A dream

The secret wedding ceremony was over.

Juan and Hey Kha said goodbye to Mrs. Yin and Mr. Tan.

"Grandma, I will bring my wife to live together in my house. I'm sure, my wife also agrees with me, right my wife??"

Then he held onto Hey Kha's hand tightly

Hey Kha who saw juan held her hand felt a little awkward.

"Husband, you hold my hand so tightly, does that prove that you don't want to let me go forever ... ??" Hey Kha sahykh

Hey Kha looked softly at Juan with a forced smile.

"That's right grandma, I want to live with Juan in our house. Maybe then our relationship will be better and we can understand each other."

Grandma was happy to hear that.

"Fine if that is your wish, Grandma actually really hopes that you can stay at the Yin family's house, for a few days!" Mrs. Yin said.

"Grandma, I will definitely bring my wife to visit the house, but not for today."

Mrs Yin understood what Juan meant. Because Juan was married and wanted to be with his wife without any disturbances.

"Well if that's your wish, grandma will appreciate it."

Mr. Tan walked over to Juan, to say something.

"Juan, grandfather entrusted Hey Kha to You ... Please treat Hey Kha well, all this time she suffered too much because of us."

Hey kha, who heard that, immediately hugged her grandfather.

"Grandpa ... Don't say that! Grandpa is the best person in this world and I really love you."

Hey Kha hugged Mr. Tan. Hey Kha felt sad that she had to leave her grandfather.

Mr. Tan stroked Hey Kha's shoulder.

"Alright good girl, take care of yourself."

Juan and Hey Kha left.

After a while, they arrived at Juan's house.

Hey Kha was very surprised to see Juan's house so big.

"Waaaahhh ...! This house is so big, and has such a large yard. Just as I heard from grandfather, that the Yin Family is really rich." Hey Kha muttered, who was amazed by Juan's mansion.

Juan looked at Hey Kha, he saw Hey Kha like that felt weird.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a house this big?" Juan asked.

Hey Kha knew the meaning of what Juan said, who wanted to make fun of her. But Hey Kha didn't care about it.

"Your house is so big. But in this big house where are the servants at?" Hey Kha asked.

Because, since they arrived not a single servant came to greet them. Unlike in the film, if a young master comes home, there will definitely be many servants in front of the house.

"Servants?! I don't need them."

Hey Kha was confused at what Juan said.

"Why, you don't need a maidm And who will clean a house this big?" Hykha asked Juan again.

Juan smiled at Hey Kha's question.

"What are the servants for? Right now it's enough for you to clean the house. I don't have to spend money to pay the servants anymore. I want to rest, and you prepare dinner."

Hey Kha was stunned to hear Juan's words.

"Wh-what? The house is this big and I have to clean it alone? It really doesn't make sense. Aren't you wrong Juan?" Hey kha asked Juan, full of anger.

Juan who wanted to enter the house, stopped the rarity. Then turned to look at Hey Kha.

"Do you want to be a bride who returns home, only a few hours after marriage? Can the Tan family bear the shame?"

Hey Kha clenched her hands, holding back her anger.

Meanwhile Juan walked into the house, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Jeez I might all crack my bones, and my thin body will be even thinne. I should have married an ordinary man, then lived in a small and cramped house, so I don't have to do household chores." Hey Kha muttered, while lowering her head and walked into the house.

After entering the house, it turned out that it was true that there were no servants in the house.

"Hhmm. Why my life is so unlucky. I should have enjoyed my easy time with friends, somehow I pushed myself into the tiger cave and married someone like this. I must have made a big sin in my previous life, so that I get a husband like him. Maybe this is a curse. "

Hey Kha kept walking, looking for her room. Because Juan didn't tell her that.

Hey kha stopped at a room with an open door. He entered and saw a large room, which had been cleared.

"I chose this room, as my room."

But just then, Hey Kha remembered something.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I have to talk about my lecture to Juan Yin, I hope Juan doesn't make it difficult for me anymore. I beg God help me calm this Constructed Being!"

Hacccuiii ...

"Who is talking about me?" Juan said, rubbing his itchy nose.

Hey Kha being in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Dinner is ready, Juan. Come on down and eat." Hey Kha called.

But there was no answer from Juan.

"Did juan not hear my voice? I will go to his room, if not Juan will be angry again at me, if the food gets cold."

Hey Kha go upstairs to get Juan. But accidentally, Hey Kha heard Juan's voice who looked worried.

"I'll be there now, you calm yourself! This is not what you think." Juan said, who was talking to someone on the phone.

Juan rushed out without paying attention to Hey Kha who was standing in front of the room door.

Hey Kha tried to call Juan, but Juan ignored it.

"Maybe it was his girlfriend who was angry, because Juan married someone else!"

Hey Kha who saw Juan so panicked, felt happy.

"Hehehe great, I hope you get slap from your whiny girl."

After Juan left and didn't come back. Made Hey Kha sad by living in a house this big alone.

"Fate-fate. When can I feel happiness? I got a husband who is rich and also very handsome. But Juan does not like me and also hates me."

Hey Kha back to her room to rest

The next day. Hey Kha opened her eyes and she saw that it was morning.

"Ah, It's morning already. Did Juan come home last night? I'm just gonna look into his room."

Hey Kha went to Juan's room, then slowly opened the door.

Hey Kha can smell alcohol.

"Hmm. Did they fight last night so that Juan drank this much?"

Hey Kha felt a little happy and chuckle.

Juan, who was a little conscious at that time, pulled Hey Kha.

Hey Kha fell in Juan's arms.

Hey Kha was so surprised and tried to release Juan's hug.

"Hey! Let go of me. What do you want to do? Hurry up and let me go!"

But Juan hugged the Hey Kha tightly.

Hey Kha who saw Juan did not breath, deliberately banging her head against his nose.

Juan felt pain by touching his nose.

"Aaaww! What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Hey Kha who heard Juan's words got up and ran.

"Huh. Almost, what exactly have I done. Juan looks very angry, Juan will definitely kill me or maybe he will hit me. Aaah! How can I did that to Juan?"

Hey Kha kept thinking about how to keep Juan from getting mad at her.

"Should I go to his room and apologize?"

Hey Kha shook her head.

"No, no, no. I don't want to go upstairs, if I go there, the Imitation Human will be very angry and maybe Juan will throw me from up there!"

Hey Kha was very sad with her married life.

'Please wake up if it's a dream. I'm so tired of all this. Too many bad things happened so suddenly. Makes me very depressed.' Hey Kha screamed to herself.

Because she was too tired, Hey Kha's body becomes weak.

Her head felt heavy, and her consciousness slowly cleared away. Until she passed out.

*Next chapter....