Threats or Seductions?

When they decided the day and the wedding date, Hey Kha felt so sad because she will get married and taking care of the household.

Other than that, Hey Kha also felt sad because of Juan's attitude to her. Hey Kha realized, Juan must hate her and will make Hey Kha suffering while with him.

Hey Kha walked towards her room, she accidentally overheard a conversation between Grandpa and Aunt Sherly.

"They must be embarrassed to admit her as an in-law and that's why they did that!"

Aunt Sherly sounds happy to talk about it.

"She always disliked me!" Hey Kha muttered to herself.

Hey Kha heard from behind the room that grandfather was scolding Aunt Sherly because of her words.

Hey Kha was very happy to hear Aunt Sherly who scolded by her grandfather.

"Grandpa is the best," Hey Kha muttered to herself while smiling.

Hey Kha continued to think about the conversation between her grandfather and Aunt Sherly.

But there was one thing that became a question for Hey kha, why they want this marriage not to be exposed out there, even the wedding will be done secretly. Only Mrs. Yin and Grandpa attended, even Aunt Sherly was not allowed to attend.

All of it really made Hey Kha confused, she's confused with rich people's mind.

The wedding day was arrived.

The groom shouldn't be allowed to meet the bride, but Juan can't wait to say something to Hey Kha before the wedding ceremony was held.

"Hey, you! I want to say something to you!"

Hey Kha herself felt irritated to hear Juan called her like that but Hey Kha couldn't do anything.

"What's wrong?" Hey Kha asked in a cold tone.

Juan who saw the annoyance look on Hey Kha's face to him did not pay attention to that.

"I will helo your Tan family's company, but you have to sign this letter."

Hey Kha seemed confused when Juan said 'letter'.

"What letter is this?" Hey Kha asked.

"It's an arrangement letter," Juan replied.

Hey Kha was shocked to hear that.

"Arrangement letter?!"

"Yes!" Juan replied loudly.

"Why do I need to sign this agreement letter? Isn't this not part of the talk of the Tan family and the Yin family? Your grandmother didn't mention about contract marriage either."

"My grandma didn't mention it, because grandma wanted me to talk to you in private," Juan said.

Hey Kha couldn't believe with what Juan told her.

"You lied!!" Hey Kha said then turned around, wanting to leave.

"Whatever! But I warn you that I don't like people who are against my order. I know Tan's company requires large funds to be able to rise again. I will give a very large fund, and you do not have to return it. Enough with you signing this letter, then I will consider everything paid off. Because I'm sure, even though Tan's company can rise again, your family won't be able to pay the money you borrow and the interest."

Hey Kha very annoyed to hear the insult that Juan said. But it was all true.

Tan's company is still in a slump at the moment, and might unlikely be able to return that much money in the near future.

"It turned out that the rumour out there was true. That Mr. Juan is very cruel and doesn't have a heart!"

Juan felt annoyed to hear Hey Kha insulted him like that, then he glowering at Hey Kha.

"How dare you to insult me!!"

Hey Kha was afraid to see Juan's scary look, then she tried to be nice to him.

'Don't disturb this grumpy master, I can be torn apart by him later.' Hey Kha thought.

"Alright, give me the letter, I will read it first."

"The Wedding Arrangement.

Party A (first) can do whatever he wants to party B (second), and party B has no right to interfere in the personal affairs of party A. Likewise, party B as long as being the wife of party A cannot be close to or in touch with another man. Party B had to keep their marriage a secret. Party B can only give birth to a son, if it is a girl then it must be aborted. After party B gives birth, parties A and B will divorce. Without having any debt to each other, if the agreement made is broken by party B, then party B must compensate for everything that party A has given 10 x.

Signed signed

party A. party B

Juan Yin. Hey kha Tan."

Hey Kha who read that letter was shocked and couldn't believe with what she saw.

"What the hell is this?! Juan Yin are you crazy? What kind of agreement is this? If I'm pregnant with a girl I must abort the baby? Are you actually human or not?! That's your baby too! Why won't you let her to be born. I don't want to sign this kind of joke!"

Hey Kha irritably threw the letter on the table that was right in front of them.

Juan stared at Hey Kha with an angry look.

"Alright, If so then I will cancel this wedding and I will go abroad. And you just gonna wait the news of Tan's company collapsed! I wanna see how you face your Aunt nor your grandfather. They will surely be lying in a coma in the hospital," He said with an evil smile to Hey Kha.

Hey Kha was very upset, but there's nothing se can do.

"Damn devil! I hate you so much!" Hey Kha thought.

Hey Kha tried to hold her anger, then took the pen and sign the agreement letter.

Juan get close to Hey Kha and whispered, "Good, my obedient wife."

Juan get close while kissing Hey Kha's forehead.

"Shut up, our grandparents are peeking."

Hey Kha stayed silent with a red face because of embarrassment. Juan who saw that get more closer and whispered, "Don't fakl in love with me because I'm a cruel man."

Juan left Hey Kha with a smile.

Hey Kha who heard that felt ashamed.

"What a jerk!!! He played with me. Why that handsome man can be a cruel man? It's a pity for his handsome face!"

Hey Kha realized from her thought.

"What did I say? I must be crazy! Because it's been too long alone so my mind wanders, after all, there are still many handsome men out there, who are much more handsome and also kind. God will definitely gift one to me." Hey Kha murmured.

Mr. Tan came in the dressing room and called Hey Kha.

"Hey Kha, Come on, hurry, it's time for you to say your wedding vows," Mr. Tan called.

The wedding took place quickly, and without feeling the wedding ceremony was over.

"You are both legally husband and wife, the man is welcome to kiss your female partner."

Juan came closer and pulled Hey Kha while turning his back on their Grandma and grandpa.

Juan brought his lips closer, smiling.

"You must really hope I kiss you right?!" Juan said quietly. With an evil smile staring at Hey Kha.

Hey Kha was annoyed to hear what Juan said.

"Juan Yinnn !! You are playing with me again!"

* Next chapter.....