The Crush of hope

hey kha already pregnant for 2 weeks, hey kha very happy to hear it and the doctor said.

"Mrs. you must take care of your womb ... because you have had a miscarriage. So it is still very dangerous if you think too much and are too tired."

then hey kha came home on the way home hey kha saw a billboard on the street broadcasting the news of Juan's success, in the news it said that finally it was revealed the mysterious figure of young master Yin (Juan Yin's face also adorned the huge screen).

Juan Yin was currently reaping enormous success.

Juan Yin has succeeded in establishing several large companies in the country and abroad at his young age and all of them were running successfully.

Juan Yin was recognized as the youngest businessman who was very great and also talented.

hey kha who heard the news so happy

"He is indeed a very talented man." Perfect "is the word he deserves."

hey told the driver to continue the trip.

in a day the news about Juan was published in various television media as well as newspapers.

The time for the farewell party arrived.

hey kha decided to go.

"I should go ... so that I can have a little chat with my friends to get rid of my sadness a little."

hey kha left for the farewell party. there hey kha met Aiyin, Sho Ju and also other friends.

hey kha chat casually with them, until finally hey kha hear someone mentioned the name of Juan Yin ...

it turned out they were her friends.

one of them said.

"Did you guys see the news these two days ... ??"

another answered.

"The news about the young master of the Yin family .. Juan Yin, Juan Yin turns out to be very handsome and also charismatic, I really want to be his girlfriend".

they kept on praising Juan.

hey kha who heard about it could only sighed.

Aiyin who heard this was a little annoyed and went over to them and said.

"Yes, you are right ... Juan Yin is indeed handsome and there are also many women who want to have him .. but do you know that he is married .. ??"

everyone was shocked to hear it, a woman named Gia said.

"liar .. !!! If it's true he has a wife why didn't he tell her ..?"

Aiyin grew more annoyed and answered.

"Does he have to publish it ... he is a smart person how could he spit his private life ..?"

Gia smiled as he said to Aiyin.

"If it's true like that he can't possibly be with 2 different people in two days .. Is it possible that one is his wife and the other is his girlfriend (laughing happily)."

Aiyin was very confused by what Gia said. " What do you mean..??"

Gia explained what she knew.

"Didn't you look on the internet ... ?? The video and also the photo spread on the internet, Juan Yin was caught by paparazzi out of a bar with a woman and also Video of him entering a hotel with a different woman the next day ... you must be very disappointed ... ".

Aiyin wanted to grab the woman's hair but hey kha held it and say.

"What are you fighting about ... ?? What will you get .. ?? This is a farewell party for us to leave the campus. This is not a party to argue over something that is not important and useless .."

Gia left with a rage, hey kha pulled Aiyin away.

Aiyin was still annoyed by what they say and then turned around to pull hey kha's hand while looking into her eyes

"Aren't you hurt to hear it .. ?? That Juan Yin is a jerk."

hey kha stroked Aiyin's head with a smile.

"Never mind ... it doesn't affect me, I'm getting used to this ... it won't hurt anymore."

even though in her heart hey kha endure a deep pain.

Aiyin who saw hey kha trying to be patient, just hugged Hey kha tightly.

hey kha hugged Aiyin back and said.

"Everything will be fine ... thanks for worrying about me".

a farewell party began and people start having fun.

Aiyin went to Mr. Erick and asked him to dance with her.

while hey kha just sat there daydreaming..Sho Ju who saw her approached and asked hey kha to dance with him, hey kha can't refuse it because after all Sho Ju was also her best friend who always helped when hey kha has trouble in high school.

the party went very smoothly everyone was happy that night.

Two days later.

At that time hey kha was sitting on the balcony of her room, breathing the air in the morning.

suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, hey kha ignore it because she thought maybe it's the maid who will clean the room.

suddenly hey kha surprised to smell a perfume that is so familiar.

(This is the smell of Juan's perfume) hey kha turned around and saw, it was really Juan who was standing behind her.

Hey kha very happy to see Juan and go over to him, but Juan suddenly said something that made her SILENT.


hey kha was stunned to hear what Juan said as if the sky was going to collapse and her ears were like being struck by lightning, tears streamed from her cheeks.

Hey kha still didn't believe what she heard from the mouth of the person she had been waiting for and at his arrival, she missed his presence every time .. But what is this .. ??? Devastated by the single word "DIVORCE. !!"

Hey kha whole body shaking while looking at Juan with a thousand questions (why..why .. why .. ??)