The Hurted Insult

Mrs. Yin smiled happily to see the medicine she gave Juan start to work, Mrs. Yin pretended not to know what had happened to Juan and then asked Juan.

"What's wrong son?? you look sick .."

Juan who saw his grandmother looked worried, it made her uneasy.

"I'm okay Grandma ... you don't need to worry, I'll go rest first."

Then the grandmother called Robin to take Juan to the room upstairs and let him rest.

Robin carried Juan upstairs and said.

"Sir, what's wrong with you ??"

Juan also said to Robin.

"Don't ask too many questions ... you come down and I'll go in myself."

Juan went into the room himself and went to the bathroom to calm down some of the medicinal effects.

Hey kha, who was taking a shower, was very surprised to see someone enter and shout.

"Aaaaa .... who are you, come out quickly."

Robin who heard screams rushed up, but the grandmother stopped and said.

"Leave them both alone .."

Robin said to Mrs. Yin.

"But grandma ... Mr. Juan" Robin was not finished talking Mrs. Yin cut off the conversation.

"Never mind .. you should also rest." Robin nodded his head.

while Juan who saw hey kha became annoyed and said.

"Apparently you ... you're pretty good at acting!!"

hey kha confused with what Juan said.

"What do you mean .. ?? You came in and startled me .."

Juan turned the water tap and wet his body, then saw hey kha while saying. "You planned all this, didn't you? You're this low."

hey kha getting confused by what Juan said.

"You must be drunk ... I don't want to fight with you anymore."

hey kha pulled the towel and stood up, but Juan pulled her hand.

"You don't have to pretend ... finish what you have started."

hey kha looked at Juan with questions in her heart (what else is this ..). Juan took off the towel from hey kha and hugged her.

hey kha was very surprised by what Juan did and tried to escape from Juan's embrace.

"Juan what are you doing .. ?? hurry and let me go."

Juan who saw that hey kha attitude made him HATE her even more.

"I'll give you everything ... everything you want. But after this ... get away from my life."

hey kha who heard Juan's insulting words smiled sarcastically.

"I am an embarrassing woman .... Okay, I accept .."

Juan kissed hey kha and said.

"Serve me like you serve him .. !!!"

while shedding her tears hey kha said.

"Very well ... Mr Juan Yin. !!"

Juan started kissing hey kha, hey kha serving the kiss with tears, but didn't appear because of the pouring water at that time.

Juan stopped and pushed hey kha down until she fell to the floor.

"I thought that I was wrong .. Turns out you are a lowly girl!!"

Juan left hey kha in the bathroom.

hey kha who heard Juan insult her made her heart really hurt, she could only laugh at herself.

"Hahaha ... hahaha..hahaha ..."

after satisfied laughing hey kha stood up and muttered in her heart.

(I have no problem if you underestimate me, even you trampled on my pride, because I love you and I will survive my way ..).

grandmother who saw Juan so quickly came out of the room approached him.

"Why did you come out so fast ... ??"

Juan was a little annoyed by what Grandma did and said.

"From now on grandmother no longer needs to interfere in my family matters ... let me solve it."

Mrs. Yin was very surprised to hear what Juan said, because all this time Juan had never said such rude words to grandmother.

Mrs. Yin also to Juan.

"Are you mad at grandma .. ??"

Juan a little regret what he said to his grandmother then said.

"I will not be angry if grandmother does not interfere in my problem anymore .."

Grandma who saw Juan was so angry tried to explain.

"Son ... please stop this misunderstanding."

Juan, who was increasingly uncomfortable with his body, said.

"It's not as simple as grandma imagined."

then Juan went to left the grandmother.

Robin who saw that Juan was still on the drug said.

"Master I will escort you to the hospital .."

Juan just didn't hear what Robin said, then Robin took Juan to the hospital to get treatment.

since the incident at the home of the Yin Juan family he never see hey kha anymore.

hey kha went to meet Juan in his office but all in vain because secretary Ju said that Juan was abroad. but hey kha didn't believe him and kept coming every day to meet Juan, hey kha muttered in her heart.

(I will not budge this time .. I will definitely try even if you look down on me again).

It rained very hard that day, hey kha kept waiting for Juan.

hey kha not feeling well.

"What's wrong with my body .. it feels like my head is dizzy ... Is it because I sat too long .." hey kha went to the toilet to wash her face.

"I feel very bad .. I should just go back home."

hey kha ordering a taxi online then waiting in front of the office.

Secretary Ju saw hey kha who was standing in front of the office went over to her.

"Miss hey kha ... what are you doing, come in. I will tell the waiter to prepare warm tea for you .. ??" .

hey kha answered with a smile

"Thank you secretary Ju .. but I have to come back, I'll come back tomorrow." Secretary Ju looked worried about the situation at that time and offered to help.

"I will tell the driver to escort you ... please don't refuse, this is also for your good ... because it is currently raining heavily and it is very late at night."

hey kha feel bad when bothering secretary Ju.

"I have ordered a taxi online ... I thank you for the kindness of secretary Ju."

secretary ju continued to force hey kha and said.

"No miss .. Please get in the car, I will take care of the taxi. Miss go home with the office car."

hey kha can only obey because hey kha also felt not feeling well.

finally hey kha came home escorted by the office driver.

hey kha through the days without a word from Juan.

the time was 07:00 am.

as usual hey kha wake up from sleep and check Juan's room, but every time she went to see him the room was always empty.

hey kha very disappointed with Juan's attitude to her.

hey kha always try to be calm and patient she didn't want to fall down again.

then hey kha called Ayin and asked.

"Aiyin how to prepare for the prom .. ??"

Aiyin answered the question hey kha.

"The preparations are complete ... the event will be held tomorrow night. You will definitely come ... you have to come so you can forget a little of your sadness."

hey kha said that she would make the effort to come to the event then hey kha hung up the phone.

hey kha felt increasingly chaotic.

"I have to go to the hospital for a check ..."

hey kha went to the hospital for a checkup and it was all worth it because she got some good news.

"Happy Reading