
Hugging hey kha, then Juan kissed hey kha's back.

Hey kha felt very embarrassed at that time and said to Juan.

"Don't you want to go to the office .. ??.

Juan replied.

"Don't you want to be with me .. ??"

Hey kha who heard Juan's question like that said.

"It's not like that ... if you ask me ..? I prefer you to accompany me.

But you also have a lot of work, I don't want to trouble you because of me .. "

Juan smiled hearing what hey kha said.

"If you want me to be with you ... I'll be here to accompany you."

Hey kha smiled at Juan then said.

"Oh yeah, I remember ... Will you accompany me to grandpa's house .. ??"

Juan answered.

"Okay ... but I'll go to the office first, you wait at home ... I won't be long."

Hey kha nodded her head.

Juan got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom, hey kha who was still lying on the bed, remembered the conversation between Juan and Hanna last night.

(Did Juan go to see that woman ?? Do I need to go there?)

Hey kha was very sad at that time, hey kha was very curious about the relationship between Juan and Hanna .. because frankly, hey kha still not sure about Juan's feelings for her, hey kha still very confused.

Juan came out of the bathroom, hey kha saw Juan's body which was so beautiful with curves and also very white skin that made hey kha unconsciously said, "Waaahh ...."

Juan who saw the expression on Hey kha's face said to her.

"Honey ... are you not satisfied looking at it, what if I open this towel .. ??" While pulling the towel.

hey kha who saw that, got out of bed while saying.

"Juan ... you perverted man .."

Juan can only smile to see Hey kha's behavior like that.

"She's really cute ... haven't we seen each other, but she still feels embarrassed. An innocent girl .."

Hey kha went back to her room.

"What's wrong with Juan ..? Even though we are married and made love .. But I'm very embarrassed, I don't want to see him. Juan .... Juan ... you have the perfect posture and also .."

hey kha kept thinking (What I'm thinking is embarrassing, you call him pervert .. but your brain is actually the pervert).

"Never mind, don't think weird because in a week there will be exams, I have to study hard, I have to show Mr. Juan that I'm not a stupid girl."

Hey kha finished taking a shower and also changed her clothes.

Then went downstairs for breakfast, hey kha saw Juan who saw sitting, smiling at her.

"Come here..."

Hey kha sat next to Juan, after finished breakfast Juan said to hey kha.

"I'm going to the office ... but I'll hurry home and accompany you to the Tan family's house, wait for me."

Juan stroked hey kha's head then left.

Then hey kha back to her room to finish her final study report.

On the way to the office, Hanna called Juan and said.

"Hello .. Juan."

With a happy voice, Juan replied "What's up ..?"

Hanna, who heard Juan's words, was slightly displeased, said.

"Juan what's wrong with your question ..

Can't I call you .. ?? "

"I've arrived at the office ... I'll call you later." Juan hung up the phone, Hanna was very upset at that time.

"Juan your attitude towards me has changed .... Okay, I'll make you leave that woman."

Then Hanna thought (I'd better go to her office after lunchtime and also ask him to accompany me to the event).

It was 12:30. Hanna arrived at Juan's office and aske Juan's secretary, Ju.

"Mr. Ju ... where is Juan .. ?? He already promised to have lunch with me."

Secretary Ju answered.

"Mr. Juan is attending a meeting with Robin, Mr. Juan said if you come ... then wait for Mr. Juan in his room."

Hanna said.

"Thank you Mr. Ju .."

Secretary Ju again said.

"if you need something .. just tell me."

Hanna smiled as she nodded her head.

Hanna looked around Juan's office and saw Jein's photo on display on Juan's desk.

"Juan..Juan .. it turns out you still love Jein, you must be just playing with that woman right (telling yourself) after you get bored you will definitely throw her away like Jein .."

Hanna felt happy and laughed at that time.

"Hahahaha ... I won't let you go this time ... I sacrificed so much for you, I can't possibly let you go."

Hey kha still waiting for Juan, hey kha look at the clock which was already 01:48 in the afternoon.

"It's time for lunch .. I'd better cook for him, then take it to Juan's office."

Hey kha was thinking (No .. no .. they don't know that I am his wife ... what if I am kicked out by security.? I should call him and ask him to have lunch at home together).

Hey kha went to the kitchen to cook.

The waitress who saw her asked.

"Young lady ... what are you doing .. ??"

Hey kha answered.

"I want to cook for Juan,"

The waiters said.

"We will help young lady ..."

then hey kha said with a smile.

"No need, you guys do your other duties ... if I need help, I'll call you."

Hey kha continued cooking, after finished cooking, Hey kha called Juan, but Juan's cellphone did not receive a call.

"I better just call the office."

Hey kha called juan's office, but at that time the one in Juan's office was Hanna.

Hanna, who heard the phone ring, said it.

"Hello .. who is this with .. ??"

Hey kha who heard the voice of a woman who picked up the phone thought (Maybe this is Juan's secretary).

"Is Juan there ... ? Hm I mean, is Mr Juan there ...?"

Hanna also asked.

" Who is this..??"

Hey kha answer.

"I am hey kha ... tell him. Mr Juan must know me"

Hanna who heard hey kha's name smiled.

(This is a good time to teach this woman a lesson).

"Sorry miss ... Juan doesn't want to be disturbed, especially when we are together .."

Hey kha confused with what the girl said.

"You together ... ??? What does this mean. Who are you .. ??"

Hanna was happy to hear Hey kha's annoyed voice.

"I'm Hanna, Juan's girlfriend ..."

Hey kha stay calmly.

(Calm down hey kha she might be lying, Juan can't possibly lie to you.)

"You must be kidding ... I don't believe you".

When Hanna and hey kha chat on the phone Suddenly Juan came in and says to Hanna.

"Have you been waiting long ..? (in a polite voice)."

Hanna answered.

"Yes .. I'm very bored waiting for you. Juan I love you .."

At that time Hanna deliberately listened to hey kha, Juan ignored Hanna's statement to him.

"Why are you holding the phone, did someone someone call?"

Hanna answered.

"No, I just saw it .. Let's eat. You must be hungry right."

Hanna hung up the phone with a wicked smile.

Hey kha who heard Juan and Hanna who were so intimate made her very disappointed, hey kha held the cellphone tightly while sobbing.

(You lied to me ... you lied to me. I was so stupid, I was blinded by my love so that you lied I still like you).

Hey kha ran to her room.

After calming herself down, a few moments later hey kha went alone to the Tan family to meet her grandfather.

Hey kha felt very disappointed but she was aware of his current position.

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