Deep disappointment

Juan angrily left the house. Hey Kha who saw the deep disappointment on Juan's face, was very sad and called Grandma to tell her what happened.

At that time the grandmother was getting ready to sleep and the wall clock showed 21:00 PM.

Grandma was surprised to receive a call from hey kha, grandma picked up the phone from hey kha.

"Hello, child, did you call grandma .. ??"

hey kha answered while sobbing. "grandmother..."

Mrs. Yin panicked at the sound of hey kha crying.

"What's wrong child .. ?? why are you crying .."

then hey kha explain what happened between her and Juan.

Grandma was so worried about Hey Kha's situation and said.

"Be patient, child ... Juan may still be devastated, leave him alone for a while .. Grandma will tell the driver to pick you up, you stay here .."

hey kha said to grandma

"No grandmother ... I want to wait for Juan until he comes back .. Grandma rest, now I feel better because I heard advice from grandma ..".

Grandma felt relieved to hear what Hey Kha said.

"Okay ... remember if something happens, tell grandma."

hey kha say good night to Mrs. Yin then hey kha hang up the phone.

at another place Juan called Hanna and asked her to meet.

"Where are you Hanna .. ??"

Hanna answered.

"I'm in my apartment now .." Juan hung up the phone and headed to Hanna's apartment.

Hanna was a little surprised because Juan suddenly called her.

"What's wrong ?? Juan sounded very angry ... Did she tell Juan that I caused her to miscarry ..".

Hanna was very panicked, "I have to go immediately .. otherwise Juan will definitely kill me!"

Hanna immediately packed up, but suddenly it occurred to her.

"Juan could not possibly kill me ... it would not be possible, I still have the footage and photos to help me."

Hanna was surprised to hear the doorbell ring.

"I have to calm down .."

Hanna opened the door with a cute smile. "Juan ..."

not finished Hanna greeted Juan, immediately Juan choked Hanna's neck until Hanna was very difficult to breathe.

Hanna tried to rebel while saying.

"Juan what are you doing .. ??".

Juan looked at Hanna with a terrible gaze, and let her breathe a little.

"I only ask you one time, if you torture her. I will throw you from the top of this building."

Hanna was terrified to hear that (Juan never messed with his words).

Juan asked Hanna again.

"Did you make hey kha lose the baby .. ?? Yes or no!!! Say it."

Hanna was silent, staring at Juan with tears.

Juan didn't feel sorry for the slightest and choked Hanna's neck hard.

Hanna said.

"Well ... it's my fault"

Juan got even more angry hearing this then threw Hanna on the floor while saying.

"I've warned you for the last time but you didn't hear me ... don't blame me for doing this to you."

Juan pulled Hanna's hand, but Hanna said.

"Listen to me Juan .. I am willing to jump from the top of this building for you ... if this is really my fault. Let me explain ... after that it's up to you what you want to do to me .."

Juan didn't care what Hanna said and kept pulling her out.

But Hanna stared trying to defend herself and said.

"Juan hey kha cheating on you ... she's cheating on your back."

Juan's steps stopped and looked at Hanna and said.

"Don't try to fool me ... you know the consequences don't you."

Hanna said to Juan.

"I never lied ... I have the proof."

Juan let go of Hanna and said.

"I can't believe your words .. !!"

Hanna said to Juan.

"I saw Hey kha in a mall with a man ... at that time you were still being treated abroad. I was very angry to see her and went to teach her for daring to play crazy behind your back (while showing Video and also photos). that at that time she was pregnant ... and I accidentally pushed her in anger and she fell. "

Juan was very angry to see video and also the photo of hey kha and also Sho Ju who looked so close.

"If you try to play with my life ... I will make you regret that you were born in this world."

Hanna was relieved, but Juan turned around and said.

"Don't be happy just yet .. !!"

Hanna was surprised to hear what Juan said. Juan left Hanna .. after that came several men who drugged Hanna and took her to a distant place.

Juan came home very angry. after arriving at home Juan entered and went to meet hey kha, all the servants who saw Juan so angry felt very scared and said.

"Go on, miss hey kha."

one waiter said.

"Even though Miss Hey kha is a very good woman..but her fate is so bad."

the butler who heard that rebuked them.

"If you still love your life, you should keep your mouths and your ears shut."

the servants dispersed and did their respective jobs.

Juan went to see hey kha in the room, hey kha saw Juan so happy and said. "You have returned .."

While holding Juan's hand, but Juan brushed it off and said.

"Answer my question ... Is this you or not .. ??"

while showing the videotape to hey kha.

hey kha was very surprised to see it and muttered in her heart.

(This will be me and Sho Ju ... how about) while looking at Juan.

Juan who saw hey kha like that already knew the answer.

"You .. despicable woman!!" hey kha very shaken to hear what Juan said.

"Juan ... listen to me Juan."

Juan ignored hey kha and came out of the room.

hey kha chasing Juan and took Juan's hand and said.

"You're just misunderstanding ... it's not what it seems"

Juan turned and said.

"I'll give you one chance and answer, He hugged you and you hugged him back too .. ?? Isn't that right .."

hey kha looked surprised to hear that

"Juan, I'm sorry ... We are just friends and have nothing to do with him .."

Juan said to hey kha.

"doesn't he like you .."

hey kha felt pressured by Juan's question.

"But I don't like him .. !! I .." not finished hey kha talking Juan pulled her hand so hard that hey kha's head hit the table and bleeding.

but juan did not care about it then left hey kha.

The night was getting late, Juan was in his study and finished a few bottles of liquor.

hey kha went inside and see Juan's condition like that felt very guilty and tried to bring Juan to the bed but Juan pushed her and said.

"Get away from me ... you women are the same .."

hey kha kept trying to help Juan to get back to his room.

hey kha put Juan on the bed and covered him, but Juan pulled her hand then laid her down on the bed then said.

"You dare to lie to me ... I'll make a calculation with you."

Juan kissed hey kha until hey kha couldn't breathe.

hey kha tried to push Juan's body but Juan on top of her and hugged her tightly.

hey kha muttered in her heart (maybe this is for the best) hey kha closed her eyes and let Juan do whatever to her.

the day was already morning

hey kha opened her eyes and saw Juan who was still fast asleep.

Then hey kha got up and went back to the room to clean her body, after that she went downstairs to make dizziness medication for Juan and tell the maid to take it to Juan's room.

then hey kha prepared breakfast for Juan and went back to his room.

a few hours later hey kha saw from the balcony of her room that Juan's car was gone, then hey kha went downstairs and saw Juan who did not touch the food.

hey kha felt very sad then muttered in her heart (Juan is very angry .. It's all because of Hanna, I won't let you go).

since that day Juan never came home, hey kha didn't dare look for him.

hey kha went to visit the Yin family's house, the grandmother who saw hey kha was so happy and hugged hey kha, hey kha hugged hey kha while shedding tears.

Grandma said to hey kha.

"Everything will be fine ... grandma is on your side".

hey kha said to grandma.

"Juan hasn't been back home in a week ... he must really hate me."

Grandma tried to calm hey kha down and said.

"Be patient, child .. we will find a way out together, tonight you stay here .." hey kha nodded her head, her could not refuse Mrs. Yin's request for the umpteenth time.

The night has arrived, grandmother called Robin and told Robin that grandmother was sick and needed Juan to visit her immediately.

Robin told Juan and Juan to hurry to the Yin's house.

Grandma didn't tell Hey Kha that Juan would come and tell Hey Kha to rest upstairs in the room.

Juan arrived home and immediately met his grandmother in her room.

"Grandma what happened ...".

Mrs. Yin took Juan's hand and said.

"Son all this because of you .."

Juan felt guilty and said.

"I'm sorry grandma .." grandmother said.

"Never mind .. you drink first. Grandma has told the waiter to prepare tea for you .."

Juan drank the tea without hesitation, a few moments later Juan felt a little dizzy and didn't feel well.

Grandma who saw it smiled and muttered (the medicine started working).