What is going on

At that time hey kha cried all night, then fell asleep in Juan's room.

Hey kha suddenly woke up from her sleep,

"I feel like I heard Juan's voice ..." hey kha got up from the bed, then rushed to the living room, but hey kha very disappointed .. because no one was in the room downstairs.

"Hey kha what's wrong with you .. ??? You can't go on like this .. you have to be strong for Juan and also the baby in your stomach."

Hey kha back to her room, but hey kha surprised to see Laura in her room.

"I forgot that Laura is accompanying me now .."

Hey kha take some books and also his leptop, then go back to Juan's room and do his chores until he falls asleep.

(2 days later).

Hey kha went to campus to take the final exam of her studies.

"Finally today came ... I have to pass with the best grade, I'll show Juan later."

Hey kha felt sad and also happy at that time .. because grandma said that Juan has started to improve there, but it still takes a little longer to recover.

hey kha went back to campus to take the final exam of her studies.

hey kha met Aiyin, Aiyin who saw hey kha ran hugged her and said.

"You really are a very bad friend." while hugging hey kha.

"I called me for a few days but your number is always not active, me and Sho Ju to your grandfather's house however, we only met some of the maids who said that you don't live there anymore .. Did Aunt Sherly kick you out .. ??"

hey kha smiled at what Aiyin said.

"I'm fine .. I'm not kicked out by aunt Sherly, I live in a rented house .."

Aiyin was very confused by the words of hey kha.

"Why don't you just live with your grandfather.. ??"

Hey kha answered

"You know I've never been with Aunt Sherly ... that's why I prefer to stay away, so that our relationship won't be too bad .."

Aiyin got annoyed hearing what hey kha said.

"Your aunt is very mean ... you are her own nephew, but she treats you like everyone else .."

hey smiled broadly seeing Aiyin who looked annoyed.

"Never mind ... we must be passionate for the test." not finished hey kha talking, suddenly Sho Ju grabbed her hand and hugged her.

hey kha was so shocked seeing what Sho Ju did and said.

"Sho Ju what's wrong with you ...? Hurry up and let me go .."

Sho Ju hugged hey kha tightly and said.

"Are you okay .. ?? I'm really worried about you these days .."

Hey kha feel bad seeing Aiyin looking at her and shoju who were hugging.

"Sho Ju ... let me go, we'll have a good talk ... I don't want to be like this"

Sho Ju released his hug, then hey kha approached Aiyin and said.

"I'm okay right now ... then we'll stay first huh .."

She left while waving to Sho Ju.

Sho Ju who saw hey kha like that smiled and said.

"He's still the same ... very shy."

Hey kha grabbed Aiyin's hand then told her.

"Aiyin .. I hope you don't misunderstand what happened earlier ... Really Sho Ju and I have nothing to do with anything!!"

Aiyin just kept quiet hearing everything hey kha said.

Hey kha felt more and more guilty to Aiyin then pulled her hand and said.

"Let's clarify this matter with Sho Ju ..."

Aiyin let go of hey kha and said.

"Never mind .... I've given up on Sho Ju. I was chasing for 8 years, but he only considered me as a friend .. Because Sho Ju said that he also had someone he liked for 8 years .."

Hey kha felt sad to see Aiyin who broke her heart because of Sho Ju.

Aiyin looked at hey kha and said.

"Do you know who that lucky girl is .. ??"

Hey kha just shook her head. Aiyin smiled at hey kha.

"That girl is you hey kha"

Hey kha who heard that seemed not to believe that Sho Ju liked her all this time.

"You must be kidding, right ... ??? This must be just a misunderstanding"

Aiyin answered.

"You know hey kha why Sho Ju took a medical studies .. ??"

hey kha increasingly can not believe what she heard and muttered in her heart. (it can't be all because of me)

Aiyin who saw that hey kha's facial expression knew that hey kha started to realize Sho Ju's feelings for her. hey kha looked at Aiyin then said.

"This must be just your story, right Aiyin .. ??"

Aiyin said.

"Why did I lie to you ... I heard all this directly from Sho Ju's own mouth, not from other people .."

Aiyin held hey kha's hand then said.

"Accept his love hey kha .. don't make his a one-sided love like me, it hurts so much .."

Hey kha just kept quiet without saying anything.

Aiyin said to hey kha.

"Think about it .. Sho Ju is the man that suits you."

Then Aiyin walked away leaving hey kha, but suddenly Aiyin was surprised to hear what was said by hey kha.

"I can't .. !!! I also have someone I love ... Only him in my heart, I can't possibly accept someone else anymore .."

Aiyin came back to hey kha and asked.

"Is he Juan Yin .. ??"

hey kha just kept quiet, then Aiyin continued her words.

"You will never be happy with him .. because I heard he is married and besides that he also has a girlfriend, you will only be played with by him .. !!!"

Aiyin tried to remind hey kha.

Hey kha who heard Aiyin say that shed tears.

Aiyin who saw things immediately hugged Hey Kha and said.

"I know how you feel ... but he's not the right person for you."

Hey kha let go of Aiyin's hug and said while shedding her tears.

"Juan is not someone like that ... you do not know him, why do you say bad things like that to him, Juan is a good man .. he is a very good man." While continuing to cry.

"I really miss him, I really miss him Aiyin."

Aiyin hugged hey kha very tight and said.

"I'm sorry hey kha ... I didn't mean to make you sad"

hey kha calm down a little after talking with Aiyin.

After that hey kha said to Aiyin that she wanted to go to the mall to buy some necessities, Aiyin said.

"I will accompany .."

Hey kha and Aiyin went to the mall to shop .. after they finished shopping they went to a restaurant to eat.

Hey kha and Aiyin ordered food, then they chat with smiles and sometimes laughs.

Without hey kha realizing that Hanna saw her from afar, Hanna smiled irritably seeing hey kha and said.

"You are really a woman who does not know yourself .. You make Juan dying, but now you even laugh happily with your friends .. I will teach you a lesson."

Hanna got up from her seat to approach Hey Kha, but stopped because she saw Hey Kha walking towards the toilet.

hey kha who was sitting with Aiyin said.

"I want to go to the toilet for a bit ... you wait for the food, I'll be right back."

hey kha got up from her seat and went to the toilet, Hanna then followed her. Arriving inside the ladies toilet, hey kha was very surprised to hear a woman's voice say.

"Basic women don't know themselves"

hey kha looked back and (Pakkkk) Hanna slapped her.

hey kha looked at Hanna angrily and said.

" What are you doing..?? "

Hanna looked very angry at that time and they started arguing, then Hanna pulled Hey kha's hair and pushed her to the floor.

hey kha fell and hit her stomach on the floor, hey kha screamed in pain and asked Hanna for help, but Hanna ignored it and left her.

hey kha tried to get up and sit down, but hey kha was very surprised to see so much blood flowing from under his feet, hey kha was crying and screaming.

"No ... !!! this can't be .. !! My baby ..."

then hey kha fell and passed out.

the officer who was passing by and heard the sound of screaming went to see her,

at the same time Aiyin also came to see hey kha who took so long to the bathroom.

Aiyin was very surprised to see hey kha and told the servants to help her take Hey kha to the hospital.

* see you next time again