Juan's Guilt

 Hey kha still felt annoyed with Juan who didn't want to apologize to her, but deep down, hey kha he felt very happy.

 The food ordered was delivered and also provided, Juan said to hey kha, "Come on eat my girlfriend ... you have to eat a lot, look at your thin body ..."

 Hey kha still annoyed with Juan who kept teasing her.

 "Eat ... if you keep teasing me, I will finish all of these meal."

 Juan also said to hey kha. "If you can finish all this food, I will give a gift for you .."

 Hey kha felt so happy to hear that. " Is it true...??"

 Hey kha muttered in her heart. 'DoesDoes Juan know today is my birthday?'

 Hey kha eyes sparkled looking at Juan, Juan who saw hey kha like that asked "Are you that happy, I'll give you a present?"

 Hey kha nodded her head while smiling broadly at Juan then said, "Can you give me a present without telling me to finish all this meal? I just recovered, if I eat too much it won't be good for me either."

 Juan can't force hey kha because what she said was true.

"Whatever you want .."

 Hey kha smile happy to hear that

 "after we finish eating we will go to the rides, right?"

 Juan said to hey kha. "But it's already 23:00 in the evening .. how about we go there another time .. Besides, you also have not fully recovered, the air at night is not very good for your health."

 Hey kha felt a little sad, but she also knew that Juan did it all for her.

 "Okay ... you have to keep your promise."

 Juan smiled at hey kha's words.

 "You can keep my word."

 Hey kha felt satisfied to hear the words from Juan then say, "Remember your promise ... Juan I'll go to the toilet for a bit."

 Juan nodded his head and said. "I will be waiting for you. "

 Hey kha smiled sweetly at Juan and went to the toilet.

 When hey kha went to the toilet, suddenly a woman's voice was quite familiar in Juan's ears was calling him.

Juan looked back and it turned out that it was indeed the voice of Hanna, a woman who was currently close to him and he could not ignore it, because there was a complicated story behind his meeting with Hanna that Juan could not reveal.

 After seeing Hanna approaching, Juan greeted her.

 "Hanna, what are you doing here .. ??" He asked softly.

 Hanna took a seat then said, "I'm with my friends .. we have finished eating and will go home, but I saw you and came to get to you .. What's wrong with you, are you not happy to see me .. ??"

 Juan replied. "No, I'm glad to see you."

 Hanna was happy to hear what Juan said.

 "I was so mad at you that time, you left me alone in the parking lot ... you didn't even answer my calls and texts."

 Juan tried to explain to Hanna who was angry at him.

 "I accidentally left something in the restaurant and came back to pick it up, and I met a friend and asked me to chat until I forgot you ... but after I realized you and saw you in the parking lot but you already left .."

From afar, hey kha who saw Juan with a woman, was very disappointed and muttered.

 "Juan is so soft to talk to that woman ..".

 Hey kha remembered that woman's face

 "Wasn't she the woman who was at the restaurant with Juan ... it turned out that she was her boyfriend. I should just go ... Juan was very nice to me today, I don't want to make things difficult for him anymore"

 Hey kha can only took a deep breath.

 "Hhmm finally the beautiful time ended ... I thought it would be a happy ending but it will be a sad story for myself."

 Hey kha walked out of the restaurant and called a taxi, she took his cellphone then sent a message to Juan, that she had come home first So that Juan would no longer wait for him.

 Juan, who was still chatting with Hanna, realized that hey kha had not returned from the toilet and would call her.

 But Juan saw a message that was sent hey kha to him, Juan thought, 'What's wrong with her, could she see me with Hanna, why do I feel guilty about her .. I'll explain to him tomorrow.'

 Hey kha who were still waiting for a reply from Juan's message, but Juan did not reply to hey kha's message.

"Never mind what do you hope again, you yourself know that he does not love you ... Juan is good to me maybe because his grandmother told him, anyway I'm quite happy tonight because Juan wants to be my boyfriend for the night, my heart will calm down a little."

 After arriving home, hey kha got out of the taxi then got in and went upstairs to rest in her room.

 A few moments later .

 Hey kha walked to the balcony of het room looking at the moon and stars and said. "5 more minutes ..." while clenching her hands.

 "Me and myself, Myself ... I want to let go, ..."

 Teng..teng ... the sound of the wall clock showing 00:00 at night.

 Hey kha said it while shedding tears.

 "Happy birthday to myself ..... I wish you a happy future and for everyone I love, I hope you all can live happily, including you too .."

 While looking at the wedding photos on display.

 Hey kha smiled but in her heart hey kha felt a very deep pain with wounds that had been accompanying her for years, but hey kha tried to be strong.

 "I'm living through more nightmares than this. I have to stay strong."

 Hey kha thought of his grandfather who had not congratulated him.

"Did you forget my birthday too .. ?? When I lived abroad, Grandpa always made video calls to wish me a happy birthday with a cake in his hand, or maybe grandfather really forgot ..."

 Hey kha felt sad but she tried to understand.

 "Ha .. forget it. I'm so tired, I better sleep."

 Hey kha climbed onto bed without thinking about Juan anymore.

 At that time Juan was still with Hanna.

 Juan was a little tired and asked Hanna to come back.

 "Come on, I'll take you home .."

 Hanna asked Juan.

 "Juan I wanted to ask you .. are you with someone here .. ??"

 Juan, who heard that, was silent.

 Hanna who saw Juan who was ignoring her was irritated and said.

 "Actually I saw you sitting together with a woman earlier, is she the wife that grandmother chose for you?"

 Juan replied.

"Yes .."

 Hanna asked Juan again.

 "Do you like her .."

 Juan who heard Hanna seemed to be interrogating him was a little uncomfortable.

 "Why are we discussing this matter, let's go ... I'll take you home."

 Juan got up from his seat and left, suddenly Hanna hugged Juan and said.

 "I just want to know how you feel about her, you didn't forget your promise, did you??"

 Juan was very annoyed at Hanna's question like that but he still held it back.

 "I will not break my promise to Jein ,, but can you not hug me like this .. I feel uncomfortable."

 Hanna who heard that was annoyed.

 "Juan why all this time every time I approach you, you always stay away from me, but you also always pay attention to me, you always follow my wishes ... but every time I hug or kiss your cheek you always avoid ... Am I not worthy  for you?! "

 Hanna left because she was annoyed while crying, Juan chased after Hanna and explained everything.

 "Hanna please understand, no matter what happens, I will keep my promise to Jein to take care of you but I can not forget my feelings for her even though now Jein is gone."

 Hanna who heard it became very angry.

 "Juan I love you ... I said it many times, didn't my sister entrust me to you not to be your sister or friend? Jein wants me to replace her by your side ... Are you probably already in love  that woman?"  Juan was silent to hear it.

Hanna began to understand with Juan's silence.

 "Answer me Juan ... !!! If that's true, then my legs will not rest in peace .. You have made me lose my only family, because you Juan jein left me .." shouted at juan, then Hanna too  keep crying.

 Juan, who heard Hanna's words like that said, "I know Hanna, I made you lose Jein, .. you will get whatever you want right. But don't ever expect love from me ... because for me my love is just Jein."

 Juan was really disappointed by Hanna's attitude who kept cornering him and then left Hanna alone who was still so sad.

 After arriving home, Juan went to hey kha's room to take a look and opened the door slowly.

 Juan who saw hey kha sleeping soundly approached him and then covered him, Juan was so sad to see hey kha at that time.

 "How can I defend You, if my heart can't accept you yet .. You won't be able to survive with me either, because your heart isn't mine either .."

 Juan touched the hand hey kha then said.

 "Happy birthday hey kha, I wish you the happiness you deserve."

 Juan also kissed hey kha's forehead and left.

 *Could it be that Juan will fall in love with hey kha?  While Juan still loves his ex-lover who died by accident.*

*Happy Reading ❤️