame at Rosh's belly.

Rosh twirls left and Haresh taunts, "I know you're tired." Haresh pumps two flames at Rosh's face and Rosh ducks.

Rosh: "Tired, I'm just getting started." Haresh stomps the ground and a surge of orange-yellow fire flows toward him. Rosh rolls left and pumps two red-orange flames at Haresh's chest. Haresh blocks the flames then charges at Rosh. The DOJ officer engulfs his fists with orange-yellow fire and hurls two explosive chunks of fire at the young Captain.

Rock ducks, dodging the first one. Rosh hops right and kicks a rod of fire at Haresh's left side. Haresh blocks the shot with his right arm, "I'm one step ahead of you."

Kanna counters, "Step this!" Kanna kicks a beam of dark orange fire at Haresh's back. Haresh rolls right then looks back to find Solven.

Haresh calls, "Solven? Solven?!"

Kanna: "He's gone."

Haresh chuckles, "So you killed him? Wow, Kanna I'm impressed." Haresh rotates his body and hurls a cascade of orange-yellow flames at her. Kanna dives right and Rosh fires a beam of fire at the distracted DOJ leader. Haresh rotates his body and hunches before blocking the beam with crossed arms. Steam flows from Haresh's arms and he grins, "Nice try, but I'm not dying today."

Haresh kicks a flame at Rosh's face. Rosh blocks the fame but takes a step back. Kanna pumps two dark orange flames at Haresh while his back is turned. Haresh raises his arms and a wall of fire emerges behind him, the wall absorbs Kanna's shots. Kanna gasps and Haresh lowers his left hand. The wall of fire flies toward Kanna and the lieutenant sprints and dives away from the attack. Rosh kicks a red-orange flame at the officer's face.

Haresh hurls another flame at Rosh, but the captain blocks it. Haresh comments, "I see you have improved, but I grow tired of this. Your team has won today but we will meet again." A DOJ earthbender rises from the ground beside Rosh. Rosh turns his head and the earthbender blasts Rosh aside with a beam of soil.

The earthbender steps beside Rosh as Rosh gets back on his feet and Kanna moves to regroup with him. Haresh says, "Let's go." The earthbender raies his arms and a ball of soil surrounds them. The ball sudden becomes hard like stone and they descend into the ground.

Kanna looks at Rosh, "I guess they had a guy on standby for an escape."

Rosh: "If only the Earth Kingdom guys we fought were smart enough to do that."

Kanna: "I don't know if they'd be skilled enough to pull that off."

Rosh: "Well, still left with a hollow victory."

Kanna: "I don't know about hollow, I killed Solven."

Rosh's eyes light up, "You really took him out?"

Kanna nods, "I had to, it was either him or me."

Rosh: "Well, that's one less DOJ enforcer to worry about. Tufen is still being held captive in the city Ronderby. So now what, four more to go?"

Kanna: "I think five. Zerrel, Karanga, Haresh, Voren, and Beruto."

Rosh: "Oh yeah, I forgot about Voren. The flying guy... He'll get his beating too."

Kanna: "I don't think we've ever been up against so many powerful enemies at once."

Rosh shakes his head, "Nope. It would be like General Gambo, Jarue, Major Hannock, Sada, the Silent Sisters, Tanto, Raggus, and all our other enemies being united together at once."

Kanna: "But now some of them are our friends."

Rosh: "Something like that, a good deal of them are dead. I wish we could have taken some of those killings back..."

Kanna: "We can do the right thing now; look how we are helping the Water Tribes."

A Blitz of Glory

Captain Petamin, a swordsman, a waterbender, a warrior with a morning star, a spearman, and a moderately strong warrior with longax charge into the city. Petamin yells, "For our ancestors!!" Petamin extends his arms and raises about thirty ice bricks over his head. Petamin lowers his hands and several Northern Water Tribe troopers are battered by the incoming ice bricks. One brick flies into a waterbender's face and shatters on impact.

A spearman is pounded in his belly and he bends down in pain. As the man bends, a second brick nails him in his mouth. A northern trooper with a mace is popped in his neck by an ice brick. The brick breaks on impact and cuts his neck. A northern waterbender glides toward Petamin with a stream of water assisting him, but the Heightened Servant officer blasts the bender with a eight-feet-wide and seven-feet-tall beam of snow.

The man flies twenty feet back and suffocates in the snow. The western axman swings down and vertically impales a northern water tribe swordsman. The western morning star warrior pounds a northern swordsman in the abdomen. Petamin shouts, "That's it, we can beat them!"

Macai emerges with two Water Tribe Guardians beside him. The guardians have their dark blue armor and silver markings. Macai points at Petamin, "The siege is over Petamin."

Petamin: "You know my name? I'm impressed."

Macai: "I did my research. If you don't want to end up like your leader, I suggest you stand down."

Petamin shouts, "No!! My people will always fight."

Macai: "You were manipulated by the DOJ."

Petamin: "We've come too far to stop now and I don't trust you outsider."

Macai: "Whatever statement you made has already been done. You won't win, there is no point for needless deaths."

Petamin retorts, "These men have dedicated their lives to this mission. You won't discourage us."

Macai: "Don't say you weren't warned."

Petamin: "Did you come to talk?! Because I came to FIGHT. If you wanted to talk, you shouldn't have come here. But since you are, you will partake in the wrath that all the northern tribe will suffer!"

Macai: "I tried my best reasoning with you." Petamin raises his arms and fires two large streams of snow at Macai. Macai raises both of his hands and two shockwaves of white fire burn through the snow. Macai extends left kicks a white fire sphere at Petamin's head. Petamin crosses his arms and blocks the flame.

Macai extends his right arm and pumps a second flame at Petamin's right side. The Heightened Servant raises his right arm and blocks the shot. Petamin lowers his hands and shoots a long rectangle of ice at Macai. Macai flips over the object and pumps two white flames at Petamin. The rebel leader raises a wall of water then slaps his hands together. The water wall turns into a water beam and flies at Macai at 70 MPH.

Macai rolls left and fires a beam of white fire at Petamin. The Heightened Servant rolls forward and fires a barrage of ice knives at Macai's chest and face. Macai raises his right arm and ignites it with a white wrist fire shield. Macai's wrist shield blocks and melts the ice knives on impact. While Macai and Petamin are fighting, the water tribe guardians take on the other Enlightened Servants.

The guardian on the right notices a swordsman, axman, and water bender moving toward him. The axman moves in the center while the swordsman moves to flank the guardian's left flank. The guardian rotates his body and slams his spear into the swordsman's stomach. The guardian swiftly rotates his body while the axman rushes forward to close the distance.

The axman swings down vertically but the guardian raises his square shield gauntlet and butts the ax away from him. The guardian extends his spear and glides it into the man's chest. The guardian kicks down the axman and the waterbender rolls right of his position. The waterbender turns and fires a beam of water torpedoes at the elite bodyguard.

The guardian blocks the shots with his shield and charges at his opponent. The guardian rotates his blade and thrusts his spear into the man's belly. The other guardian notices a warrior with a morning star, a spearman, and a trooper with dual swords charge at him. The warrior with dual swords seemed to have come from nowhere.

The spearman lunges his blade at the duelist. The swordsman leaps backward and the warrior with the morning star lunges vertically at the guardian. The guardian spins right and the warrior with the spear lunges at his face. The guardian ducks then pokes his blade at the man's stomach. The spearman backpedals and the warrior with the dual swords attempts to rush behind him.

The guardian turns his body and throws his spear into the swordman's midsection. The trooper with the morning star rushes the guardian while he seems open. The guardian switches to his short sword and horizontally slashes the rebel's neck. The guardian turns and looks at the rebel spearman. The spearman yells, "Raaaah!!"

The spearman lunges at the guardian's face. The guardian blocks the attack with his shield, moving the spear in the left direction. The guardian closes the distance and rushes in toward his foe. The spearman elbows the guardian in his face, but the guardian rotates his head left and slams his sword into the warrior's right side. The guardian pulls his blade back and blood pours out of his opponent's body.

The western rebel slips into the snow as he attempts to stop the bleeding. The guardian kicks his spear away from him and tosses the man's dagger aside to ensure he is no longer a threat. As this is happening, Macai fires a volley of three white fireballs at Petamin. Petamin shoots three bolts of freezing water into the fireballs. Petamin pulls his arms down and launches a shockwave of snow at Macai.

Macai twirls forward and right, amping his dive with a gust of white fire. Macai rolls beside his opponent and Petamin fires a beam of blistering hot water at the 31st leader. Macai rolls right and flings a spinning white fireball at Petamin's left nipple. Petamin rotates his right arm diagonally as he blocks the strike but leaves himself vulnerable.

Macai extends his right leg and kicks a rod of white fire into Petamin's right thigh. Petamin collapses. Macai looks down at Petamin, "You are beaten."

Petamin moans, "Grant me a warrior's death, kill me now."

Macai answers, "There was a time I would have done that. There was a time I believed that pride was so important that I'd rather die than be outright beaten to the point that I can't seem to bounce back. But it is always better to live, so that you may have another chance. I hope you decide to leave behind a different type of legacy." Macai walks away from Petamin.

Later that day, the sunset comes. Macai, Kanna, and Rosh meets with Arnook and Paladon. Paladon has a cast covering his wound and leans against the wall. Rosh: "I'm glad you live through it Paladon. See Arnook, you nearly cost the Northern Water tribe because of your pride."

Arnook responds, "I made the best decision that I could. There was no obvious answer. But I thank you all and I am glad that you protected us."

Paladon looks at Kanna, "And I'm glad you took one of their leaders down. You deserve that name, as a matter-of-fact you've earned it."

Macai looks at Rosh, "I really want to know who this watertribe Kanna lady is now."

Rosh: "Same. We've got to get Haresh next."

Macai: "Don't be obsessed, the time will come."

Rosh sighs, "I know, but I did better this time. The fight was roughly even."

Macai answers, "The next step is victory, just don't get cocky and stay focused."

Paladon adds, "And he might have been overconfident."

Arnook: "Come on Paladon, don't discourage the young man like that."

Paladon: "I'm not discouraging him; I'm just being honest. He's young and he can keep improving. But he needs to be aware of all the factors."

Macai continues, "Anyway it was a pleasure. Let's go team, our shipmates will be excited to hear about this victory."

Arnook: "Macai..." Macai turns. Arnook: "We would like to invite you and your crew to join us in a victory celebration. Assuming you all aren't leaving right away."

Kanna looks at Macai, "Can we?" Macai nods. Kanna jumps in glee, "Yay!" Later that day, Dade, Sonna, Arret, Irina, Hagenko, Dengo, and several other 31st members celebrate in a large chamber within the Northern Water Tribe. The walls are light blue, the floor is made of a beige wooden material, and the ceiling is light blue. An ice chandelier hangs from the ceiling. Several elegant tables, wine cups, and fish salad bowls hang throughout the room.