An Unsettling Reunion

Macai has finally earned his rest and recuperation time. The Prompt Adjudicator and much of its crew have docked at the Fire Nation Capital. However, many members will leave the Capital to visit their own hometowns. Out of respect for their commanding officer, most of the crew members and soldiers visit the Capital first before returning home.

Now a year has nearly passed since Macai's graduation and he is almost fifteen years old. Macai is at one of his favorite tea shops with his friends. Macai is sitting at a table with Kett on his right, Kanna on his left, and Dade across them. Aiya is also sitting left of Dade's position. Macai: "So, what do you guys think of the Tea shop?"

The tea shop has hot pink walls, a light brown carpet floor, and a light grey ceiling. The tables in the tea shop are all light brown and the chairs are light grey with hot pink padding.

Dade: "It's nice."

Kanna chirps, "It's great!"

Kett shrugs his shoulders, "It's a bit too over-the-top for my taste."

Macai: "Just enjoy it Kett. I know it's different, but isn't this tea amazing?!"

Aiya: "It is, thank you so much for inviting me Macai."

Kett rolls his eyes, "You're both nobles. Of course, it fits your taste."

Kanna smiles, "I love it. I got sweet honey-flavored tea and I'm loving it!"

Dade: "It's good, it's different than what I'm used to."

Kett: "I just prefer the more bitter tea from Nyarri. I'm so used to it."

Aiya looks at Kett, "I can tell that you're hurting right now. Every time you are around nobles you get uncomfortable. It's ok Kett, we're all here for you."

Kett sighs, "I like you both because I got to know you two. However, not all nobles are like you. I had some bad memories and I've heard some horror stories about how nobles handle people in the Capital. If I stand up for myself and fight, I might be in prison."

Aiya: "Why would you fight someone?"

Kett: "You have no idea what it's like. Some of these stupid noble boys pick fights with us for no reason. I'm not like most commoners, I stand up for myself. It puts me in dangerous situations and I can fight very well."

Macai: "Some issues are best solved with diplomacy, rather than your fists."

Kett: "Diplomacy is for elites. We normal people are ignored. No matter how hard we try, no matter how much reason and logic we use. A noble doesn't have to be smart or skilled unless they're going against other nobles."

Macai responds, "You need to learn how to use different situations to your advantage. Play with the deck you have. They may not see you as a threat by default, so don't act like you are. Feign weakness. Pretend you are scared of them and can't handle them. Then use that to your advantage and play them."

Kett: "I never thought about it like that."

Aiya responds, "You also know Macai. He can help you."

Kett: "I'll just remember not to go here without you, Macai, or some other noble that I know around. I still would prefer to avoid such an issue altogether."

Kanna: "Alright Kett, be positive. Have fun. Stop being a downer."

Kett: "You're right. I just." Kanna pokes him in the stomach. Kett: "Hey, ok."

Dade: "Kett is very ticklish."

Macai: "Really?"

Dade: "Yep."

Kett commands, "Stay away from me Dade, that's an order." Dade stands up and walks toward Kett. Kett rises and grabs Dade's arms to restrain him. Kanna leaps behind Kett and presses her arms against Kett's sides. Kanna tickles Kett and Kett collapses.

Kett bursts out laughing and fidgeting. Dade jumps in the tickling assault. Macai: "Ok, come on guys. We are at a teashop."

Kett: "You heard him, s-stop!" Kett pushes Dade off him and Kanna backs off. The waiter stares at them.

Macai: "I apologize sir."

Waiter: "No worries Mr. Macai. Would you like a check?"

Macai: "Yes, I'm covering them all."

Kett stands up, "You didn't have to do that Macai."

Macai: "Accept the treat, Kett."

Dade: "Yeah, stop being difficult."

Kett sighs, "Ok."

Aiya: "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you all are torturing Kett."

Kett: "You and I have different views of torture."

Macai: "Sooo, it's been fun but I need to handle some business."

Kett smirks, "Some Azula business?"

Macai: "You always seem to light up on that subject."

Kett: "What can I say? It's interesting."

Macai: "Well, no. Not yet anyway." Macai hugs his friends and exits. Macai rushes to his father's house and knocks on the door. After celebrating with friends, Macai returns home to meet his father. The Maiden Umma opens the door.

Umma hugs Macai, "Hello, Macai. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Macai bows in respect, "It's always a pleasure Umma."

Umma does the same, "No, the pleasure is all mine. You have honored this household. We have heard about your stories."

Macai asks, "Is mom here, and what about Zyger?"

Umma responds and becomes uneasy, "Zyger is here. As for your mother, well speak to your father first."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "Very well, Umma." Macai rushes to his father's room. Macai knocks on the door and Eyre eventually opens it.

Eyre is wearing white robes. Macai: "Did I come in at a bad time?"

Eyre: "No Macai, I'm relaxing."

Macai: "What is mom up to? I've been wanting to visit her."

Eyre: "You really are out of the loop aren't you. Oh well, that is understandable since you have been gone for so long. You did well on the field, I'm impressed."

Macai smiles, "Thanks dad, but what is mom up to?"

Eyre: "Oh yes, well you see..."

Macai gets frustrated. Eyre: "Your mother went to Nyarri again. Since we have two homes."

Macai: "Did she want to get involved in the city again? I remember she was doing activist stuff to help the town combat the inequality and class war."

Eyre: "Yes, indeed she did."

Macai responds, "So she's still doing that?"

Eyre sighs, "Not exactly."

Macai shouts, "Then what's happening dad?!"

Eyre snaps, "Don't you get with me like that BOY! This is still my household. You will respect me. Don't think those stripes put you over me. Your father and a General. You are but a Captain! I am the master of this ship and you will obey my command. Do we understand each other?!"

Macai sighs, "Father I apologize. I did not mean to disrespect you, but I must know what is happening with my mother." Macai looks bluntly at his father.

Eyre: "You have that right." Macai stares at his father waiting for an answer. Eyre: "Your mother, your mother is gone."

Macai's eyes get watery, "Gone? Like on a trip?"

Eyre's voice gets hoarse, "No, she's dead."

Macai's eyes widen, "No, she's not dead."

Eyre: "YES, she is dead. She went to Nyarri as you guessed. She went to do that activist stuff which I advised her to refrain from. She did not listen and she was stubborn as usual. A new terrorist group emerged, called the Voices of Accuracy."

Macai: "The Voices of Accuracy? That's a terrible name. Who thought of that and who would join a stupid group like that?"

Eyre's head turns red, "That's beside the point, Macai. The Voices of Accuracy terrorists spread nationally. They had a chapter that went to Nyarri and they have attacked several people who are a threat to their movement."

Macai: "My mom IS NOT a threat."

Eyre: "She is in Nyarri because she was wealthier than most people there. She used her resources to attack their system."

Macai asks, "How?"

Eyre: "Just slow down, you won't let me get my point across. The group is a pro-establishment group. Formed by several nobles who believed that class differences must be maintained to keep natural order. They have attacked several of the activists, noble or commoner who goes against the traditional system. They usually attempt misinformation and slander campaigns but that never would work against Sari and they knew that. Which is why they bombed her carriage."

Macai yells, "No! Was Zyger on it too?!"

Eyre responds, "No, Zyger is alive. He's just morning her death right now. He apparently had to use the restroom when it happened and Yosari went ahead in the carriage. She was excited to attend a noble women's formal event. She was going to see some old friends and her guard was down. Security is usually low in Nyarri because they aren't used to such attacks."

Macai asks, "Why Nyarri? Why not the Fire Nation Capital? Why not a major city? It doesn't make sense dad."

Eyre: "Look Macai, no one like your mother ever went to Nyarri. Her influence was on another level. She was also helping other cities from the distance. This is why she is dead."

Macai shouts, "NOOOO!!!! You're LYING!! Stop it!"

Eyre grabs Macai and shouts, "GET A GRIP!!! She's dead! Accept it!" Macai falls to his knees and weeps heavily. Eyre walks away from him and closes his door. Macai continues to cry for ten minutes and Umma eventually sits next to Macai and hugs him. Macai continues to cry and Umma gets him a box of tissues.

Macai murmurs, "Mom, why? You said you'll always be with me."

Umma comforts Macai, "It's ok, Macai. It's ok." Macai keeps crying and can't stop shaking. For the first time, Macai doesn't know what to do. All he wants to do is cry and run away from life. In an instant, he has lost all of his strength.

Zyger eventually enters the living room and notices Macai crying. Though now, Macai's cries are less loud than before. But a few tears keep rolling down his face. Zyger: "Ohhh, Macai no. I'm so sorry my friend." Zyger pats Macai on the back.

After another five minutes of crying, Macai becomes completely silent. Macai still sits and doesn't move for the next ten minutes. Zyger: "Come on Macai, let's go for a walk." Zyger tries to help Macai get up and go for a walk. However, Macai plants his feet on the floor and refuses to rise. Macai balls up like a hedgehog.

Zyger sighs, "I have never seen him like this."

Umma: "His mother was EVERYTHING to him."

Zyger frowns, "I know." A tear flows from Zyger's right eye. After another five minutes of sitting, Macai slowly rises. The tears have dried from his face.

Macai: "Let me go and find those fools who messed with my mother."

Zyger: "Macai, no. You are on vacation, the path to revenge will not fulfill you. Just wait-". Macai shoves past Zyger and sprints out of the house. Zyger's eyes widen, "That's not good."

A Dangerous Path

Three days later, Macai arrives in Nyarri. Macai gets details about the attack, which occurred right outside of his mother's home. Macai finds the location of his mother's burial.

Macai rushes to Yosari's tomb. It is a cloudy day and the sky is white. It is chilly outside and Macai can feel a breeze of wind as he sees his mother's grave. Macai: "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, mom. But I promise, I will make them suffer for what they did to you." Macai feels a chill on his spine when he says this, but ignores it.

Macai immediately starts an independent investigation of the case. Macai knocks on the door of the main local investigation station. A detective opens the door with two Fire Nation troopers. The detective has dark brown hair, pale skin, long sideburns, thin lips, and pointy ears. His name is detective Roshi.

Roshi: "Hello, Macai. I'm glad to see you want to help, but rest assured we have this situation under control. We will find your mother's killers."

Macai sharply retorts, "You should have prevented her from being killed in the first place."

Roshi responds, "Well, we can't all be perfect Macai. We are working very hard on this case."

Macai: "That's ok. I'm on R&R, which means that I have time to handle this myself."

Roshi: "This is not your area of expertise."

Macai darts his eyes at Roshi, "Did I ask for your opinion?"

Roshi: "What is it that you want?"

Macai: "Give me a list of the suspects. I will take it from there."

Roshi: "Absolutely not, you are not authorized...". Macai stretches his right hand across Roshi's neck. Roshi attempts to break Macai's grip, but Macai is too strong. Roshi: "Unhand me." Macai tightens his grip. Roshi: "Guards!"

Macai rapidly knees Roshi in his stomach and tosses him into the guard behind him. Macai notices the guard in front of him is about to get in his battle stance. Macai rapidly presses his hands and hurls a square of white fire into the guard. The trooper falls five feet forward into a table.

Roshi gets up and starts coughing. Macai looks down at Roshi and the other guard. Roshi: "Alright, stop it!"

Macai responds, "Give me what I want, my patience is wearing thin."

Roshi replies, "Fine." Macai gets the list of the suspects and stalks every suspect without being noticed. Macai determines each member who was behind the attack within a week. Macai also writes down each member of the terrorist organization within the cell and writes a list of all the members of the group.

Night of Infamy

One night, two members of the group walk together to a rally meeting for the organization. The sky is purple and a cold breeze flows across the land. One of the members is the one who primed the bomb on Yosari's carriage. Macai studied the reports several times and knows this for certain. The man's name is Gareth. He has dark brown eyes, small ears, black hair, and pale skin. Gareth is in his early thirties.

Macai notices that the members of this group wear dark brown robes. Macai sneaks behind the two members as they move across an isolated path. Gareth walks with a younger male member who seems to only be about eighteen. Macai does not see these men as humans, he is blinded by his rage and only sees them as targets.

Gareth glances his eyes at the younger member, "I've been doing this job for a little while, but we never did these attacks until the last few years. We weren't planning on a Nyarri attack. But our national leader, Yosan Pu recently said that he wanted our local units to seek blood. It is the only way to get people to respect the natural order of things."

Young member: "But after our attack, our enemies have become bolder. She simply became a martyr. I didn't sign up for this. I signed up to manipulate the image of my enemies, not to kill them."

Gareth points at the young member, "There is no getting out of the group. You got in with blood and that's the only way to get out." The young member becomes uneasy and nods his head. Gareth: "I used to think like you when I first entered. But I have been on one mission before like this. It's not common for our group, only rare circumstances would allow it. But I hear there will be more of those now. I simply do as I am commanded now."

The young member wonders, What did I get myself into? Macai attempts to close the distance as he stalks his prey, but Macai accidentally steps on a stick. Gareth turns his head and Macai dives in a bush.

Young member: "Did you see something?"

Gareth: "I don't think so. Let's keep going." Gareth and the Young Member enter an abandoned wooden building. Several torches illuminate the facility. The building has light brown walls, a beige floor, and a yellow ceiling. About thirty members stand in the room while two guards stand outside.

There is a light grey stage at the edge of the room. An overweight man with a brown heard, bald head, and curved nose steps on the stage. Overweight man: "Gentlemen, our grand leader is waiting for us. A man of vision and purpose. I present to you, Jesam!" Jesam enters the stage. The man has a long nose, thin eyebrows, black hair, yellow skin, small lips, long ears, and thin eyes.

Jesam: "It is more than an honor to see you all here. I want you all to know that we are one unified body. When one of us suffers, we all suffer. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed. So let us celebrate because now, over twelve activists have been killed throughout the Fire Nation. Our actions will not only cripple their movement, but they will also inspire others to fight against such heretics." The members clap.

The audience suddenly hears a loud noise from outside. Jersam is startled, "What is that?" The noise stops. Jersam: "As I was saying." The back door suddenly opens and a wave of white fire flows from it. The flame travels eight feet from the door and covers a five feet width. The white fire immediately incinerates five of the members who are close to it.

The men scream in agony as they are burned to a crisp. Their bodies are black and thin as the smoke flows from their carcasses. Macai leaps in the room, in a black uniform with a hood over his head. Macai wears a white mask, that makes him seem like a spirit. Jersam looks ahead, "Is it the Horso Spirit. I've heard the stories."

(3) Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker Suite (Theme) | Ultimate Edition | - YouTube (Music Starts)

Macai swiftly fires a burst of three flames into three terrorists ahead of him. The men fall like dominos. One member swiftly draws a short sword and rushes on Macai's right side. Another member pulls out two knives and rapidly throws them at Macai. Macai springs forward and over the knives then lands between the knife-thrower and the swordsman.

Macai swiftly presses his right hand forward and rockets a white flame into the knife-thrower's neck. Macai turns his body and presses his hands forward. Macai shoves a blaze of white fire into the swordsman. The swordsman flies into the wall. Five terrorists charge at Macai.

Two of them have daggers, two of them are firebenders, and one of them has a sword. Macai turns his body and extends his arm. A long rod of white fire flows into a whip. Macai swiftly moves like a flash when he turns his body right and tears through his opponents with a horizontal swing.

The men scream horribly, with a pain that no ordinary flames can inflict. Macai looks ahead at another five members and presses both of his hands together. A massive wave of fire that is eight feet wide and ten feet long burns through five more terrorists. The terrorist bodies are completely submerged with white flames and they constantly shake as they are burned ashes.

Jeram stays on stage. The man is frozen with fear. Macai presses his right hand and fires three white flames into the stomach of Jersam while he is on stage. Macai turns right and notices Gareth. Gareth looks ahead and shouts, "Wait a minute, you're that boy! The boy with white fire! You're no spirit. No, you're Macai! That was your mother, the traitor."

Macai pivots and looks in Gareth's direction. Gareth taunts, "That's right." Macai slowly walks toward him. A man with a sword attempts to sneak up on Macai, but the military officer swiftly tilts his right hand and darts a flame into the man's face. Macai looks back at Gareth.

Gareth: "Take that stupid mask off, I know who you are." Macai takes his mask off.

Gareth smiles, "I'm glad I killed her. It shows how much of a weak and emotional wreck you are. I can see it now. You won't be the best, not even close. Because you haven't the temperament of a true warrior. Your mother is a traitor and you were a mother's boy. There is a thing about mother's boys. They never have the mindset to be the strongest."

Gareth continues, "But perhaps you should be thanking me. Now you'll be the warrior you need to be. Now you'll have the tenacity to best serve our nation. Perhaps now you'll caution others to not be so foolish, championing for what is against the best will of our nation. The strong must survive and dominate if we are to flourish as we always have. We cannot cater to the weak or we will lose our edge."

Macai notices two men move beside Gareth. Both are firebenders. Macai: "I'm going to kill you and I'll make sure that your entire organization goes down in flames." Macai passionately streches both of his hands and simultaneously sprays two white flames into the firebenders around Gareth. Gareth pumps his left hand and overhands a large stream of orange fire at Macai.

Macai kicks his right foot and cancels the steam out with his own white rectangle of fire. Macai pulls both of his hands down then shifts them up and tosses a white explosive ball of fire at Gareth's stomach. Gareth blocks the shot with his knee, but the explosion knocks the hate leader back seven feet. Gareth's body flips over violently from the attack and he lands on his face.

Gareth's face turns red from the collision. The frustrated warrior immediately gets back on his feet and two more members charge at Macai. One moves on Macai's right and another on his left. The member on Macai's right swings his sword diagonally at Macai's neck. Macai skips backward and the swordsman swings a second time horizontally at the commander's neck.

Macai latches onto the man's arm and tightens his grip. The man drops his sword and screeches in pain. The man swings again with a left jab. Macai shifts his head and grabs the man's other arm.

Macai tightens his grip as he transfers fire from his hands into the man's arms. Both arms explode into dust. The man falls to his knees in desperation. The other warrior leaps behind Macai with a knife and throws it at Macai.

Macai grabs the injured terrorist and pulls him into the blade then Macai tosses his body aside. Gareth thrusts his right hand and zaps an orange flame at Macai. Macai rotates his left arm and blocks the flame. Macai stretches his right leg and kicks a white rod of fire into the knife thrower across from him.

Macai turns around and charges at Gareth. Gareth rapidly pops two flames at Macai. Macai blocks the flames. Macai hops in the air and kicks a rod of white fire at Gareth. Gareth narrowly leaps right and avoids the implosion. Gareth climbs back to his feet and Macai charges again. Gareth pulls his left hand and pushes a stream of orange fire at the young prodigy.

Macai turns his right arm and blocks the shot with a white fire shield. Macai slides forward and lunges at his enemy with a right kick. Gareth ducks and scoots left. Macai extends his left arm and backhands Gareth. Gareth spins backward and squares up again. The hate group figurehead ignites his left hand then spins and swings at Macai with a left jab.

Macai pounces at Gareth and ducks low under the jab. Macai grabs Gareth by his right side and pivots behind him. Macai swiftly trips Gareth then Macai grabs a hold of Gareth's side with his right hand. Macai enflames his left hand and swings it at the back of Gareth's head. Gareth rolls left and Macai punches a hole in the wooden floor.

Gareth leaps back on his feet and Macai presses both of his hands forward. Macai shoots a stream of white flames into Gareth's stomach. Gareth slides and his body is immediately immersed in fire. Gareth: "Ahhh!" Within seconds, Gareth is a black skeleton. Macai looks ahead again and notices two more terrorists ahead of him.

Macai sprints between them. They are both firebenders. Both of the firebenders direct a volley of orange flames at Macai. Macai sprints past their flames then runs between them. Both of the firebenders aim at Macai and suppress fire. Macai sprints out of the room into a hallway and both of the firebenders shoot each other down. Macai: "Amateurs."

Macai notices a firebender in the hallway across him. The firebender extends his right arm and shoots a rod of orange fire at Macai's face. Macai slides then dives behind the firebender. Macai latches onto the back of the man's head with his right hand then Macai promptly slams the man's head into the floor. Macai feels a crack as he crushes the man's skull.

Macai sprints again towards a door and notices a scared terrorist at the edge of the door. The man throws a knife at Macai's neck. Macai crouches and leaps into the man. Macai slams the terrorist into the door and promptly snaps his neck. Macai kicks the door open and notices that he is outside of the building. The commander looks right of his direction and notices one last terrorist is running from him. It is the young man.

Macai swiftly extends his right fist and jabs a flame into the young man's back. The youngster falls forward into the dirt and a black stain is on his back. The man moans and clinches his teeth in pain. Young man: "P-please, I'm s-sorry. I didn't do it, man. I just got in with the wrong group. I'm sorry. I-I, I didn't want her to die. I promise you."

A tear flows from Macai's right eye, "I didn't want her to die either." Macai stretches his right arm across the man's neck and tightens his grip. The young man pleas and Macai crushes his throat. Macai drops the lifeless body and stares at the corpse. The man is only a little older than him, barely an adult.

(Music Stops)

All the Nyarri terrorists have been killed in one night, unless someone decided to not show up to the meeting. Either way, Macai got his revenge. But it didn't make him feel any better. It didn't taste sweet instead, it tasted bitter. Macai still didn't regret killing Gareth, but he couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it.

Macai went to sleep that night and had several nightmares. He could see himself killing that young man and slaughtering his enemies. Over and over again. The dreams kept repeating themselves and Macai kept hearing their screams. He saw the smoke, black scars, and skeleton so many times that he briefly thought the entire situation was just a dream. Macai wanted to wake up and see his mother again.

Life is Strange

But the next morning, Macai wakes up in his room and realizes that it was indeed reality. The sky is bright orange and the clouds look particularly beautiful the next day. Yet Macai feels so empty, he can't explain it. He can't cry anymore, everything is soaked up. All he can do now is, survive. Macai has a light breakfast and hears a loud thump on his door.

Macai opens it and notices Ty Lee. Macai raises an eyebrow, "What do you want?"

Ty Lee: "Well, you know what time of year it is right?"

Macai: "I'm sorry, now isn't the time." Macai slams the door on her. Ty Lee knocks again. Macai ignores her. Macai sits down and hears a noise behind him. Macai turns and notices Ty Lee is in his living room.

Ty Lee explains, "You left the window open."

Macai shouts, "Get out! I said it's a bad time."

Ty Lee frowns, "What is up with you?! It's Azula's birthday." Macai feels an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Macai: "Oh."

Ty Lee: "How did you forget? You never forget."

Macai: "I... My mother died recently. It was a terrorist attack."

Ty Lee's eyes become watery, "Yosari..."

Macai slowly nods his head, "Yes." Ty Lee briefly hugs Macai.

Ty Lee: "She was a very kind woman. I'm sorry Macai."

Macai: "So, you want to surprise Azula."

Ty Lee responds, "You don't have to."

Macai responds, "No, that's alright. I've been in the house too long and I change my mind. What would Azula think with me mopping around like this?"

Ty Lee comments, "It's ok Macai. It's ok. She'll understand."

Macai: "No she won't." Ty Lee goes silent. Macai: "It's ok, I'm ready." Later that day, Azula is with Mai and they are looking at different gifts that Azula received in her room.

Mai: "You got some books."

Azula: "So many dull books about how to be a proper princess. I never asked for them."

Mai: "Well, Commander Zhao gave you a book about the Multiple Dimensions of Power. I heard he himself was too lazy to read it, but he thought you might appreciate it." Azula's eyes suddenly light up.

Azula snatches the book, "This will be an interesting read. Perhaps they will mention something I haven't thought of. I heard this one is better than most. A lot of these books bore me to death because they are so predictable. Only idiots wouldn't figure out most of the points. But this book, seems to dig a bit deeper. From what I've heard from military experts."

Mai yawns, "So, let's look at the clothes you got." Azula tosses several dresses that she received.

Azula picks up a pink dress, "That is hideous!"

Mai: "Give it to Ty Lee on her birthday, she would like that one."

Azula rolls her eyes, "I don't care what she likes. It's MY BIRTHDAY!"

Mai: "Soo.."

Azula declares, "Enough of this, let's get out of here and go DO something. I prefer being active, you should know that by now."

Mai responds, "I know that Azula. I just, want to show you something first."

Azula: "Why is Ty Lee taking so long?! It isn't that difficult to complete the chores her father gave her today. She is probably wasting time talking to strangers again."

Mai thinks, She really enjoys to hear herself talk.

Azula asks, "Mai, are you listening?!"

Mai smiles, "Of course Azula."

Azula groans, "What are you going to show me?"

Mai: "Right, come." Mai opens a door and Macai arrives with a gift. Ty Lee sneaks behind Azula and blows in her ear. Azula covers her ear and looks at Macai.

Macai: "Hey, Zula. I missed you." Macai attempts to hug Azula and Azula maneuvers out of the way. Macai: "What was that for?"

Azula: "What took you so long? You should have been here sooner." Macai ignores the question. Azula grabs Macai's gift and opens it. Azula notices a necklace.

Macai smiles, "This necklace belonged to my mother, it was very nice."

Azula: "Oh Macai, it's beautiful. But there is no way this is her best necklace. As nice as she is, there is no way she would give it to me. I don't believe it."

Macai: "Well..."

Ty Lee: "It's an amazing necklace. I wish I had something like that."

Azula: "Too bad. I always get the best things."

Mai: "By the way, congratulations Macai. I heard about your victory over General Gambo."

Azula asks, "Is this Macai's day or mine?"

Macai: "What?"

Azula looks at Macai, "It's my birthday isn't it? Cai, you know I would congratulate you any other day, but today is my day. So let me have it. You get enough praise as it is, just wait until I get my shot now that I've graduated."

Macai looks at Azula and pokes her, "We should go for an adventure. I know Ty Lee will be down and Mai."

Mai reluctantly says, "Oh sure."

Macai smiles, "I know you love adventure. You can take the lead on this one. Just let us know what you want to do. Maybe we could steal stuff from the cabbage man."

Azula smiles back, "Well that would be nice." Later that day, Azula returns laughing with her friends. Azula: "That fool was so pathetic. He was distraught when we took his cabbages."

Ty Lee: "Azula always goes on a step further. When you used those cabbages to make the police yellow-dogs break loose, that was hilarious. But you also made the captain very angry."

Azula comments, "He'll get over it and if he doesn't, it's not my problem."

Macai: "So, how about you and me Zula? Let's get a drink before the day is over."

Ty Lee chuckles. Mai: "Oh gross."

Azula: "Not this time Cai."

Macai: "Why?"

Azula: "I'm still upset that you missed my graduation."

Macai shouts, "I was in battle! What did you expect? Me to take off to see you? If I did, you would call me weak."

Azula: "Oh calm down, I was just teasing you. But you could have at least written me a letter or something. You were off for well over a week and didn't contact me. I was waiting for you. I... missed you." Azula crosses her arms.

Macai: "I'm sorry, but I had a lot going on."

Azula: "Like what?! What could have been so important, that you couldn't write me a letter? You know they won't penalize you too harshly for those regulations that you always do. You're smart, you already have that down to a science. Wait a minute, are you cheating on me?"

Macai: "Azula no."

Azula: "Tell me the truth."

Macai sighs, "That's not the truth."

Azula asks, "Then why didn't you send anything to me? Did you just drop the ball? If you come clean and admit it then I'll respect you."

Macai takes a deep breath. Azula: "Say it already!"

Macai: "Will you just shut up!" Azula glares at Macai. Macai: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Azula: "Yes you did. Just own up and say it. What kind of man are you?"

Macai: "My mother died ok. She is DEAD." Mai's eyes widen and Azula gasps.

Azula: "I'm sorry Macai, I know she meant a lot to you. How did she die?"

Macai: "It was a terrorist attack. They got upset because she was trying to work against the class division."

Azula: "Well, it is a risky business."

Macai: "What?" Mai shakes her head and Ty Lee covers her eyes.

Azula: "Oh, well I just meant that it's risky to argue against the status quo. She could have saved herself the trouble and not gotten involved. But I admire her for doing what she believed in. But I wouldn't have done it."

Macai: "Well, that was her belief. But I think she had a great point. There are major unfair things going on with the classes. The strongest and best people should get the best positions. It shouldn't be based on birth."

Azula: "The best thrive, no matter what."

Macai: "Yes and no. The best will make it, sure. But everyone with a better start has more potential."

Azula responds, "Not our problem. We must do the best with what we have. The people in the inferior Earth Kingdom or Water Tribes might do better if they were fire benders or were from our great nation but they aren't. Therefore, they will never be as successful as us. It's survival of the fittest but circumstances are part of that."

Macai: "But circumstances shouldn't be a part of that and we should change that. I'm not saying to help low-performing people but we should give everyone a fair shot."

Azula: "For what? There is no purpose of that and it is a waste of resources. We should focus on being as productive as possible for our nation and families."

Macai: "The best for all, is the best in the long run for each individual."

Azula laughs, "Do you really believe that? Come on Cai. The best is subjective to each and every person. Worry about your own. That means Fire Nation first and nobles second."

Macai: "Well, then let's end Fire Nation inequality."

Azula gets frustrated, "I mean Fire Nation over other nations. The class war isn't as important as the real war. We will conquer this world first, then we can worry about the minor details."

Macai: "Azula, a divided nation cannot stand. It would collapse from within and that might happen before the traditional war is over."

Azula: "Perhaps you are right. But we should focus on the war effort first. If we keep the citizens focused, they will realize that our standard of living increases with every territory that we conquer. When we have the world under our grasp, all Fire Nation members will be nobles. The rest of the world will be commoners."

Macai: "That sounds great, but we'll have to worry about a large percentage of our subjects revolting."

Azula: "We have the superior training, genes, and technology. We will study their tactics and learn to crush their revolts over and over again."

Macai responds, "My father once said that the best way to beat a rebellion is to prevent it from starting. Every unnecessary fight will drain our resources Azula."

Azula realizes that Macai has a great point, but she hates admitting that she is wrong. This causes Azula to still want to counter Macai's statements. Azula: "Maybe her movement has more validity than I previously considered. However, it was a foolish decision to make since she cares so much about her son. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe she knew that you were strong enough to handle her potential death."

Macai snaps, "For such a smart person, you really say some dumb things sometimes. I guess socializing isn't your thing. Look, my mother shouldn't have died just because she had different views than other people. She never expected that or saw it coming. She thought the physical fight was against other nations and she thought this was a different kind of fight."

Azula is offended by Macai's comment, which causes her to retain some of her hostility. Azula: "Then she miscalculated and suffered the price. You know it happens sometimes Macai. To soldiers and activists as well apparently." Mai scowls.

Macai: "Well, I'm going home now."

Azula: "No, you're not running out on this one. I still have activities planned."

Macai: "Watch me." Macai departs. Azula wants to apologize but she does not because of her pride. Azula crosses her arms.

Ty Lee: "You know Azula, you can tell him you're sorry. Macai will forgive you."

Azula: "Oh he'll get over it and come running back to me. Now shut up. Mai, get my Karuta cards. We'll play that tonight."

Taking a Break

The next day, Dade sits outside with Sonna on a bench in the Hyjun Park. Dade: "What do you think of the Capitol?"

Sonna: "It's nice. One day, you should go with me to Ullon."

Dade: "Ok, but you've got to visit Nyarri first."

Sonna: "How about we play heads or tails? Flip a silver shekel and see where it lands."

Dade: "That works, I've got heads."

Sonna: "Fine, heads is Nyarri and tails is Ullon."

Dade: "And I get to flip it."

Sonna objects, "No, I get to flip it since you made the first call."

Dade: "Fine."

Sonna flips the coin and it lands on tails. Sonna grins, "I win again. Ok, that means we're going to Ullon first."

Dade: "That means we're saving the best for last. I actually prefer that. That was actually my plan all along."

Sonna rolls her eyes, "Sure it was."


A week later, Macai and Azula have been giving each other the silent treatment. However, they both are still officially dating. Sonna and Dade are still unofficially hanging out. It is now Macai's birthday. Macai celebrates with Kanna, Kett, Dade, Barge, Singe, Kento, Chiko, Hazo, and Zyger. Macai: "Look who came all the way from Nyarri, my friends Kento and Chiko."

Barge: "You really know how to get an audience of people from different backgrounds."

Macai: "Well, it's what mother would have wanted." Rosh suddenly opens the door and enters.

Rosh: "Hey guys, I heard Azula and Macai are having a feud."

Macai: "Now isn't the time to bring that up, Rosh."

Rosh sighs, "I know, I'm just glad that I don't have to see her this time. Since I heard she is certain that she doesn't want to lose this stand-off."

Macai: "I don't care about that right now buddy. We've got some great snacks here today. We've got flower pedals, one of your favorites."

Rosh: "Aww, yeah. Did Umma make them?"

Macai: "You know it." Rosh runs into the kitchen and grabs three flower pedals.

Barge laughs, "I ate about twelve of them myself."

Spinge: "Yeah, we all know you're fat."

Barge: "I'm a proud fat boy too."

Macai looks at Spinge, "How is that medical program going?"

Spinge: "It's going great man, it's a lot of work though."

Macai looks at Barge, "And how is your carpenter job going Barge?"

Barge smiles, "Great, I love it man. I made some shelves recently for an older couple. I also have been fixing the floors for several houses recently. It's a solid gig."

Azula opens the door, "Hey Macai."

Rosh turns his head. Macai's eyes widen, "Zula."

Azula walks up to Macai and pats him on his right cheek, "I'm sorry hun. I didn't mean to upset you. I just got lost in my pride."

Rosh comments, "Oh I can't believe it. Azula is giving in this time? Macai, she really does like you. I've never seen her tap dance like this for anyone."

Azula: "It has been a long time since I've last seen you, Rosh. I wanted to come here without causing any trouble. I came because it is Cai's birthday and no birthday is complete without my company."

Rosh: "I'm guessing a lot of people are having incomplete birthdays every year."

Azula: "Indeed."

Rosh: "I know for a fact, that my birthdays are always great because you are never there."

Azula: "Rosh, I battered you before and I have no problem with doing it again."

Rosh extends his arms, "That was like five years ago. Try again, things may play out differently. I'll still be happy if I get some good shots on you."

Azula threatens, "You may not survive this time."

Rosh: "You'd kill me at your boyfriend's birthday party?"

Azula smiles, "Maybe or maybe I'll be generous and just make you handicapped instead."

Rosh looks at Macai, "You see what you're getting yourself into?"

Macai: "Both of you stop it. Today is my day. Azula you can stay, as long as you don't cross the line and leave Rosh alone."

Azula looks at Macai, "Also, kick Rosh out if he messes with me."

Rosh: "Oh come on."

Azula demands, "Promise me." Macai nods his head.

Rosh's eyes widen, "You're going to do that to your BEST FRIEND since we were five?!"

Macai: "She has a point, I have to be fair. Azula didn't come causing trouble, you did." Azula smiles at Rosh and Rosh grunts under his breath. For the next thirty minutes, everyone talks and tells jokes. At that moment, things seem normal.

Spinge looks up, "Where did Azula go?"

Everyone looks around. Azula suddenly re-emerges with a wine bottle from the kitchen and a box of glasses. Zyger shakes his head. Azula fills two glasses. Azula: "A toast, to Cai's promotion to Commander. He will be the finest Commander in all the Fire Nation, other than me."

Barge: "I don't drink."

Azula: "Then pour yourself a glass of water."

Spinge: "But you only filled your drink and Macai's."

Azula puts the wine glass on the table, "You can all pour your own drinks. I only have one boyfriend and I'm not your maid."

Rosh laughs and pours himself a cup, "A toast to Macai's promotion." Kett looks at Kanna and Kanna shrugs her shoulders.


Macai stands inside of a Fire Nation Capital chamber. Eyre, Ozai, and several other Fire Nation officials stand in the distance to watch the event. The walls are dark red, the floor is a caramel brown color, and the ceiling is silver. There are several snacks and pastries scattered throughout the facility. During the ceremony, multiple members are promoted. Macai is the last person to receive his promotion.

Only invited guests and military personnel are allowed to attend this event. Captain Hazo stands at the front as Macai is about to be promoted, "I would like to honor a special young person. One of my best friends and pupils. Someone who I trained, but who also trained me to be a better officer and a better man. This young man always put everything he had into his missions and always saw his job as an act of service. Macai was a respected leader because he treated his soldiers as equals rather than inferior subordinates."

Hazo's statement is controversial and several leaders raise their eyebrows when they hear the claim. Hazo: "Macai taught me, that being the best leader isn't about doing and following what everyone else does. It is about being a maverick. Doing what others are not strong or brave enough to do. Doing what works best for you and what you know in your bones is right. Then making it happen. For Macai, his results speak for themselves. We have taken down numerous enemies of different backgrounds with all the cards stacked against us. Yet still, we rise because being a great leader is about more than talent and intelligence. While those both play a big part it's mainly about grit and the ability to get himself and his unit to give their all on every mission. We don't accept defeat as an option, instead we manifest victory!"

The audience claps because the second half of the speech sounds more like something they would endorse. Macai steps on the stage and is given a certificate to signify his rank. A band and orchestra play their music to honor Macai and Azula sits next to Macai in a red dress. Azula: "You look as sharp as Janor's sword (a Fire Nation legend) Cai."

Macai: "Thanks Zula, you look hotter than the Fire you bend."

Ozai hovers behind Macai, "Well, what an accomplishment. I must say, I am impressed. It is difficult to impress me. You should be honored."

Macai: "I am more than honored. Especially since this isn't the first time."

Ozai strokes his goatee, "Confidence, I like it. I remember that Tournament you won. That was also impressive. You even got your opponent Kett to join you. Very well done. The best domination any man can obtain is loyalty." Macai raises an eyebrow when he hears the statement.

Ozai smiles, "Oh yes. Though loyalty is earned, it is a great way to obtain power and control. Of course, loyalty is gained over people who are more worthy of respect than those whom we dominate solely or primarily through fear. But it is still a useful tool."

Macai: "Your knowledge is invaluable."

Ozai: "I am the wisest man in all the Fire Nation. Never let a weak fool tell you differently. Remember, those who can dominate and get what they want know the most about society. Anyone who is reliant on negotiation or cooperation has massive power limitations."

Macai: "Can't negotiation and cooperation be used as a tool to maintain dominance?"

Ozai nods, "Absolutely. It is a tool, just as anything can be used to dominate if it is used properly. However, the more powerful you are, the less you have to do to make people listen to you. Domination with minor or minimal effort is a sign of strength. However, it takes time to create and maintain. With your skill and Azula's knowledge, there will be no stopping you both."

Azula responds, "What about my skill, father?!"

Ozai: "You are very skilled as well, just like Macai. I mentioned your knowledge because you have the advantage of having known me your entire life. You learned from the man at the top. While Macai here, must learn from scratch. Fortunately, he has you to help guide him. In terms of power and intelligence, you both hold up well."

Macai: "I'd love to learn more from you, sir."

Ozai smiles, "You will, in due time young man. But for now, get used to your new responsibility. You have great opportunities that lie ahead. But remember that your nation must always come first."

Macai: "Doesn't that require loyalty?"

Ozai: "Yes."

Macai: "But loyalty gives the Nation power over me."

Ozai: "Correct, but the nation must be strong and have power over its subjects to succeed. Loyalty is a two-sided coin that must be used by all its subjects."

Macai: "That includes the Firelord then. The Firelord should be loyal to his nation. Which means the firelord must yield some of his power for the wellbeing of his subjects."

Ozai responds, "Perhaps, but the Firelord is the ultimate receiver of loyalty. Everyone must yield more loyalty to the Firelord than what the Firelord must yield to them. Because the Firelord's word is final and supreme. The Firelord sets the standard for his entire nation."

Macai nods his head, "I see."

Ozai: "That's enough lecturing for today. I will teach you another lesson some other day."

Azula: "So my word will be supreme when I am the Firelord."

Ozai mildly says, "Yes Azula. Of course. When the throne is your's that will be the case."

Ty Lee gets up and pokes Azula. Azula turns, "What is it Ty Lee?"

Ty Lee: "Mai and I have a story to tell you. Come on."

Azula looks at Macai, "Cai, let's go."

Macai looks at Azula, "Wait one second, I have to use the restroom."

Azula: "Go ahead." Azula leaves with Ty Lee and Ozai starts walking away.

Macai stands up and follows Ozai, "Can I ask you something?"

Ozai turns and smiles, "You didn't have to use the restroom, you didn't want Azula to hear this."

Macai: "Correct, I had another question."

Ozai commands, "Then ask it."

Macai: "What happens if the Firelord has a husband. The husband is the ruler of the household yes? Should the husband's loyalty ultimately be subject to his wife?"

Ozai laughs, "You have discovered a minor paradox. But I have an answer, being the Firelord is more important than one's sex. She will still have the ultimate word and you must accept it."

Macai glares at Ozai and murmurs, "Oh we'll see about that."

Ozai starts to walk away but stops in his tracks, "Macai, you know I could use your help?" Ozai notions for the young man to be closer so others do not hear them.

Macai walks toward Ozai, "Sir?"

Ozai: "Azula likes you and trusts you. It's a rare combination. I'd like you to keep an eye on her. If she ever does something that is, concerning or goes against my rule. You are to report it to me."

Macai: "What makes you think I would do that?"

Ozai: "If you don't I can easily take away everything you have and I can make Azula leave you. She will always believe me over you. Her loyalty is ultimately to me, which is why I will always have power over her." Macai freezes.

Ozai continues, "Don't worry Macai, this is what you want. You respect authority and loyalty just like your father. It is an essential dimension of power and it is needed for the stability of our nation. Think of your family and its image."

Macai agrees, "Yes sir. It will be done."

Ozai smiles, "Excellent. I knew you would see things my way."

Macai: "How long will I be doing this?"

Ozai: "As long as I am the ruler of this nation it will be my will. If Azula ever gets out of hand, you may rise above her. Perhaps you could even be the new Firelord. But you must not betray my flesh and blood to make that happen. If you betray her, I will destroy you."

Macai responds, "Treachery is not my way sir."

Ozai: "I'm aware, that's why you're perfect for this job. I don't think Azula will falter, but one day you may help keep her on track. And don't worry, I wouldn't tell her."

Macai: "She's a smart girl, she would find out eventually."

Ozai: "Well, get it going with her while you can or I'd end it anyway. It might last though, she may not slip up much. That is entirely up to her and you."

Macai: "If I play my cards right, I could be the third most influential man in the Nation."

Ozai smiles, "Exactly, unless Zuko finally lives up to his name. Then you might be number four."

Macai: "The top four sounds like an honor to me. I will focus on maintaining my honor and making sure someone else doesn't take my spot once I get there. Such a position comes with rivalry and jealousy."

Ozai: "You are a smart boy. That will certainly keep you busy. I see a lot of potential in you. You are ambitious as you should be for a high-born man who is right below the top of the royal line. But you must remember that the royal line is important. There is a reason my family must always rule. It is ordained and destined by the spirit world. But you are destined for greatness my friend and you could be one of the best Fire Nation advisors to ever live."

Macai smiles, "Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me."

Ozai: "Of course, you can be even greater than your farther Eyre. In due time. I won't see you much and don't worry; I won't request too much of you. However, every time I see you, we will meet in private and have a minor update. On occasion, I might request that you write letters to me. Azula will be so busy that she won't notice. If you two ever marry, I'll find practical ways for you to contact me without detection. Her guard will be lower when it comes to us, but we still shouldn't make it obvious."

Macai doesn't know what he got himself into but, he feels he doesn't have a choice but to comply. All Macai's life he was told to honor the will of his nation and that his Firelord was the embodiment of the will of the nation. Macai cherishes Azula, even with some of their recent fights. Macai knows that Azula feels the same way, but he also knows that the discovery of his actions may cripple the relationship. Macai can only hope that she will be understanding if she ever discovers this occurrence.