Chapter 29: Hacking


"Oh! Sorry" He said

He looked at the person he bumped into and was surprised to see Alex

"Alex! What are you doing here?" He asked while glancing inside to see Skull causing havoc

"Just getting a book" I said

'Just move already' I thought annoyed

"Haha, right this is the library" He said sheepishly

"Well, I gotta go, bye" I said with a fake smile and walked past him

I was a few feet away before he called out to me


"Yes?" I stopped dreading whatever he was going to say

'I just wanted to go to the park' I thought longingly

"Um... Have you encountered anyone suspicious" He said slowly and seriously

I don't look behind me and continue walking

"No, no one suspicious" I said sickly sweet

Good thing Alex wasn't facing Iemitsu because she had a large predatory smile and a cold glint in her eyes


Alex arrived at the cafe and went up to her room and opened up her laptop and started learning how to hack. Since for some reason she can learn things fast (God's Gift), she only had to spend a couple hours to get to at master level.

"Hm? What's this" I questioned while on the dark web

I clicked on the target section and found my name and where to find me. The only thing they don't have is a picture.

First name: Alex

Last name:?


Occupation: Owns a sweet Cafe

Description:Long white hair, Crystal blue eyes, Good proportions

Info: Has relation to Vongola's boss


"Welp, I'm screwed" I grumbled

"Why do I have to get involved in the stupid mafia"

'I'm gonna get rid of this death trap' I thought seriously and began typing furiously


An hour later and I have finally succeeded in erasing the target on my head and went downstairs to get my shop ready for tomorrow

"La la la" I sung while sweeping when I heard the ding at the door

"We're closed" I said making my way to the front

"Oh, That's a shame " A familiar voice said

At the door was Xanxus and Squalo

"Xanxus! What are you doing here? Who's that?" I questioned

"Why, I can't see you without a reason" He said teasingly

"Hey! Don't talk to boss like that" Squalo yelled


*Head tilt*

"Boss? Xanxus when did you become the boss of something?" I asked innocently


"Nothing, This trash is just an idiot" Xanxus said trying to cover Squalo's slip up

"Oh, Okay" I said with an award winning smile that can fool anyone

"Boss, who's this" Squalo said loudly and was curious about me. He remembers you from the fight with Tsuna and his guardians.

"Hi! I'm Alex" I asy with fake enthusiasm. They don't catch it. I Just don't want to interact with any more characters.

"Squalo" He stated

I gesture them over to a table and get them and myself some hot chocolate.

"So, How you been kiddo" I said sipping my cup


"Alex, how many times do I give to say this? I'm older than you" he said

"Mm...Whatever you say" I teased

Squalo's looking at his boss like he's crazy

"Squalo, you ok?" I asked confused

'Ha ha ha' I laughed mentally

"Ye-Yeah" He stuttered

Xanxus simply raises his eyebrow at him and smirks

"Alex stop teasing him"

"Huh?" Squalo looked at him and me confused

I dropped my act and started laughing loudly

"HA HA HA. You should have seen your face. You were all like " Did he grow another head", ha ha ha"

Xanxus chuckled

"Back on topic. You didn't tell me you opened up your own shop, and in Italy too" He said the last word deeply

What Alex doesn't know is that Xanxus saw her on the dark web. He was worried that she would be targeted and killed. What got to him the most is that she knows Timoteo. What Xanxus should be aware of though is that Alex herself is the one that made him stronger when he was young. It seems he has completely forgotten this crucial fact when he was worrying like a little puppy~.

"Yeah, I just wanted to do something. I didn't need to tell you, you would have found me anyway. Like you already have" I said lazily

"So...Have you met anyone yet?" Xanxus said trying to get information out of her


"Yeah! I met this really nice old man, Timoteo, and I also met Tsuna's dad, Iemitsu" I ranted happily

'Mwhahahaha, this has had to of gotten under his skin' I thought mischievously

Xanxus and Squalo paused

"Did you now" He said slowly

"Mhm" I hummed nodding my head.

"How close are you with Timoteo?" Xanxus asked

"I don't know, but he's my regular" I said

'Hm? They probably found the target on me. Aww~he cares for me' I thought happily

Squalo keeps on getting shocked. First, Xanxus said he wanted to meet with a friend....A FRIEND! Then, the friend he was talking about is a "weak" pretty girl. Next, he conversed with her without swearing! Last, She has the leader of the strongest mafia group as her REGULAR!!!

[A/N Poor Squalo. He's gonna die from shock]

'One more thing and I might just faint' Squalo thought holding his head

"Oh! Xanxus guess what" She said cheerfully

This got his attention

"What?" He asked

"I'm pregnant" I stated




Squalo, true to his word. Passed out on the floor.

"What!" Xanxus exclaimed

"Yeah, with Murkuro" I said

'Pft, I wonder if he will al-' My thought process was cut off with Xanxus passing out too


"Well I guess that answers my question" I said evilly

I drag them to the sitting area and lay them on the couches. I grab some blankets and drape it over them. Then I start cleaning up the cups before I head up stairs to sleep.


"What did Alex say" I asked Iemitsu

"She said there was no one suspicious" He reported


I look out the window

'Then why is my intuition saying something different'