Hey kha who is in pain

Hey kha kept staring at Juan who has not yet conscious, hey kha felt very guilty seeing Juan in condition like that.

Then hey kha took Juan's hand and said while crying.

"I'm so sorry Juan ... really." While lowering her head.

Grandma who saw hey kha was so sad she went to her and said.

"Child, you have to be strong and don't turn on yourself continuously. You also have to take care of your health ... because now you are pregnant."

Hey kha held Grandma's hand.

Grandma rubbed her head hey kha and said.

"You better go home, to rest ... Grandma will tell Robin to take you home."

Hey kha very couldn't easily leave Juan, but the grandmother still forces Hey kha to go home and rest.

Hey kha obeyed the grandmother's orders

Hey came home feeling sad, hey kha kept thinking about Juan.

They arrived home, hey kha stepped into the house.

A servant went over to her and asked. "Miss, do you need anything .. ???"

Hey kha shook her head.

"No .. thank you, you guys rest .."

Then hey kha went to Juan's room, hey kha saw their wedding photos displayed on the wall, unconsciously tears dripping.

"Am I really worthy of you ... ?? You are so perfect, Have I been cursed, so I can not feel the slightest happiness ... why all the people I love have to suffer." (While crying).

Hey kha felt very sad with Juan's condition like that, she slowly fell asleep in her sadness.

In her sleep hey kha dreamed of meeting Juan, then Juan hugged her and said.

"Don't be sad and cry for me, I really suffer to see it ... wait for me." Then Juan started to move away from her.

Hey kha woke up from sleep.

"It was just a dream ..."

Hey look at the clock on the wall, it was 3:00 am.

"I can't sleep anymore. I better go to the hospital now."

Hey kha change her clothes then went to the hospital.

When she got to the hospital, hey kha saw Robin, Aunt Lauren and grandma sleeping in the waiting room.

Hey kha approached Juan and held his hand.

"You said you didn't want me to be sad and cry ... But you alone made me sad and cry. (Shedding tears) You have to wake up quickly ... I beg you."

Grandma and Robin woke up to hear the sound of hey kha crying.

Grandma approached him and said.

"Why are you here child .. ?? shouldn't you rest at home .. ??"

Hey kha answered.

"I can't sleep well grandma ... I really want to be with him right now."

Grandma who saw hey kha who was so sad, hugged hey kha and said.

"Okay ... but you remember that you are currently pregnant .."

Hey kha answered.

"I understand grandma ... I will definitely take care of this baby that is in my stomach."

When grandma and hey kha were chatting Suddenly Juan's condition worsened, Robin immediately called the doctor.

The doctor told hey kha and grandma to wait outside.

A few moments later the doctor came out with a sad face.

Mrs. Yin went straight to him and asked

"How is my grandson, doctor ... ??"

The doctor answered.

"Mr Yin is currently not well ... we suggest that he should be transferred to an overseas hospital for further treatment, because Mr Yin had a very bad impact on his head, his condition could be even worse."

Grandma who heard about it almost fell, but Mrs. Lauren yin hold her.

"Mama Juan will be fine ... mama calm down."

Aunt Lauren also said to the doctor.

"If it's for the best do it as quickly as possible, If something happens to my nephew .. you all will follow him!!!"

Then Aunt Lauren said to Mrs. Yin.

"Ma, you better go back home .. I will take care of everything here, mom don't get sick .."

Grandma was still very worried about Juan's condition at that time.

"No I want to accompany Juan and also hey kha here..I will try hard for them."

At that time hey kha who was standing in front of the door of juan's room, was very scared to see Juan's condition at that time, her whole body was shaking and muttering (Did you meet me to say goodbye to me).

The grandmother who saw that asked.

"Child what's wrong with you .. ??"

Hey kha answer.

"Grandma I ...." hey kha fell and passed out.

Robin, who saw this, rushed to carry Hey kha then called the doctor.

Hey kha then checked by the doctor and the doctor said.

"Miss hey kha's current condition is not very good ... her womb is very weak, if it continues like this .... she could lose the baby."

Hey kha kept delirious calling Juan's name, the doctor continued.

"She's under a lot of stress and a lot of weight on the mind ... this isn't very good."

Grandmother said.

"Thank you doctor .."

Grandma came closer and said to hey kha.

"Child you have to be strong, rest assured Juan will survive for you and the baby you are carrying"

Hey kha still lying unconscious in the hospital, meanwhile Juan has been transferred to America for better treatment.

Aunt Lauren, Robin and also uncle Saint who accompanied Juan there.

Hey kha realized then saw grandmother and also Laura (son of Aunt Lauren) who sat chatting.

A few moments later hey kha realized then got up from her bed.

The grandmother who saw it got up from her seat and asked.

"You're up ... where do you want to go .. ??"

Hey kha left while saying.

"I want to see Juan ..."

Laura came closer and held Hey Kha's hand and said.

"Sister-in-law ... you rest, you're still very weak."

Hey kha said with a smile.

"I'm fine ... I just want to see Juan, I want to see how he is."

Grandma who saw hey kha like that said.

"Child come here ... sit here Grandma wants to say something to you."

Hey kha surprised to hear what grandma said.

"Grandma what's going on ... did something happen to Juan (shedding tears)."

Grandma smiled as she said.

"Juan is fine .."

Laura said.

"Yes ... sister-in-law, Juan will be fine ... because now Juan is in the best hospital abroad so you don't have to worry."

Hey kha felt calm and sad too, because she can't see Juan before he left.

"Thank goodness ... I'm a little calm to hear that, but Grandma is Juan going to be okay there, I want to go there to accompany him."

Grandma came closer and held Hey Kha's hand and said.

You don't have to go there ... you can't have a long journey, pity your baby. What's more right now your condition is not very good, the doctor said you need to rest a lot and also don't think too much, it's not good for your baby."

Laura tried to convince hey kha again.

"Yes ... sister-in-law, you don't need to worry .. because there are already Mom, Uncle Saint and also Uncle Robin .. they all will look after Kak Juan."

Hey kha felt a little calm hearing that

After 2 days at the hospital, finally hey kha went home and accompanied by Laura. Hey kha said to Laura.

"You rest, I also want to rest .."

Hey kha went to Juan's room and looked and groped Juan's bed.

"I can still feel your warm body" Hey kha remembered the memories with Juan in this room.

'I really miss, I want to see you mad at me, I want to hear you tease me ... I want you to tease me ... !!! Juan I really miss you ... I really miss you.'

(while sobbing).

Laura who saw through the door of the room also cried and said.

"Juan get well soon ... don't you feel sorry to see hey kha like this .."

*Happy Reading