Hailey POV
Miss adams gave me a paper that had all of my classes on it along with the room numbers of them. While i was at the office i also asked about the dorms. She said that i only have three days to bring back the form all filled out with mine and my parents signature. Even though i am still over age i still need to get my parents signature. Apparently its because since i am going to live on campus then i am technically under the colleges responsibility so if anything happens to me then they have to pay it. So what the signature of my parents does is the complete opposite of that. If anything happens to me then its still my parents responsibility. It just a whole thing so that the school doesn't lose money. I don't know how to come up with a way to tell my mom in just three days that i wanna move out for the next for years of my life. Let alone get her permission. As if that isn't stressful enough I'm about to start my first ever college class. The thing is that i didn't get to go to my first class because by the time i was done in the office it was already time for the second class of the day. I noticed that i had history in room 202. After a couple of minutes of looking for room 202 i finally arrived. I just swung open the door to see the rows of students sitting there are staring at me.
I didn't know what to do so i looked at the professor. The old man was looking at his students so confused. He then started to follow the students gaze to see me standing by the door.
"oh hello dear, you must be Hailey Anderson" said the professor. He looked like the sweetest old man in the world.
"Hello, yeah i'm Hailey" i saying looking around at the students. Suddenly i make eye contact with Jordan. She was looking right at me. I quickly look away. To face the professor.
"You can go ahead and sit in the empty seat next to Jordan on the fifth row"
Fuck. Now i have to sit next to her. I look up to see the empty seat. I quickly glance at her and she winks at me. I knew for a fact that i was turning red. She was sitting right next to the stairs which means that i have to sit to her right. As i sit down the old man begins to start teaching his lesson.
"Why hello there Anderson" whispers Jordan the second i sit down.
"what happened to you calling me Honey" i roll my eyes playfully.
Jordan POV
I was kinda shocked by the way she answered me. I am always the playful flirt. I have never had anyone give me the same energy. I was honestly really starting to like this girl. hmm now that i really think about it i might be the only friend she has in this school. I should introduce her to my other friends. I started to focus more in class when out of the corner of my eye i see Hailey texting someone. I slowly leaned back in my chair to see who she was texting. The name read... Michael.
"Who the fuck is Michael" i say getting right next to her face.
She jumps back and puts her phone to her chest.
"You can just scare me like that" she said looking at me. Our faces were so close together that i got kinda shy and pulled my head away.
"Michael is some stupid kid from my home town"
"why is he texting you during class" i say scooting my chair a little closer to her.
"Cause he just found out i moved away" she said logging back into her phone.
"You didn't tell him" i asked hella confused.
"No he some idiot that won't stop hitting on me even after i have told him various times that i'm into girls" she said sounding really pissed. So she is into girls. Thank god that she decided to say that now cause that was gonna be one weird question to ask later.
"Just block him then, a guy like that doesn't deserve your attention"
"yeah you're right" she says putting away her phone. As she was picking up her head i see her look at my notebook.
"Oh my god you draw" she says pointing at the doodles in my notebook.
"I mean i won't say i draw, i just doodle sometimes" i pull out my other notebook and open it. i quickly flip through the pages to show her how much i draw. She looked so adorable trying to focus so hard. i couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"Here look through them" i say handing her the whole notebook.
"Really" she said with a smile. "But what about-"
i cut her off and say "ill give you the notes after class."
As i see her get all excited looking through my art work made me feel so appreciated. No one really ever pays attention to the little things i do. To see her so interested in the thing i love to do it made me feel very great. Then i suddenly got any idea. I quickly went looking through my bag to find a blank piece of paper. When i found one i cut it up into fours and kept one of the pieces. I got my pencil in hand and made sure that she didn't see what i was doing. And that was what i did for most of the class. When she was done looking through my notebook i put the surprise away so that she wouldn't have a clue 'bout what i was doing. We mostly just talked for the rest of the class. She really has the best sense of humor ever. I laughed at all of the jokes she told and she laughed at all of mine. We really had the best time and were able to get to know each other a lot more. I really hope that we can become good friends. After about half an hour of actually paying attention in class it was time for the break period. i pulled out the piece of paper from my bag and folded it.