Chapter 36: Demon Baby

If you want to read 3-7 chapters ahead go to my pa treon page: pa


I returned to Italy and when I came back home Demetri was a mess and was grabbing my leg saying he was glad to have me back. His face was crying and he looked like he went through a war zone.

"Alex take over. I'm done. Fate is a demon a demon I tell you" He ranted on and on till I knocked him out because he was annoying me

I walked up to Fate's crib and she was calm and when she saw me she giggled and made grabby hands at me

"Aw, you're such a cutie. How can you be a demon. Demetri is just blind" I carried Fate and started cooing ta her

She laughed at my antics and snuggled her head into my shoulder

"Oh! You're gonna be a smart child aren't you. Im not stupid you did traumitize him....Good job!" I gave Fate a thumbs up and she laughed evilly along with me

Later in the day I made my way towards Timoteos office,but heard voices inside and decided to eavesdrop

"Boss, Reborn told me that Cielo met Tsuna. How should we deal with this. What if she's planning on going against us!" A random subordinate exclaimed

"Drop this case. Cielo is part of the Vongola and she's one of my respected friends" Timoteo demanded

The stupid subordinate wasn't going to give tis up

'If I can prove Cielo is a traitor I might get promoted' He thought in la la land

"Boss! She's an unknown. What if she tries to kill you!" He said smiling like a physco dreaming pathetically for something he will never achieve

"ENOUGH!" Timoteo screamed

The subordinate wasn't gonna give up though

"Bos-" He stopped speaking and slowly his head fall off his body and rolled on the ground

I think that was my cue to enter so I opened the door to see a dead body on the ground and Timoteo stressed out behind his desk

"You okay" I asked softly

He looks up at me and sighs

"Yeah, I just discovered some spies in the group" He said

"Hm, Yeah that's rough buddy" I said awkwardly

Timoteo chuckled at that

"Not good at cheering people up, are you" He asked

"Ha ha, yeah" I scratched my cheek

We just sat in silence for a while

'*cough* Well I gotta go and take care of Fate, um bye" I said unsurely

"Yeah" Timoteo seemed a little better


It's been a year since then and my little Fate has grown. She can already walk and almost talk. She's definitely a genius., but with people like her parents I can see why. Fate's eyes are as blue as mine and has a slightly darker shade of wite hair. She doesn't look anything like Murkuro.

"Say mama, my little darling" I encouraged Fate

She looked at me like she was debating something




I scoop her up in my arms and twirl her around

"You do it! Your such a little genius" I exclaimed happily

"Mama" Fate cheers clapping her hands together and laughs with me

Demetri walks in and slowly turns around not wanting to be caught

"Sensei~" I call

He tenses up and gulps nervously

"Y-yes" He asks scared

"Can you please watch Fate for me? I have to go shopping" I ask innocently'

"Ah! Please no, don't give me to the devil!" He pleads on his knees

Fate and me exchange glances before we give a chilling smile

"Oh~ What do you mean demon. She's such an obedient child" I say bringing her in front of him so he can hold her

He doesn't want to at first but when Fate gives him her best cute face he thinks shes not so bad

"I guess she could have gotten better" H e mumbles to himself

I secretly smirk before walking out

"I hope she's taking care of by the time I get back" I call back to him

Demetri turns back to face Fate when he suddenly freezes. Fate is giving a smirk scaringly similar to Alex's when she's up to something

"Oh lord, please have mercy on me" He prays before the torture begins


By the time i came back Fate is eating cake while Demetri is huddled in a little ball rocking back and forth

"Devil, demon, hell..." He kept mumbling

'She's definitely my daughter' I thought with a proud smile

"Come here my little angel" I open my arms for Fate to walk into them

She hobbles her way over and falls into my arms. I pick her up and sit on the couch continuing to feed her some cake.

"You know, Your father would be proud of what you've done," I say. Fate looks up at me and tilts her head

'Why?' You can see on her face

"Well, lets just say him and me would make an amazing team" I chuckle sinisterly

She nods her head in understanding and we both fall asleep on the couch.