Hey kha Cell into the sea

it was 23:44 at night.

Juan, who was still in his office, received a call from the house saying that Hanna had run away, Juan who heard this was very angry and immediately went home.

On the way back home Juan received a call from a nurse who was looking after his child, the nurse said that the currently little master was crying.

Juan said that called hey kha to calm him down, but the nurse said that hey kha had not been in her room.

Juan who heard this was very worried and told the pilot to fly even faster.

But due to the weather, the flight was a little slow.

Juan called all the guards looking for hey kha and muttered.

"Don't let anything happen to you, if you dare to leave me ... I won't let go of your family forever"

Juan arrived home and asked the servants.

"Why are you guys being so careless!! I chose you because you are the best people but it turns out that all of you are useless trash .."

Juan told Robin to add bodyguards to come to help as soon as possible.

Juan started looking for hey kha all over the home page, but did not find any trace of hey kha.

He thought maybe hey kha got kidnapped.

Juan immediately rushed to check the CCTV, when he saw the CCTV around het kha's room Juan did not see hey kha came out of her room since she last entered her room.

Then Juan saw the CCTV footage a week ago and Juan was very surprised to see hey kha who was secretly following him and Robin into the forest.

"Hey kha know about that old house and Hanna too?" Juan kept thinking.

"I hope you don't do anything silly .."

Juan went to hey kha's room to have a look and got a bodyguard to check if there was anything under hey kha's room.

After searching for a while, the guard found a very long cloth and showed it to Juan.

Juan who saw this was very surprised and said.

"hey kha ... what stupid things are you doing now."

Juan told them all to look in all directions.

Because the island was so big and also very bad weather at that time slowed down the search.

Juan was also looking for her at that time.

The rain was getting heavier and the wind was blowing so big it made some of the guards overwhelmed to find and there were also some who were lightly light due to slipping and also falling broken branches.

Juan himself was injured because he slipped and hit the root of a tree, Robin, who saw Juan's condition at that time, told him to return home and rest, but Juan still insisted on looking for hey kha.

"Don't stop the search ... she must be taking shelter somewhere around here right now, because of the pouring rain and the sound of thunder which made her unable to hear our voice calling her."

Robin was still worried to see that Juan is very overwhelmed because he has been looking for 4 hours.

"Sir ... Miss Hey kha will definitely be fine, we will find her soon."

Juan, who heard Robin's words like that, felt very guilty as he sat down and then held his head with both hands and said.

"I should have come back earlier ... I shouldn't have left her ... I shouldn't have brought her here ... I shouldn't have hurt her so she wouldn't do something like this ... it should be me."

(while crying😭).

Juan looked very miserable because he can't find hey kha.

Robin patted Juan's shoulder as he said to calm him down.

"None of this is your fault ... now is not the time to be weak, you must be strong ... remember Mr Juan at this time Miss hey kha must be waiting for Mr Juan to save her. "

Juan started to calm his heart little by little.

It was 04.20 am. Juan and Robin continued their search, but until now there was no news about the whereabouts of hey kha.

The rain began to fall and it was getting early in the morning, finally Juan found a little clue.

A bodyguard patrolling at night said that he tried to chase Hanna and the person with her but fell unconscious because a broken branch hit his head.

He said that seeing the flashlight they were down towards the cliff. Then Juan asked.

"Do you know who is with Hanna .. ??"

A guard in charge of guarding the old house said.

"When I was beaten, I was still half conscious then pressed the alarm and saw vaguely that with Miss Hanna was a woman with long hair."

Juan was very surprised to hear this and told everyone to look towards the cliff and sure enough a guard found a flashlight and torn clothes.

Robin saw the flashlight and recognized it, Robin told Juan that it was a flashlight used at home and the torn clothes belonged to Hanna.

Robin remembered Hanna's clothes very well, Hanna wore red clothes the last time they visited her.

Juan, who heard all that, didn't believe it and told him to continue the search.

The search continued up to the cliff, but they did not find anything on the cliff.

Juan was relieved that he didn't find anything that led to anything bad and said.

"Continue to another place .."

But not finished yet Juan spoke a bodyguard said.

"What is that thing .. ??"

while pointing down the rocks under the cliff.

They checked it and found it was one of the shoes caught between the rocks.

They took it and showed to Juan and Robin.

Juan was so shocked that he almost fell but Robin held him back.

"This is impossible ... not possible!!! What are you doing to me hey kha .."

Robin who saw the shoe was very surprised, because it was one of hey kha's favorite shoes, when exercising with Juan.

Robin often saw hey kha wearing these shoes.

Robin immediately told them to get their diving equipment for diving and also called the other rescue team.

Juan tried strong and walked towards the cliff, Robin who saw it tried to stop him while saying.

"What are you trying to do ... ???"

Juan felt very discouraged by the situation at that time.

"I'll dive right in to find her .."

Robin took Juan's hand and said.

"Sir please control yourself .. You yourself are still in a weak state right now, if something hurriedly happens to you how about the little young master ... he is still a child who needs his parents."

Juan stopped hearing what Robin said.

All the bodyguards who were there to dive to help other rescue teams.

They have been searching for almost 3 hours in the rain. Juan continued to wait for the search results, Juan was a little calm because he got the information that they have not found anything under the sea.

"You better be okay hey kha ... otherwise I won't let go of your family .."

Because he was too sad, Juan's tears fell.

"Please come back by my side, don't you feel sorry for our little child? If not, are you not worried about your grandfather's company, I will make your family ruined if you dare to leave (feel hopeless)."

Robin kept trying to calm Juan who had been very anxious.

*Happy Reading