Juan's attention

After receiving a call from Juan, Hey Kha hurry to call a taxi and went home.

 "Finally arrived, I'm very tired."

 Hey Kha was lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

 Robin who saw Hey Kha had gone to tell Juan.

 "Mr Juan, miss Hey Kha arrived safely, but it looks like the young lady is tired and fell asleep on the sofa in the living room ... Do I need to wake up Miss Hey Kha?"

 Juan said, "Just let her sleep for a while ..."

Robin was a little worried then said to Juan who was still sitting doing his office work.

 "But sir ... Mrs. Yin has repeatedly called ..."

 Juan stopped his work and looked at Robin. "Never mind .... you go prepare the car and also prepare the best clothes for her .."

 Robin smiled by that.  Juan who saw that asked, "What's with your face? Do you want to quit your job?"

 Robin who heard that was a little scared. "I'm sorry Mr Juan, I don't mean to tease you, Sir."

Juan looked at Robin and said, "You mean you teased me just now?"

 Robin felt cornered by Juan's question then answered nervously. "No, Sir, uh I mean ... I didn't mean to offend you."

 Juan got more annoyed at the answer from Robin.

 "What do you mean, you offended me?" Juan rose from his seat. "You want me to kill you?!" He said with a scary smile.

 Robin's body trembled at Juan's words.  The feeling of depression that was in Robin was getting worse.

"No sir, I don't! I don't mean to laugh at Mr. Juan for being considerate of the young lady, Hey Kha."

 Juan walked closer to Robin who was standing not far from him. "Oh, so you're laughing at my sudden attention to that girl?"

 Robin felt that this world was no longer running, at least he hoped that time can stop and he can escape from this dangerous situation.

 'Shit!! Somehow I'm very unlucky today. '  Robin thought.

 Robin apologized while bowing his body.

 "I'm sorry sir! I'm sorry sir ... I'm sorry! I promise, this incident will not happen again."

Juan who saw Robin like that was not satisfied with playing with him.

 "Why do you keep apologizing, just continue your nonsense! Until finally you finish talking and I will send you to be the spokesperson in the Amazon Forest!"

 Robin swallowed hard and his face looked pale after hearing what Juan said.

 "Better, I stop meddling in Mr.Juan's personal affairs. If not? Sooner or later I will be food for wild animals in the Amazon Forest. Because Mr. Juan will never mess with his words!" Robin muttered.

 Juan's head was getting sick because of Robin.

 "Hurry up and wake the woman!!" Juan ordered Robin.

Robin immediately did what Juan ordered, before juan changed his mind.

 "Alright, Mr. Juan." Robin said.

 Juan saw that Robin was so nervous.

 "Hhmm ... I thought you knew no fear! Because during your work with me, I never saw your facial expression like this! It's ridiculous!" Juan said, holding Robin's shoulder.

 "Are you really afraid I'll send you to the Amazon jungle?" Juan asked to Robin, with a sharp look.

 Robin was sure that juan would not be possible to send him there.

 "No! I'm sure the master won't send me there!"  He said with a pathetic smile.

Juan looked at the Robin with an expressionless face and raised his right eyebrow.

 "Do you think?! Aren't you too confident ?!" Juan said to Robin.

 Robin was stunned to hear what Juan said.  He believes that Juan will send his assistant as well as his best friend to the Amazon jungle.  Where so many animals make that can be life threatening there.

 Juan can see fear on Robin's face.  He stopped playing with him.

 "Hurry up and wake that woman! Don't just hang there!"

 Robin rushed out to wake Hey Kha who was still asleep on the sofa.

 Robin felt sorry for Hey Kha, for marrying Mr. Juan who was so stiff and cold.

 He slowly came closer and woke Hey Kha up.

"Young lady, young lady! Miss Hey Kha," Robin called.

 Hey kha woke up from her sleep when she heard a voice calling her name.

 "huaahh ..." Then opened her eyes and saw Robin who was standing in front of her.

 "Robin, what's wrong??" Hey Kha asked when she saw Robin who was standing in front of her.

 "I'm sorry miss, but you are almost late to go to Mrs. Yin's house. Mr. Juan told you to get ready," Robin sais to Hey Kha.

 Hey Kha got up from the couch, and tidied up her clothes and her slightly messy hair.

 "Ah yes, I almost forgot. Alright, thank you. I'll get ready soon," Hey Kha said.

 Hey Kha got up from her seat, wanted to go to her room. ButBut robin stopped in her steps.

 "Young lady, wait! Sorry I forgot, that Mr. Juan called you to his office."

 "I understand," Hey Kha said.

 Hey Kha walked towards Juan's study.

 Hey Kha opened the door then entered and saw juan who was focused on the computer in front of him.

 "Cough," Hey Kha let out a small cough to signal that she had arrived.

 Juan turned towards Hey Kha

 "Finally you wake up too, if not I will tell people to move the sofa out and let you sleep out there soundly!" Juan said looked at Hey Kha who looked at him with a gloomy face.

Hey Kha didn't really care what Juan said to her.

 "Whatever you do, I'm tired of fighting all the time with you! Tell me, why did you ask me to come here?" Hey Kha asked to Juan.

 "I want you to wear the dress Robin will give you later!" Juan ordered.

 "Alright ...." Hey Kha replied. Then turned away, but Juan stopped her.

 "Wait, I'm not done talking!" Juan said irritated by seeing Hey Kha's attitude like that.

 Hey Kha turned back towards Juan

 "Say it!" Hey Kha said, annoyed.

 Juan saw Hey Kha's sluggish face trying to hold back his anger. He didn't want to find trouble today, because they will meet his grandmother.

"I hope you say good things about myself in front of my family, I don't want Grandma to know what I did to you all this time!!"

 Hey Kha understood what Juan meant nor she didn't want to bring up problems that would later leave her alone.

 "What have you done to me all this time??" Hey Kha asked to juan.

 Juan knew that hey kha would not dare to argue against his words.

 "Good, you are really smart!!" Juan said.

 hey kha tilted her aunt to see juan's happy face.

 "I'm doing all this for my family, I don't care about anything else! Including things that concern you Juan Yin." Hey Kha said curtly.  Then went to her room to get ready.

 Juan was quite satisfied with the answer.  Even though juan was still confused with Hey Kha's attitude.

*Next chapter....