Hey kha's Confession

Juan still kept teasing hey kha, hey kha felt very annoyed with what Juan did to her.

Juan who felt hey kha started to get annoyed said to her.

"Well I won't tease you anymore ... I'll go take a shower, you change your clothes and we go downstairs to eat."

hey kha heard Juan who no longer teased her lifted the blanket.

"You're not going to tease me again, right ... ??"

Juan got up from the bed and said with a smile.

"Change your clothes ... because you failed to seduce me."

Juan entered the bathroom, holding back his laughter.

hey kha no longer heed what Juan said to her.

(Juan Yin ... hmm)

hey kha rolling on the bed thinking back to what she had done.

"Aa very embarrassing .. where can I hide my face."

Once the feeling started to get better hey kha change her clothes and went downstairs preparing food for her and Juan too.

juan went downstairs and ate together with hey kha, after finishing eating Juan told the waiter to make a glass of milk for hey kha, hey kha who saw that muttered in her heart.

(This isn't the right time to be frank, I'd better talk about this tomorrow). hey kha took the milk and drink it until it runs out.

a few days later.

Aiyin called hey kha to tell her that they will have a farewell ceremony that will be held at a hotel.

hey kha was muttering in her heart (Finally this day came too).

hey kha, Aiyin, Sho Ju and some other friends went to a mall to shop there, but hey kha accidentally saw Hanna who was looking at some items.

hey kha touch Aiyin's hand then say.

"I'm going to the toilet for a bit .."

Aiyin also to hey kha.

"I'll go with you"

hey kha said to Aiyin.

"You guys just keep shopping. I won't be long"

hey kha left them and kept watching Hanna until they finally met at the car park.

hey kha went over to Hanna and immediately slapped (Pakkkk) ... Hanna was surprised to see hey kha who slapped her and tried to reply but hey kha caught Hanna's hand and once again slapped her hard until she fell to the floor.

hey kha looked at Hanna with a scary look and said.

"This is all but nothing. !!! You make me lose something very precious to me .. you will repay more than this."

then hey kha left hanna with anger in her heart and muttered in her heart (this is just the beginning) while rubbing her face full of tears.

hanna was furious to see what hey kha did to her and screamed.

"stop ... !!! after he finds out you are not pregnant with his child again, he will hate you and throw you away."

But hey kha ignored Hanna's words and kept walking away from Hanna.

Hanna got more annoyed seeing hey kha who ignored her.

Hanna muttered.

"You think I'll keep quiet ... I will repay you for the insult you have done to me today."

Hanna stood up and followed hey kha to reply.

hey kha stopped and burst into tears remembering what Hanna told him.

"I don't want ... Juan to hate me". while continued to cry.

Sho Ju who had been looking for her heard the sound of crying and approached her then called out to her.

"hey kha ... ??"

hey kha lifted her head and saw the person who called her who turned out to be Sho Ju.

Sho Ju approached her and asked.

" What happened..?? "

hey kha just kept crying and Sho Ju approached her and hugged hey kha, hey kha kept crying and saying

" What should I do now..??". Sho Ju hugged and rubbed hey kha's head.

"Everything will be fine ... I'll always be with you."

without them knowing Hanna took photos and also recorded what Sho Ju and hey kha did and said.

"I am blessed today ... I will crush you to pieces you despicable woman !!! You do not deserve to be Juan's."

Hanna left them feeling satisfied.

hey kha started to calm down a little and said to sho ju.

"I'm sorry... "

Sho Ju came closer and touched hey kha's head and said.

"Stupid girl. !! if you are sad remember me ... I will always be where you lean, I will not leave you."

hey kha who heard what Sho Ju said felt a little uncomfortable and said.

"I know you really care about me .. but it's not like you know that I'm married and I also really like my husband, I'm really sorry to you."

Sho Ju was a little disappointed by the statement hey kha but Sho Ju tried to hold it back and said.

"We're friends ... you don't have to worry about my feelings for you..this won't disturb our friendship."

with a smile and asked hey kha to go see their friends.

Aiyin who saw hey kha asked in panic.

"Where have you been .. you know how worried I am. !!"

hey kha held Aiyin's hand and say.

"I'm sorry ... I'm fine."

Aiyin huggey hey kha out of worry.

"Thank God ... I'm just afraid something will happen to you again."

hey kha smiled at Aiyin, they continued shopping then went home.

hey kha arrived home and went into her room to take a shower, after finishing showering and changing clothes hey kha went downstairs to prepare food for her and juan.

hey kha finished preparing the food and looked at the clock and said.

"It's already 07:45 ... Should I call Juan and ask what time he's coming home ... Hm no, let it go, I'll wait for him and talk to him."

hey kha waiting for Juan in the living room while reading a book and fell asleep from exhaustion.

Juan came and saw hey kha sleeping on the sofa.

a servant approached him and said.

"I will wake up miss miss hey kha .."

Juan approached hey kha then asked the waiter.

"why is she sleeping here .. ??"

the servant answered.

"Miss cooking for the young master and waiting for the master to come home while reading a book and fell asleep."

Juan felt calm hearing what the waiter said.

"okay ... go and reheat the food"

The waiter went to the kitchen, while Juan sat on the sofa looking at the face of Hey Kha who was fast asleep and said "Very beautiful .."

while touching her face.

hey kha woke up from sleep and saw Juan who was in front of her.

"Juan since when were you there .. ??"

juan answered hey kha's question.

"Since you fell asleep snoring ... it feels as if you want to scare the whole house .." with a smile.

hey kha very pissed off at Juan and said.

"liar .. !! I can't possibly snore .. you're always teasing me ... Hhmm"

Juan rubbed her head and said.

"Let's eat..I'm very hungry".

they went to eat together, after finishing Juan went up first to take a shower.

hey kha then followed Juan to the room and brought him coffee and some snacks, while muttering in her heart (I have to tell him ... can't be delayed anymore, it will take a long time but it will be revealed. I don't want him to hear this from someone other.)

hey kha went into the room and waited for Juan to finish showering, Juan finished taking a shower and changed his clothes then sat beside hey kha saying.

"Are you not feeling well .. ?? You look nervous."

hey kha looked at Juan and trying to ask.

"Juan what would you do if I lied to you ??"

Juan, who wanted to drink his coffee, stopped and looked at hey kha, then said.

"What do you want to say .. ?? I'll listen to it."

hey kha was very scared that time and her body was shaking.

"Ju ... Juan ... this ... actually ... I (said nervously)." Juan became displeased by what he heard.

"Say it. !! I will try to forgive you ... if I can understand"

hey kha getting nervous and speechless.

Juan saw the hey kha expression like that putting the coffee cup on the table hard which made hey kha surprised and looked at Juan.

Seeing hey kha who looked nervous, made Juan stand up from his seat to ask again.

"What lies ... ??"

hey kha kept looking at Juan without saying anything because she felt pressured.

Juan holds hey kha's shoulder while shaking hee body.

"Say .. !!"

hey kha who saw Juan annoyed say it while crying.

"I lost our child .."

Juan was very surprised to hear this and just stood there disappointed.

hey kha approaching, touching Juan.

"I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to hide it because .." not finished hey kha talking Juan cut their conversation and said.

"Why .. ?? Why did you lose your baby .. ?? tell me." While looking at hey kha with a scary look.

hey kha felt more and more depressed.

"All this because of Hanna .." and explained what really happened.

Juan who heard this was very angry and left hey kha alone, hey kha tried to chase after Juan but Juan looked at her and said.

"Don't follow me ... I don't want to be bothered right now. !!"

Juan got out while carrying his car who was going somewhere.

meanwhile hey kha sobbed in her proposal, saying.

"What have I done ... Juan must really hate me." While continuing to cry.

"God why the happiness I have is always short I feel ... Do I not deserve to be happy .. ??"

*thank you for reading this work