Juan Falls

Hey kha kept looking at Hanna who sat beside Juan, Juan just stayed silent when Hanna sat close to him and muttered, (I want to see how this woman's reaction to see me so close to Hanna).

Hanna got closer to Juan and said.

"Juan, do you know what happened that night?? I was kidnapped by a group of people I don't know ... luckily you told Robin to save myself, you really care for me."

While leaning her head on Juan's shoulder.

Hey kha felt burning seeing that thing (you flirtatious witch).

Juan saw hey kha's face that seemed to fall to the floor smiled, hey kha getting annoyed at Juan .. (you jerk!!).

Hey kha thought Juan was happy with what Hanna said.

Hey kha got up from her seat then went over to Hanna and Juan who sat together at that time.

"You ... (pointing at Hanna) move aside. I want to sit beside my husband ..".

Juan, who heard that was very happy.

(She gets so cute when she's jealous, makes me want kiss her so badly).

While Hanna was very annoyed to hear that.

"What is your right to tell me to stay away from Juan..Is it juan .. ??"

While taking Juan's hand.

Hey kha looked at Juan, but Juan just ignored her, (you ice lord).

Hey kha glared at Hanna and said.

"You're asking me my right ... ??? Are your ears still functioning .. ??"

Hanna was very angry to hear this.

"You .... !!!" While pointing at hey kha.

Hey kha smiled sarcastically at Hanna then said ...

"He is my husband ... I have rights over my husband!! Who are you .. ?? What is your status .. ??? A seductive woman .. ???"

Hanna got up from her seat and slapped hey kha. (faaakkkk)

Hanna smiled happily at it then told him.

"How dare you ... !!! You are just his mistress and nothing more ..."

Juan who saw that was very angry and pushed Hanna, and looked at her with a scary look.

" What are you doing..?? "

Juan came closer to hey kha and tried to touch the face that Hanna slapped, but hey kha brushed off Juan's hand, Juan was surprised to see that.

Hanna smiled at that and said.

"You are self-conscious ... that your marriage is a fake marriage."

Juan who heard this was very angry and shouted at Hanna.

"Shut up .. !!!" while looking at Hanna with a scary look.

Hanna muttered in her heart (Damn..Juan never treats me like this, it's all because of this fucking woman!)

Juan tried to get closer and asked hey kha.

"Are you okay?"

Hey kha just stood still, while lowering her head and slowly her tears fell.

Hey kha felt very hurt by Hanna's words like that then muttered in her heart.

(What this woman said is true ... I am just his mistress, we are just a couple on paper. Even he has never admitted it in public.)

Hey kha very disappointed at that time, then ran out of the room Juan and left.

Juan who tried to catch hey kha but Hanna stopped him and said.

"Juan what's wrong with you ... ?? You're ignoring for her sake .. ??"

Juan glared intently at Hanna and said.

"Let go of me ..!! and remember this is the last time you touch her ... otherwise I will not hesitate anymore with you. Remember that!!"

While throwing Hanna's hand.

Juan called Robin and said.

"Hurry up and look for hey kha down and prevent her ... don't let her get out of this office .."

Robin replied. " Yes sir.."

Robin put the security in front of the elevator door to wait, hey kha to got out, but hey kha wasn't in the lifts. Robin then called Juan.

"Mr. Juan, miss, hey, you haven't come down yet..we have checked it but miss hey kha is not in the elevators .."

Juan was very panicked (damn .. if she didn't use the lift, then she he .. ??) Juan ran towards the emergency exit (stairs).

"Could it be that she came down the stairs, she didn't even think about the baby !! You stupid girl."

(while going down the stairs).

Up close Juan heard the voice of someone crying.

Juan went down the stairs faster, but suddenly his feet slipped and fell down the stairs.

Hey kha surprised to hear a voice so loud from behind her then stood up and saw it.

Hey kha was very surprised to see Juan who was lying there with so much blood and was also unconscious.

Hey kha ran and hugged juan and said crying.

"Ju..Juan ... wake up ... wake up Juan ... don't scare me .. I beg you."

Hey kha called Robin and Robin hurried there.

Hey kha kept hugging Juan and say.

"If you don't want to open your eyes .. I will not forgive you. Juan ... I beg you, Juan,"

Robin and several other employees arrived and took Juan to the hospital.

Along the way, hey kha kept holding Juan's hand while sobbing.

"I'm sorry Juan ... this all was my fault, if not for me."

Hey kha kept crying

Robin who saw that said to hey kha.

"This is not your fault, Miss ... Mr Juan will be fine."

Hey kha kept crying and saying.

"I will not forgive myself if something happens to him .."

They arrived at the hospital and Juan immediately went into the operating room.

Robin called Mrs. Yin.

hey kha also called her grandfather, the whole family gathered at the hospital to wait for Juan who was still in the operating room.

Grandma rushed over to Hey Kha and asked.

"Child actually what happened .. ??"

Hey kha said to grandma while crying.

"I'm sorry grandma ... it's all because of me, until Juan is like this .."

Grandma who saw hey kha was so sad then calmed hey kha and said.

"It's all not your fault chils .. ?? You don't turn on yourself .."

Aunt Sherly who saw it said sarcastically to hey kha.

"You are a bad girl, my brother and his wife, now your husband!"

Grandpa who heard about it was very angry with Aunt Sherly.

"You shut your mouth ... Is it appropriate for you to say that at a time like this ... !!! You're getting too much."

Sherly's lips are very annoyed to hear Mr. Tan who always defend hey kha.

They waited for about 2 hours in front of the operating room and finally Doctor Rian came out.

Hey kha and grandma went straight to the doctor and asked.

"How is the condition of my grandson, doctor ... ??"

The doctor replied.

"Mr Juan has passed his critical period and currently Mr Juan is fine .."

Hey kha again ask the doctor.

"Can I visit him at this time??"

Doctor Rian could look at hey kha's worried face but doctor Rian tried to calm her down.

"For now maybe not, but a few moments later you can visit but Miss Hey kha can't stay inside because it's not good for pregnancy woman, Miss Hey kha ..."

Hey kha and also everyone were shocked to hear it.

Hey kha so happy to hear that

"Am I pregnant doctor .. ??"

Grandma and Grandpa were very happy and hug.

Grandma kissed hey kha and said.

"Chils, I'm very happy to hear that."

Doctor Rian said.

"Did not Mr Juan tell Miss Hey kha .. ??"

Hey kha very confused and asked.

"Did Juan know about my pregnancy ... ??"

The doctor said.

"Yes ... even Mr Juan is very happy to hear that."

Hey kha saw Juan from behind the door and muttered (I'm sorry Juan ... I am indeed a bearer of bad luck as my aunt said, you did a lot for me ... but I even made you like this ... !!! I will stay away from you after this child was born so you can be happy later).

While continuing to cry.

*Happy Reading ❤️