Is it a dream

The atmosphere at that time was like a dream for hey kha, hey kha did not think that the man who was in front of her would really like her.

"Juan if this is a dream I hope I never wake up .."

Juan who heard hey kha said like that pinched hey kha's cheeks.

Hey kha took Juan's hand off her cheek.

"Ouch..Juan why are you so happy to pinch my cheeks .. ?? Later my cheeks will become stretched and I'll be ugly."

Juan smiled at hey kha and said.

"Basically you are ugly .."

Hey kha smiled back at Juan, then kissed his cheek.

Juan was so surprised by his wife's attitude like that.

"You're getting brave, huh .."

Hey kha answered

"I learned a lot from you .."

Juan pulled up hey kha and said.

"Watch out if you dare to do that to another man."

Hey kha smiled at juan, then poked Juan's nose ..

"You are a jealous man .."

Hey kha got up from her seat

Juan who saw that, held Hey Kha's hand and asked.

"Where do you want to .. ??"

Hey kha invited Juan to eat together.

"Let's go downstairs ... I'm so hungry."

Juan took a deep breath and muttered (she's always ruining his romantic mood).

Hey kha who saw Juan like that asked.

"What's with that expression on your face .. ??" Juan looked disappointed but he tried to be patient.

"Never mind ... let's go downstairs."

Then Juan and hey kha go downstairs.

The servants prepared all the food, hey kha saw all the food on the table.

"Juan isn't this too much."

Juan looked at hey kha then smiled.

"I want you to finish all of this .."

Hey kha very surprised to hear what juan said.

"Ju..Juan you want me to die from being full .. ?? You must be kidding, right .."

Juan also said a little firmly to hey kha.

"I don't want to accept rejection. Hurry up and eat .. !!!"

Hey kha very annoyed at Juan and mumbled (what's wrong with this guy he just was cute to me, in a second he changed again !! you ice lord.)

Then Juan said.

"Hurry up and eat .."

Because of annoyed, accidentally hey kha blurted out.

"Yes mr. ice ..."

hey kha was very surprised by what she said (crazy..i must be out of my mind, why i said that to him).

"Juan forgive me..I don't."

While lowering her head.

Juan who saw it stroked hey kha's hair and said.

"Are you that afraid of me ..?"

Hey kha raised her head and nodded her head.

Then Juan said to hey kha.

"Come closer to me ..."

Hey kha said in a voice that asked for mercy.

"I beg ... if you want to hit me, please don't touch my face .. !! You can grab my hair or hit my hands."

While holding out both hands.

Juan pulled hey kha's hand, then hey kha fell on Juan's lap, Juan hugged hey kha laughing.

"Hahaha .... You're very cute if like that, you look very adorable, this is what might make me like you You are very innocent my cute cat"

Hey kha very embarrassed sitting on Juan's lap and being watched by the servants.

"Juan you really like to tease me ... quickly let me go, the servants are watching us."

Juan let go of the hey kha and said.

"You should be taught a little lesson .."

Hey kha felt confused by what Juan said.

"Why .. ?? Did I do something wrong ..."

Juan who saw the expression on his wife's face did not want to tease her anymore.

"Never mind ... Let's eat, you said you were very hungry."

Juan and hey kha were eating together, Juan was very concerned about hey kha.

Juan took the fish then separated the meat and fish bones then gave it to hey kha, after that cut the fruit and then gave it to hey kha.

Hey kha was very happy to see Juan who was very considerate of her and murmurs (how all women do not fall in love with a man like this other than rich, handsome and very caring .. Make every woman's heart melt).

Juan who saw hey kha like that asked.

"Are you full .. ??"

Hey kha nodded her head while saying.

"It's more than full ... I'm very very very full ... I want to go back to the room to sleep."

Juan got up from his seat and asked hey kha.

"Can you walk .. ?? I want to carry you."

Hey kha smiled shyly while nodding her head.

Juan immediately carried Hey Kha into his room and said.

"You will pay for all of this."

Hey kha confused with what Juan said.

"What do you mean Juan .. ?? You don't think anything, do you?"

Juan smiled and said.

"We've arrived at my room .."

Hey kha confused with what Juan said.

"why do we go to your room .. ?? let me down, I want to go back to my room .."

Juan looked at hey kha and said.

"From now on ... this room is my room and also yours, we will sleep together in this room."

Then Juan put down hey kha on the bed, then slowly approached her.

Hey kha was very nervous at that time and muttered (does he want that ?? aa no my stomach feels so bad, i can't do it).

Hey kha also closed her eyes with her hands

Juan who saw this then whispered in her ear.

"I will not ask tonight, but I do not guarantee for the future .. Remember. !!! I will not let you go like this now."

Juan pulled the blanket and covered hey kha then hey kha opened her eyes and looked at Juan.

"Juan where do you want to go .. ??"

Juan answered.

"I have a little work, you go to sleep"

Hey kha just nodded his head.

Juan who can see the disappointment from hey kha's face asked.

"Do you want me to accompany you to sleep ... ??"

Hey kha nodded her head, Juan smiled to see hey kha like that.

Juan climbed into bed and hugged hey kha then kissed hey kha's forehead.

Then hey kha fell asleep, Juan who saw hey kha fell asleep in his arms reluctant to leave his place, Juan was afraid to wake hey kha up.

Juan stared at the hey kha's face at that time, then Juan remembered Hanna.

(I must immediately finish my business with Hanna, this is not easy ... but I will try to keep Hanna from getting hurt and I can also keep my promise to Jein).

Juan just kept thinking.

(Jein I'm sorry ... I don't understand my own feelings, every time I see her ... makes me want to hug her and don't want to let her go anymore. I'm sorry Jein ... I'll take care of Hanna like my own sister).

Then Juan fell asleep together with hey kha.

It was morning.

Hey kha opened her eyes and saw Juan lying beside her, hey kha kept looking at Juan with full of love without hey kha realizing that Juan had awakened and said.

"If you keep looking at me like that ... I'll feel embarrassed."

Hey kha who heard Juan say like that, just turned around and muttered (Aaa so embarrassing ... hey kha even though you really like him but don't show him too much).

Then Juan hugged hey kha from behind and kissed hey kha's back.

*Happy Reading ❤️