Chapter One

Hailey POV

After i finished high school my mom decided that she wanted to move away from our home town. Which meant that i needed to go to college in a completely different state. I woke up with my eyes aching from crying the night before. I grew up in that home and now i just have to pack up and leave it. I drag myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I look in the mirror, let out a big sigh and hopped in the shower. Even though showers are supposed to be refreshing the only thing i could think about is how stressed i was. I have no clue how the day was going to go today. In the middle of my thoughts i hear my phone ring. I quickly step out and grab my phone and set it on the shelf in the shower. I look at the screen and immediately smile. My forever friend Laura is calling me. Me and Laura are childhood best friends. Our parents grew up together and so did we. She was as sad as i was when she found out i had to move away. We made a promise to each other that we were going to call everyday.

"hey bestie" says Laura through the other line.

"hey love" i answer feeling a bit better.

"so how are you feeling this wonderful morning" she said trying to make me feel better.

"stressed, scared, and..... sad"

"Hey, don't say that, i told you we needed to stay positive." she said in a very cheerful tone.

"yeah, yeah i know" i say as i turn off the shower head. As i stepped out of the shower we were having some of our normal conversations. I dried off and started to get ready with her still on the phone. I looked in my closet and grabbed the closet thing i saw.

"well girl i hope you have a great first day, i already need to head out to get to my class on time" says Laura sounding all gloomy.

And with that i kissed her goodbye finally being able to get dressed. I got ready pretty fast today all i'm wearing is an oversized hoodie, jeans, and boots. I grabbed my bag that i had prepared the day before. I walked into the living room yelling for my mom when suddenly i heard my moms car honk outside. I rush out the front door to get into my moms car as fast as possible. i got into the front seat next to her. we didn't say anything to each other for half of the way there. I'm guessing she thought i was still mad at her for leaving.

"Are you nervous for work" i asked breaking the awkward silence.

"no not really.... i passed by yesterday to check everything out. There are very friendly people at the agency. They were giving me a lot of help and advice" she said getting all happy. She looked at me and realized that i wasn't really as excited as her. i tried to fake a smile to make her feel better but i don't think it worked. Her facial expression changed. She looked at me with a nervous look as if she didn't know what to say to me.

"Have you decided if you wanna stay in the dorms" she asked looking back to the road.

At the college i'm going they let you pick whether you want to stay in some dorms they offer. My mom doesn't want me to stay on campus because she says that she's gonna be all alone at the house. My dad works transporting goods in trucks so he is rarely home. Yes, i do kinda feel bad for her but like she is just to attached to me. I'm 20 now and barely have any freedom. I know damn well that imma stay at the dorms.

"No i haven't thought about it yet" of course i wasn't going to tell her that right now though.

"just make sure that whatever you choose you are happy with because once you pick there is no going back." she smiled and kept on driving.

We finally got to campus. As she was pulling up to the front office i looked around out the window. This place is huge, there is a big football field that we passed by and all the buildings had two or more stories. She stopped the car at the main entrance of the school.

"i hope you have fun today" she said with teary eyes.

"aww mama don't cry" i say as i give her a hug. She started to cry even more when i gave her a hug. i knew that she wasn't going to get off with me. She was gonna miss me too much. I held her face and told her "its gonna be ok ma". I hugged her goodbye and walked out of the car. I stood there as i saw the car drive away. The moment it was out of sight i turned around and began walking towards the building. When i went inside i was in disbelief, this place was huge. There are a lot of plants around this long hallway. I couldn't tell whether the plants were real or fake so i went up to one and poked a hole through it with my nail :). They were real btw.

"What are you doing" said a voice from behind me

startled i turned around and saw a girl standing there looking very confused.

"oh i just wanted to see if the plants were real" i said kind embarrassed

she laughed and said "everyone here knows that those things are real"

an awkward moment passed by as she realized

"ohhhh, you're new here" she said super shocked.


"Then let Jordan be the first one to welcome..."

Jordan paused as if she was waiting for me to say something. I had no clue what she wanted me to- OH, my name. She wants me to tell her my name.

"Oh uh Hailey"

"Well then Hailey let me be the first person to welcome you to Willbur College" she said bowing at the end.