Locked Hey kha up

Juan turned around to see hey kha who was smiling while staring at the divorce papers in her hand.

hey kha stepped forward closer to Juan.

"Mr. Juan Yin, you want us to divorce? But you haven't signed the divorce papers yourself. Are you just scaring me with this letter?" Hey kha said.

Juan was very angry to see Hey kha's behavior like that and grabbed Hey kha's wrist tightly.

hey kha just smiled seeing what Juan did to her. even though her heart was hurt at that time, but she tried to show Juan that she could go through all this suffer.

"Say that you do not really want to divorce me," Hey kha continued.

Juan smiled back at the hey kha and said. "You're really funny .."

Juan took the divorce paper and signed it and threw the paper at hey kha.

Juan left hey kha alone in the room after signing their divorce papers.

hey kha who saw Juan left chuckled and said.

"That's great, if you hate me. There's no more reason for me to stay here."

hey kha signed the divorce papers with tears.

hey kha packed up all her clothes and left whatever Juan gave her. despite the weight she left that house, and all the sweet memories with Juan. but what can she do when the man she loved so heartily divorced her and didn't believe her.

The next morning around 6:23 am Hey kha left Juan's house and went to the Tan family's house.

Grandfather was very happy to see that his granddaughter back, even though he felt sad because his granddaughter's life was so poor.

hey kha tell about her divorce with Juan and grandpa supported hey kha's decision.

after took a break for a while, then hey kha went to the religious court to give her divorce papers and also juan.

hey kha explained that they have agreed and no longer need negotiation for this matter.

hey kha hoped this divorce can be finished as soon as possible.

A week later in Juan's office.

Juan told Robin to go to the house to get divorce papers at hey kha. Robin also went to Juan's house, but the servants said that Miss Hey kha had left the house for a week.

Robin told this to Juan, Juan was very angry to hear that.

Juan went to the Tan family's house to meet hey kha, on the way Juan received a call from the religious court saying that the final verdict on the divorce trial will be tomorrow at 10:00 am.

Juan slammed his cellphone in anger "That woman!"

Stared sharp at Robin while shouting at him.

"What are you doing ... why is this happening ?? Didn't I tell you to watch her, why are you so careless."

Robin was very afraid to see Juan who was so angry at him.

"Sorry sir, I was careless ... because of the problem. Acquisition of several companies so I .."

Juan yelled at Robin again.

"If you can't ... you should just stop!! Hurry out!"

Robin got out of the car and Juan drove the car himself.

Robin just shook his head and said. "Didn't you yourself who dig the grave for you ... sir ... sir."

Juan drove fast and muttered.

"How dare you!! You want to leave me easily."

when he arrived at the Tan family house.

juan told the waiter to call hey kha, but hey kha didn't want to meet Juan.

Grandpa tried to calm Juan who looked very upset.

Juan went to see hey kha in her room.

hey kha was very surprised to see juan who suddenly came into her room.

"Juan you ..."

juan pulled hey kha then kissed her, hey kha tried to get away because she found it hard to breathe, and also felt nauseous. (No I want to throw up)

hey kha pushed Juan with all her might then ran to the bathroom.

hey kha triee not to make a sound. Juan knocked on the door until he was heard down, Grandpa and several servants went upstairs to see him.

Juan said to hey kha.

"Hurry open or I'll break this door .."

hey kha open the door then Juan hand pulled hey kha.

"Come home soon .."

hey kha didn't wanna come back.

"You're crazy ... I'm no longer your wife."

Mr. Tan who saw Juan grabbed hey kha's hand prevented.

"Juan take hey kha off ... you hurt her."

Juan ignored Mr. Tan's appeal and continued to pulled hey kha hard.

A servant accidentally said.

"Sir, slow down young miss hey kha is pregnant ... this is not very good for the womb."

grandpa and also hey kha looked at the servant.

Juan was very surprised to hear this and let go of hey kha's hand then asked.

"You're pregnant .. ???"

hey kha just silent while clenching her hands

Juan shouted at hey kha.

"Answer me..!!"

hey kha looked surprised and said.

"This is none of your business."

Juan smiled at het kha's words.

"Apparently you want to take my child away .. Or maybe this is not my child!"

hey kha slapped Juan hard.

"You ... you've gone too far Juan Yin."

Juan picked up and carried Hey kha went to the car.

Grandpa tried to hold back but Juan said.

"If Mr. Tan wants her safe ... don't get in my way."

hey kha rebelled and bit Juan's back, but Juan did not care.

they returned to Juan's house. Juan put the hey kha down on the bed and muttered.

"You're testing the limits of my patience hey kha .."

Juan pulled tore hey kha's shirt, hey kha can only shed tears seeing what Juan did to her. hey kha fell asleep tired and woke up when some servants came to wake her up.

After hey kha changed clothes and Juan went into his room.

hey kha said.

"If you're satisfied let me go home .."

Juan asked hey kha.

"Whose child is this .. ??"

hey kha looked at Juan with annoyed gaze, then looked away while saying.

"It's none of your business anymore ... if I said it you would not believe it." Juan was very angry to see hey kha who avoided him.

"Well you forced me to do this .."

Juan drugged Hey Kha to sleep and called Robin and also a gynecologist.

"Robin ... Take him to 'Bird' Island .." ("Bird" Island was Juan's very remote, uninhabited private island).

Robin was very surprised to hear that and muttered.

(This is a terrible punishment..Mister you are too much, even if you do it so that the lady doesn't run away from your side).

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