Chapter Four

"Hailey can i see your bag real quick"

"yeah sure" she said handing me her bag as she picked up the rest of her papers.

i quickly threw the paper in her bag and handed it back to her.

"Bye Honey ill catch up with you later" i says as i sprit my ass outta that class.

"bye~~" i hear her yell after me. Hopefully she doesn't find the paper until after school.

Hailey POV

Once history was over it took me a little long to pick up all my things. I took my time though because after this i have a free period. When i got up to leave i saw that Jordan had left her notes behind so i took them with me just in case if i saw her during free period i could give them to her. After i walked out of the History class i didn't know where to go. This place is huge! I started walking to opposite way of the main entrance. As i got closer i saw that at the end of the hall are two big glass doors and i don't know what is on the other side of those doors and i would love to find out.

When i opened the door it lead me to an area outside. There were people sitting on the patches of grass. I didn't know where to go so i just followed the concrete sidewalk to a couple on benches. I sat down and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I was scrolling through tik tok when suddenly i felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up to see a very familiar girl.

"Hey, can i sit there" she said pointing next to me.

"Yeah sure" i said scooting over a bit. She sat down next to me and introduced herself.

"I saw that you were sitting by yourself so i decided to give you some company, my name is Maxine by the way but i friends call me Max" she said taking off her back pack

"Im Hailey" i say not knowing what to say next

"you're new right?" she asked me.

"yeah i came here from Georgia"

"ohh damn what you doing all the way over here then" she said surprised at how far i had moved.

"my dad had to permanently move over here for job stuff"

Then i see Jordan walking towards us with a dude. The way he was dressed gave off very emo/ skater boy vibes. The chains, tattoos, and the cigarette he was smoking also helped with that vibe.

"Hey Honey" said Jordan sitting down in the middle of me and Max.

"Hey mama" i said smiling.

Maxine looked at us confused and said " you guys know each other."

"yeah we met this morning and we even had the same class today" i say when i realize that they knew each other too.

"wait you guys know each other" i asked to Jordan and Maxine.

"Oh yeah she's one of the homies" says Jordan putting her arm around her.

"ok so like.. do i just not exist" said the dude that Jordan came with puffing out the smoke from his mouth.

"oh yeah right right" said Jordan getting up to stand next to him.

"Hailey this is Mikey"

"Heyyy Hailey" said Mikey smiling at me.

"Heyyy Mikey" i said smiling back at him.

"Sooo Hailey are you staying at the dorms" i hear Max ask

"i want to but i don't know how i'm going to get my mom signature"

Jordan sits back down next to me and Max when Mikey looks t her and asks

"where am i supposed to sit" says Mikey in a whiny voice

"you can sit on my lap" said Jordan patting her lap.

Mikey rolled his eyes and sat on her lap. He then looked at me and handed out his cigarette.

"Wanna hit" he asked taking a quick hit.

"no thank you i don't smoke" i said genuinely surprised by how sweet he is.

"Why don't you think that your mom will sign the form" said Max bringing back the conversation

"because she always is keeping me close to her and wants me to keep on being her little baby forever" i say rolling my eyes

"fake her signature then" said Mikey

"i can't she has such a complicated one" after i said that Jordan and Maxine started laughing at me. Me and Mikey looked at them so confused.

"Well if you do end up getting the form signed make sure to suggest room 443" said Mikey.


"cause thats me and Mikey's dorm, we are still missing a third roomie" Jordan said all excited.

"So will they put me in your dorms for sure"

"on the form there is a question that says something about a specific dorm you might want to get" said Mikey explaining this to me


"on that part you would put room 443, and if they feel like it then they will put you in the room"

"what if they don't" i asked

"well then thats when you bother them none stop about putting you in that room, and eventually when you get real annoying they will put you in it so that you can stop complaining"

i paused and asked myself how he knew all of this

"you sound like you are speaking from experience" i said out loud

"thats cause he is" said Jordan looking up from her phone.

"how do you think i got a room with JJ" said Mikey winking at me.

"ohh ok ill make sure to try that"

"but you got to be consistent, because thats the only way i got to switch dorms" he said as he tapped his cig on his knee.

"Thanks for the advice" i said thankfully

"No problem mama" he said back.

"Make sure you do talk to your mom about the whole dorms situation though" said Maxine out of no where.

"yeah cause without her all of your independence goes down the drain" said Jordan.

"wow Jordan, that was a very big word. I'm very proud of you" said Mikey as everyone starts laughing.