You Are still mine

Juan saw a photo of Hey Kha and Sho Ju being so close at their graduation party, they even danced together. That's what made Juan annoyed at hey kha and decided to give hey kha divorce papers to make her beg him.

But hey kha signed their divorce papers just like that, even to the point of submitting them directly to the court without telling Juan.

All of that made Juan misunderstood more and more at hey kha. Juan felt hey kha really betrayed him. even though Juan started to open his heart to hey kha and treated her the best he could. but what was that the reply he received.

Juan, who remembered that, became angry again and then hit his hand to table hard which made Robin shocked to see him.

Robin who saw it was just silent, because Robin really knew that besides hey kha, who else can make Juan angry and disappointed.

In the Yin family, Mrs Yin was very angry to hear the news of Juan's divorce with hey kha.

"You insolent child ... how dare he let go of my precious granddaughter-in-law, he even dared to play crazy behind hey kha .. I won't forgive him."

Mrs. Yin asked Aunt Lauren.

"Is there any news from Juan and also hey kha?"

Aunt Lauren answered.

"Mama ma..for hey kha there has been no news about her whereabouts, and for Juan..Juan didn't want to see me, he always avoided me."

Mrs. Yin understood.

"Just let me go to his office now .."

Mrs. Yin went to Juan's office to meet him.

When she got to the office she asked Juan to one of the secretaries.

"Where's Juan .. ??"

The secretary said. "Sorry Mrs. Yin .. Mr. Juan is currently attending a meeting on the 10th floor."

Mrs. Yin immediately rushed up the elevator to the 10th floor.

Mrs. Yin was intercepted by the security guard outside the entrance.

Aunt Lauren was very angry and said.

"If you still want to work ... get out of the way quickly."

Then grandma came into the meeting room, everyone was shocked to see her.

Aunt Lauren told them that the meeting was over for today .. they broke up and returned to their respective rooms.

Juan who saw his grandmother went over to her, but Juan got a slap from his grandmother (Pakkkk).

"You're outrageous .. !!! Really outrageous .. !! why are you divorcing such a nice girl like hey kha, are the girls out there better .. ??"

Aunt Lauren said to Mrs. Yin.

"Ma ... calm down, you have to take care of your health."

Juan just kept quiet hearing Mrs Yin who kept scolding him.

grandmother smiled, looked at Juan and said.

"I support whatever hey kha is doing to you right now ... you really don't deserve the affection of that nice woman."

Juan, who heard my grandmother say that to her, was very shaken, because all this time his grandmother had always supported him and never said that to him.

Mrs. Yin left Juan while saying.

"My poor granddaughter-in-law."

Since then Mrs Yin has never contacted Juan and was also reluctant to see Juan.

Times flew and hey kha's stomach has entered the womb age for more than 7 months.

Juan never met hey kha, only Robin once a month came to deliver some food and clothes for her.

hey kha lived her life full of suffering and also deep feelings of disappointment but hey kha always cover it up.

hey kha can only shared his sadness in her diary.

actually hey kha was also a little scared because every night he always heard a woman's cry.

but every time she asked the maid as well as the guard they said they didn't listen to anything.

that night it rained very hard and thunder and also the roar of thunder could be heard.

hey kha felt a little scared, then went downstairs to call the maid and the nun.

But suddenly the electricity went out and made Hey Kha tripped over the table then fell to the floor, Hey Kha screamed in pain.

A bodyguard who came to see her was very surprised to see hey kha who fell.

The guard shouted for the doctor and nurse, then told the other bodyguards to turn on the generator and call Juan.

2 minutes later the electricity returned to light up.

The doctor checked hey kha and saw hey kha amniotic fluid broke.

Juan, who heard this, immediately flew by helicopter.

Juan who saw hey kha in pain, went over to her and held her hands and said.

" Everything will be alright.."

the doctor suggested that hey kha be referred to the hospital for surgery.

Juan also agreed and took hey kha to the hospital for surgery. Juan continued to hug hey kha who looked very miserable.

juan said to the doctor.

"Whatever happens save the mother and child .. if anything happens to either of them ... I won't let you all live."

the doctor said to Juan who looked very panicked

"Mr Juan rest assured we will do our best."

When they got to the hospital hey kha was brought to the operating room.

Juan waited with great worry at the door of the operating room. the operation was carried out for two hours, Juan was very impatient waiting for the results of the operation.

Finally the operation was finished and the doctor came out of the operating room.

Juan and Robin approached the doctor and asked.

"How is the condition of my wife and child, doctor .. ??"

the doctor smiled as the doctor said.

"Mr Juan doesn't need to worry ... your wife and son are fine ... but because Mr Juan's son was born prematurely so we are still taking care of him in the incubator tube."

Juan was very happy to hear that. then went in to visit hey kha, Juan saw hey kha who was not yet unconscious .. came closer and kissed her forehead.

a few hours later hey kha realized and saw Juan who was sitting in front of her.

Juan who saw hey kha was conscious that he was very happy and then stood closer, but hey kha looked away from Juan and said.

"You've got what you want, let me go in exchange."

Juan who heard this got very angry and said.

"Even if you're currently just a corpse ... I won't let you go."

hey kha said so irritably.

"Come to your senses Juan Yin ... our contract has ended and I am no longer your wife."

Juan came closer to hey kha and said.

"Even though at this time you are no longer my wife .. but you are still mine."

Then went and left hey kha.

*Happy Reading