"There is nothing more painful than the person who says he loves you, abuses you, hits you, insults you and makes you feel that everything is because of you.

Without realizing it, I had naturalized him for more than two years, I believed that I was going to change him and I could help him change and be a better person.

Every time he hit me, I cried alone and wanted to die, that pain is so exasperating that it eats away at you inside. T

oday, 7 months ago was the last time he hit me, he left me fainted from the blows. It was the last and the first time that I dared to ask for help.

If you suffer from violence, ask for help. I made the complaint (although the justice does not do anything) and I went to the local gender policy department and they helped me to get ahead and to empower myself as a woman and person, it is difficult, it is not easy.

But we all deserve to be happy, believe me that you are going to cry a lot and it is normal because you are going to undergo many changes, but by asking for help you will get ahead.

I do not hold a grudge, I loved him and hopefully wherever he is he will be happy, love and value the person he has a winged for. And that nobody; but, nobody suffers violence !! "