feelings that are not understood

"What's wrong with him? Have I scared her, so she obeyed and also did not argue with my orders anymore? Hm, this is better," Juan muttered.

A few moments later. Robin went to Hey Kha's room to deliver the clothes that had been prepared for Hey Kha.

When he got in front of the room, Robin knocked on the door of the room.

"Young lady, this is me Robin. I came to deliver dresses for you,"

Hey Kha who heard Robin's voice, opened the door to her room.

Robin also gave a large box containing a dress inside.

"Thank you Robin," Hey Kha said with a smile.

Robin walked down the stairs. He thought about Hey Kha who must stay with Juan.

"Miss Hey Kha is very kind and also friendly to everyone, but why does Mr. Juan hate the young lady? Ah, never mind. Don't look for trouble anymore!!" Robin muttered.

Hey Kha saw the dress Juan gave her. "Waaahh, this dress is very beautiful. I have so many clothes but none of them are as good and beautiful! This dress must be very expensive," Hey Kha said while hugging the dress. "Ah, don't let this good dress get dirty!"

A few moments later she heard Juan's voice calling Hey Kha.

"Hey! are you sleeping again? Why are you taking so long." Juan called Hey Kha.

"He's a rude and impatient human!" Hey Kha mumbled, annoyed.

juan knocked the door of Hey Kha's room quite loudly.

Hey Kha opened the door and saw Juan who looked annoyed at her.

"I'm sorry," Hey Kha said to Juan.

"Hurry! No need to talk nonsense anymore, grandma has called several times, and it's all because you are too slow! Even though nothing has changed at all from your appearance and face, it's still ugly!" Juan said coldly to Hey Kha.

Hey Kha can only surrender to accept taunts from Juan. Although annoyed but she could not do anything, because the stake was the Tan family.

"I'm sorry," Hey Kha said again to juan.

Juan was a little surprised by Hey Kha's attitude.

"Never mind, let's go."


On the way to grandma's house.

Juan accidentally stared at Hey Kha and kept looking at her.

'She turned out to be so beautiful, why did I just realize it. Is it because all this time I've always been angry with her? It might be like that,' Juan thought.

Hey Kha can feel that Juan kept staring at her. Still felt awkward in the heart. But she tried to calm down

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hey Kha asked to Juan.

Juan was so surprised to hear the question. Even more so seeing Hey Kha who looked at him like that.

"Do I look that scary ?? until your face turns red like that," Hey Kha asked again.

Juan was very awkward with Hey Kha's question.

"Shut up and look ahead!" Juan snapped at Hey Kha, because he was already embarrassed.

'Shit !! actually, what i was thinking I can't be like this, this is not me,' Juan thought.

There was silence until they arrived Yin family's home.

When they arrived at the Yin family home. Hey Kha was surprised to see the Yin family's house was so big.

Juan, who saw Hey Kha said nothing.

"Hurry out!"

Hey Kha a little surprised to hear Juan's voice then touched his hand while asking.

"Juan. Do all the Yin family members have their own private house? Like yours?"

Juan confused with Hey Kha's questions then asked back.

"Why do you ask like that?"

Hey Kha who heard Juan's voice said with a sweet smile, "No, no ... I'm just asking."

Before entering the house, Juan reminded Hey Kha.

"Wait a minute!! I suggest you take care of your attitude and also your mouth, because every word that comes out of your mouth will definitely cause trouble .. If you want to be safe I suggest you should not talk too much with my family ... You understand..??"

Hey Kha answered him with a smile

"Yes ... yes I understand."

Juan pulled Hey Kha's hand then went into the house.

Juan and Hey Kha were greeted nicely upon entering and the butler who greeted them.

"Mr. Juan ... Mrs. Yin was waiting for you in the living room .."

Juan and hey kha went to the living room walking hand in hand.

"Grandma we're coming ..."He said as he walked closer.

"Have you been waiting for us long .. ??"

Mrs. Yin was very happy to see her grandson and granddaughter-in-law come with such a good atmosphere.

"You guys are here, come on over here and sit down." Mrs. Yin called when she saw them arrive.

Yin extended family was sitting waiting for their arrival. They're are Mrs. Yin, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Saint and also Juan's cousin, namely Laura.

"Hi sister-in-law .... nice to meet you, I am Laura, Juan's favorite cousin." She while holding Hey Kha's hand.

Aunt Lauren and Uncle Saint also say hello to Hey Kha.

Aunt Lauren said to all of them.

"It turns out that this is our family's daughter-in-law, very beautiful ... mother is very good at choosing a daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Yin said. "Well, let's eat first. Do you want to talk and not allow the daughter-in-law to eat ??"

Laura, who heard what her grandmother said, said.

"Sorry grandma ..." They all walked to the dining table, when everyone sat down. Laura pulled the hand of hey kha who was still standing.

"Hey kha ... Come on sit beside me."

Aunt Lauren, who heard Laura's words pinched her arm,

"You brat ..."

Then looked at hey kha while saying, "Come on kid .... you sit next to Juan"

After everyone finished eating.

Grandma asked Hey Kha to have a little chat.

"Hey kha honey ... Come sit next to grandma ..."

hey kha came over and sat beside Mrs. Yin.

"Grandma heard you have started college again?"

Hey kha who heard the question of the grandmother answered her, "Yes, grandma .... I have entered the final semester, I think it would be a shame if I just stopped."

Mrs. Yin who heard Hey Kha's the words that sounded nervous, she touched her hand then said,

"Grandma did not forbid you to go to college, in fact Grandma is very supportive of you .. When you finish college later, do you want to work at the Yin Family Hospital ??"

hey kha looked so happy to hear that

"Of course grandma, all doctors are eager to work at Yin hospital, because Yin hospital is the best hospital in this city."

Mrs. Yin was so happy to hear the answer.

"Grandma is very happy to hear it .."

Mrs. Yin was a little curious about everyday life of Hey kha and also Juan.

"Hey kha dear, does Juan always make things difficult for you?"

Hey kha who heard grandma's question was a little nervous, but she tried to calm down.

"Why grandma said like that .. ??"

Mrs. Yin looked at Juan then said.

"Grandma knows very well the nature of Juan, he must always make it difficult for you .."

Hey kha herself was so surprised to hear what Mrs. Yin said.

"No grandmother .... Even though we got married because of an arranged marriage and we also didn't know each other from the start. But Juan treated me well, we even often talked together and laughed together." hey kha said calmly. She was sure what she said would make Juan's heart happy, because she praised him in front of everyone.

Instantly all eyes looked at Hey kha and also the look on Juan's face changed.

*Next chapter.....