There are people who believe that love is a beautiful feeling that makes people feel butterflies inside their bodies but, in this story, it is the opposite because love is nothing more than a facade that men use to beat their respective wives to death.

And one, as a woman, must apply the following saying: "Fagot, he's the one who beats women"

At the first sign of abuse that we receive from them, we must not only leave them; but also, denounce them, and not stop until they die in the electric chair.

In this story, machismo is a disease reflected in men, to make their "presence" felt in front of any woman who becomes their first victim.

Men disguise themselves as sheep when they are beasts without brains or remorse.

What these beasts do not know is that, for every mistreatment, humiliation, and violation, they steal our dignity and our esteem, until there is absolutely nothing left to give.

What these beasts do not know is that, for every mistreatment, humiliation and rape, they steal the opportunity to have children.

And this is the case of Verónica Pardo who, discovered too late, the beast who he was, her husband.

Also, both the Pardo family and Verónica's friends discovered too late that Francesco is the devil, disguised as a sheep.

The Pardo family is the type of family who donates a good part of their money, to the neediest, and to the Church. The Pardo family is the type of family who does not like pedophiles.

The Pardo family is the type of family that will always serves as a good example for others; on the other hand, the Pardo family is the type of family who always consult everything before taking a step.

Verónica's father is called Fernando Pardo, who owns a shipping company and helps the Church in everything they need.

Fernando Pardo is the type of man who likes to donate part of his money to people who need him.

Fernando Pardo's wife, whose name is María, owns a restaurant and helps the Church, in everything they need.

María is the type of woman who likes to donate part of her money to people who need it.

Fernando and María have the following children: Fernando, Facundo, José David, Azucena, María and, finally, Verónica.

Fernando, the eldest son, like his father, works in the shipping company, is married to Daniela and they have two children: Fernando and Daniela.

As his father wanted to open a shipping company in Minnesota, United States, he tells his son Fernando that he is going to work there and that he is in charge of that shipping company, as owner and boss.

Fernando, happy, accepts and went with his wife and children there and when he can, he goes to Mexico, to visit his family.

Fernando, like his parents and brothers, donates part of his money to those most in need and helps the Church, in everything they need.

Facundo, the second son, owns a coffee company, together with his best friend, Rafael, and with the guidance of their parents.

Soon and how they were doing well in this business, they decided to open a branch in Toronto, Canada and Facundo went there to be in charge of that business. There, he met his wife, and has two children.

José David, is the third son. He owns an international foreign trade company. Like every enterprising, responsible, and successful man, José David quickly opens his company in South Korea and went there to live.

In South Korea, José David falls in love with a Korean, they get married and have four children.

Azucena is the fourth daughter and the first wife of three women. She owns and works at the same restaurant as her mom.

Both Azucena and her mother have always dream of opening a branch in Brazil and now that they are millionaires, thanks to the restaurant, they have the opportunity to do so.

Azucena, traveled to Brazil and there, she met a Brazilian; of which, she fell in love, they married and have three children.

María is the fifth daughter and the second wife of three women. She is a journalist, writer and lawyer.

Through her boss, María was promoted to work as a reporter in Spain, with all expenses paid, and she was the boss.

In Spain, María, meets a Spaniard; of which, they marry and have five children.

Verónica, is the last of the daughters and sisters of six sons and brothers.

Verónica Pardo, is the type of woman who comes from a well-formed home and whose family does not believe in divorce.

She is the type of Mexican woman who always puts her family and friends first and loves to share most of her time with them.

Verónica Pardo is the type of woman who has a select group of friends, who are a total nine best friends, including her, whose names are: Alejandro, Antonio, Ignacio, José Antonio, Mauricio, María de los Ángeles, Esperanza and Alfonsina.

The nine best friends have known each other since childhood; since then, they have shared almost everything together as regards the personal and family of each of them, they have known each other for years.

Verónica's dream has always been to go to Argentina, to study Business Management because, they give her all the facilities to be able to study that career.

She knew that she had to have the approval of the family, if she wanted to study there; so, she gathered her family and talked about his plans to study in Argentina.

At first, they flatly refused about Verónica's going to Argentina because they had heard negative things about them and nothing positive.

Verónica knew that if she really wants to go to Argentina, she has to be persistent and insist until she gets the permission.

So, she did. Verónica insisted every day that she wants to go to Argentina, which she achieves her goal and went there with her eight inseparable friends.

As soon as they arrived in Argentina, they noticed the hostility of the Argentines towards them and they felt uncomfortable but, they decided this should not affect them at all and thanks to the GPS, they arrived at the house they had rented via the Internet.

In the first year of university, Verónica meets Francesco D´Agostino. Francesco D'Agostino, is Argentine and has Italian descent.

He has always believed himself superior and that no one is up to the task; far from, his expectations and he has always looked down on the rest of the Latinos, below the shoulders.

He is the type of man who, being Argentine-Italian, can denigrate women, as he does. He has seen, by his family, denigrate women because, for them, it is the only way for them to do what they want, and he is the type of man who likes to humiliate women in every possible way. Finally, he is the type of man who enjoys hitting and humiliating his mom.

He is the type of man who, hits his aunts, with the first thing he sees and has close at that moment.

Francesco D´Agostino is the type of man who likes to be the center of everyone's attention and he is the type of man who comes from a well-built home but, without any kind of values.

Francesco D'Agostino, is the type of man who does not like to be nice to women; also, he is the type of man who uses women as if they were a hobby and he is the type of man who, he believes himself superior, only because of Italian descent.

He is the type of man who has the mentality that Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are the only Anglo-Saxon-Latin countries that serve and that the rest of the Latin countries do not serve.

He is the type of man who, thinks that, Latinos who are neither Argentine nor Uruguayan; far from it, Paraguayans, they are useless.

He is the type of man who thinks that women only serve to serve them; also, he is the type of man who, thinks that women, like to be raped, and he is the type of man who is used to hitting and raping women, when he pleases to do so.

He is the type of man who has to disinfect everything, even where he sits. At the beginning, everyone was with their respective groups of friends, but little by little they got to know each other better and became friends.

Slowly, the two of them start dating as friends. Little by little, Verónica introduces Francesco to her friends and immediately, they all began to get along, including Veronica and Francesco's friends.

On the other, Verónica, gradually introduces him to her family; without knowing that, Francesco is not what he appears to be. The two of them made some trips to the places where each member of Verónica's family was living.

As soon as they saw him, they had the best impression of him; except for, Veronica's mother, who saw something in Francesco that she found it impossible to treat.

On the other hand, Francesco knew that if he really wanted to continue to hang out with Veronica, he had to win the goodwill of her mother and have her by his side.

So, he did. Little by little and with patience, Francesco began to win the goodwill of his mother until, they left the problems behind.

Immediately, Francesco and Veronica's family began to get along and spend more time together. With all this, Verónica and Francesco were closer than ever and Francesco began to spend more time with Verónica. Francesco took Veronica to his family's house to meet for the first time.

As soon as the women of Francesco's family saw her, they told her to "Run away from him", "He is not who he appears to be", "He is a disgusting human being", "Run away from him, while you can" and "Don't wait to say he loves you, because once you are married to him, he will beat you to death."

The women of the D'Agostino family told her that kind of thing; so that, she would run away from him and the same thing that happened to other women, who were before her, does not happen to her.

Veronica did not know what to think, with everything they told her. Veronica, preferred to remain silent, the remainder of the day. While everyone was talking animatedly, Veronica, was remembering everything they told her and at that moment, she wanted to run away from everyone.

But she did not do any of that and stayed by Francesco's side, chatting apparently calmly with her entire family. Veronica did not say anything to anyone but, everything that the women of Francesco's family told him remained etched in his memory.

In the weeks that followed, Veronica made up all kinds of excuses for not going to Francesco's family home. Every time Francesco asked her why, Veronica would abruptly change the subject, to say nothing.

Verónica is the type of woman who does not like to upset her partner with negative comments. Little by little, Francesco and Veronica, began to feel attracted. Immediately, Francesco told Veronica's friends that he was strongly attracted to her and that wished they were in love.

Verónica's friends who, did not know him as he really is, were happy at this news that did nothing but congratulate him. A month after discovering that attraction, Francesco asks Verónica to be in love and she accepts.

Before that happened, Francesco, had reserved Veronica's favorite restaurant, for be together without interruption. Francesco had prepared a romantic dinner for Veronica, with a serenade and an excellent selection of good music.

Also, Francesco, gave the chef a list of Veronica's favorite food; so that, they prepared it. When Verónica goes to the restaurant, she is surprised to see that the restaurant is reserved for the two of them and everything that Francesco had prepared.

"Do you like it? Everything you see, I did it, thinking of you," said Francesco; meanwhile, he opened the chair for Veronica to sit down.

"I love Francesco, you shouldn't have bothered and thank you," Veronica replied, at the same time, she sat down in the chair that Francesco had aside.

Francesco was nervous that, he couldn't articulate a word. He did not know how to tell Veronica to be in love.

"Veronica, I have to ask you something," Francesco began, while taking a bite.

"What's wrong Francesco?" she asked intrigued, after taking the first bite.

Francesco had to calm down to be able to talk to Veronica. After calming down, she was able to ask the question, "Veronica, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Veronica, happy, could only answer: "Yes"

That same night and in their respective homes, along with their friends, they told them that they are already a couple.

Their respective friends were happy for the news that they decided to celebrate it.

That same night, Verónica decided that she had to tell her family about this; so, she managed to schedule a video call for everyone gets the great news and is happy.

After hearing the excellent news, Verónica's family and her friends began to congratulate them both.

After having spent two months as lovers, Francesco, takes her to his office and tells her that "he wants to open the office with her"; which, Verónica, responds to him that no and Francesco, in a fit of fury, rapes her.

After having committed that savagery, Francesco, dresses and leaves as if nothing happened, leaving Veronica in a sea of ​​tears.

In the midst of her sadness and shame after what happened, she decides to leave him and pretend she had never met him. Verónica, not knowing what to do, quotes her friend Alfonsina, to a restaurant, where she tells her what happened.

Alfonsina, was exploding with anger, after hearing that confession of what happened that, she told her friend, Verónica, that she had to report it, before it is too late.

Verónica agreed to report him because she knew that things had already gotten out of control. On her birthday, Veronica was determined to report him but, something happened that she did not count.

A few days before his birthday, Francesco managed to get his family, Verónica's family and their friends to attend Verónica's birthday, which would be celebrated at her house and there, he was going to take the opportunity to ask for her hand in marriage.

When Veronica went home, she was surprised to see the number of people, which she found strange because on a typical day, no one would visit her, nor were there too many people at her house.

The only thing Verónica could do is visualize her mother to tell her the whole truth. When he saw her, he could see that she was with Francesco and his family, chatting animatedly.

Veronica was petrified when she saw that painting that, felt as if her feet were glued to the floor because she could not take a step.

Now when Veronica was addressing them, Francesco took the opportunity to publicly ask for Veronica's hand in marriage. Veronica felt the pressure of all those who were present at that moment that, she had no choice but to accept.

Everyone began to congratulate them. While everyone was happy for that moment, Veronica felt like, she was drowning in the middle of so much pressure.

Francesco had the whole month to convince Veronica how sorry he was when all that happened that, according to him, he had not slept. Veronica, seeing how sorry Francesco was, decided to forgive him and pretend none of this had happened.

The moment Alfonsina found out about Verónica's decision, she could not take it anymore and she left Verónica and was not there when they got married. The wedding was simple but beautiful and the people enjoyed the wedding and the reception to the fullest.

Despite being immensely happy because she got married, Verónica felt that her happiness was not complete because Alfonsina, her best friend, was not in her marriage.

After the wedding, they went on their honeymoon and the state they chose is Hawaii. In Hawaii, the problems did not wait and this time, it would be worse.

Francesco and Verónica met their ex - partners: Oscar Valderrama and Luisana Lombardo. The four were shocked when they saw that they decided to dodge so as not to engage in conversation of any kind. Veronica had no idea that her honeymoon would turn into something much worse than hell.

One day, when Francesco saw Veronica talking with Oscar and that didn't please him because, deep inside him, he thought they were flirting; immediately afterwards, he went directly to where they were, took it and gave him a strong slap and gave Oscar a severe beating.

The people who were watching that show called the police and took Francesco into custody. In prison, Francesco began to relive what had happened in such a short time and unconsciously, his anger was growing rapidly.

During the time he was in jail, Francesco had to spend money to be released as soon as possible; thus, give a lesson to Veronica.

When Francesco got out of jail, he came out full of hatred but that feeling is something I could no longer control. The first thing he did was go directly to Verónica, to "unload his hatred."

When she managed to get to Veronica, who found her in the lobby, he found her talking to Oscar.

Full of anger, he took Veronica by force and took her to the room where they were staying, he closed the door; immediately afterwards, he beat her and raped her.

After beating her and raping her, he got dressed and said the following to her: "This is a bitch for you" and left, leaving her all purple from the blows and crying over what happened.

When Verónica manages to get up, with a lot of effort, she manages to go to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she strips naked and sees what her body really looks like. When he saw how his body really looked, she couldn't take it anymore and cried hard, blaming himself for what happened.

"This happened because of me," she told herself, crying non-stop.

When she looked at the underside of her body, she saw that she was bleeding non-stop, and she also noticed that he had bites.

Little by little, she began to examine his body and was horrified to see, in general, his body: her body was totally unrecognizable and there was not a single part where his body could be noticed.

Veronica, felt denigrated and humiliated, as a woman and as a human being.

On the other hand, Veronica tried to move her arms and noticed that she could not move them as she did before that savagery. She could not take it any longer and began to cry and scream and for the first time in her life, she felt repulsion towards herself.

When she managed to calm down, although not completely, she looked for makeup to cover the bruises that her husband, Francesco, gave her. The poor thing, almost finished with her own makeup, to cover the bruises and bites that she had, all over her body.

She did not leave the room for four days because she felt ashamed of herself; so, she was locked in the hotel room. On the fifth day, when Verónica felt that she had some strength, she left her room, with a lot of effort because, in those days when she was locked up, she did not eat anything.

Oscar saw Veronica walking shaky and nervous. The first thing that occurred to Oscar was, take her to eat. She did not ask how her abusive husband was or where he was because, just by looking at her, she realized that it is better not to say anything.

Without questions or speaking, Veronica asked Oscar to take her to see a doctor. Oscar agreed and took her to see a doctor but, it did not have to be just any doctor because, I didn't want him to say any of this to anyone.

Oscar called his cousin who is a doctor and asked him, begging him to attend his friend Verónica. His cousin agreed and the two went to see the doctor. Renato, that's the name of Oscar's cousin, when he saw Verónica, he got a strong impression about it.

"This is mistreatment of women," was the first thing the doctor said when he saw Veronica.

Both of them, although they didn't say anything, knew that what Renato ended up saying is the truth because it hit the nail on the head.

As Renato was examining Veronica, he couldn't control his anger towards Francesco because, he knew that he is Veronica's husband.

"Damn sadist," Renato said, exploding with anger.

After examining it, Renato could no longer handle his anger and saw Oscar, with an expression that said: "I am going to kill that evil born."

Oscar agreed with his cousin Renato but, they both knew that they could not do or say anything at all because it is not their business. Renato told Verónica that she had to rest, eat, try to be calm and not worry about anything or anyone.

Verónica and Oscar, thanked Renato for everything; especially, Oscar who, said to Renato in his ear, the following: "Please cousin, do not tell anyone about this"

At first, Renato did not agree with not saying anything to anyone but, thanks to Oscar's insistence, Renato agreed.

After three weeks, Francesco appears once again in Veronica's life, bringing her a beautiful bouquet of flowers and begging for her forgiveness. Also, it serenaded him.

In the middle of the serenade, Francesco tells Verónica how much he loves her and how sorry he is for what he did and wants her to forgive him.

When Verónica sees all this, she is emotional because, despite everything, she still loves him and does not want to lose him.

Francesco takes advantage of Veronica's weakness, approaches her and asks her forgiveness on his knees, feigning a regret that he does not feel in the least.

Veronica, who feels genuine love for him, forgives him and embraces him. Francesco swears to Veronica that he will never raise his hand to her again. Verónica returns with Francesco; without knowing that, everything would change for worse.

The next day, Verónica along with her husband, Francesco, go to meet Oscar.

When they have him in front of them, Francesco asks him for forgiveness and Oscar says the following: "I don't know what you did to get Verónica to forgive you but, I cannot forgive you because, a man who beats his wife, stops being a man. "

"Veronica, I hope you never regret this because, this pig, will become your executioner because, sooner or later, he will kill you."

Oscar left, when he ended up saying this to both of them and they never heard from him again.

After two weeks, Verónica and Francesco return from their honeymoon, very happy and more in love than ever. Everyone was happy with the arrival of the happy new couple and threw the house out the window, welcoming them both.

After a month, while Verónica was ironing their clothes, the phone rang and she was glad to hear the voice of her sister María.

While they were talking on the phone, as they had never done before, Veronica forgot that the iron was on and that she had left it on top of Francesco's clothes.

When Francesco returned from work, he rushed home because he smelled burned and immediately thought that something serious was happening inside his house.

When Francesco enters his house, he sees Verónica, talking on the phone and that manages to drive him crazy.

As a beast that he really is, he takes the phone from Veronica and without saying anything, he begins to hit and kick her, with everything he had near him.

Francesco completely forgot about the oaths, the promises of love that the two of them had made and he transformed into the beast that he really is.

When Veronica could get rid of Francesco, she ran to the basement and hide there but that beast, who was stronger than ever, followed her and did the same thing again, in the basement of the house.

Veronica, upon seeing her husband's beast who, did not stop at all and that the beating and kicking that he was giving him is getting worse and worse, began to yell at him to stop but in vain.

While he was beating her, Veronica, saw a bat and it hit him hard on the head and when it knocked him unconscious, he got up and went upstairs, leaving him in the basement, with safety.

When Francesco felt tired from all that, he began to rape her savagely, tearing her inside, making her bleed.

The pain that Veronica was feeling at that moment was indescribable and nameless and even, Francesco, began to kick her head hard and savagely.

During all that, Veronica was screaming to stop doing that to her and she was also screaming for someone to save her but in vain.

While all this was happening, María, who was on the other end of the phone, did not stop screaming and became even more desperate, when she heard her sister scream for them to save her.

That savagery lasted all that day. It was already night when Francesco, finished with that savagery. Already exhausted, Francesco said to Veronica: "This is what you think of as an idiot" and left, leaving her more beaten than before.

While everything was happening, María who was on the other end of the phone, was really horrified after realizing that Francesco is a beast without a brain, reason and without any sense.

Francesco, like Veronica, had forgotten that Maria was on the other end of the phone. Veronica could not answer the phone because, at that moment, she felt too weak to move.

Veronica, she stayed lying on that floor that was frozen and she couldn't cry because she no longer had tears to shed.

María, waited a few more seconds, and closed the phone. Maria knew that she couldn't waste any more time because it was about her sister and saving her from that macho beast.

When she was calmer, she told her husband what had happened. He had experienced in his own flesh the mistreatment of the woman by his mother who suffered the same because of his father who, led her to death, told María that she had to act and that is it.

He also told him that she had to tell what happened to his brothers. After that, he arranged a video call; so that, she can tell everything that was happening to her siblings and decide what to do about it. María organized the video call so she could talk to her siblings before it's too late.

While María and her husband were telling María's brothers the whole truth, they were shocked, upset and began to feel a lot of anger against Francesco and with themselves for not realizing in time the signals that he was giving them and without realizing it.

But those who felt an indescribable anger were Fernando, Facundo and José David who, before that call, began to hear alarming things about Francesco.

The three male brothers agreed to go directly to Argentina, to put Francesco in his place and rescue Verónica from that beast. The first to arrive in Argentina was José David and when he arrived at his sister Verónica's house, he found her lying on the floor and lifeless.

José David was trying to get his sister to react but, in vain because, every attempt he made, was in vain because he did not react. The only thing that occurred to her brother was to call the hospital who sent an ambulance to Verónica's house.

When he got there, the first thing the paramedics did was give him first aid but, in vain because Veronica, was dead. The paramedics informed José David that his sister is two days dead.

José David, burst into tears and felt an uncontrolled anger towards Francesco. The forensics arrived shortly after and began to do an autopsy on Verónica; meanwhile, Francesco, was calling his entire family, telling them that Veronica passed away.

While José David was telling his family this painful truth, he would not stop crying and cursing Francesco. When the forensics finished with the autopsy, they informed José David how Verónica really died.

For José David, it was really frightening to hear that part of the truth and every time he was listening to the truth, he began to curse Francesco who was missing in all possible ways and forms.

Little by little, both Verónica's family and relatives began to arrive at her house. José David, had to steel himself and explain everything that had happened.

The pain they were feeling was unbearable but, it was not compared to what Verónica's relatives were feeling; including, José David who, did not stop hitting the wall of anger that had already accumulated. Soon after, Fernando, Facundo, Azucena and María arrived, who had found it difficult to assimilate the truth.

Of all Verónica's relatives who had studied law, it was José David because he just did not own a multinational company; instead, he had also studied law and is a world-renowned lawyer.

While Verónica's family and friends were preparing her funeral, José David went directly to the police, to introduce himself as a lawyer and to report Francesco for domestic violence.

José David presented to the police all the evidence he had collected up to that point. The police, seeing that evidence, immediately proceeded with the arrest of Francesco.

They looked for him everywhere, until they found and arrested him. Jose David: likewise, Verónica's relatives and her friends began to press for the trial to begin that week.

In the trial that was being held against Francesco, José David, began to call all the witnesses who, among them were Alfonsina, Oscar and his cousin.

The trial lasted two weeks; in which, José David, was able to collect more evidence than anticipated and those evidence helped him so that Francesco never leaves prison.

At the trial, the jury already had the verdict; in which, they declared Francesco guilty of domestic violence, rape of other women and premeditated murder of the relatives of the police.

The judge gave his sentence, and the sentence was, to die in the electric chair. Both the Pardo family and Verónica's friends were happy with the verdict and they were happy because it was precisely José David who had achieved this miracle.

At Veronica's wake, they couldn't help cry, but they were grateful that, Veronica, did not bear any children to Francesco.