Something that was not expected

Hey Kha slowly gain her consciousness after passed out for a while. Hey Kha looked around her. "Where am I? Did I die?" Hey Kha murmured.

But Hey Kha was surprised when she saw Juan.

"Aaa! What are you doing in here?" Hey Kha screamed in panic.

Juan who saw Hey Kha's attitude like that got annoyed.

"This is my room. Why are you screaming? Were you eat the wrong food this morning? Hurry up and get out! You made a trouble to me," Juan said to Hey Kha.

Hey Kha who heard Juan's harsh words got annoyed too.

"What a groomy!"

Hey Kha quickly get out of Juan's room.

After left from Juan's room, Hey Kha felt guilty.

"Did Juan help me? Maybe Juan is not as bad as I thought. Maybe Juan still have a heart," Hey Kha murmured.

Hey Kha smiled while thinking about something.

"But actually Juan looks so cute. Never mind. I'd better make Juan happy today, maybe with that Juan will be more kind to me."

Hey Kha quickly went to the kitchen, made tea for Juan, and deliver it to Juan's room.

Hey Kha saw Juan was sat in his room while reading documents.

Hey Kha slowly walked closer. "Juan, I made tea for you," Hey Kha said with a smile.

"No, I don't wanna drink now. Get out!" Juan said to Hey Kha.

Hey Kha was still pateintly served Juan.

Hey Kha went to the kitchen and brought cake for Juan. Hey Kha offered cake for Juan.

"Juan I bring you some cake."

Juan who saw Hey Kha was more angry but he still tried to hold back his anger.

"No. Quickly get out!" Juan snapped

Hey Kha left Juan's room with a face that was red with anger.

"Damn !! Are he human made of fire? Everything that comes out of his mouth makes my ears hot. Alright, there's no need to speak softly to him, it just makes me tired."

Then Hey Kha went back into Juan's room full of emotion, then pushed hard against the door.

"Juan Yin, I want to continue my lecture!"

But at that time Hey Kha didn't see Juan in his room.

"Where is Juan?"

Hey Kha started to feel pain in her leg.

"Ouch, Ouch, Ouch ...." While holding the leg that she used to kick the bedroom door.

"Aw ... my leg hurts a lot. Maybe because I kicked the door too hard. What's wrong with me? Every time I deal with Juan Yin I must be unlucky. Never mind, treat my feet first, then talk to him again."

Hey Kha stepped out of Juan's room, but suddenly Hey Kha surprised, because Juan was standing behind her whispering to Hey Kha.

"Why are you looking for me.?!"

Hey Kha who heard Juan's voice, made her shocked half to death. Other than that it made her heart beat so fast.

Deg. Deg. Deg.

'Shit! What's wrong with my heart?' Hey Kha thought.

Hey Kha who saw Juan too close to her unconsciously pushed Juan.

"Move. Don't come near me."

Hey Kha who suddenly pushed Juan mar Juan fall, so that he accidentally pulled Hey Kha with him.

Hey Kha's position on top of Juan's body made her uncomfortable.

"Aaaa ....! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Really I didn't mean it," Hey Kha said.

Hey Kha tried to get up but accidentally touched something belonging to Juan.

"What am I touching?" Hey Kha muttered while looking down.

Hey Kha realized that he touched Juan's dick.

"S-sorry, I'm sorry." She said with a face flushed with embarrassment.

Juan's face also flushed with embarrassment

"Hey, you! You perverted girl! Take your hand out of it and shamelessly keep looking at it." Juan shouted.

Hey Kha, who heard Juan's words, felt so embarrassed that her face and ears were getting red and burning.

"No, no ... no ..." Hey Kha said nervously. "You misunderstood. I didn't mean to, I really didn't!"

Hey Kha can't hide her face.

'Hey Kha, you humiliate women! Where is your pride as a good woman.' Hey Kha thought frustrated.

Hey Kha got up and tried to run.

But Juan tried to pulled Hey Kha.

"Where do you want to go?? Where's your responsibility?"

Hey Kha was very surprised to hear that

"WHAT? Responsibility? Are you crazy?"

Juan smiled at what Hey Khw said to him.

"You are my wife, so fulfill your responsibility as wife. How can we have a son, if you don't want to fulfill your obligations as my wife." Juan who was still holding back Hey Kha said.

Hey Kha got really nervous when she heard the words.

"Juan, But I ..."

Hey Kha had not had time to finish her words, Juan already pulled Hey Kha then kissed her lips.

Hey Kha tried to release from Juan's hug.

'Juan Yin, damn it. Am I going to be his food today?' Hey Kha thought, began to surrender.

At that time, the phone rang.

Hey Kha happy to hear that and tried to break Juan's kiss and said, "Juan your cell phone is ringing, pick it up quickly."

But Juan ignored Hey Kha's words and continued kissing her.

Juan felt something different when he kissed Heykha.

'Damn! This woman taste so sweet, I can't hold it in anymore' Juan thought.

Hey Kha kept trying to get away from Juan.

But Juan was hypnotized by her and didn't want to let her go.

"Hm, Juan don't ... Ah ... don't!"

Juan ignored Hey Kha's words again.

Hey Kha now can only surrender.

'You are too much, Juan!! You don't even like me, but you're forcing your lust on me,' Hey Kha thought while shedding tears.

Hey Kha ended up sleeping in Juan's room.


Heykha slowly opened her eyes and felt pain in her body.

"Ah, this hurts. All over my body are aching. But it looks like it's already night, I better go to the bathroom to clean my body."

After Hey Kha finished taking a shower and changed her clothes.

Hey Kha went to the kitchen because she was hungry.

"I'm so hungry, I better see what I can eat."

Hey Kha cooked instant noodles, after finishing cooking Hey Kha went to Juan's room to call him, but when Hey Kha entered, she did not find Juan.

"Where did Juan go? I didn't see him get out? I'd better see the car."

Hey Kha get out and see Juan's car, but the car was not there.

"He must have left."

Hey Kha felt sad to see Juan went again.

"After the sweetness gone then being thrown away. Never mind, this is also just a contract marriage, it must be like this. If we don't do what husband and wife should do, how will we get a child?"

After that day Juan never came home again.

Hey Kha a little worried because of that.

"It's been three days, why is Juan not home yet. I have called him, but Juan did not pick up. My message was not replied to. What's wrong actually? Does juan hate me that much so that Juan doesn't want to come home to see me?"

Without Hey Kha noticing her tears dropped down her cheeks.

"Aren't you the one who forced me to do it? Why do I have to suffer? Why I feel so hurt because Juan ignored me? Actually what's wrong with me? You are very cruel Juan Yin!"

Hey Kha kept crying herself to sleep on the living room sofa.

By crying she can get rid of her sadness and by sleeping she will forget her sadness for a moment.

*Next chapter....