Getting Further

Hey kha actually felt hard to say words like that to Juan, but she has to do it, her heart was already hurt.

"I know Juan ... you must really hate me right now, but I don't want to live hearing people who don't believe me .. I don't want us to hurt each other."

Hey kha shed his tears.

"There is no more reason for me to endure all this."

hey kha sobbed.

A few moments later when hey kha realized that things were getting quiet, hey kha got up from the bed and tried to get out, but suddenly Juan came in and caught Hey kha who was releasing the IV in her hand.

Juan pulled the hand hey kha and said.

"What are you trying to do ... ??"

Hey kha said.

"Let go of me Juan ... I'll report you to the police if it continues like this."

Juan laughed at what hey kha said.

"You want to report me .. ?? You are really cute .. you should behave well and stay by my side ... I will let you see your child."

Hey kha let go of Juan's hand and said.

"No ... I don't want to see the baby."

Juan asked hey kha again.

"Why don't you want to see your own child .. ??" hey kha just kept quiet

Juan was annoyed with hey kha's attitude and said.

"Fine .. next time I won't let you see it."

Juan left hey kha alone and added a few more guards to look after hey kha and said.

"Don't let her out .. whatever happens, do you understand!!"

After Juan went hey kha won while saying.

"I really want to see him ... I really want to touch his little hand and also give milk to him. But I can not do all that ... I'm afraid I can no longer afford to go, I do not want him to experience misfortune with me."

The night was long, hey kha went through it with so much sadness all this time.

The next day Juan returned to visit hey kha and said.

"Are you currently still thinking about leaving me again .. ??"

Hey kha looked at Juan's face and said.

"What if I said that I never lied to you ... Will you believe me .. ??"

Juan said.


Juan called Robin and took the photos he got and showed them hey kha and said.

"Explain all this .. ??"

hey kha see a picture of her and also Sho Ju felt very disappointed in Juan (apparently all this time ... he did not believe me).

Hey kha looked at Juan's face who was still waiting for an answer from hey kha with a facial expression that seemed to say that hey kha really loved him.

(Things like this must repeat themselves ... if two people live without trust and are always haunted by doubt, it is the same as leaning on a fragile stick of wood ... at any time it can fall).

Hey kha felt sad with Juan's attitude like this to her.

"What do I need to explain ... you must be really believe what you see."

Then Robin came to deliver food as usual.

But hey kha ignore it, then Robin said.

"Miss, I hope you can understand a little about Mr. Juan's current state. I grew up with Mr. Juan ... but I have never been this restless, Mr. Juan was never afraid or nervous about losing something ... but this time. Mr. Juan is very angry, heard Miss submit the divorce papers directly to the court ... Mr. Juan never really meant to divorce with Miss Hey kha, Mr. Juan loves you so much that Mr. Juan always sleeps hugging your photo to get rid of his longing for Miss .. "

Hey kha a little surprised to hear it but hey kha said.

"If it is true he loves me he will certainly believe me and not in the least doubt me."

While shedding tears hey kha said to Robin.

"Then what about me ... during my pregnancy Juan never met me, he even spy on me, he even doubts my love, doubts my child ... every night I go through with fear with loneliness every night I always miss him .. always miss him (crying). "

Then continued her words.

"I am very disappointed because Juan punished me for what I did not do ... but I am also grateful because in this place I do not need to hear the news about him that every time fills my ears, which every moment cuts my heart ... I HATE IT!! "

Robin seemed to understand what hey kha was feeling all this time.

Robin left hey kha alone because he can't bear to see hey kha like that.

Juan went into hey kha's room and heard hey kha say.


Hey kha fell unconscious.

Juan shouted for the doctor, hey kha was examined by the doctor, then the doctor told Juan that at the moment her condition was not too good ... she could not take too much pressure.

Juan who saw hey kha like that was very worried, but he didn't want hey kha to leave even though Juan knew that hey kha right now hated him.

Juan brought hey kha back to the island and told Robin to move all his work equipment so he could be with Hey kha on the island and assigned a doctor and 2 nurses to care for their child.

hey kha was unconscious for two days.

The next day hey kha realized and opened her eyes.

"Where am I .. ??"

The doctor just checked hey kha's condition and said that she was fine at this time. Saw the doctor who was examining her, now hey kha realized that she was still there.