The meeting of Hanna and Hey Kha

Hey kha gradually recovered and as usual hey kha did not see juan and only heard the baby cries.

Hey kha went to him and it turned out to be his son.

Hey kha came closer then touched his little hand and said.

"You are so small my child .. you will definitely get your happiness with your new family."

Hey kha left her child crying (I have to be strong ... if I become weak, I won't be able to go again).

Juan saw hey kha who ran out of his son's room went over and said.

"Why are you crying..??"

hey kha brushed off Juan's hand and said.

"Why do you care about my little cry .. ??"

Juan tried to budge because he knew hey kha would really hate him.

"Why don't I care about you .. ?? I really care about you .."

Hey kha asked Juan.

"If it's like that ..? Why did you lock me up, why did you imprison me in a place like this ...? You made me like your pet.?"

Juan was very upset hearing hey kha's words and said.

"You haven't realized your mistake .. you're really stubborn .."

That morning the weather was very sunny, although a little fog covered it.

As usual hey kha headed to the toilet of her room and accidentally saw Juan and Robin walking into the forest.

Hey kha was very curious and then hurried downstairs following Juan, but hey kha got lost.

"Where is this ... ?? even though this forest is very safe because there are no wild animals but I'm still afraid ... why am I so nosy with that person's business."

Hey kha heard the voice of a woman screaming.

Hey kha tried to find it and saw an old building and saw Robin standing in the yard of the house.

"Who is Juan brackets in that house ... I think all this time it's just my imagination that there is someone trapped in there. The screams every night make the hairs stand up, she must be very suffering .. I will think about it again later I better come back and remembering all the ways. "

Hey kha back home and pretend to be around the yard around the house.

That night Juan went to hey kha's room. Hey kha was very surprised and said.

"What are you here for ..?"

Juan ignored hey kha's words then hugged her and said.

"Do you know that i really miss you .. ??"

Hey kha pushed Juan and said.

"Ridiculous .. !! you better get out I want to rest."

Juan pulled hey kha and kissed her while laying her on the bed, hey kha pushed Juan with all her might but Juan hugged her very tightly .. then hey kha bit Juan's lip, Juan stopped then hey kha slapped him while saying.

"I'm no longer your wife ... you have no right to touch me"

Juan smiled as he said.

"You make me even more unwilling to let go of you."

Juan hugged hey kha again and kissed her, hey kha tried her hardest but couldn't get away from Juan's embrace, hey kha could only shed tears seeing Juan did that to her, even though Juan did very well to her ... hey kha still felt insulted.

Juan who saw hey kha only resignedly whispered in her ear then said.

"I will remarry you without any contract again ... Because I really want you."

The day was morning, hey kha opened her eyes and felt her body ache.

"You bastard Juan .. he didn't let me rest all night."

Hey kha actually felt very insulted by Juan's treatment.

"You treat like your pet! I will not forgive you Juan Yin."

A few days passed, hey kha always went to visit the old house, when Juan was busy with office business and only 2 guards guarded the place.

Hey kha heard the woman's cry which sounded very desperate.

(Juan is terrible ... "wait for me to help you").

Not long after hey kha devised a plan to help that woman.

That night looked dark without moonlight and it was showing 10:00 at night. Juan was working late at his office and probably won't be home tonight.

Hey kha muttered (this is a good chance).

Hey kha went through the terrace of her room using a rope.

(just information hey kha has a little martial arts, she learned martial arts while living abroad to protect herself).

Hey kha went down carefully so as not to get caught by the guards who were walking around.

Arriving at the old house, hey kha fishing the guards and beat them with wood until they fainted.

hey kha opened the room that heard the sound of someone's crying, but how shocked she was to see a familiar figure .. "Hanna."

Hey kha came closer and said.

"What happened to you..??"

Hanna cried apologetically to hey kha and said that Juan locked her in this place for almost a year.

"I'm sorry hey kha ... I accidentally did that, that time .. I'm sorry."

Hey kha who saw Hanna's terrible condition felt sorry for her and freed Hanna, then took her away.

The half-conscious guard sounded the alarm and all the guards rushed over there.

Hey kha and also Hanna kept running to find a hiding place.

Hanna who saw hey kha saved her asked.

"Why are you helping me?"

Hey kha just kept quiet.

Hey kha and Hanna continued their journey and without realizing it they headed to a cliff with the below which was the sea.

At that time the waves was very big because it was going to rain.

They ran without knowing that their lives were being threatened, the rain fell so hard, because they panicked for seeing the flashlight, Hanna who didn't want to be caught again said.

"You go, I don't want to be caught again."

Hanna intended to jump off the cliff but hey kha tried to hold her back but because the rock was so slippery hey kha and Hanna fell together into the sea which was so deep and also wavy.

*Happy Reading