A Legacy of Tyranny

Republic City has recently been created. It is a territory that once belonged to the Earth Kingdom then was taken by the Fire Nation for some time. Conflict arose as Earth and Fire nation members wanted a claim to the land. Zuko nearly got in a war with the Earth Kingdom over the conflict, before the Avatar intervened. To settle disputes, the land was made into Republic City which is a city that welcomes people from all nations.

It serves as a sort of diplomatic center where leaders have poured in from all four countries. The majority of Fire Nation colonies were made into Republic city however, a few cities like Nyarri applied for an exemption because most of the natives had either fled or were killed in that colony and its identity primarily was one of the Fire Nation.

A few cities were taken by the Earth Kingdom, that didn't have many ties to the Fire Nation and were briefly annexed by their territories. One village that is located on the outskirts of Republic City and therefore listed as a new suburb was called New Josendica. The city has light green vegetation, several famous violet flowers that bloom throughout the city, many plant-eating animals, a cool breeze and constant sunshine, and a beautiful cyan blue sky over it.

This land was once part of the Fire Nation before it was taken by the Earth Kingdom during an counter-attack toward the end of the war. Though such a town would normally be given back to the Fire Nation Josendica was left in Republic City jurisdiction and is designated as a suburb (outskirt city) of it. One reason for this is Josendica often deviated from the rest of the Fire Nation culturally and had its own distinct views. The locals in Josendica typically had a more controversial peace-oriented approach and it was known as a sanctuary city for several international rebels.

While most of the locals seem to be happy, members of a Fire Nation Remnant Faction called the "Justified Reclaimers" have called the town an "abomination". Josendica boasts a population of over eighty thousand, making it rank between the medium and large city categories.

One day, an older farmer is cleaning the window outside of his home. His home is a long ranch with light brown walls, a brown rooftop, and sage green door. The man has moved from the Earth Kingdom into the outskirts of Josendica, which has brought him many new opportunities. A few other homes are in his semi-rural neighborhood but each is about 100 acres apart from their neighbors. The man has a few chicken-pigs in his backyard.

The farmer is slightly overweight with mocha brown skin, black wavy hair, a long nose, small ears, a thick mustache, light green eyes, and medium lips. The farmer is in his late forties. The farmer peaks outside of the window he's cleaning and notices several orange fire flares in the sky. The man starts shaking at his sink and his wife notices him. She is around his age with light brown skin, dark brown curly hair, dreamy brown eyes, and medium ears.

Farmer's wife: "Goondo, what are you looking at?"

Goondo: "Sebrera, there are firebenders outside. I don't know how far, but they are attacking."

Sebrera shouts, "Impossible!" A loud blast hits the right side of their rooftop and part of their ceiling caves in. Goondo and Sebrera shake from the impact.

Goondo: "What was that?"

Sebrera opens the door to one of the rooms and sees nothing but rubble in it. Sebrera turns and looks at her husband, "You were right. The Fire Nation is attacking."

Goondo: "We need to get out of here!"

Sebrera: "Let me get Handi." Sebrera runs to a back room as she picks up her newborn grandbaby. Goondo and Sebrera volunteered to watch their new grandchild for the weekend, not knowing about the consequences. The baby starts crying and Sebrera tries to calm it, "There there little one."

Goondo: "We need to go." Sebrera and Goondo flee from their home and enter a carriage. They ride several feet out from their farm as they attempt to flee the battle but suddenly notice a team of five Firebenders in war armor blocking the road. Goondo stops the carriage in its tracks, "Should we turn around?!"

A firebender shouts, "Freeze! Now or we'll blow you to Hell."

Sebrera interrupts, "That's where you're going."

Goondo shouts, "Wait, we have a baby, please don't shoot." The firebender arrives with a swordsman and a spearman beside him. The man has fierce eyes.

Firebender: "What did you just say? Let me see it."

Sebrera protests but Goondo reveals the baby. Goondo: "There it is, SEE, this is our grandchild. Please just let us go."

Firebender: "We'll let the baby live old timer but the rest of you people are going to fry. You all had the chance to leave this abominable city but now it's too late."

Sebrera: "Blast it you rotten devils. You've already lost the war, get over it!"

The firebender grabs Sebrera by her right hand, "What did you just say?"

Goondo interrupts, "Let go of my wife!"

The firebender becomes enraged, "GET OUT THE CARRIAGE, NOW!!"

Sebrera interrupts, "No."

The firebender's hands become inflamed, "I said..." An arrow flies through the back of the firebender's neck. He latches onto his throat as blood gushes from it and subsequently collapses. Firebender; "Ack.." The older couple are shaken by the disparaging scene. The spearman and swordsman make an about face. The swordsman shouts, "What happened?" He notices the two Remnant troopers further behind them are dead. The warrior looks further and sees three 31st marines. On the left is Sonna, on the right is Dade, and in the center is Kanna. Sonna propels another swift arrow and shoots down the spearman. The swordsman holds his blade against Goondo's throat.

The duelist backs away from the carriage, "Back, I said BACK!!! I'll end this man if you don't let me escape." While he is taking Sonna launches an arrow in his forehead. The duelist falls and drops his sword without slashing Goondo. Goondo collapses in fear and the marines close in.

Kanna: "It's ok sir, we'll take care of them and have them out of your town shortly."

Sebrera: "Thank you all so much. You're the marines, from Macai's unit."

Dade: "We had a dark past, but we didn't know any better. Now we're trying to make things better and show you all that we're different from them." Dade points at the Remnant corpses. Dade: "We never wanted to cause pain, we just wanted to prove ourselves to our nation. But hopefully, we'll make a new future where this legacy of tyranny ends." The marines advance and the couple looks in awe. The baby cheers.

Elsewhere, a team of Republic City police battle Fire Nation remnant forces. The Republic City troopers have light grey armor with black markings. The Republic City team consists of one earthbender, one firebender, two swordsmen, and a spearman. They engage three Fire Nation remnant benders, three swordsmen, and two spearmen. One firebender pumps an orange flame into a republic city swordman's stomach.

Republic City Swordsman: "Ahh!" A fire swordsman charges at a republic city swordsman. The fire swordsman swipes vertically at the republic trooper's head. The republic trooper tilts his blade horizontally as he thwarts the strike. The republic trooper backhands the remnant swordsman then kicks him down. The republic trooper slams his blade into the remnant trooper's lower body. Then a Fire Nation spearman chucks his weapon into the swordman's chest.

Swordsman: "Ahhhhaahha!" The spearman switches to a dagger and rushes at the republic city spearman. The spearwarrior lunges his weapon at the dagger-wielding remnant trooper. The remnant trooper leaps backward as another remnant swordsman rushes the right flank of the spearman. The republic trooper rotates his spear right and glides it into the swordman's neck. The fire trooper with a dagger sprints on his left flank.

The trooper turns and pushes his spear into the dagger-wielding trooper's stomach. Republic spearman: "Did you really think that would work?" A remnant firebender charges at the Republic firebender, the Republic trooper extends his right hand and pumps an orange flame into the remnant bender. The Republic firebender rotates his body and fires a beam of fire at another remnant firebender.

The firebender extends his arms and puts out the flames. Smoke flows from the remnant trooper's hands as he rotates his left hand and bolts a flame at the republic trooper's lower left abdomen. The firebender bends and turns as he blocks the fireball. The remnant firebender hurls another flame at his opponent's face. The republic trooper does a right cartwheel to avoid the attack and throws an orange flame into the firebender's stomach.

Another remnant firebender punches two flames at the republic earthbender. The earthbender creates two earth wrist shields and rotates his arms right to left as he parries the shots. The firebender kicks a third flame into the earthbender's gut, the earthbender flies two feet backward. Another remnant firebender hops forward and blasts away the Republic city spearman with a blaze of orange fire.

Republic spearman: "Ahhhhaaa!" The remaining republic trooper firebender looks around at his fallen comrades. He notices he still has two firebenders, a spearman, and a swordsman coming at him. One firebender slides on his left and the republic firebender launches a massive flame at the remnant trooper. The firebender crosses his arms but is knocked back several feet by the explosion. The other remnant firebender charges at the republic firebender and zaps a flame at him shouting, "Traitor!!" The republic firebender spins right and pumps his own orange flame at the remnant firebender. The remnant trooper slides forward and swats a flame into the republic trooper's left abdomen.

Republic firebender: "Ugh." The Republic firebender falls backward. The other remaining firebender gets up and dusts himself off while the remnant swordman and spearman move behind them.

The remnant firebender stands over him and generates an orange fire sword around his right hand, "Well what do ya know? I found a traitor. I'm going to personally enjoy this."

The republic firebender defiantly replies, "I'm no traitor, I'm trying to help our people live a new and more sustainable life. We can't go around conquering and pillaging forever."

The remnant firebender starts choking him, "Silence! Your heresy will not go unpunished!" Macai bobs right of the remnant trooper's position. Macai kicks a strong white rod of fire into the remnant swordsman. Macai rapidly turns and shoots down both of the firebenders with white fireballs. Remnant firebender: "Oof."

Macai turns and faces the spearman. The spearman raises his weapon and Macai swiftly pumps a white flame into his left rib. The spearman falls over and collapses. Macai helps the Republic firebender up, "Good job trooper."

Republic firebender: "Thanks, commander."

Macai asks, "What's your name by the way?"

Republic firebender: "Lieutenant Derron."

Macai nods, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Derron. What can you tell me about enemy movement around this sector."

Lieutenant Derron: "Enemies are scattered around the Northeastern border of the city. They've hit us hard. Even if they aren't looking to destroy it, we believe they want to sack Josendica and cause as much damage as possible. We believe their biggest force is going to attack our Northern Central formation."

Macai: "Don't worry, my Captain Rosh has a team that's near that position." Rosh advances with an archer, Irina, a firebender, two swordsmen, and Hakato as his seven-person team advances across the grassland outskirts of the city. Several meters ahead of their position, a Republic City defense team battles a team of Fire Nation Remnant forces. Three Earth Kingdom skirmish tanks move across the battlefield.

They are of a medium design (not heavy or light tanks). The skirmish tanks fire three-feet-long, two-feet tall, and three-feet-wide projectiles at their targets. A Fire Nation captain howls, "Charge!" Dozens of swordsmen, firebenders, spearmen, and troopers with maces descend across the battlefield. The tanks fire a barrage of earth chunks at incoming Remnant forces.

A third of the advancing remnant troopers are shot down. One swordsman is pounded in the chest by an earth projectile, which sends him flying six feet in the air before he spirals down. The man drops his sword, and it flies into the neck of a remnant firebender under his position. One firebender's head is blasted off by one of the objects. A remnant spearman is shot in his gut by an object and falls forward.

Remnant captain: "Spread out, keep them busy." After the volley of shots are fired the earthbenders in the tanks start reloading to let out another volley, but a team of five Republic City archers propel their arrows at more incoming Remnant forces. Several troopers are gunned down and their advance is halted.

A swordman is shot in his chest, "Ahhh!"

A spearman is shot in her stomach, "Aiyyeee!" A firebender crawls across the ground as he suffers from an arrow that penetrated his lower back. Another swordman is shot in his back.

The Republic City captain watches the fight with a handheld telescope, "Excellent, I think we got them." A Republic City swordsman stands on his right and a waterbender stands on his left. They are about ten feet away from the archers who are fifteen feet behind a team of eight Republic City troopers. The troopers are behind the three tanks.

After their onslaught, a powerful rod of orange fire flies sharply into the middle tank. The tank is split in half by the resulting explosion. Black smoke and ash flow from the debris. As the smoke clears the captain notices three Heavy Artillery Tanks (HATs). The tanks have black armor and are much longer than the standard fire nation tanks. They have long nozzles and are about 30 meters away from the Republic City tanks.

Despite being located 30 meters away, these tanks are capable of attacking from a range of 50 meters away. Unlike the Earth Kingdom Assault Tanks which are anti-infantry vehicles that aren't made for destroying other armored vehicles. The Republic City captain shouts, "Fall back, we don't have the firepower to face those vehicles!"

Two more powerful shots are blasted into the other Republic City vehicles, blowing them into fragments. Rosh and his marines arrive behind the captain. Rosh: "No, don't retreat. Tell your men to split up and spread out. I'll move ahead and engage the tanks myself. The rest of my marines will move behind me, after I initially engage them."

Republic City Captain: "Are you insane? Those tanks are nearly 100 feet away from our position."

Rosh: "Don't worry about that. Just give the order."

Republic City Captain: "No, I won't put my men at greater risk."

Rosh: "Fine, call your men back. My team will handle it ourselves." Rosh sprints ahead and his team slowly advances behind the retreating Republic City troops. The captain holds his position to watch the show and looks at Rosh like he's crazy. The tanks open fire again and launch three massive orange rods of fire at the captain's position.

Rosh runs and launches himself several feet forward as the fire rods fall toward his position. The first rod lands about ten feet behind his position and immediately explodes. The ground shutters as two more rods of fire land closer to Rosh. Rosh's hazel eyes sparkle as a second rod lands just seven feet behind him. The flames expand and zoom just three feet behind his back. A third flame lands six feet from Rosh's position but expands and is only two feet behind Rosh.

The impact from the explosion knocks Rosh about and he tumbles three feet forward in the dirt. Rosh's armor is dirty, and he spits spoil out of his mouth before he climbs back on his feet. Rosh is still 40 meters away from the tanks and they take aim at him again. The tanks aim their nozzles closer to the ground as they adjust to seventeen-year-old's new position and Rosh launches himself off the ground higher in the sky this time.

Rosh soars twenty feet in the air with a haze of red-orange flames under him. The Captain extends his hands and fires a beam of red-orange fire into the center tank, splitting it in two. The artillery tank nozzles are so long, that they can't pull them up to get a better view of Rosh. Several firebenders start abandoning their tanks.

Rosh stretches both of his arms and aims them low as he fires two more beams of fire into the remaining tanks. The tanks are blown apart and Rosh starts to descend toward his opponents. Several firebenders, swordsmen, and spearmen gather around where Rosh is descending as they prepare to counter him. Rosh sways his legs and an aura of red-orange fire slides around him.

When Rosh lands, a red-orange explosion blasts away dozens of Fire Nation recruits around him. Dust and smoke flow as he looks at several corpses and burnt soil around him. Rosh hears a spearman rush at his north-right flank. The captain moves his hands and punches two flames into the man. A swordsman charges from Rosh's rear left flank and Rosh rotates his body, kicking a red-orange circle of fire into the man's forehead.

A firebender charges at Rosh's rear center flank, Rosh rotates his body and blasts the man back with a stream of red-orange fire. Rosh turns around and notices the remnant captain emerge. The captain has black hair, a black beard, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and a plump nose. A swordsman stands right of his position, a two firebenders join him, an archer joins their ranks, a warrior with a mace emerges, a spearman steps forward, a muscular warrior with a morning star approaches, and a remnant trooper with a long axe reveals himself.

The trooper with a long axe has a long scar on his face, is bald, and has a massive beard. Remnant captain: "You may have foiled our advance and a good chance of sacking this city. But we'll make the Fire Nation pay for its actions with your life!!"

Rosh smirks, "We'll see about that."

Rosh comments, "Who said I was alone?" Irina, a 31st archer, two marine firebenders, two marine swordsmen, and Hakato emerge beside Rosh.

The captain scoffs, "You're still outnumbered."

Rosh answers, "You're still outmatched."

Remnant captain: "We'll see about that. Men, destroy them!" The remnant forces charge and the 31st archer immediately fires an arrow into the remnant archer's chest. The Remnant spearman chucks his blade into the 31st archer's stomach and draws dual swords.

Remnant warrior: "Raaahhhaaah!" The remnant warrior leaps in the air and glides down toward Irina. Irina shifts her spear horizontally and blocks the incoming attack. Irina rotates her weapon and body horizontally and lunges at the man's stomach. The remnant duelist leaps backward then scurries at Irina's left flank.

The remnant trooper charges with his left blade held below Irina's guard and horizontally swipes at the right side of her thighs. Irina spins left and pushes her spear at the man's neck. The duelist rotates his head right and swats Irina's spear away from him. The warrior leaps and horizontally swings his blades at the young marine.

Irina spins backward and holds her weapon sideways. The duelist extends his blades horizontally and twirls them. The man springs at Irina. Irina also leaps and thrusts her blade into the man's right forearm. Irina pulls her spear back and rips a chunk of the man's arm off. The veteran collapses and blood gushes from what remains of his arm.

Irina turns her head, not looking at the horrific sight. The duelist passes out from the blunt force. A marine firebender extends his left hand and pumps a flame into an incoming swordsman. A 31st swordsman runs forward and vertically cuts down a remnant macewarrior. Another warrior with a morning star rushes the marine's right flank. The warrior with the morning star swings hoziontally left and smacks the marine swordsman aside.

Hakato notices a duelist with a long axe running at him. The remnant warrior swings down diagonally at Hakato's neck. Hakato rotates his blade left and blocks the strike. Hakato twirls his sword forward and slams it into his enemy's chest. Hakato pulls his blade back and his adversary collapses. A firebender rushes Rosh's right flank.

The firebender extends his left fist and pumps an orange rod of fire at Rosh's left side. Rosh spins right then presses both of his hands, pumping a rectangular flame into his enemy's chest. Another firebender turns and looks at Irina. Irina readies her weapon and the firebender pumps a large orange flame at her.

Rosh intercepts the flame and fires his own red-orange flame into the firebender's. Irina spins forward and glides her spear into the firebender's abdomen. Rosh turns and looks at the rogue captain. Rosh: "You are beaten."

The Remnant captain defiantly pulls out a sword and Rosh pumps a red-orange flame into his right hand. The remnant captain drops his sword and Rosh pumps a second flame into his stomach. The remnant captain falls on his back and looks up to Rosh. The captain scowls, "We'll never stop fighting."

Rosh replies, "Yeah, yeah. You're lucky I won't execute you right now for all the lives you needlessly wasted." Remnant captain: "Then do it." Rosh generates a red-orange fire dagger.

Irina: "Rosh, what are you doing?"

Rosh kicks the remnant officer in his face, knocking him out. Rosh: "Nothing, I just wanted to dabble with the idea. But I should stop wasting time with trash. Strap him up and bring him in for questioning. I want to find out how they were so well supplied." The next day, the remnant captain is taken to a holding facility in Republic City itself. The city is full of two and three-story buildings that usually have a light grey color with burgundy rooftops. The town faces a shoreline. Kanna meets with Rosh, Dade, and Macai as the prisoner is escorted to his holding cell.

Kanna comments, "I like this city. It's pretty, the seafood is great here. I tried some during my R&R. The scallops, shrimp, and crawfish are all so delicious."

Dade: "Nice, Sonna and I also looked around at the city and went for a stroll. We had a lot of fun."

Macai: "Lovely, I'd like to check some of this town out as well. When I get the time."

Rosh: "In the meantime, let's see what we can learn from this jerk."

Macai: "You seem to be taking this mission personally, what did he do to heat you up?"

Rosh shakes his head, "I just can't stand the idea of someone who wants to prolong this war. So many people have already died and it hurt our nation as well as others. I want it to end and people like him are giving us a bad name again."

Macai counsels, "That's why we have to stand against them. To show the rest of the world that we aren't like them and we don't stand with those people. I know this means a lot to you, so I'll let you take the lead on this investigation. Kanna, Dade, wait outside while we conduct the investigation." Macai and Rosh walk forward and the two Republic City guards standing in front of the main door of the facility salute the duo before opening the door. Macai and Rosh walk toward the captain's cell room.

Rosh: "What is this guy's name anyway?"

Macai: "Corengo." The duo continues their walk through the facility. The walls are white, the floor is dark green, and the ceiling is light grey. Macai and Rosh stand outside of the room and Rosh kicks the door open.

A Republic City trooper inside of the interrogation room points as Rosh, "Hey watch it."

Rosh: "Just be glad we saved your city from a lot of damage."

Republic City trooper: "I don't care how much damage you prevented, be careful in this city or I'll damage YOU!"

Macai: "He had a rough day yesterday sir."

Republic City trooper: "We all had a rough day yesterday; he'll have a rougher day if he keeps testing me." Macai extends his right leg and kicks the man against the wall. The trooper passes out.

Rosh comments, "I could have done that."

Macai looks at Rosh, "Yeah, but he was getting on my nerves at that point." Rosh peeps and views Captain Corengo with handcuffs over his hands sitting in a light grey chair beside a long white table.

Rosh puts his hands on the table, "I noticed that your troops had fresh armor, weapons, and were groomed well. You also had advanced artillery tanks. Where did your unit get all of those supplies from?"

Captain Corengo smirks, "Just because we lost the war doesn't mean the Fire Nation didn't maintain and keep some of its supplies. Many of our best weapons and tech have still been hidden from treacherous mice like you."

Macai responds, "The Fire Nation did have key generals and admirals escape through underground tunnels located within the Fire Nation Capital and other major cities. Although Zuko and his Kyoshi warriors snuffed most of them out there may have still been some forces we didn't discover."

Rosh replies, "But we had several leaks who helped us locate some of their positions and the remnant forces were being depleted overall. We knew they still had some stuff saved, but intel noticed that Fire Nation forces have gotten stronger recently. This doesn't make any sense, something new is happening."

Macai glances at Rosh, "Do you think the new cult is funding them?"

The remnant captain interrupts, "Can I go back to my cell now? I don't want to hear your banter."

Rosh: "I wonder how we can find their new supplier."

Macai: "We'll check the files of the captives and request Republic City forces interrogate them. That might give us a better grasp of this situation." Rosh runs towards the captain to startle him, and the man falls while still being cuffed to his chair. Rosh chuckles and the pair leaves.

The next day, Macai, Rosh, Kanna, Dade, Hakato, Irina, and Hagenko meet in a meeting room within the Prompt Adjudicator. Macai: "It appears we found information on our enemies. I matched some of the info we got from captives with a search the Intel Department made. We noticed there is an unknown supplier called Fu-tae, we're going to have to find out who this person is. I'm going to set up a mock meeting with two captives who are willing to be informants. Then we'll see who their ally truly is."

Hakato: "One really rich supplier who has enough money to fund Fire Nation Remnant groups?"

Macai adds, "He may work with a group of people, we don't know."

Hagenko: "Does he have contact people or does he personally meet with them?"

Macai: "He has several agents, I have a list of about three names to find these agents. For all we know, it could be a fake name to cover up the real person."

Irina asks, "What convinced them to tell?"

Macai answers, "A couple of them wanted to avoid prison sentences."

Rosh: "That's pathetic. If they're going to put people's lives at risk, they might as well do the time."

Hakato: "There will always be a couple of people like that."

Rosh: "Not in the 31st, at least not in our old unit. We have some newbies now so I don't know, but none of our old unit would have done sold us out."

Macai: "I don't know about that. I never thought Ronin would have stood against us."

Rosh: "To be fair, he wouldn't have sold us out for that. He left because he had a greater allegiance that we just can't accept."

Kanna: "So what's the plan?"

Down the Stretch

Three days later, a squad of five Fire Nation Remnant troopers waits outside to meet with their supplier. One sergeant with brown hair, a full beard, a moderate frame, two long sideburns, and light brown eyes waits. Two Fire Nation swordsmen, one axman, and one firebender are behind the remnant sergeant.

The team waits in a dense forest that only has a few trees. The grass is forest green and the sky is cerulean blue. It is 21.11 Celsius (70 Degrees) outside with a moderate breeze.

A man arrives in a dark grey hoody with orange stripes on his uniform. Four men move behind him with dark grey uniforms that have orange stripes. The men in the back have dark grey helmets with silver visors that cover their faces. The messenger himself is wearing a white mask instead of a helmet that has several orange markings on it. One of the men in the back has a spear strapped to his back.

Messenger: "You have our payment, don't you?" The messenger has a chilling voice. The sergeant slowly gulps and nods for two of his troopers (a swordsman and the firebender) to bring forth a case of silver shekels. The messenger signals for two of his men to pick up the package. Rosh rushes about twenty feet behind the troopers with two 31st marines beside him. One marine is a swordsman, the other is a spearman.

The messenger notices them and looks back at the remnant troopers, "No deal." The messenger immediately draws dual swords and the sergeant gasps in fear. The Remnant sergeant immediately pumps two orange flames at the messenger. The mysterious figure leaps behind the officer and impales him, thrusting his blades into the man's back.

The other Remnant firebender drops the case of shekels and hurls two flames at the messenger. The duelist turns around and blocks four incoming flames with his swords. Smoke flows from his swords and the other mysterious members join the fight. One of the masked figures dives and rotates his arms; two long chains with blades at their end (chain blades) fly into the firebender and swordsman in front of him.

The man pulls his blades back while spinning and the bodies drop. The warrior springs forward and lashes at a remnant swordsman across his position. The swordman extends his blade to block the blow, but his sword is knocked out of his hand. The swordsman runs and Rosh weaves beside him, "Enough of this, get out of here you played your part." The Remnant axman and swordsman flee.

Messenger: "You should have kept them with your team. You would have lasted longer if you did."

Rosh: "We are more than capable of handling you ourselves!" Rosh points his left hand and blasts a red-orange flame at the messenger. The messenger rolls right and the warrior with dual chain blades leaps at Rosh. The warrior sways his arms and the blades fly at Rosh, each one extends twelve feet out. One blade flies at Rosh's right leg and the other moves toward his left shoulder. Rosh lifts his right leg and dives left.

Rosh rolls back on his feet and the warrior swings his blades left. Rosh pivots right and pumps two flames into his opponent's stomach and chest. Rosh turns and notices the messenger diving toward him. Rosh spins backward but his left hand is indirectly slashed by one of the swords. Blood flows from Rosh's left arm, "Ahhh!"

Rosh shrugs his arm. Messenger: "Ahh, yes, can you feel it? The insurgence has begun." The messenger vertically spirals at Rosh with a spinning attack, moving at 80 miles an hour. Rosh bobs right and the duelist lands on his feet before horizontally extending his swords. Meanwhile, a masked firebender pumps orange flames into the other two marines.

Messenger: "We are too powerful, no one can beat us, not even the Avatar!" The messenger gallops at Rosh and diagonally swings at his neck. Rosh slips left then maneuvers himself behind the duelist. Rosh rapidly blows a red-orange flame into the man's stomach. The messenger falls on his back, "Heeem!"

Rosh comments, "You are going to have to be much better than that to defeat the Avatar."

One of the masked firebenders dashes at Rosh and pumps two orange flames at him. The captain blocks the shots with his elbows then spins forward and extends his right leg, blasting a flame into the bender's face. Masked firebender: "Ack!"

Another warrior moves left of Rosh's position while a spearman moves right of it. The warrior left of Rosh tosses two knives at him. Rosh leaps in the air, extends his left leg, and blasts a rod of red-orange fire into the knife thrower. Rosh turns and pumps two flames into the spearman across him (one in his stomach and a second in his face).

The remaining firebender blasts a rod of orange fire at the 31st Captain. Rosh rolls right and extends his right hand; pumping a flame into the man's neck. A chop is heard before the firebender hunches over. Smoke flows around the area while Rosh makes a report to Macai. Rosh meets with Macai outside of the Vindicated Avenger.

Macai: "What happened to your escort?"

Rosh: "Should have brought a bigger team. While it seemed like a small meeting, it was much more than that. They have five people, but they were proficient fighters. They managed to take down most of the remnant troopers and noticed us before we arrived. Then they easily picked off my marines as well."

Macai: "Well, I'm glad you handled them. It's better we didn't risk more lives. Your wrist is cut, you should see the doctors in the Prompt Adjudicator immediately."

Rosh comments, "You know I never got really close to the medical crew."

Macai: "Then you'll have to meet them, come on." Macai and Rosh go to a lower level in the Prompt Adjudicator. At this level the walls of the ship are light grey, the floor is white, and the ceiling is light red. Macai points at a man with yellow skin, black curly hair, a long nose, moderately thin lips, thin yet long ears, and a slightly heavy build.

Macai: "This is Doctor Seso, he has served us well during his time here. I knew him fairly well, but many of the crew members didn't get to bond with him much if they were not injured."

Seso adds, "And a lot of the time they were unconscious or so badly injured that they didn't remember who I was. I was good friends with Rosier and Cosal."

Rosh: "I see."

Macai adds, "Seso is in his late thirties, so he will be with us for a while."

Seso: "And now the job is safer than it was since we don't have many naval battles. Usually, the only thing I see is our ship bullying pirates who will not engage back."

Rosh: "They better not, they'd be blown to pieces. But to be honest, the only really risky mission we had is when we went against other Fire Nation forces."

Seso: "That was crazy, I was shaking and thought I'd be dead that day."

Rosh: "Why did you decide to stay with Macai's team? You weren't as close as some of us."

Seso: "I admired Macai and he was always kind to me. Besides, I knew the Fire Nation was a mess. I've seen a lot of bad things on the sidelines during my years of service, I started this job when I was just eighteen and I've wanted to retire for some time."

Rosh: "Eighteen? So, you worked a couple of years first."

Seso: "That's right, but I didn't have much experience in the medical field. The military was a great chance for me to get some good experience and I saw it as a service to my cause. I really thought about leaving to avoid getting killed, I do have a family back home. But I just felt I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. I hadn't heard from my family in months while we went in hiding, but I was able to pay someone to send a letter out to them before that last battle. I knew my family would accept it regardless."

Rosh smiles, "Then you finally got to get back with them after we won."

Seso nods, "That's right. They were so proud of me. That's when I realized I was right. Although it didn't make sense then, I know deep down that I could never live with myself if my family were to realize I turned my back on the 31st after everything I learned."

Macai: "Someday we'll have to sit back and talk about everything you saw Seso. But for now, we just need to get his arm taken care of."

Seso: "I'll put an herbal ointment over it, it will patch his skin right up in less than a week. In the meantime, I advise he take it easy until that has happened."

Rosh: "Don't worry, we do mission rotations all the time." A young woman steps in the room. She has thin olive-brown eyes, medium-length brown hair, brunette brown hair, thin eyebrows, a thin yet medium-length nose, tan skin, and small ears.

Seso points, "And this is my nurse Usoni, she will patch up Rosh's wound."

Rosh looks at Macai, "Why don't we have more field medics?"

Macai: "We have used a couple, but it's not a standard procedure. Maybe I'll consider that in the future. The Republic City forces are lucky to have waterbenders in their ranks, they're the best healers. But we still need dedicated personnel in the ship like Seso and Usoni."

Rosh sits on a medical bed and while Usoni is patching his arm. Macai: "These are defiantly the Disciples of Justice. I was told in the past that they have outreached throughout the planet. But right now, I don't have much evidence behind my claims. So, I need to do more to warrant a greater search on this cause."

Rosh replies, "At least Zuko is on our side. He is listening and putting resources into the search."

Macai: "They are deadly, and we need to stop them before they get too big. The problem with Zuko is he is distracted by a lot of political stuff, treaties, and negotiations that will limit his ability to focus on them until they are too much of a threat. If Aang was around, I could talk with him to keep Zuko focused on this matter because I think he is kind of blowing this off right now."

Rosh: "Well he also was dealing with assassins and local insurrectionists for some time. And right now, Azula has fallen off the radar. I bet he wants to know what she's doing."

Macai: "Zuko will never stop until or unless he knows she's on our side. That's what worries me. It's better to wait and see what she does."

Rosh asks, "Do you believe Azula is involved with them?"

Macai shakes his head, "I don't know, but honestly I've not seen anything to convince me of that."

Rosh: "They are a different kind of crazy, maybe she won't even like them. But there is no telling with that woman."

Macai: "It's too bad you killed them all, we could have used a captive as leverage."

Rosh: "I was fighting for my life! Besides, I'm not sure if this cult would even care if we had a captive. We fought a lot of crazy groups, but none quite like this."

Macai: "Well, Dade and I were up to the challenge when two of their leaders got the jump on us. I understand. We will just have to work with the information we have, but I fear they are planning something big and are getting ready to make a move. If we keep up at this rate, they'll do some damage before we can find them, and I hope we can take it."

Rosh: "I wonder what they're doing in the other nations outside of our jurisdiction. We know they have tried Republic City, which everyone has a stake in. Perhaps they have more extensive operations in the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom that we don't know about."

Macai: "I'll have to ask Zuko for permission to operate in the Earth Kingdom or Water Tribe to conduct an investigation. But we'll need an inside source from the Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom to make that possible. Zuko alone can't grant us permission."

Rosh: "This just gets more complicated all the time. But at least we have a few 'friends' from both of those nations. Maybe they'll give us a shot."

Macai: "There is also Kett, I wonder if he's onto these guys."

Rosh: "I don't know, it seems like he's done a lot more anti-poverty stuff than actual fighting after the war ended."

Macai: "Hopefully the Intel Department is going more than we know, but right now they seem to mainly be shuffling through data to find out more about our enemies."

Rosh: "It makes sense, they can't just have operations without information. Especially now with these new international rules the nations are pledging to follow to avoid war."