Chapter 21

The sun was about to rise. And Tatsuo had spent the night in his office. Sitting in his armchair, he waited for news of the two men Satoru had sent to follow Yin. The tension was evident on his face, his brows furrowed. Tatsuo stared at his empty whiskey glass.

When he hears knocking at the door, at the same time Satoru's voice saying:

"Mr. Tatsuo, are you in there? It's me, Satoru."

"Whew!" Sighed Tatsuo annoyed. " Yes, I am, Satoru. You may come in."

Satoru immediately noticed by the tone of his voice that Tatsuo was not in a good mood and went inside without delay. Upon entering, Satoru found him sitting in his armchair, holding an empty glass. He looked around and saw that the papers on the desk remained intact and that the bottle of whiskey on the tray was considerably full. But it was clear that Tatsuo had spent the whole night in the office, for his eyes showed the tiredness of someone who had not slept a night.

"I haven't drunk all night. If that's what you're thinking, Satoru." Tatsuo said when he realized that Satoru was looking at the empty glass.

"Haha! Very insightful, sir." Said Satoru the moment he realized that Tatsuo had discovered his thought.

Tatsuo gave a brief smile that made him relieve the tension on his face.

"Only you could make me smile at a moment like this. But I don't think you came here just to make me laugh. Some news about the men who were following Yin. " Said a worried Tatsuo.

"Yes, but..." Satoru frowned and continued to say. "Whew! The two returned a few minutes ago. But they were injured and asked for someone to accompany them to the hospital. They are probably already receiving medical treatment."

"Why were they hurt? What happened?" said Tatsuo worriedly.

"According to what Hiroshi told us, they ended up being caught by surprise by some men who were doing security at the site. And in trying to escape, they ended up being wounded." said Satoru, describing what happened.

"Did they get any information?" Said Tatsuo bluntly.

"Yes, Hiroshi said that they followed Yin to Kabukicho and saw him enter the Venus club."

"Hmmm... Club Venus. And one of the companies run by Yin." Tatsuo said thoughtfully. "Maybe I should buy that place when Yin declares bankruptcy. Or just burn it down after I rescue Naomi. What do you think, Satoru?"

"I think both options are excellent. But buying that establishment would be great for increasing finances." Satoru said thoughtfully.

"Thinking of it this way. It would be a great benefit to make this purchase." Tatsuo said in agreement. " Did you make sure that Kenjuro had the necessary equipment and information to start the first phase of the plan in practice?"

"Yes, sir. Kenjuro was relocated to one of the hiding places. And I made sure that he began to put the plan into practice." Satoru said diligently.

A silence filled the room, and Tatsuo was immersed in his thoughts. Satoru watched him curiously as he awaited his next orders. When Tatsuo placed the empty glass on the table lamp beside the armchair, he stood up and began to walk towards his work table. The sound of his footsteps echoed inside the room until Tatsuo suddenly stopped and said:

"Satoru gathers a small number of men. We will storm the club and rescue Naomi." Tatsuo said resolutely.

"Er... Break into the club? But Mr. Tatsuo, wouldn't it be better to wait until we have confirmation that Naomi is really in the Venus Club? " said Satoru in surprise.

"There is no need to wait. If all Yin wanted from the start was Naomi, he would have no reason to stay in Japan. And if I know him well enough, he will soon return to Hong Kong." Tatsuo said, justified.

"Mr. Tatsuo, why are you going so far away, because of that girl?" said Satoru, curious about the reason that moved Tatsuo to want to help someone who presented no benefit.

Tatsuo knew that his actions were being controversial. But even he wasn't sure why he was doing all this, and the only answer he could give Satoru at that moment, but that also seemed like a good reason.

"Because I always keep my promises." Said Tatsuo with conviction.

That answer was relatively sufficient. Although it was not the real reason, however, Satoru was relieved.

"Understood, sir. I will make all the preparations. When will the invasion of the club take place?"

"Tonight at 9 pm. You can go now, Satoru. You've come back to rest my room for a while."

Satoru bowed and immediately opened the door for Tatsuo, who was leaving the room.


The sunlight coming in through the balcony reached Naomi's eyes, and she became uncomfortable and still very sleepy, with her eyes closed. She rolled from side to side on the sofa, trying to find a position to escape the glare. She gave in and opened her eyes. When she realized where she had been all night, on an impulse, she stood up, frightened. She looked around and found herself alone in that enormous, extravagant room.

"I can't believe I was able to sleep here. Well, I have to take into consideration that I have slept in the on the street. Hehe!" said Naomi, a little embarrassed at being able to sleep anywhere.

Putting aside the pillow she had been clutching all night, Naomi let out a long yawn, stretched, looked toward the balcony door, and stood up. Naomi wanted to catch some of the morning suns and breathe the fresh air. As she enjoyed the view, she realized that she was not in Shibuya but Kabukicho. Immediately, Naomi remembered when Mr. Noboru had come to collect her overdue rent.

"Hehe! Who knew I would end up here?" said Naomi nervously.

When she hears rhythmic knocks on the door and someone entering. Naomi turned to see who it was. But to her chagrin, she finds Yin and his cynical smile plastered on his face.

"Good morning. My beloved Naomi. Do you sleep well?" said Yin excitedly.

Naomi made a point of demonstrating her disgust at Yin's presence in the room. Although Yin had a handsome appearance, and his eyes were the color of both, and long black hair, it was not enough to compensate for his unpleasant and unhealthy personality. The snake tattoo suited him perfectly, for Yin was cold and treacherous. That's why Naomi couldn't be obedient all the time, or else she would receive a sharp blow, so she took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and in the rudest possible manner said:

"It would even be a good day if I didn't have to see your face so soon. And being stuck here would also be much more pleasant."

"My love, don't be so hard on me. When we arrive in Hong Kong, you can go wherever you want. But as long as you are in the escort of security guards." Said Yin without paying any attention to the way Naomi was acting. "But, now let's stop talking about the future. Are you hungry? I asked the cook to prepare your breakfast."

On the instant, Yin snapped his fingers, and a man dressed in a waiter's uniform entered the room pushing a cart with a tray of fruit, a pitcher of juice, slices of bread with a pâté that looked like chicken. Naomi noticed that the amount of food in the cart was more than she could eat herself. When Yin sat down on the couch and said:

"Come? Let's have breakfast together."

Without leaving the balcony, Naomi stood watching, reluctant to accept Yin's request. But she knew she needed to be cautious and obedient or, her chance to escape would be ruined. That breakfast would not be pleasant as it was in Tatsuo's mansion, but Naomi would make an effort to eat something, even if it would leave her with indigestion. For Naomi had decided that she would run away that night, at any cost.