Juan's Past

Hey kha who was fast asleep did not realize Juan's presence at that time.

Juan returned to his room with so many thoughts in his head.

"I'm not sure about my feelings for her, maybe I just sympathize with hey kha because we had the same bitter life experience."

Juan barbaring in his bed and still remembered the incident where he lost the lover he loved so much.

* At that time Juan went to a meeting party *

Juan who saw Hanna who was sitting went over to greet her.

"Hanna, you are here too, apparently."

Hanna greeted Juan back with a curt. "Indeed I can't be here? Besides, I just came just to fulfill the invitation from my sister and I will not embarrass you."

Juan who heard this was a little surprised and said, "What are you talking about ... where is Jein?"

Hanna was confused by Juan's question.

"Jein? Didn't Jein go to see you?"

Juan who heard that Hanna was not with Jein, began to panic at that time, because he and Jein were fighting. Jein always misunderstood Juan.

Then tell Hanna.

"I haven't met her since earlier .."

Hanna who heard that started to worry then said.

"What are you saying? If Jein is not with you where did she go?"

Hanna and Juan started to panic looking for jein.

Elsewhere, Jein entered a room which was one of Juan's favorite places.

Jein went inside and without Jein realizing that someone was trying to trapped her because she stole Juan from her.

"Juan I came to ...."

Before Jein finished her words, she was very stunned by what she saw, it appeared that in the room there were 2 men who were chatting while drinking alcohol, jein was trying to escape.

"Sorry I entered the wrong place .."

A man said to jein.

"You're not in the wrong place, you must be Juan's ex-lover that Juan told us ... to accompany us tonight."

Jein, who heard this, was very surprised and angry.

"You must be kidding ... Juan could not possibly do this to me ... no way!"

Jein still couldn't believe what she heard from these two men.

"You must be liars .."

Jein stepped out of the room, but suddenly a man pulled her and threw her on the sofa.

"Where do you want to go? Finish your work first!"

Jein seeing the man's disrespectful treatment, was very angry and slapped the man.

"You guys are going too far ... I have nothing to do with Juan, please let me go."

Jein tried to get away from the men.

In another place, Hanna and Juan looked every room, but the one who found Jein was Hanna.

Hanna who saw her sister being treated like that did not accept and hit a man with a bottle.

"Hey bastard man!! get away from my sister."

A man approaches her and said.

"You also want to play with us huh .. and I will repay for what you did to my friend!"

The man pulled Hanna, then Juan came to help them.

Juan was very angry seeing that and then ordered Robin and some of his men to take care of the problem.

Juan, who saw Jein at that time, was very shaken by her very messy condition, then stepped forward to help her, but Jein suddenly screamed and it made Juan surprised.

"No!! get away from me ... quickly get away!!"

While continuing to cry and looking down in shame.

Juan tried to approach Jein to calm her down.

"Jein I just want to help you .. Don't be afraid jein it's all over ... I'll help you change your clothes."

Jein, who was still very shaken by the incident, still didn't want Juan to approach her and said angrily.

"I beg you to stay away from me, bastard man! Are you not satisfied yet to see me like this?"

Hanna who saw Jein like that hugged her and asked her to get out.

"Jein calm yourself, let's get out of this room and go back to the apartment."

Jein just nodded her head then left with Hanna.

Juan did not accept Jein's attitude and said.

"What's the matter ... ?? Why are you so angry with me. I know I was wrong ... everything happened because of me, but I didn't know that you came looking for me ... I knew you were on this from Hanna ... I'm really sorry, Jein. "

Juan's words like that made Jein misunderstood him even more, Jein felt even more devastated to know that the man who was with her for more than 3 years was really a cruel man and had no conscience.

He even had the heart to sell her after getting tired of her.

Jein paused for a moment then said to Juan.

"This is my sin in my past life, for meeting a demon like you."

Jein invited Hanna to leave Juan.

Meanwhile, Juan, who heard Jein say such things, felt devastated and without being aware that he shed tears.

"What's wrong Jein..? I know I was wrong for ignoring you for several days .. but I never betrayed your love for me the least."

Juan was very angry and called Robin.

"Robin, did they say who ordered them .. ??"

Robin answered.

"No sir, they don't want to admit who ordered them."

Juan was furious to hear those who didn't want to confess.

"I want you to paralyze them forever and find out who did all this .."

Robin said.

" Yes sir."

Jein and Hanna arrived at their apartment, Jein immediately went into her room and locked the door to her room then said to Hanna.

"I want to be alone, after I feel better I'll talk to you."

Hanna was very worried for Jein at that time and said.

"Let me help you .. I will not be calm to let you face all this alone."

Jein just kept quiet ignoring Hanna at that time and did not open the door for Hanna.

Jein felt very devastated after seeing her own situation in the mirror, with her hair messy and clothes torn, making Jein feel humiliated and throwing all her belongings on the floor.

Then went into the bathroom and rubbed her body hard.

"These are all traces of those demon men touch ... this body is so sickening, I don't want this body."

While continued to cry.

Hanna, who heard the sound from Jein's room, was very panicked and tried to break the door to her room, but Hanna couldn't break it.

Hanna thought about calling Juan and telling him to come here.

"Juan ... Juan come here quickly. Jein shut herself in the room, I'm so afraid Jein will do something reckless."

Juan hurried to Jein's apartment. Hanna, who was a little conscious of her panic, realized that there was a spare key in the cupboard then Hanna took it and opened the door.

Hanna was very surprised to see the state of the room at that time and called Jein.

"Jein where are you .. ??"

Hanna, who heard Jein's cry from the bathroom, rushed over to her and then pulled Jein out from the room.

"Are you crazy?? Why are you hurting yourself."

Jein looked sadly at Hanna.

"I really hate it ... as much as I hate myself. Why did Juan do this to me?"

Hanna didn't understand what Jein was saying.

"What Juan did to you, explain to me ... I really don't understand."

Jein explained to Hanna what happened in that room and also what the men told her.

Hanna couldn't believe the world that Jein said.

"I can't believe Juan did that to you ... this is just a misunderstanding. Juan was even panicked when he heard you disappear."

Jein took Hanna's hands and said. "I heard it myself he said like that to me, am I that low in his eyes? Until he is this evil to me."

Felt very depressed and continued to cry bitterly.

Jein stared at Hanna while touching her face.

"I know all this time you like him .. but you're trying to cover it from me."

Hanna who heard that was very shocked and went silent without a word.

Jein continued her words.

"I know I am selfish, I only care about my feelings for him, you are not mistaken Hanna ... he is the perfect man. Of course all women want him. I'm the one who is so stupid to believe him."

Juan, who arrived at Jein's apartment at that time, overheard what Jein said and denied all of it.

"It's all just a misunderstanding, Jein ..." He tried to get closer to Jein, but Jein was very angry seeing Juan and ran out of the house.

"Why are you here ... I don't want to see you."

While continued to run out of the apartment.

Juan and Hanna chased Jein at that time, but Jein just kept running and unconsciously a truck approached and hit Jein at that time.

Jein's body was slammed down the road and her blood continued to flow soaking the road.

Hanna who saw a crowd of people went over to them and looked.

It turned out to be Jein!!!

Hanna, who saw Jein's condition at that time, fell unconscious on top of Jein's body.

Juan himself was so surprised that Jein was lying on the street with blood all over ber body.

Juan asked people for help with broken words and tears streaming down his cheeks.

But they just looked at her and said she couldn't be helped anymore.

Juan who remembered that was devastated and sad, then got up from his sleep.

He went downstairs to get a bottle of wine and sat in the living room.

Juan suffered remembering that, Juan kept drinking until finally he got drunk and unconsciously dropped his drink bottle.

Hey kha who woke up about to go to the bathroom to hear like something broke.

"What's that noise ?? Is Juan back .."

While looking at the wall clock.

"It's 3:00 in the morning huh."

Hey kha went downstairs to see what sound she heard, but hey kha was very surprised to see Juan's condition at that time and rushed over to him.

"Juan what's wrong with you, are you all right?"

Juan unconsciously pulled Hey kha's hand, until Hey kha fell into his arms.

"Juan ...,"

*Happy Reading ❤️