Chapter Two

Hailey POV

I giggled and bowed down too

"Why, thank you lady Jordan"

We both started to laugh when suddenly i see some of the students in the hall.

"Hey, don't we have to get to class" i ask pointing to where all the students are.

"Yeah class starts in a little. Do you already know your classes"

"oh my god no i totally forgot about that" i said internally freaking out.

"Well the main office is this way" said Jordan spiriting down the hall as soon as she finished that sentence. Without any hesitation i started to run down the hall chasing after her. When we finally got to the office we were all out of breath. When we finally caught our breath she spoke.

"I have to get to class or the professor is gonna be real pissed that i show up to his class late for the fifth time" she said as she held the door open for me.

I walked inside and she was about to leave but i turned around and told her " Thank you again Jordan." She looks back at me and says "no problem honey" with a smiley tone. I wonder if she called me honey because of my eyes. Hearing a women call me honey kinda made me blush a bit.

"hello sugar" i hear from a southern accent behind me.

i turn around and am greeted with a smile from a lady sitting at a desk.

"what can i help you with today"

"Oh umm hi, I'm here to get my classes" i say with a sweet voice.

"Can i have your name please" she says turning to face her computer

"Hailey Anderson"

"ok go ahead and take a seat over there and I'll get right with you" she said pointing to the chairs in the corner.

I nodded and took a seat by the door. I was looking around at how boring the office here looked. In my old school there were posters all over the office and it was so colorful. Of course this isn't high school anymore it's college, but still a little color never hurt anyone. As i was looking at a simple painting on the wall the door suddenly swings open. Two girls walk into the office. They looked very similar so i'm guessing they were sisters.

"I told you to hurry or we were gonna be late"

"i didn't realize what time it was" i overhear the sisters say to each other

"Hi miss Adam" the girl with the long hair said walking up to the desk sounding kinda cheerful.

"you girls are late again, i can't keep on just handing out these late passes" says Miss Adam whisper yelling.

"yeah we know but today Rebekah's dorm locked its self and she had forgotten something inside of it" says the girl with the boyish hair.

Miss Adam looked around to check if anyone was looking and quickly slide them a piece of paper.

"Thank you" said Rebekah getting all happy and ready to leave

"Thanks A" said the girl with the short hair.

"No problem Max" And with that, the door shut. Miss Adam turns to look at me "lets go Hailey you're up".

Rebekah is the name of the girl with the long hair and Max is the name of the girl with the short hair. Maybe Max is short for something? I don't know but they look like people i would want to be friends with. I need to make sure i remember them.

Maxine POV

As i shut the door to the office i see that my sister is hella far ahead of me. While i walk to our class i suddenly realize that their was some girl in the office.

"Hey, HEY, Becka" i say as i try to catch up to her.

"What Max? We're already late enough hurry up" she says glancing back at me.

"Did you not see that girl in there" i say finally catching up.

she pauses and thinks for a second before answering "no i didn't see anyone in there"

"Im pretty sure she's new i know mostly everyone and ive never seen her before"

"Then i guess she's new" said my sister as she pushed the door to our class open.

We walk in and before the professor could say anything Rebekah put the note on his desk. He takes a look at it. "Go take a seat ladies" he says irritated. As im walking up the stairs to go find a place to sit i start thinking. When i shut the door i heard Miss Adam call a name. I found a seat on the fifth row. I sat down and started taking notes. It started with an H but i can't quite put my finge- HAILEY. Her name was Hailey. I don't remember what she looks like at all the only thing i do remember were her eyes. They are the prettiest shade of brown. It's this lighter shade of brown her eyes almost looked like honey. I'll make sure to ask around about her later. If she really is new at the school then that means she probably doesn't know anyone here yet.

"How about you tell us the answer for number seven Maxine" i hear through my deep thought. I looked up at the board to see some question about Shakespeare. I obviously didn't know the answer. As a matter of fact i don't even know the question. I just sat there for a second with everyone looking at me. I didn't know what to do, stay quiet or stay the wrong answer.

"1593" i hear someone yell from one of the top seats

"Thank you Maxine" said the professor sarcastically.

I look up to see who answered for me and it was my good friend Jason. I smiled at him as a thank you. He smiled back and looked to the front of the class. Thank god for my friends.